Mix >7genealogical and Personal HistoryNo rthern Pennsylvania
Libiarian o f the Historica l Society o f Pennsylvania , Philadelphia
1 9 1 3
married (fir st ) M u rphy, ( second ) Hepsiba chi ldren
, al l by first ma rriage ;
Rosetta , now . living in Sa rdinia , married Reu
ben Long ; Eli zabeth , now l iv ing in Herkimer , New York
, marri ed Levi Long , brother to the
husband o f her si ster Rosetta . 4. Mary, died in Man i stee, Michigan , in 1904 ; marr ied as his s econd wi fe
, Thomas L . Payne ; children : L-
t i e , now living in Manistee , Michigan , marri ed
George Bil l ings ; Carol ine , deceased . 5 . Jul ia , di ed in Man i stee
, Michigan , in 1892 ; marr ied
Delos Fi ler ; ch i ldren : Golden , now l iving in Mani stee ; Amanda , deceased ; Mary , now l iv ing in Mi lwaukee
, Wiscons in ; Warren , de
ceased ; Frank , now l iv ing ih Detroit , Michi gan . 6. Daughter , died in Herkimer county , New York ; marr ied Story ; chi ld , Mary
, now living in Jordanvi l l e , New York .
( I I ) Phineas Lounsbury , son o f Phineas Golden
, was born on h i s fath er ’s farm in
Herkimer county , New York
, in 1804, died in
Sardinia , New York , i n 1872 . He removed
from Herkimer county to Sardinia a few years a fter hi s marriage
, and purchased a farm
which he cult ivated unt il hi s death . He was a Democrat in pol iti cs , and served as tax col
l ector for a number o f years . He was a Bap tist in religion . He marri ed Mary Catherine , daughter o f El i j ah and Kather ine (Herkimer ) Strong
, born in Herkimer county , New York ,
in 1805 , died in Sardinia , New York , in 1862 .
Her father was a l ineal descendant o f Elder
John Strong, o f Northampton , Massachusetts , who emigrat ed with hi s wi fe Mary and h i s si s t er Eleanor in 1630 from Taunton , England , i n the sh ip “Mary and John and landed at Nan tasket (now Dorchester ) , Massachusetts , and who was a son of Richard Strong , born in Caernavon ,
Wales , i n 155 1 . Her mother , Kath
erine Herkimer , was born i n October
, 1780 ,
di ed in 1847 ; married as her second husband Samuel Lord . Chi ld ren o f Eli j ah and Kath erine (Herkimer ) S trong : 1 . John , born Au gust 7 , 1799 ,
died July, 1869 ; married , March , 1820, Kather ine Chri stman . 2 . Henry , born 1801
, died March
, 1880 ; marri ed Mary Chri st
man . 3. George , born January 7 , 1803 , died 1839 ; marri ed Ju l ia Ann Dingman . 4. Mary Catherine
, marri ed Phineas Lounsbury Golden ,
re ferred to above . 5 . Eli j ah Herkimer , born 181 1 , died 1893 ; married Jul i a M cGee.
Children o f Katherine Herkimer by her
marriage to Samuel Lord : 1 . Nancy, born 1823 , died 1888 ; marri ed James Waldron . 2 .
Samuel . born 1825 , died July , 1887 ; marri ed NP—7
Katherine Harwick. Children o f Phinea s Lounsbury and Mary Catherine ( Strong) Golden : 1 . Samuel, died aged five years . 2.
Amanda Cathe rine , born in Herkimer
, New
Manistee ; mar ried Nelson Johnson ; no ch i ldren . 3 . Harriet
, born
1838, died in 1906 ; marr ied James Shingley, now l iving in Chicago ,
I ll inoi s ; chi ld , Marni e M . ,
now l iving in Mani stee , Michigan, marri ed C . A . Palmer
, auditor o f the state o f M ichigan .
4. James , born in Sardinia , New York , 1840,
died in Duke Center, Pennsylvania, July, 1908 ; married no chi ldren . 5 . Phineas Lounsbury
, re ferred to below . Three other
ch il dren died in in fancy.
( I I I ) Phineas Lounsbury son of Phineas Lounsbury ( 1 ) and Mary Catherine
( Strong ) Golden , was born in Sa rdinia , New York, October 18, 1846, and is now l iving in Duke Center , Pennsylvania . He received his early education in the publ ic scho ols
, and
worked on hi s father ’s farm unti l 1864, when he removed to Garland , Warren county , Penn sylvania , and was a teamster for one year ; he worked during the succeeding year in the saw mil l s and then removed to Ti di oute
, Penn
sylvania , and worked in th e oil wel l s unt i l 1870 . He then establ i shed a hotel and livery stable in Shamburg
, Venango county
, Penn
sylvania , which he conducted unti l 1874, in which year he removed to Petrol i a
, Butl er
county, Pennsylvania , where he engaged in the l ivery business and also was the propri etor o f a drug store and interested in the oil i ndus try. In 1879 he sett led in Du ke Center , Penn sylvania , and entered the oi l and gas business , i n wh ich he i s st i l l actively engaged . He is an Independent i n pol it ics , and was postmaster at Duke Center under Cleveland ’s first admin istration . He has f or nine years been one o f the school di rectors o f the town
, and has been
a j ustice o f the peace for th i rteen years . He was for five years one o f the director s o f the Producers Gas Company o f C lean,
New York .
He is a member o f Northern Star Lodge , No .
555 , Free and Accepted Masons , i n Duke Center , and i s a l so a member o f Bradford Chapter , No . 260 , Roya l Arch Masons. He i s a member o f Trinity Commandery
, Knights
NO . 7 , at Duke Center , o f which he i s past commander , and he i s al so a member o f East ern Star
, No . 2, o f which he was the fi rst
worthy patron . He is a Methodist in religion ,
and is a steward in the church , and was at one time one o f the trustees o f the church . He married
, July 2
sylvania , Margaret
Christina (Reed ) M cLaren, born in Philadel
phia , Pennsylvania
, November 22
, 1867 , now
l iving in Duke Center ( see M cLaren I I I ) .
Children : 1 . Agn es , born in Duke Center, Pennsylvania
, Apri l 10, 189 1 ; graduated from
Brad ford Business Col l ege in 19 12 . 2 . Phineas ,
Lounsbury , born in Duke Center
, Pennsyl
ford high school ih 3. Harriet , born in Duke Center
, Pennsylvania
January , 1896 .
(Th e M cLa r en Line ) .
( I ) John M cLaren, the founder o f th i s
fami ly in thi s country, was born in Glasgow ,
Scotland , died in Phi ladelphia, Pennsylvania ,
in 1850. His ancestors belonged to the Clan M cLaren in the High lands o f Scotland . He emigrated to America in 1848 and settl ed in Philadelphia
, where he was employed as a glas s
worker until hi s death . He marri ed , in Scot
l and , Agnes Creelman ,
born in Scotland , about 1821 , died in Phi ladelphia in 189 1 . Chi ldren : 1 . John , re ferred to below. 2 . Agn es , born in Scotland
, died i n Ca l i fornia ; married
no chi ldren .
( I I ) John son o f John ( 1 ) and Agnes (Creelman ) M cLaren ,
was born in Glasgow ,
Scotland , June 23 , 1843, and i s now l iving in
Phi ladelphia , Pennsylvania . He emigrated to
America with hi s pa rents in 1848 and settled in Phi ladelphia
, where he received hi s early
education in the publ ic schools and learned the trade o f a wheelwright
, and at the outbreak
o f the civi l war enl i sted in the United States navy and se rved f or three years . After the close o f th e war he resumed hi s trade in Phi la delphia
, and in 1879 removed to Butl er county,
Pennsylvania , and then settled in Duke Cen
ter , Pennsylvania
, where f or twenty years he
was employed in the oil industry, and finally returned to Philadelphia , Pennsylvan i a , where he i s now employed at the League Island Navy Yard . He is a Master Mason
, hi s affi l i at ions
being in Phi ladelphia , and is also a member o f
American Star Lodge , Independent Order o f Odd Fel lows , i n Phil adelphia . He is a Re publican in pol i tics , and a Presbyterian in t e
ligion . He married , in Phil adelph ia
, Penn
t er o f Alexander and Margaret (Bain ) Reed , born in Glasgow
, Scotland
, August 6, 1842 ,
now living in Phi ladelphia. Her father was born in Glas gow
, Scotland
, going fi rst to Texas and
a fterwards to other parts o f the country and final ly sett l ing in Phi ladelphia, Pennsylvania, where he was employed in the woolen mil l s , and where he di ed i n 1895 . Her mother was born in Glasgow
, in 181 1
in 1870 . Their chi ldren were : 1 . Samuel Mal colm , born 1835 , died in Oil Ci ty , Pennsyl vania
, 1901 married Mary Levins , now l iving
in Franklin , Pennsylvania ; no chi ldren . 2.
J essie , born January 1 , 1837 , died February
24, 1908 ; marri ed Da niel M cKenzie ; chil dren : John , now l iving in Lake Placid , New York ; Jeannette , now l iving in New York City . 3 . Alexander , born January 29 , 1839 ; now l iving in Greenvi l l e
, New Jersey ; married
Mary Elli s ; chi ld ( adopted ) , George , now l iv ing in Brooklyn
, New York . 4. Christina
marri ed John M cLaren , re ferred to above . 5 .
Margaret , born in 1844 ; now living in Sum
mit , New Jer sey ; marr ied James Frazer ; chi l
dren : James Moody, now l iving in Rix ford , Pennsylvania ; Wil li am ,
now living in New York City . 6 . Wil l iam , died in in fancy . 7.
Wil l iam , born May, 1848 ; now living in Green vil le, New Jersey ; married Margaret Coul ter ; chi ldren : Alexander , l iving i n Bayonne , New Jersey ; Jenni e , now l iv ing in Brooklyn , New York, married Wil l iam Daniel s ; Sam uel Malcolm , now l iving in New York City ; John , now l iv ing in Jersey City , New Jersey ; Helen , now l iving in Jersey City, New Jersey.
Chi ldren o f John and Christina (Reed ) Mc Laren : 1 . Margaret
, ref erred to below . 2.
Agnes , born in Phi lade lphia, Pennsylvania , July 30 , 1869 ; marri ed Thomas Pretty ; chi l dren : Agnes
, born November 27 , 189 5 ; Grace ,
born June 4, 1901 . 3 . Jessie, born in Philadel phia , June 25 , 187 1 ; now living in Brooklyn , New York ; marri ed Will iam Hall ; chi ldren : John , born 1899 ; Marian , born Apri l , 1901 .
( I I I ) Margaret , daughter o f John ( 2 ) and Chri stina (Reed ) M cLaren , was born in Ph ila delphia , Pennsylvania, November 22, 1867 , and i s now l iving in Duke Center , Pennsylvania .
She was educated in the publ ic school s in Phi ladelphia , and a t a private boarding school in Canada
, and from 1885 to 1889 was assi st
ant to the postmaster in Duke Center , Penn
sylvania . She i s a member o f Eastern Star
in Duke Center , Pennsylvania
Phineas Lounsbury Golden ( see Golden I I I ) .
The Ripley family in America traces its descent through vari ou s l ines to the earliest settlers
in th i s country . The immigrant ancestor , Wil l iam Ripley
, came from England
from Windham , which is di stant a few miles
from Hingham . Accompanied by his wi fe , two sons and two daughters , he sett led at H ingham
, Massachu setts
was admitted a freeman on May 18, 1642.
