\'!I. MONTANA STATE COLLEGE, FRIDAY MAY 5, 1910. NUMBER 34. [EMPORANEOUS AND ORATORICAL CONTESTS VERY SUCCESSFUL---LUCE AND PARK VICTORS LESCHER GETS POSITION ROTTMAN ADDRESSES Y. W. WITH W ESTINGHOUSE MISS SCOTT MAKES VISSI T Taylor LeS('hf'r who will :..rai!Tla!o Tl11 1·1·:rnlar llh-t"tJng al !lIP ) \\'. LUCE AND PARK WILL DEFEND M. S. C. IN ORATORICAL AND EXTEMPORANEOUS CONTEST from the in el1->("trkal {. A. wa::. held at iht· Y \\". ho1t:-;l' ln_g, this s1wi11g will l!nter thf' gradu- hist f'Yf'11i11e; ).fiss . .\l<la IE AND WHITESIDE TAKE PLACES IN ORATORICAL AND PARK ate conrse of rhe Elec-jsmith f(;>U.d rroni tile lionk' FO UR SCHOOLS WILL COMPETE JN CONTEST - MISSOULA HAS D HAYES IN EXTEMPORANEOUS. DELIVERY AND COMPOSl - I ON OF SPEECHES ARE ESPECIALLY GOOD. LUCE SPEAKS ON ORCE ANO THE LAW."-PA RK T ALKS ON MONROE DOCTRINE. tric com1mny next Seplember. Only I "Thines ""ortli \Yhile·. The I a limHE>d number of me:1 are select- \asl nigh! was addressed by ".\Tr eel e<1ch year from rhe technical col-1 Rottnrnn. During last woek the Y \\". leg-es Lbe. United and. i\lon- enjoyed \'isit from 1\'liss Scot the tana Stale 1s fortunate in nlacrng a secretary of 1he '.\'orlhwest- SPEAKER ONLY IN ORATORICAL-SCHOOLS ENTERED ARE DIL· LON . MONTANA WESLEYAN. Ml'< SOULA AND MONTANA STATE- COLLEGE OF MONTANA NOT ENTERED-NEXT CONTEST HELENA. ce 1.llltl Lhe 1 ... aw'" won fir-:H 1ilan" elapsf·fi since the war bLit graduates are admiltEHI only after a hen.• ill intenie·ws with the l'ahinel poraneo11s contest v:1ll be Three i nExtemporaneous 11 L11n.: hy his ora;iou most tlnee-c1uarter:-; of cenwry has represcntatiYe in this course. The I ern Field. i\tiss Scol s1 1 enr two days The a11nual oratorical aad ex1em I turn to Demo<'rac) ·· "ln('al oratorical held at it sePm!:' 10 them a cold blooded piece care[ul as to their ahil·j\\'orkers and helping to better oqrnn- 1 helr:l to111ght at 8 o'tlolk 111 the There will be speakers in thP last morning. b ad- <?f r·onquest. Then our arquisltio11 of I ity nn<l general knowledge. 1 ize the work here. seml)ly 1 oom or ').[ontana hall. Con- extemporaneoul:'> Lee Park 11 to th€: right t0 represent )!on- C'uba. T'"Orto Hico. the Philippines a net testants from four schools will com- will represent )ion ta :ia St;lle. nillon SUth· at slate orn.torical con· t11e c·a:ial zone Rt Panama are regarrl- μete in the orat.orical contest. Liew- has enlered li::rlna Voigt as tlleir 0 iJf' br-ltl in ::'\Iontana. hall th· ed e\·idence against U5. SCHOOL OF ETIQUETTE ENGINEERING SHED ellyn Lu('e will represent :.\lontana er while Fonest \\'ert$ reiiresents L ·ce wins the prize of twenry j Onr nnly possibilily oi 1he State with his oration enti tled .. Force ::'\lontana \\·esleyau 1t is. planneil to n zold oiferi·d ror ihP winnillf'.; 1 Jl'ii.:•111bhip nd co-operation of the OPENED LAST WEEK TO BE ENLARGED and the J.... aw:· The State uuivernitY holrt thp extewporant•ous <•ontest ..-ear S1 nth .\m1:J"il·an crnrntries is by eunu· will bP re.presc:tte<l by Hruce Hnp- The extemnornueou!': <·ontl-'ht \\'ill l'Ulll· i>J£> w£'re only rour gpeak1.·1 i11 eiation of a new .:\lonroe !JU<'lrin1:-. per. oration enlilled "The menc·e at , o'clock. speakprs JU" st ji bait: 1hl" nmr- '"h'ieh will make all countries into SeHffold.'' Bargain \\itb I will be gh·en their suhjef'ts honr,.:. I o in ia:-1 ye a iroter·I- uuiO:'L extending the Ameri- Junior Is Professor in Much N eeded Much Needed Addition to the Eng i- Booze .. is the title of \\'altel' Alior<l's lJefnrP the time set for lhe c·outest I l · · l t t Course. Discipline l.s Stric! and nee ring La boratory Fi nally t' I ·11 ;\[ it 11 t 1 IHl<:r hC' np,\ ruling lhf' w u .. c 01·tn1ll at c o tie na- ora I(Hl. w 10 w1 :. 01 1 a and will be allowed to a:-rang., tlieii of one state C"Ot1tes1 is nnns as "eH as Instructor Is Learning Fast Secured \\·esleyan The Slate Xormal I matf'rial rlnring that time. l'..a<:l1 speak- rom again .ind I - ---- ---- I ha:-; also entered a speaker. Henn er is. required to talk al least eight k· lt .i ill K"' ley who took first (l'nntinuecl on Page Four.I 1-lnfllancl. \\'ho will talk on .. The Re- and :iot morP rbau ten miuute!'l.. The:i. \.ell! r ··onl .. Be careful. or thf'rP will be no JJi<' :\l ontana Siate b to lune an acldi-1 t --- -------·-- --- will be jlHl,g-ed on their gen· ml effec· " he sr tc 'n er TENNIS OUTLOOK GOOD I for you next Sunday Harsh words tiot1 1.o ihe engineering An OLD COLLEGE CUSTOM ThP io: tl1ii'- r-nn•et;t . 1 . r 1 in(leed hm easily e:xnla.ined l-Jither appropriation has Ileen rect?in,'d Crom hi-we hr>l:'ll sent iu h:io , '."'.nd pluee \\ns .'\ 1111 · lbecansP he is rbe stairl and the Jpg·h;lature and wi11 · 1 l tl 1 l l b" 11 · meu from uut of rnwn A 111 ar• t l · 1' 11 11 or <:. 8 T. . :,. CLASS TEAMS TO illustrious esta.ie of a member nf the Stan iu the near (11t111·e The junior MAY BE REVIVED il)n to a PolltHa1 ra1• . of general intere:"l. 1 , .• ·.•.• ,,,, •• · ,., 111 d 1 . 11 ., 1 e \\"lll·te- 1 senior C'lass. and has_ become 0He1.Hl- in ci\'il engineeri<lg ban;- been I - I There w\11 bf' a 1•1;;ines::; meeling CLASH SOON ed hy 1hc- extraorcl1:rnry hoard111g busy the last week running leYel:o; an1l ha ii· re , <1 he rcok in ti house reath de\·eJopell hy the l'rnsh staking ont the huiltling. AT MONTANA ni the th"s afternoon to d.e- oratoriral in 1!'11-l. ancJ at his hoarmng place or The addition to the laboratories will c·i<lf' 011 ll1r> oriler (Jt sl)eakiug <l.:td The Winning Oration 1 --- I nlake- o11H-t' arrangemt::nt.s. 'li:> lii"'T :-:pPUkPi on Fridi.iy s pro· be('ause he thinks thin this pbase ot I contain hundred ieel our The IH'XI (·ontes.l will he heltl Hi Class Teams Wil! Be P icked This their Pclucation ha:5 been sadly neg-Jeer- spa'"e and furnish the room thnt ts so P lans Being Made to P ro mote Singing ,., 1 "' LlPwPllyn Lnc·e pow- Week-Much Interes t Being ed. a certain junior has started a badly needed in the enginee1;ng tie· Helena The ,ire belcl in ro· in11 on Fnrce fnHl thP L<Jw" on the Steps Among Stu- lation in the different towns in \Yl1ic:h Coyote probably ret·eh e1l tht.> hllest cement and testing laboratory. ancl to tlle schools are located. Taken in Tournament class '•ticket." partme:its. Space wi1l be given to a I dents of M. s. C. Jn·:!.:)ll Il£:. n•ankin 11 has h"n<led to o Lhe '\Yhite lfause look Book. an auLomnhile shop. A pltice will he Musi::. Entertai nment ·rlu..:-r ftll the m :(t:t'..\ for an interesting inter- which set of rules in tl1P pru\·idPfl for d1e Heilw boilers and A plan is Under wa:r to estabUsh . The C'.ollege will μlay be- d iu i·O·OiHff!.1ti:.:rn Tn the hegiu- class rourunment are exeeeding- back anct keeps springing tnem ou nreen e<·onl)mizer :ind last bnt noi I the good 11ld college rustom of sing·. '.'"". •he <\•eakm<>; and the 111 "' family wa<.:. rhP nation. and ly hrigh1 Paul l1::1\·id::;o11. manager 1 freshman irienlls ll'\ll('h to rl1eir dis- " slwlte:r will ht.> 1!in•n to rhe ing on the steps, in :.L S. C There gltt' will alt)O render ate\\ Y out:-1ide Lhis cirC'le was for thP frE>shrnen al read) hol<ling, gust. Jn order to :-;ilenc·e 1heh· junior 1ocomotiYe. ii·;; 110 reHson -why an energetic and I lnuue-dialely <1fter the i·on- iwmy to lw sl. .\s the· llorizon rryout:-:. uJ' the frosh aspirants. About 1nrme:llnr. it was derided w lrnep n·:lt'k The building wil1 be in the form 01 atriotic bunch of boo:-;ters, such aH; rhP pnrtld1iants in ihe contests rlcnr:d rh(• fm:iEe::-. into teu frosh h<t\'E' signified their inten- of all brf'a<.·hes of etiqni>tte until next an Land wiil be of the c:on- right here. f'an :wt get to-land t11eir c·oa<·hps \\'ill be given a ban anJ t'it tribi-: i:ntl and 1io:1 tn try out fur tht: team. which S•lllda). when the ·11ln<'kY olf(>nder :itrm·tion and :1ppe<-t ranf' c oi 1he pl'eS- enjo)- thPm:sehe;:;: aud at quet hy the home economiC's g.irls in states t.aYe hf'en wel•Jed into tht:> will engage in combat with the with the mosr demerits is 10 be ent building. It will of a lhf' saml .. time work UIJ some 01 th"' the clo1nt:-stk S<'ien<'e rooms Ill the i:rn nations. soph5. nne Luce. ('aptain uf the suph by when the dessert is bron::dit.. on :rnx6;"; ieet running so11lh and a sJ1irir !hat college life a:,, it ,•2'.l'i{'i 1t 11 a . oere tlu:· seemed to t·ease. fo1'ces not ye1 ::-.lartr->d the tryouts The professor heen setting 1.1 100x30 Ceet at right angles to This hP. lhe most pHim.l J The speakers 111 thf' orntoncal c·on- nations are orJ"anized. thi worlrl for the team. llowe,·er, tf1ese will H'l'Y gootl exri'mp\l' anrl has upset only a11r 1 pnrallPl to the pr sbf-'d. or life. I tt>:::t in;· rf'quirell to in 1heir ora- -ganizelt. l iactkally the whole Ur be held the week .:tfter the two rups of eoffeP_ rlroppe<l ni::; knife Spring is slowly but snrely maui- tiPns 10 1 c-Prtri.b :;d uf judge::. Jpe enga:.:(•d in the traf'k 1\ eet and the Tf"am whi<'h will just once. and left the Lable the saf11e Cio Engine-er Carl \\"idt>:ier "O\ festing its and many fine e\'f.:'ll· who judge them on and com .I' hiswr;; anfl at tilP C'lose repell 1he frosh atlaek,;.: will bl' pic·k- number of times. Xevertheless he sp""nt a lew dars re<..:eutly in Dutte. ·ngs offer excellent uppurtuniues fur JlOSition_ \nother set of judges jutlgt.!' conllicl wiil Ue rare OtlJtor- ed then. Ahout ren sophs have tun1cd feels confidant that he wi11 1101 han=- .-\11;_u·onda. and inspening of this nature. There Hl't• b11l I th: ty lO JH"onwtP fra- in tlleir names to Doc far. w give up his desserl strPet i111:-.hers. five more weeks of school. and \\i1n tne 1 age ol these l\\O I\Iucb lnterest is IJeing taken in one JJractice n Wt' should be Hhll then taken_ antl the partki- - l"nitfd States alone h:1s the I ut ·;rnkl! l uu their ·1\·erages ! "eai•. necessar,_· to arcomplisil t:outest as tbe twq {'!asses are now tierl AT LAST TWO BASEBALL GAMES SCHEDULE{) to ''Ith true 11atriotbm and lolJ-; pa ::; 1. r ' · · 11 h f 1 . 1 1 oi'. pep. oui collegf' a:ul :..he The college of has not_ en· greal ta""k and it i::: a1•1)arent in t e race or t H:• tros1-sop 1 i·up. . .• ""rnnrl 11rogram for ihe benefit or I tered {'(nnestants 1:1. either or the <:on m11::;1. hr- nsC"d in ;.i;::complbh· As the-re are onh' three more eYeOt:il a '"' 1 1 restc:: ·11thriuo-h the'' are meuibers of to bP dec-ided rbe two are not dsitors d11ri11g C'Omme1wement ''•ee <. 1 · ·· . · < · leni:ig any chanf'es of the ARE WE DOWN HEARTED ? ARE WE DELIGHTED ? WHY? Gh·e the matter c-ons'!deration I the assor1a_1 _1o_n_. ____ _ rmanent i111ernational rribunal enp fall hy the W<lY!=.ide. 11e<"ause Gonza2.1 ls S<·ht>duled to :'\lontana State nght here Ill Roze. ,(1ud dPtermrne LOt \OHlsehes the fen'\ I NN POLIS EDITOR ,\ la el 1 ·o ·npn will bP man on the 10th and lllh \Ye about the v.e.tther, bihn of t)lan Ml EA · ed by force to cqmr1el! obedience mar\ io :\lanage1 BulloC"k if the ganws c<1.lll oe 111.iyPci on the dnte will Jr we rou l cl st;Hl b) se,eu or halt·J COLLEGE .. problem tht.• l'nitf'll will play i?very OtllPr man in singles be played on the 12lh and 1o:lnt\\;1·. Bul we1e gomg to past. and sing for ahout nn hotn· we Clifford '\\Tillis. editor of ll N ·tl and then there will be a doubles matf'h vlay them next week " Yet that's lrnlf thr> story. ,,.e·re would lJe l"'inly =rn<l 1lw ob· e i_ 01 . 1 i!es The clas:.-; winniug !hf> best Lhrf'P 0111 ;{oing ro win too. jection. interreretH'e w1lh srndy would we 5 ll'n 1 . Farmsre_acl. of .. ds. tetll· of will win. The games with the Al!·Sta1'!-' han:• pro\'ecl C'onclusi\'e\y thal we haYe be over ruled. lt thought that the s11elll \\ t>clnesda). or \\eel, at thP ) s to This iH Lhe fir::;t ypr1r tlun thel'P a team that can play ball. Jt':) thP best en:.r assembl 'd and they dorm steps would ht' the most con-1 ant! oYer tbe U"ily lea$t :-:.n tlul ::-1 rlw t->llcl of ha\'f' he-en interc·la}\s ten11is l1arn1onize better limn the Tusl\pgpe lrn;titute nnd that's goi11g \enie:\t place but i:\5 yt-1 pen'!.1ission iin vallt·.\- The .l •arm- present w·a.!·. we brin:! ahnllt between the an1l thP hut some Gonzaga is j1HH as cont'i<lent th<ll th 1."Y are _going to win we ure has not been granted LO use tlwm. ste-cid is pnhlished for rn the rnational frarPrnit:.-. AJt<:'r that we frum the interest shown Ill that we are. Ti adva:l<'e uotieeg nrl' ro he thPy-\·e gol a humnwr or Lets start and start il nnrthwester.n $'fate::: .. espeua.lly . see our war dear to these thPY will bP an inn11al :1Halr a team cmd ii will be mighty and ereiyhod) iu is going to right. for the s-aki..· of our ('nllee:e. (>Iii'! thf' w1,•k n1 the Yano11:;; s l'orever. 11 we ran .'.' hereafter tnrn onl and help olcl :\I S. C win anit I l'olleges oi the is ot. 1 a11-·:·- ,;: which obviously lay:; . The games -..dll s:t;il't at n'1·ll1c-k. a1i or firt.' {'l .. IHS will nnll b μiven nlu<>h attE>nhon i:i will tiH:> respec-t at all na- KEGEE SINGERS charged out5drlers. hut <l<'ti\'ily Lir-liPls will admit .-\l\ Lah and LIMESPUR "'XCURSION i wa!' on thl:' Tus wi11 bP tlismii::sf'cl early };0 nu excuse ('Ull he offered liy rhoRC' whn t Whites ide Second v:ont attend. \\'p lrn,·p onl)-· got fin.' more wr>Pks of sr·hool in wnif'h tu fa< ty of I\€' oi )In \\.hitl'-:'lue whost;· oratinn ""A.ti- · 11 · SET FOR THIRTEENTH a111l later 11rr)[Ps::..•r \11' . ARE RARE TREAT tlemonstrate our loyal1y :ind spirit. \\-P·\'P bPP:1 hihernatmi.!: ;i w111tPr. souu;• is to a Politic al Traitor" won of may never he lmC"k tn Jtnnrnna SL.Ill' i.:.1-1t nnt :111 whoop lhiugs llJl in the i.ll!rknltural of plaf'e much fo1· its wbile we arc all here and s11<·l1 '' s11lenclid on1rnrllJ11itY it::;elt. Threp Dakota. and is uue of the leading soil 1nality. its powerful phrasing anrl Colored Students Are One of Best ve-11 leadPrs ,,.ill be> on rhe joh ancl stanri rP<Hly tu work themselvt:>;.; in111 Fin:il Arrangeme1lts Completed For authorities iu the country. eful delivery. The oration was a n. en·ous prostratlon. Tf you don't to their ant1 ('heer thP hoys ! Annual Excursion to \Yillis t•ntcrtainPd at lunC"heou uwi ation nf a 111au who betr;:1yi:J Musical Organizations Eve r lla!llil oa. Uirf-ld<.11· Linfield. Dir· l l 1 c elPc·tf:'fl I Heard on the Hill to Yidory, you don't lJelong on thP hill. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Li mespur ect1·r F l\mlt•Y \I L. \\'ilson. anil 1rust ot tlP IJ<:"OJ! p wt 1 . TALK IT UP EVERYBODY . NEXT . anct was of the RN in a GONZAGA VERSUS MONTANA STATE. THE FIRST GAMES OF THE Pro' •:-:-tll" \1kins0Jt. I Tlw r1f llw i·olh*e SEASON AND POSSIBLY THE ONLY ONES. rinal . havl' Ill'"" ---- - can i::;ee 00 explanation of nffordt:>d a '·are ll't•al on .\Jonday a111.:i 1 ·- coruplf'ted for the ann1rn.l l:'Xt•\11'$\011 ll riYing in Bozeman :.it 2 : ·'2 JI. m - . MIN ASSEMBLY JOE MILLER '-"" All are remilHl('<l th:11 lileir r'<l\f! ot' a ('orrupt deal. \\'p may pity Tuskel:{e( .. l11stit11te iii AlalJama gan .. MUSICAL PROGRA Bozema;1 at murninμ. apparel sh01ild lie of kind rhat :n 's ar•tiou except that it the re· iwou th('.' (rom lhe I WINS ORATORICAL L•.·m" .-.·1111 ,.a,·e. Thf' 11:HTY will nan \\-ho [alls. througT1 w()akn('s:::. a rew old This I TODAY BY GLEE CLUBS .lop ;\lillf'o1'. who aUende1l srhnol lie·n"' ;\lay nrrl\ing :it a1 will ··::;rand a;-iytlling.'· and the womP11 lirf' :1eC'F>ssity, but (or the man wl1u Thi· or :-;i11gers . .,, are ·rorla1 11"1!! be Gl•:>P rl11b day i11 last YP81' reren1\y tonk paT't In the The juun1ey thP c:nu will Ill' i?"S]IL'l'ia\ly adYised to 1'<\l'l'y 11\Pr ' ·rimin:1l 1hrouuh choice we haYe t'amolls of t!J+. colorPd .. I ' I I' · ,·11 1h·• leisure or tilt' lHll't.' t'< a -late peace tontest <lt •a1r- ,-, """ alli::: and jumpers with thelll for tlw C'on1enq1t \\·l1l('h 811l·l1 aC'tion ln.t\·eling the: c:o1J11li'' in thP intel'Pl"t:; ... Pmbh both the men g an women. < < c .. l l r t l11nchei..; hein;.:. <·;irried, a:ill entf•ll ill 111111'"t"1·c111111l ,·0111·111"\.' u s11eeia1 m pt!-; The eonserJ11ences or i;11Pll I r Cl lace b\ the \ lll ler 1s ·it UiP "tlaru111C'! Ital!'. of tlw won ('c\r w llt> 1n·oyidt1tL n1:iy or ihis sdiool Thi•y bePn 011 Klee clubs app€<1l'iiig in a :-11i\P 1Hlill I ,-ic•w. lown. an.d was ec. irs "'I"'> acti un ha\'e alwnvs beeH inevitable I road .-;int·e tile 111111'1 or Uc>cPm if•!' ]ll"()gram. The lalJe:-> :rlec J1 r s n .1l dP11'1d Ut\'(;'1'11. lie lPil in Lhe 1..·;H. tlrns illl' 1 . 1 1 ..... rloiibtfiil · 1 . 1 . any sane man in tlrn1 .tintP the 10w_n:;; '.:u1a dulJ wafi re-orgn n ir.c>ci. fall ai-; tie tenc mg llll\hO l e 1 . · ,., \\ I . r Ke l'P t'"llati\'es from :;t:l\ en otlh'I' will be \dill d iUl'Oll\'("llil'·nre. f r faced the irnfamy which such l·iLiP:; qf ('aliforl1ld. ll!HZ- Trehle Clef duh and the organi:r.a tU-l i 11 . . · I · ti << n irain lcaYilli; at 11 1 1 . m !'orlll of lw 111· 11 d ll c·1 iles.·e1·ves without snme hope ion, idaho aud )lontaua. has tnken a lease of life. Thi:; Iowa l'O "ert• t•11 1 €>rt'( in II .... i . I . I .' , .. ,1·1•-tl-e \1·1·11 ti<•. Tht purpose of 1h(_• tr ip lrl \H .. eJl will hP the- first appearanc·e or tlw t tPst. :'\Iillcr's oration was cntltlect <llltl arri\'illJ! nt \\ 'hiteh:1 I al h 1 ·' ,·ided 11' l'\·Pr)u!lt'. ;-1,. tllP ed\i(·atinn of nw i·olorecl ra<.:t: llP- .,.IPP bPfore tbifi yeor ··The P:irnmount HY win11i11,e; meals bt> ohtainl."il or bt"tt('r, an Aiel'll'h' senn:l11ig11t Monroe D octrine · · -, 11 l t I ti · Ii"' 01· tl nt 1 ·1 ·1111 •·, ''' -,111· U·,111.'<"l'> a1' 1 ' \ J I •1"1·,·0111' 1·11t»11t11'11" t11 . oe Par],· ".·ii"aklnu on the Monroe 1ure the 1wople, 1r1 ;Hr111se interest 111 and nn exf'ellent pr ol-"!';'l'Ulll Js expPdPd t 1is con e8 te EHll' ll S lP pn,· .. ·1!,t> lt>I'(' { _,.) · · · l n er r w t ·"<" · .. ..., ..- "" illio> school at anll rnisP Ot' thl' men's Giel" club lit\1<' }la?. Iowa in ". tu lw• i:i progress. al :i a) go be !isled for thr retll!l'f:'tl c\iil that the South Ameri- mo11PV for the school. lieen heard extern they hc1\'f" bPen held in some eaRrern e\ i..·ning 'n \\"hitl'lwll. a11d !h ·"' whu rates. it will lw II 'l'f':-1:-.lH) thnl tlwy i rtl1rnhliPs owe not only tlIPir birth P!'l;let>l"Ol' Brown who acC'ompa.ni es 1 I 1 ·ati\·es frmu eight other stntc-s will so lh'.'sirc l'Ollhl .. 1ri11 th(" light l'sll- pay :-;:;,10 to Proit•:,:sor HognC ant latt•r praC'ti<'illg hard t-tncl IHt.Ye lleYP ope< f th r>ir existance to this dodrine. 1 1 1 p tioys gi\·es a talk upon the school S(J nlf' good voiceR. tAke pnrt in this c-ontE'!-ll tasti<·" through the- enrniug ours than fifrt>t:n pl'inr to fh·'· th f' American .rncl al!5n readings from tbe famous 'l' ht' l'l•turn 1raiu lNl\' s \\'hit0hull varrnre of thtt train rn :1\·nid 1111H'l 1 r S<' oVt•l'iO)'()d < t ou1 JllOtectoiate ••iegi·o p()("L Paul Law1·ence Dunbar. ThP 01 jen OI' <l is mn.i.lt' thHL ('nlt1nl· <lt 12·2':' arriYing in fi)zeman nt :! lfi. rush and !lie last 111111 r thPm , and many or them are more ThP short proJ2;ram given to tbe stu- clo;i;Pn nnmhern. tlw !Jia. lollnwing the examJJll." or A parly 1 ·ate to \\'hiieltnll antl rl"· ute. Profl'ssor Hogue enrneslly 1·1·· -:ympatl1 y \Vith 1.he ·Latin countries d('llt!:' on :'\londay conRisted of five alternnting with Holos hy i:idlvidual field Training cnllev;e. is to offel' l'l'I'· tuni of .,:\.lf\ he, '11 s(H·nred. as ;d"o quest::. that this !H\Ymeut bP 111:Hk l . I I b mf>mhPrs of <'illh. rnaklll?. a ta1".1 C<Jt1rn.·es iu nt11letit:s credit . The:r helieve ,,1a111a1i<>n melo1lies which tie. oys. a 511 ec!al l·<ll'. p ri or to the tlay nl the trip . be ·'Antc·ril'a fo1· the Umlerl Stale8 e\.c·Lm:11\·ely; a. read111g by P1ofes varir'rl nrnl we ll program I to\\'ard n clegrec ror suC'h worJ.;.. 'l'he o11R or returni11g· in the Hltc"l'H1>1.1·1 'rickets tor tn tbt>i ('11,·t· { lll P protPc·t ion agah1st rort'lgn pow nruwn and a short out lin e or the - --- I work iR to he in lootlrnll. tl:uni!->. lJasP· mtl\ rtn so, bni will nlH then t•n- also be olJtHined iu ;.1clvnn<."e, . t d I d t' that in stitute :\fr. a1Hl Mrs. Arthur un-_1 1,,·1\1. :"Wimn11w·-. and other and . 1 <!1011111 ll \I l' > do .<>s :10t Insure them and met10 so . tl .-.. ,.... titled to the spedal ,,. . either from ogul! .. t'. lllY s C'loser io borne. wlii ·h bas enabled f.O many colo r eel the parents of a l'i;1P Loy born nt ie '\'ii\ b+' rnught th e \'arsitr nut apply for sanw on thf' party Jonei:;. or I\lr. Dan · T 1 s tl to become se lf husJJit:'ll l"rillay morn- 1 '·o·,1ch es I II 1 · I h I I to 11<o: .. et us tal.;;e their po1nl. 1 tJet•[liP or 1 rn ou t l .. nd whic·it ing. was ft)i·merly :\fiss " tiC'kC't. The regular fnrt> and return Al <·o ege . ug 1 Sl' oo. ctrn w , , l thfl Pnited Staies b praclically l support in g and resneC" in g a t ii. l'l1oda Daw e!!. Hot11 parents g r:1d11:i 1- I STATE ORATORICAL AND EX TEMP to Lim t>spllr is Tilt;• atternonn people :in"' c·orJinlly indteli to part! '7ere1gn on continent, an<l they \will always stand as a monumen ° : \. lrain J.lmeRJllll' at tn . ar- cipate in \\' h. ed rrom Mo ntana Stal{' iu TONIGHT 'din eronnd5- to fear ns. Al; fon1Hlf·r Booker . · as lllo .. · ; \

