Page 1: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-1, Num-34, ///full date


" The Truth Sltall Malee You Free" ' .Volume One- Nu mber Thirty-Four Jadc110n, 1\0WI!IIllppl - Snt urday, AUII'Uit 4, 1911Z 10 Centa Per C~

--~~--~--------------------Employees Still On Strike At Harts Bakery

Harts Officials Seem Desperate Federal Dir. Clears situatioa

l have been uked by 10mo pf>OPle why t have :fven sud\ oomplete eovero1e to the Barta llakary 1trlko for 1\teh a lona period o~ time. The rea..,,. are as followa. Thl.a lt the blnet~t n&Wt thot I IDtow ot In lfbsltdppl In llna wtth tho oonama lo.t fhJo paper, 'nle luue or wbe­'(ber labor unlona eome toto : lbe Soillh Is utr.neJy Im­portant to the llltla moll fleft. ..,_,.. 10 :ew people 1111denland ll- a union Md • .trike worft, It Ia dllrlault for a QtUoll to """' Ill !be Sou:!h.

Desperate Jlarbl Bakery l';ompeny orfidRl~ e~Dt ttrae ,olng nround to the J ackson grocca'8 who had tall:en out their Rl\rts bread in support of the slrlke. A FREE PRESS reporter wns on hum! when Jnmee Ramsey, Snlesmnnuger for the Jnckeon plant, nccom· l)lln1ed by two of his s11lcsmen llllpronchcd 11 grocer who hncl ~topped allowing mrt11 hrend to be Bold In hla 'II tore ont II the 11lrike wes settled. Tt hnpponed that tile grocer wAS a vea<y Important account for Ham. He had prevk•u~ly sold about the equivalent of all the Kroger mn-e~~ in Jac.kson.#

no. oom.,n.y men .,.,.., ---------­

'nlla n....,paper hu a ,.... ponalbiUty to Inform llle p<~b 1Je about tbe situation.

The J'RD: PRESS Is >tho ofil,y paper In Jackaon that I lrnow ot that hat llfth the slrllle a line of typo. Ou.r n61QPt'Pil' Ia the only one In the South that hu been wtn­llll to 11ve tlle union fevor­.tlle and oomptete ......,.....

Into th<! gn>C<'I''a offl<e ..,. lng ·.rw~ want to put ou.r breed b:IIC'k on your obelws." 'I'll<')' CIO'k4c tv lftuftd1ed Into .. n ~>xplanallon 111 to why ha

PAUL BIGLER, Labor Representative from Wub- ouaht to let th<m. iq'ton, walks 'lrith Jackeon ,Picketer. J{igler, who The nlesrn~n polnlfl! out

• that th Jttriltln!f employ.,... re]lrue~~tl the American Balrel'!l and Coflfat1oul!\a hn4 taken two eomplainta to Unlor, usarea him that nil of the other Harte em- tha Fed~"'• lAbor R~lotlnn• ployees in Greenville n.nd Memphla will &tel 011 strike Boord In Nll'W Orlean•. Tho Wltil Jackson getll A contract. · rt:Jm hod dbrn~Jo<a lho

imM and lh~ union Is np,ON!l· A follrih Barta lllnnt at Sllte.eton,M'o., Ill In a In~ 11 to Wa•hlnl(1on. A I·

dlffenmt Union, but ho felt oonflclent 1 that it will hol4 1houeh tho llnrt.• men moy out !or laelalon, too. not 'haw. ortu•lly sold so,

tlllt ~ad both the ~ and

t.he a ttorneyc who ATe bo.J\d.. lin~t the oituatlon. the ,.....,.,.. wh<> had told th~ aaiHin<'n to put th~lr breod blr.k tn. "'' c'c Jure lhat U...y did Ml brin'l ~ny more the n<!XI doy.

Thr ltJ'O<'•r oatd, • A'fttor thot pl\Gne ron. t •uPIIOrl lito •trll<o ICO fl"ffi'n\,

Clarksdale T•her llot Rehired After to Y•rs When a bla-T otory .....,..

alona, It wiD pt priority. t.oc.r Paper l.,ts Dnp IR Vollag ~~he~s "'~""rtt~~: that tha olrilco WOJ m.,.ot A Clara<taie acllool tt ...

t beard a wry ple....t fa. (011d.Jafs ~~ (OISd-$1011• Thlr partJ<ulor Cl'OI:<'r did not r~rr or 10 , ... ,.. expcrlm""

111er n!muic \be oilier cl.,- qn~oo~n I' .U waftl to "''PilOt'\ on m.,.ol dlil not h &v<' hor ..,trac1 t<t-tbat he knew ot two tiMe- Some !liM ago, - fit ttle •lr~h. Re olloWftl 1~ Jhrta """"''CI. Tht women .... Mr\1. ball teama that were pla;yll\1 Ja..iacm PIP'!b ~ Ill .- Ill ~ilttrllll to volo hove n t•n to put hiJ brrad mrk. A"n>n Hanry, wire or a eech o!Mr and happy about II•S. ~!\at - _.,.., ,. f!W Weir -taints with Tmmadlal•l;r arle' the ...,m- C'c.Arbdm Civil Rllthla lt'od· lt. 'nlo UDUIU&) thlni about 4h~ Civil Rqh& e-m--. lbe Justl"" ~ont. Ap- DOny ""'n lclt. tl!. Plll!! dtr. tbeoe !Hint WU tbat ~ Roport to tlla Cofl&lt hMI ~ly the Juftlee Depart· PRESS rolled J ohn L<-bl•s. llrronlin& lo lhe Coohoma

