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Proposed community program cuts

Monica Shurtz <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 9:25 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>



I have been a resident for nearly ten years and I'm writing you all today to express my concernsregarding the proposed community plans to drastically reduce or eliminate programs my familyutilizes regularly.  

Eliminating the library services as proposed will be a major disappointment, as these are programsthat are near and dear to our hearts.  We have utilized the children and family services on a regularbasis for years and reducing these programs at this level would be a huge blow to our communityinvolvement.  As homeschoolers we depend on these programs to be involved in our community andenhance our learning. 

Next the swim program changes are also highly disappointing. The swim classes are already sodifficult to get into and the cuts to the class offering will make it even more difficult to utilize. Swimming is a neccessary skill, and it's important the community continues to offer this service in away people have true access.

Finally some of the things that make living in this community and paying the premium it costs to livehere include community events like Wake up Waves and Jazz on the Lawn. As restrictions are lifted, itwould be great to see these well loved events continue. 

The community will need things to bring us back together and keep us connected. These changesthreaten to greatly change what many in the community with families love about our city. I fear we'llsee a massive exodus if programs that draw families to the city are eliminated, further exacerbatingthe budget crisis on hand. 

Thank you for your consideration. 


Monica Shurtz

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Item 8

Miles Cotton <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 9:10 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>Cc: 'Steven Johnson' <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

As a Santa Monica native resident of Santa Monica and long-time player, coach, and leader with the Santa MonicaRugby Club, I ask that you please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinarytimes, specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, and Memorial Park to continue. Whilecutbacks to city funding and staffing overall are necessary, the ones proposed for community recreation will result inminimal savings and maximum community detriment, particularly to children. The State “Stay at home guidance” willend soon. We rely on our parks and fields for exercise and wellness. Please ensure the sports fields are available toresidents and youth sports teams.


Miles Cotton

Santa Monica Rugby Club

Director of Sponsorship

3303 17th Street

Santa Monica, CA 90405

City Clerk – Please include this le�er in the Public Record for Agenda Item 8., City Council mee�ng of May 5, 2020.


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FW: Promenade Maintenance

Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:08 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


-----Original Message-----From: Mike R <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 7:01 PMTo: Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Cc: Ronnie Owens <[email protected]>; Rigo Haro <[email protected]>; EduardoGarcia <[email protected]>; Roberto Frayre <[email protected]>Subject: Promenade Maintenance


Hello,  This is to make you aware that the services and jobs performed by Promenade maintenance staff should be considered essential and taken off the table for cuts. The reasons are after Covid 19 trainingyesterday we were informed that working around the homeless and trash were considered hazardousconditions by the training staff. We are out there cleaning up the alleys, servicing all of the trash cans inthe business district, pressure washing and sanitizing the residents and vendors homes and businesses,cleaning up human waste and homeless encampments in and around the business district & residentialareas at a moments notice. We keep contact with police and fire to assure the safety of the public atlarge and people who live and work in our jurisdiction as well. I  am aware of the hit to the economy andthe cities budget but to save now by doing so will cost far more in the near future. Examples to hire newpeople for these jobs or even to assist what the experienced permanent employees take care of 7 days aweek all year round will cost in training, equipment repairs due to accidents while learning thejurisdiction, customer complaints, residents & vendors will add up and can’t replace the experience andtrack record of the years of service already in place. The economy will come back weather sooner or laterbut cuts to our department will be a big mistake. I am a resident of the city & have been employed andmade my career with this city. I’ve had double spinal fusion due to an injury I sustained performing myjob duties and returned back to service as soon as I could! I’ve just recovered from the Corona virus aftercontracting it while performing my job duties for the city and returned after being very sick as soon as Iwas cleared. I’ve shown my commitment to the city of Santa Monica as have others in my department.We want to be able to continue working and taking care of our families and our responsibilities andproviding the best service possible to the residents & public at large through this pandemic and therecovery of our economy and this great city! Thank you for your time.   Respectfully a city employee & city resident.

Sent from my iPhone

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FW: Cut Backs

Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:07 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>

FYI From: Mike R <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 6:20 PMTo: Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Subject: Cut Backs


Hello, Wri�ng this email as a resident of the city of Santa Monica over 50 years! I want it to be known that I frequentthe 3rd street promenade with my children and have for years. I do so because it is kept clean, sanitary & spotlessby the city workers that maintain the downtown SM area which makes it an a�rac�on for myself, my kids &people that come there from all over to do business and visit. I understand that the Covid 19 pandemic has beendevista�ng to the economy not just here but all over the world! The economy will come back weather it takesawhile or is grows again quickly. It will cost more in the next few years by having to rehire and train and teach andequipment repairs during this training than it would to keep the workers who provide these services & have put inmany years to run this opera�on efficiently, effec�vely & safely to keep the public at large & tourist who keepcoming back & residents like myself because of the service provided by these city workers that can’t be replacedand shouldn’t be replaced or let go!!! They are why the promenade is the cash cow of the city and will be againsoon. Covid 19 is temporary & they are PERMANENT employees of this great city and should remain working asthe economy comes back! Put yourself in there shoes before making any decisions is what I’m asking you as theyare working the streets of downtown while this pandemic is in full swing risking there lives for there jobs soplease find an alterna�ve to protect there jobs and keep them employed for the city of Santa Monica.Respec�ully a concerned resident & employee of the city.

Sent from my iPhone

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Please retain Community Garden Program Specialist position and person

Michael & Hildyne Tanouye <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:40 AMTo: Council Mailbox <[email protected]>; councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear City Council, I have read the “Santa Monica: Plan for the Future” attachment to the May 5, 2020 City Council Report. Iappreciate that the City performed the difficult analysis and developed recommendations to endure theCOVID-19 crisis and return to a new level of future functioning. There is one staff position that I urge you not to delete. I urge you retain the “Community GardenProgram Specialist” position, which is listed for deletion on Page 71 of the “Plan for the Future”. Before the Community Garden Program Specialist position existed, administration of the communitygarden sites was an add-on task to a series of city jobs. The administrators either lacked basic knowledgeof gardening, were unenthusiastic about the add-on task, and/or lacked communication skills. The dedicated Community Garden Program Specialist, which I surmise is not that expensive a position,has provided the following:• Clear and consistent enforcement of garden rules as set forth in the written agreements that all

gardeners sign. This has resulted in a significant upgrade to the gardening experience, and an increasein public recognition and appreciation for the garden program.

• Knowledgeable and compassionate assistance to gardeners.• Establishment of a growing program at Ishihara Park that under the Community Garden Program

Specialist’s leadership, has given away large amounts of natural vegetable and fruit food. This is atangible contribution to the concept of local food security, which is important in normal times andparticularly so in a time of COVID-19.

• Education and outreach to the community in the form of breakfasts, open houses, workshops, anddemonstrations. These events did not exist before. Hundreds of visitors, ranging from local tointernational, come to the gardens each year to learn about cultivating food and flora, to makecompost, how gardening supports responsible living, or simply to enjoy the beauty.

The current Community Garden Program Specialist, Teague Weybright, is a strong representative of theCity. His combination of knowledge, responsiveness, congeniality, and communication is rare. He is anexample of what a City staffer should be. I believe that eliminating Teague’s position would result in aloss that would far outweigh whatever budgetary savings are intended. Sincerely,Michael T. Tanouye20 Village PkwySanta Monica, CA [email protected]

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FW: Santa Monica Swim Center Pool

Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:25 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>

FYI From: Michael Begovich <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 11:06 AMTo: Mayor Kevin McKeown <[email protected]>; Gleam Davis <[email protected]>; TerryO’Day <[email protected]>; Ana Maria Jara <[email protected]>; Sue Himmelrich<[email protected]>; Greg Morena <[email protected]>; Ted Winterer<[email protected]>; Council Mailbox <[email protected]>; Santa Monica City Manager'sOffice <[email protected]>; Community & Cultural Services <[email protected]>; FinanceMailbox <[email protected]>; Human Resources <[email protected]>; A�orney Mailbox<A�[email protected]>Subject: Santa Monica Swim Center Pool


