Page 1: Montana Exponent · 2016. 7. 11. · Montana Exponent ZS97 VOLUME XXXIII Breeden Cuts Basketball Squad to 13 After two weeks of preliminary practice and tryouts, Coach Brick Breeden

Montana Exponent ZS97


Breeden Cuts Basketball Squad to 13

After two weeks of preliminary practice and tryouts , Coach Brick Breeden has made the final cut to a squad of thirteen members. These men will constitute the var­sity team and will start their sche­dule on December 19 and 20 when they meet Brigham Young and Wyoming at Bi1Jings in a round robin tournament with these two teams and the University of Mon­tana.

The thirteen members chosen Saturday include eight lettermen. The four senior lettermen are Don Jorgenson, John Hall, Max Stark, and Dan Mizner. The other letter­men are JiIL'< Anderson, Bob Stack­wich, Toby Nelson and Wendell Scabad. Cory Dogterum is one of last year's players, and the sopho­mores selected were Eddie Collins, Will Jorgenson, Jess Hodgson, and John Epkes.

Players who graduated last year were Jack Brickley, Joe May, Addy Farrell, and Claire Robinson. Ollie


Jacques and Fred Rooley, sopho- Examrm· ·ng Board for Army mores of last year are in the navy and army respectively.

This year's squad will be smaller Air Corps 1.,o v1·s1·t Here than that of last, but is expected to be faster to make np for the dif-ference. Fast break will be the • For the fil'St time since the main offensive system and capable reserves will make it possible to keep all games at a fast tempo.

The first games that college stu­dents will be seeing are on J anu­ary 9-10 when Western State plays two games at Bozeman.

Pi Kappa Delta Holds Meeting

The Pi Kappa Delta national de­bate question has been chosen, and M. S. C. debaters will start work on it immediately. Next Monday eYening they, and aU others inter­ested in forensics, wilI hold a meet­ing at seven-thirty in the Little Theatl·e and discuss various as­pects of the question. This topic is the one to be debated at various tournaments throughout the ~oun­try, including the national tourna­ment in Minneapolis next spring.

All RMC Tackle

Art Dugan ... smashing junior tackle on this year's 111. S. C. foot­ball team, was selected on the Den­ver Post's first All-Rocky Moun­tain Conference football squad.

Artists Schedule Christmas Bazaar

The event of the year in the art department is scheduled for this week-end. On Friday and Satur­day, December 5 and 6, the annual Art Bazaar will be held on the top floor of Herrick Hall. Everyone is invited regardless of honor­able intentions and purchasing power, because the bazaar is not only an aid to busy students with stubborn Christmas lists, but a colorful exhibit of handicrafts from all over the world. Included in the stock will be items from Japan, China, and from our own Indians.

The Bazaar will be open on Fri­day from 1:30 to 5:00 in the after­noon, from 7:30 to 9:00 in the evening. On Saturday business hours will be from 9:00 to 12:00 in the morning and from 1 :00 to 5 :00 in the after..ooon.

Leigh Attends Union Meeting

Miss Mildred Leigh, director of the SUB, will leave Wednesday night to attend the annual con­vention of the Association of Col­lege Unions of which the MSC Student Union is a member. The convention will be held at the Uni­versity of Nebraska in Lincoln, Nebraska and will be attended on December 6 and 6 by directors and a few student representatives of student unions from all over the United States.

Membership in this association entitl s a college union to the ser­vices of an employment agency, information on union problems, and a bulletin on the acth•ities of all member unions which is issued every two months.

Open discussions of Union pro­blems will feature the convention.

World War, applicants for the po­sition as aviation cadet in the Uni­ted States Army Air Corps may be examined regardless of their educational background. Previous­ly, only those who had two or more years of college were ex­amined. This statement was issued by First Lieutenant Murray A. By­water, public relations officer for the Northern Traevling Cadet Avi­ation examining board.

The board, which was through here last year, will again be headed l,y Major Percy 0. Brewer and will be at the Military Science barracks from eight-thirty to four Decem­ber 4, 5 and 6 for the purpose of examining candidates.

