Download pdf - Monday Feb. 2, 2015

Page 1: Monday Feb. 2, 2015

Monday February 2, 2015 Volume 97 Issue 3The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton


Men’s basketball extends losing streak

Disneyland has priced out all but the wealthy

Opinion Sports5 6

Each day leading up to the Saturday homecoming game will feature events and programs to encour-age students to get into the homecoming spirit and support their teams.

The week got a colorful kick-off Sunday as univer-sity clubs, organizations and students embellished the Titan Walk with Ti-tan-themed murals for Cal State Fullerton’s Chalk Off Challenge.

“What we wanted to do is create a huge chalk mu-ral on Titan walk so that when students get here on

Monday, they know that it’s homecoming week,” Titan Tusk Force Director Lauren Vivanco said.

The event will contin-ue Monday at noon with the Chalk Off Judging, in which students who walk by the Titan walk will re-ceive three different tickets to vote on three different criteria that they believe best represents Cal State Fullerton.

The judging will run un-til 1:30 p.m. and students who participate will also be entered in a raffle to win Titan gear.

On Tuesday, students wearing apparel with the CSUF logo will receive a free taco during CSUF’s annual Titan Taco Tues-day. This year the wom-en’s basketball team will be serving the tacos along-side Associated Students, Inc. in an effort to increase

support for the women’s team.

“They want to promote that obviously homecom-ing isn’t just to celebrate men’s basketball, but wom-en’s basketball also, so they’ll be serving and it will give them a way to in-teract with students,” Viv-anco said. “It’s something we’ve never done before.”

The event will take place in the Central Quad from noon to 1:30 p.m.

Students will be guided through campus by Tuffy’s footprints on Wednesday for the Orange Out Scaven-ger Hunt. Starting off at the first station, students will be handed a tote bag to collect items to create a spirit pack to wear to the game. The event will start in the Central Quad and end at the Titan Gym from noon to 2 p.m.

Everyone can appreciate a good neighbor every now and then.

Cal State Fullerton will be hosting an open casting call in partnership with the Associated Students, Inc. Community Engagement Coalition for students to ap-pear in short episodes for the Good Neighbor Cam-paign project, which sprout-ed from a conversation between CSUF and the Ful-lerton community.

CSUF was receiving mi-nor complaints about issues that students may or may not have been intentional-ly causing, like parking and trash, Community Engage-ment Coalition Director Claire Kim said.

After weeks of

brainstorming, the Commu-nity Engagement Coalition came up with the idea of doing a short video series, in hopes of relaying these messages with our student body. The campaign is de-signed to create responsibil-ity in every college student and spread an awareness of being a “good neighbor.”

In a college neighbor-hood and community, there will always be interactions between college students and non-student residents. This blend can lead to con-flicts, which may or may not be issues such as littering, partying and parking. This series of videos is aimed to-wards helping college stu-dents keep the harmony be-tween themselves and their neighborhood.

“As a student, wheth-er they might live on cam-pus or off campus, there is an expectation to live by the common values, and ulti-mately, to behave as a good neighbor,” Kim said.

Those who feel they have what it takes to show

Fullerton neighbors their good side and represent CSUF can come to the cast-ing call Wednesday. No act-ing experience is required, just a love for Titan pride.

“We’re looking for fun, enthusiastic college students who are willing to volun-teer their time for this cam-paign,” Kim said.

The cast will be made up of three main characters (one non-student neighbor & two college neighbors), and addi-tional side characters.

There will be one male neighbor between the ages of 28-35, who will play the main hero of the story. This character will provide the audience with some laughs as well as knowledge.

The first college neighbor, a male between the ages of 21-22, will play the antago-nist turned good-guy hero. He will begin as the typical party-crazed college student uninterested in anything but throwing huge parties on the weekends.

The California State University Board of Trust-ees has required that fu-ture success fees must now be approved in a binding vote by the student body following an information campaign.

Of 12 campuses, includ-ing Cal State Fullerton, that have success fees, just two were approved with a student vote–but neither vote was binding.

Since the beginning of a two-year moratorium of success fees enacted by the state legislature in June, trustees have been meeting with campuses and gath-ering student input on the process.

In November, a work-ing group tasked with re-searching the process and reporting to the trustees found a need for consisten-cy among the system used for success fees across the CSU system, as well as a more rigorous adherence to student input.

Detractors have called the fee a workaround to a tuition freeze put in place by Gov. Jerry Brown.

Supporters, however, have praised the fee’s ad-ditional revenue in the wake of shrinking state contributions.

CSU Chancellor Tim-othy P. White approved a $181 semesterly success fee at CSUF last spring.

Existing fees are unaf-fected by the new rules except for a provision that gives students the ability to rescind fees by a vote after Jan. 1, 2021.

Kicking off homecoming

Board puts fee changes in effect

Casting call for neighborly Titans

Student vote could rescind fees starting in 2021



Series looking for actors to promote civil etiquette


Week of events will place focus on students


A Cal State Fullerton student prepares part of a mural to be judged Monday as part of the Chalk Off Challenge.


Students participate in the Chalk Off Challenge Sunday, creating murals with chalk on the Titan Walk in preparation for the beginning of homecoming week. Murals will be judged by students Monday from noon to 1:30 p.m. Other events will take place throughout the week leading up to the game Saturday.