Dear Mayor McKeown and the rest of the Santa Monica City Council, We are long �me residents of Santa Monica and live in the Sunset Park Area, near the intersec�on of Oak St. and23rd Ave. Our daughter has been enjoying the Swim Center Pool for three years now and it has become anextremely enjoyable part of our summers and integral in her learning to swim safely. The facili�es at the SwimCenter are extremely well maintained and it is one of the few op�ons we have in Santa Monica to swim in a cleanpool outdoors. My daughter said just the other day that one of the big things she misses during this quaran�ne isswimming. She is even trying to figure out how we can add a pool to our 10’x10’ pa�o. I realize that the economic downturn is crea�ng extensive financial burdens on the city and residents of SantaMonica, but it would be heartbreaking and a huge loss to our community to lose the Swim Center. Please help us save the Swim Center and the access to the safe and clean swim experience it provides for all agesand abili�es. Your support and a�en�on to saving this recrea�on, business and place for families to enjoy is much appreciated. Thank you and stay safe,Mike BegovichSanta Monica Resident


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FW: SM Pool Shutdown

Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:22 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>

FYI From: ma�silver13 . <ma�[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 10:26 AMTo: Mayor Kevin McKeown <[email protected]>Cc: Terry O’Day <[email protected]>; Ana Maria Jara <[email protected]>; Sue Himmelrich<[email protected]>; Greg Morena <[email protected]>; Ted Winterer<[email protected]>; Council Mailbox <[email protected]>; Santa Monica City Manager'sOffice <[email protected]>; Community & Cultural Services <[email protected]>; FinanceMailbox <[email protected]>; Human Resources <[email protected]>; A�orney Mailbox<A�[email protected]>; Gleam Davis <[email protected]>Subject: SM Pool Shutdown


April 28, 2020

Dear Mayor McKeown and City Council, I have been told that there is discussion of closing down the Santa Monica Swim Center Pool. I am wri�ng toempha�cally tell you how much I disagree with this idea. Swimming at the pool has been very life changing forme. I was going through a period of depression and figured I would try swimming as a way to exercise. Swimminggave me much more than that. Swimming with such a great group of people at the pool gave me confidence inmyself and my body and gave me a community of people to support me. Taking away the pool to the community is taking away a much needed resource for all residents of Santa Monica;not only a resource for exercise, but a mental health resource as well. I am well beyond the age of adolescencebut if swimming can help me out of my darkest �mes in my adult life, it surely can help the young people of thecommunity with theirs. The life lessons that swimming teaches are invaluable and you cannot take that away fromthe children of this community. I understand that during these tough �mes, there are budget constraints. However, I urge you to reconsider thisidea. Thank you for your �me. Regards, Ma� Silver

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FW: Save the Swim Center

Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:04 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>

FYI From: Marsha Gronfein <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 11:44 AMTo: Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Subject: Save the Swim Center


Dear Ms. Dilg, Please save the Santa Monica Swim Center from any current or future budget cuts. As a tax payingcitizen the Santa Monica Swim Center is my favorite and most treasured resource. I am an active 65 year old woman with orthopedic issues. Swimming and aqua aerobics are the best andreally the only exercises I can do safely. Walking, yoga, Pilates all do more me more harm than good. Idepend on the pool for my mental and physical well-being. I call it my “happy place”. I know since livinghere for over 30 years that well-being is the core culture of Santa Monica. There is nothing else that can replace the Swim Center and its classes for many older and disabled folksin our community. Plus the youth use the pool for swim practice and competition. Santa Monica is thewater and well-being is our culture. Please save the Santa Monica Swim Center and their aquaticclasses from any current or future budget cuts for our community well-being. With thanks for your consideration and attention, Marsha Gronfein Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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Item 8

[email protected] <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 8:52 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinary times, specifically access toJAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, Memorial Park, elementary school fields, SAMOHI and Marine Park.While cutbacks to city funding and staffing overall are necessary, the ones proposed for community recreation will resultin minimal savings and maximum community detriment, particularly to children. The State “Stay at home guidance”will end soon. We rely on our parks and fields for exercise and wellness, both mental and physical. Please ensure thesports fields remain available to residents and youth sports teams. We at the Los Angeles Running Club have used thetrack at Santa Monica High School for at least the last 15 – 18 years, around the year on Wednesday evenings. We lovethe opportunity to gather and utilize the track to further our training as well as to meet with our fellow runners. We’ve always shared the area with kids playing on the field and it works well. We believe the money that we pay for thepermit fees and to keep the lights on should help with the budget. We would understand if the costs were increased butwe don’t want to lose that privilege that we have enjoyed for so many years.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this request.

Very truly yours, Marianne Ricci, PresidentLA Running 721-6177

City Clerk – Please include this letter in the Public Record for Agenda Item 8., City Council meeting of May 5,2020.

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Item 8

[email protected] <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 8:51 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinary times andthereafter, specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, Memorial Park, elementaryschool fields, and Marine Park. While we understand that cutbacks to city funding and staffing overall arenecessary, the ones proposed for community recreation will result in minimal savings and maximumcommunity detriment, particularly to children. These fields should represent a net source of revenue for Santa Monica, not a cost. We rely on our parks and fields for exercise and wellness, both mental and physical. Specifically SantaMonica Surf has been providing an athletic outlet for Santa Monica children since 1975. The club currentlyincludes over 600 athletes, employs more than 30 coaches and provides over 100 scholarships. SantaMonica Surf is a vital part of the community and we will not continue to exist without access to Santa Monicafields. Please ensure the sports fields remain available to residents and youth sports teams.

Thank you!

My Very Best, Majid Abai

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Item 8

Luke Mehring <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 9:19 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinary times,specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, and Memorial Park to continue.While cutbacks to city funding and staffing overall are necessary, the ones proposed for communityrecreation will result in minimal savings and maximum community detriment, particularly to children.The State “Stay at home guidance” will end soon. We rely on our parks and fields for exercise andwellness. Please ensure the sports fields are available to residents and youth sports teams.


Luke & Caroline Mehring (Santa Monica residents with 3 children)

Sent from my iPhone

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FW: COVID-19 Budget Cuts

Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:01 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>

FYI From: Linda Balter <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 4:30 PMTo: Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Subject: COVID-19 Budget Cuts


Dear City Manager Lane Dilg, I know that you have just taken over this position and it must be a bit overwhelming, it has come to myattention that the city officials intend to close the Santa Monica Swim Center indefinitely due to budgetcuts. The swim center is an extremely important resource for a wide spectrum of Santa Monica residents.People of all ages depend on this center for their health and wellbeing. I for one have been so grateful forthe creation of the swim center after the 1994 earthquake. I am a longtime Santa Monica resident who has benefited greatly from the swim center. I started usingthe pool regularly after my doctor advised me to do water exercise following a knee injury in 2004. Theaqua aerobics program and lap land swimming has been an essential part of my fitness and rehabprogram especially now that I have been diagnosed with osteo and rheumatoid arthritis. Health insurancewill not cover physical therapy for long term care, so this is the only way for me to keep my musclesstrong and my joint stability without impact. Swimming, biking and yoga are the only choices that I haveto keep my body healthy and postpone joint replacement surgery until I am a senior citizen. There are many seniors and disabled residents who depend on this pool and for some it is the only socialcontact and physical exercise that they are able to do. I implore you to find another option and keep thisfacility open. It is an imperative for the mental and physical health of so many people in this city. I understand that budget cuts are necessary, but you will be doing a great disservice to the residents ofthis community if you choose to shut down the center. There must be a way to compromise and work thisout, whether it be limiting the amount of time individuals use the pool, increasing the fees or limitingclass size. How about offering more classes (with smaller class size) during the space of a day withattendance by appointment to allow everyone to have an opportunity to enjoy the pool while socialdistancing? If you are paying one instructor for the day, allow them to teach 2-3 classes a day, 2 or 3times a week. So much of the attention and funding has gone to programs for the homeless and tourists. It is time tothink of the residents who rely on this and other programs that make Santa Monica a great place to live.We love our city and wish to remain healthy and happy for the duration. Let’s find a way to make thiswork! Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely,

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Linda Balter

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Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:09 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>

FYI From: Liliana Casso <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, April 24, 2020 5:16 PMTo: Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Subject: SMSC


Dear Council,Please save the Santa Monica Swim Complex Aqua�c Classes from any current or future budget cuts. As a taxpaying ci�zen, the Santa Monica Swim Complex is one of my favorite and most treasured resource.I was a member of the swim club Team Santa Monica from 7 years old un�l un�l I went off to college. I spent 6days a week for over a decade of my life at the SMC pool – it has precious memories and know it serves as anintegral part of the community. Children, teenagers, college swimmers, and adults use the complex as part of their daily fitness and compe��veswimming rou�ne. There is nothing else that can replace the Swim Complex and its classes for folks withdisabili�es and the elderly in our community. Please save the Santa Monica Swim Complex Aqua�c Classes fromany current or future budget cuts for our community well-being.Thank you!