MONTANA STATE COLLEGE, FRIDAY MAY 5, 1910. …arc.lib.montana.edu/msu-exponent/objects/exp-007-34-001-004.pdfSPEAKER ONLY IN ORATORICAL-SCHOOLS ENTERED ARE DIL· LON . MONTANA WESLEYAN

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Taylor LeS('hf'r who will :..rai!Tla!o Tl11 1·1·:rnlar llh-t"tJng al !lIP ) \\'.


from the cour~e in el1->("trkal eu~ineel'· {. A. wa::. held at iht· Y \\". ho1t:-;l'

ln_g, this s1wi11g will l!nter thf' gradu- hist Thm·~day f'Yf'11i11e; ).fiss . .\l<la

IE AND WHITESIDE TAKE PLACES IN ORATORICAL AND PARK ate conrse of rhe \\'e~tingbouse Elec-jsmith f(;>U.d st:'lE't:tion~ rroni tile lionk' FO UR SCHOOLS WILL COMPETE JN CONTEST - MISSOULA HAS




tric com1mny next Seplember. Only I "Thines ""ortli \Yhile·. The nH'etin~

I a limHE>d number of me:1 are select- \asl nigh! was addressed by ".\Tr

eel e<1ch year from rhe technical col-1 Rottnrnn. During last woek the Y \\".

leg-es ~.' Lbe. United Stat~s and. i\lon- enjoyed ~1 \'isit from 1\'liss Scot the

tana Stale 1s fortunate in nlacrng a ~xecii·live secretary of 1he '.\'orlhwest-




ce 1.llltl Lhe 1 ... aw'" won fir-:H 1ilan" elapsf·fi since the :'\Te~ican war bLit graduates are admiltEHI only after a hen.• ill intenie·ws with the l'ahinel poraneo11s speakm~ contest v:1ll be Three i nExtemporaneous l~wt>ll,\ 11 L11n.: hy his ora;iou most tlnee-c1uarter:-; of cenwry has represcntatiYe in this course. The I ern Field. i\tiss Scol s11enr two days The a11nual oratorical aad ex1em I turn to Demo<'rac) ··

"ln('al oratorical <'Onle~t. held at it sePm!:' 10 them a cold blooded piece care[ul itH"esti~ation as to their ahil·j\\'orkers and helping to better oqrnn-1

helr:l to111ght at 8 o'tlolk 111 the a~- There will be tlire(~ speakers in thP

iih\~· last Frida~' morning. b ad- <?f r·onquest. Then our arquisltio11 of I ity nn<l general knowledge. 1 ize the work here. seml)ly 1 oom or ').[ontana hall. Con- extemporaneoul:'> ('Ullle~t. Lee Park

11 to th€: right t0 represent )!on- C'uba. T'"Orto Hico. the Philippines a net testants from four schools will com- will represent )ion ta :ia St;lle. nillon

-~ SUth· at u~· slate orn.torical con· t11e c·a:ial zone Rt Panama are regarrl- µete in the orat.orical contest. Liew- has enlered li::rlna Voigt as tlleir ~peak-

0 iJf' br-ltl in ::'\Iontana. hall th· ed a~ e\·idence against U5. SCHOOL OF ETIQUETTE ENGINEERING SHED ellyn Lu('e will represent :.\lontana er while Fonest \\'ert$ reiiresents

in~ L ·ce wins the prize of twenry j Onr nnly possibilily oi gaiuiu~ 1he State with his oration entitled .. Force ::'\lontana \\·esleyau 1t is. planneil to

n zold oiferi·d ror ihP winnillf'.; 1 Jl'ii.:•111bhip nd co-operation of the OPENED LAST WEEK TO BE ENLARGED and the J....aw:· The State uuivernitY holrt thp extewporant•ous <•ontest fir~t.