The date of h is b irth i s unknown , his death
occurring July 30 , 1656. He was twice mar ried , the name o f hi s fi rst wi fe not being given .
His second wi fe , whom he married
, September
29 , 1654, was Eli zabeth , widow o f Thomas
Thaxter ; she survived him and marri ed John Dwight , o f Dedham ,
dying in 1660 . Will iam Ripley ’s chi ldren were al l born in England .
the names on record being John , Abraham and Sarah .
( I I ) John Ripley, son o f the immigrant ,

r ing in 1684. He marri ed El izabeth Hobart ,
daughter o f the Rev . Peter Hobart, the first pastor o f the church at Hingham ,
and had seven chi ldren : John ; Joshua , born 1658 ; Jere miah ; Jos iah ; Peter, probably the same who is mentioned below ; Rebecca , and Hezekiah .
( I I I ) Peter Ripley, who seems to be the same ind ividual mentioned above as the son o f John and“ Eli zabeth (Hobart ) Ripley , was born October 21
, 1668, and had a son by th e
same name. . ( IV ) Peter son o f the above mention ed Peter ( 1 ) Ripley, was born October 25 , 169 5 ; he had a son Noah .
(V ) Noah , son o f Peter (2 ) Ripley, was
born September 18, 172 1 ; he had a son , th e Rev. . Nehemiah Hobart Ripl ey.
(VI ) Rev . Nehemiah Hobart Ripl ey, son o f Noah Ripley , was born May 5 , 177 1 , i n Massachusett s : he removed to the vicini ty o f
Alba ny, New York , whence he came to Tioga county
, Pennsylva nia
Corey Creek in Richmond townsh ip , about a
mi le and a hal f east of Mansfield . Here in 1836 he bui lt a saw mil l where the Eli j ah Pincheon Clark mi l l a fterwards stood . He
93 I
was ordained a Bapt i st mini ster and preached for that denomination near ly fi fteen yea rs ; then he became a Universal ist
, and continued
to preach the doctrines o f that faith unti l hi s death , September 16, 1847, i n Richmond town ship . Be fore coming to thi s county he marri ed Lucy Ball , who di ed September 12 , 1843 ; they had el even ch i ldren : Minot
, marr ied Mercy
Ezra , marri ed Ma ry G . Day ; Ahio , marri ed Diadamia Lucy
, marr ied
Henry Dame ; Sal ly, married El iakim W .
Cheseboro ; Harri et ; Hobart ; Mary, marri ed Moore ; Lucretia, marri ed Lent D .
Seelye ; Phi l ip S . , mentioned fu rther ; Jerusha , marri ed Peter I . Simons . (VII ) Phi lip S . , son of Rev . Nehemiah
Hoba rt and Lucy (Bal l ) Ripley, was born March 24, 1812,
near Albany , New York . He
came with h is parents to Richmond township ,
Tioga county, in 1815 , and there grew to man hood . He attended the local schools
, and at
the expi ration o f hi s studies , became a farmer. When he was twenty one years o f age he bought the farm upon which he l ived unti l 1892 , when he ret ired from active work and took up hi s residence in Mansfield . Here h e di ed April 14, 1895 , aged eighty—three years . He was a Universal i st , l ike his father, and was a member of the Republ i can party . On December 28
, 1837, he marr ied (fi rst ) Lorena
Webster, second daughter o f Roswel l Webster , a native o f Massachusetts
, who sett led in Sull i van township , Tioga county, at an early date . He was born. at S ander sfield
, July 27, 1789 ,
and died‘ on h is farm in Tioga county , May 7 ,
1875 . Mrs . Ripley ’s mother was Betsy Doud ,
born October Mr . and Mrs . Webster had nine chi ldren , al l o f whom are now de ceased ; th ey were as fol lows : Amelia , marr ied Thomas Reynolds ; Cyrus , married Diadamia Miller ; Lorena , marri ed Phi l ip S . Ripley
, men
tioned above ; Joel , married Nancy J . Rock well ; All en F . , married Nancy J . Hager ; Ros wel l Doud , marri ed Mary J . Soper ; Hulda , married Orin Dodge ; Phi lander, married
( first ) Mary A . Rockwel l , ( second ) Sarah A .
Cull en ; Ann . C . , married Warren L . Mi ller ,
a farmer o f Charleston township . Mrs . Rip ley , who was a Bapt ist , was born June 24, 1817 , and di ed June 3 , 1888, in Richmond township ; she was the mother o f ten ch ildren
, as fol lows :
Missou ri . 2 .
Homer J . , mentioned further . 3 . Ezra , resid
ing in Utica . New York , reti red ; marri ed Mary Ann Will and had n ine chi l dren : Lorena ,
9 32
married George Audas ; John Phil ip , died aged three years ; Ezra Eugene, marri ed Lulu May Moore ; Minnie Alvi ra , marr ied Lewis Webb ; Lily A . ,
died young ; Roswell David ; Mary El len
, deceased ; Lucy Ann, married ; Homer J .
4. Joel , died at two years o f age . 5 . Volney , born October 5 , 1843 ; he is a farmer, l iving at Mansfield
, and an influential man in the
county ; served in the civil war, and is a mem ber o f the Grand Army of the Republ i c and the Independent Order o f Odd Fellows . He marr i ed" Ameda Rumsey, daughter o f Aaron and Ori lla Rumsey ; she died , l eaving two chi l dren : Maude, l iving at home , unmarried ; and Adel ine M .
, married Delbert C . Smith . 6.
Lucy Ann , deceas ed ; she married Joseph B .
Rumsey , who i s now in the rai l road business
in Oswayo , Pennsylvania ; th ey had two chi l
dren : David Noah , l iving in East Aurora
, New
J . , married Eva Wright and has two chi ldren ,
Wright Gerard and Gertrude , aged fourteen
and twelve , respectively . 7 . Roswell Phi l ip
, a
farmer in Sull ivan township ; married Jul ia Ann Rumsey
, having one son
l iving at home : Lucy P . , Ori ll a F.
, LaRancie,
ty - one
, fi fteen
Cresson , unmarried, and l iving at home . 9 .
Phi lander Webster , living in Michigan ; he
marri ed Juli a O . Johnson , having three ch i l dren : i . Laura E .
, married James Smithson ,
, aged thirteen and ten . i i . Carlotta
Bel le , married George Edward Fritz, having
two chi ldren : Dori s Annetta and George Eldon , aged thi rteen and ten ; after the death o f Mr . Fri tz
, she married ( second) Bert Hi ll , by
whom she has one chi ld , Ruth Thelma . i i i . Harry Paul
, l iving in I l ion
, New York ; mar
ried , and has one chi ld . 10. Ber tha Jerusha ,
died at age o f nine years . After the death of hi s fi rst wi fe
, Phil ip S . Ripley married ( sec
ond) Mrs . Eliza Mi l ler, widow o f El i as Mill er ; she survived him
, having no children .
(VII I ) Captain Homer J . Ripley , son o f
Phil ip S . and Lorena (Webster ) Ripley, was born December 8, 1839 , in Richmond townsh ip , Tioga county
, Pennsylvania . He was reared
on hi s father ’s farm , and attended th e publ ic and state normal school s in Richmond town ship and'Mansfield ; later entering Estey Busi
ness College at B inghamton , New York , from

R . Webster , o f
, 1862 , he enl i sted in the
Fourteenth In fantry , then a part o f the Fi rst

s board , he was commi s
sioned second and fi rst li eutenant success ively, in the Fourteenth Regiment
, in June
Soon a fterwards he was made adj utant , and
le ft New York harbor with h is regiment in November, 1865 , f or Cali fornia . The com mand reached Camp Goodwin
, Arizona
, in
May, 1866 ; and in July the Third Battal ion o f the Fourteenth became the Thi rty - second United States In fantry . He was promoted captain in the new regiment on September 15 , 1867, and commanded at Camp Bowie, Ari zona , unti l July , 1869 ; when he took leave o f absence for a vis i t home , and was married, November 1 , 1869 , to Ada lena Rumsey. In February , 1870, Captain Ripley was ass igned to du ty as commissary for the Arapahoe and Cheyenne Indians , at Camp Supply, Indian Terri tory ; and on January 1 , 187 1 , he resign ed from the service
, in which he had been. en
gaged f or nine years actively and on the fron tier. Upon hi s return to c ivi l l i fe Captain Ripley engaged in merchandising at Mansfield for a period o f four years
, a fter which h e
farmed for another four years in Sull ivan town ship . He then returned to the merchan di se business in Mainesburg
, where he was
also postmaster, closing out again in January, 1888, when hi s store was destroyed by light ning. Ent ering upon the duties o f recorder and register, h e served f or three consecutive terms in Well sboro
, and then settled on hi s
farm in Sul l ivan township . Here he remained four years , when in 1901 , he removed to Mans field , where he continued unt il hi s death , Octo ber 26, 1906. In poli ti cs he was a Republican ; he was a member o f the Independent Order o f Odd . Fellows , occupying al l chai rs and be
l onged to the Free and Accepted Masons . He also belonged to Mansfiel d Post
, No . 48, G . A .
R . , and to the Union Veteran League . On November 1 , 1869 ,
Captain Ripley mar ried, as has been stated , Adalena Rumsey, who was born in Sull ivan township
, Apri l 13, 1842.
She was a daughter o f Aaron and Oril la Rum sey , and si ster to Ameda Rumsey , who married her hu sband ’s brother . Aaron Rumsey was a farmer , born in Vermont , April 7 , 1803 , and died in Sull ivan township
, July
1 1 , 1886 ; hi s
wi fe was Ori lla Fai rchi ld , born at Great Bend , Pennsylvania , August 1 5 , 1815 , and died July 15 , 1899 . Mr . and Mrs . Rumsey were the parents o f ten chi ldren
, as fol lows : 1 . Ade
laide , married Lewis B . Lucas
, both deceas ed ;
they le ft th ree chi ldren : Minni e Ori l la , who
married Frank T . Reynolds , and had one chi ld
Ned , who died at ten years o f age : Hardee G. , a farmer in Sull ivan township, unmarried ; James Cl inton , died unmarri ed . 2 . Jesse
, a
farmer of Sull ivan township ; h e married Al ice Connel ly and had one daughter , Martha Ellen , who marri ed Charles H . Strange , having three children
, Malcolm
ried Volney Ripley, as previously stated . 6.
Martha Mati lda , died unmarried . 7 . Emory
James , a farmer o f Sull ivan township ; mar
ri ed Ella Reynol ds and has no chi ldren . 8.
Daniel F . , marr ied Helen R . Doud , who lives
on a farm in Sull ivan townsh ip, having one chi ld
, Donovan Ward
Ann , married Roswel l P . Ripley , brother o f
Homer , as previous ly stated . 10 . Fremont ,
di ed at the age o f two years . Mr . and Mrs . Homer J . Ripley had no ch il
d ren . Since her husband ’ s death in 1906, Mrs .
Ripley has continued to be a resident o f Mans field .
The Berfields were early set BERFIELD tlers o f Clinton , later o f Ly
coming county, and l ike most o f the settl ers o f Muncy Creek township , Ly coming county
, probably came from Berks
German , Engli sh and I ri sh ancestors . The
fi rst record found i s o f Stephen Berfield.
