


Declassified Public Report #1 1-12-04

Was Dr Khallid Abdul Muhammad assassinated? How did Khallid Muhammad die? This question has

been asked by many since the militant leader of the New Black Panther Party and the former National

Spokesman for Minister Louis Farrakhan passed on February 17, 2001.

We, the New Black Panther Party investigation team, are offering this first Death Report to satisfy the

legitimate queries of supporters of Dr Muhammad. This report is also offered to rebut the half-truths,

misconceptions and even out right lies that have been put forth by others. This information is

declassified and intended for public consumption and discussion. We affirm that the public has a right to


While lengthy, we emphasize that this twenty-five page ?Report #1? is not a final report. A 2004 Report

entitled ?Was Khallid Muhammad Assassinated? will be presented in detail in the upcoming New Black

Panther News Magazine to be released in February 2004 and in the upcoming book about the life of Dr.

Muhammad called ?The Truth Terrorist: Khallid Abdul Muhammad- The Life Of The Most Radical Black

Man in Amerikkka?. Also, this report and subsequent clarifications and updates will be carried on the

Party?s website at

This investigation is still ongoing and some questions may take years to answer. Still to this day, over 30

years later, we are wrangling over the deaths of Minister Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King and other

revolutionaries. Nevertheless, this report will shed much light, avoid unnecessary speculation, and give

the reader critical information to draw reasonable conclusions.

One of the reasons that this report has taken time is because it indicts certain individuals for certain

actions or non-actions and a reasonable time was allotted for parties to be interviewed. Another reason

is that it takes time for the truth to come out. We may have reasonably looked at Dr. Muhammad? s

death one way early on, but as strange occurrences took place we had to look in another direction. We

expect some controversy to erupt from this report and opportunities for any one to explain of defend

themselves will be made. We have taken great care to avoid slander, defamation and false allegations

against anyone. This report is not politically motivated and not produced to settle any scores nor hurt

anyone- only to find the truth. Interviews were carefully conducted and our objective findings to date

are noted.

We believe this report to be landmark in its character because we as a people have not properly

investigated the deaths of our leaders. Kwame Ture says the ?the CIA gave him cancer? but we have no

real report on his death. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad died in Mercy Hospital in Chicago and there is

some dispute around his circumstances of death, meaning that a possible inside conspiracy was

involved. To date we have no report on the death of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. We do not mean

to offend those who believe he is physically alive. Even if you believe he died and rose again we should

know if there was a plot to get rid of him and how it was carried out. Good work has been done on the

assassinations of Dr. Martin Luther King, and Minister Malcolm X, but not by their followers. We believe

that it is the clear burden of a leaders followers or organizational members to produce written reports.

This is not to say others can not produce such reports but we s hould hear from the organization or

followers. Video and audio tapes are good, but written reports are far superior for documentation,

debate and historical purposes. Even if a leaders cause of death appear to be clear on its face, we should

file reports because you may find out in the course of your investigation that it is deeper than what you

believe. Huey P. Newton died of gunshots from an alleged drug dealer, but was it something deeper and

where is the report? Sonny Carson, Emmit Till, Meadger Evers, and host of leaders have died without

reports being issued. If the enemy can kill our leaders and be comfortable that no investigation will take

place, the enemy will continue his mischief. Khallid Muhammad told us ?If I slip on a bar of soap in the

shower, goddammit, the white man did it!?

How Did Dr. Khallid Muhammad Die?

Was He Assassinated?

The question of ?how did Dr. Khallid Muhammad die?? is a valid and legitimate question. For all those

who loved our beloved Black Power General, the pursuit of such question should be of paramount

concern The ability to offer proof of such love for Dr. Khallid by any person who loved him would arise

the moment that person knew he was in life threatening condition in an Atlanta area Hospital. We have

concluded that attendance at the Hospital was mandatory for any individual or organization who loved

Dr. Khallid. Unlike in Riverside in 1994 where Muhammad?s whereabouts were not widely known, it was

widely reported in the media as early as February 14th ,2001 that Muhammad was at Kennestone

Hospital In Marietta Georgia.

Also here, unlike in 1994 security risks to the visitor was not a factor.

If you were:

a) Concerned about his condition;

b) His possible recovery;

c) The doctors who were treating him;

d) The security around him;

e) His family;

f) His organization and most importantly-

g) Investigating the actual cause of death whether or not this was an assassination on our leader

..then you would have come directly to the hospital to get answers to these critical questions. The

knowledge that he was at Kennestone Hospital in Marietta Georgia was public knowledge. We have the

list of those who bothered to show up, We have the list of those who did not or refused to show up and

have concluded that no excuse whatsoever suffices for any true supporter of his from not dropping

everything and rushing to his side in Atlanta and remaining until his expiration. It is well established that

any concerned person who was a friend of Dr. Muhammad could come to the hospital, talk to the

leader?s family, talk to his doctors, observe the security and even see Dr Muhammad himself.

Background on Assassination Attempts against

Dr Khallid Muhammad

We find that Dr. Khallid Muhammad was a loved and hated man. Muhammad rebounded after his

suspension/isolation from the Nation of Islam in early 1994 to great popularity and later convened the

controversial Million Youth March in Harlem NY in Sept 1998. Many thought he was finished after the

Marcher?s notorious clash with NYC police, but Muhammad re surfaced as the National Chairman of the

New Black Panther Party which was spreading rapidly at the time of his passing. Despite growing pains,

the New Black Panther Party under Muhammad?s leadership was probably his most threatening

position due to Muhammad?s ability to organize nation wide and implement his militant agenda in a

tangible form that had not been seen since he was a leader in the Nation of Islam. Now that Muhammad

was on his own and his followers were organizing and carrying guns it is fair to say that by February

2001 Muhammad was in his most powerful position yet and the enemy was well at work trying to

undermine the fierce leader.

Khallid Muhammad was feared and hated by the so-called Jews, hated by the Anti Defamation League,

Jewish Defense League, the Government and hated by white America. Dr. Khallid was feared and hated

by more than a few Black People. Khallid Abdul Muhammad was universally condemned for a November

1993 speech at Kean College that harshly attacked whites, ?Jews?, and Black Civil Rights Leaders.