~·Il ..-ear S1 nth .\m1:J"il·an crnrntries is by eunu· will bP re.presc:tte<l by Hruce Hnp- The extemnornueou!': <·ontl-'ht \\'ill l'Ulll·

i>J£> w£'re only rour gpeak1.·1 i11 eiation of a new .:\lonroe !JU<'lrin1:-. per. lli~ oration i~ enlilled "The menc·e at , o'clock. Thf~ speakprs

JU" st ji ~t bait: 1hl" nmr- '"h'ieh will make all tl.H~ countries into SeHffold.'' "~ran·s Bargain \\itb I will be gh·en their suhjef'ts ~ honr,.:.

I o onie:-tJnt~ in ia:-1 ye a iroter·I- uuiO:'L extending the Ameri- Junior Is Professor in Much N eeded Much Needed Addition to the Eng i- Booze .. is the title of \\'altel' Alior<l's lJefnrP the time set for lhe c·outest

I l · · l t t Course. Discipline l.s Stric! and nee ring La boratory Fi nally t' I ·11 ;\[ it 11

t 1 IHl<:r hC' np,\ ruling lhf' w u .. c~n c 01·tn1ll at c ~111n_e~:1r-y o tie na- ora I(Hl. w 10 w1 r~11re~ent :. 01 ~ 1 a and will be allowed to a:-rang., tlieii

of one state C"Ot1tes1 is di~1iuali- nnns as "eH as rnd1ndual~. Instructor Is Learning Fast Secured \\·esleyan The Slate Xormal Colleg~ I matf'rial rlnring that time. l'..a<:l1 speak-

rom e-nu~ri11~ again .ind tfu~ I - ---- ---- I ha:-; also entered a speaker. Henn er is. required to talk al least eight

k· lt .i ill K"' ley who took first (l'nntinuecl on Page Four.I 1-lnfllancl. \\'ho will talk on .. The Re- and :iot morP rbau ten miuute!'l.. The:i.

\.ell! r··onl .. Be careful. or thf'rP will be no JJi<' :\l ontana Siate b to lune an acldi-1 • t ----------·-- --- will be jlHl,g-ed on their gen· ml effec·

" he sr tc 'n er TENNIS OUTLOOK GOOD I for you next Sunday Harsh words tiot1 1.o ihe engineering ~hed. An OLD COLLEGE CUSTOM ti\·enl~s$. ThP topic-~ io: tl1ii'- r-nn•et;t

. 1 . r 1 in(leed hm easily e:xnla.ined l-Jither appropriation has Ileen rect?in,'d Crom hi-we hr>l:'ll sent iu h:io re\)l't:~entath ,

'."'.nd pluee \\ns .'\1111 1 ~ ·


1 ~11 1 lbecansP he is ne:irin~ rbe stairl and the Jpg·h;lature and c:on~uuctjou wi11

· 1 l tl 1 l l ·~ b" 11 · meu from uut of rnwn A 111 ar• subj"<'~

t ~ 11 ~ l · 1' 11 11

or <:. _· 8 T. . :,. CLASS TEAMS TO illustrious esta.ie of a member nf the Stan iu the near (11t111·e The junior MAY BE REVIVED il)n ~ddress to a PolltHa1 ra1• . of general intere:"l.

1, •.• ·.•.• ,,,, •• · ,.,111

d 1.11.,1e \\"lll·te- 1 senior C'lass. and has_ become 0He1.Hl- clas~ in ci\'il engineeri<lg ban;- been I - I There w\11 bf' a 1•1;;ines::; meeling

CLASH SOON ed hy 1hc- extraorcl1:rnry hoard111g busy the last week running leYel:o; an1l

ha ii· re , <1 he rcok ~p1·ond in ti house reath de\·eJopell hy the l'rnsh staking ont the huiltling. AT MONTANA ni the a.-.~odation th"s afternoon to d.e-

oratoriral in 1!'11-l. ancJ ~ophs at his hoarmng place or The addition to the laboratories will c·i<lf' 011 ll1r> oriler (Jt sl)eakiug <l.:td

The Winning Oration 1 --- I nlake- o11H-t' 11Pc·e"'s~1~·y arrangemt::nt.s.

'li:> lii"'T :-:pPUkPi on Fridi.iy s pro· be('ause he thinks thin this pbase ot I contain riltY·t\\~O hundred ieel or~ our The IH'XI (·ontes.l will he heltl Hi

Class Teams Wil! Be P icked This their Pclucation ha:5 been sadly neg-Jeer- spa'"e and furnish the room thnt ts so P lans Being Made to P ro mote Singing

,., 1"' LlPwPllyn Lnc·e w~tos~ pow- Week-Much Interest Being ed. a certain junior has started a badly needed in the enginee1;ng tie· Helena The COn!{'~t~ ,ire belcl in ro·

or~ in11 on Fnrce fnHl thP L<Jw" on the Steps Among Stu- lation in the different towns in \Yl1ic:h

Coyote probably ret·eh e1l tht.> hllest cement and testing laboratory. ancl to tlle schools are located. Taken in Tournament class '•ticket." partme:its. Space wi1l be given to a I dents of M. s. C.

Jn·:!.:)ll Il£:. n•ankin11

has h"n<led to ~clition o Lhe '\Yhite lfause look Book. an auLomnhile shop. A pltice will he Musi::. .:.~:t Entertai nment

·rlu..:-r ftll the m :(t:t'..\ hrne-ra~ Prostled~ for an interesting inter- which rontain~ ~, set of rules in tl1P pru\·idPfl for d1e Heilw boilers and A plan is Under wa:r to estabUsh . The C'.ollege o_l'che~tra will µlay be-

d iu i·O·OiHff!.1ti:.:rn Tn the hegiu- class h·nni~ rourunment are exeeeding- back anct keeps springing tnem ou hi.~ nreen e<·onl)mizer :ind last bnt noi I the good 11ld college rustom of sing·. '.'"". •he <\•eakm<>; rn~tes<s and the

111 "' family wa<.:. rhP nation. and ly hrigh1 Paul l1::1\·id::;o11. manager 1 freshman irienlls ll'\ll('h to rl1eir dis- lea~t " slwlte:r will ht.> 1!in•n to rhe ing on the steps, in :.L S. C There men~ gltt' c~tuiJ will alt)O render ate\\

Y 11~r5on out:-1ide Lhis cirC'le was for thP frE>shrnen i~ al read) hol<ling, gust. Jn order to :-;ilenc·e 1heh· junior 1ocomotiYe. ii·;; 110 reHson -why an energetic and I ~Plt><'iion:>.. lnuue-dialely <1fter the i·on-

iwmy to lw sl. ~u .\s the· llorizon rryout:-:. uJ' the frosh aspirants. About 1nrme:llnr. it was derided w lrnep n·:lt'k The building wil1 be in the form 01 atriotic bunch of boo:-;ters, such aH; te~t rhP pnrtld1iants in ihe contests

rlcnr:d rh(• fm:iEe::-. m~n~e<l into teu frosh h<t\'E' signified their inten- of all brf'a<.·hes of etiqni>tte until next an Land wiil be of the ~euentl c:on- ~xists right here. f'an :wt get to-land t11eir c·oa<·hps \\'ill be given a ban

~ anJ t'it tribi-: i:ntl stat"~, and 1io:1 tn try out fur tht: team. which S•lllda). when the ·11ln<'kY olf(>nder :itrm·tion and :1ppe<-t ranf' c oi 1he pl'eS- ~e-ihcr :i~<l enjo)- thPm:sehe;:;: aud at quet hy the home economiC's g.irls in

states t.aYe hf'en wel•Jed into tht:> will engage in de~dly combat with the with the mosr demerits is 10 be pas~ed ent building. It will com~ist of a win~ lhf' saml .. time work UIJ some 01 th"' the clo1nt:-stk S<'ien<'e rooms Ill the

i:rn nations. soph5. nne Luce. ('aptain uf the suph by when the dessert is bron::dit.. on :rnx6;"; ieet running so11lh and a win~ sJ1irir !hat mnkP~ college life a:,, it ,•2'.l'i{'i 1t 11 a buil~ing. .

oere tlu:· 1irocp~s seemed to t·ease. fo1'ces lrn~ not ye1 ::-.lartr->d the tryouts The professor ha~ heen setting 1.1 100x30 Ceet at right angles to This ~honld hP. lhe most i•njoyahl~ pHim.l J The speakers 111 thf' orntoncal c·on-

nations are orJ"anized. thi worlrl for the team. llowe,·er, tf1ese will H'l'Y gootl exri'mp\l' anrl has upset only a11r1 pnrallPl to the pr ·~enr sbf-'d. or life. I tt>:::t in;· rf'quirell to ~"'n,.1 in 1heir ora-

-ganizelt. l iactkally the whole Ur be held the week .:tfter the interc-las~ two rups of eoffeP_ rlroppe<l ni::; knife Spring is slowly but snrely maui- tiPns 10 1 c-Prtri.b l'.hi.l~1..·n :;d uf judge::.

Jpe i~ enga:.:(•d in the ,!':Te~Hesi traf'k 1\ eet and the Tf"am whi<'h will just once. and left the Lable the saf11e Cio Engine-er Carl \\"idt>:ier "O\ festing its ~elf and many fine e\'f.:'ll· who judge them on thou~ht and com

.I' hiswr;; anfl at tilP C'lose repell 1he frosh atlaek,;.: will bl' pic·k- number of times. Xevertheless he sp""nt a lew dars re<..:eutly in Dutte. ·ngs offer excellent uppurtuniues fur JlOSition_ \nother set of judges jutlgt.!'

hi~ conllicl wiil Ue ~1 rare OtlJtor- ed then. Ahout ren sophs have tun1cd feels confidant that he wi11 1101 han=- .-\11;_u·onda. and nilling~. inspening ~·allies of this nature. There Hl't• b11l I th: .('OlltPstant~ ~~1 rh.eir~deliY,ery. '~l~~ ty lO JH"onwtP inr.e~n~liom•l fra- in tlleir names to Doc ~o far. w give up his desserl strPet i111:-.hers. five more weeks of school. and \\i1n tne1age ol these l\\O ~epnrate dn~

I\Iucb lnterest is IJeing taken in thi~ one JJractice n W~f'k Wt' should be Hhll sion~ i~ then taken_ antl the partki-

- l"nitfd States alone h:1s the I ut ·;rnkl! l uu their ·1\·erages

!"eai•. necessar,_· to arcomplisil t:outest as tbe twq {'!asses are now tierl AT LAST TWO BASEBALL GAMES SCHEDULE{) to sin~ ''Ith true 11atriotbm and lolJ-; pa ::; 1. r ' ~ · · 11 h f 1 . 1 1 oi'. pep. oui collegf' song~ a:ul :..he The college of ~ron~ana has not_ en·

greal ta""k and it i::: a1•1)arent in t e race or t H:• tros1-sop 1 i·up. . .• ""rnnrl 11rogram for ihe benefit or I tered {'(nnestants 1:1. either or the <:on

f~rf'P m11::;1. hr- nsC"d in ;.i;::complbh· As the-re are onh' three more eYeOt:il a '"' 1

1 restc:: ·11thriuo-h the'' are meuibers of

to bP dec-ided rbe two clas~eB are not dsitors d11ri11g C'Omme1wement ''•ee <. 1

· ·· • . ~ · < ·

"'ritl~e ::t~~:~a~~~~::1<'~:;~l~~~~.\~110~1~ leni:ig any chanf'es of cinchiu~ the ARE WE DOWN HEARTED ? ARE WE DELIGHTED ? WHY? Gh·e the matter Rerio11~ c-ons'!deration I the assor1a_1_1o_n_. ____ _

rmanent i111ernational rribunal enp fall hy the W<lY!=.ide. 11e<"ause Gonza2.1 ls S<·ht>duled to pla~- :'\lontana State nght here Ill Roze. ,(1ud dPtermrne LOt \OHlsehes the fen'\ I NN POLIS EDITOR

,\ la el 1 ·o ·npn will bP man on the 10th and lllh \Ye ~hould \\Oll~ about the v.e.tther, ~u·co1tltng bihn of th~ t)lan Ml EA

·ed by force to cqmr1el! obedience pif~l:dn~1~:n:1~~~'.~'C'ia~~ at~d.each mar\ io :\lanage1 BulloC"k if the ganws c<1.lll oe 111.iyPci on the dnte ~er th~y will Jr we rou lcl st;Hl b) se,eu or halt·J v1~1TS COLLEGE

.. tsso~~~~;a~~:· problem tht.• l'nitf'll will play i?very OtllPr man in singles be played on the llLhaoad:idtl1\a2t1·~."ro1·nra\thP 12lh and 1o:lnt\\;1·. Bul we1e gomg to past. and sing for ahout nn hotn· we Clifford '\\Tillis. editor of ll N ·tl

and then there will be a doubles matf'h vlay them next week " Yet that's lrnlf thr> story. ,,.e·re would lJe thrnu~h l"'inly =rn<l 1lw ob· ~ e i_ 01 . 1•

i!es m-~~~r~~~~r;o;tc~~ b1~~1~~:l:-:::.~. ~~;1~ The clas:.-; winniug !hf> best Lhrf'P 0111 ;{oing ro win too. jection. interreretH'e w1lh srndy would we5 ll'n1. Farmsre_acl. of .. ~~im~eai1ohs.

ds. n.oln~s tetll· of iin~ will win. The games with the Al!·Sta1'!-' han:• pro\'ecl C'onclusi\'e\y thal we haYe be over ruled. lt i~ thought that the s11elll \\ t>clnesda). or 1b1~ \\eel, at thP

) s Americ:an~ to ~nm This iH Lhe fir::;t ypr1r tlun thel'P a team that can play ball. Jt':) thP best ~q1rnd en:.r assembl 'd and they dorm steps would ht' the most con-1 i·ollP~t· ant! 1ouk11~~ oYer tbe ~all:1-

U"ily ~11 lea$t :-:.n tlul ::-1 rlw t->llcl of ha\'f' he-en interc·la}\s ten11is malC'hP~ l1arn1onize better limn the Tusl\pgpe lrn;titute ~ingers. nnd that's goi11g \enie:\t place but i:\5 yt-1 pen'!.1ission iin vallt·.\- The Xorthwe~teru .l•arm­

present w·a.!·. we e~m brin:! ahnllt between the ~oph!; an1l thP Lro~h hut some Gonzaga is j1HH as cont'i<lent th<ll th 1."Y are _going to win ~'\S we ure has not been granted LO use tlwm. ste-cid is pnhlished for farm~rs rn the

rnational frarPrnit:.-. AJt<:'r that we j11d!:!.i:1~ frum the interest shown Ill that we are. Ti adva:l<'e uotieeg nrl' ro he (•rt>clit~d thPy-\·e gol a humnwr or Lets start ~omething and start il nnrthwester.n $'fate::: .. espeua.lly a~d

. see our war dear to I<.~) a~ide these thPY will bP an inn11al :1Halr a team cmd ii will be mighty s1r11g:gl~~ and ereiyhod) iu ~chool is going to right. for the s-aki..· of our ('nllee:e. (>Iii'! thf' w1,•k n1 the Yano11:;; ~gnc.u~tu1a1 s l'orever. 11 we ran carb?·~.-1.0°1

