Page 1: MIDDLESEX COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of Supervisors... · minutes from the June 7 Board meeting; disbursements dated June 20, numbered 83710-83796 for $370,931.53, dated June 30,


Board Room in the Historic Courthouse

Saluda, Virginia

August 2, 2016


Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance

1. Approval of the Consent Agenda

A. Meeting Agenda

B. Minutes – July 5, 2016 (pages 3-8)

C. Disbursements (pages 9-26)

D. Payroll (pages 27-31)

3:00 P.M.

2. Public Comments ** 3:05 P.M.

3. Constitutional Officers (as needed)

A. Treasurer - Report Only (pages 32-34)

3:15 P.M.


Agency and Staff Reports

A. Department of Transportation

B. School Matters - Dr. Peter Gretz

i. Appropriation Requests (pages 35-39)

ii. Kids First Program - Tom Kinney (pages 40-42)

C. Reassessment Update - Steve Wampler

D. Parks and Recreation - Karen Reed

E. Department of Historic Resources - Update on Hurricane

Sandy Architectural Buildings Survey - Jim Hare and

Blake McDonald (pages 43-61)

3:20 P.M.

5. Action Items

A. Appropriation Requests (pages 62-66)

B. Wings, Wheels and Keels (pages 67-72)

i. Grant Acceptance

ii. Lease Agreement

C. Appointment (pages 73-75)

4:15 P.M.

6. County Attorney Items 4:25 P.M.

7. County Administrator Items (pages 76-77) 4:30 P.M.

8. Old/New Business 4:35 P.M.

9. Supervisor’s Comments and Reports

4:40 P.M.

10. Public Comment **

11. Unveiling of Joshua Holmes Memorial Highway Sign (page 78) 5:00 P.M.

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12. Closed Sessions - Pursuant to Section 2.2-3711-A1, Personnel

(page 79)

5:10 P.M.



Upcoming Meetings: (meetings to be held in the Board Room of the Historic Courthouse, unless

otherwise noted) Tuesday, September 6, 2016, 3:00 P.M. - Regular Board Meeting

All times listed are intended as guides. Items scheduled for the afternoon session

may be moved to the evening session.

** Public Comments limited to 3 minutes per individual or 12 minutes per representative of a group of 4

or more who indicate forfeiting their individual time to speak.



General Requirements:

1. Each speaker will give his or her name and address for the record.

2. Each speaker or individual will be given one opportunity to speak.

3. All comments and/or remarks will be addressed to the Board of Supervisors, not the audience.

Public Hearing Order:

1. Presentation of Application by Staff.

2. Chairman opens the Hearing for comments from the public.

3. Presentation by Applicant.

4. Comments from speaker(s) representing a group:

A. Must represent four (4) or more individuals;

B. Individuals must stand and acknowledge that they are being represented

by the speaker and that they forfeit their individual time to speak;

C. Are allowed 12 minutes to make their presentation(s).

5. Comments from individuals – allowed three (3) minutes each.

6. Applicant Rebuttal – allowed five (5) minutes.

7. Chairman closes hearing for comments from public.

8. Questions and discussion by Board members

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Present: Mark E. Holt, III, Pinetop District Wayne H. Jessie, Sr., Jamaica District

Robert L. LeBoeuf, Hartfield District Peter W. Mansfield, Saluda District

John D. Miller, Jr., Harmony Village District

Matthew L. Walker, County Administrator Marcia Jones, Assistant County Administrator Michael T. Soberick, County Attorney


Mr. Miller called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. and led the group in prayer. Mr. Walker led in the Pledge of Allegiance.


The motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by Mr. Jessie seconded by Mr. Holt and carried unanimously. The Consent Agenda included approval of minutes from the June 7 Board meeting; disbursements dated June 20, numbered 83710-83796 for $370,931.53, dated June 30, numbers 83809-83829 for $12,033.39, dated July 5, numbers 83830-83884 for $143,318.52, and payroll dated June 15, numbers 83671-83709 for $359,269.00 and dated June 23, numbers 83797-83808 for $1,291.80.


Ona Grimm expressed concern about the boat tax, noting that five boats have given up their annual slips and moved to the Hampton area because slips in Lancaster and Gloucester counties were full. She stated this loss of revenue to their business is impacting employment and how much comes back to the County not only in taxes but also charitable giving.


There were no constitutional officers present at this time, however representatives from the Sheriff's Department were present later in the meeting.


Virginia Department of Transportation:

There was no one present to represent VDOT.

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There was no one present to represent the School system.