( I ) Stephen Berfield,
, was a l i felong farmer o f Clinton and
Lycoming counties . His farm in the latter county was in Muncy Creek township , near the
river . He was a Democrat in pol i t ics , and
both he and his wi fe , Susanna
, were mem
bers of the Methodi st Episcopal church . He di ed at Bakersfield, Pennsylvania , as did his wi fe , both reach ing a good old age . Children : Maria
, born March 7, 1797 ; Will iam, March
1798, a fa rmer ; John , o f whom further ; Sarah , August 24, 1802 ; Josiah , December 19 , 1804 ; Jean , June 7 , 1807 ; Rebecca , February 19 , 1813.
( I I ) John , son o f Stephen and Susanna Berfield
, was born in Muncy
, June 19 , 1800,
di ed Pebru ary . 1874. He attended the publ ic school
, and
in h i s youth worked at lumbering in that county . La ter he moved to Wharton town ship , Potter county, Pennsylvania . He came to Wharton township in a canoe from Muncy, coming up the West Fork o f the S innemahon ing with hi s family and hou sehold goods , there being no roads at that t ime. He cleared a farm in. Wharton township and engaged in lumbering f or many years . All hi s ch i ldren were born on this farm
, fi rst owned and cl ear
He married Rebecca Shaff er , born in Cam eron county
, 1809 , died in. Wharton township
in 1885 , daughter o f James Shaff er, a farmer at the Fi rst Forks o f the Sinnemahoning river in Cameron county
, where he died in 1858,
over eighty years o f age . The Shaff ers were o f German ancestry ; the father o f James Sha f fer was a soldier o f the revolution ; James Shafl
‘ er served in the war o f 1812, marri ed
Rebbecca Sterl ing, and died at the Cameron county farm several years be fore her husband .
Thei r ten chi ldren were al l born in Cameron county : 1 . James
, a farmer . 2 . Daniel , a
farmer ; he and hi s wi fe Margaret died in the west . 3 . Joseph
, a farmer, died i n Cameron
county . 4. Benj amin , di ed in I l l inoi s, a farmer .
5 . Wesley D. , died in Cameron county . 6.
Jacob , di ed in Cameron county , a farmer ;
married Ell en Johnson . 7. Rebecca , o f previ ous mention , married John Berfield. 8. Eliza beth
, born March 15 , 1828, now l iving in
Warren , Pennsylvania
, married ( fi rst ) Rev .
James Hanckenberry, a Methodist minister , ( s econd ) Dr . Amos French , o f Coudersport decea sed . 9 . Margaret
, married Will iam Ber
i n I ll inoi s . Children o f John and Rebecca Berfield,
al l born on the Wharton township farm : 1 . Jos iah
, born January 9 , 183 1 marri ed
Elizabeth Johnson , whom he survives , a reti red farmer o f Cameron county ; chi ldren : Henry, Elizabeth
, Ellen . John , Herman . 2 . Margaret,
born January 15 , 1832 ; married Attisiu s Bur linghame
, deceased
whom she survives at Sterl ing Run , Pennsyl
vania ; chi ldren : Lucy , Joseph
, Westcott
, Flora
Edward . 3 . Stephen , born February 17, 1833 ;
a farmer ; marr ied Nancy Lou sbaugh, both de ceased , l eaving i ssue . 4. James , born Septem ber 6, 1834 ; a farmer and lumberinan ; marri ed Martha Lousbaugh , a si ster o f Nancy, both deceased , leaving issue . 5 . John
, born Au
gust 19 , 1835 ; ma rri ed Sarah Ann Lane , both deceased , l eaving John , Jane , Margaret . 6.
Anna Eli zabeth , born February 15 , 1837 ; mar
ri ed John Fargus, a blacksmith , both l iving in Lock Haven
, Pennsylvania ; ch ildren : Ellen ,
Wil l iam , Elizabeth . 7 . Benj amin , born Pebru
ary 18 , 1839 ; a farmer ; married Addie Wi l
bur , both living in Hebron township, Potter county ; chi ld , Louisa . 8. Sarah Jane
, born
August 1 1 , 1840 ; marri ed Isaac Barl ey , a farmer, both deceased ; chi ldren : Anna , Mar garet , Arthu r . 9 . Henry
, born February 3 ,
, a resident o f Walla Walla
, Washington .
1 1 . Washington, born October 2 , 1844 ; a car
penter ; married (fi rst ) Alice Colcord ; chi l dren : Alice and another ; marri ed ( second )
and resides at Zion City , I l l inoi s . 12 .
Mar ion , o f whom further . 13. Will iam
, born
February 6, 1848 ; a farmer o f Wharton town ship ; marri ed Mary Brooks chi ldren : Emma and Alma
, the latter ki l l ed in an automobil e
accident . 14. Jacob , born February 2
, 1849 ;
s ides near J ersey Shore , Pennsylvania ; chi l
dren : Ol iver , Beryl . 15 . Bigler , born June 1 1 ,
1850 ; a farmer ; married Alice Logue , who survives him in Sylvania township . 16. Wes ley
, born February 3 , 1853 ; h is wi fe Eli za
beth deceased ; he now resides in S innemahon ing ; chi ld , Walter . 17 . Rebecca
, born July
12, 1854, died 1866 .
( I I I ) Marion , twel fth chi ld o f John and Rebecca ( Sha ff er ) Berfield, was born in Whar ton townsh ip
, Potter county
Will iam All i s , the founder o f th i s ALLIS family in America , came from
England in 1635 . He took the freeman oath , May 13 , 1640,
at Bainbridge ,
Massachusetts , and l ived there unti l 1658, hold ing several town offices and was second l ieu tenant o f the Mounted Troop . Later he moved to Hadl ey
, Massachusetts , becoming one o f
the original proprietors o f that town , l iving in the part known as Hatfield . While there he fi ll ed the posit ions o f deacon in the church j ustice of the peace and sel ectman , and was l ieutenant o f caval ry . He di ed September 6,
1678. His fi rst wi fe was Mary , ki l led Septem ber 19 , 1677, by the Indians when they attack
s trade . He is a Republ ican and served twelve years in Wharton township as school di rector , being president o f th e board three years
, also was school t reasurer. In re
ligious faith he i s a Methodi st , his wi fe al so being a member . He marri ed, February 25 , 1867, Almina Nelson ,
born Apri l 10, 1841, in Wharton township
, died in Coudersport
in 1817, in Pennsylvania , died 1874, marri ed
Nancy, daughter o f James Ayres . She is now l iv ing with her son
, Alonzo D . Nel son . Chi l
dren of Jo seph and Nancy Nel son : 1 . Alonzo D.
, born 1838 ; a farmer o f Wharton town
ship ; married Nancy Logu e ; ch i ldren : Leon , a bookkeeper at New Castl e ; Merle, a con ductor
, residing at Du Bois
, Pennsylvania . 2.
Almina . o f previous mention , married Marion Berfield. Chi ldren o f Mr . and Mrs . Berfield, al l born in Wharton township : 1 . Edith May, born May 24, 1872 ; married W . K . Swetland, o f Harri son Valley, Pennsylvania, an attorney at- law
, pract icing in Coudersport ; ch ildren :
Wini fred , born November 17, 1897 ; Robley ,
May 24, 1900. 2 . Lena Myrtl e
, born August
Penn Yan , New York
, now engaged in the
insurance and r eal estate business in Conders port ; ch ildren : Bernice, born October 16, 1901 ; H . Frederick, October 3 1 , 1902 . 3 .
Wini fred , born May 16
, 1878 ; marri ed Walter Rhodes
, o f New Castle , Pennsylvania , now
deputy postmaster at Coudersport . The mother o f these chi ldren was a devoted member o f the Methodist Episcopal church .
ed Hatfield . He married ( second ) June 25 , 1678, Mary Bronson, widow o f John Graves , who was ki l led by the Indians in th e attack on Hatfield . Chi ldren o f Wil l iam and Mary All i s : 1 . John , born March 5, 1642 . 2 . Samuel , re
ferred to below. 3 . Josiah , born 1649 , died
October 25 , 165 1 . 4. Josiah , born October 20,
165 1 . 5 . Will i am , born January 10,
1653, died
July 16, 1653. 6. Hannah , born 1654, died 1718 ; marri ed Will iam Scott
, January 28,
1670. 7 . Wil l iam, born October 1 1 , 1655 , ki l led
May 16 , 1676, by the Ind ians in the battle at
Turner ’s Fall s . 8. Mary , born 1657, died Feb
ruary, 1690,
unmarri ed .
( I I ) Samuel , son o f Wil liam and Mary Al l is
, was born February 24, 1647 , died March
9 , 169 1 . He resided 1n Hatfiel d . He marri ed Al ice
, who after hi s death marr ied Sergeant John Hawks
, who was captured and ki l led by
born February 20 , 1679 , ki l l ed February 29 ,
re fer red to below . 4. Mary , born July 6 , 1682 ;
captured in 1704 by the Indians and later re deemed ; marri ed , February 3 , 1710,
Samuel Brooks . 5 . Thomas , born March 12
, 1684. 6.
Sarah , born 1685 , died June, 1739 ; married, 1709 ,
Ebenezer Evarts , o f East Gu il ford , Con necticut. 7 . Rebecca
, born November 29 , 1687 .
( I I I ) Will iam son of S amuel and Alice Al li s, was born October 19 , 1680,
died Febru ary 20
, 1763 . H e resided i n Sunderland and
Montague , Massachusetts . He married Eli za beth Davis ; she di ed May 14,
1758. Childr en : 1 . Mary, born February 15 . 1705 ; married Jo seph Mil ler . 2 . Lois, born January 13, 1708 ; marri ed Gershon Tuttl e . 3 . Eliphalet , born December 9 , 17 10. 4. Zebadiah
, re ferred - to
below . 5 . Eli zabeth , born May 20, 17 16 mar ried David Baker . ( IV ) Zebadiah , son. o f Wil l iam (2) and
Eli zabeth (Davis ) Al li s , was born October 28,
1713 . He l ived in Montague , Massachusetts .
He marri ed , December 3 1, 1740, Mary Baker.
Chi ldren : 1 . Ruth , born November 3, 1742 .
died July 6 , 1744. 2 . Ruth
, born December
, 1747, di ed
1749 . 5 . Wil l iam , born February 6 , 1752. 6.
Zebadiah , born July 2 , 1754. 7. Moses , re
ferred to below . 8. Mary , born August 25.
(V ) Moses , son o f Zebadiah and Mary
(Baker ) Alli s , was born February 18, 1756, probably in Montague
, Massachusetts
, the date
of his death i s uncertain . He moved to C0 ventry
, Chenango county
Anna Newton , o f Deerfield,
Massachusetts . Children : 1 . Leonard , referred to below . 2 .
Will iam . 3 . Anna .
