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  • 8/7/2019 medicine-5 alim folio


    Content Page

    Introduction 1

    Traditional medicine 2

    Traditional medicine-aloe vera 3

    Traditional medicine-centella 4

    Traditional medicine-EurycomaLongifolia 5Traditional medicine- 6

    Modern medicine 7

    Modern medicine-analgesic 8

    Modern medicine-antibiotics 9

    Modern medicine

    (Psychotherapeutic medicine)


    Effects drug abuse 11

    The end 12

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  • 8/7/2019 medicine-5 alim folio




    The word medicine is derived from the Latin arsmedicina, which is meaning the art of

    healing. Medicine is the science and art of healing. It encompasses a variety of health care

    practises envolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of

    illness.In simple word , a medicine is used to prevent or cure diseases or to relieve pain.

    Contemporary medicine applies health science, biomedical research , and medical

    technology to diagnose and treat injury and disease typically through medication ,surgery or

    some other form of therapy.

    Medicine can be classified in two types which istraditional medicines and modern medicines.

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    Being a multiracial country, Malaysia is rich in traditional medicines. Each community

    hasit own unique collection of traditional medicines to treat illnesses. These

    medicines are derived from plant and animals. They have been used for thous ands

    of years and are being assed down from one generation to another.

    Over a thousand species of plants in Malaysia are reported to have medicinal

    properties. These include Aloe Vera ,Centella , Asiatica ,EurycomaLongifolia ,

    OrtyosiphonAristatus ,AndrographisPaniculata and O cimumBasilicum. Some natural

    products of animal origin are also widely used. These include sea cucumbers ,

    centipedes, ants, grasshoppers , snakes and cockroaches.

    Traditional medicines are usually not processed. Many people have mistaken notion

    that being natural, all traditional medicine are safe. This is not so. Any medical plant

    containing alkaloid is potentially toxic to the liver. Furthermore, traditional medicine

    often interact with medications you normally take resulting in serious side reactions.

    For example, garlic capsules combined with diabetes medication can cause a sudden

    decrease in blood sugars.

    In order to ensure the safety of the traditional medicines to the public, Ive done

    some research on the toxic and adverse effects of these medicin es.

    The word medicine is derived from the Latin arsmedicina, which is meaning the artof healing

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    Aloe Vera

    The aloe vera also known as LidahBuaya or Crocodile tounge at several place like Indonesia

    and Malaysia.


    Aloe Vera is a stemless or very short-stemmed succulent plant growing to 60100 cm (24

    39 in) tall, spreading by offsets. The leaves are thick and fleshy, green to grey-green, with

    some varieties showing white flecks on the upper and lower stem surfaces. The margin of

    the leaf is serratedand has small white teeth. The flowers are produced in summer on a

    spike up to 90 cm (35 in) tall, each flower pendulous, with a yellow tubular corolla 23 cm

    (0.81.2 in) long. Like other Aloe species, Aloe vera forms arbuscularmycorrhiza, a symbiosis

    that allows the plant better access to mineral nutrients in soil.

    Aloe vera gelis used as an ingredient in commercially available lotion, yogurt , beverages and

    some desserts .Aloe vera juiceis used for consumption and relief of digestive issues such as

    heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome. It is common practice for cosmetic companies to

    add sap or other derivatives from Aloe vera to products such as makeup, tissues,

    moisturizers, soaps, sunscreens, incense, shaving cream, and shampoos. Other uses for

    extracts ofAloe vera include the dilution of semen for the artificial fertilization of sheep, use

    as fresh food preservative,and use in water conservation in small farms. The therapeutic

    uses ofAloe vera are not exclusive to the species and may be found to a lesser or greater

    degree in the gels of all aloes, and indeed are shared with large numbers of plants belonging

    to the family Asphodelaceae.Bulbinefrutescens, for example, is used widely for the

    treatment of burns and a host of skin afflictions.Aloe vera is alleged to be effective in

    treatment of wounds. Evidence on the effects ofAloe vera sap on wound healing, however,

    is limited and contradictory.