1st Audition

• 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.• Titan Student

Union Stearns

2nd Audition

• 3:30 – 5:30 p.m.• Location: Titan

Student Union Bradford A



SEE CASTING 4Auditions will be held at two separate times on Wednesday in the Titan Student Union for the Good Neighbor Campaign project.


Page 2: Monday Feb. 2, 2015

President Mildred García will come on stage soon af-ter Thursday’s performance by Captain Nomad at the Becker Amphitheater, and men’s basketball will follow to pump up the crowd for Friday.

The Orange Madness Homecoming Rally will start at 6 p.m Friday as the first 600 students wait-ing in line to be checked in receive free In-N-Out meals.

Once checked in, the men’s and women’s basket-ball three-point and dunk contest will begin, and a performance by the spirit squad and dance team will follow.

Then, the crowd will de-cide which DJ will perform at CSUF’s Spring Con-cert during the final Battle of the DJ’s contest before headliner Ty Dolla $ign performs.

“I think that’s one of the big staples of ASI this year,” said Brandon Har-ris, Associated Students

productions director. “If we’re going to have an event, it’s going to be a legit event.

If we’re going to make chang-es, we’re going to make huge, big and real changes.”



FOR THE RECORDIt is Daily Titan policy to correct factual errors

printed in the publication. Corrections will be pub-lished on the subsequent issue after an error is discovered and will appear on page 2. Errors on the Opinion page will be corrected on that page.

Corrections will also be made to the online version of the article.

Please contact Editor-in-Chief Samuel Mountjoy at (657) 278-5815 or at

[email protected] to report any errors.

The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, Inc. College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSU. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since incep-tion. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free.

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The previous edition of the Dai-ly Titan contained a photo caption erroneously stating that the CSUF baseball team has not lost the alumni game in the past six years.

In actuality, the baseball team has not lost the past six games in the last eight years because the alumni game was cancelled in 2008 and 2009.

Japanese journalist beheaded

Al Jazeera journalist released

Patriots take Super Bowl





Terrorist group ISIS released another be-heading video on Satur-day, this time showing the beheading of Jap-anese journalist Ken-ji Goto, according to The Guardian.

The beheading comes after a deadlock in pro-longed negotiations in which ISIS militants pledged to release Goto in exchange for Sajida al-Rishawi, an Iraqi ter-rorist facing execution for her part in suicide bombings in Jordan in 2005.

“Because of your reckless decision to take part in an unwin-nable war, this knife will not only slaughter Kenji but will also carry on and cause carnage wherever your people are found,” an ISIS militant said, ad-dressing Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

No mention was made during the video of Muath al-Kasasbeh, a Jordanian pilot believed to be held captive by the group.

Imprisoned Al-Ja-zeera journalist Peter Greste was released from a Cairo jail Sunday, according to Reuters.

Greste and Al-Ja-zeera colleagues Mo-hamed Fahmy and Ba-her Mohamed were captured by Egyptian authorities in Decem-ber 2013 on charges including spreading lies to help a terrorist or-ganization. Their im-prisonment drew inter-national condemnation from the journalistic community.

The trio was initially sentenced to seven to ten years’ imprisonment in Egypt, a country where many people see Al-Jazeera as a mouth-piece for the Muslim Brotherhood and as a force for destabilizing the country.

Greste’s return to Australia comes after 400 days of imprison-ment. Meanwhile, Fah-my is expected to be re-leased to Canada within days. Mohamed’s fu-ture remains uncertain, however, since he does not possess a foreign passport.

After trailing by 10 heading into the fourth quarter, the New En-gland Patriots came back to beat the Seattle Se-ahawks in Super Bowl XLIX.

The Patriots began the scoring with an 11-yard touchdown pass from Tom Brady to wide re-ceiver Brandon LaFell in the second quarter, then ended it with a three-yard pass from Brady to Julian Edelman with 2:02 to play.

The Patriots won their fourth ring and Brady won MVP for the third

Students for Quality Ed-ucation, including the chap-ter at Cal State Fullerton, has created a petition to be sent to Gov. Jerry Brown requesting changes be made to the im-plementation process for Stu-dent Success Fees.

The petition, which has col-lected 222 signatures to date, takes aim at the current suc-cess fee policy, including the student approval process and policies to be adopted once the fees are implemented, ac-cording to the Students for Quality Education website.

CSUF implemented its suc-cess fee in Spring 2014, fol-lowing an initial two-week consultation process, another two weeks to garner addition-al student input and final ap-provals from the chancellor’s and president’s offices.

The final fee was approved at $181 upon full implemen-tation, which will take effect in Fall 2016. Currently the fee adds $60 a semester to exist-ing student fees.

The petition, as listed on

the group’s website, calls for a number of changes to the success fee policy, including a requirement of 50 percent plus one participation by the student body in an approval vote and a binding yes or no vote.

If fees are implemented, the petition calls for a three-year sunset clause for fees, transparency reports to be distributed to students and open meetings hosted by the campus president to inform students on how the success fee funds will be spent.

One of the main issues brought up by Students for Quality Education is the lack of student participation in ap-proving the fees. CSUF re-ceived 3,809–representative of roughly 10 percent of the student population–valid pa-per and online surveys during the weeks-long student con-sultation process.w

Elyse Rickard, a member of CSUF’s students for Qual-ity Education, said that the 50 percent plus one thresh-old advocated by Students for Quality Education as a student binding mark was not met while approving the success fees throughout the CSUs. The group surveyed 4,200 students across the CSU system, she said, and 90 percent of respondees did

not support the success fee on their campus.

