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  • 7/31/2019 Mechanics of Ascension.


  • 7/31/2019 Mechanics of Ascension.


    Many people have agreed to clear up a tremendous amount of karma in this lifetimeto prepare themselves for Ascension, so many people are sick, beset with problems,etc. This situation, far from indicating that theyll have a hard time ascending, isallowing them to position themselves well. Heres SaLuSa on that:

    With the end times rapidly drawing so near, may souls have elected to take on allremaining karmic experiences. For many it is therefore a hectic time, particularly ata personal level. When you ascend, karma will have been cleared by you or writtenoff through the Law of Grace. (3) At this end-of-cycle period, we no longer have to work as hard as the seekersin Jesus time did for a still mind, a purified heart, and unitive consciousness.Sananada told us as much in The Crystal Stair :

    Yes, we have requirements. I use the word rather facetiously, for compared to therequirements for those who have already ascended before this time, they are reallyrather easy requirements. [He then states the requirements and continues:] Thatsit. You see, it is not very difficult, is it? You can have the experience of Ascensioneven in your sleep. You do not need to become a great saint or yogi. (4)The two things necessary to ascend are to choose it, since the law of freewillrequires that we choose it, and to raise our light levels sufficiently to be able tosurvive on the Fifth Dimension. But, if our light levels are somehow not adequateat this moment, we have another year to go with the help of ascended masters,galactics and celestials. And the threshold is not high. Most people who can describe themselves as decent human beings will ascendwithout needing to worry. Id be very much surprised if you are as you describethat you somehow would not. I dont think it possible that you would not.Remember that we are wrapping things up at this end-of-cycle time. Theres nolonger the emphasis on test and trial or fitness and faith that there was severalthousand years ago. Weve finished the course in duality now and all who chooseand can tolerate the more refined life in 5D are welcome to go. Ascension is not exclusive, as, say, the Christian idea of heaven is in some peoplesminds; it is inclusive. Everyone is welcome, whatever their beliefs, whether theymeditate or not, etc. There is no one guarding the gate, so to speak, to keepanother out. The so-called gatekeepers are there to assist, to welcome and tospeed the individual on their way. Namaste,Steve

  • 7/31/2019 Mechanics of Ascension.



    bySteve Beckow

  • 7/31/2019 Mechanics of Ascension.


    An Introduction to the 2012 Scenario

    2012 Copyright Declined; Copy Freely

    All rights reserved.

    For more information on this series, please visit us on the web at:

  • 7/31/2019 Mechanics of Ascension.



    Chapter 1. Welcome to a New and Unimaginable World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    Chapter 2. What in the World is Going On? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    Chapter 3. UFO/ET Disclosure What, Where, When, Why and How? . . . . . . . . . 12

    Chapter 4. Poised on the Threshhold of a New Golden Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

    Chapter 5. What are We About Here? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

    Chapter 6. Don't Know Don't Know . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

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    Chapter 1. Welcome to a New and Unimaginable World

    Welcome to a new and unimaginable world, taking shape before our very eyes. What world

    am I talking about? Im talking about the New Age expected to begin after a planetary

    transformation on or before Dec. 21, 2012.

    Predictions of what the 2012 community calls Ascension are reaching us from the Earths

    own spiritual hierarchy, the star nations here to help us, Earths scientists, and planetary


    At an early but unknown date, we can expect a world leader (possibly President Obama) to

    disclose the fact that human beings from other star systems are here, in spacecraft around

    our planet some cloaked, some in other dimensions and that evolved life exists in many

    places in the universe.

    Were soon to be joined by family.

    Following disclosure, a coalition of Light forces composed of humans from hundreds of star

    nations and Earths ascended masters, which David Wilcock playfully calls management,

    (1) will join us to address the deficiencies in the world situation caused by Earths former

    dark controllers.

    The dark ones, who brought us 9/11, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic activity, chemtrails,pandemics, and all manner of other destructive events, will find themselves held


    Well have a new wisdom economy or abundance program which some refer to as

    NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act). The coalition of Light will give

    us technology that will address our economic difficulties and bring us a new lifestyle

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    marked by ease and empowerment.