    The unprocessed AloeveraThe processed

    Aloe vera

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    The stems are slender, creeping stolons, green to reddish green in color, interconnecting one plant

    to another. It has long-stalked, green, reniformleaves with rounded apices which have smooth

    texture with palmately netted veins. The leaves are borne on pericladial petioles, around 2 cm. The

    rootstock consists of rhizomes, growing vertically down. They are creamish in color and covered with

    root hairs.

    The flowersare pinkish to red in color, born in small, rounded bunches (umbels) near the surface of

    the soil. Each flower is partly enclosed in two green bracts. The hermaphrodite flowers are minute in

    size (less than 3 mm), with 5-6 corolla lobes per flower. Each flower bears five stamens and two

    styles. The fruit are densely reticulate, distinguishing it from species of Hydrocotyle which have

    smooth, ribbed or warty fruit.

    Centella grows along ditches and in low wet areas. In Indian and Southeast Asian centella, the plant

    frequently suffers from high levels of bacterial contamination, possibly from having been harvested

    from sewage ditches. Because the plant is aquatic, it is especially sensitive to pollutants in the water,

    which are easily incorporated into the plant

    In Vietnam and Thailandthis leaf is used for preparing a drink or can be eaten in raw form in salads

    or cold rolls.In Malay cuisine the leaves of this plant are used for ulam , a type of Malay salad.It is

    also one of the constituents of the Indian summer drink "thandaayyee".

    Unprocessed Centela Processed Centela

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    Eurycomalongifolia is a small, everredtreeletgrowing to 15 m (49 ft) tall with spirally arranged

    ,pinnate leaves 2040 cm (816 inches) long with 1341 leaflets. The flowers aredioecious, with

    male and female flowers on different trees; they are produced in large panicles, each flower with 5

    6 very small petals. The fruit is green ripening dark red, 12 cm long and 0.51 cm broad.

    Eurycoma longifolia Jack commonly known as Tongkat Ali has gained notoriety as a symbol of man's

    ego and strength by the Malaysian men because it increases male virility and sexual prowess during

    sexual activities.

    In Malaysia, the common use of Eurycoma longifolia as a food and drink additive, coupled with a

    wide distribution of products using cheaper synthetic drugs in lieu of Eurycoma longifolia

    quassinoids, has led to the invention of an electronic tongue to determine the presence and

    concentration of genuine Eurycoma longifolia in products claiming to contain it.


    EurycomaLongifoliaProcessed EurycomaLongifolia

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    It (misaikucing) is also known as Kumis Kuching (kumis kucing) or Remujung. Other names

    for Misai Kuching are OrthosiphonStamineusBenth, OrthosiphonAristatus,Orthosiphonblaetter, IndisherNierentee, Feuilles de Barbiflore, Java Tea, Javatee, Kidney

    Tea, KoemisKoetjing, YaaNuatMaeo and Immortali Tea.

    Because of the characteristic form of its flowers, it is also known as Cat's whiskers.

    It is trusted for many centuries for treating ai lments of the kidney, bladder stone, urinary

    tract infection, liver and bladder problems, diabetes, rheumatism and gout. And, it is also

    used to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. It is believed to have antiallergic,

    antihypertensive , anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. Furthermore, it is used as a

    remedy for arteriosclerosis (capillary and circulatory disorders), kidney stones, diabetes and


    It has a mild diuretic action, so it is very useful for flushing the kidneys and urinary tract. It

    also relieves spasms of the smooth muscle in the walls of the internal organs, making it

    valuable for gallbladder problems. Researchers have found it to be mildly antiseptic as well.

    Unprocessed OrtyosiphonAristatusProcessed OrtyosiphonAristatus

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    Modern medicine are made in laboratories by scientist based on substances found in nature.

    The active ingredients in the substances are identified , extracted and purified. The medicineis tasted over and over in many different ways before marketed.

    This allow the scientist to make sure that the medicine is safe and to identify its side effects.

    Modern medicine may come in many forms such as liquids, powders, capsules and tablets.

    There are many types of medicines. These include analgesic, antibiotics and

    psychotherapeutic medicines.