During its Jan. 24 meeting, the CSU Board of Trustees approved a resolution that re-quires all future success fees to be approved by a binding vote after an informational campaign.

Rickard said the group has yet to decide how to move forward after the success fee recommendations voted on by the CSU Board of Trust-ees. It will, however, contin-ue to persuade the California governor to freeze the success fees through laws, appeals and actions, she said.

Rickard said the fees go against the 2012 tuition freeze implemented as part of Prop 30.

“That’s textbooks, that’s groceries, that’s gas mon-ey, that’s a semester parking pass,” Rickard said. “Gov. Brown established a mora-torium on tuition (hikes) and they’re using a lot of our mon-ey … for tuition purposes,” she added.

Students for Quality Edu-cation approached students personally and promoted the petition through face-book, email blast and the Students for Quality Educa-tion website to educate stu-dents on how the fees are created, she said.


Monday• Titan Chalk Walk• Noon - 1 p.m.

Tuesday• Taco Tuesday• Noon - 1 p.m.

Wednesday • Orange Out Scavenger Hunt• Noon - 1:30 p.m.

Thursday • Becker Amphitheater performance and pep

rally• Noon - 1 p.m.

Friday • Orange Madness Homecoming Rally• 6 -9 p.m.

Saturday • Titan Festival• 3 p.m.• Homecoming Game• 6 p.m.

Homecoming Week 2015

Vanessa Schotborgh, a human services major, works on her mural during the Chalk Off Challenge Sunday.


SQE fee petition to go to Gov. BrownGroup calls for changes to CSU success fee policies


SQE members protest student fees. The group has since created a petition to implement changes to the ways success fees are implemented and coordinated.


Week: Events lead up to game

Page 3: Monday Feb. 2, 2015

January 2011Cal State Long

Beach becomes first Cal State campus to

enact a success fee.

January 2014CSUF Student Fee Advisory

Committee agrees to pursue success fee through an alternative consultation process – meeting with the

campus community to discuss the then-potential fee and gather feedback.

January 27, 2014CSUF begins alternative

consultation process.

February 13, 2014CSUF decides to

extend consultation period in reaction to lower-than-expected amount of feedback.

March 9, 2014Consultation period

begins in earnest and Student Fee Advisory

Committee begins reviewing feedback.

March 2014Student Fee Advisory Committee approves

$181 success fee at Cal State Fullerton to be

phased in through 2017.

Late March 2014Cal State Chancellor

Timothy P. White approves CSUF

success fee.

November 2014Working group reports back

to trustees having found issues with accountability

and transparency in fee implementation process and recommended that new fees

require a binding student vote to be enacted.

Janurary 1, 2021Earliest date at which

existing success fees can be rescinded by student vote.

January 28, 2015Board of trustees approve new guidelines for enacting

a success fee at a Cal State campus.

January 1, 2016Moratorium on new success fees ends.

September - October 2014The Student Success Fee Working Group

holds three open forums at Cal States Northridge, Sonoma and Los Angeles to

gather input from students, sta� and administrators at those campuses. A small amount of representatives from other campuses, including Fullerton,

attended these forums.

June 2014California state legislature places

nearly two-year moratorium on new student success fees being enacted

at CSU campuses. Cal State Trustees charge a working group to obtain student, sta� and administrator

feedback to report back to trustees and state legislature.

Fall 2014 SemesterCSUF students begin paying success fee.




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A program geared to-ward helping active retir-ees move, groove and learn will be expanding its focus and providing new offer-ings this spring.

Osher Lifelong Learn-ing Institute offers 140 non-credit courses to in-dividuals who are re-tired, semi-retired or near-ing retirement to help them maintain an active lifestyle.

In the years since its founding, the institute has seen its membership grow to about 16,000, with mem-bers ranging in age from their 50s to 90s, insti-tute president Mike Stover said.

This spring the program will be offering a series of lectures focusing on an array of topics from space exploration to the histo-ries of various people. The program is also hoping to reinitiate its travel oppor-tunities, something Sto-ver said he’s very excited about.

“We have had day trav-el for a long time,” Stover said. “We would take a bus and take people down to the crime lab, forensic lab in Orange County and get a tour down there, but now we are going to go over to Catalina Island and do an overnight there.”

In addition to over-night travels, the insti-tute is also planning to offer international travel opportunities.

Institute leaders are also in the beginning stages of planning a service-based international program, Stover said. Kari Knut-son Miller, Ph.D., dean of University Extended Ed-ucation, is a part of the planning process for the program which would also include CSUF students, Stovel said.

There has been an in-creased emphasis on class-es to teach members about the wireless aspects of

their lives. As part of this, the institute has expand-ed classes on how to use online resources, smart phones and social media, Stover said.

Those classes come in addition to expanded music classes offered to institute members, Stover said.

“You learn some of the most fascinating things and what’s really good here is two things; one is you have the opportunity to learn things and expe-rience things that you nev-er thought you would, and you never thought you’d be interested in,” said Judy Alter, a member of the the institute’s Board of Trustees.

Alter was first introduced to Osher Lifelong Learning Institute four years ago by a friend. She said she be-came a part of the board through her passion for ex-tending her knowledge and involvement.