Social Services:

Ms. Morgan, Director, introduced Quasha Parrish, an intern working with the Department this summer. Ms. Parrish has worked with the pilot summer camp program, documenting eligibility to fund positions for participation in youth activities for low to moderate income families. Mr. Walker reminded the Board that this program is awaiting funding from the current year's budget and that money was set aside in the contingency line until participation requirements could be established. Information has been received from 20 youth to attend various programs - 4-H Camp, Clover Bud Camp, Camp Piankatank and YMCA programs. The Board was asked to review the draft eligibility requirements. Mr. Walker has made one suggestion that employment be listed as a requirement, not specifically full time employment. The motion to approve the pilot program and authorize the funding was made by Mr. LeBoeuf, seconded by Mr. Mansfield and carried unanimously.

Planning Matters:

Targeted Development Areas: Wally Horton, Planning Director, addressed the Board regarding Urban Development Areas as defined by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and the need to designate Targeted Development Areas (TDAs). These are specific areas for development and growth within the County, a process made necessary as part of House Bill Two (HB2) to compete for VDOT funding. The House Bill Two (HB2) process was established as a way of investing limited tax dollars in the right projects that meet the most critical transportation needs in Virginia. Mr. Horton noted that the Board could either adopt a resolution to designate TDAs or could revise the Comprehensive Plan to designate them. Mr. LeBoeuf recommended that a resolution be drafted to designate the water/sewer service areas, which already incorporate the future land use growth maps in the Comprehensive Plan, as the TDA's.

Mixed Use Development: Mr. Horton explained that a recent inquiry into mixed use development prompted the Ordinance Committee and Staff to increase discussion of possibly creating a Mixed Use District and establish regulations within the County Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. Mixed Use Districts (MUDs) are created to promote a broad spectrum of land uses in more intensive developments. A MUD would incorporate principals of traditional neighborhood design and be intended to promote a multi-use master-planned community which may include residential, commercial, office and other nonresidential uses. It was the consensus of the Board to proceed with development of criteria and use regulations.

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Sheriff's Department:

Police Services Agreement: Garth Wheeler, Chief Deputy, and representing the Sheriff's Department, informed the Board that the Department had entered a Police Service Agreement between the Sheriff's Department, County and the Town of Urbanna, that will allow the County to receive additional funding support from the State. There will be no additional expense and quarterly reports will be provided to the Town for services rendered. The Sheriff plans to make application for this funding every year to take advantage of this funding source. The last time that the County requested these funds was 2006/07.

Virginia Rules Camp The Sheriff's Department has been awarded funding through the Attorney General's Office to support a Virginia Rules Camp to be held August 22-26, 2016, at Camp Piankatank. The Camp will focus on four Virginia Rules - student responsibility, technology and you, alcohol and tobacco, and drugs and will include team building and team sports activities. Camp will be limited to 25 kids, ages 12-15; 16 applications have been received so far.



The motion to approve appropriations numbered FY 2016-46 through FY 2016-50 was made by Mr. Holt, seconded by Mr. Jessie and carried unanimously.






FY 2016-46, $13,488.80

24040-0009, $13,488.80

32030-5604, $6,744.40 and 32030-5605, $6,744

Appropriation of funds received from the State's Four-for Life funding

FY 2016-47, $3,322.00

24040-0010, $3322.00

32010-5605, $1107.33; 32010-5606, $1107.33; 32010-5607, $1107.34

Appropriation of remaining 10% of FY 16 funds received from the Department of Fire Programs

FY 2016-48, $15,000.00

12080-0003 10020-3012 Payment for the final load of fuel purchased for FY 16. Appropriated from revenue of fuel sold.

FY 2016-49, $2265.00

12050-0100 12130-5895 In order to collect taxes, more DMV stops were made than anticipated. Appropriation is being made from collections this generated.

FY 2016-50, $4026.00

24040-1040 36060-3001 Grant money for SAFER grant

The motion to approve the following appropriation from FY 17 funds was made by Mr. Jessie, seconded by Mr. LeBoeuf and carried unanimously.






FY 2017-01 18990-0003 71010-7001 Appropriation of funds received from River

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Counties Community Foundation Grant to purchase gymnastics equipment.

Well Lot Dedication:

Mr. Walker presented the Board with a plat showing the well lot for the public use well at the old Rappahannock Central Elementary property and easements from the well that will eventually be granted to the Middlesex Water Authority. The Department of Health requires that a well lot be designated and recorded. The motion to approve the plat was made by Mr. LeBoeuf, seconded by Mr. Holt and carried unanimously.

Middlesex Broadband Authority:

Mr. Walker requested that up to $25,000 of the $200,000 set aside in FY 17 funding for the Broadband Authority be disbursed to the Middlesex Broadband Authority (MBA) as initial start-up funds. Future transfers will depend on how the Board wants to handle it. Major funding can remain with the County if the Board of Supervisors is going to build the infrastructure and turn it over to the Authority. If the Supervisors want the Authority to build the infrastructure, then monies would need to transfer to them. The motion to approve the transfer and disbursement of $25,000 to the MBA was made by Mr. LeBoeuf, seconded by Mr. Holt and carried unanimously.