1 ~,'. 1


1~ • .'.' hereafter tnrn onl and help olcl :\I S. C win fr~Hlitionf': anit onr;:;ehe~ I l'olleges oi the northwt>~t is ot. 1a11-·:·-

,;: which obviously lay:; . The games -..dll s:t;il't at :~ n'1·ll1c-k. a1i ailmi~:;lon or firt.' {'l .. IHS will h~ e~q nnll b µiven nlu<>h attE>nhon i:i

will ~ain tiH:> respec-t at all na- KEGEE SINGERS charged out5drlers. hut <l<'ti\'ily Lir-liPls will admit :-;ttli.lt'lll~ .-\l\ Lah and LIMESPUR "'XCURSION i th~~cl:;:~:~li~~:\\~~~1 wa!' ronn~r\y on thl:'

Tus ('!a!'~es wi11 bP tlismii::sf'cl early };0 nu excuse ('Ull he offered liy rhoRC' whn t Whiteside Second v:ont attend. \\'p lrn,·p onl)-· got fin.' more wr>Pks of sr·hool in wnif'h tu fa< ty of I\€' l'HiH·r~i·' oi tllinoi~

)In \\.hitl'-:'lue whost;· oratinn ""A.ti- · 11 · SET FOR THIRTEENTH a111l wi1~ later 11rr)[Ps::..•r \11' agronom~ . ARE RARE TREAT tlemonstrate our loyal1y :ind spirit. \\-P·\'P bPP:1 hihernatmi.!: ;i w111tPr. souu;• is to a Political Traitor" won ~ec·- of u~ may never he lmC"k tn Jtnnrnna SL.Ill' l<~t~ i.:.1-1t nnt :111 whoop lhiugs llJl in the i.ll!rknltural i:ollet~~ of ~O\llh

plaf'e desen·e~ much c~·eflil fo1· its wbile we arc all here and s11<·l1 '' s11lenclid on1rnrllJ11itY nrt'Pr~ it::;elt. Threp Dakota. and is uue of the leading soil

1nality. its powerful phrasing anrl Colored Students Are One of Best ve-11 leadPrs ,,.ill be> on rhe joh ancl stanri rP<Hly tu work themselvt:>;.; in111 Fin:il Arrangeme1lts Completed For authorities iu the country. Profe~l"or eful delivery. The oration was a n. en·ous prostratlon. Tf you don't re~po:irl to their effort~ ant1 ('heer thP hoys ! Annual Excursion t o \Yillis t•ntcrtainPd at lunC"heou i're~i-uwiation nf a 111au who betr;:1yi:J Musical Organizations Eve r t1v1~. lla!llil oa. Uirf-ld<.11· Linfield. Dir·

l l 1 c elPc·tf:'fl I Heard on the Hill to Yidory, you don't lJelong on thP hill. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Li mespur ect1·r F ~. l\mlt•Y \I L. \\'ilson. anil 1rust ot tlP IJ<:"OJ! p wt 1 . TALK IT UP EVERYBODY . NEXT

. anct was accu~ecl of the RN in a GONZAGA VERSUS MONTANA STATE. THE FIRST GAMES OF THE Pro' •:-:-tll" \1kins0Jt.

-latin~ a~semqly. I Tlw ~tudet11:-: r1f llw i·olh*e wen~ SEASON AND POSSIBLY THE ONLY ONES. Tb1~ rinal urnrn~t.·tn~ . havl' Ill'"" ---- -

can i::;ee 00 explanation of thi~ nffordt:>d a '·are ll't•al on .\Jonday a111.:i 1·- coruplf'ted for the ann1rn.l l:'Xt•\11'$\011 ll riYing in Bozeman :.it 2 : ·'2 JI. m

- . MIN ASSEMBLY JOE MILLER '-"" All are remilHl('<l th:11 lileir r'<l\f!

ot' a ('orrupt deal. \\'p may pity Tuskel:{e( .. l11stit11te iii AlalJama gan .. MUSICAL PROGRA Bozema;1 at ~1:20 Sarnr1L~y murninµ. apparel sh01ild lie of tlH_~ kind rhat :n's ar•tiou except that it i~ the re· iwou .\'11~11 th('.' Sin~f'rs (rom lhe I WINS ORATORICAL L•.·m".-.·1111 1· ,.a,·e. Thf' 11:HTY will 1t~a"'

nan \\-ho [alls. througT1 w()akn('s:::. a rew old 1,Jan1~11lo11 lllf~lod;~~. This I TODAY BY UN~ GLEE CLUBS .lop ;\lillf'o1'. who aUende1l srhnol lie·n"' ;\lay 1:~. nrrl\ing :it 1_,inu.·~1111 1· a1 7·~1. will ··::;rand a;-iytlling.'· and the womP11

lirf' :1eC'F>ssity, but (or the man wl1u Thi· qullll~r or :-;i11gers r~~1: . .,, are ·rorla1 11"1!! be Gl•:>P rl11b day i11 fl~- last YP81' reren1\y tonk paT't In the The juun1ey throu~h thP c:nu will Ill' ~He i?"S]IL'l'ia\ly adYised to 1'<\l'l'y 11\Pr

'·rimin:1l 1hrouuh choice we haYe t'amolls ~whool of t!J+. colorPd .. I ' I I' · , 11 .,1 ,1~ ,·11 1h·• leisure or tilt' lHll't.'

t'< • a ·~ -late peace or~torienl tontest <lt •a1r- ,-, """ alli::: and jumpers with thelll for tlw

~· C'on1enq1t \\·l1l('h 811l·l1 aC'tion ln.t\·eling the: c:o1J11li'' in thP intel'Pl"t:; ... Pmbh both the men g an women. I~ < < c .. l l r t l11nchei..; hein;.:. <·;irried, a:ill entf•ll ill 111111'"t"1·c111111l ,·0111·111"\.' A~ u s11eeia1

m pt!-; The eonserJ11ences or i;11Pll I r Cl lace b\ the Jttrluc~ \ lll ler 1s ·it UiP ~r1'~' "tlaru111C'! Ital!'. of tlw won ('c\r i~ w llt> 1n·oyidt1tL ~uiH·ase:-\ n1:iy or ihis sdiool Thi•y Jwn~ bePn 011 Klee clubs app€<1l'iiig in a :-11i\P1Hlill I ,-ic•w. lown. an.d was aw~r< ec. irs "'I"'>

actiun ha\'e alwnvs beeH inevitable I Ill~ road .-;int·e tile 111111'1 or Uc>cPm if•!' nrnsic~ll ]ll"()gram. The lalJe:-> :rlec J1 r ·~. s n ~l;~ge .1l lndh~no,la dP11'1d Ut\'(;'1'11. lie lPil in Lhe 1..·;H. tlrns a\oirlin~ illl'

1.1 1

..... rloiibtfiil ·1.1. any sane man ,-i~iUng in tlrn1 .tintP the 10w_n:;; '.:u1a dulJ wafi re-orgn n ir.c>ci. 1<1~1 fall ai-; tie tenc mg ~ llll\hO l e ~ 1 . ·

,., \\ I . r Ke l'P t'"llati\'es from :;t:l\ en otlh'I' Collllt.'l'Tion~ will be l~Hlllf' \dill d iUl'Oll\'("llil'·nre.

f r faced the irnfamy which such l·iLiP:; qf ('aliforl1ld. nn~~on, a~ ll!HZ- Trehle Clef duh and the organi:r.a tU-l i 11 1~ . . · I · ti << n irain lcaYilli; L!nw~pur at ;,~ 11 11. m ~olllP !'orlll of ll~l\I ~\wulU. lw 111· 11

d ll c·1 iles.·e1·ves without snme hope ion, idaho aud )lontaua. has tnken a n~w lease of life. Thi:; Iowa l'O e~E"R "ert• t•11 1€>rt'( in II .... i . I . I .' , .. ,1·1•-tl-e \1·1·11 ti<•.

Tht purpose of 1h(_• tr ip i~ lrl \H .. eJl will hP the- first appearanc·e or tlw t tPst. :'\Iillcr's oration was cntltlect <llltl arri\'illJ! nt \\'hiteh:1 I al h 1 ·' ,·ided 11' l'\·Pr)u!lt'. ;-1,.

tllP ed\i(·atinn of nw i·olorecl ra<.:t: llP- .,.IPP rluh~ bPfore as~Pmbl~· tbifi yeor ··The P:irnmount ls~up." HY win11i11,e; l•~x.c·l•llP11\. meals ma~ bt> ohtainl."il or bt"tt('r, an Aiel'll'h' senn:l11ig11t

Monroe Doctrine · · -, 11 l t I ti · Ii"' 01· tl nt 1·1·1111 •·, ''' -,111· U·,111.'<"l'> a1' 1' \ J I 1· •1"1·,·0111' 1·11t»11t11'11" t11

.oe Par],· ".·ii"aklnu on the Monroe 1ure the 1wople, 1r1 ;Hr111se interest 111 and nn exf'ellent prol-"!';'l'Ulll Js expPdPd t 1is con e8 te EHll' ll S lP pn,· .. ·1!,t> lt>I'(' { _,.) · · · l n ~11'< er r w t ·"<" • · .. ...,

.~ ..- "" illio> school at Tusl<.•~~.,..l~ anll rnisP Ot' thl' men's Giel" club lit\1<' }la?. re1n·eHentin~· Iowa in ". tonte~ I tu lw• frequen11~ i:i progress. al :i ti~1t11n a) go nm~· be !isled for thr retll!l'f:'tl

c\iil that the South Ameri- mo11PV for the school. lieen heard extern th~H they hc1\'f" bPen held in some eaRrern <'11~ Heprris{~n- e\ i..·ning 'n \\"hitl'lwll. a11d !h ·"' whu rates. it will lw II 'l'f':-1:-.lH) thnl tlwy

i rtl1rnhliPs owe not only tlIPir birth P!'l;let>l"Ol' Brown who acC'ompa.nies 1 I 1·ati\·es frmu eight other stntc-s will so lh'.'sirc l'Ollhl .. 1ri11 th(" light l'sll- pay :-;:;,10 to Proit•:,:sor HognC ant latt•r praC'ti<'illg hard t-tncl IHt.Ye lleYP ope<

f th r>ir existance to this dodrine.


11p tioys gi\·es a talk upon the school S(Jnlf' good voiceR. tAke pnrt in this c-ontE'!-ll tasti<·" through the- enrniug ours than fifrt>t:n 111inu1e~ pl'inr to th~" fh·'·

~ th f' Sou~b American cm~ntri.l's .~re .rncl al!5n readings from tbe famous ' l' ht' l'l•turn 1raiu lNl\' s \\'hit0hull varrnre of thtt train rn :1\·nid 1111H'l1

r S<' oVt•l'iO)'()d < t ou1 JllOtectoiate ••iegi·o p()("L Paul Law1·ence Dunbar. ThP p ro~l'am con~i:::t~ 01 jen OI' <l .AnnnuiwPllll~Hl is mn.i.lt' thHL ('nlt1nl· <lt 12·2':' arriYing in fi)zeman nt :! lfi. rush and l'Oll(n~iun ~11 !lie last 111111

r thPm , and many or them are more ThP short proJ2;ram given to tbe stu- clo;i;Pn nnmhern. tlw c~nn<·Prt number~ !Jia. lollnwing the examJJll." or Sprin~- A parly 1·ate to \\'hiieltnll antl rl"· ute. Profl'ssor Hogue enrneslly 1·1··

-:ympatl1 y \Vith 1.he ·Latin countries d('llt!:' on :'\londay conRisted of five alternnting with Holos hy i:idlvidual field Training cnllev;e. is to offel' l'l'I'· tuni of .,:\.lf\ ha~ he,'11 s(H·nred. as ;d"o quest::. that this !H\Ymeut bP 111:Hk

l . I I b mf>mhPrs o f ~ilhPI' <'illh. rnaklll?. a ta1".1 C<Jt1rn.·es iu nt11letit:s g-i\-in~ credit . ~·Europe . The:r helieve ~ur lO.ctrm~ ,,1a111a1i<>n melo1lies which tie. oys. a 511ec!al l·<ll'. An~· f'S1J~dal1y 11L1~1r prior to the tlay nl the trip

. be ·'Antc·ril'a fo1· the Umlerl Stale8 sin~ e\.c·Lm:11\·ely; a. read111g by P1ofes varir'rl nrnl we ll h~lian<·ed program I to\\'ard n clegrec ror suC'h worJ.;.. 'l'he o11R or returni11g· in the Hltc"l'H1>1.1·1 'rickets tor a(lmi~~lon tn tbt>i ('11,·t·

{ lll P protPc·t ion agah1st rort'lgn pow ~o1· nruwn and a short outline or the - --- I work iR to he in lootlrnll. tl:uni!->. lJasP· mtl\ rtn so, bni will nlH then 1i~' t•n- m~y also be olJtHined iu ;.1clvnn<."e,

. t d I d t' that institute :\fr. a1Hl Mrs. Arthur 811anrnn~ un-_1 1,,·1\1. :"Wimn11w·-. and other ~·Jlol'ts and . 1 <!1011111 ll \I l' > do.<>s :10t Insure them a~ams an·1ni~tor." and met10 so . tl .-.. ,.... titled to the spedal rnt~·s. ~1rn ,,. . either from Frofl~~sor ogul! .. t'. lllY

s C'loser io borne. wlii ·h bas enabled f.O many color eel the parents of a l'i;1P Loy born nt ie '\'ii\ b+' rnught h~' the l'l'~ular \'arsitr nut apply for sanw on thf' party Jonei:;. or I\lr. Dan ~obll'. · T 1 s tl to become self l1e:.i(•one~R husJJit:'ll 1 ~ 1 l"rillay morn- 1 '·o·,1ches I II 1 · I h I I to 11<o:

.. et us tal.;;e their Yi~w po1nl. o· 1 tJet•[liP or 1 rn ou t l .. nd whic·it ing. ;,\Ji·~. Se~rnia:i:-; was ft)i·merly :\fiss " tiC'kC't. The regular fnrt> and return Al <·o ege . ug 1 Sl' oo. ctrn w ,

, l thfl Pnited Staies b praclically l support in g and resneC" in g a t ii. l'l1oda Daw e!!. Hot11 parents g r:1d11:i 1- I STATE ORATORICAL AND EX TEMP to Lim t>spllr is $~t\U Tilt;• atternonn people :in"' c·orJinlly indteli to part!

'7ere1gn on th~ continent, an<l they \will always stand as a monumen ° :\. lrain IL'tl'\P~ J.lmeRJllll' at 1~: tn . ar- cipate in thi~ c~cu1·sin:1. •1· \\' h. ~on ed rrom Montana Stal{' iu l~H :L TONIGHT

'din hi~t0ry eronnd5- to fear ns. Al; a·~ fon1Hlf·r Booker . · as lllo .. ·

; \


THE WEEH.LY EXPONENT'.'. :: ":::::::::: a::::::::::::::

:: Our W eel\ly Special


(Outerowth v! Mootb1y Expone1,t Established January 1




•• Tnni:..ht-Srnre Oratorical C'on· ::

l :--1. ' '· ru. .. 7'. tllnJ"lO\\ Y. ~\-. l' .A. Lunt:h· .. The tollowin2: ballad. hrimmlng with

o 2 p. m , Basehnll 111 •• '.! •• th1.' ~pirit of yo\lfh and ~11r111gtime.