'were not ot the l&nle color. commttlee. The ~- .-14 mollt. 'wtlldl 11 8 teporale 'Dil'1!dor of II!. FL'RD In l'l<!w County NatiOftal AJ..-Iatlon t n Klsol•ippl, eolor normally lhe repOrt ~ 1 ""*" 1>11\ ,;, the IIGWfnmont doH Or'-'s. A to or carefUlly Ncwlllette.r, the only ~ ~Of• __, drop Ill 11M! numb« ol vollnr not rer><Jr1 lb cornplai~t• to rh<'cklnc hlo nle1, L<bu• r.nid for hrr ~onlr11d not belntJ fun. Thi<J fa\het' ...,.,....,_ that ' eompllrinl$ ~ the pr~~VIoua lho Civil Rl•hto Commilo• lon. l'hat lh~ two rhorfte• h•d renrw~ wu beeauso of !Itt tile ltt..-o IMm 'Mil vlolted ,....,.. • Tbo Justice Oepartmet)l been dl•'"""'f>d ond '<Oula bll hu•l>llnd'• odlvlty In eftll tile Wbl .. ball elub at tholr tt,0 rREE PRW98 ..,.., Sill'• :worka SQm.ewhat differently •r.pHl~ to We8llln11on. rlghU. Mro. Henry t<JeCI~ dfamoncl, and the neXt wea prl$cd by 1M fill'"'& whlc~ *ian• tlte Cdw>ml .. lon. lt db.• - OW Jrot a .., ~n A. B. de11r•c rrom Jarkl!On the return maid! wu ~be &aid that th- wore on1y 10 _,ot, Wqeire llfrlloivi!S. Oftly Lcllus woo very expllclt In, Colle8e and 414 '!V 'Piit-,.., al Ia. lfeti'O nMII. vollnJ ei:lm)>l&lt)ta rrr>otle<! to 1 ~·· " "me ond addreu. onvlhA: th#t the p•. r'tlrular .o:riiCfoate work at Atlo1'11a ,.. ......, _,. t!M.t 1M 'hcllled ~ Civil Wllhts Cmnmlool01\ Juii\Jl!lp ~rial~ will <'Omo -PI• In~ thai tie unton h'ld Un 1Vftllty. lh..-. woulcl .be mum more ot In u1e who!@ ,....,., Bob -. and ld ·~ amd.avitt th...,. dla - ha"e llll)'thltiiJ to clo tJ1!a klacll ol lnterehante. He & 1 ttudOJlt" wotklnc In Mi•· • •lvH. Tbe Commluion d.,... with whMh•r the strilte ia said !hat be fe~t Chat It WU alsslppl on vot.,. ~lltntkno r e Q 11 t r., a ttl d a vito. A lllotal. '"nto complaints weno ImportAnt !~ everyone to laic!. "J 1mow ot &.an Commll®n mombf>r ,.ld n.ot ~~ to th<! whole liilow •dt OdMr a _,. do- ,. 1n r -ut Couftt:J a)one that In M:k!r '" a..iot In th• -.«on ot Wl1d)o& t!li' lnl thiDp that ~.:"' _::· Ia Mlel IIC'l In Walthall al· •llmlnallon o.f lnJu.rtku, thatl flrllc• w ill<-pl." oold Rani tMr than lrnowinl . ....,. ao. t "'- Of at '-t 1 ~- aU ...,_.. who hno ...,.,. TJialer. Unloo represfl>tatlvo ft' as klnda. 'nlat Cfttalnly 1D1f c:amplalnla." plalnla. make them to bot~ rrorn Woshln~n. Ov~r the _, to malce aood - lt '"'- J'IUIZ ~ aiM> tM J urtlff ~partrrtent. 'I. f'l:nn•. FUID d"-tor, 1~. '""" that when people 11'0 ubd two IDf!lllben of u.. Burto Moro..,ll. Civil Ri~h•• ••'d. "T do not wont to lnrM', haviOf llm thiiY forpt a Mialalppl Civil lllahu Colli· Dlvlalon. Wru~blntrton. n C. In an,...ay, lhat Olll' tultn~ lfUI many of tha thln111 that mlalon about 1M 1111m~~er ot and aloo to R&v. Murrny Cox, m•aru lhnt lito slrik~> Is Ill•· they would 11\lnlt tbout It votlnr oomplalat<o that have M!uiMippJ Civil Riphu Cttm· .flol," they thoutrht whet tllq were been rep<~rtod Ju.<t In Mil- ml~~lon. Culrport. Ml<slnlppl Art-. rh~klnc wllh ~"" or "supposed to think." slulppl. They both oald that

.t ~ ot lht!lr monthly GREENWOOD ~NJOV UC Hickory meollngs they had more thnn 1. s .I s crss Dlolcory 10 eomplllnt. that clt>olt with " t

'Ooelt vot1n1. Tbey lOid that Ul•y Two have .sent to Wl5hlncton for

)flee an erplanallon and •><aet fl. Jt.n •ures. The FBn PR~ will

Ul> man a tq>Ort on that Wash-'nle0 .. ln.«ton rtpt>rt u - u II

'nle oc.. returns.