    The Earth will be terraformed; pollution will be eradicated; and a temperate climate will

    prevail around the world. The coalition of Light will equip us to pass through the eye of

    the needle in 2012, leaving our dualistic consciousness behind and sporting a new, unitive

    consciousness. If youve ever seen or heard an enlightened teacher (Eckhart Tolle or

    Adyashanti would be good examples), thats how well look and sound after 2012.

    I personally follow most closely the messages coming from channelers, but also the

    terrestrial commentary coming from the 2012 community of scientists, whistleblowers, and

    intuitives. The channeled sources already live in Fifth-Dimensional consciousness (and

    higher) and so I prefer their version of events.

    Youll notice two themes are followed on this site: the first is the overthrow of the Earths

    secret governments, known to themselves as the Illuminati, though none are illuminated,

    and known to others as the New World Order, the shadow state, the military-industrial

    complex, the dark cabal, etc.

    That overthrow will appear to be a time of troubles, during which the dark will use all its

    technology to cause earthquakes (Haiti, Chile and Japan are examples), modify weather,sow chemtrails, spread pandemics, start wars, misrepresent the galactics, create fear, and

    in other ways try to disrupt and defeat the (Im told) unstoppable plan for 2012


    The dark forces are up to so much mischief that Ive written two articles on this site simply

    listing their misdeeds: I Accuse and The Black Hats Must Go. They provide an overview

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    of the extent of their murderous and treasonous actions.

    The economy they created will utterly collapse, to be simultaneously replaced by the

    wisdom economy.

    The second theme is the increase in the light energy that is occurring because the coalition

    of Light are preparing us to open to transformation by 2012 or sooner. It may be confusing

    to some to see these two themes running simultaneously. Some articles will trace the fall of

    the cabal and others the rise of the new society and economy. I hope readers will be able to

    keep the two movements straight.

    A compendium of quotes on all aspects of the changes expected in the run-up to 2012 can

    be found at First Contact, located at

    index1.html . Many articles as well can be found in the righthand column of this site.

    During the time of troubles, Im determined to help the coalition of Light push this dark

    elite out of the corridors of power. Please don't be alarmed. Im not advocating violence or

    retribution. But I wont rest until the Black Hats have left the scene or turned their hats


    Please note that I do not consider President Barack Obama to be a Black Hat, but one of the

    strongest Lightworkers on the planet today. He has my unequivocal support and unabashed


    I draw on a background of historical, cross-cultural, and enlightenment studies, years spent

    as a refugee adjudicator, time spent researching life on the spirit planes, study of the space

    coalitions messages, and a commitment to truth. Nonetheless I am not an enlightened

    author and am not qualified to be, nor do I wish to be considered, a spiritual teacher.

    Writing is my passion. Without your readership and the Internet, I could not be doing this.

    So thank you for stopping by and for opening up to the 2012 scenario. Every additional

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    awakened Lightworker increases the ease with which the transition to Fifth-Dimensional

    consciousness can be accomplished.


    (1) We are being cared for and protected by a Management team of high-level ETs. Theirjob is to manage the illusion were all living through here on Earth, so that it will alwaysbe just as easy to focus on the positive as it is to focus on the negative. (David Wilcock,New Radio Show on Volcano, Disclosure, and More! Apr. 21, 2010, at

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    Chapter 2. What in the World is Going On?

    This is an amazing time to be alive. But what is it that makes it so? What in the world is

    happening on the planet? For the sake of those who are awakening now to the fact that

    something unusual is going on, can we arrive at a succinct statement of it?

    Yes, I think we can.

    We are living through a period that is unlike very many others in the history of the Earth.

    Every so often - and different people give different time spans - one age ends on Earth and

    another begins, bringing with it an opportunity for people to leave the environment they're

    in, return to whence they came, and advance in the evolutionary spiral. And this is one of

    those times.

    If you are a westerner, you might say that the Piscean Age is ending and the Aquarian Age

    beginning. An easterner might say the Kali Yuga is ending and the Sat Yuga beginning. A

    Mayan might say the existing Mayan calendar has reached its end and an entirely new

    calendar is starting.

    Whatever measurement of time you use, we've reached the end of the period in which we

    live in a particular form of separation called "duality" and we're invited to return to a worldwhere "unity" reigns.

    I personally am familiar with discussions of these events going back to at least the 1870s,

    with the spirit writings of one "Imperator" through the Rev. Stainton Moses of England.

