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Neverblue Mobile MarketingNeverblue Mobile MarketingCole Carnes

Neverblue Mobile Affiliate Manager

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Why Mobile?Consumer Behavior:• Mobile is the fastest growing advertising medium in history

Time to reach 50 million users:

Radio broadcasting: 38 years

Television broadcasting: 13 years

The Internet: 5 years

The mobile device: 4 years

The iPad tablet: 18 months

Source: Forrester Research

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Why Mobile?Industry Facts:• Worldwide users of mobile Internet will overtake desktop in 2014

Source: Microsoft

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Why Mobile?Industry Facts:• Mobile Share of Web Traffic

Source: Pingdom

2010 2012 % Increase

Africa 5.81% 14.85% 155.59%

Asia 6.10% 17.84% 192.46%

Europe 1.81% 5.13% 183.43%

North America 4.71% 7.96% 69.00%

Oceania 2.88% 7.55% 162.15%

South America 1.46% 2.86% 95.89%

Worldwide 3.81% 10.01% 162.73%

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Why Neverblue?Company Facts:

• International Offices: Canada, the USA, England and Hong Kong.• Business Development teams in each of these offices

• mThink Blue Book industry ranking:* 6th place in 2010 2nd place in 2011 1st place for 2012

• Weekly payments

• Traffic source-specific affiliate managers (mobile, email, international)

• Out of Bounds competition

*Source: mThink Online Advertising BLUE BOOK

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Why Neverblue Mobile?Company Facts:

• Mobile-specific staff• Affiliate Managers• Business Development

• Rapid Growth• Over 600% growth in mobile over the last 12 months

• Analytical Reporting• Device, carrier, OS, etc. reporting without redirects

• Tracking• Server to server tracking = higher conversion rates

• Offers• Currently over 300 mobile offers

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Neverblue Mobile Offers

Currently 354 Mobile Offers 256 CPA 98 Apps

Represent 10 different verticals Strongest Verticals are Dating, Installs, and Content offers

Mobile Business development team constantly searching for new offers

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Welcome to the Neverblue Affiliate Site

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Mobile Campaigns:

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Choosing an Offer

What verticals are you comfortable with?

What type of traffic do you have? Web/App/Search/Push?

What is your AM saying about offers?

Is the offer already saturated?

Do you have access to a unique/your own traffic source? Demographic?

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Types of Offers

App downloads/installs (CPIs) Games, social networking, phone utility

Content offers Click flows vs pin submits What angles can you use to match your traffic to the content


Mobile Web How many fields? How many pages? What information?

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Choosing a Traffic Source140 Proof4th ScreenAdCell MediaadfonicAditicAdMarvelAdmiaadmobAdmoda; AdultmodaAdsmarket MatomyAdsmobiAdTripleAduruAirpushA-mo-beeAOLAppenda

BurstlyBuzzcityCaulyDSNR MediaeBuddyEGS MediaEngageBDRexoclickFlurryG+J Media SalesGreystripeGrupo.mobiHandsHunt Mobile AdsiAdInMobiIZPjiwire

JumptapkiipKomlimobileLead BoltLetangLogiaAdMadhouseMadvertiseMarimediaMDotMMedialetsMetapsMicrosoft MobileMillennial MediaMob GoldMobClix MobFoxMobile Fuse

Mobile TheoryMobPartnerMOceanmojivaMoPubMotrixiNAVTEQNextagePandoraPontiflexRadiumOnereporoRovioShazam Single PointSmaatoSponsorpayStartApp

SurikateTapit!TapjoyTrademobTrafficjunkyVdopiaveltiVservW4 MediaWebmediawhereAdsWidespaceXadXtendmediaYahooYbrand DigitalYieldivisionyoc group

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Neverblue Analytical Reporting

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Neverblue Analytical Reporting

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Neverblue Analytical Reporting

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Tips for Launching MobileTips for Launching MobileReach demographics via devices, carriers, and device/carrier combinations

Device Demographics:

• Android users are 10% more likely to be men

• iPhone users are 18% more likely to be women

• Newer/more expensive phones correlate with higher incomes

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Tips for Launching MobileTips for Launching MobileReach demographics via devices, carriers, and device/carrier combinations

Carrier Demographics:

• Target 18-34 users with T-Mobile and Sprint• This demographic is the biggest consumer of mobile content

• Nextel subscribers are 47% more likely to be a male between 35 and 44

• Reach lower incomes via prepaid carriers• Combine with feature phones and older androids?

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Tips for Launching MobileTips for Launching MobileBreak campaigns up to control costs, reduce risk, and get the best data for your money

Campaign 1: iOS phones + Carrier traffic

Campaign 2: iOS phones + Wifi traffic

Campaign 3: Android phones + Carrier traffic

Campaign 4: Android phones + Wifi traffic

• Pass site macro on all campaigns and specific carrier macro for campaigns on carrier traffic

• Test multiple creatives on each campaign• Pay attention to how traffic volume responds on optimizations

• Sometimes RON provides smaller margins but is made up for in volume

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Tips for Launching MobileTips for Launching MobileBidding Strategies and Analyzing Data

• Bid low, monitor impressions, raise if needed

• Duplicate campaigns and bid at different price points• Sometimes the best converting traffic requires a higher bid to access it

• Speak to your rep to find out what the going rate for traffic is

• CPC or CPM?• CPC helps control costs initially• Use high CTR ads on CPM to lower costs• Use high CTR ads on CPC to access more volume

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Tips for Launching MobileTips for Launching MobileBidding Strategies and Analyzing Data

• Ensure that you have enough data!!!

• Key variables: site, device, carrier, OS version, banner size

• Focus on scalability – do not make targeting so tight that you lose access to volume

• Do not throw away Site IDs without checking all data points• Some sites have huge volume even with tight targeting

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Contact Info:

Cole [email protected]/AIM: neverbluecole