Pressure was brought to bear on the Congressional Black Caucus and its leader Kwesi Mfume for their

?sacred covenant? with the Nation Of Islam, which was established at the Caucus Convention in

September 1993. In February 1994, after considerable public pressure, Minister Farrakhan suspended

Dr. Khallid Muhammad in from the ministry of the Nation Of Islam. Muhammad was also condemned by

every Civil Rights organization and by a bevy of white newspapers, organizations and leaders. Then Vice-

President Al Gore spoke out on behalf of President Bill Clinton. On February 23, 1994 Dr. Muhammad

was officially condemned by the United States House of Representatives in House Resolution 343, the

first time a private citizens speech had been rebuked by the government body. Khallid Muhammad

would later say, ?I believe it is one of the greatest honors that a freedom fighter could be paid, to be

condemned by his enemy in such a way?

Despite his suspension and public rebukes, his popularity continued to grow and so did his enemies. An

April 1994 nationally broadcast ?Black Holocaust? Rally on C-Span at Howard University with Dr.

Leonard Jeffries, Dr. Tony Martin, Brother Steve Cokely and student host Malik Zulu Shabazz upped the

stakes. Cleary Muhammad?s suspension and rebukes were not stopping his message. A spell-binding

major network interview with interview Phil Donahue where Muhammad crushed the white talk show

host displayed Muhammad?s brilliance in debate, but also sealed Muhammad?s fate.

On May 29th 1994 an assassination attempt took place on Dr. Muhammad?s life after a speech in

Riverside California. The assassins name was James Bess, a former Nation Of Islam Minister. James Bess

was ultimately convicted of the murder attempt and is now serving a prison term. Dr. Muhammad

concluded that James Bess did not act alone and at minimum he had contacts with, and was

ideologically inspired by some active Nation of Islam members who were claiming Khallid Muhammad

was ?the new Malcolm? and had ?turned hypocrite on the minister (Farrakhan)?. It is equally as true

that the overwhelming rank and file of the NOI loved Khallid Muhammad and favored his teachings.

Who exactly was James Bess working for, if anyone is still a question that must be answered? We have

concluded that at least in part James Bess acted upon his belief that Dr. Khallid Muhammad was

?messing things up for Minister Farrakhan?. But James Bess may also have been financed and supported

b y major forces of white supremacy.

Minister Hashim Nzinga, a Dallas Texas activist and leader of MAAT (Metropolitan African American

Think Tank) was with Dr. Muhammad at this speech and the hospital and effectively got the leader out

of California to safety. The security situation was a disaster at the hospital. Official NOI security was

ended while Muhammad was in the hospital and private soldiers in the NOI loyal to the former Los

Angeles Minister provided Dr. Khallid security and a safe house. Minister Nzinga Muhammad ferried

Muhammad out of Los Angeles and hooked Dr. Khallid up with the New Black Panther Party who gave

the leader armed security and refuge in Nzinga?s home town of Dallas Texas. Muhammad continued to

speak at rallies and organize, even while on crutches and in a wheelchair.

We visit this assassination attempt for one obvious reason. Whoever was trying to kill Muhammad

failed. It was an ?attempt? but it was unsuccessful. If Muhammad remained a force and a threat are we

to believe his enemies would give up on their attempts?

Dr. Muhammad?s Health

No discussion of Dr. Muhammad?s death can be discussed without discussing facts about the leaders

physical health. It is a fact that Dr. Muhammad had severe hypertension and high blood pressure. Dr.

Muhammad was advised to take medication for his high blood pressure but did not like taking the

medicine. It is reported that, according to a key family member, Dr. Muhammad had a minor stroke in

1998 shortly before the Million Youth March. Both authors of this report can testify to Dr. Muhammad?s

hypertension and high stress level. Doctors on one emergency room visit with Mr. Nzinga declared to Dr.

Muhammad ?you are a walking time bomb?. Dr. Muhammad declared to Attorney Shabazz on a few

occasions that he was in bad health and ?might have a stroke?. Stress and hypertension are a deadly


The split with the Nation of Islam had a deteriorating effect on Dr. Muhammad?s health. These authors,

and others, witnessed a sharp increase in the level of anger and stress with Dr. Muhammad after the

departure from his ?spiritual father? and the Nation Of Islam-his home for 34 years. However,

Muhammad?s high blood pressure pre-dated his departure from NOI and he was known as a tough no-

nonsense captain who would ?cuss you out in a minute?. After all he was a product of legendary NOI

Captain Ali Rashid who carried it the same way.

It is for these reasons that when it was reported that Dr. Muhammad had a stroke or ?cerebral

hemorrhage? it was a shock but not a complete surprise to those in Dr. Muhammad?s family and close

associates. The investigation team in the early months stated that ?at this stage of the investigation Dr.

Muhammad died of natural causes, but the investigation is continuing?. This position was taken due to

his medical history and the medical reports and information at hand concerning the cause of death.

However, the question had to be answered concerning whether or not his hypertension condition was

exacerbated, and whether his death was induced by conspiracy via foreign substances or otherwise.

Time Line Up To Dr Khallid Muhammad Falling Critically Ill

Dr. Khallid Muhammad gave his last speech at Harriet Tubman School in Harlem on February 10, 2001.

This speech was tough for him for two reasons: One, he was suffering from pneumonia since January

that he could not shake and was sneezing a lot (but not in the lecture). All medical reports indicate he

was suffering from pneumonia at the time of hospitalization; Two, he was frustrated with the condition

of the New York Chapter of the New Black Panther Party. Despite a great start in the Harlem and

Brooklyn areas, many of the members had quit their post and the chapter had dwindled down to almost

nothing. This was disheartening to Muhammad who had personally raised this city and spearheaded its

rise. There was no Brooklyn NBPP chapter at the time of his last speech and the only Panther from the

Harlem Chapter present was Morris Powell, the leader of the African Nati onalist Pioneer Movement

who had agreed to join Muhammad as his National Minister of Commerce. Also present was the loyal

and dedicated New Jersey Chairman, Divine Allah and traveling with Dr. Muhammad was the equally

dedicated National Chief Of Staff Sister Malikah Muhammad, and her mate Luqman- a NBPP member,

both from Philadelphia. Minister Hashim Nzinga and Brother Byron Amos drove Dr. Muhammad from

Atlanta. Dr. Muhammad left the speech at around 11:00 pm and had a bottle of water.