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keeping SM libraries open

Leslie Brothers <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 8:50 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Hello.  I understand that the hours of the Montana library may besignificantly cut back.  I request that the library continue to stayopen, even with new restriction on the hours, and not be closedaltogether.  Thank you.

Leslie Brothers

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Item 8

Leane Vandeman <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:27 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear City Council,

I am a parent of three children and have been a volunteer coach for over 5 years for AYSO girls teams in SantaMonica. The shutdown of parks and beaches has been incredibly hard on families and the mental health ofchildren! I understand we must all do our part for public health and we are all doing that, but the State “Stay atHome guidance” will end soon.

Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinary times, specificallyaccess to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, and Memorial Park to continue. While cutbacks to cityfunding and staffing overall seem to be necessary, the ones proposed for community recreation will result inminimal savings and maximum community detriment, particularly to children. We all rely on our parks andfields for exercise and wellness. Please ensure the sports fields are available to residents and youth sports teams.

Please do the right thing when it comes to access to sports fields and parks.

Thank you for your time and your work to ensure children have an outside place to go.


Leane Vandeman and family

Leane Vandeman | 310.384.4287 | [email protected]

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FW: Please keep our community pool available for the health of our lives...

Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:24 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


-----Original Message-----From: Laurie Gilbert <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 10:53 AMTo: Mayor Kevin McKeown <[email protected]>; Gleam Davis <[email protected]>;Terry O’Day <[email protected]>; Ana Maria Jara <[email protected]>; Sue Himmelrich<[email protected]>; Greg Morena <[email protected]>; Ted Winterer<[email protected]>; Council Mailbox <[email protected]>; Santa Monica CityManager's Office <[email protected]>; Community & Cultural Services<[email protected]>; Finance Mailbox <[email protected]>; Human Resources<[email protected]>; Attorney Mailbox <[email protected]>Subject: Please keep our community pool available for the health of our lives...


Dear Honorable Mayor Mckeown,

Gleam Davis, Terry Oday, Anamaria Jara, Sue Himmerlrich, Greg Morena, Ted Winterer, Council, HumanResources, and all finance, HR, Legal and managing departments.

I am writing to you with an urgent plea!  Please keep Santa Monica Pool Open!

Please know that the closure of the Santa Monica Swim center will have a huge negative impact on ourlives in the area.  Swimming is one of the very last options left for some of us - including me, to stay well,thrive both physically and socially, and have a place to share friendships.

I am a former runner - and due to injuries and a back condition, I can only swim now to remain in goodhealth.  I really must have this good option to care for myself and family.  It is already a struggle to nothave it available during the corona virus, but long term, if this is not available for us as a community, wewill lose a central connection to our community life.

Not only the outdoor activity, but the safety, the well run classes available, and camaraderie that isprovided by this center, we will loose a much loved place to create a social web.  We need this pool - soPLEASE do not close it!  It is too important to us.

I cannot express my worry about losing such a wonderful place for our community.

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Laurie Gilbert

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Budget / Item 8

Larry R. DeMers <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:17 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

Though they have grown up here in the “big” city, my kids have been fortunate and been able to play a varietyof organized sports since they were 5.I understand you are considering cutting the funding for the resources that will continue to make this possible. PLEASE: vote to fund parks and recreation field access, including Rosie’s Girls, access to JAMS, LincolnMS, Airport Park, Clover Park, Memorial Park, elementary school fields, Marine Park and others I probablymissed or not even aware of. Certainly cutbacks to city funding and staffing are needed in times like these, but let’s not punish our kids forthe lack of good government policy. The children are our future, they need access to fields, play time, andbeing active that if you don’t allocate the funds, they will not have. Plus, I think the fees you charge are mostlikely a net source of income for Santa Monica, not a cost. Please ensure the sports fields remain available to residents and youth sports teams.

Thank you!


Laurence R. DeMers, CPA

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Santa Monica City Council Special Meeting (5/5/2020) - Item 8

Kristina <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 9:54 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Santa Monica City Council,

Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation fields during these extraordinary times, specifically access to Clover Park, Memorial Park, Marine Park, JAMS, Lincoln MS and Airport Park to continue. While overall cutbacks to city funding and staffing are necessary during this economic challenge, the ones proposed for community recreation will result in minimal savings and maximum community detriment, particularly to our children.

We rely on our Santa Monica Parks and Fields for our children to exercise and participate in youth sports, so please ensure all of these fields remain available for all to use after the State mandated “Stay at home” guidance ends.


Your name

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Keep Fields and Parks Funded

Kristen Jarin <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:17 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council, Please vote to continue funding parks and recreation field access during theseextraordinary times, specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, CloverPark, and Memorial Park. While cutbacks to city funding and staffing overall arenecessary, the ones proposed for community recreation will result in minimalsavings and maximum community detriment, particularly to children. The State“Stay at home guidance” will end soon. We rely on our parks and fields forexercise and wellness. Please ensure the sports fields are available to residentsand youth sports teams. Sincerely,Kristen Jarin

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Item 8

[email protected] <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 9:55 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

As a former resident of Santa Monica and a parent of a child who grew up playing rugby and soccer in SantaMonica on the community fields, I ask that you support the children of our community by vo�ng to con�nue tofund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinary times, specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS,Airport Park, Clover Park, and Memorial Park to continue. While cutbacks to city funding and staffing overall arenecessary, the ones proposed for community recreation will result in minimal savings and maximum communitydetriment, particularly to children. The State “Stay at home guidance” will end soon. We rely on our parks and fields forexercise and wellness. Please ensure the sports fields are available to residents and youth sports teams.


Kevin McCannVirtual Consul�ng, Inc.Phone: 310-428-1240Email: kmccann@virtual-consul�ng.netWeb: www.virtual-consul�

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Office of Sustainability Vote

Kendra Thornburgh-Mueller <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 9:24 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>; Gleam Davis <[email protected]>; Terry O’Day<[email protected]>; Ana Maria Jara <[email protected]>; Mayor Kevin McKeown<[email protected]>; Sue Himmelrich <[email protected]>; Greg Morena<[email protected]>; Ted Winterer <[email protected]>


Dear City Council Members,

As a member of the CASM Climate Corps Internship, I know how much of a leader Santa Monica has been in termsof sustainability for decades. It is also my understanding that due to COVID-19 budget cuts will be proposed thatare especially devastating to the office of sustainability. However, I urge you to continue to prioritize sustainability, as after the city will recover from COVID-19, we will stillbe facing a climate crisis. We need a powerful Office of Sustainability in order to develop programs that addressthis reality. Maintaining the staff will also allow for effective economic recovery that matches the droughtconditions that still exist in southern California.These cuts will negatively affect everyone in the city, whether it is felt immediately or not. We need to continue totake preventative action, not reactive action. 

Thank you, 

Kendra Thornburgh-Mueller

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Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:00 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>

FYI From: kathleen owens <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 4:14 PMTo: Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Subject: SAVE OUR POOL


Dear Manager, Please save the Santa Monica Swim Complex Aquatic Classes from any current orfuture budget cuts. As a tax paying citizen the Santa Monica Swim Complex is myfavorite and most treasured resource.  I am 73 and running, hiking or jogging are less favorable and do more harm thangood. We cannot have virtual swimming classes. The swimming classes are my joyfor mental and physical well-being. I know since living here for over 30 years thatWell-being is the Core Culture of Santa Monica.  There is nothing else that can replace the Swim Complex and its classes for manyolder and disabled folks in our community. Plus the youth use the pool for swimpractice and competition. Santa Monica is the water and well-being is our culture.Please save the Santa Monica Swim Complex Aquatic Classes from any current orfuture budget cuts for our community well-being. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely,Kathleen Owens1234 - 22 Street, SANTA Monica, CA 90404  

Sent from my iPhone

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Field access

Katelyn Kloss <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:24 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinary times andthereafter, specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, Memorial Park, elementaryschool fields, and Marine Park. While we understand that cutbacks to city funding and staffing overall arenecessary, the ones proposed for community recreation will result in minimal savings and maximumcommunity detriment, particularly to children.

These fields should represent a net source of revenue for Santa Monica, not a cost.

