
Mozart and the Enlightenment operas are sites of social instruction and experimentation vehicle for propagating social reforms engage in aesthetic reflection upon society enlightenment ideas and reforms evident in most of Mozarts operasDa-Ponte and Mozart Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni and Cosi fan tutte Build on tradition of OPERA BUFFA Probed social consequences of values and ideas associated with the old regime Protagonists assume a range of stances (some are committed to existing arrangements and others open to possibilities and change in ideas) Social experiments (different individuals and tendencies under characteristic social stresses) Focus on marriage and social reproduction Marriage of Figaro Effects of enlightenment Ideas and reforms on shifting relations between old aristocracy and its dependents Transition from a feudal to a paternalistic agrarian regime

Don Giovanni Disruption produced by an individualist libertine who adheres to his way of life regardless of its destructive consequences for himself and others Role entrapmentCosi fan Tutte Destroying illusions about love New social order based on equal doses of reason and cynicism

Mozart and DaPonte sought satisfaction in their art by creating worlds in which they would like to reside of those in which aristocrats and kings were powerless, parodied or even punished. Marriage of Figaro: Figaros opening cavatina, Se vuol ballare asserts his equality (and superiority) over his employing the Count. Minuet, second-beat accents suggest metaphorically that on this occasion Figaro is kicking the Count down a flight of stairs. Happiness consists simply in imagination. Mozarts father

Cosi fan tutte Opera buffa in 2 acts 26 January 1790 premiere in Wiener Burgtheater in Vienna was said to be composed at the suggestion of Emperor Joseph II recent research says that Salieri left the libretto unfinished Thus do all women / Women are like that Mozart disliked prima donna Adriana del Bene (mistress of daPonte) whom the role of Fiordilgi had been created. Knowing her habit of dropping her chin on low notes and throw back her head on high notes, Mozart filled her showpiece Come scoglio with constant leaps. (Bobbed like a chicken onstage)MARRIAGE OF FIGARO