    However I'm sure earlier accounts can be found because this step in our evolution has been

    apparently planned for a long, long time.

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    We here on Earth have been kept in the dark about a lot of things. The existence of spirit

    realms has been pooh-poohed or sensationalized. The existence of different human

    civilizations in other parts of the universe has been ridiculed or kept under wraps. I cannot

    help the fact that such knowledge has been kept from us. But now it's time to put aside the

    ridicule and acknowledge that both spirit realms and galactic civilizations exist.The leadership among these two groups, all of whom are well aware of such matters as the

    existence of God, divine law, the purpose of life, and the orderliness of existence, have

    been working together to arrange the smooth out-working of this end-of-cycle


    The spiritual hierarchy that's responsible for the evolution of life here on Earth has asked

    the assistance of space nations who seeded the Earth with the human form in the first place

    to come and lend assistance to us to effect this planetary transformation scheduled for

    2012. They've agreed and have sent their people in abundance in ships of superior

    technology that remain cloaked around our Earth.

    These advanced, peaceful and God-loving people from superior civilizations have assisted us

    in many ways and are working so far behind the scenes to clear the way for what is

    commonly referred to as "Ascension."

    In our case, we'll advance from the Third Dimension of duality to the Fourth Dimension

    briefly and then to the Fifth Dimension of unity on or before Dec. 21, 2012. This advance is

    no different than attaining the Fourth-Dimensional Astral Plane after death and then later

    the Fifth-Dimensional Mental Plane, except that in our present case we move forward with

    our physical bodies. This "Ascension" in the physical body is a new development in spiritual


    Our space family has seen to it that no more nuclear weapons can be exploded on the

    planet or in space. Perhaps we've read news reports from people like the Hastings Panel

    who've said that they're aware that galactics interfere with attempts to use nuclear

    missiles. They've cleaned up after us, as far as they can from their ships, when we spill oil

    into the Gulf of Mexico or dump depleted uranium into the atmosphere or have nuclear

    accidents at power plants.

    They've mitigated severe weather, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. And they perform a

    wide range of other beneficent and compassionate tasks all aimed at preparing the ground

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    for the events that are to follow.

    At some point, when we're ready for it, Earth's own governmental leaders will introduce us

    to the spiritual hierarchy and galactic fleet that are already here, in an event commonly

    known as "Disclosure." After that, the galactics will land among us and begin the work of

    restoring the Earth to pristine condition, returning peace to the world, providing abundancewhere before there had been only poverty and scarcity, and in many other ways preparing

    us for the global shift in 2012.

    Meanwhile, as all of this is taking place, a coordinated effort that reaches far out into the

    universe and may reach into other dimensions as well is underway that's showering the

    Earth in a gradually increasing fashion with the divine energy of Love. This constant

    beaming of energy is causing all the unusual and unprecedented events we see around us in

    the world. The insistence of the Arab world on having their freedom restored to them isperhaps the most dramatic effect. But freedom's stirring is to be seen in many other

    countries as well.

    The malevolent forces of what we know as the military-industrial complex, Illuminati,

    secret state, or New World Order are being contained and defeated in their various plans to

    dominate the world. Their control over the media, their financial subjugation of the

    planet, and their use of technologies to subvert our freedoms have all been rolled back

    through the efforts of the galactics and their Earth allies, who as yet operate mainly insecrecy.

    The impact of the liberating energies is gradually increasing and will continue to do so,

    resulting in our experience of release from old attitudes and positions and the advent of

    new social patterns, new aspirations, and new alliances and cooperation that will in the

    end transform our world. If we think back on how we felt a year ago and how we feel now,

    we can perhaps trace the steady increase in the energies of Love on Earth.

    People are awakening and finding themselves curiously interested in whatever it is that

    seems to be happening on Earth. More and more sightings of galactic ships are taking place,

    over Jerusalem, New York City, Mexico City, Lima, Moscow, and so on. Channeled messages

    from spirit guides and galactic teachers are flooding the Internet. All is abuzz and astir as

    the secret of what's happening on Planet Earth gets out.

    And it will grow in every way as time progresses and we get nearer to the crescendo in

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    2012. There's no need to worry, even if the Earth must clear itself of some of its locked

    plates and stored negativity. There'll be no Armageddon, no nuclear World War III, no

    break-up of the planet, no worldwide flood, no planetary catastrophe of any kind, no

    matter who says so to the contrary.