On Sunday February 11, 2001 Dr. Muhammad, Nzinga and Amos arrived in D.C. and came by the

residence of Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz who was not home. They ate at Popeye?s Chicken, went by

the hotel where some of the NBA All-Stars were staying and then went to the D.C. Chief of Staff home of

Khali Ashanti. This was one of the D.C. safe houses that Shabazz had Muhammad stay at while in town.

Dr. Muhammad ate and at about 5:00. Atty. Shabazz came by after the local NBPP meeting. Dr.

Muhammad, Malik Zulu Shabazz, Hashim Nzinga, Khali Ashanti, Byron Amos and an elder met about the

direction and future of the New Black Panther Party. The meeting ended and everyone was happy.

Shabazz left to handle some legal business and Muhammad and staff went to the NBA All Star Game.

Muhammad managed to get back in the players locker room in his usual brilliant way, in order to have

conversations with these athletes about helping us with our work. They all ate at McDonalds and m et

up with Atty. Shabazz at the Texaco Gas Station. They all then went to a party on the D.C. Waterfront.

Again Dr. Muhammad managed to get himself and Atty. Shabazz in the $50.00 per person party for free

by entering through the kitchen. At about 1:00 am on the Morning of February 12th , Dr. Muhammad,

Nzinga and Amos departed with Shabazz. This would be the last time that Malik Zulu Shabazz would see

Muhammad alive. Shabazz was a Howard University Undergraduate when he met Dr. Muhammad in

1988 and would soon become his most effective political supporter, lawyer, student and confidant. At

the time of Muhammad?s death Shabazz served as his National Spokesman in the New Black Panther

Party after serving as his right hand in Muhammad?s Million Youth March?s.

Minister Hashim Nzinga met Dr. Muhammad in 1994, brought him to Dallas several times, and became

his personal assistant while traveling the nation with Muhammad in that controversial time period. In a

near to last speech in Dallas, Muhammad publicly appointed Nzinga to National Chief Of Staff, but

Nzinga requested that he placed as National Assistant and Muhammad agreed. Much of Muhammad?s

personal business he relied on Hashim Nzinga for at the time of his passing.

Muhammad gathered his belongings from Sister Khali?s house and at about 3:00 am departed for

Atlanta. The three man team stopped at Waffle House in South Carolina and ate about 11:00 am. At

3:00 pm on Monday Feb 12th at Muhammad was delivered to his wife Nefatari Muhammad, whose

legal name was Keanne Ambush. This was the last time Hashim Nzinga would see his leader.

Dr. Muhammad?s wife, Keanne Ambush (Nefatari Muhammad)

It is the opinion of these writers that Khallid Abdul Muhammad was in love at the time of his death.

From every account they were in love and headed for a great future. In 1999 he met Ambush, who

worked at a shoe store in downtown Atlanta called Friedman?s. Friedman?s is owned and operated by

European Jews. Ambush worked for them since she was a teenager and boasted frequently that these

European Jews called her ?their daughter? but that she ?didn?t give a damn about them?. According to

Ambush she ran Friedman?s business and did their bidding on shoes. She was close with the Father and

owner of the store chain. She traveled extensively on their behalf.

Muhammad pursued Ambush for many months and she consistently rebuffed him, then suddenly one

day she called him and told him she was interested in being with him. They fell in love.

In December 2000 he took a trip to Egypt (Kemet) with Keanne Ambush who took the name Nefetari

Muhammad and the two married. She is very attractive and they looked good together.

Out of respect for our leaders feelings concerning his wife we have been very patient and given her

every benefit of the doubt. We have attempted to contact Ms Ambush over and over again to be

interviewed about this report and she has refused to respond. We have thus concluded that she has

failed to live up to her obligation as the wife of such a gr eat man, and her corresponding duty to

participate in this investigation, let alone the furthering of his revolutionary work. Ambush has only

raised greater suspicion about her own actions and in-actions due to her failure to respond to Shabazz?

repeated inquiries. Attorney Shabazz has stopped by her job, left notes and messages repeatedly and

she has failed to respond. Shabazz has only spoken to Ms. Ambush on two occasions since his passing

and not at all since May 2001. We have not even been able to recover the leader?s personal items such

as clothes shoes books and tapes- nothing. We want to be clear that this report was not done out of

malice or ill will, but only to satisfy our highest duty which is to find and tell the truth pertaining to Dr.

Khallid?s death while sparing no one in the process.

The Night Dr. Khallid Muhammad Fell Ill:

According to our immediate investigation at the hospita l the week Muhammad was ill, and a

subsequent conversation shortly after the funeral, this is what happened to Dr. Khallid Muhammad the

night he passed according to his wife. In the daytime they went to eat at a Chinese Restaurant. They

were preparing to move in a new home and Muhammad and Ambush went to pick out furniture for

their huge new home/ New Black Panther Headquarters in the Snailville section of Georgia. Muhammad

was planning a Panther summit in April and was requiring every member to stay at the huge home. Late

night February 12th, according to Ambush, Muhammad and her made love. According to Ambush, she

was tired and he was tired ?but he had to have it?. After they made love, according to Ambush, it was

around 12:00 midnight. Ambush states that Muhammad sat up on the side of the bed and began

behaving strangely and then urinated on the floor on the side of the bed. She then states Muhammad

got up to walk but was ?walking funny? and she began asking him what was wrong and he would not

respond. Ambush also stated to his son that Muhammad walked into the room across the hall and

ed. Muhammad was stumbling about then went into the bathroom and attempted to use the

toilet but made a mess of himself, defecating on part of himself and urinating on himself while the

bathroom. She says she became concerned and asked him what was wrong and Muhammad?s only

response was to mumble ?don?t tell them my name?, and that his ?eyes were rolling in the back of his

head?. We have concluded that Muhammad knew he needed medical treatment but wanted to protect

his identity. Muhammad at some point fell over onto the bathroom floor. Muhammad would not speak

or respond to any of her questions. Ambush says that at this point she concluded that Muhammad was

extremely fatigued, brought a pillow and placed it under Muhammad?s head and laid with him for some

time in the bathroom. She then herself went and laid back in the bed, leaving Khallid in the bathroom .

Dr. Khallid Muhammad laid in that bathroom in that condition all night long for over seven hours!