We rely on our parks and fields for exercise and wellness, both mental and physical. Specifically SantaMonica Surf has been providing an athletic outlet for Santa Monica children since 1975. The club currentlyincludes over 600 athletes, employs more than 30 coaches and provides over 100 scholarships. SantaMonica Surf is a vital part of the community and we will not continue to exist without access to Santa Monicafields.

Please ensure the sports fields remain available to residents and youth sports teams.

Thank you!


Katelyn Kloss

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Field access

Katelyn Kloss <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:24 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinary times andthereafter, specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, Memorial Park, elementaryschool fields, and Marine Park. While we understand that cutbacks to city funding and staffing overall arenecessary, the ones proposed for community recreation will result in minimal savings and maximumcommunity detriment, particularly to children.

These fields should represent a net source of revenue for Santa Monica, not a cost.

We rely on our parks and fields for exercise and wellness, both mental and physical. Specifically SantaMonica Surf has been providing an athletic outlet for Santa Monica children since 1975. The club currentlyincludes over 600 athletes, employs more than 30 coaches and provides over 100 scholarships. SantaMonica Surf is a vital part of the community and we will not continue to exist without access to Santa Monicafields.

Please ensure the sports fields remain available to residents and youth sports teams.

Thank you!


Katelyn Kloss

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FW: Santa Monica Swim Center

Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:07 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>

FYI From: Julie Salestrom <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 1:35 PMTo: Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Subject: Santa Monica Swim Center


Dear City Manager, I'm writing to request that you please save the Santa Monica Swim Center (at Santa MonicaCollege) from any current or future budget cuts. I am 62 and disabled. This pool has a mobile chair for entering and exiting thepool. I participate in both water aerobics - there are people of all ages and thisclass utilizes the deep pool - and I walk laps in the shallow pool. Frequently I find myselfnext to Aida who is 106 and she is also walking laps. She is confined to a wheelchair and isthrilled that she can walk again, in the water. There are also swim classes fordisabled children in another lane, and for parents and babies in another lane/s. There is nothing else that can replace the Swim Center and its classes in our community. It is rarethat there is ever an empty lane, so the pools are always in use. The pools are open toSanta Monica's lovely weather (yes we swim in the rain as well!). Please save the SantaMonica Swim Center from any current or future budget cuts for our community well-being. Thank youfor your assistance.

Julie SalestromLos Angeles310 428 [email protected]

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Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:03 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>

FYI From: Jp Brozyna <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 8:12 AMTo: Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Subject:


Dear Council, Please save the Santa Monica Swim Complex Aquatic I am 72 and running, hiking or jogging are less favorable and do more harm than good. The swimmingclasses are my joy for mental and physical well-being. I know since living here for over 30 years thatWell-being is the Core Culture of Santa Monica. There is nothing else that can replace the Swim Complex and its classes for many older and disabledfolks in our community. Plus the youth use the pool for swim practice and competition. Santa Monica isthe water and well-being is our culture. Please save the Santa Monica Swim Complex Aquatic Classesfrom any current or future budget cuts for our community well-being. Thank you for your attention. Cut employer benefits like over-paid pensions. Not services to taxpayer. JP Brozyna1041 21st stSanta Monica

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FW: Crest

Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 9:57 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


-----Original Message-----From: John Kirkpatrick (SP SPS) <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 5:17 PMTo: Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Subject: Crest


Many Santa Monica families depend on care that crest provides the children here. You have no rights todeprive the people and children of our great city a much needed support we need to go to work, andpay your taxes and your paychecks!!! And yes I vote too!

Thanks, John

Thanks, John

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FW: Santa Monica Aquatics Program

Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:02 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


-----Original Message-----From: Joan Dunsmuir <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 10:31 PMTo: Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Subject: Santa Monica Aquatics Program


Dear City Manager,

        I am writing to request that the Santa Monica aquatic classes not be cut from the budget.  TheSanta Monica Pool has been a life saver for many of us who use the pool on a regular basis.  I had a footinjury many years ago and my daughter (who swims religiously) got me into the pool as it was the onlysport I could do that didn’t put weight bearing on my foot.  To this day I am still doing the wateraerobics classes and am now in good health.  Since I turned 80 this year I need to stay in shape morethan ever.  There are so many other groups that use the pool - from children’s classes to water polo etc. I have never seen the pool without a lot of swimmers using it - and some come with canes and there iseven a blind swimmer - the pool serves as a safe place for exercise and water therapy for many eventhose with disabilities.  My daughter says that swimming every day makes her a better mother!!  Please, consider all of the Pool People when you make your cuts. There has to be a way to keep this vitalservice open!!

Thank you for your time.

sincerely,Joan Dunsmuir

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FW: Save Santa Monica Aquatics

Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:02 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>

FYI From: Jason McBride <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 8:00 PMTo: Terry O’Day <[email protected]>; Gleam Davis <[email protected]>; Ana Maria Jara<[email protected]>; Sue Himmelrich <[email protected]>; Greg Morena<[email protected]>; Ted Winterer <[email protected]>; Santa Monica City Manager's Office<[email protected]>; Community & Cultural Services <[email protected]>; Finance Mailbox<[email protected]>; Human Resources <[email protected]>; A�orney Mailbox<A�[email protected]>Subject: Save Santa Monica Aqua�cs


Dear Council, Please save the Santa Monica Swim center from any current or future budget cuts. As a tax and businesslicense paying citizen of Santa Monica and regular user of the Swim Center, I consider it a treasuredresource for all of Santa Monica. I am 65 years old. I have been swimming at the Santa Monica swim center since it was opened. For me,swimming is a very essential activity that keeps me healthy and in shape. It is key to my physical well-being. There is nothing else that can replace the Swim Complex and its classes for many older and disabledfolks in our community. In addition, the youth use the pool for swim practice and competition. SantaMonica is the water and well-being is our culture. Please help us save the Santa Monica Swim Complex Aquatic Classes from any current or future budgetcuts for our community well-being. Thank you for your careful consideration in helping to maintain thisvalued resource.

With many thanks Jason McBrideZoe Consul�ng, Inc (and Santa Monica homeowner)

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Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:25 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


-----Original Message-----From: Jessica Boncutter <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 11:02 AMTo: Mayor Kevin McKeown <[email protected]>; Gleam Davis <[email protected]>;Terry O’Day <[email protected]>; Ana Maria Jara <[email protected]>; Sue Himmelrich<[email protected]>; Greg Morena <[email protected]>; Ted Winterer<[email protected]>; Council Mailbox <[email protected]>; Santa Monica CityManager's Office <[email protected]>; Community & Cultural Services<[email protected]>; Finance Mailbox <[email protected]>; Human Resources<[email protected]>; Attorney Mailbox <[email protected]>Subject: PLEASE DON'T SHUT DOWN THE POOL


Dear Honorable Mayor McKeown and Council,

Please reconsider shutting down the SMC pool. It is one of the reasons why we moved to thisneighborhood. This will be devastating to the community. Our kids will be so heartbroken.

Thank you,

Jessica Boncutter

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Item 8

Jenee Castellanos <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:24 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council, 

Please vote to continue to fund Parks and Recreation field access during these extraordinary times;specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, and Memorial Park. While cutbacks toCity funding and staffing overall are necessary, the ones proposed for community recreation will result inminimal savings and maximum community detriment, particularly to our youth. The State “Stay at home”guidance will end soon. We rely on our parks and fields for exercise and wellness (both of which areabsolutely crucial in terms of maintaining health and therefore putting less strain on local hospitals anddoctors, among other services). Please ensure the sports fields are available to residents and youthsports teams.  


Jenée Castellanos


*City Clerk – Please include this email in the Public Record for Agenda Item 8., City Council meeting ofMay 5, 2020.

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Item 8

Jenee Castellanos <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:24 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council, 

Please vote to continue to fund Parks and Recreation field access during these extraordinary times;specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, and Memorial Park. While cutbacks toCity funding and staffing overall are necessary, the ones proposed for community recreation will result inminimal savings and maximum community detriment, particularly to our youth. The State “Stay at home”guidance will end soon. We rely on our parks and fields for exercise and wellness (both of which areabsolutely crucial in terms of maintaining health and therefore putting less strain on local hospitals anddoctors, among other services). Please ensure the sports fields are available to residents and youthsports teams.  


Jenée Castellanos


*City Clerk – Please include this email in the Public Record for Agenda Item 8., City Council meeting ofMay 5, 2020.