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    Analges c

    Analges c





    y S ronger analges c use in headache tablets and

    in cough medicines

    yMost medicine issynthesized from


    yMaycause drowsinesswhen it is taken.

    yMay lead to addiction,depression and nausea.


    y Can be taken to relieve mildto moderate pain such as

    headache, muscle and joint

    pain, backache and period


    y Can be given to children asit does not irritate the

    stomach or cause it bleed.

    y Sideeffects of paracetamolare rareespecially when it

    is take at the recommended


    y An overdose of paracetamolcan cause liver damage.

    y Can be taken in tablets,capsule or liquid form.

    y Extensively usedworldwide for pain relief,

    particularly where there

    is inflammation involved

    such as arthritic pain anddental pain.

    y Should never be given tochildren because it is

    believed to cause brain

    and liver damage if given

    to them with the flu or

    chicken pox.

    y The active ingredients inaspirin is acetylsalicylic


    y Acidic in nature.y It is good to take aspirin

    after food.

    y Swallowed with plenty ofwater to reduce irritation

    of thestomach wall as

    aspirin causes internal

    bleeding and ulceration.

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    Used to treat infections caused by bacteria as they can kill or slow down the growth of bacteria.

    They will not cure infections caused by viruses, such as flu and colds.

    Antibiotic are obtained from microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. Different antibiotics can

    fight different kinds of bacteria. Side effects range from slight headache to a major allergic reaction.

    One of the common side effects is diarrhoea.

    One of the earliest and most widely used antibiotics is Penicillin. It is extracted from fungus

    Penicilliumnotatum. Bacterial disease such as Tuberculosis (TB) and Pneumonia. On the other land,

    streptomycin, an antibiotic produced by soil bacteria of the genus Streptomyces is used to treat

    tuberculosis, whooping cough and some forms of pneumonia.

    Both penicillin and streptomycin are broken down by the acid in the stomach. Therefore, these

    antibiotics are usually given by injection and are not taken orally.

    Make sure that you take full course of the antibiotics that the doctor prescribes to you even if you

    feel better. This is to make sure that all the bacteria are killed. Otherwise you may become ill again

    and the bacteria may become more resistant to the antibiotic. When this happens, the antibiotics is

    no longer effective. Your doctor will then have to prescribe a different and stronger antibiotic to

    fight the same infection.

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    Psychotherapeutic medicine

    Psychotherapeutic medicine is used to alter abnormal thinking, feelings or behaviours.


    hese medicines do not cure mental illness. However, theycan reduce many of thesymptoms of mental illness and help a person to get on withlife. Psychotherapeutic

    medications are divided into threecategories based on thesymptoms for which they are


    Psychotherapeutic medicine

    Anti s choticantide ressantStimulant

    y Medicine which activate thelevel of activity arousal or

    alertness of thecentral

    nervoussystem to reduce

    fatigue and elevate mood in

    most people.

    y Frequently prescribedstimulants include


    dextroamphetamine and


    y High doses or excessive useofstimulant over long

    periods of timecan lead to

    anxiety ,hallucinations,severe

    depression, or physical and

    psychological dependence.

    y Medicine used primarily in thetreatment of depression.

    y Someexample of antidepressantin the market today are

    tranquilizers and barbiturates.


    Used to calm down person andthus reduce tension and anxiety.

    Possiblesideeffects includedrownsiness,poor coordination or


    Overdose of these drugscan leadto respiratory


    and even death.


    Used to sedate, calm,o relax mostindividuals at low doses and at

    somewhat higher dosescan


    Addictive or habit-forming. People who rely on barbiturates

    sometimes kill themselves

    accidentally by taking an


    y Used to treat psychiatric illnesssuch asschizophrenia.

    y Common antipsychotic medicinesarechlorpromazine,haloperidol

    and clozapine.




    y Sideeffects of Antipsychoticmedicine are mild

    y Manycommon onesdisappear after the first few

    weeks of treatment.

    y These includes drownsiness,rapid heartbeat and dizziness

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