Board of Equalization:

Mr. Walker reminded the Board that the time to recommend representatives to the Board of Equalization is drawing near and they needed to be thinking about who should serve. All members from the previous assessment have been contacted to solicit their interest in serving again.

Middlesex Water Authority:

The MWA is waiting on a draft contract from the Sydnor/Bowman team to begin negotiations.


Mr. Mansfield presented the Board with handout information that he stated would contradict Mr. LeBoeuf's summary and spreadsheet from the previous meeting. Mr. Mansfield again stated that the Harris radio system that is being purchased is costing the county two million dollars more by not using a competitive bid process. Mr. Mansfield also stated again that the County's purchasing policy requires that competitive bids be required for purchases of this magnitude. Mr. Mansfield noted that Jeffrey Hunt, Region Manager with Tait Communications, had also reviewed Mr. LeBoeuf's information and disagreed with the information provided, noting that Tait

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would have been able to save the county roughly $1.6 million. Mr. Hunt did state that "a stand alone network does not share a common broadband microwave network with two other counties so with the Harris system you can't share system controllers, dispatch consoles, logging recorders and potentially CAD and RMS systems or internet services for your constituents (like King and Queen does). So it will never be completely apples to apples."

Mr. LeBoeuf commented that the County has already voted to purchase a stand-alone radio system so that they could maintain control and not share it with other localities. Interoperability with other localities is maintained. Mr. LeBoeuf added that the numbers Mr. Hunt provided were based on it being a shared system, so it cannot be compared to stand-alone.

Mr. Mansfield again expressed his opposition with using the PPEA process for the radio purchase. Mr. Holt asked Mr. Mansfield if he was in favor of breaching the contract with contract with Harris. Mr. Mansfield commented that he was in favor of breaching the contract, however, it was too late to do that with regard to this purchase. Mr. Mansfield commented that the Board needs to do more to study and compare costs for purchases of this magnitude. Mr. Jessie commented that even with this project, other companies had the opportunity to submit proposals and they were considered.

Mr. Mansfield noted that the entire process could have been better and that the decisions made needed to be have been discussed thoroughly and not made arbitrarily. Mr. Mansfield noted that while he voted initially in favor of the PPEA process, he did not realize that it was not a competitive process. Mr. Soberick noted that the PPEA provides a process where companies present their own proposals to a locality and are not driven by specifications that are put out for bids. Mr. Mansfield again stated that this is not competitive.

Mr. Walker commented that the process was a good process and decisions to recommend this purchase were not made in an arbitrary manner. The stakeholders group, that included representatives of the organizations that will use the system on a daily basis along with Chief Nugent, Mr. LeBoeuf, Mr. Walker and Kevin Gentry, was impaneled to review and compare both proposals. This was a very knowledgeable group made of some of the same people that studied the proposals for the current system purchased in 2001. Mr. Walker noting that he initially was leaning toward recommending the Tait system, however, he listened to the concerns and opinions of the rest of the group and agreed with their recommendation. There were multiple work sessions to study and review the proposals and equipment by the stakeholders and consultant and also the financing package. Much of this work was behind the scenes, but was always with updates to the full Board. The recommendation to purchase the Harris system was done with the consultant's advice that the Harris system was the best value for the money.

Regarding radios, Mr. Mansfield stated that Harris was going to be providing 260 Phase I radios, while the Tait proposal would have provided Phase II radios with newer technology and at a cheaper cost. Mr. LeBoeuf noted that this information, that Mr.

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Mansfield said was provided by Tait, was incorrect and should not be used. Mr. LeBoeuf read from the purchasing contract the number and types of radios being purchased, all of which are Phase II P-25 compatible radios.


Board members reported on meetings attended since the last meeting. Mr. Mansfield noted that he requested the Rappahannock River Basin Commission to get behind the Hampton Roads Sanitation District water re-use and recycling program for nutrient reduction to the Bay.


Ona Grimm asked if the Board was going to be taking any action regarding the Boat Tax at the August meeting. Further discussion of boat tax issues will be either in August or early September, but is dependent on receiving information from the Commissioner of the Revenue.


The motion to convene in a Closed Meeting pursuant to §2.1-3711.A3, acquisition of real property, §2.1-3711.A7, Legal Counsel and Personnel, pursuant to §2.1-3711.A1, was made by Mr. LeBoeuf, seconded by Mr. Jessie and carried unanimously.

The meeting returned to open session with all members certifying the following statement by motion of Mr. LeBoeuf, seconded by Mr. Holt and carried unanimously:

To the best of the members' knowledge, only public business matters lawfully exempted in the motion by which the closed session was called were considered or discussed in the closed session.