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Jeff Mindes <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 9:15 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council, Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinary times andthereafter, specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, Memorial Park, elementaryschool fields, and Marine Park. While we understand that cutbacks to city funding and staffing overall arenecessary, the ones proposed for community recreation will result in minimal savings and maximumcommunity detriment, particularly to children. These fields should represent a net source of revenue for Santa Monica, not a cost. We rely on our parks and fields for exercise and wellness, both mental and physical. Specifically SantaMonica Surf has been providing an athletic outlet for Santa Monica children since 1975. The club currentlyincludes over 600 athletes, employs more than 30 coaches and provides over 100 scholarships. SantaMonica Surf is a vital part of the community and we will not continue to exist without access to Santa Monicafields. Please ensure the sports fields remain available to residents and youth sports teams.

Thank you!


Jeff Mindes

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Line Item 8

jeanna <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 9:29 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council, Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinary times andthereafter, specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, Memorial Park, elementaryschool fields, and Marine Park. While we understand that cutbacks to city funding and staffing overall arenecessary, the ones proposed for community recreation will result in minimal savings and maximumcommunity detriment, particularly to children. These fields should represent a net source of revenue for Santa Monica, not a cost. We rely on our parks and fields for exercise and wellness, both mental and physical. Specifically SantaMonica Surf has been providing an athletic outlet for Santa Monica children since 1975. The club currentlyincludes over 600 athletes, employs more than 30 coaches and provides over 100 scholarships. SantaMonica Surf is a vital part of the community and we will not continue to exist without access to Santa Monicafields. Please ensure the sports fields remain available to residents and youth sports teams. Thank you! Sincerely,Jeanna Kienzle, Samohi parent, soccer mom

Live long and prosper,


Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

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Santa Monica City Council Special Meeting (5/5/2020) - Item 8

jason feldman <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:14 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Santa Monica City Council,

Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation fields during these extraordinary times, specifically access to Clover Park, Memorial Park, Marine Park, JAMS, Lincoln MS and Airport Park to continue. While overall cutbacks to city funding and staffing are necessary during this economic challenge, the ones proposed for community recreation will result in minimal savings and maximum community detriment, particularly to our children. 

We rely on our Santa Monica Parks and Fields for our children to exercise and participate in youth sports, so please ensure all of these fields remain available for all to use after the State mandated “Stay at home” guidance ends. 


jason feldman

[email protected]

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Item 8

Jason Greene <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:02 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,Please vote to con�nue to fund parks and recrea�on field access during these extraordinary �mes, specificallyaccess to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, and Memorial Park to con�nue. While cutbacks to cityfunding and staffing overall are necessary, the ones proposed for community recrea�on will result in minimalsavings and maximum community detriment, par�cularly to children. The State “Stay at home guidance” will endsoon. We rely on our parks and fields for exercise and wellness. Please ensure the sports fields are available toresidents and youth sports teams.Sincerely,Jason Greene + Family (1 wife, 2 sons and 1 daughter) Jason GreeneCell: (213) 819-5502Email: jason@bluefishinterna�

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FW: Santa Monica Swim Center

Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:04 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>

FYI From: Janis Flax <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 12:11 PMTo: Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Subject: Santa Monica Swim Center


To whom it may concern, Please save the Santa Monica Swim Complex from any current or future budget cuts. TheSanta Monica Swim Complex is my oasis, the thing that keeps me sane, and provides for me acommunity with other like minded folks. I am 63, and I swim at the pool every morning, 7 days a week, rain or shine. It is the best formof exercise for anyone of any age and essential for both my physical and mental health. There is nothing else that can replace the Swim Complex and its classes for many older anddisabled folks in our community. It is without a doubt our most treasured resource. Please savethe Santa Monica Swim Complex and Aquatic Classes from any current or future budget cutsfor our community well-being. Thank you for your attention.Janis FlaxResident of Santa Monica for 28 years

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item 8

Jamie Fiore <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 9:19 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,Please vote to con�nue to fund parks and recrea�on field access during these extraordinary �mes, specificallyaccess to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, and Memorial Park to con�nue. While cutbacks to cityfunding and staffing overall are necessary, the ones proposed for community recrea�on will result in minimalsavings and maximum community detriment, par�cularly to children. The State “Stay at home guidance” willend soon. We rely on our parks and fields for exercise and wellness. Please ensure the sports fields areavailable to residents and youth sports teams.Sincerely,Jamie Fiore

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Item 8

Jamie Fiore <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 9:18 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinary times,specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, and Memorial Park to continue.While cutbacks to city funding and staffing overall are necessary, the ones proposed for communityrecreation will result in minimal savings and maximum community detriment, particularly tochildren. The State “Stay at home guidance” will end soon. We rely on our parks and fields forexercise and wellness. Please ensure the sports fields are available to residents and youth sportsteams.


Jamie & Jason Fiore

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Santa Monica City Council Special Meeting (5/5/2020) - Item 8

Jaclyn <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:39 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Santa Monica City Council,

Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation fields during these extraordinary times,specifically access to, Marine Park, Los Amigos Park, Memorial Park, Clover Park, JAMS, LincolnMS and Airport Park to continue. While overall cutbacks to city funding and staffing are necessaryduring this economic challenge, the ones proposed for community recreation will result in minimalsavings and maximum community detriment, particularly to our children.

We rely on our Santa Monica Parks and Fields for our children to exercise and participate in youthsports, so please ensure all of these fields remain available for all to use after the State mandated“Stay at home” guidance ends.


Jaclyn Neflas

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Item 8

Brian Falk <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:12 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinary times,specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, and Memorial Park to continue. 

While I understand that cutbacks to city funding and staffing overall are necessary, the ones proposedfor community recreation will result in minimal savings and maximum community detriment,particularly to children. The State's “Stay at home guidance” will end soon. We will then rely on ourparks and fields for exercise and wellness. Please ensure the sports fields are available to residents andyouth sports teams.


Brian Peter Falk1343 Grant StSanta Monica, CA 90405

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FW: Santa Monica Swim Center

Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:02 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>

FYI From: Ilana Weiss <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 10:31 PMTo: Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Subject: Santa Monica Swim Center


Please save the Santa Monica Swim Complex from any current or future budget cuts. As a tax payingcitizen the Santa Monica Swim Complex is my favorite and most treasured resource. I am 70 and running, hiking or jogging are less favorable and do more harm than good. The swimmingclasses are my joy for mental and physical well-being. I know since living here for over 15 years thatWell-being is the Core Culture of Santa Monica. There is nothing else that can replace the Swim Complex for many older and disabled folks in ourcommunity. Plus the youth use the pool for swim practice and competition. Santa Monica is the waterand well-being is our culture. Please save the Santa Monica Swim Complex from any current or futurebudget cuts for our community well-being. Thank you for your attention. Ilana Weiss854 18th Street #3 Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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FW: Save the Swim Center

Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:06 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>

FYI From: Theresa Marchlewski <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 8:54 PMTo: Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Subject: Save the Swim Center


Please save the Santa Monica Swim Complex Aquatic Classes from any currentor future budget cuts. As a tax paying citizen the Santa Monica Swim Complex ismy favorite resource.I am 67 and have metastatic breast cancer in my hip. I also had back surgery a few years agoand have neck issues. The water aerobic classes I take at the pool are a key factor in my mental and physical well-being. I would be happy to pay more for these classes.

My two sons learned to swim at the complex. There is nothing else that can replace the SwimComplex and its classes for many children as well as older and disabled members of ourcommunity. Santa Monica is the water and well-being is our culture. Please save the SantaMonica Swim Complex Aquatic Classes from any current or future budget cuts for ourcommunity well-being. Thank you for your attention. Theresa Marchlewski2266 25th Street

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FW: Santa Monica Pool

Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:26 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>

FYI From: Hugh <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 11:52 AMTo: Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Subject: Santa Monica Pool


Dear City Manager, I understand that there is considera�on of closing the pool at Santa Monica College because of budget woes. I know these concerns are very serious, but wanted to let you know that this pool is of ENORMOUS VALUE tomyself and so many other residents with whom I swim. I have back issues that make other exercise very difficult and made use of the pool 4 - 5 �mes per week when itwas open. My ability to exercise and stay healthy would be severely impacted by its closure and I know thesame is true for so many other residents. Addi�onally, as global warming makes the summers even ho�er, having the respite of a pool is more essen�alnow than ever! This pool is one of Santa Monica’s true GEMS and I hope that it can be protected. Addi�onally, I would be verywilling to pay a higher entrance fee in order to con�nue using it and believe that a majority of other swimmerswould too. Please experiment with raising the fees before closing the pool. It would be a devasta�ng loss! Thank you, Hugh BoraxSanta Monica Resident

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Please Do not take away physical activity space

Rholland <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:29 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinary times,specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, and Memorial Park to continue.While cutbacks to city funding and staffing overall are necessary, the ones proposed for communityrecreation will result in minimal savings and maximum community detriment, particularly to children.The State “Stay at home guidance” will end soon. We rely on our parks and fields for exercise andwellness. Please ensure the sports fields are available to residents and youth sports teams.