At around 7:00 am sister Ambush, the Ministers wife reached Minister Hashim Nzinga who told her to

call 911 immediately. The exact time 911 was called and responded is not clear and sister Ambush has

been unavailable for questioning. Khallid Muhammad was found unresponsive by emergency medical

services who transported him to nearby Douglas Hospital, which is major hospital in Douglasville

Georgia. Medical Records have his arrival time at close to 9:00 am. We have calculated the rush hour

time to drive from the home to the hospital with emergency lights flashing at approximately twenty to

thirty minutes, which means that Muhammad was picked up at approximately 8:30 am. Douglas

Hospital was the closest hospital.

Minister Hashim Nzinga arrived at Douglas Hospital about 9:00 am and was in the r oom the whole time.

His wife was ?losing it? according to Nzinga and had to be placed in another room.

Khallid Muhammad was admitted under the name Harold Ambush. Muhammad?s birth name is Harold

Vann Moore. Hospital records show that from 9:05 am to 1:10 pm consistent medical efforts were made

to stabilize his blood pressure. At 9:05 a series of tests (brain scans, ect.) were conducted to analyze

Khallid Muhammad?s condition. According to medical reports Keanne Ambush reported that she knew

Muhammad had hypertension and was not on any medication. During the transport Muhammad?s

blood pressure was 250/120 on arrival at Douglass his Blood Pressure was 280/140 in the right arm and

280/150 in the left arm.

( For A Full Analysis of Dr. Muhammad?s Hospital Procedures please see attached ?Summary And

Analysis of Medical Records, Autopsy Toxicology Reports? Due to legal liability reasons we can not

release the Dr. Muhammad?s actual Medical Records to the general public. However private readings

can be arranged.)

At 1310 or 1:10 pm Nzinga is given bad news about Muhammad?s condition, that he has suffered a

stroke and their Neurological team had been consulting with Dr. Omar Jiminez of Kennestone Hospital, a

noted area Neurologist. Khallid Muhammad?s Neurological (Brain) condition, they said, was so severe

that a superior neurological facility was needed and possible surgery could be done, but that

Muhammad?s chances of recovery ?were almost zero?.

At 13:20 (1:20 pm) Khallid is transported Via Wellstar Emergency Services to Kennestone hospital in

Marrietta Georgia. Dr. Jiminez informs the wife that the blood vessel burst so deep in Khallid?s head,

that the surgery would certainly kill him.

< BR>Man by man the security is placed at the hospital until by 3:30 pm the Hospital Is totally locked

down by security from the Atlanta Chapter NBPP. At 3:00 pm Feb 13th the Doctors gives bad new about

Dr. Muhammad?s condition; He has suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, a stroke of the brain, and his

chanced of survival are minimal. Around 12:00 noon Nzinga reached Shabazz with the news, by 5:30pm

Malik Zulu Shabazz was at the Kennestone Hospital. Dr. Omar Jiminez, a senior Neurologist, and a Black

Man, was in charge and he had x-rays and bad news, Muhammad had bust a major a vessel in his brain

and his brain was covered in blood and his chances of regaining consciousness were slim and none.


Before we go further we have to ask and answer the following questions:

?What if Khallid Muhammad had gotten prompt medical treatment earlier, and why didn?t he??

? How can you, Keanne Ambush, watch a man who was meticulously neat and tidy, defecate, urinate

and on himself, clearly appear to be seriously ill and then do nothing about it,.??

?How can you (Ms. Ambush) wait seven whole hours and not call the ambulance??

As loyal soldiers to our leader?s feelings about his wife, we kept these questions to ourselves in the

short term, and consoled his widow. The Ministers son?s and sisters know these facts. Ms Ambush

actions since then have been so weird that we can no longer keep silence. She has asked not one

question about our leader?s death. She has not exh ibited any care about his legacy or his organization.

Is this just grief or is this something bigger on her behalf?


We Hereby Find Keanne Ambush Was Grossly Negligent In Her Conduct On The Night Of February 12th

Through The Morning Of February 13th. Pertaining To The Medical Needs Of Khallid Abdul Muhammad

When Ambush went to aid Khallid Muhammad she had a duty to aid him in the proper manner. Ms

Ambush breached her duty and failed to act as a reasonable person or wife would and that is to call 911

and get the man to the hospital. His condition was obvious.

We will never know what could have happened if he had reached the hospital earlier. According to one

of the Ministers sons, the reason for Khallid Muhammad?s condition was that the blood sat on his brain

too long! Perhaps Muhammad could have been saved. Perhaps he would have been crippled for life and

unable to talk. Perhaps he could have made a full recovery. We will never know and we would rather

have had the benefit of Dr. Muhammad receiving immediate medical attention rather than the other

way around and only having the ability to speculate.

There is considerable debate around Ms. Ambush. Initially she was viewed by some as a loving wife who

was just confused the night of February 12th and afterwards as being hurt, in grief and under no

suspicion. Some in the Ministers Family, have viewed her far less favorably and as possibly ?acting on

the instructions of influential Jews?. According to them, Ms Ambush stopped wearing the wedding ring

that Dr. Muhammad gave her the night of the funeral and has allegedly remarried or is dating a Christian

Preacher in Atlanta

Were her actions just grossly negligent, or intentional? We do not accept that her actions were just plain

stupid. The investigation continues.

Dr. Muhammad at Kennestone Hospital

The word got out quickly about Dr. Muhammad?s condition. People began calling the Hospital, and

coming in early February 14, 2001. These persons included Dr. Muhammad sisters Kasheela and Gloria,

his sons, Kalfani, Farrakhan, and David. There is a misconception that Malik Zulu Shabazz was in charge

of everything that went on at the hospital. This is false. The wife and family had a private room and they

communicated with the Doctors and made the primary decisions about everything pertaining to the life

of Dr. Muhammad. Minister Hashim Nzinga and Attorney Shabazz and other NBPP set up a command

post that handled all logistics, phone calls, and visitors talked to the doctors and coordinated and

manned security. Sister Connie Tucker and other activists close to Dr. Muhammad arrived the evening of

Feb 13th.

Wednesday February 14, 2001

At around 2:30 am Shabazz and Nzinga go to Dr. Muhammad?s home to retrieve items for his wife.

Shabazz and Nzinga secured bathroom rugs that Muhammad had urinated on, and possibly ed

on. It was bagged and stored for safekeeping. At this point Shabazz really did not know what happened

in the house because sister Ambush was almost in a state of shock and unable to be interviewed. Mind

you that we were also in a state of terrible grief and shock over our leader?s condition.