The motion to approve a 3% cost of living increase effective July 1, 2016, for Matt Walker was made by Mr. LeBoeuf, seconded by Mr. Holt and carried unanimously.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned until the regular meeting scheduled for August 2, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. by motion of Mr. Jessie, seconded by Mr. LeBoeuf and carried unanimously.

John D. Miller, Jr., Chair Board of Supervisors

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FY 2017 – 06



3-071 038401-1000 $66,421.37

Title I (Improving Basic Programs)

3-071 038436-7000 $25,451.58

Title II (Improving Teacher Quality)

3-071 038436-5000 $ 599.31

Title III, Part A (Limited English Proficient)

3-071 038439-3000 $ 6,107.00

Title VI (Rural & Low Income Schools)

3-071 038402-7000 $80,027.99

IDEA 611, Part B (Special Education)



4-071 061100-1120-200-100-410 $10,914.75

Salaries & Wages

4-071 061100-1151-200-100-410 $ 5,635.74

Parapro Salaries & Wages

4-071 061100-1120-200-800-411 $19,643.77

Salaries & Wages

4-071 061100-1151-200-800-411 $10,396.02

Parapro Salaries & Wages

4-071 061100-2100-200-100-410 $ 402.32


4-071 061100-2300-200-100-410 $ 989.65

Health Benefits

4-071 061100-3000-200-100-410 $16,784.95

Purchased Services

4-071 061100-5500-200-100-410 $ 59.48


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4-071 061100-6000-200-100-410 $ 1,594.69

Materials & Supplies

4-071 061100-1120-200-100-430 $19,630.92

Salaries & Wages

4-071 061100-2100-200-100-430 $ 1,674.11


4-071 061100-2210-200-100-430 $ 3,559.00


4-071 061100-2400-200-100-430 $ 318.05


4-071 061100-2750-200-100-430 $ 269.50


4-071 061100-6000-900-100-415 $ 599.31

Materials & Supplies

4-071 061100-3000-900-100-420 $ 3,000.00

Purchased Services

4-071 061100-5500-900-100-420 $ 505.92


4-071 061100-6000-900-100-420 $ 2,601.08

Materials & Supplies

4-071 061100-1120-900-200-500 $57,976.01

Salaries & Wages

4-071 061100-2100-900-200-500 $ 3,503.79


4-071 061100-2210-900-200-500 $ 8,304.96


4-071 061100-2300-900-200-500 $ 4,736.45

Health Benefits

4-071 061100-2400-900-200-500 $ 468.58


4-071 061100-2750-900-200-500 $ 417.42


4-071 061100-3000-900-200-500 $ 3,958.43

Purchased Services

4-071 061100-6000-900-200-500 $ 662.35


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PURPOSE: Appropriate remaining Federal Funds from FY16 Awards into FY17.


DATE OF ACTION: 08-02-2016 TYPE OF ACTION: Approved $


VOTE: Mark E. Holt, III

Wayne H. Jessie

Robert LeBoeuf

Peter Mansfield

John D. Miller, Jr.

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FY 2017 – 07



3-072 041060 - 0001 $ 71,653.30

Beginning Fund Balance



4-072 065100-6002-900 $ 71,653.30

Food Supply Purchases

PURPOSE: Appropriate school food carryover balance from school year 2015/2016 into

school year 2016/2017.


DATE OF ACTION: 08-02-2016 TYPE OF ACTION: Approved $


VOTE: Mark E. Holt, III

Wayne H. Jessie

Robert LeBoeuf

Peter Mansfield

John D. Miller, Jr.

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FY 2017 – 08



3-073 041060 - 0001 $44,186.71

Beginning Fund Balance



4-073 061100-6020-310-100 $44,186.71

Textbooks - Secondary

PURPOSE: Appropriate balance of textbook funds remaining at the close of the 2015/2016

school year into the 2016/2017 school year.


DATE OF ACTION: 08-02-2016 TYPE OF ACTION: Approved $


VOTE: Mark E. Holt, III

Wayne H. Jessie

Robert LeBoeuf

Peter Mansfield

John D. Miller, Jr.

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Matthew L. Walker Marcia Jones

County Administrator Assistant Administrator

County of Middlesex

Office of the County Administrator

July 29, 2016

TO: Board of Supervisors

FROM: Matt Walker

SUBJECT: Kids First Program

Tom Kinney will be present to discuss the proposed Kids First

Program for Middlesex County 3-year olds.