Randolph HollandSanta Monica resident

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Parks Funding.

Adam Jay Weissman (POLLYN) <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:20 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

Please vote to continue funding parks and recreation field access during these extraordinary times,specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, and Memorial Park. While cutbacks tocity funding and staffing overall are necessary, the ones proposed for community recreation will result inminimal savings and maximum community detriment, particularly to children. The State “Stay at homeguidance” will end soon. We rely on our parks and fields for exercise and wellness. Please ensure thesports fields are available to residents and youth sports teams. 


Adam Weissman

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Heather Lazarus <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 8:57 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinarytimes and thereafter, specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park,Memorial Park, elementary school fields, and Marine Park. While we understand thatcutbacks to city funding and staffing overall are necessary, the ones proposed for communityrecreation will result in minimal savings and maximum community detriment, particularly tochildren.

These fields should represent a net source of revenue for Santa Monica, not a cost.

We rely on our parks and fields for exercise and wellness, both mental and physical.Specifically Santa Monica Surf has been providing an athletic outlet for Santa Monicachildren since 1975. The club currently includes over 600 athletes, employs more than 30coaches and provides over 100 scholarships. Santa Monica Surf is a vital part of thecommunity and we will not continue to exist without access to Santa Monica fields.

Please ensure the sports fields remain available to residents and youth sports teams.

Thank you!


Heather Lazarus

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Santa Monica City Council Special Meeting (5/5/2020) - Item 8

Gregorio Mercado <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:40 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Santa Monica City Council,

Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation fields during theseextraordinary times, specifically access to, Marine Park, Los Amigos Park, MemorialPark, Clover Park, JAMS, Lincoln MS and Airport Park to continue. While overallcutbacks to city funding and staffing are necessary during this economic challenge,the ones proposed for community recreation will result in minimal savings andmaximum community detriment, particularly to our children.

We rely on our Santa Monica Parks and Fields for our children to exercise andparticipate in youth sports, so please ensure all of these fields remain available forall to use after the State mandated “Stay at home” guidance ends.


Greg Mercado

Gregorio MercadoRegenix Warehouse4943 McConnell Avenue, Suite OLos Angeles, CA 90066P 800-734-3649 / F [email protected]

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Santa Monica City Council Special Meeting (5/5/2020) - Item 8

Greg Barker <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 9:49 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear SM City Council,

I have three children, ages 7-15, who are all active in organized sports in our community, including AYSOand Fastpitch softball.   They are going to need these activities more than ever when the currentlockdown ends.  And so, like a lot of parents in our community, I was dumbfounded to read the staffproposals that envision drastic cutbacks to our parks and recreation field spaces.  In my view, as a parent,as former PTA President at Grant Elementary, and as a concerned citizen, this proposed action isshortsighted and counter-productive.  The children need an outlet, for their physical and mental health,and channeling that energy into organized sports benefits the entire community. 

We all recognize the extreme financial situation, and am confident the community would supportcreative alternatives, such as raising field space fees etc — anything to avoid the drastic cutbacksproposed in the staff report.

Please act now to ensure that our community fields remain available for all once the stay-at-homeguidance ends.  We can get through this together, and we now look to our elected leaders to findcreative solutions to complex problems.


Greg Barker1749 Wellesley DrSanta Monica CA 90405310-804-8518

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Greg Young <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 9:07 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinary times andthereafter, specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, Memorial Park, elementaryschool fields, and Marine Park. While we understand that cutbacks to city funding and staffing overall arenecessary, the ones proposed for community recreation will result in minimal savings and maximumcommunity detriment, particularly to children. These fields should represent a net source of revenue for Santa Monica, not a cost. We rely on our parks and fields for exercise and wellness, both mental and physical. Specifically SantaMonica Surf has been providing an athletic outlet for Santa Monica children since 1975. The club currentlyincludes over 600 athletes, employs more than 30 coaches and provides over 100 scholarships. SantaMonica Surf is a vital part of the community and we will not continue to exist without access to Santa Monicafields. Please ensure the sports fields remain available to residents and youth sports teams.

Thank you!


Greg Young

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Council meeting Agenda

Grady Lee <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:26 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

Please vote to continue funding parks and recreation field access during these extraordinary times -specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park and Memorial Park.  We know thatcutbacks are necessary, but the cost to benefit of closing these areas are not balanced.  The benefit ofthese fields far outweighs the costs associated with keeping them open.  The Stay at Home guidance willease, and we rely on these areas for our kids to exercise and connect.  Please ensure that the sportsfields are available to residents and youth sports teams.

It is critical.

Thank you,Grady Lee

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Item 8

Gina Marcheschi <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:37 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinary times andthereafter, specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, Memorial Park, elementaryschool fields, and Marine Park. While we understand that cutbacks to city funding and staffing overall arenecessary, the ones proposed for community recreation will result in minimal savings and maximumcommunity detriment, particularly to children. These fields should represent a net source of revenue for Santa Monica, not a cost. We rely on our parks and fields for exercise and wellness, both mental and physical. Specifically SantaMonica Surf has been providing an athletic outlet for Santa Monica children since 1975. The club currentlyincludes over 600 athletes, employs more than 30 coaches and provides over 100 scholarships. SantaMonica Surf is a vital part of the community and we will not continue to exist without access to Santa Monicafields. Please ensure the sports fields remain available to residents and youth sports teams.

Thank you!


Gina Marcheschi 

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Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:05 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>

FYI From: Gillian Hodgson <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 4:08 PMTo: Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Subject: Save SMSC


Dear Council,  Please save the Santa Monica Swim Complex Aquatic Classes from any current orfuture budget cuts. As a tax paying citizen the Santa Monica Swim Complex is suchan important part of my daily life and well being.  The swimming classes and lap swimming are imperative for my mental and physicalwell-being.  There is nothing else that can replace the Swim Complex and its classes for manyolder and disabled folks in our community. Plus the youth use the pool for swimpractice and competition. Please save the Santa Monica Swim Complex Aquatic Classes from any current orfuture budget cuts for our community well-being. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely. Gillian Hodgson. Onward and upward.

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FW: Save the Santa Monica Swim Complex

Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:03 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>

FYI From: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 9:53 AMTo: Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Subject: Save the Santa Monica Swim Complex


Dear Manager, Please save the Santa Monica Swim Complex Aquatic Classes from any current orfuture budget cuts. As a tax paying citizen the Santa Monica Swim Complex is myfavorite and most treasured resource. I am 66 and running, hiking or jogging are less favorable and do more harm thangood. The swimming classes are my joy for mental and physical well-being. I knowsince living here for over 30 years that Well-being is the Core Culture of SantaMonica. There is nothing else that can replace the Swim Complex and its classes for manyolder and disabled folks in our community. Plus the youth use the pool for swimpractice and competition. Santa Monica is the water and well-being is our culture.Please save the Santa Monica Swim Complex Aquatic Classes from any current orfuture budget cuts for our community well-being. Thank you for your attention. Thank You, Gerilynn BergSanta Monica Resident since 1984

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Item 8

George Kim <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:34 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinary times andthereafter, specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, Memorial Park, elementaryschool fields, and Marine Park. While we understand that cutbacks to city funding and staffing overall arenecessary, the ones proposed for community recreation will result in minimal savings and maximumcommunity detriment, particularly to children. These fields should represent a net source of revenue for Santa Monica, not a cost. We rely on our parks and fields for exercise and wellness, both mental and physical. Specifically, SantaMonica Surf has been providing an athletic outlet for Santa Monica children since 1975. The club currentlyincludes over 600 athletes, employs more than 30 coaches and provides over 100 scholarships. SantaMonica Surf is a vital part of the community and we will not continue to exist without access to Santa Monicafields. Please ensure the sports fields remain available to residents and youth sports teams.