“The biggest thing about OLLI that I think is the most wonderful are the people,” she said. “There are people who have differ-ent experiences than you. People are fascinating, be-cause these are not people who are getting old so they roll up the carpet, it’s not like that at all.”

More information and a calendar of institute events are available at

International trips and tech classes are on OLLI’s horizon


CSUF was among cam-puses which did not give stu-dents a chance to vote on the fee. CSUF used an alternative consultation, during which campus administrators held more than 100 sessions with students and provided them an opportunity to give input on how the fee should be used. An online form was also used. A campus-wide, yes-or-no vote was never held.

Input provided through the sessions and online was used by the Student Fee Advisory

Committee to adjust the fee from the proposed $240.50

down to $181 to be phased in through 2017.

ollow uson

February 5• Tom Nolan of NASA’s Jet Propulsion

Laboratory in Pasadena will be speaking on the basic human characteristics of exploration.

February 10• Willem Van der Pol, director for facilities

operations, will be speaking on the sustainability of CSUF. Topics from conservation to curriculum development will be presented in an effort to begin a discussion on sustainability on campus.

March 5• Psychology Professor Nancy Segal, Ph.D.,

will present on a study that began in 1979 of twins who were raised apart.

March 19• Catherine Bauknight, documentary

filmmaker and photojournalist, will show A Voice for Sovereignty, which follows the Hawaiian people Kanaka Maoli after the Kingdom of Hawaii was overthrown

April 14• John Ibson, Ph.D., professor of American

Studies, will speak on the shifting relationships men have with each other. The presentation will feature images from Ibson’s book, and will focus on the mid-1900s.

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Schedule

Board: Student vote required for fees


Osher Institute to expand offerings

The CSU Board of Trustees recently required that all future student fees be approved through a binding vote from the student body.


Student Success Fees

Page 4: Monday Feb. 2, 2015

Downtown Fullerton’s Slidebar Rock-N-Roll Kitch-en is known as one of the go-to spots for great live music in Orange County. Wednesday, Slidebar will be hosting an up-and-coming British/American rock band, Charming Liars.

Currently on a West Coast tour, the band is making stops at the hottest music scenes in California. They will play in Hollywood, San Diego and in Fullerton. The five-member group is based out of Los An-geles, but originated in Lon-don, England.

In an interview with Groov-ey.TV, an entertaiment web-site, the band said 2014 was a

successful year. They dropped their second EP We Won’t Give Up, produced by the no-torious Bob Rock, who has worked on albums with Me-tallica and Bon Jovi. Charm-ing Liars also had the opportu-nity of sharing the stage with bands such as Becker, Wee-zer and MGMT at the Coro-na Capital Festival in New Mexico.

Mike Browne, Charming Liars’ spokesman, said the band is currently in the stu-dio working on new music and set to drop their third EP early spring of 2015.

The original band mem-bers, Charlie Cosser, Karnig Manoukian and Mike Kru-ger, were born and raised in London. At an early age, the three shared a love and ap-preciation for rock music, es-pecially the LA music scene. The teens decided to record a demo, the first step in pursuing their dreams of making it big

in the states. With their demo in hand and passion in their hearts, the trio left friends, loved ones and a college edu-cation to move to LA.

“We were fighting a lot of things that were holding us back in the UK: family, rela-tionships, dead-end jobs and deciding not to go down the path that all our friends did, which was the convention-al path. We really were go-ing to give this a go, and we have never regretted it,” Coss-er wrote on the band’s official website.

Guitarist Nick Krein and drummer Zack Riel joined the band after the move to the states.

The Charming Liars is scheduled to hit Slidebar’s stage at 8 p.m. this Wednesday night with free entry. For addi-tional shows and information of their West Coast tour, vis-it the band’s website at


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Casting: TSU to hold open call

He’ll be the typical handsome, social guy who is also smart and sophisticated.

The second college neighbor, a female between the ages of 21-22, will play the best friend of the first college neighbor, and will also help him turn over a new leaf.

She’ll help him become a leader to the neighborhood. She likes to party, too, but also values respect and resourcefulness.

Other side characters (college students) will be casted as well.

These characters will participate in a scene, a college house party and will have little to no dialogue.

For more information on the Good Neighbor Cam-paign project, email the Community Engagement Coalition at [email protected] or call (657) 278-3295.

After their sucess in 2014, Los Angeles-based rock band Charming Liars will play Slidebar Wednesday night.


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Local band pioneers electric grunge

The electronic grunge group FMLYBND is com-ing to CSUF this Wednes-day, Feb. 4.

The band will be jam-ming at the Becker Amphi-theater at noon.

The two vocalists of the band go by Mac Mont-gomery and Braelyn Montgomery. Mac also plays the guitar. The oth-er band members include

Erik Mason, who con-trols the synthesizers, and Ethan Davis, who plays the drums and also does the sampling.

Their songs have a steady beat, ghostly echo-ing vocals and hypnotic synthesized sounds. This makes their music ema-nate an electrified pulsing trance.

FMLYBND comes out of Isla Vista California. They live in a “rad ghet-to beach town. It’s grungy. It’s dirty,” Mac Montgom-ery said.

Growing up there, lis-tening to ‘90s grunge mu-sic from Seattle, striving to be themselves and always

trying to maintain a par-ty vibe all led to their self titled genre “Electron-ic Grunge,” Montgomery said.

The members of the band came together in early 2013, and it has been a lot of hard work so far, but it has been 100 percent worth it, Montgomery said.