Minister Quanell X, NBPP National Minister of Information from Houston arrived on Feb 14th that

afternoon and Minister Michael Muhammad, NBPP National Youth Minister arrives that evening. Erica

Ford of December 12th Movement arrived. Other Activists passed through and were given opportunity

to speak to Dr. Muhammad?s Family, his Doctors and to see him. Security was tight. The NBPP took over

the whole floor 24 hour security and took a nurses station as our command post and prayed for a


Thursday Feb 15, 2001

Dr. Muhammad?s son Farrakhan Khallid Muhammad arrives in the early morning. The state of the New

Black Panther Party needed to be dealt with considering the crisis. In light of Muhammad?s gloomy

medical condition there was an obvious need to clarify the chain of command in the New Black Panther

Party. Order and unity was needed to investigate the circumstances, and handle all immediate business

while Khallid Muhammad was incapacitated.

The news is raging in the press, and a high ranking NBPP official leaks Muhammad?s near death to Sean

Hannity of FOX NEWS (we found, to set up a later interview) even though our orders from the family are

no media since the night of Feb 13th. Other media leaks are raging this morning. At some point Attorney

Shabazz spoke with Minister Farrakhan and so did Ms. Ambush. The NBPP National Minister of Defense

Captain David Foreman arrives by land from Dallas that morning. At 2:00 pm the NBPP chief of staff

Malikah Muhammad finally gets in at 2:00 pm.

At some point Ambush tells Muhammad?s son Farrakhan that she had cleaned up and washed

everything at the house. When questioned about this she says her actions were due to ?nervous


At 3:30 NBPP National Central Committee Members meet. The Central Committee members are

informed by various family members that Dr. Muhammad?s consistent words and wishes to them were

that Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz should take his place if anything happened to him. After a

supplemental vote of the National Central Committee, a reluctant Shabazz assumes Muhammad?s

authority over the leadership of the New Black Panther Party.

Minister Nzinga called noted Black Neurologist Dr. Ben Carson in Baltimore and began consulting with

him on Dr. Muhammad?s case at about 11:00 am. Al Sharpton stopped by to see Dr. Muhammad and

talk with Family and Shabazz. Quanell X left to go back to Houston.

At this point the medical situation is bleak based on cat-scans and MRI reports that show Muhammad?s

brain bathed in blood. Khallid Muhammad is not doing anything but breathing. He responds to nothing

at all. The decision on life support rests with the wife and family not with the NBPP. The security is still

tight and a few white reporters are ejected from the hospital. We literally took the entire floor over. Any

one who tries to get to Dr. Muhammad would be punished severely

Friday Feb 16, 2001

Dr. Malachi York, leader of the Nuwabian Nation Of Moors, sends a representative who is also a medical

Doctor. Abdul Rahman and Captain Curtis Muhammad of NOI visit hospital. Attorney Alton Maddox

visits. These persons and other guests are given free opportunity to talk to the family, the doctors and

ask any investigative questions or give any investigative advise they choose. Attorney Shabazz meets

with Attorney Alton Maddox in the afternoon. The subject matter is having a press conference to clear

up Muhammad?s status. According to Maddox some say he?s already dead some say otherwise ands

there is a lot of confusion. Shabazz refuses to budge on the media question and defers to the family.

Maddox convinces Ms Ambush to allow a press conference. Maddox leaves and Shabazz hold a 7:30 pm

press conference announcing Muhammad?s critically ill status and warning reporters to stay out of the


At some point this evening the wife and family met with Dr. Jiminez and based on medical evidence

decide to end life support on Saturday because Muhammad is not going to come back and he is brain

dead, only breathing. NBPP command conducts independent medical review with a medical doctor of

Nuwabian Nation using Muhammad?s ?up to the minute? medical records to date. Dr. Jiminez also

answers questions of NBPP about Dr. Khallids chances to survive.

At this point there are two NBPP people to watch. #1 is a rank and file security man named ?Akhee?

who on one day is wearing a uniform with six big stars and then the next day in a full red suit. This man

never is very erratic and claims to be a Khallid Muhammad zealot. He also had a history with Dr.

Muhammad in Atlanta with following instructions. He can?t follow instructions this week and done

everything he can to befriend Khallid Muhammad?s wife and family. #2 is ?Sister Atlanta Chapter? who

was the Atlanta Chapter NBPP leader. Her name is classified at this time but she will be named and

exposed soon as this investigation continues. According to Dr. Muhammad ? Sister Atlanta Chapter? was

?100 percent dedicated? and she in fact performed well at the hospital, carried weapons and the like.

She won the confidence of the family, also Shabazz and Nzinga in terms of the investigation and

handling NBPP affairs. Later on very serious questions about her conduct would be raised.


At 11:00 am the Dr. Omar Jiminez met privately with the family about the decision to unhook the life

support. Dr. Muhammad and those who remained or came by gathered to give Dr. Muhammad his final

prayers and rituals. It was a very sad time. Everyone was overcome with grief. This was the worst time.

At 11:30 the decision was made to unhook the life support. Shabazz demands an autopsy. The autopsy is

scheduled for the next day. A press conference is held that afternoon at the hospital. At this point the

public is told Muhammad died of ?natural causes? but the investigation continues.

SUNDAY FEB 18, 2001

The Ministers body was guarded overnight in the storage area and moved the next day under armed

guard to Cobb Hospital for the autopsy. The autopsy was conducted and witnessed by key NBPP

members. The body is moved under armed guard to the funeral home. SEE ATTATCHED AUTOPSY


MONDAY FEB 19th through Friday Feb 23, 2001

The Ministers body was washed at 1:00 am. A toxicology test is ordered by Shabazz and Nzinga. This

toxicology test is to be performed by the State if Georgia- GBI. The purpose of the toxicology test is to

determine whether or nor Muhammad was poisoned or whether something was put in his system to

induce a stroke or kill him. The toxicology test is ordered through Dr. Jiminez and the Hospital. The

blood used is the blood drawn from Muhammad at the time of admission to the hospital.

Importantly, a second toxicology test was arranged by Shabazz and the remaining blood from the time

of admission was ordered held for pickup by ?Sister Atlanta Chapter? who offered to take the blood to

an independent Black toxicologist . Confirmation was made that ?Sister Atlanta Chapter? had picked up

the blood and was going to deliver to a Black Toxicologist she had researched.