Cloclc Struelt

One And the other rot ,..,.,. With ollly mlftor ~ . . . . . . . .. ..

At ~ prftml. howewr. It ...,.. to boo clear that the 10 vvtJna complalnb Is not a true p~ or th., ·~~ tltuatloft. Many .,eople who line -~ dltt~lty .. ... . . .

~ or fhc &t'Jdcnt.t who IIJ'co worlrln1 on voter rel!la­t ration In CN'.,wood, lift,..

rlulppl repm1 that they have J•Jt nunpkotad a V<1'Y aue­...-.1UI VO'l'r edo<a\lon pro­lf-tt. M em blln ot the «rouP bed pr'f1)areCI lea~ thll nmtal""" im]lonam lnforma­'""' Rout b- pmple <OU1cl "'llbt,... to vote. Thi!J hand­ed O\lt the leaflm from the po<! G(li ... ates>t• no. '<fittrfo.

bullnll "'•• urrled on with. out lnddent,

Tbt IedlN In a'lc!IIIM 1? IU tnrormatlnft , hod a phMe nL'mbtt to ~•II anT1 ·me with­In the nftltt 4 hovh ror o<l­dlttonal lnrormaUon. Tb~ voun1 ~P',.. rt'portf'd th•t they ~l\"'Cf a ,.,....t I!UJ-.v rallt throuthout tho nrxt doy and nl.hl. Th<v oil .,_ wry encoura,cect by tho ,.. .... )IOOJe.

MOYie On "WhOTe W~re You?" lt ~

title of a movle-rorum which "'ru be Pl't"Rnled at the Far· lob $trftl Branch YMCA on MGnday nlghJ. Aucuot 8 .. ,.t 8 p. m. The halt-hour lon1 lllm, produoed by lh• l'ord Motor Company. d""crib<.~ thl! p1'octll•rs or ro~ntA• I!'V• ~nvornm~tnt In tho Unlt­rd !<toac"' •tteMinl! the r~•­pnn~lbllitlt'Jt or lhc Individual rhJr.~n under tho rrprc!Cnto· th·e oy•tl"m.

T•e rilm orr.,.. eRnlfld vt• • of lht' oper•tlonll! or po. Jitl-r' parH,.., dt'teriblnl the ~l1-lnll CIC eondl&tt'l. the nomlnatlllll of them, and the mann.,. In "'hlch .. mpoiJn• orr c:Gllducttd. A di•<"W~Aien ro r M will rollow thto movk, r~rurlnl ~mm~la an the r,J,... IIMllf. and a qu ... IOn llnd nnowu - ton durlnfl wbich any probif'm• rnl.....r <Cont inued on Pa1e Thr...,)

Page 2: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-1, Num-34, ///full date

--...__ -' . , , ·;. .. . .. .. . ·-· . ;:. .. '

PAOJt'ftO ..

• : ·: 111111· BelliDDS StiU Occur

..... _ .:_· . ' • . . . .

Wlritfiiid Mii ' abou~~:=ve'::'.!::!a~:.:: BelleR He eveii, e&M, the people were DOt IQilty of the ertm. Did Not f- 14r ' for whleb the): wwe broaaht ID. llanf tim• the'f 1fere ·• , oiGJ • IIIV~ eharpd. The ~ for the arreet In tht fbWt A Whitfield man ·told tba ~~ "'*' nearly atwvi beeaUH ijle people were I'RD PRUS that be enw. N earo, • ' · · e4 a lllore jn whkh be bad

- -----~

. S~'J'UilDAY,-AUO. t. 1 ...

. .

'Career Of Jim Crow

' Bec&uae pf the f-.r of fdrtber pbnlebment DO one been -trad.ln« ror ~ 0 yaar knblira bow .lllall'f • .._. .... .~.. tliere ·- by th ...... _. end wu loeaten and told not THI: ITIIAXO& c:••JI!Zil - r' · ... to 'IOIOuld lead to re· , . , "'!oa• -w e ,......,., or to return. 'nle man, w11o re- _ JDI CJI W ~ .. w ....,

bY. otlier people wbo are pOt apprehended b'f thel pollee. .quoAe4 tbat blo IWIIO be ..,.. 0 • ..., C. v - nowed Northen lnt4rvtrltloo\. In the office 'we hear of lii&IIY more bee.,~- than -we wlthbeld, said ~~ he en- W-wud. Oatuy --., But oven within 4ha South.