•• \\ ' 111· 11 ,~~rlcl·'· \-~n:~ll ~~·:,~:day- ; :ind on:•rflnwing with the nrn~ic- (Ii •• twittert.ng of birds and tho babbling

lh1~ehall )J. S. C'. '"='· Utmzn· •• of brook;-a:Hl the cooing of tl1e fus·

The Weekly Ex1Jonent is strictly a student enterprise. Its cn:ef purpose •• F<~:;;,,._ \la) l" l•:le< trical :~ I ;;:~u~;;o~h~f 'o~t~P~~~i~: :,~:,ti';;'~'.:~ t:.. to presem to Its readers, each week, an accurate and complete record ot •• ;:;[Jm,· ··I of hi~ mood~ of metliration and mus­the deYelopments in college a({alrs during that period and to exert its lnflu- •• ::.-. t11rd:iy )fay i:; Tr·p to )Lor· ; ing. lr ::ilmost fails to qualify a:o: n • 11 ce 1·0 r tbe upbuilding or ~fontana State Colie!;e. The paper is the resu;t oi .... 1

-::;1111 l.. y,•. f · t d -if sweer

:·ohrntary effort put forth by the students who compose I.be stafL •• F l. Y .\la ' .T· ninr l'rom ;; ~~:·~~~.~,~~1


u ~:·ll~n~oe: mu~·h, LHow·

Sunday Evenings,

after 8: p. m. we are serving a few specials in sand\\·iches, salaC.

desserts and creams. Try them.

The Bungalow :: ::. :: :: :: :: :: :-: :: :-:. :: :: :: :: :: :: f'Yel' ·we ~ulJ111it it as: written

J"lublisbed even.• Friday of lt.e tolleg:e )"ear by a sta.iI chosen from the 1 .lark has got an auto·bili:t?. -- -- ---1 .\nd 1t 1-.: h1111t for f"\\C'

!.'!tlldents n[ fhe Montana State Co11Pge of .\.grlculture und ~fecllanic Arts, fl.ii .ll/l s unl('11·tl .m ).i)io C\nJI"' Tk huzz:0 <:: all arounl.1 thP umn


Yes -:if the Uni\·ersity of :\lontana. Bozeman, Montana.

Enten·d as second-dass ma11 mAtter at Bozeman. ~ontana, tonder the Act of Congress of :March a, 1819.

1t t l inn 11-. Pll Hl"t' lS {t'. u IU TJ1~ rni--<::PlliH'l':S <lrf' ,,~ 1 1erl.

d "l\( 'lnlltL~1\ J111<11tnw 11 of that I .\nd tlnnne-h thP r'ampu.::: too

II 11 tht -t•l\k€ \\llh lht• I 11\tld T·1 tll• r1~ntllll(' it<:: :I ho\ -..1. t'' ,1rn ·' 01 ii.n ~ I Rnf tlt nl!!ht. ~ clifierent story

--- I ·-- J His ridt.· is rT'owned with jO'.\

SUBSCRIPTION RATE: · II I 11H1t <IP For 1 fr·Hri:cl the insu 1 ~ 11 ~ .Tn:->t f'llYY :i.·on. that'~ nil 'l wo Do11ars Per Year Ten Cents F'er Copy. Till '-'lH murmured, , '\ ou might But \Yhen yon ronnil the cnrnel'!->

: I I I


' ii LAN GOHR'~


P1;1 .... t 11 l \Hli1 Pll ,1 mo.menl. I Ho" eH'r we dnn't blame you .T::lr'k

~tudents become subscribers upon payment of the regu1.1r acth•lty fee. 11 1 , H Y1 1 \' .lil ..;urr.' \,-hid1 t>\ er ynn do.. Be surP dont let HER fall.

_ I (Consider the source .Ta.C'k and t!'11l-

S.hf· \\·hat pan does mistlt>r<ll? I per ju!"tice ·with m rr·'.'· )

l 315 Tracy Avenue S I

Phone 95'


................ RUBERT STREETS. 'lS J·n iu lht 11!;111 ol ilecondion? I - I S0t'111:'rY r;u1TOR - CECIL 'YALl:\ER ·1~i tion ;11 all. lt i~ t'LI1.~rt~h <l ti:unh ric YOll ~trtrt .1,Hl finish.

............... HAROLD DICKSON. 'IS I .I.If'. lt iloi:::i uot enter into the ac· It i!':.n't where you stf!rt. but-=~:~ I c1nC'FLATlON MANAGER ...... DA\'ID '1'1107'.fA:-;: ··71t1gl•11t -Arizona \\'"ild·l'at I -- I ASSJS'l'Ai'\T BUSINESS MANAGER.... FRED WALLACE. '18 . Pennsylvan ia-_- ---------==-----============= ,111 tl1 It I· repo1·te1! 111"' oYer slx hundr~<l I Y<':-> 1 lw llo~k "~01·1n is o~ er . e "' '

Alhen .T. Borton Rayml'md Kulm~

.J. f'..ordon Sewell. . ........................ .'lb John '"· :\tiuar . u / ahnnt ihnl th~· ki$~ing lrng has also ga~erl 111 thf' European wnr '!S Greet>r J\lac).[i1Jan ·nJ /I 1·omli" 0111 uf his \\inter quaners, or

.......... 'l8 Erni?Sl Stanley ·1~ m;:i.ylu )Jp llt'.'Yf'I' ~!{le!'- inln hihern;1· Pe nn State- I

A. G. McKEE The Printer

107 WEST MAIN STRl!:ll

GENERAL R~PORTORIAL STAFF='. (·a1111111s, and 1l I~ <.dso \\h1spe1ecl gradua.1e~ of the tTnn-er~JtY :tr1,, E'n- 1

l 1 ion Clas~ ~c>r;:ip::; ha' e bee>:i abohsheU h'

1 the unnnimou~ vote of the ~tndent j ... ------------·· THE WEEKLY EXPONENT, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1916 / body. 'There was not a di$Senling bal- ============================= JW ALSH'S,::~ny:::~·ooo cast.


At the risk of being accused ot' auempting to scote twice in thi..- ~ame I ari Ide. in yiolation of all rnles. of r:n~lisb and literary style, we wish 10 dis- 1

<'11~s the i:uercollegiate C'out<.•:;t::; for the remainder of the prest3 t1l year. T11t2' I KJJirit and loyalty whic>h h~nds the utmost support. to our teAm:-; whether

they Ue athletic or IorPnsi1· is P.sS(,)U{ial. altboneb not e~rnctly the $<tme. so rbe i in~on!;istency is mot'e a11pctrE:'nt than real.

Style of the Times

T he new SPORT SHIRTS tn many

different shades and styles.

A meE'ting on preparedne!"ls wa~ a;s. wrhPcl h.\- pe~we ad\·orrires. many- of \\'horn were t-jet~te<l hy tllC" police to I pre!';f'l'\'P ol'f1er. q Oklahoma- J

C'n·Pil~ ha Ye formed a debathi.; team. 1 I and <:'hnllflnl(P rin.r 11niH•r:-;ity in tbe C"OUllll'V

Coloca~o- I

Montana State College of Agricultu11 and Mechanic Arts

J .

Prac>tical courses in Civil, E lectrical and Mecbanlcal E n g ineering, Mechanic Arts, Agriculture, DairyJ Hortl· cultu ral , Home Economics . Industrial Chemistry

Econl'"mic Biology. Musk and Art.

Beautiful grounds , commodious buildings complete wood and iron shop s . extens\ve laboratoTies, m odel kitchen and sewing rooms, music a nd art stu dio.


·111e State Extemporaneous and Oratorical co.utest whil.:b wil1 b )1f'l1! in

the 1.1s~ernl.Jly llf h.Iontana llnll tonight c:ome!' w Rozernan only l)nte b fi\'e

years and those wbo :ire 1ww in school baYe not seen one of these l'Onl€'l>H~

an(l will never see another after this one during their st.a:- at Jfnnt~na Suue. Ccr1ai:1ly when representatin;•!'. of the four largest institution:: 01 higher

learning in the state nre lo f·OJJtt'st for thP State title. the program ~htJuld

hP \\Orth while and llH• 11t?r·r~~ity of ~npportitH! the local TeHm appttrt>n1 01ir

The ones with the fancy collars.

or the ones with Scotch Ties: not

. \n appPal ha~ !teen made to tl1e 11 cirl ~tudents. nol to c!ance with male ~111dP1H:o: who use .. Rtrangle holdr-=." •

·rh1· last tmw you wro1e writP you '-----------------------------forcnsa· rcco1·d for thi~ year is exceptionable. the team haYinµ 1our ;:;rrai!!hl I t·i1·.writ?s to il:; 1·rPdit and 1101 a !lel'C'al. Onr entries are able 11wn and wilh

only these bu t many others at wrote write wrong. The tlf'Xl timP :-.·t111

1>\ ritl"' \\rile• wri1e write right

'"'on-Pa is 11 1111e that ,.,ehonl lt«lt h v11111 l1elp w"" sho11ld he nhlE> ln {OlllJ>le1e ,1 ip<cml season \\Hhout a ddi->.H. f ___ lerf:. g<'t pa1cl;.

Altl:'L co11:s1derahlP rntsto1tu11e. 111 wbic>h the \\eather and othP1 m1a,•01c1-j r'alhe1 Ce1nunl) 11 1s

nhlt· (11·cumstdDlf>S ha~ .i l.1rl!"e "ha1e the athlf."tlt couu<'il ha~ :.;1Jwduled two 'WALSH'S Snn \\'t:>ll 1h,u a1n"t 11:::.h1. \\'In Ji,1-.Phall :rnme~ Wr Jlt'Xl \\ei->k 111 splle OI !he tl.ll'eltain quaht) nl thf' hase- ~honld lilt' lt'<lthPr:. gp{ p:11d "hPll hnll \\i:>,nht)t \\e h,ne u lt•dlll 111 \\hlth lhl're a1e 1!1t'e:tl po<.:.~q\nliiil ... li \\J\l. ! 11

:-1\.lds <!n .dl the \\Or\,

hnwf"\"f"l". bt• neces::an w rPri\·(A <1 liltlt• of 011r laRt talrs rootball t>lllh11,.;i;:1,..rn ·:'\ow. Tm1rnir:· =-aid )trs. smnlt, .. I ~rntl !'.!ivc the ieam enou~h :o:;upport 10 ofiset tbfl visitors acJ\·antaglA 111 greater

prnctitl? a.nd P).:!'H?rit"nr·p

thP fi11bh. -'Will you?

Tin.· ~ea:::nn is ~hnn but fh1:.• team \\ 111 lH ~~tll\l' tu

\\<lll! yon 10 ht> gond whil<' I'm out. I n1 lw ~oorl fur ~ nic>ke ," l'PJdipi\ T1 m1u~

·Tommy ... ::;1.thl she. I Wetl\l ~·1'11 !O

W. E . DEAN.

Oeteopathlc PhysTclan

Michigan Bldg.

Bozeman, Mont.



at the



l'l'llH'lllh1.•r ihat :--011 <:tlll 11ot lip a son of

Every thing in the lin~ nf cre.'.lm and pnnt.:he.;.

! ----------1 CLASS SPIRIT

\\'ith the LHln~nt r,t· w.11111 an<l li'1l111' la' 11· J I ' .. I .·s f'YE'l"Yl \U)i!;" lf•lll ,..: I'- c lll\l 11~

1o I re, and nll ohjeet~ of' nnlnr~ on rh~ hi'! an" a~snmin~ n e:r1·c·n ·ittd Ilroc: I . . . . ,, 1Prous a111n•aranc·<·. 0JH.,. tl11111!,. howt:-rPr. 1~ nnt in kl'l'J1i11g wi1h tht• .~t.'llt>l'al I

fi)ne nf lhP springtiuir· ancl :'PP.111!<- t0 hP nnaUlP to aw;1kPn fr1n 11 11-. 11rPsf'nt

dormant c·ondilion This thin..:., l'\c)ss ~pirlt -notahly freshmt·n 1, .. "Pil it

~e<:>ms uut only unn~~11onshe tn tb1 call uf progre~s but ;1:itu~onis1 if

OnP may "'IVell aRk wh•·r~ is 1bc· dass s11iri1 thP <'la~~ ln:-.;:ilty and tllP

c·ln~~ 1·onsc·iornmess aud Pt-rsii::tPntl~· e':tdf>d or refused ro pay thPir c·las.b

1fu('s. £W'11 the notke~ ronrnining 11amei::. nf the delinqueuts. 11os1etl b:-. prnper '

a11thoritil,.)s w~re torn frotn 1lle hnl11"'tin as faE>l ns the.' ,,.Pre flllt up. \\'(•

h:iYe hen3 ;). sit11~11ion fortn:i:1tely nnpnrnllelPd in the hi~torv nf thf' enllt•£::P-

LET US rlrnt 01 a r-la~s refn:.-ing- lo JlilY dllt")'; ancl sup11nrt 1·las:; affairs Th<· sig,nifi. 1 n1n· nf tht> situation is ~1'1·~11er than may ell fir~l bt-- Pyldeiit ior lww nm

iho~e wbo are uafairhful lo t!H.~ir 1nn1 imme<li<'llP iIHPrPst!' hP lr11E' when a lanv .. r ,•nrl more 11nsPJrhd1 lo.ralr y is 1lemancled?

·It ·' 11 u • 11t n ith ~Ja-..~1.:·-.. 1h:t'i;:--

... a~··' t • ••\trr1111H.· tht...· l'ITI r 11! "'e do not wish to c·f'mrn1·p the L lass as n whole.

I l<-1 '''\!" '·''' .·arc ulh 11 .J I H:Hher ,~ 1 winihl prai:'>ti l n; tra·· 1


Course in Aeronauting.

I Hokns Do you thinh-: th~ t•tllle~c~

TlH- l'Ul\'("r:-;ity nt 'li<·l11~an !!as rnrn 0111 tht' he-st men'? 011~311ed a t (lnrs._::. ;11 ai·r111H11ni1H.:. a:id

Ila!' pun·ha:'ed tt1. ca•1oplti11c• 1·or ~l"e in j Pnku~. Sure, r wa~ 111n.t·tl mil in It, .. euurst'. Ill.\ fre:-;hrnan Yt-ar -E\

~he ,lnyal fl'."w who. ~~1 _11w ft~c-~ nf rlw indi(f.,;ore:-we ha\'e 11 11 11 1~1<1 tlunhly ibi.'ll' J ?i.ha1e 111 da~s annl11<>s. '\eitlwr are we knuekine. anyont-'. hut mt>n~I' at l ~ tenipt.ing· lo :".bow whithN 11!1 pr"'st->nt t·ou1·~p i~ IPadiug !hP lar)!f'~I i·ll1~" in H A p "" £. c th• ht story 0( ~!outa11a ~"""· 'I . . ease l\ o.

I Jewelers ar.d Optometrist&. I The Hallmack Store,



)Ir 8atl'h sirk''


Do you e,·er get home-

uni~ 'I\ hen I'm herP.

_\thl(•li<'s h;n E:' beeu

abandoned dl all Eug-lrnh 11rnr11c;.1lly

I Ol!t:'l!l"~

West Point's Best Man. Olq1lwnt. 1amou::; in footlnill hh:;.1un.

is the firHt uHH1 in the hit'1nr.1· or \\ e=--1 Pni111 10 win Lhe c-o,·eied "..\ ·· iu all ro11J" of t11P rnajnr ~porlH

Proud F'ather- ... so you'\"1• SOI. Ill high SI' hoot·~··

Fro:;:h- ""\13 ~. we sl ep in tlH• sanH• English cla~s·

\VHV We have scld over twelve·hundred dollars worth of

Y&E wood and steel filing equipment within the last

l:l tweh•e days . eoause they have the quality


' 1rmElm~·~~· ~~Hih'DY not make yo':~~":~: M,,.: I:; ality a mixture o' com-11 " mo d

~ n sense an pleasant feelin's.

PHILLIPS BOOK STORE ! Yo:i supp!ythe common sense ~ - ____ _..::[ , ~no VE LVET'll bring the JI.

pleasant feelin's.".~f"" LJ

P~TRONllt OUR ~D~fRTISEAS rsc: ~--::=--r ?Ot::::::::1~-, dJ

Judevine & Sons,


.. ...2

II Trail Creek I I

Coal! Bear ..

!Wood . ~::· - ... :•· ' •;'~.!c.' ·.·. .-... •


I I Frank Kyle

!'-hone 326 .


