Page 1: Monthly Progress Report October 2013 · Monthly Progress Report October 2013 IDENTIFICATION: Name of Project Tahafuz: “Building Resilience through Community Based Disaster Risk

Monthly Progress Report October 2013


Name of Project Tahafuz: “Building Resilience through Community Based

Disaster Risk Management in the Sindh Province of Pakistan”

Name of the Organization Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN)

Project Start Date 28-09-2012

Expected Completion Date 28-12-2013

Reporting Period: 01-11-2013 to 30-11-2013

Report Prepared by: Rural Support Programmes Network

Date Submitted: December 16, 2013


No. Activity Unit of



Targets Achievements


Month Cumulative


Month Cumulative

1. Meetings of VDMCs & UDMCs at UC Level No. of

Meetings 20 160 20 170

2. Mitigation &

Management of CCIs a) Completed

No. of



30 296 54 296

3. Integration of UDMCs with LSO No. of UDMCs - 20 1 17 1

1 Refer to point 15 of the section “List of all the completed activities”

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List of all the completed activities:

1. District Project Launching Workshops (1/district) & Report

2. Preparation of CBDRM Manual

3. CBDRM Training of Trainers (ToT) & Report

4. Advocacy & Networking Workshop & Report (Round -1 April, 2013)

5. Advocacy & Networking Workshop & Report (Round -2 June, 2013)

6. Provincial and National Workshop & Reports

7. Recruitment & Placement of Staff i.e. RSPN & partner RSPs (NRSP & TRDP)

8. Identification of 232 Vulnerable Villages

9. Formation of 232 Village Disaster Management Committees (VDMCs)

10. Training of 1160 VDMCs’ members on Participatory Disaster Risk Assessment (PDRA) &

Disaster Risk Management & Planning (DRMP)

11. Development of 232 Disaster Risk Management Plans (DRMPs)

12. Formation of 20 Union Disaster Management Committees (UDMCs)

13. Training of 200 UDMCs’ members on Organizational Management & Development and 100

members on Advocacy & Networking

14. Construction work of 296 Community Critical Infrastructures schemes which include 232

schemes from the initial phase and the newly added 64 schemes during the No Cost

Extension period

15. Integration of 17 UDMCs with LSOs. The LSO bodies are not yet formed in the remaining

three UCs. Once these are put in place the UDMCs will become part of these LSOs.

16. Procurement and distribution of 20 Emergency Tool kits

17. Provincial and National level Experience Sharing Workshops

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Results Achieved

Results No

. Indicator

Achievements (#)


Month Cumulative

Result 1: Local Community

Institutions formed and

mechanisms developed to

withstand future disasters

1.1 No. of VDMCs/UDMCs formed

VDMCs NA 232



a) No. of Male/Female representation in VDMCs

Men NA 1,341

Women NA 1,331

b) No. of Male/Female representation in UDMCs

Men NA 232

Women NA 232

Result 2: Capacity of local

community developed to

formulate hazard risk

reduction plans, policies or


2.1 No. of men and women trained in disaster

preparedness, management and mitigation

Men NA 600

Women NA 570


No. of Disaster Risk Management Plans (DRMPs)

developed NA 232

Result 3: Small scale

preparedness and mitigation

measures undertaken

3.1 No. of CCIs identified NA 296

3.2 No. of CCIs completed 54 296

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Community Critical Infrastructures (CCI):

During the reporting month, RSPN with the support of its partners successfully managed to complete all the

remaining 54 CCIs. Construction of 64 additional schemes under No Cost Extension, required lot of efforts

at partners end like identification of CCIs, feasibility studies, cost estimation, proposal development and

signing of ToPs with the relevant VDMCs etc. To achieve this target within the given timeframe, the partners

made special efforts in expediting the construction activities. As such all 64 additional CCIs were completed

during the reporting month. Combining targets of CCIs from both the initial and the No Cost Extension

phases, RSPN managed completion of a total of 296 CCIs in 232 revenue villages from the selected 20 union

councils of the target districts.

Meetings held between VDMCs/UDMCs at Union Council Level:

In order to evolve VDMCs and UDMCs as institutions that are well prepared to deal with any hazardous

situation, they are kept engaged in planning activities through regular monthly meetings. The interaction

through these meetings has not only strengthened their relationships with each other but it has also

allowed them to learn about the changing situation from their neighboring revenue villages. Pertaining to

this 20 meetings were held during the month. As per the new targets under No Cost Extension RSPN

managed to conduct 50 against planned 40 meetings. Combining the original and extended phase targets of

160, a total of 170 meetings were held. Below are some of the agenda points of these meetings:

1. Explored ways of sustaining the DRR (VDMC and UDMC) bodies after completion of the project

2. Considered expansion and integration of UDMCs with other social groups at UCs and Taluka level

3. Discussed future prospects of VDMCs & UDMCs

4. Reviewed the planning and progress of CCIs including the maintenance issues

5. Discussed the mechanism of promulgating DRR knowledge to other villagers

6. Discussed and agreed that VDCM, UDMC and LSO will jointly develop future DRR plans

Ensuring sustainability of UDMCs:

Keeping in view the sustainability of UDMCs all 20 UDMCs were to be integrated with the RSPs mainstream

Local Support Organizations (LSO). The LSOs are the registered local bodies that work for the welfare of local

rural communities. During the month one more UDMC was integrated with an LSO that resulted in overall

achievement of 17 UDMCs becoming part of LSOs. The remaining target of three could not be achieved as

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the LSO structure was not yet formed in these UCs.


During the month, RSPN Compliance Manager and Tahafuz PMU staff including Project Manager, Finance

Officer, CBDRM Capacity Building Specialist and both the monitors visited the target districts to review

progress of the ongoing CCI’s work and review the project technical and financial documents. A detailed

monitoring report has also been prepared, which will be separately shared. Some of the findings of the visit

are given below:

1. Resulting from the last month monitoring observations both the RSPs were in the midst of finalizing

project documents which included:

a. Finalization of CCI proposals along with DRMP, TOP and the signed agreement pages which

were required to be appended with the proposal

b. Maintaining pictures of various stages of CCI’s construction

c. Scanning all 232 Disaster Risk Management Plans and labourer’s sheets

2. Work on all newly identified CCIs was initiated during the month. Partner ensured that all

construction work is completed as planned.

3. RSPs also ensured that sign boards are ready to be displayed on completion of the CCIs.

4. In some areas the text of the display boards was not found in accordance with the text mentioned in

the proposal. The relevant RSP was advised to make corrections as mentioned in the proposal

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