P. O. Box 428, Saluda, Virginia 23149-0428 ∙ Phone: (804) 758-4330 Fax: (804) 758-0061

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OBJECTIVE—Break the cycle of generational poverty in Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, and Northumberland Counties. BACKGROUND—Understanding generational poverty (ref. Dr. Ruby Payne & others) and what interventions correlate with success (ref. NIEER at Rutgers 10 year study 1960-2010, Abecedarian study Chapel Hill, Head Start internal study 2010). WHAT WORKS—High quality early preschool for at-risk 3-year-old children, full day, small classes (12), experienced Bachelor / Masters degreed teachers fully ECE certified (especially those having taught Kindergarten and first grade having seen the problem first hand and are passionate about finding a solution). Socialization, academics, and emotional control focused. STUDENT IDENTIFICATION—Motivate generational poverty parents to make application for their 3-year-old (KFF may help). Lead teacher interviews child (similar to Ages and Stages evaluation) to determine which of applicants is most in need. Lead teacher also interviews parent/guardian concurrently to assess degree of support child has in home environment. Most challenged and most vulnerable are selected for class. SUSTAINABILITY—Utilizes public school expertise for teacher selection, classroom set-up, general organization and administration. Program transitions over a four-year period into the public school system annual budget. KKF FUNDS—100% in year one of classroom set up and lead teacher and teaching assistant salary and benefits ($100,000). In year two, 85% of teachers’ salaries and benefits ($75,000). In year three, 55% of teachers’ salaries and benefits ($50,000). Total $225,000 per class. SCHOOL PROVIDES—Food Service, busing, health and safety, administration, and classroom space. In year one, no $$ for classroom furniture, instruction materials, consumables, lead teacher salary and benefits and teaching assistant salary and benefits. In year two, 15% of teachers’ salaries and benefits ($10,000). In year three, 45% of teachers’ salaries and benefits ($35,000). In year four and beyond, 100% of teachers’ salaries and benefits. EFFICACY AND IMPROVEMENT—KFF is exploring support for a longitudinal study to follow KFF children through their school years and into adulthood. George Mason University has a PhD student whose dissertation initiates this program of monitoring progress and providing feedback for improvement. To date Lancaster KFF students’ average PALS test scores exceed the average of ALL students in 4preK by 25% and by 15% of ALL Kindergarten students. NUTRITION PROGRAM—Qualified KFF volunteers introduce children to fruits and vegetable snacks mid-morning on a weekly basis and promote nutrition education and child care skills at in-school parent-student-teacher dinners periodically throughout the year.

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FY 2017 – 01



3-071 018990-3001 $100,000.00

Kids First Foundation Grant



4-071 061100-1120-200-800 $57,365.00

Instructional Salaries

4-071 061100-1151-200-800 $19,770.00

Parapro Salaries & Wages

4-071 061100-2100-200-800 $ 5,901.00


4-071 061100-2210-200-800 $ 4,672.00


4-071 061100-2400-200-800 $ 1,010.00

GLI Benefits

4-071 061100-2750-200-800 $ 856.00


4-071 061100-6000-200-800 $ 3,719.00

Materials & Supplies

4-071 061100-8200-200-800 $ 6,707.00

Capital Outlay Addition

PURPOSE: Appropriate Kids First Foundation Grant into FY17 School Year.


DATE OF ACTION: 08-02-2016 TYPE OF ACTION: Approved $


VOTE: Mark E. Holt, III

Wayne H. Jessie

Robert LeBoeuf

Peter Mansfield

John D. Miller, Jr.

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Matthew L. Walker Marcia Jones

County Administrator Assistant Administrator

County of Middlesex

Office of the County Administrator

July 29, 2016

TO: Board of Supervisors

FROM: Matt Walker

SUBJECT: Architectural Buildings Survey

Jim Hare and Blake McDonald from the Department of Historic

Resources will be present to update the Board on the Hurricane Sandy

Architectural Buildings survey.

P. O. Box 428, Saluda, Virginia 23149-0428 ∙ Phone: (804) 758-4330 Fax: (804) 758-0061

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Middlesex County Architectural Survey

Funded through the National Park Service and the Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief Assistance for Historic Properties Grants Program

Administered by the Virginia Department of Historic Resources Survey by Debra McCLane/Cultural Resources Analysts, Inc. Page 44

Page 45: MIDDLESEX COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of Supervisors... · minutes from the June 7 Board meeting; disbursements dated June 20, numbered 83710-83796 for $370,931.53, dated June 30,

Middlesex County Survey Overview

Document residential, commercial, and civic property types

Focus on low-lying and flood prone areas

Limited re-survey of properties recorded by DHR staff several decades ago

Part 1: 350 Property Survey

Dairy Barn, Indian Spring Farm

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Identifies historical themes in Middlesex County

Recommends properties and districts for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places

Suggests future historic preservation-related projects

Part 2: Survey Report

Middlesex County Survey Overview

Samuel Moore House, Deltaville

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Project introduction at Lansdowne