The rest of the week was spent raising money for the funeral. A bank account was set up that

Muhammad?s wife had control over. Minister Hashim Nzinga, The Ministers Wife,? Sister Atlanta

Chapter? all presided over the funeral arrangements and/or fundraising. Eryca Badu sent $16, 000. Al

Sharpton sent $5,000 and later dropped another $5,000. The night before the funeral the NOI gives

$3,000. Keanne Ambush, Dr. Muhammad?s wife had independent control and knowledge over all

monies raised and to this day we have no account of who gave what.

Minister Hashim Nzinga did an excellent job taking care of all funeral arrangements and flight

arrangements from the Atlanta end. December 12th handled the funeral arrangements in New York.

Atty. Shabazz handled the funeral program and wrote Muhammad?s obituary and was chosen to deliver

the eulogy. Shabazz appears on Fox News to a) rebut false information about Muhammad?s death 2)

affirm that the cause of death is natural ?as of this point? but the investigation continues.



The week of Feb 19th -23rd 2001 was marked by strange events and occurrences, particularly in the

area of security. While Dr. Muhammad?s body was under tight security in Atlanta the man named

?Akhee? from Atlanta NBPP suddenly pops up in New York early in the week, claiming he is in charge of

security. ?Akhee? finds the Unity Funeral Home in New York and befriends the leadership and begins

moving around New York with savvy of a life long resident. Although he is not even a local official in

Atlanta, He is now wearing five stars on his shoulder and cap which is to perpetrate him as a ?five star

general? in the NBPP- the highest of rank.

WE FIND ?Akhee? from Atlanta Was An Agent In The New Black Panther Party To Stir Up Mischief And

Confusion We have concluded ?Akhee? to be an agent and will refer to him further as ?Agent Akhee?.

Our conclusion that he is an agent working for the devil is ba sed on his actions. His actions here are

classic infiltrator-operative actions designed to disrupt black organizations that were notorious under

the Counterintelligence program under Jay Edgar Hoover that still continues in other forms today.

This is the same man (Akhee) who promised Dr. Muhammad he could provide sound for the Million

Youth March anniversary in 2000, was paid in advance but not so mysteriously timed his trip so he

showed up two an a half hours late into the event embarrassing everyone. Agent Akhee never could

follow orders and always had trouble with Dr. Muhammad and the Atlanta Chapter in terms of following

orders. He claimed he had a hearing problem, but we determined at the hospital that this was a ruse.

Agent Akhee was never ever given any permission to carry out any assignment other than holding the

wall in Atlanta, but all of a sudden after Dr. Muhammad?s death he pops up in New York and starts

wreaking ha voc.

Agent Akhee hooks up with Eric Muhammad. Agent Akhee begins uniting and organizing with Eric

Muhammad and another former Khallid Muhammad affiliate ?Barry?.

Eric Muhammad is a former ally of Khallid Muhammad and a former writer for the Final Call Newspaper.

The last we saw of him in our ranks was in 1994 when he was helping Dr. Muhammad set up speaking

engagements. Pressure was put on him in New York about his allegiance to Dr. Khallid and he defected

and joined with Minister Farrakhan and he hadn?t backed Khallid Muhammad since.

&#x2Brother Barry? used to drive for Dr. Muhammad in 1996. According to Muhammad, he proved

himself over the years as just a man who wanted to be seen with anybody popular and was found

around Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and any body he could be in the spotlight with regardless to their

political position

An unknown man is also on the scene.

Agent Akhee is now in New York acting very weird. Although he is from Atlanta, he begins running

around New York and contacting certain activist figures like an experienced veteran, falsely wearing the

mantle and rank of a National Security official. Agent Akhee hooks up with not only Eric Muhammad and

Barry but several others including Delois Blakely (Community Mayor of Harlem) and pops up at NOI

Mosque #7 where his efforts to involve Blakely and Mosque #7 with Dr. Muhammad?s body are wisely

rebuffed. With the New York NBPP Chapter in depleted condition, security in the New York in was in

terrible shape and being taken advantage of by agents. On Thursday the National Youth Minister

showed up, was appointed ?assistant National Minister of Defense? to cure security problems and

ordered to report to the Funeral home and be at the airport with a team when Dr. Khallid?s body came

in. The National Ch ief Of Staff Malikah Muhammad and her husband Luqman arrived in New York on

Thursday in the day with explicit instructions to secure the Khallid Muhammad?s body which was to

come in that Thursday Night February 22nd.

The weather was bad and the flight containing Muhammad?s body was delayed until early Friday

morning. Agent Akhee has managed to befriend the funeral home personnel and arrange to sleep

overnight in the funeral home. Unfortunately all NBPP National Officials and Security in the city do not

get to the Funeral home and figure out what is going on.

Friday February 23, 2001

The weather is bad and it is snowing. Agent Akhee rides with the Funeral Home hearse and Eric

Muhammad and Barry follow the hearse to the Newark Airport. Incredibly no NBPP personnel are riding

with the hearse except the agent.

When the Ministers body comes in Agent Akhee, Eric Muhammad with Barry get to the body first when

it comes out of the cargo deck. Eric Muhammad then opens up the casket and opens Dr. Muhammad?s

shirt open and begins feeling on Khallid Muhammad?s chest, according to those interviewed who were

on the scene. Eric Muhammad also takes his camera out and starts photographing Muhammad?s body

in the airport cargo area. This is a complete desecration of our leader?s body! (We have the pictures of

this and they shall be published)

Chief of Staff Malikah Muhammad and other NBPP arrive to pick up members of the leaders family (not

his wife) from baggage claim. The hearse, containing Muhammad?s body has now pulled around (still

unattended by NBPP security) and agent Akhee is in the hearse with Eric Muhammad and Barry behind

in a SUV. Eric Muhammad is taking pictures of everyone, including the Ministers Family. NBPP Youth

Minister Michael Muhammad by telephone from the funeral home informs the NBPP that agent Akhee

should be removed from the scene. (Muhammad failed to make the trip in the hearse himself). The

NBPP fail to remove Akhee from the scene and fail to deal with Eric Muhammad and his strange

activities. All NBPP Security on the scene knew very well from Atlanta that strict orders were in place

that no one was to photograph K.Muhammad and no one to go near him without explicit authorization

from our chain of command.