oLI. to ....... ..-ea u.. elora UICI uQd for o.tooll V.al9wllly .... while there - at-pta to ..-e _,. prlot, ~uee the people are 101 fearful that Chari-. wbo 1e · .,. of the •n 1'11111 -'- • - T...._ keep tho Nlll'O oeonomlcall7 tb~y wiD be besteD apln. ADd then, of COUI'tll, there __. of tho Wldt&ld and · - TA 1""' l iM UICI POlllcally lnfm«, tba are the IIWl)' who we do d bear ot, and who ~ Pl.- Orocery. ,.. cu"- ..!:,~ .. r:nlhll ~~ :!.",: ..-:r.:~bo~ -110 one ..__ of "'"" 1e N..,... ..., told te •k ·-· , •• .._. • ror "Wr Cbarfa.• 'nle "'"" ....Sna - ot tbe best and In part. th.ll ...., becai1M

.. Wb'f do people take It upoo tbemul- to beat told he......,. bo.t eoDad - u.UW bllloriB ot .,.. the UPPOr clua. c_.,atr.. ~er people. ~ probebJ'f are eome reuona that him "'fl'.• Ond did not - II'IIPilon. in a brief """ Democroto romatnod Iii con. onl'f a pe'fchtatrlat eould answer about .-ell of the people any .- to Ibn, alnce 1M reodab~ O«<Unt, C. Vonn trol In tho South uotD the tllat · ebOOMe to beat another bu-·· L •• ,. .. but the- .... olwayo C8Ded 01\lJ by his Wooclwud, Prof- or A· IUO'e. Up!*' cluo whltn

~ ""'-• •• nrot nan>e. A_..ently o11or morlcen Hllt017 ot lolmo took prlcle In lbelr ~ oncl ~ Ia a rta1011 why 111eh a ~rN&t portion ot O.• Pl.- lnalllod, and the eu•- Hopltlno Unlv.nity, tdla of relaxed ooclal contocto with f<ldety flnda aueh aetlona aeceptable. One probAble tomer ref\ued to comply. he tho poot..CivU War porlod of tho Nocro. u thll wu an In•

I .... tn1clt him In the head. Tbe lntecratlon, the rapid rleo of dlcatlon or o plantation b&<:ll-

nason I eom~ people do no~ look' on othere ot the i,.,11.., man sold that be .,.. ..,,..10uon 101 the betlnnlnc ~tound. 'Pear of conlact with ume human race Ill themaelveel aa belli&' hlliiiUI.• Thlilr u1., atlaclted by other men of thlt century, and th~ still N.,...,.. wot o characteristic llllndt have been 110 endoctrinated. 11111 wero In ~he otore. He III'OWina ottaclc on .. ...,, •• ot the lower claM white.

But there le s reason /tor thla to be able to exist. wu beaten In the face end tlon In th1 1850'• and 80's. Thuo In 1845, In rldlcullnt a •• -d 'hat · ~•ad until he woe tmcOftllout The book dourvu a wkle demand for oeoarate compu1 "'-" • re.- Ia that, It Ia to the advantap ;ot the he aald. audience omon& 111 th- In· menta In ttto!M. a leadlna people In power to keep everyone elae the same plaee WIM!n the customer left. he tereoted In the South today. Charluton, S. C. newtpapn *hat he 'la. Lonr. lollj[ aao. the moat ~ectlve method wu told not to ..-. back Ewn the most atn-. op- ~rved, "'l'o apeak plainly, ot keepiJII' peopoe down· wea del>'eloped. That waa the until fie calle4 "'(r.~ on.. ponent or raclol aeparotton is we noocl, u eYVybody llnowo


•• of t man aekl that be did 1101 llkt.l7 to think of that fnlltl, ~perote con or tompart• ..., ear. , - thlnk he WOIIld. He added tutlon either u bavfna deep ment. for rowdy « ~

Fear cen be eo develOped In a people that they, ean that ha knew ot _..,... _. root. 1n tho oro ot olaftr7 br "'hlla pauena..., for more ectually come to the point ot actually bellevlq that ple In the ....,.,unity that u arlllna Immediately - than Jim Ccow cora lor col­they are Inferior Whenever ,•--..:nation Individuality w..e 101111 to bo)'cott th~ RHOnltrucUon. Yet In hil ored PAlM",.... • Polltlcol • "" ... ' • • •tore. r • book Woedward demon· reality, however, wu a more humanneu Ia met: with pe.ln, then dullneaa, conformity, ttratu tbat for o · pftlod o.f ImPOrtant factor than tocltl and anlmallem become mdane b'f which to eecape peln twenty·(lve yuro a.tter Nor. tradition In ro~lnl the ....iJ. E ventually the tranater ~.. place In whlcb ·~~k ,:4 Jackson Men Be-'-n them ·- wei'@ wj.tlldraWl> tby conservotlveo to re.,ect l)llin become& _...., sitd tha' , .. ....._ .• ~ L ood• t t an; from I he South, (I.e., from Negro rlJht.l and to alva Ne•

•"""'' ·~ • ·<n"""ore, 18 IC 0 DO 1876-1800), NeiJlOH -and groes political oftlcu. display th(ll fteedODI' of mind that mllkett ut human. On Sunday, Lee Cotton. a whlte1 11....00 an Jntegra,'ted In 1889, there were twice