Coverage in the Gloucester-Mathews Gazette Journal

Direct communication with owners during survey

Part 3: Public Outreach

Middlesex County Survey Overview

Wake School (former), Route 625

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Surveying Historic Resources

For each property, surveyors record:

Number of buildings Approximate property size Significant site features Historical information

found through background research (if any)


Callis Store, Horseshoe Bend Road

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For each building, surveyors record:

Resource type Approximate construction

date Architectural style Unique features


Surveying Historic Resources

Single Dwelling, General Puller Highway

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Survey information is used for an initial

determination of National Register of Historic Places eligibility

The final product is a property survey form with attached photos and site plan, which is publicly available in the DHR Archives


Surveying Historic Resources

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Survey Results

provides guidance on the types, location, and significance of cultural resources

Result 1: Planning Tool

City of Refuge Church, City of Refuge Road

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Use information gained for educational tools and to promote heritage tourism, and to foster community pride

Result 2: Develop Local Cultural Identity

Survey Results

Coffman’s on the Coast, General Puller Highway

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Listing of properties or districts on the National Register of Historic Places can enable property owners to pursue tax credits for historic building rehabilitation

Survey report identifies future projects potentially eligible for grants from DHR and other agencies

Result 3: First Step Towards Economic Incentives

Survey Results

Single Dwelling, General Puller Highway

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Middlesex County Survey Status

Of the 185 properties surveyed so far:

160 single dwellings, 7 churches, 5 cemeteries, 5 fellowship halls, 4 businesses, and 2 post offices

12 previously recorded properties

Hardyville Post Office, General Puller Highway

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Of the 185 properties surveyed so far:

Resources surveyed range in date from ca. 1730 to 1961

Of the newly surveyed properties, 27 are recommended for further study as potentially eligible to the National Register of Historic Places, including 1 potentially eligible historic district in Saluda

Middlesex County Survey Status

Camp Painkatank, Stampers Bay Road

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Waveland, 438 Jackson Creek Road

Ca. 1880 single dwelling with unusual architectural composition Part of historic Jackson Creek Wharf/Enoch Pier, a local hub and steamboat stop in the

late 19th century Recommended for further study to confirm construction date, determine early owners,

and determine National Register of Historic Places eligibility Page 56

Page 57: MIDDLESEX COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of Supervisors... · minutes from the June 7 Board meeting; disbursements dated June 20, numbered 83710-83796 for $370,931.53, dated June 30,

Regent Store, 3200 Regent Road

Ca. 1894 store constructed by Morton E. Clarke on Locklies Creek Post office for community of Regent housed within the store and property contains

remains of marine railway Recommended potentially eligible for nomination on the National Register of Historic

Places due to role in local development and high degree of architectural integrity Page 57

Page 58: MIDDLESEX COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of Supervisors... · minutes from the June 7 Board meeting; disbursements dated June 20, numbered 83710-83796 for $370,931.53, dated June 30,

First Baptist Church of Amburg, 244 Irmas Lane

1901 church is one of thirteen established and built by African-American communities Originally founded by former members of the Zoar Baptist Church, a white congregation

that allowed slaves and former slaves to worship there Recommended for further study in the context of regional religious development and

African-American history Page 58

Page 59: MIDDLESEX COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of Supervisors... · minutes from the June 7 Board meeting; disbursements dated June 20, numbered 83710-83796 for $370,931.53, dated June 30,

Saluda Historic District

Courthouse village with civic/commercial core and residences on the district edges Range of notable buildings dating from the late 18th century through the mid-20th century Recommended potentially eligible for nomination on the National Register of Historic

Places for its role as the county seat since 1849, and as a significant collection of architectural resources Page 59

Page 60: MIDDLESEX COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of Supervisors... · minutes from the June 7 Board meeting; disbursements dated June 20, numbered 83710-83796 for $370,931.53, dated June 30,

Survey will continue through the fall and will officially end in February of 2017

Approximately 200 additional properties will be recorded

Project Completion

General Lewis Puller House, Gloucester Road

Middlesex County Survey Status

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Middlesex County Survey Status

Anticipate further recommendations of potentially National Register of Historic Places eligible properties and districts

Surveyors welcome contact from owners of historic properties who would like to be included in the effort

Contact Info: Marilyn South, President Middlesex County Museum & Historical Society [email protected]

Project Completion

Packers Bank (former), Wake Road

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FY 2017 - 2



3-1 41060-0001 $1,000.00

Fund Balance



4-1 82040-6006 $1,000.00

Rappahannock River Basin

PURPOSE: Funds restored to participate with Rappahannock River Basin

Commission - approved 6/7/16




Mark Holt, III

Robert LeBoeuf

Peter Mansfield

John D. Miller, Jr.