Candidates may also be examined al this time for training in the engineering, photographic, naviga­tion and communication depart­ments of the Air Corps, The re­quirements are the same as for aviation cadets, except that physi­cal requirements are not as rigid.

Applicants must be from 20 to 26 years old unmarried, and with excellent health and character. Re­quired documents include a birth certificate and three letters of recommendation, or if currently en­rolled as an R.O.T.C. cadet, a let­ter of recommendation from the P .llf.S. & T.

Aviation cadets are paid $75 per month along with n daily ration allowance, clothing, equipment, medical and dental care. Upon graduation the cadets nre commis­sioned second lieutenants with pay of $245 a month. Flight and ground training require thirty weeks. Ten weeks each are spent at elementary, basic nnd advanced fl ying schools.

IMPORTANT NOTICE The Camera Club will have its pic­ture taken for the .Montanan in the SUB din°ing room at 5:00 P. M. Thursday. AU paid members be there!

Number 10

Archduke Felix of Austria Tells of Europe Tonight --------------• Twenty-six year old Archduke

Archduke Felix

Reid Cook~ Up Midnight Hour of Fun and Nonsense

Felix of Austria will lecture to students, faculty and townspeople tonight in the college gym at 8:15.

The Archduke has chosen as his address, "Europe Today an d To­


A member of the Hapsburg fam ­ily, the Archduke knows whereof

he speaks, as he is in a position to know the facts and was in Aus­

tria at the time of Hitler's invasion. H e was studying there, and he and

his sister were chased across the border. In the last few weeks he

has been on a special mission to South America in the interest of the Allies.

The Archduke comes to M. S. C.

with higb recommendations as a speaker. The president of Indiana University said he presented the

best lecture ever given on the cam­

pus. The talk will be open to students without charge, but there

will be a small admission fee for

"Something new has been add- faculty and townspeople.

ed!" Remember the Midnight hours of music? \Veil, another sort / of midnight hour has come into S h I Halts For being and it promises to be a riot. C 00

Hugo Reid, the guy responsible for the memorable freshman as­sembly last year, is going to pre­sent one of his masterpieces next Saturday (Dec. 6th) night from twelve o'clock until one at the El­len theatre. The girls are to be allowed 1 :30 hours and everything is all set. The show is rumored to include humor, mirth1 mystery, prizes for the audience and any­thing else conceivable in the "screwball" line besides producing a full stage bund and the best talent to be found in the city­and there's plenty of it.

The audience is supposed to make as big a nuisance of itself as pos­sible--eating peanuts, popcorn or what have you and generally dis­turbing things, and there seems to be little doubt that M. S. C. students can do it welll

The turnout this time will deter­

mine whether or not ther e will be

any more shows like it--it's a wonderful way to cap an evening, so, men, grab yow· ravo1·itt_) "pot.", harden yoursell for n rib-splitting evening, and come 'a hootin'.

Registration Sat. Winter quarter registration will

be held in the balJroom of the Student Union Building, on Satur­day, December 6. All students should re-register at this time, even though they may be uncer­tain as to whether they wiIJ return winter quarter. Registration will be carried on from 8 to 12 a. m., and 1:30 to 4 p. m.

The procedure wilJ be the same as in the past. The student must first get his registration card, class cards, and directory card from his class advisor. He should ~hen go to the ballroom where he can be sectioned. After completely fill­ing in each blank card, the student should then go to the registration table, where a checker will cheek the cards and the Registration Of­ficers will approve the registration.

Experts To Attend First Ski Meeting

N OTICE I The first meeting o( the ski ciub

T he Chess Club will meet in Room wiH be' held Wednesday, Dec .. 3, 310 in the SU B at 7 :30 Th nl f,v_e o clock, m the Student Union

. ursday bu1ldmg, room 141. The club is cvenmg, December 4. Bring your f · 1 II b own set! or g1r s as we as oys.


A picture will be lnken of the So­cial omm ittc<> \ Vednesday night at 5 o'clock in Herrick Hull. Everyone please be lhere at 5 min utes to Five?