Thht kind or tactic to retain the "way thing~ ore" ronstructlon worker. wu life. •• mony Ne.rro voter, •• wns developed In the past. Wben, probably no one picked "'P by the pollee and Evidence 1howo that they whites In Mlul~lppl. More-knows. But that 18 not I tant nn. t I 1m Quoslloncd. He wu standlnl! ate together In the same res· ovor,. • lonr .,lc:ultural . d ..

mpor · "'na II por- on the comer of Mill and uuronto. IAt toaether In proKIOn In tbe 1870'• and tant to reAlize, Is that it, c:ontlnuee tcxbly, in Ita moat Amite. wben the pttlloe dro.e 1tr...t con~. c1.ron1t tocether at 1840'a had made the poorer grueMme from. When we know of a11ch incident. we up ant! asbd him. "NI-. fountalna and voted toaethel' whltu lncreulnal:t• dilcon­muat not yield to the temptation to merel ' wflor-'a the plttolr" Cotton ot tbe polla. Thft'e Wft'e two tented with the pro-buslnus. ""•t'a th .. tbJ " · Y uy told the J'RD PRESS thot for- whk.h permitted lnte- pro-rollrood snd pro-Ealtftn ..,.,. e WO'f liP are beealllN! that Ia why h~ wu told that olnce he did JHIIOO to turvlve fDr o time money pollclu Of the Con. It Is done, to keep them that way. We must ebow'our not five them • pistol that he 1n the South. J'irot. enn at. servotlftl. Tho. the Conter-hwnAnnesa, and seek to atop the tactic. clld not lie~ that thay _,.. ter Northern troops Wft'e votfvH bad to depend more

· .:oint to beat his hood. Ho wttlldzorom. Northem POliti- and more on Ntfi'O vol4s l.n

M E D I C A R E was taken to lad<son Jell claM, o-pen. and pub- order to maintain ""Utkal where he aald he - beaten. lie opinion continued to take <Dntrol over tho poorer for­After tho booting, he wu an adlve lnlenst In the pro. mft'l. Finally, in the 1810's,

Two weeke ago in Comments, the defeat of tbf tborcoa with dnmltenn.,.. tectlon of the Negro. The the part! .. of the poor white ]( d M ond resloUng arrHt. AI· South, 1lUI weakened by war farmers belan to talte poilU.

enne Y cdicllre biD waa dlaeuS!ted. At that time ll •hon~ he pold the tJne. he reared thot on attock on Ne· (Continued on P••• Three) was pointed out thnt the Senntol'll that voted aa'almt olttlmed that he .,.., not cull· the bill were vollng agal11st the interests of the not ''· MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS eo high cltl&a. PMslnJr the bill would have put old are Publf~hed every Sattll'day by the HICo Publlehlna ~n"umnce Into the llllme program 04 Social S~urlty. Gr ood Boy 14 Com[lllny,Tnc., 1268 Valh1y Street, Jaekaon, Miaalsslwt. Both Mlululppl Se.nlltors voted aplnat the bDl. eenW r Phone FL 5-7841t

All the II'UIIt does not lie with the Senatol'll bow· Beaf J Pol' PubUahed weekly In Jaekeon, llfiS!tlaelppl. Entet-. ever. At least the Senate comidered the bill, but the en ' ICe ed .. aecond~lua matter at the poet office at Jaeltaon, Hou~~e Committe4! In charge of the bill, did not evem llf.laelulppl pan It onto the floor ot the Bouse of Repreeentatlvee. c.-wood. WiM. - A Subscription pdee: J4.00 per y-.r - ,2.60 foT alx Since th bill had -"-~-- rourteen year old Nell'O boy monthl. Ten eenta per ......... e no woao"'"' for debete In the ROOM, wu beoten by pollco lut -,.., i t had no chance of becoming a biU eYen If It had I*Ued Sunday. July 22. Md thmi;E~d~J~tor~~iiiii~~~~~~~~BiCb.trl~~-~L.~~B~u~tta \the S.nate. ThJa le no excuae for the Senatol'll, but It rtlftH<l with no char, .. m tb t th ~ftorred OIJinst him. The

eartt a • Replftentatlves are eertalnly to blame t:o:v hod be,;;' acxu.ed of as well. bR'altln& and miA!rlng the

Sennlol'll are elected from the s tate at lara•, but hoUM of a white perwon. o Repn1eentallvea ore ·J-ted from b II <hrp which be oteod/111tly

~ - muc ema er dtnled.