(Newton ) All i s , was born January 24, 1786,
at Coventry, Chenango county, New York, died December 28, 1844, at the same place . He kept a hotel at Coventry al l hi s business l i fe . In pol i t ics he was a Whig. He married
( first ) Roxi e Converse, born September 7, 1796 , died May 29, 1833, in Coventry , New York . Chil dren
, probably al l born in Coven
try , New York : 1 . Calvin Converse , re ferred
to below . 2 . Anna, born March 26, 1817, di ed September 30, 1854, i n Xenia , Ohio ; married Albert Guy , a Bapti st mini ster ; thei r chi ld, Roxanna , resides in Hart ford , Connecticut, married B . F . Beardsl ey , a physician, who i n 19 12 ran for governor on the Progres sive ticket . 3. Frances M . ,
born March 15 , 1830 ; unmarri ed ; res ides in Hart ford , Connecticut . He marri ed ( second ) Pol ly Ris l ey ,
born Feb ruary 15 , 1798, di ed January 14, 1887, in Co
ventry , New York . One chi ld , Spencer Frank
l in , born Apri l 24, 1835 , di ed at Coventry, Feb ruary, 1888 ; was a farmer and pol i ti cian ; mar r ied and had chi ldren .
(VI I ) Calvin Converse , son of Leonard and Roxie (Converse ) All i s , was born February 2 1
, 1814, at Coventry, Chenango county , New
York , died May 26, 189 1 , at Genesee , Potter county , Pennsylvania . He was a farmer in Coventry, New York , and moved to Genesee i n 1859, l iving there and continu ing that occu
pation unti l hi s death . He was a Repub l ican and a prominent citi zen o f Genesee
, holding
many ofiicia l posit ions in the town, among them being school director , town coll ector and supervi sor , also was maj or - general o f the mounted mili t ia. He marri ed (fi rst ) June 29 , 1845 , at Coventry, New York, Mati lda Church , born December 23 , 1818, in Coventry, New York, died there December 23, 1855 , daughter o f Henry and Maria ( S hifi
‘ er ) Church ( see
Church I I ) . Childr en o f Calvin Converse and Mati lda (Church ) All i s : 1 . George Henry
, re
ferred to below . 2 . Mary El izabeth , born Au
gust 8, 185 1 , in Coventry, New York , died March 9 , 1855 , at the same place. 3. Albert
Calvin , born October 1, 1854 ; i s a merchant in Genesee
, where he resides ; marri ed Ella M .
Reynolds , born Apri l 9 , 1855 , in Independence , New York ; chi ldren : i . Nora M . ,
born Janu ary 12, 1877, in All egany township , Potter county , Pennsy lvania . marr ied Adelbert D .
Whitney ; resides in Genesee, where he i s a barber ; no ch i ldren . i i . Bessi e M . ,
born Apri l 1 1
, 1879 , in All egany township , Potter county ,
Pennsylvania ; unmarri ed ; res-ides with her parents . i i i . Leah M .
, born August 24, 1886,
in Genesee , Potter county
ri ed James P . Shannon , o f Brookvil le, Penn
sylvania ; he is a merchant in Genesee , where they res ide ; no chi ldren . Calvin Converse Al li s married ( second ) September 24, 1856 , at Coventry . New York, Maria A . Horton , born July 16, 1837 , at Oxford , New York .
died February 19 , 1909 , at Ell isburg , Potter
county , Pennsylvania . Chi ldren by thi s mar riage : 4. Wil liam Leonard
, born November 5 ,
1857 , died November 27 , 1886 ; unmarri ed ; a farmer . 5 . Frank Marion
, born Augu st 26 ,
1860, at Ell i sbu rg, Genesee township , Potter county. Pennsylvania married Henrietta Ham i l ton , o f Scio , New York ; they reside i n the old homestead in Ell isburg ; chi ldren : i . Robert H .
, born October 16, 1881
, in Scio , Allegany
county , New York ; res ides in Ell i sbu rg on a
farm ; marri ed Lena Reynolds , o f El l i sburg, Pennsylvania : chi ldren : Fred Albert , born June 9 , 1909 ,
in Ell i sburg ; Glen , born May 1 1, 19 12. i i . Wil l iam C . , born February 12, 1884.
at Scio , New York , res ides in Genesee town
ship , Penn sylvania
Simmons , o f Ell i sburg
, Pennsylvania ; chi l
dren : Beth , born June 2, 1908, at El l i sburg ;
Dorr , born August 1 , 19 1 1 , at Ell isburg ,
Pennsylvania ; Gi rl , born Apri l 20, 19 13 . i i i .
Eleanor , born June 2
, 1886 , at Scio , New York ; res ides on a farm 1n Ell i sburg ; married Frank K . Hurd , o f Ell i sbu rg , Penn sylvania : one boy, Myron , born December iv .
I ra , born November 22
, 1890,
at Ell i sburg Pennsylvania ; was a clerk in Genesee , now
has a posit ion in a store in Genesee . v . Serene R . , born August 26, 1894,
at Ell i sburg , Penn
sylvania , di ed there, Apri l 17 , 1895 . 6. Robert Timothy , born June 10, 1863, at Ell isburg .
died November 7 . 1879 , at Binghamton , New York
, where h e was studying medicine ; un
married . 7 . Mary Elizabeth , born January 9 ,
1866, at El li sburg, Pennsylvania : resides on a
' farm in Ell i sburg ; marri ed Adelbert Pye, o f El l i sburg ; chi ldren : i . I sabella Myrtl e , born
December 3 1 , 1884, at Ell isburg ; marri ed
Hugh S . Beebe , o f Oswayo, Pennsylvania ; they reside in West Bingham
, Potter county .
Pennsylvania , where h e i s in the oi l business ;
children : Cleone J . , born January 23 ,
1905 , in West Bingham , di ed there February 6, 1907 ; Beatrice May , born May 25 . 1907 , in West Bingham ; Bernice Eli zabeth , born Apri l 6,
19 10, at Sharon Center , Potter county , Penn
sylvania . i i . Mati lda Antoinette , born October
2 , 1887, at Ell isbu rg, Pennsylvania ; married Claude Swi ft ; they reside in Ulysses , where he has a foundry ; ch ildren : Al fred Adelbert , born December at Ell i sburg
, Pennsyl
vania ; Li ll ian May, born Augu st 2 , 19 10,
at Brookland
, Pennsylvania . i i i . Ea rl F . ,
born November 26. 1895 , at Ell i sburg, Pennsyl vania ; resides with parents . iv . Julian , born May 29 , 1898, at Ell i sburg ; resides with par ents . 8. Ella Maria
, born March 23 , 1868, at
Ell i sburg , Pennsylvania : married Roselle S .
Carpenter , o f Bingham Center
, Pennsylvania ;
they reside i n Ell isburg , where h e i s a black smith and farmer ; their one ch i ld , Calvin Clyde
, was born July 24, 1895 , at Ell i sburg .
9 . I ra B . , born June 15 , 1872 , at El l i sburg ,
Pennsylvania , died there July 2 , 1875 . 10.
Anna . born July 1 1 , 1877, at Ell i sburg, Penn sylvania ; resi des on a farm in Ell i sburg ; mar r i ed Fred Gibson , o f Ulysses , Pennsylvania ; children : i . Donald, born December 18, 1899 ,
at Ulysses , Pennsylvania . i i . James Calvin ,
born February 28, 1903 , at Ulysses . i i i . John Leon
, born August 10
Pennsylvania .
(VIII ) George Henry , son o f Calvin Con verse and Mati lda (Church ) Al l is , was born
June 10 , 1848. at Coventry, Chenango county , New York . Whil e he was young h i s parents moved to Candor , Tioga county . New York , and in 1859 to Genesee , Potter county , Penn sylvania
, where he fini shed h is education in

s farm unti l 1869 , then moved to Cameron county , Pennsylvania , and became a lumber dealer . In 1872 h e moved to Clearfield county , Pennsylvania , and entered into partnersh ip with David H . Leach in the lumber business
, continuing in that fi rm until
the fal l o f 1879 . Then he moved to Reynolds vi l l e
, Pennsylvania
, and became a manu fac
turer o f wool en goods . In 1896 h is plant was burned so he returned to Genesee and was in partnership with his brother for two years , having a general store for groceries , dry goods
and clothing. Then he, with hi s son—in - law ,
Joseph - N. Dwight , bought out th e firm o f Charles Day 81. Company , o f Well svil l e , New York
, and conducted the store unti l 1900 .
Since then h e has been a commi ssion merchant in the produce bus iness in Genesee . He is a Progressive in pol i tics . and has hel d the office o f j u sti ce o f the peace the past five years . While l iving in Reynoldsvi l l e he served one t erm as school di rector and in Genesee town ship as township treasurer f or one term . He was a member o f the Ameri can Mechani cs , the Knights o f Pythias and o f the Royal Arcanum .
On Apri l 17 , 1876, at Sharon , Schoharie coun ty, New York
, he marri ed Mary E . ( S om
mers ) Leach , born November 23 , 1837 , at Sharon
, where sh e received her education in
t he publ ic school s . She i s a member o f the Lutheran chu rch . She was the daughter o f Nicholas and El izabeth ( Fester ) Sommers ( see Sommers I I ) , and widow of David H . Leach , whom sh e married July 2 , 1864 ; he died in 1875 , l eaving three chil dren : 1 . Clari s sa Jane, born July 26
, 1865 ; marri ed (fi rst ) Row l and
Cook ; thei r chi ld Ruby , born Jun e 7 , 1887 , resides with her grandparents and teaches in Roulette , Pennsylvania ; Clari ssa Jane marri ed
( second ) Emery Lash , owner o f a coal mine ; they res ide in Kittanning, Pennsylvania ; ch i l dren
, all res ide at home : Thomas , Mary, de
ceased ; George , Lewis , Dorothy , Joseph , Amy , Zelma
, James , Claire, deceased ; Chester . 2 .
Maude , born November 4, 1871 , died July 25 ,
1872. 3 . David H . , born March 6
Mati lda , born June 6 , 1878 ; married Joseph N . Dwight , o f Wel l svi l l e , New York : he is in the gas and oil bus iness at Yale , I l l in01s ; no ch i ldren . 2 . Amy Laola
, born Au
gust 12 , 1882 , at Reynoldsvi l l e , Pennsylvania ;
marri ed Carl Richmond , o f Tioga county, Pennsylvania ; they res ide in Hornel l , New York , where he i s a rai l road employee ; no
ch i ldren .
(Th e Chu rch Lin e ) .
( I ) Jos iah Church, the fi rst member o f th i s family of whom we have definite in formation .
was born July 22, 1761 , died March 21 , 1819 .
He marr ied , February 8, 1782, Comfort Robins
, 1854. Her “
cember 22 , 1758,
died January 7 , 1833 . Chi l dren o f Josiah and Comfort (Robins ) Church :
(Th e S ommer s Line ) .

settl ed in Sharon , Schohar i e county , New York
, and died there in the early part o f the
nineteenth century . He was a Lutheran min ister in th e Sharon church al l hi s l i fe. He mar ri ed Aplonia Livingstone , cousin o f the Afr i can explorer ; she died in Sharon in 1859 , over eighty years of age . Chi ld ren , al l born in Sharon
, New York : 1 . Peter , died at Sharon :
was a farmer ; unmarried . 2. Abram , died about 1866
, in Ots ego county. New York ; was
1 . Nancy, born December 10, 1783 , died De cember 4; 1855 . 2 . Robert R.
, born October 7 ,
, re ferred
to below . 4. John , di ed in in fancy . 5 . Francis , born November 2, 1793, died August 18, 1841 .
