  • 8/6/2019 Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology LING FINAL-OUTLINE


    Mindoro State College Of Agriculture and Technology

    Main Campus

    Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro

    Topic: History of Linguistics


    *To be ableto discover and scrutinize the historicalfoundation of linguistics.

    *To become familiar about the pioneers, scopes andbenifits of lerning and studying linguistics.

    *To obtain relevant and indispensable information thatwill facilitate the learning of linguistics.

    Evaluation:*What is the significance of studying the history of

    linguistics?*As a linguist, how are you going to maximize and

    utilize the use of your language?*Knowing the history of linguistics, the persons behind

    this discipline, would you consider this discipline abenificial one and worth it to study?

    Values:Each student learns to value and appreciate the impacts

    of the history of linguistics to his or her academicstudies.



    A brief history of twentieth-century linguistics. An introduction tothe different ways that language can be studied, and thecontributions of Saussure and Jakobson in context.


    Linguistics is the study of language, sometimes called the scienceof language. {1} The subject has become a very technical, splittinginto separate fields: sound (phonetics and phonology), sentencestructure (syntax, structuralism, deep grammar), meaning(semantics), practical psychology (psycholinguistics) and contexts

    of language choice (pragmatics). {2} But originally, as practised inthe nineteenth century, linguistics was philology: the history ofwords. {3} Philologists tried to understand how words had changedand by what principle. Why had the proto-European consonantschanged in the Germanic branch: Grimm's Law? Voiceless stopswent to voiceless fricatives, voiced stops to voiceless stops, andvoiced aspirates to voiced stops. What social phenomenon wasresponsible? None could be found. Worse, such changes were notgeneral. Lines of descent could be constructed, but words did not

    evolve in any Darwinian sense of simple to elaborate. One couldgroup languages as isolating (words had a single, unchangingroot), agglutinizing (root adds affixes but remains clear) andinflecting (word cannot be split into recurring units), but attemptsto show how one group developed into another broke down inhopeless disagreement.

  • 8/6/2019 Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology LING FINAL-OUTLINE


  • 8/6/2019 Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology LING FINAL-OUTLINE


  • 8/6/2019 Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology LING FINAL-OUTLINE


  • 8/6/2019 Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology LING FINAL-OUTLINE