They wanted to create more mindful electronic music that requires a band to play it, and not just one DJ slamming buttons on a sound board, Mac Mont-gomery said.

“Four people playing and vibing off of each oth-er live really brings an el-ement of freshness to the

table,” Mac Montgomery said.

In efforts to stand out from other bands, FMLYBND is going to be giving away a free song every month this year.

The idea behind this is that the majority of the world downloads music for free anyways, so why not just make it easy for the world to access their music and give it away for free, Montgomery said.

Being in a band and trying to make a living is not easy, Montgomery said. They have to make enough money from their music and performances to pay the rent and provide for their families. “The struggle is too real,” Mac Montgomery

said. Despite the difficulties,

they are moving forward one step at a time, he said. It also helps that they love what they do.

Playing live, having every-one react to the music and frequencies they create and then getting crazy and party-ing with the crowd is one of the most rewarding things in life, Mac Montgomery said. He thinks it is beautiful that his band can impact other people’s lives.

Students will be able to enjoy this band live this Wednesday and maybe some of them will even be letting go of their stress after listen-ing to FMLYBND perform.

We’re looking for fun, enthusiastic college students who are willing to volunteer their time for this campaign.CLAIRE KIMCommunity Engagment Coalition Director

Charming Liars to hit downtown Fullerton on West Coast tour


FMLYBND will bring a unique sound to the Becker Amphitheater




British band to charm Slidebar

Page 5: Monday Feb. 2, 2015

Disneyland may be the “happiest place on earth,” but it definitely isn’t the cheapest.

Disney’s house of mouse has slowly launched its admission prices to sky rocketing heights the average per-son can hardly reach.

The Disneyland web-site lists a ticket to Disn-eyland or Disney’s Cali-fornia Adventure for $96 for adults and $90 for children.

The price may look at-tractive for one person, but for a family of four, the price becomes hor-rifying, summing up to $372.

But what if people want to visit both parks on the same day? Well, that’s going to cost $144-$150 per person. The annu-al pass prices aren’t so glamorous either, ranging from $289-$699, with the option of monthly pay-ment plans.

Is Disneyland Resort only accommodating the wealthy? Apparently it is.

As people slide their ticket through the whis-tling scanner and walk below the bridge to en-ter the land of adven-ture, frontier, tomorrow and fantasy, everything

becomes untouchable. From those inescapable plastic Mickey ears to the copious amount of Dis-ney-themed clothing, the prices fly to infinity and beyond.

George Lopez’s Disn-eyland joke about licking the churro and passing it used to be funny until it became a cruel reality.

Even a person’s appe-tite and thirst has a pric-ey cost at Disneyland. Al-though the massive turkey legs, ice cream, chicken strips, french fries and fancy cuisine from Blue Bayou are tempting, the food seems unaffordable for a family of four when figuring in the prices.

A Dasani water bot-tle or a bag of Frito Lay chips cost around $3 each, when each item costs around $1.50 any-where else.

Disneyland really wants to keep the aver-age person from coming frequently.

Not only is Disneyland economically exploit-ing innocent and humble families through their ad-mission, they’ve extend-ed it through their food, parking and souvenirs.

Those Mickey Mouse ears aren’t fooling any-one. The economic boundary Disney has marked upon the average person is unacceptable, pricing everything at a wealthy person’s dime.

But those mouse ears better listen up. It takes the average Disney-go-er many hours of tough

labor and annual savings to bring the entire fami-ly to the Disneyland Re-sort; and all to waste it on overpriced food and mer-chandise that creates a dent through their wallets and their hearts.

Disney’s economic bur-den has curtailed many families’ chances to ex-perience the intergalac-tic world of Space Moun-tain, the cherished meet and greets with Mickey and Friends, the Sleep-ing Beauty castle and the breathtaking fireworks as much as they’d like.

Walt Disney would be upset at the economic machine Disneyland has become.

Disneyland was creat-ed so every person could have the chance to expe-rience and enjoy a mem-ory-filled day with family and friends.

Unfortunately, the eco-nomic rage of the people does not affect Disney-land resort whatsoever.

Eventually, the admis-sion prices will reach thousands of dollars and wealthy tourists will continue to fill Disney’s pockets, with no end in sight.

All we can do is take a trip to Yesterland and reminisce about the time tickets cost around $40-$50 and the en-tire family could enjoy and appreciate Disney’s accessibility.

If I ever wished upon a star, I would wish that the Disney price hikes would stop.



Disneyland prices out middle class

Living without staying connected

Anaheim park a commodity for the rich and wealthy


It was exciting to expe-rience visiting the Ana-heim Packing District recently, with so many trendy eateries practically begging to be featured on Instagram and other so-cial media outlets.

The ambience is abso-lutely beautiful and the amount of photogenic food was endless.

It’s difficult trying to choose the one place to document as the land-mark photo of the vis-it. Everyone knows this routine.

As the night pro-gressed, another destina-tion found its way into the itinerary. This place was a theme park very close

to campus. As one can imagine, this place is a plethora of social media possibilities.

It seems pathetic; the urge to document one’s experience on social media.

So, is 2015 the year to put your phone down? Is it time to enjoy being in the moment and ig-nore the craving to doc-ument dinner on Insta-gram or tag friends on Facebook?

The answer is yes. It’s time for millenni-als to look up from their screens and enjoy the times ahead.

