

Volume X Issue 40

November 11 , 2015

Mil ledgevil le First United Methodist Church 366 Log Cabin Road NE Mil ledgevil le, GA 31061

November 15

Bobby Brown

November 18 Ouida Williams

Rebecca Hobbs

Isaac Queen

November 19

Judy Cheely

Liz Thompson

November 20 Kay Neely

Amy Wilkinson

November 21 Pat Patterson

Sydney Chambers

Missed church? See last week’s sermon


Financial Report

1/1/2014 thru 11/08/2015

YTD Budget $874,861

YTD Giving $874,168

YTD Expenses $825,188

Missions Giving:

(This Week) $ 964

Sunday’s Scripture Lesson:

“Gratitude & Indispensable

Attitude ”

Deuteronomy 26

ATTENTION!! ATTENTION!! Church Conference is November 15, 2015

at 4 pm.

We will be honoring and celebrating our Veterans at

tonight’s Wednesday night supper. Come and say

“thank you” to a Veteran!!!

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This week we are going to continue with our series on Risk.

Bring your students to learn what it means to Risk it all for


● Youth Choir from 5:15—6 pm.

● Regular Youth this Sunday, November 15th, 6—8 pm.

● Confirmation this Sunday, November 15th, 6:00 pm


C H I L D R E N ’ S M I N I S T RY S P E C I A L G I F T S

We had a blast during our annual Fall Festival this

year. We had a sunny afternoon which was an

answer to prayers. The outreach touched over 330

children and families. Thank you to everyone

who helped make it a huge success. If it were not

for your gracious and giving attitudes, the Fall

Festival would not have be possible.

*A gift was given to the Building Fund in memory of Don King

by :

Carolyne Guitton

Davis & Kathryn Williamson

*A gift was given to the General Fund in memory of Don King by

Brenda Phillips.

*A gift was given to the Preschool in memory of Don King by

Elizabeth Reed.

The Farewell Tour, “Loved”, for Women of

Faith is coming in 2016. You will not want

to miss this final tour. United Methodist

Women will be hosting the event on the

weekend of January 22 & 23, 2016. We

have bought the tickets and would like to

reserve one for you. The cost is $160,

including the ticket, a hotel room for Friday night based on

occupancy of four, van rental and gas. Ticket cost is $99 for a

group rate for those who have made other plans for overnight.

The amount of $160 is due by November 15th. There will be

no refunds and no extensions. Please give your check to Cindy

Nunn by the deadline of November 15th. Contact Kikky

Williams or Shirley Wiley for further information.

Our Preschool and Parent’s Morning Out programs are so excited about this year! We wanted a fun and meaningful name to really personalize our program for our families and our staff. We are happy to announce that we chose Noah’s Ark Weekday School at First United

Methodist Church. We are all about sheltering and protecting our children while loving and teaching them and always having fun while we do it. Look for us to begin to incorporate our new name and logo with t-shirts and other activities.

The UMM are taking orders for the 13th

Annual Fried Turkey Sale!! Orders will

be taken in the Narthex each Sunday by

one of our UMM or phone orders by

calling David Groseclose at 478-457-

4721, Dwayne Morgan at 478-214-3670,

Bruce Vaughn at 478-457-5745 or

Wesley Nunn at 478-979-0849. As in

years past, we will have both Seasoned”

or “Plain” turkeys. Turkeys must be

picked up on November 25th from 9:00 am to noon.

Community Thanksgiving Service

There will be a community thanksgiving service on November

15th at 4 pm at Chapel of All Faiths on the Central State

Hospital Campus. This service is open to the public and is free.

Everyone is invited to attend.

We would like to thank all of the

volunteers that helped make the Pumpkin

Patch a success this year. We appreciate

you unloading pumpkins, selling

pumpkins, decorating, making

scarecrows, reading to school children,

purchasing items and making donations.