6 . Jeremiah , born September 14, 1796, died
1835 . 7 . Jess ie, born December 15 , 1798, died August 3 , 1829 . 8. Elizabeth
, born August
3 . 1801 , died March 23 , 1832 . 9 . Will iam , born
June '
28, 1803, died 1852 . 10. Mary Ann , bo rn October 26
, 1805 , died January 4, 1837 . 1 1 .
Willard , born Apri l 7 , 1808,
died Apri l 2 , 189 1 .
( I I ) Henry , son o f Jos iah and Comfort
(Robins ) Church , was born March 13, 1787 , died April 16, 1868. He ma rried Maria Shi f fer
, died March 18, 1862 . Chi ldren : 1 . Mary,
born February 10, 181 1 , died August 10, 1889 ;
married Hartson Humiston . who died long be fore she did and l e ft ch ildren : Helen , mar ri ed Litt le ; Libbi e married Latimer ; Johana , married Latimer
, a
brother o f Libbi e ’s husband ; Leah . 2 . Ma linda
, born Apri l 25 , 1812 ,
di ed January, 1897.
3 . John C . , born October 25 , 1814 ; marri ed Libbie Beaham
, and died August 17, 1882 . 4.
El izabeth , died Apri l 12 , 1905 ; marr i ed Mil
ton Church , who died Apri l 30 , 1866 ; chil
dren : Jenni e , born January 23, 1849 , married
Rock ; Riab . born July 12 , 185 1 , mar
ri ed Hearty Sowa ; Ora , born July 14, 1853 , di ed March 9 , 1885 ; Libbi e, born November 29 , 1855 . 5 . Jeremiah , died Apri l 16 , 1874 ; marr i ed ( first ) Emma ( second ) Mary Tweck . 6 . Matilda , married Calvin Converse Al li s ( see All i s VI I ) . 7 . High land
, died May
, married , October 9 ,
185 1 , T . P . Alden ; she di ed November 16
, 1895 , he died Novem
unmarried . 10 . Robert , died December 24,
1865 , unmarri ed .
a farmer ; marri ed Nancy Boi st , o f Otsego , New York
, deceased ; chi ldren : Peter, Eli za ,
Nancy , Sarah
, Hiram
, Rhoda
, Abram
, Cath
erine , Emory . 3 . John , died in Sharon town ship ; was a farmer ; married ( fi rst ) Sarah Sternberg, had one daughter Mary, deceased ; married ( second ) Laney Brown ; chi ldren : John
, deceased ; Betsey, l ives in Sharon town
ship , married Coon Rilts
, a farmer
, deceas ed ;
Jacob , l ives in Poughkeeps ie , New York , a farmer ; Augusta, l ives in Poughkeepsi e , New York . 4. Nicholas
, re ferred to below . 5 .
Dani el , deceased ; was a tai lor ; marri ed ( fi rst )
Sarah Lamb , o f Sha ron township ; chi ldren :
Elvi ra , Maria , Loui se ; married ( second ) Bet s ey Weis
, o f Seward , New York ; chi ldren :
John , Jul ia, Christiana , Del ia , Henry . 6 .
David , died in 1887, at Sharon township ; was
a farmer ; married Juli a Van Slyke , deceased ; chi ldren : Gilbert
, Mary Jane
, Gertrude
, lives
in Sharon township , marri ed David Borst , a farmer ; Angel i a and Fidel ia , twins : Emi ly ; Azelius, l ives in Cobbleskill, New York , a farmer. 7 . Nancy, di ed at Syracuse , New York ; married Wil l iam Sommers , deceased ; a farmer . 8. Betsey
, died in Schoharie coun
ty, New York ; marri ed and had chi ldren . 9 .
Joseph . Others of whom there i s no trace . ( I I ) Nicholas son o f Nicholas ( 1 )
and Aplonia (Livingstone ) Sommers , was born March 10
, 1801 , in Sharon , Schohari e
county , New York , died there January, 1877.
He was a farmer there al l h is l i fe, a Democrat , a member o f the Lutheran church o f wh ich he was trustee for ten years
, a school di rector
f or many years and held a number of town offices . He marri ed El i zabeth Fester
, born
September 14, 1803 , at Sharon , New York, died there November
, 1853 , daughter o f Jacob
Fester and his second wi fe , Widow Brown .
Her grand father was a revolutionary soldi er , and was taken prisoner by the Indians
, who
ki l led his wi fe and son ’s wi fe and chi ld . Her father
marri ed Martin Van de Warker , a farmer ;
Catherine and other s. His second wi fe bore him one chi ld
, Eli zabeth
, re ferred to above .
Widow Brown had two chi ldren by her fi rst marriage : Laney , marri ed John Sommers , re
ferred to above ; John , deceased . Chi ldren o f Nicholas and Eli zabeth ( Fester ) Sommers ,
all born in Sharon : 1 . Eliza Ann , born 1825 , died at Sharon ; married Peter Fralts, de ceased ; ch i ldren : Winslow,
resides in Janes vi l l e
, New York
Abram M ereenes , a farmer, l ives in Sharon .
2. Margaret , born March 4, 1827 ; marri ed
Nicholas S trokeck , o f Schoharie county
, New
Ella , Martha
marri ed Charles Young ; Alfred , works in a glove factory in Amsterdam
, New York ; Mi
linda . 3 . Anna , ,
born October 2, 1829 ; resi des in \Villiamsport , Pennsylvania ; married David Ball
, o f Sharon , New York , a mechanic ; chi l
dren : Etta , res ides in Bu ff alo, New York ; Cassi e
, res ides in Pittsburgh
marri ed John Robinson , a carpenter ; Hettie ,
deceased ; Emma , resides with parents ; Ed ward
, resides in Eri e , Pennsylvania , a tool
dresser ; Edwin , a twin o f Edward , l ives with parents
, a machini s t. 4. Harr iet , born Apri l
13 , 183 1 , died in the fal l o f 1904 , at Union Ci ty
, Pennsylvania ; marri ed Henry Palmer ,
o f Brad ford county , Pennsylvania , deceased ; ch i ldren : Bessi e Eli zabeth , r es ides in Union City
, Pennsylvania ; George , resid es in Union
City , Pennsylvania
January 8, 1833 , died December 19 , 19 10, i n
Sharon , New York ; was a farmer ; married
Margaret Fox , o f Schohari e county, New
York ; she resides at Oneonta , New York ; no ch ildren . 6 . David , born in Sharon , Septem ber 22
, 1835 ; resides in Janesvi ll e . New York , a laborer ; married Margaret Zea , o f James vil l e
, New York ; chi ldren : Walter , l ives with
born September ,13 , 1839 , resides in Otsego , New York ; married Lorenzo Sommers , o f
Sharon ; chi ldren : Ella, resides in. Worcester , Otsego county
, New York
Aney , a commercial travel er ; Elmer , twin o f
El la , l ives in Worcester , New York , a mi ll wright ; Clara , resides in Virginia ; Ada , re
sides with parents , unmarri ed ; Ida , twin o f Ada . 9 . Martin , born November 22
, 1841 ; l ives on a farm in Sharon township ; marri ed ( fi rst ) Nancy Zea , o f Sharon , deceased ; chi l dren : Amanda , resides in Schohari e county, New York
, marr i ed Charl es Young
, a ret i red
farmer ; Minnie , resides in Sharon , New York , marri ed a Mr . Fra lts , a laborer ; Martin mar ried ( second ) Susie Strail , o f Sharon , de ceased ; no chi ldren . 10. Charlotte , born 1843 , died 1887 , at Buchanan , Michigan ; married
Washington Swi ft , o f Michigan , a farmer ; one
son , George, l ives on a farm in M ichigan . 1 1 .
Clari ssa , born February 27, 1845 ; marri ed
Charl es Sommers , o f Sharon , deceased ; one
son , Ford
civi l engineer .
Samuel Coles was born in Luton , COLES Bed fordshi re
, England . He mar
and Charleston , Pennsylvania .
( I I ) Sheridan E . Coles , son o f Samuel Coles
, was born June 14, 1854. He was edu
cated in the publ ic schools and fol lowed the newspaper business al l h i s active l i fe . In partnership with F . E . Van Keuren
, he was
owner and publ i sher o f the M ansfield Adver tiser from 1883 to 1907 ; the Troy Gazette from 190 1 to 1907, and the Troy Regis ter from 1904 to 1907 . In poli ti cs he was a Repub l ican . He married in Leona
, Penn sylvania
and Maria (Hart ) Stacy ( s ee Hart VI I I ) .
Chi ldren : Edwin S . , mentioned below ; Percy Arthur
, mentioned below ; Inez May , born
May 10 . 1887 ; Lora Alene , March 4, 189 1 .
( I I I ) Edwin Stacy Coles , son o f Sheridan E . Coles , was born at Smethport , M cKean
county , Pennsylvania
, December 25 , 1881 . He
attended the borough schools o f Mansfiel d in that state, and the State Normal School at Mansfield . For one year he was a student in the Univers i ty o f Pennsylvania and f or part of a year at th e Ph i ladelph ia Divinity School . After teaching school for a year , he learned the trade o f printing. He became the editor o f the Troy Gazette, which hi s father pub lished. Afterward h e was ci ty edi tor o f the Victor Record,
at Victor , Colorado ; of the
Cripple Creek S tar , Cripple Creek , Colorado ; special writer f or the - Colorado S prings Ga zette and Telegraph ; vice - presiden t and ed itor o f the Laramie Coun ty Times , Wheatland , Wyoming. In 1909 he bought the M ansfield Adver tiser , i n th e office o f which he l earned his trade and s ince that time has been its owner and publ i sher . He has never sought publi c office
, but was once el ected inspector o f el ec
ti ons by mi stake. He is a member o f Fri end sh ip Lodge
, No. 247, Ancient Free and Ac
cepted Masons . A communicant o f th e Prot estant Epi scopal church
, he i s vestryman
(Th e H a r t Line) .
The surname Hart i s common in England , Ireland and Scotland
, and is spell ed in var ious
ways , Hart
, Heart , Harte and Hear te.
At least s ix immigrants o f the name were in New England be fore 1650 .
( I ) Deacon Stephen Hart , the immigrant ancestor o f th i s branch o f the family, wa s born about 1605 , at Braint ree, county Essex, England . He came to New England about 1632,
and was a proprietor o f Cambridge in 1635 . He was admitted a freeman May 14, 1634. In 1835 he sold hi s Cambridge property, and removed to Hart ford wi th Rev . Mr . Hooker ’s company and was one o f the original proprietors o f that place . His house lot was on the west sid e o f what i s now Front street , near Morgan street , and there i s a t radit ion that the town was named from the ford he di scovered and used in cross ing the Connecti cu t river at a low stage o f the water , and so
from Hart ’s Ford i t became Har t ford . I t i s said al so that he and others were on a hunt ing expedition on Talcott mountain, and dis
covered the Farmington river val ley , then ih
habited by the Tunxie, a powerful tr ibe o f Indians . The settl ers made a bargain wi th the Indians , and some o f them settled there .
Stephen Hart became one o f the original pro
p rietor o f Tunxis , later Farmington , in 1672.
20 , 19 12 , Emavieve Rose, who was born at
Mansfield , Tioga county
, Pennsylvania
, daugh
ter o f James Emerson and Margaret (Everett ) Rose . Her father i s attached to the Depart - 1
ment o f Commerce and Labor o f the United States government . Children o f the parents o f Mrs . Coles were : J . W. ; Emavieve, men tioned above, and Anna Lo-rette .