Thank you!


George Kim George H. KimKarst & von Oiste LLP9766 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 200Beverly Hills, California 90212-1820Tel: 310.746.4099 - Fax: [email protected] CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is confidential and is intended only for the named recipient(s). The contents of this message may

be privileged under the attorney-client privilege, attorney work product doctrine or otherwise exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you

are not the intended recipient(s), the dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you received this message in

error, please notify the sender immediately at (310) 746-4099 and destroy this message. Receipt by anyone other than the named recipient(s) is

not intended to be a waiver of the attorney-client, work product, or any other applicable privilege.

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FW: The Swim Center is Too Vital to Close-

Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:18 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>

FYI From: Cindy Lauren <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 2:52 PMTo: Mayor Kevin McKeown <[email protected]>; Terry O’Day <[email protected]>; Gleam Davis<[email protected]>; Ana Maria Jara <[email protected]>; Sue Himmelrich<[email protected]>; Greg Morena <[email protected]>; Ted Winterer<[email protected]>; Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>; FinanceMailbox <[email protected]>; A�orney Mailbox <A�[email protected]>Subject: The Swim Center is Too Vital to Close-


U R G E N T A C T I O N N E E D E D Hello water lovers, We urge you to please call, text and email City Council today. It isimportant that they understand we are dependent on city services,such as the pool, and that we do not want to see them cut as a resultof Covid-19 budget restrictions. While we mayappreciate budgetary considerations, there are plenty of otherareas that Santa Monica can reduce rather than target thelowhanging fruit of the Swim Center, especially whenconsidering this behind the backs of those who use it. Abandoning the lawsuit the City Council has voted to paymillions for to protect themselves is an obvious place- are legalfees in the millions worth more to this community that acommunity center that serves so many more? Some of the programs that City Council is considering eliminatingare programs that serve at-risk youth, closing libraries, eliminatingthe Annenberg Community Beach House and closing the SantaMonica Swim Center as they are deemed non-essential services. We must make our voices heard in order to keep these cuts frombecoming permanent. Whose determinations for what is considered essential carry moreweight? SInce the community has not been asked or allowed theforum to make its case, this decision is both lazy and arbitrary. The pool has already furloughed all of its part-time employees andit is our understanding that they have not made plans to bring themback. These cost-cutting savings have been made without input

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from the community, so we want to make sure that we have avoice before changes are more far-reaching and permanent. You are urged to email, and call, all City Council Members so thatthey know these services are, in fact, essential. You can explainhow the pool serves an essential need in the community, ie., a placewhere youth, elders, people with physical disabilities and those whoare able-bodied can all achieve superior physical health, mentalhealth and a sense of well-being. There is no other place in SantaMonica that serves as many people as the Swim Center- this call toclose it is irresponsible. This is also one of the places the city can truthfully say that itprovides for all: young, old, abled,differently abled, all colors,genders, etc. It is affordable and accessible, something SantaMonica claims it offers. Taking this away disables the entirecommunity, ensuring only those with sufficient means canaccess this life saving, literally, facility. The facility is always crowded, evidence of both its usefulnessand necessity for the community. It is not a luxury, in fact it is anecessity for those who attend regularly. Please write to each of the City Council Members as soon possible. Cutting and pasting the letter to individual council members willcarry more weight than sending one group letter. With the currentsheltering-in-place guidelines it is advisable to contact each CouncilMember on the list below individually. It is our understanding that there will be a meeting on April 28where budget cuts will be proposed, before the council votes onMay 5. We must make our voices heard now if we want our needsconsidered. Timeliness of action is essential. Please share this email with your friends and neighbors. Friends of the Swim Center___________________________________________________

-- Please visit my nonprofit website: h�p://

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Santa Monica City Council Special Meeting 5/5/2020 Item 8

Eunice Corona <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 9:52 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Santa Monica City Council,

Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation fields during these extraordinary times, specifically access to Clover Park, Memorial Park, Marine Park, JAMS, Lincoln MS and Airport Park to continue. While overall cutbacks to city funding and staffing are necessary during this economic challenge, the ones proposed for community recreation will result in minimal savings and maximum community detriment, particularly to our children.

We rely on our Santa Monica Parks and Fields for our children to exercise and participate in youth sports, so please ensure all of these fields remain available for all to use after the State mandated “Stay at home” guidance ends.


Eunice Aquino

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Keep fields open

Adam Bromwich <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 9:22 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinary times,specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, and Memorial Park to continue. Whilecutbacks to city funding and staffing overall are necessary, the ones proposed for community recreationwill result in minimal savings and maximum community detriment, particularly to children. The State“Stay at home guidance” will end soon. We rely on our parks and fields for exercise and wellness. Pleaseensure the sports fields are available to residents and youth sports teams.

Sincerely,Adam Bromwich2424 7th St.

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FW: Save the Swim Center

Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:06 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>

FYI From: Erin Jones <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 6:16 PMTo: Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Subject: Save the Swim Center


Dear City Manager, Please save the Santa Monica Swim Center and its programs from any current or future budget cuts. As a resident and taxpayer, the Santa Monica Swim Center is my favorite and most treasured resource. The water aerobics classes are my joy for mental and physical well-being. And as a working person with little free time, theSwim Center also provides me a connection to my community that I cherish. Well-being and the beach are what Santa Monica is known for all over the world. It is our culture. Imagine a beach city thatdoesn’t offer its young citizens a place to learn how to swim! Imagine Santa Monica as a place that does not offer its elderly,disabled, pregnant and injured citizens a place to safely take care of their bodies. It would be a disgrace. Please save the Santa Monica Swim Center and its programs from any current or future budget cuts for our community well-being. Thank you for your attention. Erin Jones10th StreetSanta Monica

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FW: Please Keep SMC Pool Available to the Community

Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:21 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>

FYI From: Erika Kemmerer <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 10:09 AMTo: Mayor Kevin McKeown <[email protected]>; Gleam Davis <[email protected]>; TerryO’Day <[email protected]>; Ana Maria Jara <[email protected]>; Sue Himmelrich<[email protected]>; Greg Morena <[email protected]>; Ted Winterer<[email protected]>; Council Mailbox <[email protected]>; Santa Monica City Manager'sOffice <[email protected]>; Community & Cultural Services <[email protected]>; FinanceMailbox <[email protected]>; Human Resources <[email protected]>; A�orney Mailbox<A�[email protected]>Subject: Please Keep SMC Pool Available to the Community


Dear All: I am wri�ng to request that you do not suspend access to the SMC pool indefinitely. This is a special resource tothe community. I am a Santa Monica resident and avid swimmer. Our daughters and their friends love to use the poolrecrea�onally. This resource allows our family to par�cipate in a shared athle�c experience, and is a safe andaffordable ac�vity. As we move out of quaran�ne, and if allowed by government regula�ons, we would love to be at the pooltogether - finally! Thank you very much. Erika Kemmerer27th St, Santa Monica

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Item 8

Eoghan Geoghegan <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 9:37 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

As a current resident of Santa Monica and user of city field facilities, please vote tocontinue to fund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinary times,specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, and Memorial Park tocontinue. While cutbacks to city funding and staffing overall are necessary, the onesproposed for community recreation will result in minimal savings and maximumcommunity detriment, particularly to children. The State “Stay at home guidance” willend soon. We rely on our parks and fields for exercise and wellness. Please ensure thesports fields are available to residents and youth sports teams.


Eoghan Geoghegan

-- Eoghan [email protected]

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May 5 City Council Meeting - Line Item 8

Vukadinovich, Elaine <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 9:04 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear City Council Members: Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinary times,specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, Memorial Park, elementary school fields,and Marine Park. While cutbacks to city funding and staffing overall are necessary, the ones proposed forcommunity recreation will result in minimal savings and maximum community detriment, particularly tochildren. The State “Stay at home guidance” will end soon. We rely on our parks and fields for exercise andwellness, both mental and physical. Please ensure the sports fields remain available to residents and youthsports teams. Along with this request, please also do not cut CREST programming for children. Manyfamilies rely on this programming to provide engaging after school activities for children that allow families towork and that also create pride and community engagement in our schools. The more people feel a part ofthe community, the more likely they are to support the schools. Making cuts to field access and CRESTprogramming will not achieve much in the way of costs savings and would have a highly detrimental impacton the community and support for our schools.Sincerely,

Elaine Vukadinovich City Clerk – Please include this letter in the Public Record for Agenda Item 8., City Councilmeeting of May 5, 2020.