Wayne H. Jessie, Sr.

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FY 2017 - 3



3-1 23070-0001 $38,918.00

Victim Witness Program



4-1 21070-1001 $29,695.00

Full Time Compensation

4-1 21070-2001 $2,112.00


4-1 21070-2002 $2,371.00


4-1 21070-2006 $668.00

Life Insurance

4-1 21070-2003 $301.00


4-1 21070-7001 $3,771.00

Machinery & Equipment

PURPOSE: The Grant Program for the Victim/Witness Assistance Program

upgraded position from Part-time to Full-time. This additional money was

approved in the grant.

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Mark Holt, III

Robert LeBoeuf

Peter Mansfield

John D. Miller, Jr.

Wayne H. Jessie, Sr.

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FY 2017 - 4



3-1 18030-0001 $700.00

Miscellaneous Refunds



4-1 36050-5413 $700.00

Emergency Services-Other Operating Supplies

PURPOSE: Grant funds to be used for a computer for Urbanna Fire





Mark Holt, III

Robert LeBoeuf

Peter Mansfield

John D. Miller, Jr.

Wayne H. Jessie, Sr.

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FY 2017 - 9



3-1 41060-0001 $4,565.87

Fund Balance



4-1 31020-7007 $4,565.87

Sheriff's ADP

PURPOSE: Money given by the Comp. Board in last fiscal year.




Mark Holt, III

Robert LeBoeuf

Peter Mansfield

John D. Miller, Jr.

Wayne H. Jessie, Sr.

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Page 67: MIDDLESEX COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of Supervisors... · minutes from the June 7 Board meeting; disbursements dated June 20, numbered 83710-83796 for $370,931.53, dated June 30,

Matthew L. Walker Marcia Jones

County Administrator Assistant Administrator

County of Middlesex

Office of the County Administrator

July 29, 2016

TO: Board of Supervisors

FROM: Matt Walker

SUBJECT: Wings, Wheels and Keels

Two items related to the Wings, Wheels and Keels event are

presented for your approval today - the grant offer from the Department of

Aviation and the lease agreement with the Lawson Trust for use of their

property. The grant offers reimbursement at a 50% level, up to $7,750.00.

P. O. Box 428, Saluda, Virginia 23149-0428 ∙ Phone: (804) 758-4330 Fax: (804) 758-0061

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AGREEMENT This Lease Agreement made and entered into this 3rd day of August, 2016, by

and between The Lawson Trust, Walter L, Jr. & Evelyn F. Lawson, TTEES, hereinafter

referred to as "The Lawson Trust" and the County of Middlesex, a Political Subdivision

of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hereinafter referred to as "County".


WHEREAS, The Lawson Trust is the owner of the following described parcel of property:

All that certain piece or parcel of land, together with all improvements, rights, ways, easements and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate in Pinetop Magisterial District, Middlesex County, Virginia lying near Topping, containing 8.05 acres, and shown as "Parcel 2" on a plat of survey by William F. Clark, Jr., C.L.S., dated February 19, 1976 entitled "Survey and Map Showing 32.6 acres, More or Less, on Routes 694 and 633 and Meacham's Creek In the County of Middlesex, Virginia," which is recorded in the Clerk's Office of Middlesex County, Virginia in Plat Book "6", page 3, reference to same being hereby made for a more particular description. And

WHEREAS, County is interested in leasing said property from The Lawson Trust. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) cash in hand paid and other good and valuable consideration, The Lawson Trust and County hereby agree as follows:

1. Lawson hereby leases to County, the above-described property for a term commencing August 15, 2016 and ending October 15, 2016.

2. County represents that the property will be used only for the Wings and Wheels and Keels Show and other airport related activities.

3. County agrees that the grass on the parcel will be cut prior to the event.

4. County agrees to pay The Lawson Trust the sum of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00) payable upon execution of this agreement.

5. County agrees to maintain liability insurance on the property and to hold The Lawson Trust harmless from any claims arising out of or any way related to the County's use and occupancy of said property.

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WITNESS, the following signatures and seals:

______________________________ EVELYN FEARS LAWSON, Trustee _____________________________ WALTER L. LAWSON, JR., Trustee COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX By: __________________________ John D. Miller, Jr., Chairman Board of Supervisors

STATE OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ______________________ to-wit: Sworn and subscribed before me this ______ day of __________________, 2016, by Evelyn Fears Lawson.

______________________________ Notary Public

My commission expires: _______________________ STATE OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ______________________ to-wit: Sworn and subscribed before me this ______ day of __________________, 2016, by Walter L. Lawson, Jr.