( I I I ) Percy Arthur Col es , brother o f Ed win Stacy Co les
, was born September 4, 1883 ,
at Mansfield , Tioga county
, Pennsylvani a . He
attended the Mansfield borough schools and was graduated from the State Normal School at Mansfield in the class o f 1902 and from the
Phi ladelphia College o f Pharmacy in 1907.
He was employed as a pharmacist in Troy ,
Phi ladelphia , Will iamsport
town , Pennsylvania . In 1909 he bought the
Central Drug and Book Store at Mansfield and has conducted i t success ful ly since that time . He i s a member o f the Kappi Psi fraternity , o f which he was formerly the grand alpha .
He is a member o f Friendsh ip Lodge , No .
247, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons .
He was deputy to th e general court in 1647 and for fi fteen years with one except ion , and in 1653 was commiss ioner for the town o f
Farmington to aid in impressing men for th e army. He was chosen the first deacon o f the church there
, and was one of the seven p i l lars
o f the church . His house lot was the largest in Farmingt on , si tuated on the west side o f Main street
, opposi te the meeting house and contained fi fteen acres . This large lot was granted him as an inducement to erect a mi ll , to be perpetuated and kept running. His wil l was dated March 16, 1682 83 . He died in March
, 1682 He married ( first )
and ( second ) Margaret Smith , widow o f Arthur Smith ; sh e survived him and died in 1693. Childreii , al l by fi rst wi fe : Sarah , mar ri ed
, November 20
John , married Sarah Stephen
, bo rn 1643 , married Ruth Hawkins .
( I I ) Stephen 5 011 o f Deacon Stephen
( 1 ) Hart , was born at Braintree , county Es sex , England , and settl ed at Farmington , Con necticut . Hi s house there was east o f the meeting house , opposi te th e res idence o f John Hooker . He was made a freeman in Farm ington . May, 1654. He died about 1689 ,
and the inventory o f his estate was taken by Isaac Moore , Thomas Hart and John Hart . His seven chi ldren were al l l iving at the t ime o f
the apprai sal . Chil dren : Stephen , mentioned
below ; Thomas , born 1666 ; John , born 1669 ; Samuel , born 1672 ; Sarah , born 1675 ; Anna , born 1678 ; Mary, born 1682 .
( I I I ) Stephen son o f Stephen (2 ) Hart , o f Nod or Avon , was born at Farm ington in 1662 . He married
, December 28,
Abigai l ( Stanley ) Cowles . She was born De cember 25 ,
1668, at Tunxis , and was admitted to the church in Farmington February 2
, 169 1
92, which determines that they l ived in Farm ington . His wi l l was dated September 3 . 1728,
and gives hi s wi fe one—thi rd o f the estate and bequeathes to hi s sons , Timothy and Daniel, and daughters , Sarah , Ann and Abigail , mak ing hi s wi fe and son Timothy executors . The inventory o f hi s estate was taken September 27 , 1733 , and he di ed August 18, 1733. Chil dren : Sarah , born October 16
, 1692 ; Anna ,
born August 18, 169 5 ; Stephen , born March
7 , 1698, di ed May 9 , 1725 ; Abigai l , born Feb
ruary 25 , 1702 ; Timothy , born August 31 , 1705 ; Daniel . mentioned below .
( IV ) Daniel , son o f Stephen (3 ) Hart. o f Farmington
, was born March 20,
1707 -08. His
res idence was at the north end of Stanley street i n New Britain , Connecticut , at the foot o f Clark Hi l l . He married ( fi rst ) July 18, 1734,
Abigai l Thompson , daughter o f Thomas
and Ab igail (Woodru ff ) Thompson . She was born September 3, 17 10, and di ed December
He ma r ried ( second ) May 2 1 , 176 1 , Comfort Stephens , widow o f Benj amin Ste
phens, and daughter o f Kelsey. Chi l dren : Eldad , born June 6 , 1735 , died May 17, 1736 ; Eldad , born March 22
, 1736 — 37 ; Ste
40, died March 25 ,
40 ; Stephen , mentioned below .
(V ) Stephen son o f Daniel Hart , was born in New Britain
, Connecticut , December
, 1816. He lived
in Stanley Quarter at the foot o f Clark Hi l l , and inherited hi s father ’s estate , which was one o f three farms and fami li es excepted in the incorporation o f the society or pari sh o f New Brita in . He married , October 8,
1767 , Rhoda Stedman
, daughter o f Charles and Jemima
(Gaines ) Stedman , o f Wethersfield, Connecti
cut . She was received from the Farmington church by letter , December 7 , 1823, to tne
church o f New Bri tain , and she died March
26 , 1832 . Chi ldren : Ebenezer , born February 8, 1769 ; Mary, born June 25 , 1770 ; Chri st ina ,
born October 22 , 1773 ; Stephen , mentioned be low ; Nancy, born January 2, 1789 .
(VI ) Stephen son of Stephen (4) Hart
, was born in New Britain , October 21 ,
1775 , died December 9 , 1818, i n the prime o f l i fe. He was a farmer and l ived on the home stead
, where hi s father and grand father had
l ived , at the foot o f Clark Hi l l in Stan ley
Quarter . He married , June 25 , 1797 , Sal ly White
, daughter of Ezra
, o f Chatham . She was born June 14.
1775 , and di ed at the home o f her son Phi lip , on East street , New Britain , September 6 ,
1859 , aged eighty- fou r years . Children : Ste phen
, mentioned below ; Edmund , born Apri l
23, 1799 ; George , born March 16, 180 1 Emily ,
born March 15 , 1804 ; Phil ip , born June 25 ,
1805 ; Wil l iam , born October 12 , 1808 ; Henry.
born 181 1 : Ebenezer , born July 31 , 1814.
(VI I ) Stephen son o f Stephen ( 5 ) Hart , was born at New Britain , Connecticut , February 19 , 1798, di ed September 6 , 1846.
He was a farmer and butcher and for some
years res ided on the homestead , which he finally sold and removed to the v il lage , buying the house in which Rev . Mr . Nichols l ived in 1874. He marri ed, August 24, 1818
, Cynthia
, 1796 , daugh ter
o f Wil l iam and Beccarena (Pennfield) Steele .
She di ed April 4, 1869 , aged seventy - three years . Chi ldren : Fidel ia , born June 7, 1820,
marri ed , October 22
o f Springfield , Pennsylvania ; In fant, died
March 29 , 1822 ; Nancy , born October 26, 1822 , marri ed, July 3 1 , 1839 , Dr. Will iam All en ; Emi ly Parker, born May 8, 1824, mar ri ed , Apri l 13, 1845 , John P roffitt, o f Hart ford ; Maria, mentioned below ; Sarah E . , born February 1 1
, 1834,
marri ed , November 14,
1857, Asa Sheldon Parsons ; Harri et , born March , 1836, died April 18, 1839 ; Charles , born March 8, 1838, died February 28
, 1839 ;
, ki l led in North Carol ina
, Janu
, was born at New Bri tain
, March 1 1 ,
1827 . She married , October 1
, 1848, Allen Stacy, of Springfi eld, Brad ford county, Penn sylvania . When a young man Mr . Stacy was a mechanic , employed in New Britain . After he married in New Britain
, however
, he t e
turned to hi s native town and foll owed farm ing. His widow l ived on the farm after h e di ed . Their daughter Nora marri ed Sheridan E . Coles ( see Coles ) .
The Stacy fami ly settl ed early at Spring field . Allen Stacy was a descendant o f Mah lon Stacy
, who came from England in 1678
and settled at Chesterfield , Pennsylvania ; mar
ri ed Rebecca Ely and had children : John , born
November 30, 1671 , at Dore House, Hans
worth , Yorkshire ; El izabeth , October 17 , 1673 , married Janney ; Sarah , September 4, 1675 , married Joseph Kirkbridge ; Mary , June 12
, 1677, married Reuben Pownal ; Ruth , March 30 ,
1680 , married Wil l iam Beaks and
Samuel Atkinson ; Rebecca, September 30,
1682 , died young ; Rebecca , June 8, 1684, mar
r ied Joshua Wright and Thomas P0tts ; '
M ah
, marri ed Sarah Bainbridge .
Andrews , as a surname
, was
ANDREWS a common name in early hi s tory . The Latin Andreas
signifies a man , or manly , or l ike a man . The Engl i sh books o f heraldry give many coats - of
arms granted to the diff erent fami l i es . The spel ling varies greatly among famil i es o f the same descent . Andrew
, Andrewes
, Andrus
a re al l variations o f the simple name Andrew .
( 1) The American hi story o f thi s branch begins with John Andrews
, who came from
named later Farmingtowne and Farmington .
His farm two miles north o f the vi l lage was in the possess i on o f hi s descendants as late as 187 1 , perhaps i s yet . He j oined the Congre
gational church May 9 , 1658 ; hi s wi fe Mary j oined Apri l 7, 1654. He was made a free man May 20, 1658, immediately after j oining the church . He di ed 1681
, and hi s widow
Mary in May, 1694. Chi ldren : Mary , born
1643, married Thomas Barnes ; John , 1645 ; Hannah , February 26, 1647, marr ied Obadiah Richards ; Abraham , o f whom further ; Daniel , May 27, 1649 ; Joseph, May 26, 165 1 ; Rachel , Apri l 9 ,
1654, marri ed Ezeki e l Brick ; Stephen , born 1656, died young ; Benj amin , born 1659 , marri ed Mary Smith .
( I I ) Abraham , son o f John Andrews , the
emigrant , was born October 3 1 , 1648, baptized Apri l 2
, 1654, died in Waterbury, Connecticut,
May 3, 1693 . In 1672 he was one of the eighty- four proprietor s o f th e divi s ions o f land in Farmington . In October
, 1673, he was one
o f the petit ioners o f the general court o f CO1I necticut to have Waterbury made a plantat ion .
In 1678 he moved there, and i s named on the records as cooper . He marri ed
, about 168 °
Sarah , daughter '
o f Robert and Mary ( Scot t ) Porter , o f Farmington . She survived h im and marri ed ( second ) in March , 1707, James Bene dict
, o f Danbury . Children : Sarah , b orn
March 9 , 1683 , marr ied Thomas Raymond ; Abraham
, bapt i zed July 17, 1687 ; Mary, bap
tized May 18 , 1689 , marri ed James (2 ) Bene
dict ; Benj amin ; Robert , o f whom further .

s estate was delayed unti l a fter hi s birth , provisi on having been made for him .
He l ived at “Grassy Plain , ” one and a hal f
miles sou th o f Danbu ry . He was always known as Sergeant Robert . He married , 1720,
Anna Olmstead . Chi ldren : Abraham , o f whom
further ; Sarah , married David Taylor ; Rob ert
, marri ed Rebecca John , born 172 5 ,
marri ed Mary Sperry ; Daniel ; Thaddeus , mar r ied Hannah Gray ; Seth . ( Danbury records were burned by the Brit ish during the revolu t ion
, destroying the only source o f much in for
mation concerning the early settl ers ) .
( IV ) Captain Abraham (2 ) Andrews , son
o f Sergeant Robert Andrews , was born in 172 1 , died in Winchester , Connecticut , Octo ber 29 , 1805 . He moved from Danbury to
Winchester and bought a farm there in 1773 .