: Tackle NEW GOODS.-





ROECHER'S Dru g Store


' l

College Boys ~

The . \r-:a<le Barber ShoJ l is the place l (!et l1ctir c

1 .::ha ,-e.::. C'tc. Li -..ys.




·1111hcr· l •"'al and lenH

Copeland Lumber Co.,

Or. W. C. Daw es,


Martin Block

Bozeman . Mont c


I Ors. t:: avidso n & Cock,

' DENTISTS. l t Corum ercla l Xat'l P.ank 111: 1\d

" ·' ------------- -l ;;;:;I ~~~~~:;.:c

I Dk. W . E . MOXLEY,


11 Office-Golden R ule Block. \t ! Phone- Oflke 97 W . I R~stdence. 601 W.

' I


~-=:---:---:------:======--~--=~ ·-~- ~==================--===c----:=:==:-~-


I We'll Figure With You II

I on that graduation suit. We believe we can save you ome


ii money. Let us show you our line of blues at $25 .00 the su it.

The \la)' llay 1111.-houn 1•r<>111i,.•s "' 11 HANK '& ED e

\\" ~ l•a\'i<l~on ,, " leli~httnl hos-,h1 q11itP a dl·llt!htfn\ af1air 11111 110 '-----------------------------------

,,. ll) tllf' till JI' girl~ illl1l tl1e (\Ill sl11n1l1l llli~s ii II 1l1e) (Rll JlflKSi ! =~~~~~--------~~~~~~~~~-~------------~~--~--~---~ hlv atlelHl.



1 :1

n,', '~;,"~;n:•!J, l•~ir,.:~:~113

''.,:';,'."~','.l,'.~l' \Ii'" Jloroth; Zi<'lianh "'"' ddi"l1t SOPHS TIE GALLATIN IN I I l III! Iii- (II r \l ('Ol. s~ I )ll('hPOll f 11 . I lJ t1 0 t YOUR LAST CHANCE t

at 1 do<·k. 1'111 11 1!• rn1il .. n ''11 i·h ~:r1~. :.';:~!lr~~~\1

P IH:r a1


~~ CLOSE TRACK MEET I ONLY A FEW LEFT l - ::." c:~,;~·;;,1,:;:I a;;~: ~;::,~:·;,l, •



i~~1r ~~~e "~~~1~');0~ 1 t~: :~~:.,. 1;::~~,.r';~';~ I LAST WEDNESDAY I College Tablets Envelops to ~1att:'1 1 11 .tU ., Ill ll t !1 \\ l ill !ht-> COYflfS were laid fOI' 12. r

11 , , "om ... r1 ,,1,, h•111 ,,,<1 1n I Geo. H. Willson Co. t tt1 rn rn ts• d ti ir ~Ionday CYenin~ tht• pr<>11arntnr'{'" So phomores Upset Freshman Dope and

I l l I "Quality Stationers·· r 1 c-e~ h~ ,,, .. U) ltt t sprit ~ ow1 ft•( clas~ c:nve a llHPt' c·nurse 1lln111•r :11111 Tie Gallatin Team . Sophs Take

11! 1• 1• anl:-o T 11 !?.t1 "'l"" w1•1• \I· l';.;. \!is~ \l:lnri;w K1•nmonth wn!" in I Eight F irsts. Score 63-63

1 -----------·-----------~ ' h1 "'1t1ut R dllt Hon w • k Ktn:wlla <'harge Thl' teac·her, :\lb!' .Alrla

1 1'11 11 r \le J ~1 h, :-:~, :-:.1

rnlC'Y ~'111t.h """ n ~"''."'t . . . 1

1 c It•\ Ford. 11:~ h.1 " .\ l., S.milh. . Th,· ~11pho1111 ,, (;;1\!atin rn1 t·t 11 .. 1, I I \\alkt• 11 I ).Jr~_ llt•r k .\ttr 111ndi 'ti~~ lllf'Z Hmllh Is asststmg :\l1~s \\"pdill':·Hla) <·~11nt 011 a h• at t!w t'Oll· IF YOU WANT FIRST- 11 1

1 Poll ,1 IC'\\ honrs w1...·rt" '"'Jwlll sndall~· .Jl·n~1...·n in lh<' shor1 c·01u-sP hc>i11g hehll<lnsion of thl' totl!"lt:'f'h t.:'\(•nts run


1 This is the season for flowers.

1 Hiii li"lt·ning lO \" 1·t ·nla <1IW(•rt 11 Hrciadwntrr thi"S week. Oil. Tiil' hall 111ilc relay stil1 n·· I I We have f lowers of every variety !

~ri:->~ Ethel :\fle"ah1 re-t·1na·1l 'Ion· m~lns to ll+:- dl·l'iclt>d und llh:' lar>.:t-'sl . f L1 ·llll" t ' our :-.hup '° -I 1 ~ t

day morning from a week~ vxteuslon '\fiss Lllli::in Axtell and ~liss ll nzf'l po1111 \\lllJJtJr~ \\11 lit• tlll' \ic•or .... n I fl li u' iir'"'l ... Jc .... , ,_, n 11e'I l'' •


at TPAl"Y'£ t trip Duncan entertained at n birthday lh~ ... llH'<'I _ _ _ _ " t pl 1 ycd. . •

motion pic tu re of a Varsity I \li~s Stt=>Jla '.\lltno:· 1c:ft ~arnrclay I ~,~enlng in hnnnr of "\ Jigs Lury Axtell. ro ti:; .. -\ltho 1h1· ~ophs \\t>n· on thr ! datl'. T .

ht J'~t

dinner party at the Duncan lwnw last l ht> :-.r•OJ'P a..;. 11 nm\ stanrl.; is "·• j • :--.trH'tl'· ~;.nitt:r\ qrJ up· J !l

Just run in and try for ~Jtrin~dnlt'. \\ht'n· !-<lit-' will tPnch The guestf.:i WPl'P ~ix friend~ of :\Ii~~ wholt• O'lit:las!'-\t'd in llw ll11•dl1•s and Ii .- . i racy suit. d'.lrin~ the summer A:\tdL ;-\ftPr dianPr the- girls sppn t shon distaJH't.'s. t_h""'y ntnll· huck strong- t NE YES BARBER SHOP I

th1• l'\'l'llll\~ 11layinc:: t•ards. in 1lw weie.h1s ~111<1 \\l'l'\' ah\( {fl til' t FRED HINMAN : Greenhouses t Each section of tht> freshman c.la~s I __ ihu s1·on• . I' Ma nager I

; has b<'<·n 1-'1,·in~ a spPdal meal i:i ("(111· · Professor and Mrs. J . A. !"haler en· llh'.'l'it• "'. <:anatin "'." a~a111 ' "" 1 I f'hrone _


11 ne<'tio11 with tlw1r l'Ooking- u>nrse the tertained the memhe~ of Lhe Electrir hC'a\·1est po1111 wrnn(•r \\ th 1!1 l"OuntR l

HOllOW~rs I )l~~t week. Fridar one section gave a rluh in l11f> houw sl'iPnre rooms la:-:t 1 'o .hb .:n•dit. .J.ul l ~~y of _thE" :'ophs arnl f PRESERVE YOUR ----------------

; two-<'uurse home n.1cal :~nd \liss~·~ I·:~: :-;arnnlny t!Yt>nl111~. lhi rty·fiH" e-uests a totnlt'r Gallat111 ,..~ar \\as lhl• :-.P«:ond J PRECIOUS VISION I tlll'r <'ooley anrl Ohn .. Kmse\l;i h.1d tht hein~ pn'"t't:>lll llPli<'IOll!-1 rf'fresh·j ht''.1\ll's, st·urt·.r \\"t1~1 ,a to1al 01_1-1


. 1 I dint1Pl' in c·harge .. \fonday fhP other ment"' wt•r1...· sf'l'\"fl tl nfte r a pleafmnt p~11111s anti Colft·y Of c. allaun ('lllTlecl ~11 t•lll' ha:" "pl·rlt'ct '1'11 n l I

Ready To Wear Clothe• I ~ec·tion gave a hre>akfa~t :-.oda; P\enin:.:; 'fr and 'tr~. Thaler o~f thl"' tnird honors "inning tr_om Ynu 111;'\: h~ able 111 'l'l'. \t I I I &---------------' '.II'-.· .latl"I Kl•ll1 _,. Juts i ttsnmt>d 11er wen\ assi~tetl h~ Prpsifl"l11 ll amilton . Ills tt•arn mate .\la rhclt>n h~I .emit' poml. 1 I h:n i.: 1...y~ ... t ram Lo a m~trkt.:d <IL- :

.\ .. l>c)an ancl ".\[rs Hid1ter '.\{iss 1rarkbs. \\i11ni11g l\\o firsts a111t a 111n g-rcc .. ( 0 11'.;t1pat1011. m ... 1nn111;. 1 t :-:tttdil.'!' at ~tontana ~Wll' aftPJ' an · Th" haH mile e::.;11l1ell in one of the drti\\ .... lllt' ...... 11 r 11l·rn1u ... 11l''"'' ma\ ': '!

I I r one '.\liss Ballill~l'l', ;:lid ".\fit>~ :\turit>I '.\loon:~. h II . . EA N HERRICK RETURNS 1ab:--1•n1·~ o!' st•n..1rn \\"t"l'\~. ·~Yery Jll'Plliest linisht>s ~een on l t.• l'O ,~gt• hara':-- \till. Yu11r F\l· .... d11 thi"

is ~lad to ~ee .Janet bark , . • • 1rat'li. 1hb ~·par Al Borton of Lit e I mi-...chic.i. J .cl 11 ... l'\:;tmi111..· thl'lll 11 FROM SPOKANE CONFERENCE '.\lissl:'I'> Ha<lil' LPh[t:'ldt: l·.d11h l•ov.:· :-:oph" no::;ed Olli \\"ylie ol Gallatin l1\" nur drucrk-.. ... llH'lhiHJ and : I

J Elizabeth -;:rher of ti.te ~en- ler a:ul Lulu l'lwstnut "nil go to Rel· after hl•in!! l<-<l by :-;en,:ioral yards al· I a;}\'j ..... c y11u if crk\ ...... t. ... arl' lll'l·d

io: 1 :~:ss ha:-. ilCTl'f•ll·d a position a:-.1t.:.rntlt> with Mi~s \cl a neer~tec·her t0·1 IHOSI tilt-> f'ntire tlbtallCP. Borton was I t:d (Ir 1l11t. ..... I I

ua l' tl(•Trll'k l't 1r1Jt·d lasr honw t~<·onomk~ tt"ad11:~r in the :\fnn· morrow anrl hP her g11Pst over thE> t'nahh:d to wi11 hy :.t Jong ~print aud I ; I ~

Hart. Schaffner &.Marx

I ~I



~pol\(-lne where she at· k d I' I ·"'-schoob tor tl!P coming yPtl.I". wee -en · s1111l·rior endurantt". • I ~- \

thl· .rn1111al 1·unt'Pl"l.'IH:P ol the hattan ll nstin~ won 1he javelin toss br a~- l ~ l t the .'.'\ortlH\P~t which are i l1" MUSIC HATH CHA RM TO SOOTH i11K ht.' ret·onl st" l lllJ h)· .\k:\lahon tnl '1 L I" E (i I I I k I h I I

~}lokan~ fn l·OUIJ(>l'tion With· 1 I THE SAVAGE BEAST ?" th+• Callalln Frosh mPet. .Ja wn hurle~ 1 I as le age I t l~ ·e!"'I a gt111c '"' oc to l'al t

lie 111~ctillJ! 01 the Inland Empire 1 EXTENSION NOTES tlw spt-0:-lr a ilisHllll'l' of H~+ fp(•t ·•

1• \..' • •

1 I I ~'!~1 l'ttme--.. Tt takes l l arri~ & \

"c>al hPrs .-\.sslH'J<Hion Ou Tue~da~ t•n.:.ning rif ler Gl· e indw~. JEWELER AND OPTIC IAN. ( O .... g-l..X)d ..... htlt'.., tu lt.:ad all

One -Of the most interestilll? te<-1· 1 Th P s11ril11s .u111 h1udle:-. wf..'rt' 011 11 I .

club practice Professor Curril'r ~n,·f' t the tune. u1t .... or lw tllt>t.-'lltlg \\J-. thr- )c>lnt 1hl" wholt• rathPr ~ l ow due to the I 111ch,..11n g1\l·U to tlH 1leans awl iirc s1· j the boys a treal in thP Hmtg<:llO\\ 1a 11 that the nh_·n wt-re torCt·rl to fn<:e .

I The a11t:n1lante this year W3!-> \lis:-: Augusta E\·an::> ms a I e ·- e ls r 811rin~ ft.·n•r i·ansed lhtt nouble. m<Hlt> in the d;:-.taii.t·~ wllen I lie handi· CUSTOMERS WIN ALL They either Imbibed too freely or j I

tUtR of ttlP \ .. -t.11ou· schooh; 1ep1P .... ent 1 11 eting a s1run.,:- Un.:1· I-' \' 1·ry ~ood 11m~ wa"' I at ""hitehall :\lay :~d and ·Hh to lay al ;nn.· mt~ in :;pirit or l'Xlll>Pra:1~ 1 ARGUMENTS I

tnV-' and nrnuy new fat·es were seen l':.1.Pl'ilH:: \\ inil is takPn in tu l'onsidt•r \

mon_ ·bo:::t' who alh3nded. ou1 tlw hoys' and d_ris· l'h~ll work.f~1~1so11lP111w 111·npPs~·tl tluu a fittin~. c·ll· ttin11. I J H H • r.I\ '

[1 n HerriC'l~ 11i1l t--XTPn~!Oll work Jeff{>l'S:Oll count). 1he l.Jt"st arnl l~lr-. max of \llt> lt.'Sll\'al would hr a sf'H "lilt' •Ol1 '"'It \\1•11 at a lo\\ mark. I .i\ clean sanitary place for I • . arr1s -at t.:o. l• l"'nivf• sitY upun Jw. \\a hac·k est dlgplay of dub 1iroclu<·t!' i·ame nom 1 iiarl+> ',l k .t id Ht .. ,.. l11111c- tht- wily l\\o I studenth to get their work .,

done You i:ret bet•er 'er\'ice I '1 1 1ua.!.. !-'hl· ,·isitt·rl n111l ad that county Inst year Th+ norm !.!.iris \\l'l'l' 1lw irst 'i<' ah\l· 11 ·1\ic.iu· tht• atm11:-plw'1 .n at the FA$I-fIO~

1-"~ • 1l thP hi~h sthools i11 Anaronda, 1iuw \s 1ht· rhw\..: ~tl'lH'k tPll tl1.-· thi• :-. t+·t•I ; m·I s1·ratl'h -.... __________ .._ __ _


, (· lrnlt:t- and H'HlP \I. I.. ""il!:ion wil g.o to Kali~1ie\1 on rnir utit•s "'' ,, startlPcl \mo nc-liYilY Tlii \11tl1Y 1h1al \\ lllll't':-: 1n tilt• ~\t•uts FASHION BARBER 1

'\Io:l1lay, )lay \th, to arr;.rngii for till' !.!lits \\ i·nt ,. It w~lllhl\\ s \\'••n• rais1 d uml llu· :-11rn1twry of t'\ 1 11ts 1!10\\ SHOP t

•T .. TE ORAT~~~~~~;No EXTEMP ~~t·,~:'.~l:n~~~t. 1 o\1~~111\\~11 ::;~~Hl 1 ~l~m::~· ~:::~ 1 : 1\1.~·/i~~~~~:i.: 1'.::::::, 1"tin·t~1t~11·: 1~~l;,:: (l,111 ~I loll \ ~~l:~ tii:::,ft~~· {C

1 \\·on~l+'Y JI LETTS & MARQUIS.