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Item 8

Dylan Nir <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 9:43 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

As a person who works in Santa Monica, and a current playing member of the Santa Monica Men'sRugby Club, I am reaching out to ask that you please vote to continue to fund parks and recreationfield access during these extraordinary times, specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park,Clover Park, and Memorial Park.

I understand that hard decisions must be made in a crisis, and that cutbacks are going to happen. Noone can reasonably expect life to continue "as normal," and I do not envy your position of trying tokeep everything afloat (and our people safe!) However, in trying to balance the books, this is not therational choice. The savings from cutting this access are minimal. This is not an expense jeopardizingthe future of Santa Monica. However, the impact is tremendous! Youth and adult sports bring thecommunity together. Though I work in Santa Monica, truly, it is my connection with Santa MonicaRugby that gives me a sense of belonging and identity in the city. Additionally, our team alonecontributes tens of thousands of dollars to Santa Monica businesses as a direct result of our fieldlocation. Many local restaurants, grocery stores, and supply stores know us by name as they regularlyprovide us with what we need to function as a club. Also, in a time where obesity and weight-relatedhealth problems are a real struggle for many in the community, these parks and services give us(youth and adults alike) the reason and opportunity to work out, stay in shape, and enjoy the freshSanta Monica air.

Though times are hard, and people are hurting, there is light at the end of the tunnel. The State “Stayat home guidance” will end eventually. We are all making sacrifices to keep the Santa Monicacommunity as healthy as possible, but when we can return to some level of normalcy, these facilitieswill be more crucial than ever. Please ensure the sports fields are available to residents and youthsports teams.

Sincerely,Dylan Nir

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Item 8

Duncan Rolph <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:02 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinary times,specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, and Memorial Park to continue.While cutbacks to city funding and staffing overall are necessary, the ones proposed for communityrecreation will result in minimal savings and maximum community detriment, particularly to children.The State “Stay at home guidance” will end soon. We rely on our parks and fields for exercise andwellness. Please ensure the sports fields are available to residents and youth sports teams.

Furthermore, you are spending a ridiculous amount of money on pensions and other line items thatdon’t directly benefit the taxpayers. You should cut those costs BEFORE YOU CUT OURS -  rememberwho is writing the check!!!!!

Schools and the accompanying ecosystems such as parks have the highest correlation to propertyvalues and long term growth. Don’t be foolish.

Duncan RolphManaging Partner - Miracle Mile Advisors310-968-1496

Sent from my iPhone, please excuse my thumbs

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Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:08 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


-----Original Message-----From: Doug <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, April 24, 2020 3:22 PMTo: Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Subject: POD PROGRAM


Please continue funding the POD PROGRAM. The costs are minimal, the results are positive for hundredsof senior citizens in Santa Monica.

Thank you

Douglas Brian MartinSanta Monica Citizen

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Sport Field Closures

don wurst <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:04 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>Cc: don wurst <[email protected]>


Dear Council,

Please vote to continue to fund parks and recreation field access during these extraordinarytimes, specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, and Memorial Parkto continue. While cutbacks to city funding and staffing overall are necessary, the onesproposed for community recreation will result in minimal savings and maximum communitydetriment, particularly to children. The State “Stay at home guidance” will end soon. We rely onour parks and fields for exercise and wellness. Please ensure the sports fields are available toresidents and youth sports teams.


Donald Wurst

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FW: Save the Santa Monica Swim Center

Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:06 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>

FYI From: Jennifer Vassos <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 4:21 PMTo: Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Subject: Save the Santa Monica Swim Center


Dear Interim City Manager Dilg: I am writing today in regard to upcoming budget cuts and considerations. I know that the City of SantaMonica is in a financial bind due to revenue losses created by the Covid-19 pandemic. I have heardabout areas where cuts might take place and I am going to share some of my concerns with you. Understanding that you must resist any cuts to police and fire, as they are deemed essential services, Iwould like for you to consider the essential nature of some other city services. Programs serving at-riskyouth and city libraries are essential to the safety and well-being of our city. These are not programs thatgenerate revenue, nonetheless residents need continued access to the services they provide such as safespaces, computers, Internet and printers, and support for learning at all ages. I need you to also consider that recreational services, especially the Santa Monica Swim Center, areessential to the health of the community. Santa Monica has spent large sums of money to develop andsupport a culture of well-being. Having a superior aquatic facility adds to this and affords manydemographic groups (youth, elders, people with physical disabilities and those who are able-bodied) theopportunity to maintain physical health, mental health and a sense of well-being. While the Swim Center does create revenue for the city I am not ignorant of the fact that it brings in farless than the pool costs to maintain. I believe that many people who use the pool would be willing to paya higher charge for admittance and activities. I just hope that if this is how lost revenue is regained theCity Council will make some sort of an exception for low-income residents. Thank you for taking the time to entertain my opinion. Sincerely, Jennifer Vassos2320 Oak Street, Apt 6Santa Monica, CA 90405

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Item 8

Gregg Fisch <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 8:45 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council,Please vote to con�nue to fund parks and recrea�on field access during these extraordinary �mes andtherea�er, specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, Clover Park, Memorial Park, elementaryschool fields, and Marine Park. While we understand that cutbacks to city funding and staffing overallare necessary, the ones proposed for community recrea�on will result in minimal savings and maximumcommunity detriment, par�cularly to children. These fields should represent a net source of revenue for Santa Monica, not a cost.We rely on our parks and fields for exercise and wellness, both mental and physical. Specifically, SantaMonica Surf has been providing an athle�c outlet for Santa Monica children since 1975. The clubcurrently includes over 600 athletes, employs more than 30 coaches and provides over 100 scholarships.Santa Monica Surf is a vital part of the community and we will not con�nue to exist without access toSanta Monica fields.Please ensure the sports fields remain available to residents and youth sports teams.Thank you!Sincerely,Gregg Gregg Fisch+1 310-228-3721 | direct+1 310-228-3948 | direct [email protected] | Bio

SheppardMullin1901 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1600Los Angeles, CA 90067-6017+1 310-228-3700 | | LinkedIn | Twitter

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FW: Please Keep SMC Pool Open

Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:24 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>

FYI From: David Preizler <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 10:47 AMTo: Mayor Kevin McKeown <[email protected]>; Gleam Davis <[email protected]>; TerryO’Day <[email protected]>; Ted Winterer <[email protected]>; Council Mailbox<[email protected]>; Santa Monica City Manager's Office <[email protected]>;Community & Cultural Services <[email protected]>; Finance Mailbox <[email protected]>;Human Resources <[email protected]>; A�orney Mailbox <A�[email protected]>Subject: Please Keep SMC Pool Open


Dear SM Leaders and Staff,

First off, thank you for your service in these unprecendented times!

I want to express my hope that you'll find a way to keep the SM Pool open. I have been swimming there yearround, as a SM resident, for the last several years. Suprisingly, for a climate such as ours, there are no other publicpool options in Santa Monica. As it was, pre-COVID, just this one pool hasn't really been enough for a city of thissize (hence plans for SM to build another in the future on the airport park).

In any case, the pool is one of the best public facilitiles/services that SM has to offer. It's not just a recreationalfacility, but it's intregral to the health and well being of the community. It's a place to learn to swim for children, for adults and seniors to stay healthy (one of the best sports for longevityand also low impact- there's no replacmenet for it), for teams and athletes (swimmers at SM include past andfuture olympians), and it's also a social outlet -in a city with diminishing public space every year.

I hope you’ll protect the pool – the community can come together to make it work.

Thank you for your hard work and stay safe.



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Save our Parks!

David Windsor <[email protected]>Mon 5/4/2020 10:17 AMTo: councilmtgitems <[email protected]>


Dear Council, Please vote to continue funding parks and recreation field access during theseextraordinary times, specifically access to JAMS, Lincoln MS, Airport Park, CloverPark, and Memorial Park. While cutbacks to city funding and staffing overall arenecessary, the ones proposed for community recreation will result in minimalsavings and maximum community detriment, particularly to children. The State“Stay at home guidance” will end soon. We rely on our parks and fields for exerciseand wellness. Please ensure the sports fields are available to residents and youthsports teams.  Sincerely,David E. Windsor