Everyone is lost in the World Wide Web and is forgetting what else is go-ing on.

There is so much time wasted trying to find the perfect picture of dinner or the perfect selfie to post.

Imagine all the errands that could be finished,

all the people to see and talk with. The days would slow down.

Social media is a prev-alent and pervasive pres-ence today and it’s one this generation has grown up in, but maybe it’s time to set the phone aside and actually have a conversa-tion with someone, read an actual book or go out-side and take a walk.

The art of communica-tion is slowly fading, as people don’t know how to talk to one another anymore.

Physical contact is be-coming a weird task for many, which is quite baffling.

There are so many friendships to be made, possible relationships to form and new opportuni-ties to take if one simply looks up.

Who knows who or what could pass us by while our eyes are fixat-ed on our phone screens.

The art of face-to-face communication is a dying craft


Disneyland Resort is becoming inaccessibile to most middle-class citizens, with the recent price hikes making a day at the park an elusive reality for many Southern Californians.


Page 6: Monday Feb. 2, 2015

After allowing a second half lead to slip through their fingers late in the game, the Titans dropped to 0-6 in con-ference play Thursday night, as they fell to rival Cal State Long Beach.

“Since I’ve been here for the past four years, it has been one of the biggest games on the schedule for us. Every time we play them, it’s a good crowd and good energy in the build-ing,” said Titan guard Alex Harris.

There were 2,090 in atten-dance to watch this Big West rivalry game. Free shirts, as well as posters with the fac-es of Head Coach Dedrique Taylor and forward Steve McClellan were handed out before the game. This creat-ed a loud atmosphere in the Titan Gym.

The crowd did everything they could to lift players and create a hostile playing envi-ronment for Long Beach.

“It motivated us, it defi-nitely helped us. If we’re ever getting down, they’re always there to pick us up,” Harris said.

Whether the Titans were ahead or behind, the crowd maintained their energy and noise, with one of the loudest moments of the game coming when Harris hit a deep 3-pointer as the first half buzzer sounded.

At halftime, Fullerton’s men’s and women’s soc-cer teams were honored because of the Big West Conference championships both teams attained this past fall.

The Titans began the second half with a five-point lead and hold on until the closing minutes.

The student section jumped to their feet with joy as Harris drained a 3-point shot, putting the Titans ahead by 11 points with 4:14 remaining in the second half.

High fives were shared as the crowd of students and alumni chanted, “De-fense! Defense!” Neither the fans nor the players could expect what hap-pened next.

Three costly turnovers and a number of missed opportunities by the Ti-tans allowed the 49ers to gain momentum down the stretch and tie the game at 75-75 with 16 seconds remaining.

A missed shot by Har-ris with a second remain-ing sent the game into overtime, where the 49ers outscored the Titans 16-10, elevating their record to 5-1 in the Big West Conference.

After the game, Tay-lor recognized his team’s

strong play and cited rea-sons why he believed they fell short of the victory.

“For the most part, we played exceptionally well. Just down the stretch, we had way too many turn-overs,” Taylor said.

Harris’ team-high 28 points and McClellan’s 12 rebounds were not enough to overcome the 19 turn-overs that the Titans com-mitted on the night.

A heartbreaking loss can prove to be damaging to a team’s psyche, but Tay-lor believes the Titans will

bounce back. “I think there’s no quit in

this group, there’s a lot of fight in this group,” Taylor said. “We just got to con-tinue to learn how to make winning championship

plays down the stretch.” The Titans will look to

capture their first confer-ence win against Cal State Northridge Thursday. The game will be held at Titan Gym; tipoff is at 7 p.m.



Having rallied from a double-digit deficit, the Cal State Fullerton women’s basketball team showed a flair for the comeback Sat-urday evening versus host Long Beach State.

What the Titans lacked, though, was an ability to pull ahead in the second half, as the 49ers dominat-ed bench and painted pro-ductivity in a 74-70 Big West Conference defeat for Fullerton.

With the loss, the Titans fell to 9-10 overall and 3-3 in conference play, which puts Cal State Fullerton seventh in conference.

The 49ers (18-3 overall, 5-2 Big West) dominat-ed scoring in the lane on Saturday, 52-16, and had 30 points off the bench, compared to none for Fullerton.

Perhaps the player best representative of the di-vide among reserve squads was Long Beach State’s Raven Benton. The guard scored 20 points in 20 min-utes and hit crucial baskets late.

Benton was countered by Fullerton senior guard Chante Miles, who tallied a game-high 25 points along with five rebounds, three steals and three assists.

Fullerton pulled ahead for much of the first half. The Titans took a 15-10 lead after a 3-pointer from Tailer Butler at 11:11, but then they quickly started leaking points.

The Titans surrendered 15 straight points and fell behind, 25-15, with 5:57 left in the first half. Before the buzzer had sounded to conclude the half, Long Beach guard Anna Kim, a Fullerton native, hit a jumper to give the 49ers a 39-28 halftime advantage.

The hosts extended their lead to 50-39 in the second frame after a layup from Devin Hudson (12 points, 14 rebounds) at 13:01, be-fore Fullerton responded with a 17-6 run.

The spurt was aid-ed by four points apiece from Kathleen Iwuoha (12 points, five rebounds and four steals) and Butler (17 points, five rebounds and four steals), and was high-lighted by three 3-pointers from Miles.

