
Lesson 1:Intended vs. Implemented vs. Achieved Curriculum

Report by : Jujie S. Atilano & Saima Nuruddin


1. To understand the meaning and purposes ofcurriculum assessment.

2. To focus on the continues process of assessment

☞ The intended Curriculum

☞ The implemented Curriculum

☞ The achieved Curriculum

Curriculum Assessment

process of collecting information for use

in evaluation.

an important part of the systems

approach to curriculum development.

PurposesHighlight curriculum expectations.

Gather information about what students know and can do.

Motivate students to learn better.

Motivate and encourage teachers to meet the identified needs of students.

Provide evidence to tell how well the students have learned.

Obtain feedback that helps teachers, students and parents make good decisions to guide instruction.

1. Intended Curriculum

2. Implemented Curriculum

3. Achieved Curriculum

Types of Assessments

1. Intended Curriculum

refers to a set of objectivesset at the beginning of anycurricular plan.

answers what thecurriculum maker wants todo.

Indicators to measure intended curriculum

Are the objectives achievable with in the learner’s developmental levels?

Can the objectives be accomplished with in the time frame?

Are the resources adequate to accomplish the objectives?

Are the objectives specific and clear?

Are there ways of measuring the outcomes of the objectives?

Are the objectives observable? Are the objectives doable?

Are the objectives relevant? Overall, are the objectives SMART?

2. Implemented


refers to the variouslearning activities orexperiences of thestudents in order toachieve the intendedcurricular outcomes.

To assess the implemented curriculum the

following questions can be addressed:

1. Are the learning activities congruent withthe stated objective?

2. Are the materials and methodsappropriate for the objectives set?

3. Does the teacher have the skill toimplement the activities or use thestrategy?

4. Does the teacher utilize the various waysof doing to complement the learning stylesof the students?

5. Are there alternative activities for thelearners to do to accomplish the sameobjectives?

6. Are there activities provided to

address individual differences?

7. Do the activities provide maximum

learning experiences?

8. Do the activities motivate the

learners to do more and harness

their potentials?

9. Do the activities utilize multiple

sensory abilities of the learners?

10.Do the activities address multiple

intelligences of the learners?

3. Achieved Curriculum Refers to the curriculum outcomes based

on the first two types of curriculum

Now considered the product.

Any achieved curriculum must fit with the objectives and the activities that were conducted.

Indicates the performance vis a vis the objectives and the various activities.

Usually described by test scores or other performance indicators measured by evaluation tools.

To measure achieved curriculum:

1. Do the learning outcomes achievedby the learners approximate the levelof performance set at the beginningof the curriculum?

2. Are the learning outcomes achievedhigher or lower than the objectivesset?

3. Do the achieved learning outcomesreflect the knowledge, skills,attitudes and skills intended to bedeveloped?

4. How many percent of the learners inthe same class perform higher thanthe level set at the beginning?

5. Do the curricular outcomes reflectthe goals and the aspirations of thecommunity where the curriculumwas implemented?



Fig. 5 – The Relationship of the 3 types of Curriculum

How can we compare and contrast:

a. Intended curriculum(written)

b. Implemented curriculum(taught)

c. Achieved curriculum(learned / attained)

First, to compare the written(intended) curriculum to the taught(implemented) curriculum, we mayuse curriculum mapping.

Curriculum Mapping

is a technique that is veryuseful. Essentially, a curriculummap is created by the teacherof the subject by recordingwhat he/she is actually doing inthe classroom at variouspoints throughout the day.

A second analysis isBACKWARD MAPPING.

That is, analysing items on aculminating test to determinethe actual achievedcurriculum.

Question 1 - What does the BEC aimto accomplish? (Intended Curriculum)

From the DEpEd BEC primer, thefollowing are the goals of the basiceducation curriculum.