To )OSSISSIPPI FREE PRESS 125S Valley Street Jackson, l\Jiufselppl

llrtma. We Clln be sure that the l\Uaalaaippl Conrreaa· Tile crime reported!)' took men were [lllrt of the efforts that kept the MedlciiH olece on Ju~ 1a, 1101118 tlmt Please lind enclosed cbec:k or money order for "' --bill (rom getting lillY alleutlob in -the Houea. duHna Ill& day. However.

to pay for 12 months ( ) at $4.00

or for alx months ( ) at f?,.GO. .. Re~emberh how your Repreaentalh·e stood on 1 .. ~~.,.t:.,:~ ~,!'S: :0~ .uea au.:n as t eee when he bade to uk for 'fOUl' ha wu worlcln& 1n the fl•kl• vole thla ta.ll. One man'a vote ia lmpomnt fD any and lurln& the time thoC the f\'ery elec:llon but the \'ole tor any RI!PretUtiU\-. r<Dftd eotry wu •uppooed to fa .small enou~rh that one vole Is Terylalgulticant. have O«''IJ"tod.bell th boy 1_N_•_m_•-------------------

lf you ""'· Jll)t now In a position to ,·ote, you .,,:.em~_:e 1n .! ~ort ..; ~t to try to make-yourself able to vote u aoon aa ror.,., a confeuioo. When thia Add rue =~ble.1Thbee rqlslrar'e olfH:e Ia ~pen e,·e.ry week da'f, =.~~~":,...tbe1b!';:Y1a;': --------------------

llnl o reaJstered and TOtiDIC means that men 10 0 c10c1or by hil romllJ, Cit z

I who are voting Import-ant legislation are 110- ·'"~•• bb ln}urleo wno ,..,.

1 __ Y ___________ one ____ M_ta_te __ ..;.._

iq to keep on golnr to Waahlnlrton to vote aa'alnat ~<~unfed not o«ious. The boy IUch .b{IJt, ' - -;, U r:;:.o;::te,

10 "'turn Jloru Dlllllllill!I!IIIJ!!rl!!l1!!mlm-W MffiMfW•hilfi!dMIIfHIHIJaiiUJJ& --

• <


Page 3: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-1, Num-34, ///full date

. .. · .. ' "' · . ,_ ,.




Home Improvement New Bomes -- ., . R<!habWtatlon

m•¥.t iJ'Do~~ . •­nor Coli- KlOUIUI

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Jacbon, Mlao.

P-• FL 3·a28t




Patronize Our



I 040 IIOJIII:o Bt.. J..,kloo, Rev. li'ted BJ~. Pastor

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Hl c .... a~ne Jadt1011o .......

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Comer Farish a.t H_;u.,.

Air Conditioned tor Shopping Comfort

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Mro. f. S. &ndtlrs, Mano,..r


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For Good Shoe Repair

284 Wllltfldd MWa R ... Shopping C.-


We Give S&H Stamps Mr. and MM. Dan 1Utrrls,

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Jac:Jraon, Mia.

All Work Guarnnteed JackMft. Mloo. 1241 H;:!l~~ llnet Rev. E. A. Mayo, P~~&lor

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HoUICbolds" N2 Ill. Farltll Binet PASTOR'S PHONE FL 2·0354

FL 5-44411 - J-.


1%43 Whlffleld NUl Ro..t



Nlco Throo Bedroom Home $300.00 Down

Smoll Mollthly Paymtnt•

Free Press Wonhlps lk~ a. Fourth

Pho- FL S·t217 lwo41tfil Wooilt Daya:

7 •• m. to 10:30 p, m. week 1111&.:


104t W-w WiliOn Aft.

mcc Large LOis For Sale


PHONE FL 2·171<&

The Security Life Insurance Company Home OUI~e - Jadtson, l\1laa11Jelppl

Telephone: FL 3-49.54- 1328,Lynch St. AnnoiJII('Inlf Ill eu• Fneral Senlce

Golden Ea$1e Pollciee '25.00-$300.00-S500.00 Plans Are Avallablo Fol' AgeJI I To 55 On £llher Whole LU. Or 20 Paymonl Ute.



7 a. m. to 12 mldni&ht Joeboa, Mia. FL 2·W4 Or FL l·H4f

Wells Furniture Co. "SAVE


"Terms Will Fit You''

I DIAL Fl ~71431 409 North Farish

Street Jedson, Miu.

Page 4: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-1, Num-34, ///full date

PAOt JOUB-a SATin(i)AY. A.tiG. 4, 'tlft

, a o . 1$

F. 1». Adds to Staff J · -· o s The ~~ ... , ... ppl J'IUZ -u·st·•~e enartme.nt, ues

Tharld.JoYa Def!locratle 'Prl• PRESS baa<odded uothor.per 1'-' r' lean Holds _.., '" Till•- IIW e re• aon t~ Ita ttatf. · . ' ;h:lcted ettet•~ whiCh waa ~ G~n, fprm~ly of Brlnf)nr .Wt· Jn .. tha Fed· ah~ wu invcilved In the cue Genua! Mutln 'Mc:Lendell titleen ..,ceoL 1'111111'0, Ott Greenwood. M!Nlulps>l, •h .. e'8l Dlttziol "---n Jack, In Ceorse County and be- tnoV1!d that the five-member .._.,.,. ~laC!! ia the na· become 'Cin:ulallon ).(.,..._r 1101\ 1M\ week, eause bo> did not believe that schocil board be c!ri>p~ u tNtt, Yolt OL._ll .Ute of .. .._ •nd Ad,.,tdirQr ..._nta- St.ata .JIIIiticle ~~ teacher puticlpallo<l In con- co-.tolenillil'-- Be pointed d ld"lat .,.,h laclud!:d lU>er- Uve. n ·e· lnc~ue In the "''<llltllled-tbat U. S. Dlltrlel 'ttoWnial iss..,_ wu '1l!>nd out that lt bad no autborlty aJI, and In - - Ne- number ot 11l<1 or lhe"l'R!!E Ju4e Kmlld Cox :;clireci the Cor the sc:hool" to 00211lder IPJ>lleants not re­- ' rot th4! poooltlona ot PRESS nave made the eireu- Green Coon\7 Board of Ed- -John Doat att.ome1 for eommondlld to it. FBI aaent Gove~. ~tate R.-1\ta- lt.tlc>n po.dt1on neeenary. ln uC9tiOD to ~- l'h. <:On· tho .J1TOsecuilon, rebutted Ernest Wall testified that