1• •t·IH\ th;ll \[r Hnsh tt:adn'r or ~l~:i hall .\.n improlllJllll Jll'OJ:tTi-l.111 followt·tl '!1,;irlt'r Ill IP 11:-tf!t:>n t~l. I imh-ay ~Und-er Gal-latin Trust Ban k. The Fertilizer Quality

rullure in Flathead High school wlll ; 11 , ludili:.!. 1111111 y ot th1...· m"="' pop11!,1r {11l \\\Ill' ''' 1i1111· ~., ·oncJm·t the th-·monstration~. hallatls. Jnct 1-nilinx \\ith Coni\ :'\ii!" \r \I le l 1•1 \lort1°11 11~' ('ollH 1 ~ 1

)li~~ Katherine .Jensen will be in

Bozpman for the> m:xt two weeks afh=·r

~\ \"PO inll s ... a~on·~ work with the

home f:'<'nnomi«~ ~hort conrses. She

f111i~lw~ thP <·011ri::c· rH Rr1ia11Yit"'\\' this


LacliPs. Thl' n.·\·plf•rs deparlt•d ;tftPr lit J..;1n• l ~I t '11 ·r·-·~1

g!Yi: >?: idnP ·ahs ior tht• girl~ iu t!..e 1111 i:ird • \sh .\[;11·~dt~11 {t~I. 1.1H1

most qq·uved fashion Some onel (;:-,), Ol>erle (G\ tinw 11 1-·•·.

1warJ\ nlli:-.t•li ,1 not wlt1<H he tried tol Jan.·llu Ha~lini.: ISi, ()li{rJ(• !Cl.

sing. HnB-tt->-.\ llnn·Pl'·Y Uon·ee·y'" Jolly (R1(i <listan(·f· 1-l!I ft. in.

Thl· y \\'. girb wer e a lso startled Shot put Jollt·~ (S1 C. Borton 181.

into submission ,fter wbith the con- OIH·rlP 1t: 1. 1liHatHT I ft. i 1·:! 111.

<'la\'l! brokt' llJI. -- I c<-:1, l'oflt'E-' (GI. h1 1igh1 :-i It :1 1\

LO\\ lrnrdlt.•s ('otlt•1• IG I \lo111c11

Klassy Kicks


remember you are buy­

ing what is in the goods

and not merely a weight

of two thousand pounds.

W hen a smeltE:r buys gold ore he buys not merdy two thousand

, 1 i ........ Inez Sm' h i:-: assbti11~ :\Tt~::>

.T p11o.;P:1 in a short <"onrse in homl? PC'O

nomil'~ at nronch iew thi~ wf'Pk. ~h~ lt·fl Bozeman r "\a. ~ '\Tonday ~nil will return on ~n111rday '1<1! t-ith.

l11c:h JlllllJI T ll'lll "''· ,)[,11 ht lilt I SOPHOMORE OVERCOMEll<>n IC:\ !'ollP!I "" l 1111 :11 and ()l'ALlT\' FOOTln: .. \H ·,,r

ETHER OR EMOTION \I ~,l:P,'~n~;;,;','.::,•::~::: .. ::I:~· ~:;:,:.·:ll>~:I';. I <'oll••ge """ and \YonHu Coal, Wood

Lumber ;pounds but he insists on knowmg

'.low much gold is in the ore, and

you should know the a mount of etive nitrogen, which is the gold

Jf the fertilizer.

For further informAtion writ e

)R . WILLIAM S. MYERS, D;rector

25 Madi.on Avenue, New York


1 )r Hartman i~ plannin~ 10 -:;tud~ li'\'e~tork loSF.(ls and tlw ('O:;>t of meat

prrnl11ction in the YP1low~1one Yalley

this ~11mmer

RESPONSIBLE 11 <:/1·ai'1:':::~·1,.1 ~111:1 ii~wll~1r~<:;; 1><1 \\ .'liP I 11 ;1 ('orhlY (UI; 11111~ 2·1' -l i;

lhoad jll111)1 .lollt·y I~ 1 Ol1t•rl1> 11; I.

Park 1s1. cl1s1;111q· l!J 11 Ill in '1

~1a11 d i11g room was at ;t l1l" l'lllium in :!:!II varcl clash LU<'t' l~). Oht.>rl1•

\Jll<"h ilHPrest it- maniCesterl in tb e 11:oc-. \\'1.•kh's h••culqtwrters just before l~·I Pi r·kson !til; lilllC' 24 _1.;,,

hovs and e:lrl~· poultry clubs ort?an noon Wednesday 1t had lwen rum or· lli :.;1·11s- Oherlt• u: I, Jolie~· {:41 Hast

iz~il thiR sprhg on plan:-\ ~n~gestecl hY ed about that Dor. bad a patient and In!!:-- 1s 1 di~l•llll'P ! l ~I ri 1 111 .

PrnfPs:=tor SC'ho1111e. Teton C'o1mty has a~ mmal many gathered to RN' tlH'

sen·n of these dulls. ~early fl hun· e nsu ing operation. GREEN CAPS AT PU RD UE

clred ~ettings ot e~gi-; from purt'l' hre<I The pA1it .. lll was s11C'l'esKfu lly ether· Tilt> nanws ol all fres l111w n :it Pn r·

/fowls will be required to supply th e- iied with 1lw ;issi~ tant:e or assi~t{lnts dill' :wt we~uing fresllm~u cups ar1~

or<lf•rs from ~fontana bo::s :i nd girls. Gatton a nd Ric-hard~on and the opera- publislwtl in tht• Purdul· ExpunP11t un-

tio:i merrily progresRecl. Suddenly <ll~1· lh t.· head 'The l>ishmwst Holt.··

111 We are showing comple te stocks of Prof. W . M. Colllf'igh wtll gin• a ThPr""" was a lond hump from thf> rear seriNi of lectu r es at Kalh~pell under I or the clo~el)· parJ;:ea C'rowd who wel'~ Susquehanna­

th is world wide famo us glove. 1 8 ! 1 . 1 bo es \\.ht.•n the ~ophonrnre c:J; 1 ~s 11ren•nt·

2 CLASP STY LES IN BLACK O R I the :ws11ices ot' the ~:whools a t a >OY. mostly s tnnclin.g on <" rnirs ant . x . e el tlt e frei:.bmt'I' !'rom cl i nin ~ at their

WHITE-50c to $1.00 1

ai·d girls ,·oc·atlonal t•ongress. He Jett and the next m11111te an elongat e d soph·

Tuesday and will YiRi t t lw Bitter Roo t 0111ore plckf>d himsell u11 from the

va lley before rPtnrning to Bozema n . floor with the help of a cou 111t.3 of his I obllgln~ friend s. Ile hazily Inquired

ap11ointt:'cl b8:1<1\h.'l hall the 11ro11rie1or

Of tilt.' hall Sl•J1t ii hill for his 10!:<-S lO

th(" so phornol'e~ .


Reed's Bootery 1j Kenyo?~N~~}teM~?n°!~er Co. ~~~~~~~~~~~- '·~~~~~~~~~~~..,


AND SERVICE TO CORRESPOND v o1_1 cu1 ha\ t ho1h at

. THE MODEL GROCERY I )fis8 Augmaa Evan~ will gl\'e an ad.


1 as to his whcrcnbouts and how it all _ 1 I --George Bartz, P rop.--

P HR ON IW OUR ~ ~OVERTISERS I ~! p_i;~_~_'e~-~ _Ma-ln _________ P_r~-'~f_itP_~~-1~~-e~~ EMBRO I DERED STY LE S clres~ on boy~ and gids ca n:ling and h a d happened .

1 garden dubs at Det:o r Lo<lgP 011 Jt'riday Jt clc·\'elopecl th at th e hu~t thin,i?; that

~r av ;j, Atte r )';pen ding Saturday in/ tlw unforwnate young mnn re member

Embroidered in co ntrast ing color- th e. Bozeman of11c·e : he \\ill ~o to d wa s receh' ing a s trong w11iff of

Wh ite embroidery on black , or black ".\liles City and t·ooperate with (•ou nty j ether and his su t>~e>quent rP<·overy

$1.25 to $2.

embro idery on white. agent J . C. Taylor of C'ustt>. r rounty l r·ormer unpltinsa nt ex ~1e.r~e~ces nr-



1 from )fay 9 to !:{. 1 c•ouiHecl for hi8 ~11c•p11tJb1li1~ to the

anaesthetic. ProgTanH; :ire> 1rnt for the <'en1ral -- ---

'.\fountain BnnkPr~· c·on-Ye111inn at J .\ t Yale the .Ju n ior Prom 1·0111mit· 1

Rounclnp, '.\1:\y 20th Professor .. ~ S. t Lt•C' has rPCJll(':->tt•il thnt no flower~ b1 GAUNT LET GLOVES



Beautiful SWEET PEAS

\\.li1•rt 1lid \·1111 ~··1 .\0111· !-'1't 11)',·•

OWENHOUSE HAR DW ARE CO. Cooley is tn l! in• ;1 :1 ad<lrp .... s on C';q1i· 1 worn at tllP J unio r Prom. l·:x.

Kaysers gauntlet glove-wrist strap ial Farm t-:xperi~ii<·P. _ l The~ hon• t h<· llt')'. t ~Jlt'llll"'I" ,,iril· t i~ ...

style in either black oT white . STATE O RAT ('IP.ICAL AND EXTEMP 11 ~·r oun<·t·

:-01111 l• ·~

!11...• ~l'llt his bo) 111 l'0. 1 t:>~t.· TONIGHT

And now Jw '·rif~s 'Aladi;! E l've ~pent a tlio11~•ind dollars I ''Grl'at m~n di~ younl:. \\' •· lt->• I QWENHQUS

An1l K"' ·1 q1a tPr hal'I.;. roitht.>r sitk onr~C>l\t'- '-----------------------------------------CHAMBERS-FISHE'R CO


i •


State Oratorical and Extemp.

M. S. C. Assembly Hall


State University We!ileyan University

Admission Free Tonight



Per cse

Per dozen

Per bottle

8 p. m.






·rHOS. H . REA - CO I I

l i"'h1mc .___ I


TO ALL THE STUDENTS OF THEM. S C. -----, .. • )Ulr l.. 1.. nu l 1unt .... 111 ~- Illt -t: \ >l1 1..~111

sa\ e 11 per re • 1 \\ ik-m:..: i('l\\'Jl t) '"he 1 i-rnd , un c ~ !.;efore th1..· roth 'i e- ·Ii m1°•1 na~· nt:: .;;,ame \\ 1.. ,-v 111 •. ~i..·nt .... )r :-;cl•-1 )f It --ttlt::''.'- With OU d1 ... ct r: U'-t l~1..·..:.n Tl..; k 11--...."1 )ttp·-... '1 ...:~ -all 1r ,fi;C'e 111d m,1k1..• ar·ar~c111..._•11''

\\' e can pkase \'OU.

6allatin Laundry Company




I I I I •



Atid doll.irs make ricbes,-lt'a &U ! In a systeruari1' eanag ot a certain

I I I Fransham Coal Co. j I THE THREE BEST COALS. I

j Get a Couuty Scale Tlctet with I sum weekly. I

52 weeks or :s:hmg at our l;ank

will i.?.i•·~ you :\ better ritaUdlng than r-2 week 1r :;p~nd1ng. J

T"l it ;:1ntl see. •

Gall 1tin Trust& Sav.ngs Ba nk.

every order. I I

I PHONE 25l>,

Phone 253 l I

l Cereta na Means Q u ality ! IN FLOlJR AND ROLLED OATS- TRY THEM TO D AY.

I Tht Bozem a n .V\illing C o1,,pany I

11 do the beSt Heatirg ar.d Plumb·

Ing jobs In ':Own. If ynu \•,ant the best, sea

l D . H. BUD D CO.

rentral Avenue. Ph0~• 3011 J

I !E. W. Thompson l BAP8ER SHO P




! ' 1 c •I "1 m·11 t , 11 " I I Hl ur ng· ... pi i_t~~.- tilt . .' .... 1i1 w ... ,

' \\ii 11 L'l'.<. "lt 11 the •pen. : •

1:..; \acation. I

I \1 .. , ,,,, i:11, ",11, .. 1""1 I 1

' I ' 11 1•1•h ' •ur ll'<'' , \\ •1'1 I ! t nd~·r :'\a'lon~t1 Hauk rir Oallatln 1 .._tli.r 1 te• ... J~• 1 t· ... :t ... \\t.: tfL' ~·' • l Va l : " " ;, "' "" ~rn1 I< 1 I

Co:'ege Students ,;i 3:-_c .• • 1 :


1 Black Hills Specials and l I::::::=:=::::::=:::::::::=:::; I Russell M0ccasins -· l I ! Go0d outdocr shoes


I Commercia : ! ~ I 25 to 89 50 j

CAP~~t~~u~:l Ba!~!oJ ! I I Sl'RPI •·s an·t PROl"!TS $250.onn I

J i BA .. ," Casliicr. 1 Th w·11 c l aozn1 \ . ~!0:-ITA :-IA I ! e I son o. I __________ ,, --------------'


.. .. •• • • .. l 'J'Oll bt·•·1ir askt~•l h'.\ nne llf 11 i:-: : : : : :: :: :: :: :: : : : : :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: : : :: :: :: :: :: :: : : :: :: :: •••••••• ; ; \\'h k I ' •. I •• .ioN""A"A sTATE coLLEGE TRAC'< ,,EET RECORDS :: ';:.,: j~-·~:~,.~ ' 011 ma~ ; "', .i.::·,~.i..·; ' I Do •• •• II \ I D.1 '11 tP lllP"lt th 1::- lh You Shave! :: I d ;:i11e:-o \llll i!H I 1 ~ - :: ~ ill ... \l .. i.. ~ t. ~ ,._\.: ....... u ] \ r...·i .... l rte if-. pri,,1 l111 •• ")l~fn:-.J• n It hit ~01 t\\ I

f\;, 1 r ook •)] • ft ' •• r


11 1 't 1 .. 1 f1 1n1 editJ:... •n la ~I l\lll-.. ... nl 1 , o\ ,. \\

•• 'l;h I'• ,... 11,,.rl:. l, ( }L-..

... ' r ~'1 ~ I tr: m 1 ,, :! i, •• rt .i' t t ... It• t J, . .... l r ..., t\\ ll\.l"fll(·~ \J X he•1C'k JlPt " t ... ~c ~ I> r1lll' Ill f

_t\\ s fL•ll~ 1''1 , <\ t\~ ln 1 cl, 1 , ~uo:i:::: I '.°'• Ll\ r~·~ 1 r:-. '\ V)"'

_ 1

~··· _ ... , •• ro111111 .. 1~ tD an t•t•I" I 1 41 "t..' 1 1 ,l\ r 111. l ti..: H \8 t} da~h .f ·lwrt IUl'P 1:11-

\ lt~J

·• ~)WI [l 11

•• Po1C' vfl.1 111

t. 1 ,h , hrnok. ql

I .1-nd :'ft' I 1 I

J nws .\nnin. 1.1\ 1

.\J1ft>11 \\"t. hsl1"'I

I~nt: ~ l'onl I ' 11 h•lltl J!,1sting-~

l '1 I ~

: : T 1, 1k: lli t1 .., t ··: 1lt• eh J •• •! , I <n ' 01!»' 1


SPECIAL THIS WEEK •• n 1 a 1lafrodll ti ti\ wht>n tdi ( liul·

:: !,i!ll";I ~ r~d :P:I l~~llll°l' t'\:llli•· )1~ r

p I ·•,..

lL• I'

:: 440 ya.rd dash •• . I· n·hn


•• '\"ol Stal<' rcc-ord. •• Ttll-' aho't' art' the ;:\ailablt> rt>C(lnl:-: nl :\lo111nna ~11tt: It anv 1

•• rt=>ctiL1ll:-o nr ad1litil1n~ n~n he m:1clt• th1:>y will lw prilltl.'d t OITl'ctl~ ~1:-0 •• :-;0011 a::; ltlrllt'd in and proo1 ~hown of tht>ir ;1utllt'ntit·11~ It Js tl;;

1 •• purpost> of the ·:--.1·· cl11h t11 prondt> a <'Ast> :Hit! 1·o~l all n•1.: rd

•• thP drill h:dl wht1re new nnp~ <'a:l lw n1ldPd 11~ .;onn a,.; lh!:'y :in-

•• pstahli~hecl M. s. C'. now holUio: 1hrtle state re<·onl:::. as i-:llown

:-::_ l

:: l'::'l'll'rlL )haf't':' f }{;1

Pid ~ 011 t'' l'I" ht."'a u l hrnstlt> w 1t·n .1 s

1 •• 1111:-: tlart•d iuto hli.Ht>:-:'' ------

:: Tht k,l!:tli :l~ <\ WPrhll' Iha! '' 111 I •• hi .lli!t· fill I snhhll':;

•• i.ikt> lhl"' :..:a:-.1r.n11011'i.• .~1 1111·<1 ''ho. b 'I •• g:11\pi1u:. :h he ~ob!Jh·~.