The last of Miles’ triples came at 8:04 and knotted the game at 56.

Long Beach responded by scoring five of the next six points and taking a 61-57 lead with 7:25 left.

Miles, who has totaled double-digit scoring in 17 straight games, brought the Titans within four points with 1:14 left in the game.

However, Benton matched Miles’ shot, hit-ting a jumper with 43 sec-onds remaining to put her team up by six.

Fullerton again fought back behind a pair of free throws and a layup from Miles with a defensive stop in between to climb with-in 72-70 with 24 seconds remaining.

The rally, however, stopped there. Benton was

fouled with 21 seconds left and sank two free throws to put Long Beach ahead, 74-70.

The Titans had their chances, but missed two 3-point tries while com-mitting a turnover over the final 21 seconds.

Fullerton never led after that point.

The Titans will look to bounce back at UC River-side (13-8 overall, 4-3 Big West) Thursday at 7 p.m.

Titans drop OT thriller to the 49ers

Women’s basketball rally falls short in Long Beach

Men’s golf finish 12th in Arizona

Mike Caffey paced Long Beach with 34 points in the win


Junior guard Lanerryl Johnson drives the ball down the court past the 49er defenders. Johnson finished the game with 16 points, two rebounds and two assists in the loss to Long Beach State on Thursday at Titan Gym. More than 2,000 supporters were in the stands for the highly-anticipated Big West Conference rivalry game.






The loss drops the Titans to 3-3 in the Big West Conference

DREW CAMPADaily Titan Back in action for the

first time in three months, the Cal State Fullerton men’s golf team didn’t ap-pear to show any rust.

On the contrary, the Ti-tans posted their sec-ond-best effort this season by taking 12th place at the two-day, three-round Ari-zona Intercollegiate tour-nament, which conclud-ed Tuesday at the Sewailo Golf Club in Tucson, AZ.

Overall, the Titans fin-ished 25 shots over par in carding a total score of 877 on the par-71, 7,262-yard course.

The Arizona Intercolle-giate was the second tour-nament the Titans played out-of-state this season and the first action of any kind since the team took 19th at the Bill Cullum Invitation-al on Oct. 21.

Arizona State captured victory at the Tucson event, shooting a 12-under-par 840. Meanwhile, the Uni-versity of Texas at El Paso (851) was second, and Mc-Neese State (856) took third. Arizona State junior Max Rottluff won the indi-vidual portion of the event with a 10-under 203.

Fullerton turned in its best effort in the final round in carding a four-un-der-par 280, the third-best score tallied by any team in the third round. Only Arizona State (277) and McNeese State (279) shot better in the last round.

The Titans’ final-round score was impressive giv-en the team also had to

play portions of the second round on Tuesday morning due to darkness that sus-pended play Monday, and then had to complete the 18-hole third round later that same day.

Fullerton had also tal-lied scores of 299 and 298 in the first two rounds, re-spectively, before drop-ping 18 strokes in the final action.

Ryan Tetrault led the way for Fullerton, as the senior carded a five-over-par 218, which tied him for 27th overall with six other golfers.

Fullerton was only one of five teams in the top 15 to place its five golfers within the top 70.

Junior Marcus Merca-do-Kiel followed for the Titans and tied for 50th with a nine-over 222, while Matt Mur-phy tallied a 10-over 223 (tied for 54th), Mark Cobey shot an 11-over 224 (tied for 59th) and Josh Park finished with a 14-over 227 (tied for 69th) for Fullerton.

Cobey turned in the team’s best single-day effort when the freshman carded a three-under 68 in Tuesday’s final round, fueled by three birdies through the front nine.

Fullerton’s best team finish this season was an eighth-place showing at the Southwestern Intercollegiate in Westlake Village on Sept. 9.

Up next for Fullerton, the Titans will look to defend their own tournament cham-pionship at the two-day long Folino Invitational at the In-dustry Hills Golf Club, lo-cated in the City of Industry, beginning Feb. 16 and end-ing Feb. 17.

Last season, Fullerton captured its first-ever Foli-no tournament champion-ship by defeating Sacramen-to State, 863-879.

Senior Ryan Tetrault led the Titans with a five-over-par 218






Senior guard Chante Miles led the charge on Saturday with 25 points in the 74-70 loss to rival Long Beach State on the road. Miles is second in the Big West in scoring with 19.7 points per game.


Page 7: Monday Feb. 2, 2015











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QUOTE OF THE DAY“If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything.”

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A: A barber.

Q: What do you call a horse that can’t lose a race?

A: Sherbet


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A: A drill sergeant

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Although you’re quite aware of your feelings to-day, you don’t necessarily want to make them available for public consumption.


You may be swept up in a complex dilemma that pushes you up against the edges of your own comfort zone.


You might be required to make a choice today, and responsibility typically wins out over fun while sensible Saturn forms a stressful square with pleasurable Venus.


Although you have to manage your normal routine today, it’s important to also take time to reflect on your emotional needs.

LEO(JULY 23 - AUG. 22):

You are quite capable of creating a bubble of happiness around you if you can graciously ac-cept the present limitations now.

VIRGO(AUG. 23 - SEPT. 22):

You think you can sidestep relationship obliga-tions because you have more important things to do today.

LIBRA(SEPT. 23 - OCT. 22):

Someone at work may get on your case today about an issue you consider trivial. You might not intend any harm, but what you say now can inad-vertently hurt a person you care about.

