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Fr Jacob Carazo, OFM Conv Rector Ext. #101

Fr Paul Fazio, OFM Conv Parochial Vicar

Fr Tom Hamilton, OFM Conv Franciscan community

Robert Dangel , Joseph Bell , Deacons


Monday: 1:30-4:00 PM Tuesday, Wednesday & Thurs:

8:30-Noon & 1:30-4:00 PM Friday: 9:00AM-Noon

S Rocío Grady

Parish Secretary Ext. #100 Deacon Richard Ramm

Administrator for Temporalities Jack Hallsted

[email protected] Bookstore Manager Ext. #112

Mary Ann Bookkeeping Ext. #108

P O E- :

[email protected]

G S H Tues-Friday: 11:00-2:00PM

Saturday: 3:00-5:00PM Sunday: 8:00AM-1:00PM &


S A I N T T H O M A S A Q U I N A S C A T H E D R A L 3 1 0 W E S T 2 N D S T R E E T , R E N O , N V 8 9 5 0 3

Most Rev Randolph R. Calvo JCD DD, Bishop of Reno

775/329-2571 775/329-2824 775/329-3011 Web: for Homilies, Bible study & catechetics.






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Budget News Date 1st Collec on 2nd Collec on 2nd Collec on To Benefit February 5 February 12 February 19 February 26

$8,458 $ $ $

$2,027 - - -

U lity Fund No 2nd collec on No 2nd collec on No 2nd collec on

ST PATRICK'S DAY DINNER—Saturday, March 18th from 6:00—8:00 PM H K C W S T A Dinner Tickets: Adults--$8; Children 10 & under—$3. W ! Dinner includes: corned beef & cabbage, including refreshments and desert! Sea ng will be limited so be sure to purchase your ckets sooner than later! Contact Larry Zenishek at 775-527-5890 for ckets and cket informa on.

WOMEN OF SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS NEWS The Linen Circle would like to invite a few more women to join our circle. Training is provided on how to care for the altar linens and only a few hours every six weeks is needed. Drop in and say hello to the Church Care Circle on Fridays a er the 12:10 PM Mass and lend a hand if you have a free hour. The Church Care Circle is expanding & we would love to have new members. On the spot training is provided!

The Hospitality Circle is striving to have greeters passing out bulle ns in the ves bules before all Masses. Please leave your name and phone number at the Parish Office if you are interested.

Sta ons of The Cross & Lenten Soup Suppers begin Friday, March 3rd. A different parish ministry will host a Soup Supper every Friday during Lent in RH a er the Sta ons of The Cross. Come and meet these wonderful volunteers & learn more about their ministry.

WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Do you wish you could share all your hopes and dreams without feeling any guilt? A Marriage Encounter Weekend gives you the me and tools to revitalize the romance, deepen communica on, & nourish the spirituality in your marriage. Upcoming weekends: Reno—March 31-April 2; & Oct. 6-8; Sacramento—Aug 25-27 & Nov. 3-5.

Visit: or call Terry & Janet at 916-489-3464 or [email protected].

DID YOU KNOW. . . The lost of a loved one is always a sorrowful experience, and letting go is often difficult. Many choose cremation as an option for burial which is allowed by the Catholic church, however, cremains (ashes) for a Catholic person must be reposed in an appropriate burial site at a cemetery. Ashes cannot be scattered, kept at home or divided amongst relatives and friends. Urn with the cremains may be brought to the Funeral Mass, but must be reposed in a timely fashion in a cemetery.

A .

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LAY MINISTRY FORMATION AND LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Are you already serving the parish in a ministry position but wishing you had a stronger foundation? Are you in a leadership position in the parish but you know that understanding more about the teach-ings of the church would be beneficial? Beginning in August, the Diocese will be offering its Lay Ministry Forma on & Leadership pro-gram for the second me. Mee ngs will be held one Saturday per month in Reno, for ten months. Some of the mee ngs will be “Zoomed” to St Joseph’s in Elko to make it easier for those on the eastern side of our Diocese to par cipate. Interested? Intrigued? Visit: h ps:// for more informa on & an applica on form. Talk to your pastor about it as well. Ques ons? Or you can’t download the forms from the website? Then please contact Dr. Lauri Anne Reinhart at 326-9431 or [email protected]. Applica ons are due April 15th.

FATIMA & LOURDES PILGRIMAGE WITH SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA C 100 F ! Visiting: Fatima, Coimbra, Santiago de Compostela, Salamanca, Madrid & Lourdes. 11 Days: October 3-13, 2017 Hosted by Fathers Tom Czeck & Jacob Carazo OFM Conv. $3,499/person from San Francisco. (Air/land tour price is $2,799 + $700 govt. taxes/airline surcharges). INCLUDES: Roundtrip Air from San Francisco, 1st Class Select Hotels, Most Meals, Tour Director, Comprehensive Sightseeing, hotel service charges, porterage, entrance fees & much more! For a brochure/information contact Connie West at (775) 972-5037 or email at: [email protected] (in subject box: Fatima, Lourdes). SPACE IS LIMITED.

