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MLM Recruiting SystemWhat exactly is a MLM recruiting system and do you really need one? First of all a MLM recruiting system is a marketing funnel used to sort out interested prospects from uninterested prospects. Basically it sifts and sorts leads for you instead of you having to do all of the work by going out and prospecting tons of people.

I say yes you do really need one because it allows you to spend time with people are interested in what you are offering. With traditional network marketing prospecting it requires you to go out and prospect tons of people in the hopes that 1 or 2 people say yes I want to know more. When you use a MLM recruiting system you can market that system and allow the system to sort out the prospects that said yes I want more information and then all you have to do is follow up with them to collect a decision.

What Kind Of MLM Recruiting System Do I Need?It depends on what your trying to accomplish with your marketing. Do you want simple system that your team members can also tap into or are you looking to go online?

For simple offline marketing you can use a simple sizzle line recorded message. Basically you have a 2-3 minute message with an overview of your opportunity. Best bet is to use a generic sizzle message that gives a broad overview. This will help filter people out, the serious ones will leave a voicemail message but I recommend calling the ones who hung up as well. You can market this message through sizzle cards or drop cards, yard signs, car signs or many other methods. This is as simple as it gets for a MLM recruiting system. All you have to do is follow up with them, qualify them, send them more info on your business and then close them.