ROSE DRUG CO. •• nu1 iht' llH'<lll\11~ 01 1ts llCTllll, ii\\~ 11

; ; :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::.:: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :. :: :: :: 1ht p~yd1it·s "lw11 llw~ ..;.izz T.h.e lla\f-' y{111 e,·er looked at wizards ·1

jt,~ Stort. · sho\\ ut:... hzanb ho\\ to wiz? ·---------



~-----------------------------1 r

f'ur 1!11• tl111"1 1i111e t'y' (:all\oll 11' "'" "''" on' 11.-11•'· '" . ! -1----~~~~~~----HOW ARD'S-------.......!I h• e 1 din!-'Pll 1:-; ll'Udt • 01 Olli' of '[on !l h:H s11r:1i11 11 hb 1nkl1.• whilt' p .• 1y


111a :=.:iatt· ~ tt·a n. h.-. wn.; rra•k t«l!)- 111:. ball \.i~l Tupsrln'.\· nid1 ~ 1 taiu h1sl '.\°('tr w'll lw i'oothall n1prnin h11pPd that ht.:' "iJ, lw ·1hiL' !( lwlp "'i'k : OPXI .;l'li"'llil llhl \\' ~ t•h.:'""(Pd t·:lntai I I

lli' our ha~1·hnl\ le: 111 f11r 1~111; HPrl <;nnzaca 111''.\l WPPk :

Cla :son was a cl11::.L~ st'C'l)Jtd. th(• Ynt I

ht•iu1! 1: to -.. 'lay thP Jlf'P which ,;;; w 1;;:. thals l 1» w1 ,. tht· :--1·11r 1 :

l'hur·11·tel'Lll1 s all oi' '"l'y's"' uucleitnl. of thC' Soph-Gnl1:tri11 tr;H•k l\lt't'' "11dt> J 11 ::. ... 1,r 1·om'111111katt"d to his •·nm thn Ias1 ,,.t.~fhh-:os 1 1ay 11igJ11. Tlw 1Lu wa::; :

1 may <'onh' 11111 ,·1c-1orin11~


For $1 00

The Hub 1oo wiudy for :1ny r1•c0r<l hn•akH":<' ti

11nwP\ '"" :\farsdcn of G:\llatii1 w11n 1h1

c:onl.a!;:!ll 11lays herf' lll".\l \\"t><hw:--d:l\ ::;n yd dash '11 :-; :!.-, sP(" wl11d1 l'Hllah> : W alk-Over Shoe s Ed. and Lou Howard, Proprietors

Stetson Hats

111<1 Thnr~ria)·. :\lay LOth a111l lllh anrl lhf' 81ate T:ners<·holastk ret·ord. and J

~hP's ~oin~ to gpt rimps('Cl Tlw ("l11 Tla~i in gs oi' 1hP ,.;nphrnnon:: das:• lint"

k:.:.•.' -.:q11:1d is c11! re-ud~ out of tilt' lht> JaH•lin lVt (l •i in. with his qn•f' I hn~lws nnd wt1h anothC'r \\ l'ek':-< 11ra1

tic" 1h1;>y could c·hallen~l' ht· \\"hit

~nx :1111\ e-e1 uway \\ th I

f'iothl.':-. Oll. This is only thr1•1' f1.•et I :111h·r 111,. St ll•' m.irk tor 1hat ,,,·1:·nt t

and wirl1 1rainin:.:. and .1 lra1·1 .. s it


, John ond1I 10 iln s~)lllf'l


inc: wllh 1!11•

L;1.;1 ~n111rd:1y attl~rnnon th~ <"olleg:t• wanil 1 t 11a~·p(! lwr first c;nnw and won It. TIH' 1 lagt·Ji 1.11111 l.indst>y rail a t·lnsP nt' J

day w;is hitter l'Old and m11d1 01 th 1 11 rlw qunrtt•r lla~t'll wi:rnitH~ In .\ g-all\t' \\":ls plHYL'tl ill a ~llOW <\11cl ~IPl'I

~wnu. not\\1U1st;111rlin~ thi!-> ii w 1~

remark11bly la~t PXhilJitinn and error:­Wt' ·t· lt'W :u11l far httwt>en The All· :"tnrs werr tru~ to thl•ir nan· •• ~ h111 iac·k of JllOctkP !!i.\\"1,.'> tht• r·ollt"f!;1' t WP

JHJ-.P Thi• linbh w:1:-- 111adt> in th1_- a 't ,

of a :::.tro11g wiml aud w 1~ t\',l\1·lt"'d

unc\Pr thPsl con1lition:-; in n•m,irl ,,Iii~ t ~"'' tillll'. -,, ~1·<·01111:- !1at wo11 iL

Tht• ll1111d ·cf! yard 11ash wa... 1 I t 01lwr 1hril\1'' \Jnrsdl·ll I 1JH•r\1 1Hl I no(' LllC'P ti1li~l11~d '\lmo~l tmret 11'" I, li1 h 1ll ·c·rim nitt -.: 1. t.. tll 1111 :

j11tl~e:-. .iwarrlPcl tlw 'ic.h ~c·honl 1 I





D. D. SMITH 011 \\ ('d1wsila\' a lt..,l"Jwo1 1!J

grar :H:~rP2"ation \\f'nt 1lnwn 1) rs! 1 i: u Poi l.11c·1 .1 nilu fl 1.: I l 1. :\ '.?:!11 t• s~ !,1shlt1l~ hh:. t. W 1:.!,31tl...;t


.;tif( wind whkl1 111acte t 1lfl \\" nd w:ts ~I -l- 'I h••\11 won 1h r------------------------------I 'llflll 11

he l lill

111tlhm.. or flips a tri le

rllf' Ila~ Bf'rn 11 ad1· rht.•i on v

:-.1·01" in 1111• ~P('1•nd rwri1Hl whPn a t\\n

li:1g-g-er h'· , l')i· r 11rr11dn b !(1· 1•

who was roosting on seeorn1

<·olJP; • .x madl"' I wo 1111s iii the fir~t tn·

hig:l 11 np at I) fl :1 •1wl p-. \\ i1 11i ... 1 st t,;I f doth£>:-:: OD.

:'\rxr ~ tnrda~ 11l"tt;>rll 11111 "ill d· J

idr- \\"ho·s \Yh• ' in \lllt.or-das .. t d-:.

Thi sopnomon·-- autl freshnlt"tl will

The Gallatin Lun,ber Co.

CREE t<. COALS.- Your n.•d(> v ill he a 1>11rcl·::t1Pl.1 ()I ·0:-01• •• l'our 1 !011sP T" 01

ning. two in the founh a111l f111 n 11n' J111ld .111 indh i1hwl rnt~P' .i~ nri~Lt· I

the seYenth Surt-nsen. \\"11od:' inti n b intc•1Hl1·11. hu1 '"'t·11ar:'1t• s<·Prt''"' w· I ~;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;:::::::::::::::;;~;-;================= Romney were thf' b tterie~ fnr tht· \ '

1 b• kPpt The i1111.·r·1·lass ch:unphiu:-; arnl

~tars Jlrumm~ntl ShPr1·y lira,\·~. 1

thP fro~h-~opl1 l'liampinn~hi' will ht and <~anon fm \I !:'. C dt'f P"mint>il a1 rlw s11mt.1 tinw sn it~ - - I u 1 1 0 PYerytmtl~ 1n ;!f't nut , nil rpot

T'111k" raylor tn;l~ ht} Sl"l'll I l!J for their lf':tm::

ORATORICAL CONTEST I C'ontiHllt•d froJll Pa~~ One.)

Republic or Empire H"'·1111:tHl C·111110H. ~111:·: 'iinc. 11 nr t 11e

MAY D AY. I Tht~ a11nual :\lay l>a~ l.1111dwon 01

tlu· Y \\ I..' .\ " II ht"' ho•lil (011101 r<rn I in tlw l~.1sP111Plll of 1ht· PrP"'li' 1P11,111


ch II' ·h

Tlh 'tltlllllitlil' <h.tl!!:l.' "hl\('l l ~ lljN t ··HC'pHhlk n'" I· mpirl ·· s 1 tl IP; IO hYUlg~ lll• lilt:'!\ I 1!<.1\1" tht hnr th·• t me h:id ar ·tn d wrPn "e 1 :n lPs t"at those in ~ har;.:t a .... 1 ~uill"itll

11 .. 1 r f'•·11l1 wtwtJu·-r 1hi:-: nHlon :-hriuld t 1 i' ht.• 111a t \ \11,.,~ .\!lti 11 ,1 ll tlw f 1'111'!• h1 1'1 111 hlit· !Ir ll· It I\\ ·k ntl :\I) l ll1 1-\ h11 \\ I I

11ir1 Tht• 11111011 whid1 hail it"' 1H'- 11:11':..t 11f '"he • 1d1Pu w 1 le t'1t~ 11 1 gi ming in 11 r \'1 lt a~.1i·1~t ty n,· ~ 1lb un \\ii ,,~ i11 1· '\I',!! lll \fb:-o

for ••ij!hll·L'll y ;i,r~ n;\t lllr> Ph1h•1- ot11::ct· Lan!:hor E;-il h la s ",l\ 1a,

pin1 l~latul:-o ' hlr" pn• iclt> o\1·r II) It• 1.iiif' 1

ThP con:.;titlllinr of 1lw· l"n;1, 11 01 t 1e lus ... and it •:-: lip "bh tha

8tn1<'" ~a~f': hat all lllC'u i·~ 'T'~lltl ia h l' 1 l~~ \\JJI C'llllt·:.iYor 10 1•1t ... hi1u·

t->i111al: that mt·n JU Ye <' t 1ln in· li1'mthl1 "'i~ln-... that n g;overnment

:-;hall hL• 1~stablisht:'d to ..;+><•11 ·t~ t lP~r

rig-his, ~1111! that thP JlO\\t>r of th1• tr11\··

l·rnmL'Ilt ari...;p~ from tlw <·nns1~n ()I ht• ]•PO}lh•

\\'p 1ow ha'"" :i 1·oln11i<.1I ~cwcr111111 nt

hl• l'hilippi111•:-. The snprNn~

J10w1·r r1>sts Ill a <·ommis~ion s1'11t h~

our !.!11' Pl"llllll·nt. that i~ it re~t~ on forl'f' l..'au w1~ prearh (11\1 1hinl!' nd

praetice anutlwr \1i~t.• han' 011tllnf'd a \ag1w 110\i1·y and whilhPr i~ it }p cJ. Ing 11~.

It i!'- (•lai11w1l that tht: l'lHlipph1t.•~ an•

hi· ki·y 111 he Orit.·lll. autl an" n1>r·c·~­

:-.ar~· fur t·ommPrC'ial ;1N•ds anri nova!

111111~ and coalln!-:" ~tations. Onr 1111si· li< II ill tht.• l'adl"k bu i1uint n1 "t"•'.\k

llP"':-< ll \\ l' do not wan 1 1 :.i1• Fili

11t110 ... as c tiz,•11s. thrt'f' 1~ 11nly nnP

tl11 1 ou1· 1 antl thnt is to t:in·· t11C'm

lht>ir iiul1·1•Pllrh-1we 11111 11r0\1· f1itl': 11

11 'nr 'rtl'·.:t

Tilt· ... ll"t~ na\t• 1ir11mi~t•1l to g\\t• you • !'- ~P1Hl ;1

·1•d a~ .\oil l'\€' a,1• ~!I" .o 1 •111.-.. Thi· 1

•l u·1 us will ~o to ~1·, d ' IP r1•111·l'~l'll

•Lll \t> nl 1h · Y ,,. lo lit• 1·1111 t•f"•·nc· 1•

11 ~t'id11•1·k in .ltl!H'


Li•slit' P1•1 tb•rt>" wi10 ~1'•1d11ati•li I fr11111 :'\[011t;1na ~l. ti• last spnn;: has I l'l'l"l'UI ly hl1 t.•:1 t l'il llsft'ITl'(} fl 0111 .\) a1il

suu, \\"isco11s111, lO Lo11is1ann. \' 1•t1i-1 I t::n·\\ ~raduated from lht- .-ivil t>Ht!.i· I llt'L'l'lll.t.:. <·n11rs1~ and has hPl'll ill rh1·

~o\t·111llh'lll Pmpln\ .tt \l,ltihOll ... 1n<1' I I.1st lunp lh~ \\,ts dotn~ lll\1,.•~lJ~,1 I I 11011 \\111k 11\ llll' lnll'st Si'l\Ht' l'tt I

11..:11 '' 1<: 10 haH• 1 h.11 ~t ol ~tn , 1.1 \l•Sll~Wtio11 (jf thp ftlrf'Sts ~11 11111\istnnu

w lll'ft' milk tht>ir \al1w 11 tl11- 111111111

fal"lllH' or high t.•'.\pl11~iY1•s l'h1s \\"j,.J",.; I ij.:, along-. ll11• ~il!IH' li111's as tliat wuwh I ill' •·.1rrtt•ll 011 a :'\latli-..1111 '' 11 .. n h• ''·ork1·d i11 1h1• lnrH;t i•r idud~ lal 111 r I lf1)

I•' inr


111 ~ <II· .\llilgi ·•1 "1111tlt· ''hy l.ui·il•, k1•1:·p.

'· ·o·+•tl 1 r"t111J\·f11~

:1 ti.., t'1•r hulcli111!; ' ;HJ)lJ

l:•·r 111-, 1111n .. t·cl llJl tha1 \\a~

··'F'' f' .\lan.:.an·t ··oti. sht· lu·lit·' , ...... in Jiri• •i.I ·1ll:t•ss.'

Roll "Bull" D urham into a cigarette and )UU h,n·e a smoke wi th a ll the ,·im, v igor and dash of l ncle Sam's fighting men, That's "' ·hv th<> Am<>J~C'an r\rm' is a n army of '' Bull'' D urham sm~ket~ . "Bull" Durh'l.r;1 puts snap i.n to thei r action and ''punch" into their systems. Fo r a viri le, lively, manly sm oke, "roll your own" with " Bull" Durham.



"Bul l" D urham is \1>.- rniide· t o f ,:: t bac~os. unique aroma and ~- .:,~tmct•\ r · mellow-~weet fLn or that rio od tubacco can gi' e you.

Made of th e famous "bng; Virgi n ia-NorthCarolina leaf, "Bt> Du rham h as been the gr~at A m r ican smoke fo r th ree generatio•

Y ou " ro ll y o ur o ·w n "' ·wlLh "Bull " Durham and enjoy a reul smoke.

FREE A, Ill"."'""~ Book.I«, 11ho"'·tnlo{ corrrcl "'llY to ··Roll) ourOwn''C•K•·

::':/tb~~l~t: ~~~.~:j~ J,~~i~:rac~~e :J:;,e;;~ m U.S. on r .-rr ·~t AddrcH "'lluir· Durham. Durham f\ C.




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