PROJECT RACHEL A Post-Abor on Healing Ministry. Nonjudgmental & confiden al. If you know of someone looking for healing visit www.hopea erabor or call our help line 775-324-4325.

NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING Did you know there is a healthy, natural and effec ve way to plan your family? Please consider today’s Fer lity Awareness. It is 99% Effec ve and 100% Natural. Local on-site classes are available, as well online classes self-paced & live classes. Visit & call Mark & Gail in Carson City at 841-4631 for more informa on.

WOMEN’S WEEKEND RETREAT CHRIST THE KING PASSIONIST RETREAT CENTER All women are invited to the Annual Retreat at Christ the King Passionist Retreat Center on the weekend of April 7-9. The theme of this year’s retreat is Gathered in the Name of Jesus. This retreat like the Gospel of Ma hew, affords us the opportunity to engage the strife in our own me with courage and love. Register online at or call Jil Lehr @ 775 971-4413 or Carol Forrest @ 916 725-4720 Ext 314 for more informa on.

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MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, February 11 7:30 5:00

† James Allen Cathy Pens—Birthday

Sunday, February 12—VI Ordinary Sunday 7:30 9:30 11:30 5:00 7:00

† Joanne Rippingham † Linda Grifall † Bob LaMan a Parishioners Nevarez Family

Monday, February 13—Weekday

7:00 12:10

† Julie McHardy Deceased Franciscan Friars

Tuesday, February 14—Saints Cyril & Methodius 7:00 12:10

Nevarez Family † Jim Donovan

Wednesday, February 15—Weekday 7:00 12:10

† Peter Linnerooth † † Charles & Elaine Booher

Thursday, February 16—Weekday

7:00 12:10

Patrick James Gough † Mar n Brandtner

Friday, February 17—The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order 7:00 12:10

† James Evere Walker † Mar n Brandtner

Saturday, February 18 7:30 5:00

† Michael Shayne Offerman For the souls of the Idiart Family

FEBRUARY Saturday, February 11, 18, 25 8:15 AM First Holy Communion Classes

Tuesday, February 14, 21, 28 6:00 AM Men of Saint Joseph 5:15-7:00 PM Confirma on Classes 5:30 PM Adult Faith Classes 6:30 PM R.C.I.A.

Wednesday, February 15, 22 6:30-8:30 PM Grupo de Oración Carismá co

Thursday, February 16, 23 1:00—6:30 PM Adora on 3:00 PM Divine Chaplet of Mercy 5:30—6:30 PM Confessions

Sunday, February 12 ∗ Pancake Breakfast after 7:30AM & 9:30AM Masses ∗ Raffle ticket sale to benefit Seminarian Education

Fund after all Masses

Monday, February 13, 27 5:00 PM Talleres de Oración y Vida-Righini Hall

Wednesday, February 15 2:30 PM Bible Study

Thursday, February 20 6:00 PM Prayer Circle

Tuesday, February 28 10:00 AM Brunch Bunch at Bonanza Casino

Saturday, March 18 6:00 –8:00 PM Saint Patricks’ Day Dinner

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Mon: Gn 4:1-15, 25; Ps 50:1, 8-21; Mk 8:11-13 Tue: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-10; Ps 29:1-10; Mk 8:14-21 Wed: Gn 8:6-13, 20-22; Ps 116:12-19; Mk 8:22-26 Thu: Gn 9:1-13; Ps 102:16-29, Mk 8:27-33 Fri: Gn 11:1-9; Ps 33:10-15; Mk 8:34 -- 9:1 Sat: Heb 11:1-7; Ps 145:2-5, 10-11; Mk 9:2-13 Sun: Lv 19:1-2, 17-18; Ps 103:1-13; 1Cor 3:16-23;Mt 5:38-48

FEBRUARY 11TH & 12TH Support the Seminarians by purchasing your Seminarian Raffle tickets. The Knights of Columbus selling tickets after all Masses this weekend.

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Los talleres de oración enseñan paso a paso a como tener una relación personal con el Señor y

a establecer una atención emocional y unitiva contigo mismo en la fe y en el amor.

Comenzamos con los primeros pasos de la oración, continuando con una gama variada de

modalidades o distintas maneras de relacionarse con el Señor, hasta sumergirnos en los abismos

de la contemplación.