He was a moderator , 1774 ; school committee man
, 1773 ; moderator , September 26 , 1783.
He had the ti t le o f captain on both Danbury and Winchester records and served in the Con necticut mili t ia during the revolution ; was at New York
, Long Island and Horse Neck . He
married Sarah Taylor . Children : Theophil us , born 1743, marri ed Phoebe Benedict ; Daniel , born 1749 , married Sarah Hall ; Abraham o f whom further ; Eli , marri ed Ruth Rock wel l ; Sarah , married Ebenezer Platt ; Chloe , marri ed Noah Benedict ; Lorana , married I srael Whi t e .
(V ) Abraham son o f Captai n Abra ham (2 ) Andrews , married, Apri l 24,
1773, Sally Youngs
chi ldren , all born in Winchester , settled in
New York state ; Levi , o f whom further ; Abraham born August 5 , 1779 , married Clara Rexford ; Sarah , born Apri l 4, 1782, married Roswel l Marshall ; John S .
, born May 22
, 1784,
ma rri ed Lydia Moore ; Chloe, born January 10 , 1788 ; Sylvester , November 26, 179 5
(VI ) Levi , eldest son of Abraham ( 3 ) An
drews , was born at Winchester , Connecticut ,
January died at Andrews Settl ement , Allegheny townsh ip
, Potter cou nty, Pennsyl
, New York
, but in 1825
came to Potter county, locating in Bingham township . Here h e remained until 1833, when , with a wagon loaded wi th household goods drawn by three yoke o f oxen , he came to that point o f Allegheny township named in h is honor
, Andrews Settlement , th en a wi lderness .
They cleared a home in the woods , and a l
though enduring all the great privations meted out to the pioneer , they prospered and reared a large fami ly . He marri ed Lucinda (Pol ly ) Porter , who died February 10,
1844. Chil d ren : 1 . Chester , settled in the west ; married and le ft i ssue : Hiram , Char l es , Abraham .
Warren Mary, Chester and Jehi al . 2 . Hiram ,
settl ed 1n the west ; marri ed Euni ce Lathr-
young ; Harriet, Ransom , Will iam
, Fred
M innesota , a farmer ; married Jerusha Cole ;
i s sue : Orrin , Lydia Ann , Ruth , Frank and Al ice . 4 . Orrin
, sett l ed in Ohio
, a farmer ;
marri ed Sarah Brightman . 5 . Maria , died in
Coudersport in 1877 ; marri ed Timothy Ives , deceased , an attorney, ex- county j udge and merchant o f Coudersport ; chi ld : Mary , de ceased , married N . L. Dyke . 6 . Chloe
, married
7 . Lowatta , died at Ell i sburg
, Pennsylvania,
1874 ; ma rried Virgi l Dickinson , an attorney , merchant and hotel proprietor in El li sburg many years ; chi ldren : Sarah and Wallace, de ceased ; Marian , marr ied John Judd , whom she survives
, a res ident o f Emporium , Penn
sylvania . 8. Louisa , died in Potter county ,
1906 ; married Isaac Frink, a lumberman and farmer ; chi ldren : Ellen , married Hoadley Bennett ; Will iam, now a farmer o f New Mex ico ; Edith , marri ed Char les Davi s ; All en, a farmer o f Hebron township ; Kate , a widow ,
l iving in Wel lsvi l l e , New York . 9 . Susan
, died
M cConnell , a farmer ; children : Murray, de ceased
, and another son . 10. Sarah , di ed in
Liberty township , M cKean county, Pennsyl
vania marri ed Samuel Newell , a farmer ; chi l
dren : Mortimer , deceased ; Elizabeth , Will iam
and Al len . 1 1 . Alva W. , o f whom further .
(VI I ) Alva W. , son o f Levi and Pol ly
( Porter ) Andrews , was born at Spring Mil l s , New York
, May 2 1, 1824, died at hi s farm in
Andrews Settlement , Al legheny township , Pot
ter county , Pennsylvania
, November 18, 1906.
He came to Andrews Settl ement with hi s par ents in 1833 , and continued with them unt i l 1859 when he located upon h is own farm at the Settl ement . ” In hi s boyhood he chopped cordwood in the winter time in hi s stocking feet
, heated boards or slabs being brought him
to stand on , and endured everyth ing in the way o f hardship that a boy could endure . Yet he thr ived and prospered
, and owned a good farm
with many improvements . He was dra fted in 1865 , but rej ected by the army surgeon on
account o f a broken arm . He was quite promi nent in hi s township , serving as supervisor and in s everal other local offices . In pol itics he was a Democrat , and unti l late in l i fe was a member of the Presbyterian church , then oin
ed th e Methodist Episcopal . He marrie in 1859 , Martha Scovi l l e, born November 3, 1818,
candidate for l ieutenant - governor, but , that being an off year” in Pennsylvania
, was de
feated . In 1882 he was elected law j udge f or the Fourth j udicial di st rict
, and on the divi s ion
o f the district became pres ident j udge o f th e Forty - eighth district . He was also prominent in the business enterpri ses of Coudersport . He marri ed , May 8, 1860,
Ellen Ross . Chi l dren : Ellen and Robert . 3. Sarah El izabeth, born in Bainbridge
, New York, June 15 , 1830 ;
marri ed Chauncey Cushing, a merchant o f Ulysses
, Pennsylvania ; chi ld : Kate E.
, married
born May 30, 1832, deceased ; married Lydia
Cushing , who survives h im
, a res ident o f Wil
liamspor t, Pennsylvania , where her husband died ; chi ldr en : Estel le , mar ried Rev . Charles Cregar
, a mini ster o f the Methodist Episcopal
church Marian , deceased ; Jeannette, deceased .
5 . Lewi s Seneca , born May 1 1 , 1838, died young. 6 . Herbert Cushing
, born October 2 1 ,
, marr ied C . J .
Goodnough , prothonotary o f Cameron county,
and a prominent business man o f Emporium ; Evalyn Lucy, marr ied Walter E . Jackson
, a
lumberman , residing in North Carol ina ; Clara Jane, married Frank T . Beers , a chemist , re
s id ing in Wisconsin ; Herbert M cKinney, a bookkeeper of Ridgway
, Pennsylvania ; Fred
H . , deceased ; Bertram Henry , a physician o f
Michigan ; Myrtl e, married Henry Sargent , super int endent o f gymnasium in Newark (New Jersey ) public school s ; Vera Leone . Henry J . , eldest son o f Daniel A . Olmstead , was born in Bainbridge
, New York
Pennsylvania , with h is parents
, in 1836, re
maining there unti l 1846, th en came to Cou dersport, where he finished his studies and for a year taught in th e academy . He was el ected prothonotary of Potter county in 185 1, and served one term
, but was de feated f or reelec
ti on ; was clerk in the office o f the secretary o f the commonwealth at Harri sburg unti l May , 1857 . He then was appointed prothonotary o f Potter county to fi l l a vacancy
, and was
regularly chosen to fi l l that office at the next. electi on . He then served in that office through successive reel ect ions f or eighteen years
, and
as deputy th ree years . In 1878 he engaged in the hardware bus iness in Coudersport
, was
burned out , but rebui lt , and continued in suc cessf u l business until hi s reti rement
, later asso
ciating with his sons, H . Clinton and Arthur S . ,
and establ i shing a branch store at Emporium.
Mr. Olmstead in ear ly li fe lost an arm in a thresh ing machine, therefore was compel led to confine himsel f to clerical work and manage ment o f th e office o f the firm o f H . J . Olm stead Sons . He was always an ardent Re publ ican and a Methodist ; his wi fe a Bapt i st. He died in Coudersport, honored and r espect ed , December 8, 1906 . He married
, in 1846 ,
Eva lena T. Cushing, born in I thaca , New York
, August 3 1, 1826, died in Coudersport,
January 26 , 1908, daughter of Lucas Cush ing,
born in Worcester , Otsego county
, New York ;
was a merchant of Ithaca , later a farmer o f Ulys ses , Pennsylvania , then moved to Couders port, where he was j ustice o f the pea ce many yea rs , and died September 27, 1876. He mar ri ed Chloe Wood
, born November 16
, 1805 , in Bainbridge , New York, died in Couder s port, 1884. Children o f Lucas Cushing : Ah se l B .,
born July 21 , 1825, died July 28, 1825 ;
Evalena T . (o f previous mention ) , wi fe o f Henry J . Olmstead ; Chauncey G.
, born Au gust 22
, 1828, married Sarah E . Olmstead .
Ch i ldren o f Henry J . and Evalena T . Olm stead : 1 . Marlin E.
, born in Ulysses
, member o f congress
, and one o f the
prominent men o f Pennsylvania ; married Ger trude Howard ; children : Marlin, Gertrude , Henry Cushing
, Conway, Howard and Jane .
2 . Chestina Ardel la, born in Ulysses , May 17 , 1850 , married Rev . Charles B . Sparrow
, a
Methodist mini ster and prominent Prohibiti on i st, now deceased ; she survives h im,
a resident of Warsaw
, New York ; children : Clara , mar
ri ed Henry L. Mapes ; John , a merchant o f Warsaw ; Marlin , an electrical engineer. 3.
Clara , born December 12, 185 1 , in Conders
port, died there May 7, 1870 . 4. Henry Clin ton
, born in - Coudersport
, October 8, 1853 ;
associated in business with H . J . Olmstead Sons ; marri ed Florence Andrews . 5 . Arthur San ford
, born in Coudersport , July 24,
1855 ; associated with fi rm o f H . J . Olmstead Sons ; married Letti e Taggart ; chi ldren : John , born October 24, 1880
, an attorney at Harr isburg ;
Laura , born November 28, 189 1 . 6 . Sumner
P born in Coudersport , Apri l 29 , 1857 ; now
justice o f the peace in Coudersport ; unmar ried . 7 . Mary W . ( o f previous ment ion ) , wife o f Frank L . Andrews . 8. George Cushing , born in Coudersport
, June 7 , 186 1 ; an em
ployee o f Ga s Company ; married Mary
Seibert ; chi ldren : Nina , Will iam, Eli zabeth and George Henry . 9 . Daniel Lucas , born in Coudersport
, October 23, 1863 ; a plumber ;
married Mary Terry ; chi ld : Evalena , deceas ed .
10. Will iam E. , born in Coudersport, June 6,
1865 , died February 2 1 , 1908 ; postmaster at
Coudersport ; unmarr ied .
The Clark fami ly o f Tioga coun CLARK ty, Pennsylvania , herein recorded ,
descends from John Clark , who came from Scotland
, sett l ing in Colerain , Mas
sachu setts . He marr i ed and le ft is sue .
( I I ) George , son o f John Clark , the emi grant
, was born in Colerain , Massachusetts ,
17 19 , died there Augu s t 17 , 1790 . He married
and had issue .