To raise the quality of Filipinolearners and graduates who willbecome lifelong learners

To decongest the curriculum inorder that the teachers and learnerswill be able to contextualize it

To muse innovative, interdisciplinaryand integrative modes ofinstructional delivery wheneverpossible and appropriate

To make values developmentintegral to all learning areas inhigh school

To increase time for tasks inorder to gain mastery ofcompetencies of the basic toolsubjects

The curriculum objectives areexpressed in terms ofcompetencies: knowledge, skills,values and attitudes which thelearners will develop or acquire.These objectives or competenciesdetermine the content whichfocuses on learning how to learn.

Question 2 - How was the BEC implemented toaccomplish the goals? (Implemented Curriculum)

To accomplish the goals, the following activities oractions were done or are being implemented in thedifferent basic education schools of the country.

The BEC decongest the overcrowded oldcurriculum into five learning areas, namely,English, Mathematics, Science, Filipino andMakabayan. The first three subject areas willdevelop internationalism, while the last twolearning areas will develop Filipinism.

The teachers in basic education were trained touse innovative, interdisciplinary, thematic, andintegrative modes of instructional delivery.Teachers of different disciplines plan and teachtogether in tandem or teams in all subject areasas possible.

Teaching- learning processes are interactive toenhance learning. There is open communicationbetween teachers and learners and amonglearners themselves. Instructional materials andmultimedia are fully utilized to supportinteractions thus teaching and learning becomemore interesting. Teachers consider the learneras an active partner rather than a passivereceiver of knowledge.

English, Science, Mathematics andFilipino are the basic tool subjects,while Makabayan develops healthypersonal and national self-identity.

Makabayan entails the use ofintegrated units of learning areascomposed of several subjects in theelementary and in the secondarylevels.

For The Elementary Level, Makabayan Is Composed Of;

a. Araling Panlipunan or Social Studies (Sibika at Kultura for Grades 1 and 2 and Heograpiya, Kasaysayan, at Sibika (HeKaSi) for Grades 4, 5, and 6)

b. Edukasyon Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP) for Grade 5 and 6

c. Musika, Sining at Edukasyong Pangkatawan(MSEP) for Grades 4 to 6 while for Grades 1-3, MSEP is integrated in Sibika at Kultura.

d. Good Manners and Right Conduct (GMRC) is integrated in all learning areas.

For the High School, the components of Makabayanlearning area are as follows:

a. Araling Panlipunan (AP) or Social Studies is composed of Philippine History and Government, 1st

Year; Asian Studies, 2nd Year; World History, 3rd

Year and Economics, 4th Year.

b. Technology and Home Economics

c. Physical Education, Health, Music and Arts (PEHMA)

d. Edukasyon sa Pagpapahalaga (EP) or Values Education

6. The school year 2002-2003 was declared as the pilot year in the public school. Private basic education schools were encouraged to join in the implementation of the BEC the later years.

Question 3 - What has the BEC achieved?

(Achieved Curriculum)

The National Educational Testing and Research Center (NETRC), the Bureau of Elementary Education (BEE), and the Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE) were tasked to do the evaluation of the BEC.

This is referred to as a school-based monitoring to allow curriculum managers to make immediate adjustments and provide feedback to the national offices.

Although, no formal report has been perused, among the initial achievements of the BEC as expressed by teachers, parents and students informally are the following:

Increased interest and motivation of students to go to school

Increased level of performance in the tool subject areas

Change in teachers paradigm from a dispenser of knowledge to facilitators of learning

Increased instructional materials support for teaching and learning Increase in the in-service training of teachers

More opportunities of learners to learners to learn on their own

Use of varied teaching strategies to complement the learning styles of students

More involvement of other stakeholders in the education of the children

More involvement of the school principals in the decision making that relate to curriculum implementation


1. What are the 3 types of Curriculum Assessment with at least 2 example question to measures the Curriculum Assessment.a.________________________ (3pts.)☞☞

b.________________________ (3pts.)☞☞

c.________________________ (3pts.)☞☞

A Total of : 1515