This fundraiser will go toward purchases for our Parent’s

Morning Out and preschool playground that benefits the

children in our church and the community. We are thankful to

Andrew Hitchcock for delivering the hay bales, Williams

Funeral Home for use of the tent, and Mark Paulish for his time

and tractor unloading huge boxes of pumpkins and our

pumpkin patch committee. Congratulations to Walk Through

Bethlehem for winning the best scarecrow!! A donation will

be given to this ministry! Please remember to take down the

scarecrow decorations this week. We appreciate all of the

volunteers who served on the committee and the FUMC staff

who helped with many tasks. Thanks so much for your time

and talents in assisting with the pumpkin patch! It was a huge


Melanie Cobb, Pumpkin Patch Coordinator

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Serving This Weekend: November 15th, 25th Sunday after the Pentecost

Acolytes/Acolyte Parent Sara Johnson & Ariel Ewers/Stephanie Johnson Children’s Church Courtney & Paul Hitchcock and Billy & Jill Matthews KidsTime (Sunday) Amber Ivey; (Wednesday) Patty Baugh Altar Guild (8:30 & 11:00) Diane Brooks, Sally Thrower and Carol Vance (9:30) Courtney Hitchcock Sound Technicians James McCue, Jeff McAfee, Mark Paulish & Dwayne Morgan (Rotating) Ushers (8:30) TBD; (9:30) Keith Kuehn (11:00) TBD Mary Beth & Larry Atkinson, Nancy & Bobby Brown, Larry Mullis and Philip Martin Greeters: (8:30) TBD; (9:30) Keith Kuehn (11:00)

W O R S H I P & M U S I C

November 18, 2015


Turkey, dressing, gravy, squash casserole, sweet peas and pecan pie Kids meal: pizza Program: Thanksgiving Host: Emmaus Sunday School Class

Please drop this form in the

collection plate or call church

office before Tuesday at 12 pm.

Thank you.

Name: _______________________

Adults $7 (over 13) (Meal) _________

Kids Reg. plate $3 (Under 13) _________

Kids pizza ($3)_________

College students free with student ID

I N O U R P R A Y E R S New This Week: Sharon Shedd (ORMC)

Ongoing Concerns: Carole Ewers, Bob Vedder , Macye Gar land, Pr iscilla Randall, Mar ion Mahs, Bill Stubba, Pitt Scheff, Deb

Becker (Tripp Becker’s mother), David Pittman (Wesley & Rubye Pittman’s son), Lyman Yates (Angie Panfill’s father), Steve Deal

(Stephanie Johnson’s father), Jennifer Nish, Mary Ann Dellinger, Mary Frances Enfinger (Pastor Mac’s mother), Miggs Thomson, John

Collins, Lester Mullins, Richard Henry (Collene Dalrymple’s brother), Margot Lindsey (Johnnett Cornell’s mother), David White (Carol

Odom’s brother), Janice Smith, Sharon Franklin, Goldie McSwain (Julie Strom’s mother), Sara Key, Janice Robinson, Mickey & Karen

May (Kim Stanford’s parents), Mary Ruth Peeler, George Sargent, Ken & Kikky Williams, Emmie Charping, Carole Ewers, Laura &

Wyatt Turner, Deborah Hammock, Lynn Todd (Janice Robinson’s sister), Cindy Brown (Howard Robinson’s sister), Edna Purser (Howard

Robinson’s mother), Steve & Carol Odom, LaNe’ Goff, Kydie Young ( Holley Vaughn’s mother), Allen Kilgore & Margie Kilgore (Kaye

Marshall’s brother/mother), Donna Thomson, Marv Thomson, Bernie Baldwin, Jamie Lockhart (Fern Langston’s sister), Jimmy Grant,

Gail Rogers (Julie Ewers’ father), David Howington, Miles Jones, Charlie Lemons, Johnny Grant, Leonard Queen, Kristen Wells (daughter-

in-law of Dorothy Vadas), Miriam Allen, Sally Pratt, Jane Barnard, Helen Lipscomb, Barry Smith, Nancy Murison, David Hirshmam, Stan

