
My Literacy Narrative

By: Allyson Reineke

Dr. Seuss once wrote, “You’ll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut”. This is just one example of a quote from his man books

that I have read. I started reading at age 3, Dr. Seuss books were my first love and I still admire his work. A few of my other first experiences

with reading were the “Amelia Bedelia” and Judy Blume books.

When I was 5 years old I was bumped up to first grade, I never attended kindergarten in public schools because my levels of reading and writing were high enough to be a first grader. Reading has always been

something I excelled in, as well as writing. These are the two subjects that have always come easily to me and they

have always been my favorite.

I loved reading until about 7th grade and then I began to despise it. Reading books for class became difficult and boring. It discouraged me

from reading for fun. I can remember sitting at the kitchen table for hours trying to comprehend the history text book, but I would get so frustrated that I wasn’t retaining any of the information and I would give up. My attitude about reading continued to be negative for about 5 years, until my junior

year of high school.

My friend Lindsey introduced me to the “Twilight” book series. I was hesitant at first but she ensured me that I would enjoy the series. Sure enough, I did. I read all 4 books within 3 months, making sure I kept up on school work in between reading. From then on I began to love reading for fun again. I have read a lot of books

since then, but a few of my favorites were “The Shack”, “The Lovely Bones”, and “The Sisterhood of

the Traveling Pants” series and currently I am reading “The Hunger Games book series.

As I discussed previously writing has always been dear to my heart. I never went through a stage where I didn’t like to write. I wrote

anything from papers and video scripts to speeches. When a written assignment was given for a class I always had it done by the next day.

Especially in classes where I was able to write short stories or tell a life lesson that I have learned. I enjoy sharing my experiences through

writing; I find it easy to express my feelings this way. I keep a journal of ideas and thoughts that I have throughout the day or the week, this helps

me to not lose my love for writing.