Los Talleres de Oración se llevarán a cabo aquí en la Catedral los Lunes de 5:00-7:00PM en el Righini Hall Febrero 13, 27; Marzo 6, 13, 20, 27; Abril 4, 10, 17, 24;

Mayo 1, 8, 15 y 22; June 5.


REFUGIO CORRAL (775) 351-4703.

Page 6: Most Rev Randolph R. Calvo JCD DD, Bishop of Reno 02-12-17-2.pdf · Web: for Homilies, Bible study & catechetics. February 12, 2017 ... Local

STEWARDSHIP S P Good and gracious God, a new year of grace is upon us, giving us impressions of crisp begin-nings new goals, a fresh sense of hope. Though we cling to our own expecta ons for the year ahead, we know you alone are the sovereign of our future, Lord of our lives, and the source of whatever good we may do. We thank you, O Lord, for the gi of the days and weeks you have entrusted to us. Teach us to be good stewards of our me ahead, that we go about our days keeping you at the center of our lives. In the midst of our daily pursuits and ac vi es, focus our eyes on the needs of others; help us respond with compassion to the poor; and open our hearts to a suffering world. We ask for a year of peace, a year that brings an end to hatred and strife, and a year where we find a deeper joy that can only be found in you. We ask this through Christ your Son who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen L O B S Dios bondadoso, Tú nos enviaste a Tu Hijo para mostrarnos el camino hacia . Concédenos la sabiduría para vivir sus Bienaventuranzas de acuerdo a los dones que nos han sido otorgados. Danos el valor para ser buenos corresponsables del Evangelio, y discípulos fervientes. Y muéstranos cómo reconocer, que por Su don de la Eucaris a hay un pan, y que nosotros somos un cuerpo; que ya no vivimos para nosotros mismos, sino en Jesucristo quien vive y reina con go y con el Espíritu Santo, un Dios por siempre y para siempre. Amén

LET US PRAY FOR…/OREMOS POR… US Servicemen & Women, Gary Blount, Steve Laxalt & family, Alejandro Padilla, Heidi Gibson, Matthew Nelson, Louis McHardy, Billie Batek, Margarita Aguirre, Cindy Volk, Marilyn & Phillip Engen, Valerie Nulton, Paty Tellez,

Carmen Rodriguez, Steve Tucker, Mary Beaubriand, Lucy Edwards, Jovita Mendoza, Taylor Evans Dilles, Angel Castillo, Carol Booher, Luz Mary Henao, Luis Madrid, Larry Reeder, Kori Victorine, Fallon Lasico, Aaron Spangenthal,

Rosa Maria Santos, Sayra Gutierrez, Denny Alfstad,Bryant Dolbow, Jennifer Podvin, Maria Ramirez, Mitchell Heinzeroth, Douglas Todd, Tovi Hilbish, Tina Fitzpatrick, Evelyn Dixon, Ryan McGrail, Patrick Coyne, Maria Gutierrez,

Ramona Zúñiga, Liliana Ramírez, Alberto Ruiz, Lucille Fondy, Teresa Hurtado, Maria Archibald, Vangie Elordieta, Kriss Janoski, Monet Rodriguez, Janice Berg, Eloy López, Dennis Schuster, John Vicars, Chuck & Mary Olds,Victoria Costello,

James Czeck, Dennis Gribbin, Janet Fleming, Maureen Flynn, Armando Caillaux, Bill Thompson, Gregoria & Armando Zumaya, Anthony Hansen, Rick Slaughter, Cassidy Robbins, Bonnie Dusek, Margie Herndon, Kathryn Gasper,

Debbie Griffith, Anna Buchanan, Mike Edmond, Barbara Crose, Glen, Sarah & Monica Munns, Kristen Monibi, Beverly Gibson, Nancy Engen-Wedin, Charlie & Linda Gill, Fr Chris Dietz OFM Conv.

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After texting back and forth with his wife, the man jokingly commanded Siri to pass along this message: “You need to get back to work now; you have a husband to support.” What Siri sent was: “You need to get back to work now; you have a has-been to support.”

MORE ON THE SENIOR MINISTRY Over the past four years Ed Kolesar has built the Senior Ministry here at the Cathedral. The Senior Ministry is self supporting and has not required any funds to operate. This ministry has been able to provide gift cards to Senior that need some extra assistance. Ed needs your help as support volunteers to work at the Little Thrift Store in Sparks on Glendale Road. If you can help please contact the office and we will get your information to Ed so he can speak with you.


We finally have the WEB site up and running and now need to have someone with experience to volunteer to maintain both our App and the WEB site. This is open to anyone who has completed confirma-tion. I would like to find someone who can keep it going and work on updating what has been started. If you have this talent, please contact Rocio or Richard at [email protected]

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ENTRADA Caminaré en presencia del Señor. (2)

Amo al Señor porque escucha mi voz suplicante, porque inclina su oído hacia mi, el día que lo invoco.