StudcnU.: Dean l\.e lly·s dancing class, us ua lly held on Wednesday at five o'c1ock, will be held on Thursday at 5 this week.

Jurgen Pohly will give a short talk on college ski ing. Mr. Pohly, a mcmbC'r of one of the Swiss Olympic ski teams, is connected with tht? ~cience division of the collel?r and hns taken quite an in­terest in the club. August Gnehm , u former Sun Valley ski instructor who will be in Bozeman this win­ter, will also be prC'sent.

Anyone ut all interested in ski­ing wht.•thC'r a beginner or an ex­perienced skier, is urged to attend. Any members of the faculty cor­ing to attend arc certa inly wel-come.

Page 2: Montana Exponent · 2016. 7. 11. · Montana Exponent ZS97 VOLUME XXXIII Breeden Cuts Basketball Squad to 13 After two weeks of preliminary practice and tryouts, Coach Brick Breeden

Page Two

Monta~~ponent I Know What I '4ssocia1cd Colleeiialc Pres\

o,.,,:nbutor cf

..... -.CNT .. D r ~

National Ad,~ • ..:..: .. i; 1)ervice, L~c. C,o/Jete P11/,lisbni R~pr~nw

,420 MA0180N A.VIit NEW YORk. N. Y. CJIICAOO • lolfOlt • los A11•na • S.ui ,.. ... lllatc:O

Lor<'n" Stranahan sports the fang pm hc.~longintr to Art Parsons. Ar<'n't you a frnt"rni•y man, Pnr-son~" • Hut · le• t' ·men were ,..., r r ' ~ n :.l) -purpk swea-ter!- and ~tripe~. 'What's the deal, '\Vhalen nnd Fye? Volmer the traitor-to red and blackll ...

Printed in the Job Department of The Bozeman Courier

Congratulations to Marge Hall; hear you have a Sigma Chi pin . . . Congratulations to a cute rouple-Mary and Bud ...

Member of R. M. I. P. A.

Continuance of Weekly Exponent and Monthly Exponent Founded 1895. Published every Wednesday of the College Year by the Associ­ated Students of Montana State College, Bozeman, Montana.

Accept,mce for Mailing nt Special Rate of Postage Provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1927. Authorized February 17, 1919.

Charles Barrington Phone 188

.. Editor

Jim Keith Business Manager Phone 219

Ruth H~bner .... Managing Editor Phone 185

Hank Young ......... Sports Editor

Army Air Corps h the fact that the Army Air

Corps has dropped its educational

qualifications an indication that

Tough luck, Nicholson, hope you hnv(• n ~peedy recovery-Burton misses you badly! ... Seen in full force at the AOPi fall party­Taylor family ... Being an artist, Peg1tY Yates, can't you add more C"ol01· t.o your old romance with Lipp? .. '\Varmly welcomed at the Chi Omega house is Muggs (Cline) Lakey ... Is too much swimming the cause of the change of the color of your hair, Helen Drak<'? \Ve just wondered ...

Most steady, reliable couple on this campus seems to be Eloh1e Lehrkind and Frank Howard. No high school antic• with this couple ... Martha Herman and Marilyn i\bughan seem to go steady-if you want one, boys, you'll have to take them both!! ... With James McIntire the Kappa Sigs have the best dressed fellow at M. S. C ....

the army contemplates lowering "~ould your face crack if you its standards just to gain new en- smiled, Dan Cox 1 '\Vhy don't you Jistments? We don't think so. be cheerful like smiling Hal Ross

To us this is an indication that · · · he mnkes us happy · · , We hear that Dr. Binder literally

the army is breaking away from dri\'eS his students to drink with its old iron-clad rules regarding his organic chem tests. enlistments and advancements. In

the army's pre,ent expansion pro­

gram, it is retognizing more and

mo1·c the desirability of giving a

man a brenk because of his ability

rather than because of his meeting

rigid rules and qualifications.


