Page 1: Mom & Dad Volunteers of the Year

Leisure Lore • March 2009 • Page 2

Delores went to work in a bank. The next year a farm close to their parental homes became available after the owner had suffered a stroke The Moens made a decision to attempt farming, moved in 1969 to the rural area, and stayed there for 27 years.

The decision to leave the farm, and move to Bismarck was made after their children, two daughters, and a son, had graduated from High School.

Gary continued to work for some years in Bismarck. The big decision to retire came in 2005. The couple planned to travel to Texas, Arizona, and Florida in the next years. Everything changed when

they got to Leisure World. That was definitely a decision that was made in the betterment of the residents of our park.

Their arrival next winter season, 2005-2006, found them active as volunteers. They were chairmen of the weekly dances. This duty lasted for two years. Gary received an appointment as Activities Director last year. This is a position he will continue into the next winter season. Together the couple has served monthly breakfasts, cook-outs, Valentine parties, Christmas decorating, fund raising dinners and distribution of monthly Leisure Lores. Delores is the Treasurer of the Leisure World Chapel. Gary worked to construct the minigolf, and his ability as a very good handyman has helped many residents through out the park.

laundry for the staff and the campers.

The Moens are grandparents of four, with the fifth arriving in June. Their daughter has an eleven year old child, who reaches everybody’s heartstrings. She has been fighting cancer for two years. Hopefully the chemo will be discontinued in July of 2009. I know I speak for all residents when I convey the wishes and prayers of all, that the family will receive good news.

Gary and Delores received the award for Volunteers of the Year at the Volunteer breakfast. Congratulations! We are glad you chose Leisure World. A big thank you for all the work you have done in the last four years. It is truly appreciated. Brandy did all of us a big favor!!!!

--Betty Meysenburg

It was a rule at another park in Weslaco which led the Couple of the Month to our Park in January of 2005. Gary and Delores Moen were going to join some friends from North Dakota in Pine to Palm. They discovered they could not have Brandy, their Irish Setter, so they canceled their plans. Brandy was going to travel with them as they set out on their journey of retirement. Gary found a vacancy at Leisure World, on the Internet, so they packed up the RV, and headed for Weslaco. They were impressed by the friendly people who greeted them on the first days of their arrival. By the spring of that year they sold their RV, and had purchased a permanent mobile home at Leisure World.

The background of Gary and Delores depicts a hard working couple who, raised in small towns in North Dakota, have always worked together to better their lives, and those of others. Gary remembers coloring together with Delores when they were pre schoolers. Their families lived five miles from each other, and were friends. The couple did not attend the same school, due to different school districts. They didn’t begin dating until Gary was in college at Wahpeton, N.D., and Delores, a year younger than Gary, enrolled at the same college. She asked Gary if he could give her a ride home on weekends. Cupid did his work, and in 1969 the two were married.

Gary continued college, and

Couple of the Month

Gary and Delores Moen

When they do relax, they enjoy walking together. Gary enjoys the art class, and wood working. Delores likes to read, and especially tending her flowers at their home on a lake in North Dakota.

This couple doesn’t let any grass grow under their feet in the summer. Gary is a full time maintenance man from May through October. Delores also

works at the camp where Gary is employed. She begins in May to clean the twenty five cottages, in preparation for the campers who arrive in June. The camp is operated by the Elks of North Dakota. The campers are Special Needs children, and adults. Delores continues her work after the camp opens doing the

Photos by Scotty Marriner

Photo courtesy of the Moens

Pictured above with Lorn Cook, last year’s recipient of the Volunteer of the year.

LW Association President, Wally Bentt, presents Delores and Gary with plaque bestowing honor of Volunteer of the Year.