______________________________ Notary Public

My commission expires: _______________________

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STATE OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ______________________ to-wit: Sworn and subscribed before me this ______ day of __________________, 2016, by John D. Miller, Jr., Chairman, Board of Supervisors.

______________________________ Notary Public

My commission expires: _______________________

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Airport Committee (AL) Jamie Barnhardt 9/1/16 - 8/31/20 (4 years) Jamie Barnhardt

Wetlands Board Alternate (AL) * vacant 9/30/2019 (5 years)

* Wetlands Board members can hold no other position than Planning Commissioner.


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Matthew L. Walker Marcia Jones

County Administrator Assistant Administrator

County of Middlesex

Office of the County Administrator

July 28, 2016

TO: Board of Supervisors

FROM: Matt Walker

SUBJECT: 8-2-16 BOS Update

County Administrator’s Update

1) Middlesex Water Authority

The Middlesex Water Authority is awaiting a more detail draft contract and proposal from

the contractor. The Authority has asked the team to provide a contract for staff as soon as

possible for review and hopefully allow the Authority to render a decision on whether or how

it will move forward.

2) County / Middle Peninsula Public Access Authority Site Study

Dave Kretz, Middlesex Environmental Planner and the County’s appointed representative to

the Public Access Authority, has been working with the Public Access Authority staff and

consultants on this project. Dave is setting up a meeting with Lewie Lawrence and Doug

Diedrichsen, the student assisting the PAA and County to the discuss site evaluation process

and the project in general. As stated previously, it is my intention to engage Diedrichsen, the

Master Degree candidate from VCU, to perform a more in depth analysis of the Bridge

Beach and Paradise Lane sites. Doug has expressed an interest in performing the work as

part of his capstone coursework needed for graduation from the VCU planning program. It is

also my intention to ask the PAA to facilitate community based meetings for adjoining

property owners to discuss issues and concerns with the ongoing operation of several other

sites including Canoe House Beach, Wake Beach, and others.

3) Jackson Creek Dredging

The Corps and VMRC have approved our related permit. The project has been advertised

and bids are due on Monday August 1st. Staff will have more to report regarding the project

and a possible award recommendation at the Tuesday Board meeting.

4) Board of Equalization

As the Board is aware we may need begin recruitment and selection for the Board of

Equalization (BOE) participants. The BOE in 2012 was comprised of Ray Kostesky, Mary

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Lou Ebinger/Stevenson, Louis Briggs, Joey Jones, and Jerry Crittenden. As stated last

month, I have reached out to these former members, only Kostesky (Saluda District) and

Ebinger/Stevens (Jamaica) have requested reappointment. The Board of Equalization (BOE)

serves as a review board for county real estate assessments. The BOE is responsible for

hearing property owners’ appeals and may increase, decrease or affirm assessments. The

BOE consists of five (5) members who are recommended by the Board of Supervisors and

are appointed by the Circuit Court Judge. Members must be residents of the county and a

majority of the members must own land in the county. At least 2 members or 30% of the

members of the board shall be commercial or residential real estate appraisers, other real

estate professionals, builders, developers, or legal or financial professionals and must attend

and participate in a basic course of instruction given by the State Department of Taxation.

5) Regional Reassessment

A Wampler and Eanes will be reporting on their progress on the current reassessment work at

the August 2nd, 2016 meeting.

6) Elevator Update by Marcia Jones

Marcia Jones has met with Tyler Hopson, Ashley elevator representative, who has provided

us with a preliminary quotes and proposals for an elevator. The quotes are for elevator

equipment only and do not include construction cost of the shaft. Marcia will update the

Board on Tuesday.

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Matthew L. Walker Marcia Jones

County Administrator Assistant Administrator

County of Middlesex

Office of the County Administrator

July 29, 2016

TO: Board of Supervisors

FROM: Matt Walker

SUBJECT: Joshua Holmes Memorial Highway

The Board will be asked to recess to the side yard for the

unveiling of the Joshua Holmes Memorial Highway sign.

P. O. Box 428, Saluda, Virginia 23149-0428 ∙ Phone: (804) 758-4330 Fax: (804) 758-0061

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Page 79: MIDDLESEX COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of Supervisors... · minutes from the June 7 Board meeting; disbursements dated June 20, numbered 83710-83796 for $370,931.53, dated June 30,

Matthew L. Walker Marcia Jones

County Administrator Assistant Administrator

County of Middlesex

Office of the County Administrator

July 29, 2016

TO: Board of Supervisors

FROM: Matt Walker

SUBJECT: Closed Sessions

Both the County Attorney and Sheriff have requested individual

Closed Sessions to meet with the Board to discuss Personnel Issues, per §2.2-


P. O. Box 428, Saluda, Virginia 23149-0428 ∙ Phone: (804) 758-4330 Fax: (804) 758-0061

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