ttve, atate BOpreme OII'UI1; order for the 111'!8 PRESS trt~et of a N .... o tueber, The charres ot the do!e"'e ot Jn. when he !lrtt lntervlo>We.t .TINitlce. 'llate De,..,.,.,,.\1< to expand a.. It plnno, U>ere teach<'~' w .. - allegedly .not competttnce and flll<n<aa In B-d membu Will Brown, Cbmmltt..,..,, and • acore mull tie more advortl.tnc. ....,,red bewwoe .of - Par\ I· duties by brlnl(lnJ out tetti· 'Brown uld that Martin's l ltt C1f minor Mempbli 'J)OjiJUons. a~ wiU d"vote half-time clpell011 In a com· mony atteatln& to Mra. Tal· had been appro'~«! w11ho\ll

The f1ni eJeetfOft In wblc:h to tint J>O'fftloo. 'J)lalnt ebal'lllnl b<trt'a acb~vementl In orga- discussiOn o! Individual tea-the ·N.,., wte In lion ~~ agllln$t ntlduc lhe school tlbraf1, In <'ben. 'Prior to the time t11at tun power, life a..,.., County R~ar by aidina Jn extn-c:urrk\llar ae- Ura. Talbert Jollied !be vot.-~ oome "'ood and hyette counties, the J urtlee 0epertment. Uvlttea t.nd In purchul"' and Ins ouit. In an Interview a ...niDI batlota Jn the aetloo thut CII1Jinatlng The t .. ~er. Mr&. IOI'li"' te>rboou and library fow d-,yo lat..-, ho.,.,er, alone. Tile rcaults of tbe YO· from a •tate bocly, rafh<'l' tine Denha·m Talbert, 83, IA>xta. Prlnc:ip~l Haya, Mrs. Bi'OWII told Wall that •be bad 'ter realatraliOI\ drl...,. ...,.,n- than throuah hdtral In~- tnul!h~ at Green County Vo· Talbert t llStlCiod, had said he deddad that the m Ject ol .-1 In - Jut wcelt'a Jftmll ventlon, .,. in the Pill. c.ullonal Hltb Scbol while would ...,.,m&nd her any· .Mro. Talbert'• empl011'11ent PREIS .,.re in evtd«>co. Ron PritcbanL Kmnedy llvlnr In Georre County. wb~; that h• ba.i only good Clime up at a opaclal mtttlnJ -whm• 11140 N~po flttt!eft ~r- lll!eral, md a prot~r at Last April, Mrs. Talbert ~Jons. S e vera I of the Boa rei !ollowlna thl <ftll of the nglstered e~o- Memphis State, ran In Oppc>- llg>~ed 0 J u.tlee ~~ teedlen tutl!led that Mts. IJlllOUDeemfnt of lb., mit. nt. 11 eoNid....a with re- sltlon to Clll!'ard Oevts. deen affidavit to be ....S In a 'l'albart bad performed ber • ,..,..n~ to ~· IIOIID· of the ~ H- cleJe. suit cbatJl~t~ Cearp c-ty dutiea ~ and th.ot they Patronaze Jatlon. wbJcl\ totall ooly rauon. and old rull'd ....,__ Re,lall'lr. Eldred Creen. with had hea:rd llaJt• probe her Our aotn& ,,,..n I)HU'ftt Nqro. votive .....-uonlet. And on dl-'minotory pnoctleee. The

D-··rat Ne- ...,. run- tba *le Domomotle l!:x'eeu- IUit an• the ·•~...,... ot the work In the aehool. Ad e t•sert· """~ -- tl "-mitt I ' ........._ " ..., • .. ~•--t state At'·-~ V f I nlnl unoppeee4 for polltlon• .., ""'" ee ew.. """'' atllclavl~ reelved wide Pllbll· ,...,._ ~ .. -,

In · m .e•lilt& tn J. 11. TUml-r and fto .. ell Su· olty, Nll\e daY» after the eult

~r~~~:r"W: ea~':•~ ~~~~ ~~.~,:· ~~· ~ .... ~rwec",, ;Noted Businessmtn.Jo Speak At lherllt ~ !'1M ., r.chta opponeolc. ,.., not to be uuawed for the

::.140:. • ~ ~-:~· '!:.: JODI 'IIIII •.uCP :: _ ... u:~~ =: te.ttallnsuraACe Aaency O,e~illa \lbMII with bla eleallr& ,_ - ~_.... ....,eowed In Green CooM7 .

