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  • 8/11/2019 More Pollution Questions


    Pollution Questions

    1. The increase in the intensity and frequency of hurricanes and flooding in the Caribbean has been

    attributed in some quarters to an increase in the average global temperature. The rise in global temperature has

    been partially attributed to the increase in green house gases in the atmosphere.

    a.Briefly outline how green houses gases can contribute to an increase of the earths atmospheric temperature.

    Include in your answer:

    i. The name of the main green house gas (1 mark)

    ii. Two main causes of the increase in concentration of the named green house gas.

    (2 marks)

    iii. n e!planation of how "C# of the causes named in $ii% above can lead to the increase

    of this gas in the atmosphere. (3 marks)

    &ou should include '(" chemical equation in your answer

    iv. brief e!planation of how the green house effect wor)s. *se a labeled diagram to

    illustrate your answer. (5 marks)












  • 8/11/2019 More Pollution Questions


    b. There is a claim that the use of electrical cars can completely eliminate the greenhouse gases.

    ,o you support this statement- uggest T/' reasons for your answer.





    (2 marks)

    c. 'ver the years0 studies have shown that there has been a significant decrease in the levels of

    the oone layer. This has been lin)ed to the e!tensive use of chloroflurocarbons $C2Cs% for

    many years.

    ,iscuss the significance of the above statement ma)ing reference to:

    The function of the oone layer

    The action of C2Cs on the oone layer

    Two health or environmental effects of the reduction of the oone layer

    Two possible long term implication for the Caribbeans tourism industry

    '(" measure that has been put in place to reduce the amount of C2Cs in the














    (7 marks)
