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What have you learned from your

audience feedback?

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From my audience feedback I have learned a lot as I have had to make adjustments through everything that I have created, to fit the audience’s expectations. If I did not listen to my audience feedback then my main product and ancillary products would not have been successful as it would have not fit the audience’s needs. The first bit of audience feedback I was given was from the questionnaire that I created, I conducted this questionnaire by creating questions that audiences would need to answer for me to gain an understanding of what they wanted from my product. I then handed this questionnaire out to a number of friends, family and class members. This narrowed down whom my film was going to be targeted at leaving me with the information that my target audience would be 18-21 year olds who are predominately males.

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It also helped me get an understanding in to what people want from a film trailer over all; the questionnaires helped me to see that audiences like a chase in a film and also like to see normality at the start of a film trailer. With this information I was able to include both of these aspects in to my trailer, this is shown as my film trailer starts with normality and then goes on to become a chase. This allowed me to understand that audiences like to see film trailers that are something different to anything they have seen in the past, this helped me make a lot of my decisions when deciding which cast members, props and clothing to use as I wanted to keep everything fresh and new for audiences. This is the reason that I decided to use cast that were unknown to audiences and also using fashionable clothing. I don’t think that a targeted audience of males aged 18-21 is too narrow to have a commercial success with this film as although our film is aimed at our target audience, there are also a lot of aspects of the film that will draw in other age and gender ranges which will allow it to have commercial success, such as the clothing, cast and colours we have used. I believe all three of these will attract a wider audience range then just our targeted audience.

We used the character ‘Lucy’ to appeal more to a female audience as they could relate to the idea of friendship.

Fashionable clothing was also used to draw in a female audience.

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Audience feedback has also shown me that my initial ideas are not always the best ideas for the product. I narrowed down my film poster and magazine cover to two of each and then left the choice of which one to pick up to my audiences. I found out from this feedback that my initial ideas were not the most popular and therefore I chose to use the audience’s choice. Audiences said that the second poster I developed had a more intriguing image of the character ‘grettle’ and that the image caught their eye. However I felt that my first poster I created had a more in-depth image of ‘grettle’ and showed the audience a deeper insight to what the film would be about. This proved to me that the audience feedback was vital when making decisions as 80% voted for the second poster compared to the first poster.

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I learned a lot from my rushes that I presented to my class. The rushes that I presented were how I was planning to film my trailer including the mise-en-scene I was using. When showing my class they picked up on a number of issues that needed to be changed when making my final film trailer. One of the points that were brought up was the fact that the weather had changed from one shot to another. I also needed to use a wider range of camera angles when using my camera as I had used a lot of the same camera shots, this was said to become boring for audiences and made them feel that they would not have gone to watch the main film itself. This was something that needed to be changed before I created my final piece and if I didn’t present my rushes to the class my final trailer may not have been up to the standard it needed to be at. to catch audience’s eyes.

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Another source of feedback was given to me once I had completed my products and posted them on to websites such as ‘facebook’ and ‘YouTube’ through the use of these websites I could gain an insight in to how my product could be improved even further. People were able to make comments on the film trailer; film poster and magazine cover and also either ‘like’ the products or ‘dislike’ them. As I had finished my products and felt that they were up to the standard that they needed to be I felt that nothing needed to be changed in my products however through using these websites I was able to see things that I never noticed before hand. A point that was picked up on was that ‘grettle’ was used too much in the main product that made people feel that the film trailer wasn’t as scary as it could have been. Another issue that was raised was the fact that the magazine cover could have been more colourful to catch audience’s eyes.