( I I I ) Seth , son o f George Clark,was born in Colerain
, Massachusetts , May 20 ,
, in 1844. He served as
ensign in the war o f th e revolution and was present at Burgoyne ’s sur render . He married
( first ) Lucinda , daughter o f Samuel Shattuck, o f Peter sham
, Massachusett s
sachusetts, February 4, 1800 , died near Mans
field , Tioga county
, Pennsylvania , June 24,
1892 . When he was six years o f age hi s par ents moved to Vermont
, where they l ived unti l
1814, th en came to Pennsylvania, sett l ing in the Tioga River Vall ey
, near Mansfi eld
, mov
ing a few years later to a farm on Corey Creek , two miles east o f Mansfi eld . He was a typical pioneer and woodsman and in early l i fe spent much o f hi s t ime hunting the wild animal s that thi ckly in fested the neighborhood . He was a man o f rugged physi qu e
, capable of
great endurance , retaining his powers o f mind
and was of excel lent memory up to the close o f h is remarkably long l i fe o f ninety- two
years . He mar ri ed , in 182 1 , Catherin e Hart , born May 25 , 1805 , died October 7, 1872,
a fter a married l i fe o f fif ty
- one years . Chi ldren : John ; Jul ia , marri ed Albert Sherwood ; Ln c inda , marri ed Lyman Beach ; Justus B . , o f
further menti on : Nancy , marri ed Hi ram Mid daugh Daniel ; Amanda ; Morri s B .
(V ) Justus B . son o f Justus B . ( 1 ) Clark , was born in Richmond township , Tioga county, Pennsylvania , June 5 , 1832. He grew to manhood on the homestead farm on Corey Creek , and was educated in the publ ic school s .
In the fal l o f 1861 he enl isted in Company B ,
One Hundred and First Regiment Pennsyl vania Volunteer In fantry, serving unti l hi s cap ture at Plymouth , North Carol ina , with his company in Apri l, 1864. He was confined in Andersonvi l le and other southern pr i sons unti l February , 1865 , when he was exchanged and rej oined hi s regiment . He saw hard service and won successive promotion from the ranks to second li eutenant . In 1866 he purchased a farm o f two hundred and seventy- five acres in the southeastern part o f Richmond township and there res ided unti l 1881 . From 1881 to 1885 he was engaged in general mercanti l e bus iness in Mansfi eld with h i s son ,
George A .
In 189 1 he establ i shed the Mansfield Car riage Repos i tory, placing hi s son in charge, and in 1892 reti red to his farm . He served as school di rector, trustee o f the Stat e Normal School for several years ; member o f Mansfield Post, Grand Army o f the Republ ic ; Sull ivan Grange , Patrons of Husbandry, o f Mainesburg ; a Re publ ican in poli t ics
, and a Methodist in rel ig
ion . He marri ed ( fi rst ) June 5 . 1856 , Susan
H . Lucas , who di ed July 19 , 1890, daughter
of James and Phoebe Lucas . He married ( second ) Mary N . (Klock ) Johnson, widow o f Hen ry Johnson . Chi ldren by first wi fe : Lyman , deceased ; George A . , o f whom fur th er. Chi ld o f second wi fe
, Lee Earl .
(VI ) George A . , son o f Justus B . (2 ) and Susan H . (Lucas ) Clark, was born in Rich mond township
, Tioga county
August 4, 1859 . He grew to manhood at the homestead farm in Richmond
, which hi s father
purchased in 1866, and was educated at the Mansfield State Normal and Allen ’s Business Coll ege . From 1881 unti l 1885 he was en
gaged in general mercanti l e bus iness with his father , as member o f the firm o f J . B . Clark 8: Son . In 1886 he moved to St . Paul
, Minne
sota , where he engaged in the real estate and brokerage bus iness as j unior partner o f Ab bott Clar k . In 1889 the serious i l lness o f hi s mother caused him to dispose o f his interests in St . Paul and return to Mansfi eld . She di ed in 1890, and in 189 1 he became manager o f the carriage repos itory establ i shed by h i s father , who in 1892 reti red . In 189 5 George A . purchased the business
, which has been a
prosperous one, deal ing as i t does , no t only in al l clas ses of vehicles for road and farm
, but
al so in harness , farm implements and mach in
ery . In pol i t i cs Mr . Clark is a Republ ican .
Mr . Clark marr ied , September 30, 1881 , Fred
rika B ., daughter o f Henry and Jean M . Allen, o f Mansfield . Chi ldren : Frederick Blaine
, de
ceased ; I rme Audri e .
While thi s name existed in the YOUNG United States long before the
settlement o f the present family, thi s family has covered its short American history with di stinction . It wi ll be seen that i t i s of the same I ri sh , originally Scotch , Pres byterian stock which contributed so powerful ly i n the formative days o f America , and has not ceased to be represented in latter immigrat ions . The Young family had migrated from Ayr shi re
, Scotland , to Ulster, Ireland , i n the
seventeenth century .
o f Lord Dufferin , at Kil lyl eagh , county Down ,
on December 14, 1832, twin brothers , who be
came distinguished Americans . When these brothers were together, even in manhood , it i s said to have been impossibl e f or a s tranger to dist inguish them . With one o f these brothers , we now have especial ly to deal, but it should be stated that the other, Thomas Lowry
, was governor o f Ohio in 1877
78. He came to America at the age o f fi fteen ; f or ten years he was a pr ivate in the United States army
, th i s s ervice beginning with the last year
o f the Mexican war . Although he had le ft the army , he vo lunteered to serve again when the civi l war brought on the t ime o f need , and he was appointed li eu tenant—colonel , and bre veted brigadi er—general of volunteers . On ac
count o f failure o f his health , he was honor ably discharged in September
, 1864. Two
years later he was elected a member o f the l egi slature o f Ohio ; he was elected state sen ator a few years later ; and being l i eutenant governor o f the state when Rutherford B .
Hayes became pres ident o f the United States , he succeeded h im as governor f or th e remain der o f his term . In 1878 he was elected to congress and he served four years . Governor Young di ed in Cincinnati , Ohio , July 20, 1888.
( I ) Hugh Young, th e immigrant ancestor o f the present l ine
, was born at Kil lyl eagh ,
county Down , I reland , December 14, 1832, and died in I reland . In 1850 he came to America , and he l ived with another brother, Robert Kennedy Young
, a prosperous farmer o f Pot
ter county, Pennsylvania , who sent him to the Coudersport Academy . For one year he was cl erk in a store at Coudersport . Afterward ,
for th ree years , he was a law student with John S . Mann
, supporting himsel f by teaching
and surveying. However , he did not care for
the practice o f the law, and never asked ad
miss ion to the bar . Journal i sm was a more attractive field , and one in which he quickly made his mark . His fi rst l etters were written to the New York H erald, i n 1855 , and de scribed the Norwegian colony on Kettle '
creek ,
Ole Bu ll ’
s castle, th ree topi cs which were of
much interest at that t ime . In the next year he went with the congress ional investigating committee to Kansas ; the Hon . John Sher man was chairman o f th i s committee . Mr .
Young was then correspondent for the New
York Tribune, and hi s letters , signed “Potter

were extensively quoted in the pr esidential campaign o f that year , when passions were al ready reaching the heat that made war in evitable f or the preservation and health o f the Union . He was eye witness of many gueri l la fights . When , i n Apri l , 1856 , George W .
Brown , editor of the H erald of Freedom ,
Lawrence , Kansas , the fi rst Republ ican news
paper in the terr itory , was arrested f or trea son
, with several others
, M r . Young took
charge o f that paper , as associate editor, and he continued its publ ication unt i l i t was de stroyed by a mob
, May 21
, of the same year . For a year a fter the re- establ i shment o f the paper , Mr . Young remained with it as asso ciate editor . His health fai l ing, on account o f malaria , he returned to Pennsylvania and be came a bookkeeper at Coudersport . In De cember
, 1858, h e purchased the Agitator , o f
Wellsboro , Tioga county, Pennsylvania , and du ring the civ il war he made th i s paper most prominent and influential by engaging a corre spondent in every regiment and in nearly every company in whi ch boys o f Tioga county were enl i st ed . In 1862 he sold thi s paper , and he went into business
, as a book sel ler and insur
ance agent . In 1876 h e was elected to th e legislature Of Pennsylvania
, but he resigned
1888. In the fal l o f the same year he founded the Well sboro Nat iona l Bank . In 1889 he was a candidate for comptrol ler o f the cur reney, but did not receive the appointment . In November , 189 1 , he was cal led into service as a special bank examiner, and at the unanimous petit ion o f th e bankers o f Pi ttsburgh , he was
assigned f or duty in that city . From 1861 to
1866 he was postmaster o f Wel lsboro . In 1862
h e was appointed consu l at Santa Cruz, but th i s office he decl ined . Although he was sl ightly lame
, in consequence o f an accident in
early youth , he vo lunteered as an emergency
man when in 1863 Lee invaded the state . He was accepted as a private in Company F ,
Thi rty—fif th Volunteer Mi li t ia , and sworn into the service o f the country. He was promoted to the staff as first l ieutenant and quar termas ter
, and served unti l the regiment was mus
tered out . In 1888 he was admitted to the bar o f Tioga county , ex gra tia ,
as a mark o f
esteem , on the unanimous peti t ion o f the mem
bers . Mr. Young always took a l ively interest in
the industri al , l iterary
, social , civi c, and moral
li fe o f the people o f Wellsboro . In th i s com munity he held many pos i ti ons o f responsi bility and trust . His pol it i cal be l ie fs were expressed by the Republ ican party, from the time o f hi s casting hi s fi rst vote in 1854 for
governor , James Pollock, who appointed him
on his mi l i tary staff , as aide de camp , with the rank o f l i eutenant - colonel . During his resi dence in Kansas he was a delegate from that territory to the first Republ ican national con vention ,
which was held in Phi lade lphia in 1856. Again he was a del egate from the s ix teenth congressional di strict o f Pennsylvania , to the Republ ican national convent ion in Chi cago
, which nominated Benj amin Harri son in
, 1859 , Loi s Ann ,
daughter o f Appleton Howard and Mary
(Wilmot ) Butterworth, o f Coudersport . Chil d ren : 1 . Robert Kennedy,born at Wellsboro , June 14,
186 1 ; married , October 23, 1890 ,
Emma V anM ater . 2 . Hugh Carl i sle . 3.
Thomas Lowry , o f whom further .
( I I ) Thomas Lowry, son o f Hugh and Loi s Ann (Butterworth ) Young, was born at Well sboro
, Pennsylvania
His early days were spent at home in Wells boro
, and at school in Delaware county, Penn
sylvania . For a few years he was salesman in several stores
, al so s erved as bookkeeper
and cl erk . Then , for about ten years , he was engaged in the el ectric business at Well sb oro .
In newspaper work he has been connected as reporter and composi tor
, with th e P otter
Coun ty En terprise and the P otter County J ourna l . Buying a farm o f ninety—six acres , he was engaged f or some - years in general
farming, also making specialti es o f thorough bred poultry and o f dairying. Since 1908 hi s chie f attention has been given to the Tioga Traction Company
, o f which he was the fi rst and principal organizer . Thei r l ine wi ll
, when
i t i s completed , run from Wel lsboro to Mans
fie ld . He is a member o f the Improved: Order o f Red Men , and i s past chi e f haymaker in that o rder . He is a Progressive , and a mem ber o f the Presbyterian church o f Wel lsboro .
Mr . Young married , August 1 , 1896 , Grace , daughter o f Al exander Christ ian and Loui se Adelaide (Travi s ) Reece , who was born in Charl eston township
, Tioga county
, Pennsyl
vania , December 20 , 187 1 , died February 27 , 19 13 .