Hero's an Edgerton shoe that will be a TRB;JT to your feet. For bu.i­ness or lazy wear it will ecrve you long a.nd well. - &le- h..s• .. t,,so


As fnll quarter draw to a close, we mnkc these predictions for R.O.T.C. sponsors: Johnnie Hall's Sally Trower; Kay Sullivan has a slight lead with Jim Rea; ask linry Margaret Hilton about A.I Ralston's choice; Jean Collin!\ for George \Vallare; Francis Peterson of course for Jim Tra,;s; Elaine Rash for John Younglove, but you can never tell "';th these two; Anna ~Iae Roe seems to have a cinch with Dean Keil; Pete Koch and Frank Wolcott are the big catches, girls . . . it seems Sigma Chis don't like to get too involved any­more




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Skis- $10 -Hickory (worn once) like new, spring bindings, 6 foot.


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19 S. Willaon. Phone 239-W


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Wedne day, December 3, 1941



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Treat yourself and others to wholesome, delicious Wrigley's Spearmint Gum. Swell to chew. Helps keep breath sweet, teeth

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Page 3: Montana Exponent · 2016. 7. 11. · Montana Exponent ZS97 VOLUME XXXIII Breeden Cuts Basketball Squad to 13 After two weeks of preliminary practice and tryouts, Coach Brick Breeden

\Yednedday, December 3, 1941

M.S.C. Alums Wed At Chi O House

Thursday, December 4, at high noon, Albert. Zupan, 137, and Adelae Hanson, ':39, will be married at the Chi Omega house.

Both bride and groom are gra­duates of Montana State College, Lt. Zupan in physical education, and .Miss Hanson in secretarial. Lt. Zupan is a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, social fraternity, and Miss Hanson is a member of Chi Omega.

Lt. Zupan bas just finished three months' intensive training at Fort Benning, Ge.orgia. Immediately after the ceremony, Lt. and Mrs. Zupan will leave for Brooks Field, Texas, where he will go into train­ing as an army observer.

Four Fems Gun for Individual Glory

Bob Nicholson Hurt In Bout

As a result of fall on the chin during the intramural boxing, Bob Nicholson received a head injury that has kept him confined to the hospital all week. Bob was hit by bis opponent and fell to the can­vass. Falling on his chin with a severe jolt that knocked him out for some time, he was taken im­mediately to the hospital. At present bis condition is improving, but he i.s still under medical care.

P. E. Department Plans Exhibition

The Women's Physical Education department is planning something new in the way of athletic enter­

Women's rifle marksmanship bas tainment this year. Winter quar­reached a dramatic climax! Last ter, the three athletic groups, Wo­week, those who were interested men's Athletic Association, P. E. in the rifle trophy shot two targets Majors' Club. and Spp.rtanians, are each, and the highest averages of going to collaborate in producing these are shooting it off tonight a program to be presented to the for the trophy. Shoulder to shoul- general public.' This will consist der at the firing points, the four of dancing, statuary, tumbling, and girls who tied with a 98 average, a genei·al exhibit of the various Doris Dickenson, Caroline Jarvi, activities in the department. This Hula Stok~s, and Marie Watson, I is the first time anything like this will shoot 1t out. Any casualties bas been planned by this depart­will be reported in t he next Ex- ment, but under the able leader­ponent. ship of Miss Miriam Hart, Physical

Professional Directory


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Education instructor, there is no doubt of its success.


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Christmas Suggestions

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Hollywood Pottery.

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NO? Then you·d better see him co­day. He'll tell yob how to ship your baggage home and return-right from you.r dorm rooms, and save your by doing it. Call Pat at



Greek Gossip Dave Christenson, Anaconda,

donned the pledge pin of Alpha Gamma Rho last week . . . Fall­partying Thanksgiving Eve were S igma Alpha Epsilon and Kappa Sigma . . . and on the weekend Alpha Gamma Delta entertained dates at a fall party Friday night . . . while Alpha Omicron Pi fro­Jiced at their annual autumnal ball on Saturday night ... Weekend guests of .Alpha O were the Misses Katherine Mary Ritchie and Gayle , vinzeler Visitors at Marshall House this weekend were Eloise Erb, Lee Carlton, and Albert Rhodes of Billings ; Julia and Martha Sigg of J oliet; and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Anderson of Great Falls . . . . Thanksgiving dinner guests at the Home Management House included Dean



pair 50c Fine all-wool and angora

anklets that will match

your new swea ters perfect­

ly . . warm too. All the

seasons best colors, includ­

ing sun yellow and black.