SCORPIO (OCT. 23 - NOV. 21):

You may have to confront issues of low self-esteem today, making you doubt your every move. How-ever, relationship problems seem to grow if you withdraw to address your concerns on your own.


You might not even try to bridge the widening gap between your emotions and the circum-stances of your life now that austere Saturn is at odds with sweetheart Venus.

CAPRICORN (DEC. 22 - JAN. 19):

Your need for close companionship cools today, possibly leading you to spend time on your own in self-reflection.

AQUARIUS(JAN. 20 - FEB. 18):

You have social commitments that you prefer to avoid as friendly Venus struggles with cranky Saturn in your 11th House of Community.


An emotional dynamic could work in one of two ways today. On one hand, you might pull back from the intensity of interactions with oth-ers to establish clear boundaries for yourself.

Page 8: Monday Feb. 2, 2015


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The Cal State Fullerton women’s tennis team came into the 2015 spring season looking to improve on its lackluster 2014.

The 2014 squad went 8-15 overall, with a dismal 1-7 Big West Conference record in Head Coach Dianne Ma-tias’ first year at the helm. Now in her second year, she is equipped with young talent ready to make some noise in the Big West.

Alexis Valenzuela and Ca-mille De Leon were both freshmen last year, but their youth didn’t stop them from having spectacular seasons. Valenzuela finished with a stellar 23-6 singles record, while De Leon also eclipsed the 20-win mark with a 21-14 mark.

Now in their sophomore campaigns, the duo are look-ing to set more records for the CSUF program.

The season started on Jan. 17 with a nail-biter against the Nevada Wolfpack. The match came down to the top sin-gles game between Valenzu-ela and Sheila Morales with the score at 3-3. Valenzuela lost the first set 6-2, but ral-lied to win the next two sets 7-6 and 6-2, respectively. Valenzuela’s victory secured a 4-3 win for the Titans in the season-opener.

“I’m really proud of how our team competed today,” Matias said to “Today was a full team effort and the matches could have gone either way, but our team stayed calm and composed when the match-es became close and just kept fighting.”

The Titans then took on UC San Diego on Jan. 21 in another highly-competitive matchup.

Valenzuela did not partici-pate in the singles portion, but Emilia Borkowski lifted the Titans with a win in the No. 2 match over regionally-ranked Britta Mosser. Borkowski’s win came in comeback fash-ion, the redshirt sophomore rallying after dropping the first set to pull off the up-set. Victories in the fourth through sixth matchups, and the doubles point gave Fuller-ton the 5-2 win.

Fullerton’s momentum was halted three days later when they traveled to San Di-ego to face San Diego State. Valenzuela’s 6-1, 6-0 victory over Kristin Buth in the top singles match would be the only point that Fullerton col-lected, as they fell 6-1 to a

tough Aztecs squad.Rounding out the trio of

San Diego schools, Fuller-ton next matched up with the University of San Diego the next day. The Titans were again overpowered, as senior Jessica Pepa secured the only point for CSUF with a 6-2, 6-0 sweep of Carly Naslund. The Titans dropped their match 6-1 for the second con-secutive game.

The streak of losing 6-1 reached three games on Fri-day after the Titans dropped their conference-open-er against rival Long Beach State. De Leon obtained the lone point for Fullerton with a 6-1, 6-2 victory over 49er Hayley Thompson.

The Titans will look to right the ship when they host Azusa Pacific for a non-con-ference match Wednesday starting at 1:30 p.m.

Tennis looking for a bounce back yearA pair of sophomores will be crucial to success in 2015



Alexis Valenzuela• Sophomore, 5’5, West Covina, Calif.

Camille De Leon• Sophomore, 5’4, La Mirada, Calif.

Emilia Borkowski• Sophomore, 5’10, La Crescenta, Calif.

Kalika Slevcove• Senior, 5’9, Newport Beach, Calif.

Megan Sandford• Senior, 5’9, Orange, Calif.

Danielle Pham• Freshman, 5’3, Irvine, Calif.

Michelle Erasmus• Freshman, 5’6, Johannesburg, South Africa

Jessica Pepa• Senior, 5’3, Chula Vista, Calif.

Rebekkah Ermac• Junior, 5’2, Riverside, Calif.

Devyn Billingsley• Senior, 5’8, Santa Ana, Calif.

Isabel Donaldson• Freshman, 5’3, Bakersfield, Calif.

Women’s Tennis Roster 2015

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Morgan Thompson led the way for the Cal State Fullerton women’s indoor track and field team, as it finished up the second day of competition at the Uni-versity of Washington Invi-tational on Saturday.

Thompson earned sec-ond place in the 200 meter

dash, clocking in at 24.69 seconds, nine-hundredths of a second behind UC Da-vis’ Ashley Marshall.

Thompson’s second place showing was the best that any Titan could muster on a day of mixed results.

Ty’Jalayah Robert-son tied for 19th place in the triple jump, but produced a much better performance in the high jump.

Roberton’s jump of 5

feet 7 inches tied her for fifth place and broke the previous CSUF record of 5 feet 5.75 inches.

The 4x400 meter relay team of Tyler Hardge, Janaya Shorty, Alexan-dra Stewart and Eliza-beth Claustro posted a time of 3:52.54, good enough for fourth place.

The Titans will next compete at the Northern Arizona University Invita-tional, beginning Feb. 13.


Robertson sets school record