  • 1.
      • Mutual-Aid between African Bloggers
    • Ramon Thomas

2. This is what I got

  • Digital Citizen Indaba 3.0
  • African Bloggers Google Group
  • Blogging TEDGlobal 2007
  • African Bloggers Conference in Kenya in 2009
  • Sponsorship and Support

3. 4. 5. This is what it can do for You

  • Increased readers
  • Increased reach
  • Increased revenue
  • Increased results
  • Increased reasons

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Andriankoto - Madagascar 12. 13. 14. What does Andriankoto need?

  • Sponsors
  • Faster Internet Connections
  • Training on How to Make Money online

15. Henry Addo - Ghana 16. 17. What does Henry Addo need?

  • Advocacy: Getting others to blog
  • Search Engine Optimisation training
  • Software development projects

18. 19. Next Step

  • Join African Bloggers Google Group
  • Set-up African Bloggers Conference blog
  • Mentor-a-Blogger (Email, Skype)

20. Contact Details: Ramon Thomas

  • Cell. +27829407137
  • Add me Facebook, MXit, LinkedIn