Cotton Anklets in

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Stop in and look over our

complete line of Dokken Funeral Home Skis And

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Book Store


Nash's Coffee

Del Monte Canned Foods


Y-B Cigars

Nash-Finch Co.

Brannegan, Mrs. Branncgan1 and Miss Ardela Kemp .. . Jim Mara­nette and Bob Balhize1· who have been employed in Great Falls for the past months stopped at the house on their way east to accept jobs in defense industries . . . New pledge to Alph a Gamma Delta is Jean Romine, Lodge Grass . .. . Lotsa fun was reported from Alpha Gamms who enjoyed a slumber party at the house Saturday with entertainment ala pledges . . . . Newest pledge to Phi Sigma Kappa is Joe Townsend.

NOTICE There will be an M club meeting

al 7 :30 at lhe Sigma Chi house to­night.

FOR RENT with Board-3 new

basement rooms, single bed and

separate heaters.

412 W. Harrison

. .

Page Three

At the Theatres

ELLEN Thursday-Friday - "Week

End In Havana" with Alice Faye, Carmen Mir­anda and John Payne

Saturday through Tuesday -''Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" w i th Spencer Tracy and Lana Turner

Starting W e d n es d a y -"Aloma Of The South Seas" with Dorothy La­mour and Jon Hall

RIALTO Friday through Monday -

"lce-Capades" with Dor­othy Lewis and Jerry Colonna

JOYCE Thursday-Friday-"Private

urse" and "Mexican Spitfire's Baby''

Saturday- Sunday- Monday - "Roaring Frontiers'' ''Dangerous Game"

The Shirt That Speaks

For Itself. One look at the Arrow Su8$ex sh irt tells you wh y it's a "must" for the college rnan·s wardrobe. Sussex is 3

handsome shirt with tl1 e new lower neckband and the wide- pread collar that is flattering and comfort­able for any wearer. In whites, solids, or stripes. Trim­ly tailored to fit the torso and Sanforized-shrunk (fab­ric shrinkage less than 1 % ) . Get some today, S2 up.




Suits and Plain Dresses $1.00

Fane 233

Eagle Cleaners And Hatters "We Dye To Satisfy"

Page 4: Montana Exponent · 2016. 7. 11. · Montana Exponent ZS97 VOLUME XXXIII Breeden Cuts Basketball Squad to 13 After two weeks of preliminary practice and tryouts, Coach Brick Breeden

SPORTS by Honk Young

The Montana State sport fans are turning their attention from football to basketball, perhaps a little more hopefully, as the quar­ter draws to a close.

This year sees a light and fast team which will probably attempt to wcnr their opponents down with the fast break system that bas always b~en in effect at Bozeman, but this year shows excellent pros­pects of topping post performances. The reason for this lies in the fact that nearly all of the men are ex­ceptionally speedy and clever ball handlers.

However, one problem faces the combinntion and that is how to get control of the rebound,. Coach Breeden is planning to build his team around fast players and need one tall man to keep the rebounds falling into the right hands. This position of rebound man will fall between Dogterum, Hall, Mizner, and Epkes. Most experienced is Hall who also has plenty of shoot­ing ability, although it's a long time before the positions will be allocated and changes may take pince.

At forward and guard positions, there is plenty of both fast material and rugged material. Anderson and Jorgenson are almost sure of first string positions. Holders of the other two positions are still to be decided upon. Tops among the new sophomores making the line-up is Collins who is a fine shot nnd e.~ceptionnlly speedy.

ST,I R OF THE WEEK: Harvey "Toby" Nelson. Last year Toby was a letterman and one of the good all-around players . He hit a poor percentage at times and

t.hen wns tops for other games. Bes t points were his clever ball handling and shooting ability, while his weakest was his defense. We look for Toby to be one of the top players in this. h is junior year. Be is hitting much bet ter so far this season and his general ability has no limits. Expect plenty from Toby this season.