Me envolvían redes de muerte, caí en tristeza y angustia, invoqué el nombre del Señor: Señor, salva mi vida.

El Señor es benigno y justo, nuestro Dios es compasivo, el Señor guarda a los sencillos, estando yo sin fuerzas me salvó.

Alma mía recobra tu calma que el Señor fue bueno contigo. Arrancó mi alma de la muerte, mis ojos de las lágrimas, mis pies de la caída.

SALMO Dichosos los que caminan en la voluntad del Señor.

OFERTORIO No hablaste de caminos, porque eres el camino, no hablaste de verdades porque eres la verdad;

no hablaste de la vida porque eres tu la vida, tu eres el camino, la vida y la verdad.

Camino verdad y vida, es la vida del Señor, desde que pobre nos nace en Belén, hasta que triunfa en su resurrección.

Camino verdad y vida es la vida de Jesús, desde que oculto nació en Nazaret hasta que dijo del mundo soy la luz.

Camino verdad y vida es la vida del Señor, desde que a todo exigió renunciar, hasta que a todos la vida nos dio.

Camino verdad y vida es la vida del Señor, desde que manda a todos a amar, hasta que exige el completo perdón.

COMUNIÓN Intro: mi-RE-mi (2)

Llevemos al Señor el vino y el pan. Llevemos al altar la viña, el trigal. El S e ñ o r nos dará, Él nos dará su amistad (2)

Llevemos al Señor pureza y amor. Llevemos al altar justicia, hermandad. El S e ñ o r nos dará, Él nos dará su amistad. (2)

Llevemos al Señor trabajo y dolor. Llevemos al altar ofrendas de paz. El S e ñ o r nos dará, Él nos dará su amistad. (2)

SALIDA Caminando juntos vamos a salir y nos despedimos con un breve adiós.

"Adiós" quiere decir: "Vaya usted con Dios” Mi corazón se alegra, contigo voy, Señor.

Vamos siempre a obscuras si nos falta el sol; vamos siempre sólos si nos falta Dios. (al estribillo)

¡Dios es buen amigo para caminar! Si El viene conmigo, que seguro andar. (al estribillo)

No camino solo, porque voy con Dios, y saludo a todos con un gran adiós. (al estribillo)

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S M Vigil-Saturday 5:00PM Sunday 7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:30AM, 5:00PM & 7:00PM (Misa en español)

W M 7:00AM & 12:10PM (Monday-Friday); 7:30AM (Saturday) R 11:35AM (Monday-Friday) & Friday a er 12:10PM Mass C Thursday 5:45PM-6:30 & Saturday 3:00-4:00PM M P Contact Parish Office B P Contact Parish Office A P Contact Parish Office D M Thursday 3:00PM B Thursday 6:30PM L T S Located at 94 E Glendale—Sparks, next to Juicy’s at S McCarran Blvd

775-240-0328 Open: Wednesday—Saturday from 10AM—4PM. P R A P -A H M . N . I , : . .


VI S O T R B B H #66-68

BB—Breaking Bread SMH—Saint Michael Hymnal

S , F 11, 5:00 PM & S , F 12, 7:30 & 9:30 AM Processional: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling BB #472 Kyrie: BB #878 Gloria: BB #879 Offertory: Jesus, Come to Us BB #392 Holy: BB #880 Memorial Acclamation: BB #881 Amen: BB #884 Lamb of God: BB #885 Communion: O Sacrament Most Holy BB #333 Recessional: Praise God from whom all Blessings flow BB #538

S , F 12, 11:30 AM All Ordinaries: Mass VIII Introit: Esto mihi in Deum protectórem Processional: How Firm a Foundation SMH#567 Alleluia & Acclamation: Marier 92 Offertorium: Benedíctus es Dómine Offertory: Father, We Thank Thee SMH#521 Communionem: Manducavérunt, et saturáti Communion: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence SMH#609 Recessional: I Sing the Mighty Power of God SMH#575

S , F 12, 5:00 PM Introit: Esto mihi... Kyrie/Gloria: Mass VIII SMH #s105, 106 Psalm Response: How blessed are they who walk in the law of the Lord Credo III SMH#213 Offertory Proper:- Benedictus es Domine... Offertory: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence SMH#609 Sanctus: Mass VIII SMH#107 Our Father: in English Agnus Dei: Mass VIII SMH#107 Communion Proper with psalm verses: Manducaverunt... Post Communion Motet: O Sacrum Convivium (D'Evry) Closing: Christ is made the sure foundation SMH#470 It has been said that Singing is Praying Twice

God blessed you with a voice.

Let Him hear it!!

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