The hearse, with agent in tow followed by Eric Muhammad, NBPP personnel and family, leaves the

Newark Airport and travels to un-secure Unity Funeral Home. Inside the Funeral home security is totally

breached and, according to witnesses, Eric Muhammad again defiles Khallid Muhammad?s body, goes

up in his shirt, feels on his dead body and takes pictures. NBPP security is ridiculous at this point to allow

criminal acts of desecration of our leader?s dead body which are against all the laws of Islam and African

tradition. Never did Eric Muhammad request of the family or anybody in authority to see or touch

Khallid Muhammad?s body.

Malik Zulu Shabazz is on the way to New York for the wake and is livid when informed of the security

breach. The apprehension of Eric Muhammad, Barry and Agent Akhee is ordered. Eric Muhammad, now

under physical pressure, informs the NBPP that he is acting ?on orders of Farrakhan?. A call by Michael

Muhammad to NOI Supreme Captain Mustapha Farrakhan quickly proved Eric Muhammad?s claim of

acting on Farrakhan?s behalf a lie. The Supr eme Captain screamed into the receiver, &#x201Cdeal with

the nigger?. Several NBPP then surrounded Eric Muhammad and Barry and only took their cameras. (We

have developed the pictures and shall publish the pictures in our paper and on our website, along with

other pictures relevant to this report). Unfortunately Eric Muhammad and Barry got away un-punished,

but Muhammad?s camera was confiscated. Agent Akhee got away momentarily, returned later and was

not nearly as lucky as Eric Muhammad and Barry.

Eric Muhammad knows he is way out of bounds, according to his own training in Nation Of Islam.

These lapses in security are totally contradictory to the training these NBPP members received under

former NOI Supreme Captain Khallid Abdul Muhammad.


WE FIND ?AKHEE? WAS An Agent Placed In The New Black Panther Party To Stir Up Mischief And


Our conclusion that he is an agent working for the devil is based on his actions. His actions are classic

infiltrator-operative actions designed to disrupt black organizations that were notorious under the

Counterintelligence program under Jay Edgar Hoover.

WE FIND that Eric Muhammad is GUILTY of: Associating with suspected agents; Violating the sacred pre

burial state of Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad and; GUILTY of disrespecting our leader and our

organization as well as Dr. Muhammad and his Family.

WE FIND that Eric Muhammad did not act on behalf of the NOI he acted on his own. WE FIND Barry and

the unknown man as co-conspirators with Eric Muhammad

WE FIND THE New Black Panther Party Security Officials assigned to the task of securing Khallid

Muhammad's body in New York Negligent, and breached their security duties by not securing the hearse

at first; gett ing to the body right out of the cargo deck; and by not expelling these intruders on first site.

In specific our security failed to carry out the following NBPP General Orders:

#1. To Take Charge Of My Post and All Black Nation Property in View.

#2 To Walk My Post In a Perfect Manner, Keeping Always On The Alert

#9 To Allow No One To Commit A Nusiance On Or Near My Post

WE FIND This Entire Episode Compelling Evidence Of A Possible Conspiracy Involving All Of The Above.

The Purposes Of This Conspiracy May Have Been To:

a) Destroy the New Black Panther Party from within and without by instigating or allowing massive

confusion and disruption. The destruction of the NBPP perhaps was an intention of the enemy BEFORE

Muhammad passed and these strange activities are fruits of such wicked plan.

b) Show that Malik Zulu Shabazz was trying to cover up or lie about the autopsy being done on Khallid

Muhammad therefore putting Shabazz life and credibility at risk, and destroying the continuity of the

NBPP leadership. If a plot successfully could be launched against Shabazz the enemy knew that the NBPP

as a national force was history.

c) Start a war between the Nation Of Islam and The New Black Panther Party

Note: We are not at all paranoid or exaggerating about agents. The Cleveland Free Times News

Magazine in a Fall 2002 story chronicles how agents were infiltrating the NBPP in Cleveland Ohio. The

article shows an admitted FBI agent named Billy X had infiltrated the Cleveland Chapter, traveled all

over the country, and while claiming to be NBPP set up members of the Black Stone Rangers in attempts

to rob drug dealers. This article will re appear in the upcoming New Black Panther News Magazine and

appear on our website at

Add to this the factual history of agent infiltration in the Black Panther party in the 60?s and 70?s and

you can glean how reasonably we arrive at our conclusions.


The actual wake on Friday February 23rd took place at Unity Funeral Home without any relevant facts

that would add to this investigation. An investigat ion took place on the security breaches, all National

Officials were present, and order was restored by the NBPP high command

THE FUNERAL Saturday Feb 24th

The Funeral took at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church in Harlem and a post Funeral Procession took place down

125th street without any relevant details pertaining to the cause of death or suspicious activity. Dr.

Muhammad was buried not too far from Malcolm X at Ferncliff Cemetery in New York


After the Funeral the NBPP met in the Harlem Headquarters. Any thoughts that the NBPP would

dismantle was vanquished in the four hour meeting. The meeting was sad but the realization that we

must maintain the NBPP was widespread. Shabazz and the National Committee ran the meeting.

Speeches were made. New assignments were given, administrati on tasks were ordered. In general we

left upbeat and determined to move forward.


Autopsy Report: The Autopsy Report was finished on 3/2/2001


Toxicology Report: The toxicology report results done by the State OF Georgia/GBI were NEGATIVE for

foreign or poisonous substances found in Dr. Muhammad?s Body This report was completed on 4/5/01


Both of these reports include the medical records from Douglass Kennestone Hospital.

Both of these reports conclude that Muhammad died of a cerebral hemorrhage and internal damage to

his brain, not of an aneurysm as widely reported. In layman?s terms a cerebral hemorrhage is a brain


Investigation Sabotage and More Government Involvement Out Of Atlanta:

We knew that we could not rest on a GBI (Georgia Bureau of I nvestigation) toxicology report alone. Any

thing that the GBI or FBI did could not be relied upon exclusively because they are our enemies and if

they had a hand in Dr. Muhammad?s death certainly could not be relied upon a final fact finder. We

immediately after the autopsy set in motion for an independent toxicology report.

The independent toxicology report was sabotaged. It took several months to reach this conclusion.

&#x201CSister Atlanta Chapter? was trusted by Dr. Khallid Muhammad, volunteered to perform critical

investigative tasks, appeared sternly committed, had a medical background, and was therefore trusted

by the leadership to carry out critical functions in Atlanta after Dr. Khallid?s passing. She carried

weapons, claimed to be a medical school student, and appeared to be an ideal militant. At the

Kennestone Hospital ?Sister Atlanta Chapter? was very diligent and impressed the NBPP high command.