Season's Games Dec. 19-20 Brigham Young and

\\' yoming at Billings ( tourna­ment)

Dec. 22 Brigh am Young a l Boze­man

Dec. 23 Kansas State a t Bozeman Jan. 2-3 Jamestown College al

Bozeman Jnn. 9-10 Western State at Boze.


A.G.R.'s Champs Of Ring Tourney

Although their battlers brought home only one class championship, the Alpha Gamma Rho boxing team scored heavily in the runner-up and third pince spots to cop the team crown in the intramurnl box­ing tournament, which was held in the gymnasium Inst Tue!\dny, the independents. and third to the Pi Kappa Alpha squad.

W inners in the various classes were as follows: 120 lbs.- Kline. Ind., Ross, A. G. R.; 127 lbs.-Mat. till, Ind., Lynch, A. G. R.; 135 lbs. -Nelson, PKA; 145 lb .-Lebsock, K ; Schlehuber, PKA; 165 lbs.­Krall, AGR, McLemore, SX; 165 lbs.-Benson, Ind., Creen, KS; 176 lbs.-Quinn, AGR. Forsyth, PKA; Unlimited-Hoffman. I nd., Musle-

Ja: .8~6-17 Greeley State at Boze- man, AGR. Refereeing the bouts was Rubie

man J an. 23-24 Ida ho Southern at Poen·


Dennis, well-known local boxer of a few years bnck; judge~ were Bill Pentella and Dick Briggs, and I

Jan. 30-31 Montano at Missoula timer was Felton Adams. Feb. 6-7 Idaho outhern at Boze-

Fe~an13_14 Colorado College at .\II men interested in Fencing re- , C~lorado Springs port to the Gym Tanbark Wednes-

F b 16 17 C I d M' t i day, Dec. 3rd, at 5:00 p. m. U pper-eG~lde~ 0 ora O mes a cla.ssmen may receive credi~ for

F b 27. 2g M la U l Bo lhe sport next quar ter by reg,s t er -e . on na n zeman ing in P . E. 201.

Formol dresses cleaned , .

and pressed like new.

• MODERN Cleaners

27 South Willson Phone 77



R UESON, T RU VAL .. . a n ideal gift to g i,·e or r eceive.


65c and $100

INTRAMURALS ~ ·ith three weeks o! bowling

completed, the Sigma Chis are lending the league with the SAEs and Pi Kapps close behind.

Saturday's games resulted in

Wednesday, December 3, 1941

Dependable Tailoring done in


216 E. Main

three wins for the SAEs O\'er the ,------------, Lambda Chis, the I ndependents won two from the Phi Sigs, the Sigma Chis took two from the Pi Kapps, and the Kappa Sigs de­feated the AGRs twice.

For the first half of Saturday's conte~ts, Lew Thompson was high

with n 222, and Lowell Scott had

the high total of 554. In the second

half, Bob Schellin was high with

202 points and Howard Meeks had the high total of 559.



Baxter Hotel Barber Shop Basement of Baxter

CHRISTMAS CARDS 50 for $1.00, and up. UNUSUAL GIFTS FROM 25c

We imprint stationery and leather goods.

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/or Tom. Oick & Hanr Bs Chesterfield Wool or ilk MEN'S GLOVES

MUFFLERS Fine leathers. slip-on Full or ankle length. F ully sized for holi- or clasp s tyles. Lined Famed for long day gift s ma rtness. or unlined. wear.


Jacket or finger-tip revers­ible styles. Choice of lea­ther, Gaberdine or wool.

25c up


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• •• it's his cigarette and mine

Tbis year they're saying Merry Christmas with Chesterfields.

For your friends in the Service And for the folks at home What better Christmas present Than these beautiful gift cartons Of 10 packs, 3 packs, or 4 tins of SO.

Nothing else you can buy Will give more pleasure for the money.

Buy Chesterfields For your family and friends Beautifully packed for Christmas.