Alan, Joanne Schaffner

Homebound: Joe Eidson, Carole Sirmans (Chip Sirmans’ mother ), Nell Jackson, Fr ankie Jenkins, Mazie & Steve Dillard, Nannie

Sue Dominy, Jo Veal, Rian Ringsrud, Carl Cheely

Veterans Home: Bill Brannen; Savannah Court: Alice Maude Hattaway, Claire Her r in, Sarah Zink, Flor ide Gardner , Peggy

Rodgers, Marjorie Bacon; Lynn Haven in Gray: Faye Banks; Eatonton HealthCare and Rehab: Emma Layton & Grace Vadas; Stonebrook

Suites: Eunice Babb; Green Acres: Betty Hodges, Nelle Brannen, Janet Randall, Frances Har r ington (Jeffrey Har r ington’s

mother); Zebulon Park Health & Rehab: Madalyn Monroe


The Advent season

begins November 29th.

We are looking for

Advent readers for all

three services. If you

would be interested in

doing a reading then

please email or call Collene at

[email protected]

or call 452-4597.

Milledgeville First United Methodist Church

366 Log Cabin Road NE Milledgeville, GA 31061

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Milledgeville, GA


“The Milledgeville First United Methodist Church’s mission is to serve Jesus Christ, Share God’s word, grow in faith, and love one another.”

First United Methodist Church is a Stephen Ministry Congregation.

November 15th - November 21st

OUR CHURCH STAFF Senior Pastor Rev. Mac Enfinger [email protected]

Administrative Assistant Cathy Malone [email protected]

Minister of Programs & Pastoral Care Collene Dalrymple [email protected]

Minister of Children & Technology Rev. Allison Griner [email protected]

Praise Band, Youth/Student Minister Eric Pratt [email protected]

Financial Mgr./Bldg. Super. Cay Quattlebaum [email protected]

Director of Noah’s Ark PMO/PS Melanie Cobb [email protected]

Minister of Music Steve Crocker [email protected]

Organist Dr. Tom Davidson

Dir. Christian Counseling Center Amanda Wilson Harper 478-456-6219 For Appointments


11/15/15 Mon

11/16/15 Tue

11/17/15 Wed

11/18/15 Thu

11/19/15 Fri

11/20/15 Sat


12:30 pm Choir 4:00 pm Charge Conference & KidsTime 5:15 pm Youth Choir 6:00 pm Confirmation & MYF

9:00am Prayer Group @ Chick-fil-A 10:00 am Stephen Ministry 5:15 pm Worship Mtg 5:30 GAP Circle 7:00pm MSG

10:00 am Needles

11:45 am Norris Hicks Circle 3:00pm Covenant Bible Study 3:30 pm Staff Mtg 5:00 pm Bells 5:45 pm Family Night Supper & KidsJam 3rd—5th 6:25 pm KidsJam 4yr—2nd 7:00pm Choir, Jesus in the Gospels Bible Study & Youth Bible Study

6:30pm Band Practice & Mercy Triumphs Bible Study


8:30 am UMM

AA Saturday at 10:00am Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 12:00pm

Sunday & Tuesday at 5:30pm Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 7:00pm

Al-Anon Wednesday and Friday at 12:00pm Sunday and Tuesday at 7:00pm

Office: 478-452-4597

Preschool: 478-453-2106

PMO: 478-452-4599

Email: [email protected] _________________________________________________________________

Web Page:

Sunday Worship Services: 8:30 — 9:30 — 11:00

Sunday School: 9:45 & 11:00 a.m.

Attendance Report—11/08/15

8:30 - Early Service 77

9:30 - Contemporary Service 75

11:00 - Traditional Service 190

Total Worship Attendance 342

Sunday School Attendance 154