She appeared very concerned and comp etent with the investigation and was placed in charge of

transferring the remaining blood from the hospital (that was not used for the GBI toxicology report) to

an independent toxicologist she claimed she knew. We arrange for the blood to be released to the

sister. As soon as the funeral was over became impossible to reach her. &#x201CSister Atlanta Chapter?

went AWOL (absent without leave) for several months and had to be physically hunted down at a night

club where she was working security. She at this time had no phone and was claiming financial hardship.

She also stated that everything was fine and the toxicology test was done and that she did not have on

her the phone number on her of the Black Woman doing the toxicology test. It took several more

months to find ?sister Atlanta Chapter? again and get the name and number of the Black Toxicologist

who allegedly had Dr. Muhammad?s blood.

Sister Atlanta Chapter gave us the Doctors home phone n umber. After weeks and weeks of leaving

messages for this Doctor, we found out that THIS BLACK FEMALE TOXICOLOGIST WAS ACTUALLY AN


(who?s name is confidential at this point while this investigation continues) says she did not know the

NBPP sister and ?never received any blood from any one? but was familiar with the test the GBI did on

Dr. Muhammad and that previously mentioned GBI test was the only one she knew about. This Doctor

further wanted to know how we got her home number!

All efforts since to find sister Atlanta Chapter to explain her actions have failed and we are adamant

about questioning her on this most important issue.


We Find That ?Sister Atlanta Chapter?s? Conduct Proves That She Was Working With The Enemy To

Sabotage The Investigation And Probably Was In The NBPP Chapter As An Infiltrator Under Dr.



Fortunately some of the rugs that Dr. Muhammad urinated and possibly ed on are still with

us. In early 2002 we recovered the rugs from a secret location when it became apparent that the

toxicology results were sabotaged. Subsequent efforts with ?experts? to have parts of the rugs analyzed

have not proved fruitful and we have been told that nothing can be determined from the rug. However

we are getting second opinions from other laboratories to give conclusive analysis of the rugs. This may

in fact cost us tens of thousands of dollars and we may have to come to the public and those who love

Dr. Muhammad and ask for the money to pursue this path. Unfortunately Ms. Ambush cleaned up

almost everything at the home after his passing and according to her words to Muhammad?s son ?It

was just nervous energy?



1. Dr. Khallid Muhammad was a popular, loved feared and hated man who was at the helm of a militant

Black Army that was growing in strength and size.

2. WE FIND that Dr. Muhammad had severe hypertension. Dr. Muhammad was advised to take

medication for his high blood pressure but did not like taking the medicine.

3. We HEREBY FIND Keanne Ambush GROSSLY NEGLIGENT In Her Conduct On The Night Of February

12th Through The Morning Of February 13th. We she went to aid Muhammad she had a duty to aid him

in the proper manner. Ms Ambush breached her duty and failed to act as a reasonable person or wife

would and that is to call the damn hospital and get the man to the hospital. His condition was obvious

and she apparently had foreknowledge that he had hypertension.

4. AUTOPSY REPORT: The results of the Autopsy did not show any other cause of death other than

cerebral hemorrhage.

5. TOXICOLOGY REPORT: The toxicology report results done by the State of Georgia/ GBI were NEGATIVE

for foreign or poisonous substances found in Dr. Muhammad?s body

6. WE FIND ?Akhee? from Atlanta Was An Agent In The New Black Panther Party To Stir Up Mischief And


7. Our conclusion that he is an agent working for the devil is based on his actions. His actions are classic

infiltrator-operative actions designed to disrupt black organizations that were notorious under the

Counterintelligence program under Jay Edgar Hoover.

8. WE FIND that Eric Muhammad is GUILTY of: Associating with suspected agents; Violating the sacred

pre burial state of Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad and; GUILTY of disrespecting our leader and our

organization as well as Dr. Muhammad and his Family.

9. WE FIND that Eric Muhammad did not act on behalf of the NOI he acted on his own.

10. WE FIND Barry as a co-conspirator with Eric Muhammad

11. WE FIND THE New Black Panther Party Security Officials assigned to the task of securing Kh allid

Muhammad?s body in New York NEGLIGENT, and breached their security duties by not securing the

hearse at first; getting to the body right out of the cargo deck; and by not expelling these intruders on

first site. In specific our security failed to exercise NBPP General Order #1. (To Take Charge Of My Post

and All Black Nation Property in View, Keeping Always On The Alert)

12. WE FIND That ?Sister Atlanta Chapters? Conduct Proves That She Was Working With The Enemy To

Sabotage The Investigation And Probably Was In The NBPP Chapter As An Infiltrator Under Dr.








This investigation is by no means over.

We will continue this investigation and update the public in the 2004 editions of the New Black Panther

News Magazine and our web site is

All the intricate details of the life and death of this warrior will come out in the forthcoming book...

"The Truth Terrorist: Inside the Life of Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad, The Most Radical Black Man in



Dr. Khallid Muhammad?s student and successor in leadership - NBPP National Chairman Attorney Malik

Zulu Shabazz,

Dr. Muhammad?s student and aid NBPP National Chief Of Staff - Minister Hashim Nzinga,

NBPP National Minister Of Defense - Captain David Foreman,

NBPP National Field Marshall, Khallid Muhammad Student Minister - Najee Muhammad

NBPP National Youth Minister and E. Regional Minister of Defense, Khallid Muhammad Student - Min.

Divine Allah

NBPP National Communications Liaison - Khali Ashanti

NBPP National Commerce Minister - Morris Thutmosis Powell

NBPP National Minister Of Culture Khallid Muhammad Student - Minister Zayid Muhammad

NBPP National Imam Khallid Muhammad Student - Imam Akbar Abdul Karim Bilal

NBPP Southeast Regional Representative Khallid Muhammad Student - Yusef Shabazz

NBPP Southern Regional Representative - Robert Williams

All these dedicated soldiers round out a 23 Member National and regional team that continues this

uncompromising work in our leaders name.

We believe that the Allah (the creator) is with us and the Black Nation can count on us, like our Black

Power General ?to give the white man hell from the cradle to the grave?








Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad

January 12 1948 - February 17 2001

Rest in Peace