... l I l \' ... t it _.__ 1a • ..,.. --· AttOiile7 Gen--.1 Robert J', 'le en4 4werknlnil'lol7 ~- AM Won P• K~Y elalml that Mn. mtloft prretle4il 1o rmal 'lfay ............ .. ... ~ ._,....1 ftlbert - tired to diiiCOIIt•

~- """' ..., -• era N........ hOm ''eoopera·

·- --

·~ ----·--

GndHn .... ~ lnltllla= an4 Rtpalr -oil .... 1 Jlloa.

-e.ctfted T 0 lelw ,. ....

.., wtth the JurUer Dopert· -t Ill It• olfllrta to utaece tile • ••

'bl ttl lilltt aem- the BDed of ao•....-Hon. and ....... J . Marilo. Couftty su.

of ~t t lutt Mtrlln dl4

u.. t6t041 • · !J& 'fif I I :hf.r's prliiC!I· pal. 'lobe /cnlnlr B"7' ca- .,. ciJil DOt beliOYa to b4t "'n the acbocil's beat Ia>. \erea\ to do SI).M nn rpnt

~ 10id tilt oourt

1"!!!!!!!!!55 ~;:;:;:;:;:;:;;~ tbt.t MtrUn tol4 him \btl ~~i;iii~ 1 i ;;; \lfn. ont'lt~ert'• .-!MOl ;;; i A woioD coiKiCIB'f not lbelnc ron.eweol

JDI[DIS 'lltn.F i&l+iCII ft. S.:Mlt .... ,, ......... .,......

---- -

........... ...... •••Mrf'Me

' .OT'Ial'iiM***L tiCI

"!bc:tll•t .... Ice _. llrlletloM"

~.a ....... ..... ._. ..... ,..

1111 by • aman martin. 'l'boullb be wu enrared 'With the lorementloned, be found time aa NAACP PNO ... t, worted with Atlanta Nearo Vo..._ lMiue of which be Ui a cbarttr member lDd exeeu­Uve commlllee member, and ..,...,ed u a Sunday School fta<.'bel' t.nd worker for more than !S yeara. _ -.----=

lfe w •• • 1Ua bard wcclr .......... IUINQOIII.IMd Ol

without reward. lo lt6'7 be "'" ~ •• "Man oC u.. YBi" Ill l!U- Apia In 1~58 . ... - eleetea ....... of tbe Yaar"; but tb1s time Al­pha All Al\)be Pra!8'Dit7 be­- the hon.or. lo vfew of local and national service to the Y.W.O.A.. he W'U select• ed u one of the seventeen del~ to the Wodd Coun­cil ot Y.W:C.A. In Oetlevl,

Sunday, Aurutt 5, 1962 Swltorland '" 1961. HiJ AI· .......,. tbe formal _.ul\1 of ·ma amtt. to6. ..,. &!-. -, ..,._ c-..~~e1 Insurance ~ dlltlllctloft by Aarit'1 w4i1c:h wiD be held IWDinl him to ita Truster In e. v-Ie 1'eftl>le Audi· Board. Yet. he was not to tt'rlum at 1072 Lyil<b Sl:!'eel feel "'' 1 tatua of human at a:Oe "p. Ill. worth u 4b8rtied by bit ~~~~ otbe ~ fellowmen 11ntll be was llst­

u 11*0Mr will be Mr. T. M. ed In ''Who'• Who lD Alilerl· *'"ender. Sr .•• noted ln- ~· -- -...tlve from At. Compltt• u the ..-4 lanta. a--pa. A.-.linr t• may -. the tact that be 0. ieo!iird. Jill'. AI • 1& it married IQ. Kn. Dorotb1 a &rid..._ fil ~ Col· R""-- Aloxaod..r and ~ the 1..., J\NDJ4el'-~t of fathet of tttree cliiMml mull Alllllf'O'h It Co.. lne. 1114 be . .... to biJ mmy civic bold• at U«Uilvt poaltiON niiCIOIIa and •oclo:liumlt\1• In ....--1 b\lllnNtea. Alao, tarlan aervlce. w-. a Neoinl2ed IIUihorttY The ooeulon of the formal a. KID«fl7 Group HOUI~ 0~'""' Ill the Jk!1taon Cm• M ba aKwc1 011 ....,....) Ciiy tra1 li\IUrt.n~ :Atelle1 pro-

:o•J,C.. ... 11111•m,.llt~~ ~==~ .mlsa to ba one of enl01111t~~t. 1o be U.nw hUI hat in Tbla lovltatloo Ia extended to the political al'f!n& u a to the I>Uhllc with hOpe that


1o Btllln- For Your Berltb

'Dial n. .... ,


lit I..,......_. .....,_ ....


Dr,. C\eo111J Alltrlnll t.nd


m• J.,..Jo ._

n. 2·"" , .............. -QJQ DA 'It SIR VIC&-

--• candW..ta for ~ldennan, los· will


A•ron llenry- Clifton Bmlth PhannadJt Pbarmrcltt

125.1 VoU., Street