    We're headed for what's commonly thought of as a Golden Age, with health and youthrestored to us, with the wisdom of masters ours, with peace and harmony returned to

    Earth. All the chaos and turmoil you see around you now is designed to clear the decks for

    this global transformation, this planetary shift to occur.

    So that's about as succinct as I can make it, to cover all that is important but not in so much

    detail as to overwhelm you. We have a glorious future to look forward to, in which we meet

    many new friends and recover relationships with many old friends. The planet's history of

    want and neglect is soon to end and a new era of prosperity and abundance to begin.

    There are many sources on the Internet that can tell you more of this story if you but

    search on 2012, Ascension, disclosure and similar terms. I welcome you to the knowledge of

    this Golden Age now approaching and know that the addition of your light, love, and energy

    will make a tremendous difference to the unfoldment of the whole.

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    Chapter 3. UFO/ET Disclosure What, Where, When, Why andHow?

    What is Meant by Disclosure?Disclosure is the name given to the announcement by various world governmental leaders

    that we are not alone in the universe and that, in fact, many races of galactic human

    beings are here around this planet and have been for some time. They are here on peaceful

    missions, a fact which governments have generally kept hidden from their people until very


    Disclosure ends the period of secrecy that extends back to at least 1947 and probably much

    earlier. The practice of denying that UFOs or spacecraft exist has been a policy followed by

    most governments for varying reasons, some laudable, most unfortunately not. However,

    for reasons to be discussed below, the era in which the existence of other civilizations

    technologically and spiritually more evolved than ours has been denied is now ending and a

    new era of galactic contact and cooperation is beginning.

    Where and When will Disclosure Occur?

    No one knows exactly when Disclosure will take place. In the past, when dates were

    discussed, acts of reprisal were threatened or have occurred from those who oppose it.

    However, it seems reasonable to assume that, once the galactics are certain that Disclosure

    will not result in reprisals against us by our own people or mass panic, all nations on Earth

    will, through a coordinated process, announce to their citizens the fact that cosmic

    civilizations do exist. The general consensus at this time is that the date of Disclosure is

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    not far off. Increased public pressure will probably bring the date forward.

    Resistance to Disclosure comes primarily from governments whose militaries have benefited

    from technologies gifted from extraterrestrials most of which were intended for peaceful

    use by the entire population of the planet. These technologies such as anti-gravity

    propulsion systems, ground-boring equipment, and free-energy devices, have been reserved

    for military use and often bent to aggressive ends. Other technologies have been back-

    engineered from downed or crashed spacecraft. The computer itself is one example of a

    technology derived from the UFO that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.

    Few of the planet's citizens are aware of these technologies, their derivation, or the uses

    they've been put to. Governments have opposed Disclosure since Roswell and many

    committed citizens have lost their lives trying to lift the veil of secrecy. These include

    President Kennedy, Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, and CIA Director William Colby,

    among others. That secrecy is now no longer possible to maintain. Neither the galactic

    visitors nor the Earth's own spiritual hierarchy will permit the knowledge to be withheld

    from the populace any longer.

    The people of this planet should begin to prepare themselves to meet what is essentially

    our space family; namely, those cosmic humans who seeded Earth with its population in the

    first place and who are now here to benefit this planet and ensure that a Divine Plan for

    the end of this cycle (as predicted in the Mayan calendar and other native or non-native

    traditions) succeeds.

    Our space brothers and sisters come from such star systems as the Pleiades, Sirius,

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    Andromeda, and Arcturus, to name a few. They, like us, worship and serve the same God.

    However, unlike us, they strictly follow the natural or universal laws of nature, that

    prohibit harming another, deceiving, stealing, or any other immoral or unethical acts. In

    this, they are dissimilar to many of us here on Earth, who behave primitively and immorally

    compared to them.If their aims had been nefarious or imperialistic, they could have subdued this planet a long

    time ago. The fact that they don't force their will on others, even though they could if they

    so desired, is what has taken Disclosure so long to happen. The galactics could have

    subdued the elite and military but to do so would have violated their own standards of

    conduct. They were invited here by the masters in charge of the Earth's wellbeing, better

    known as the ascended masters or the White Brotherhood and Sisterhood, and familiar

    to mystics of all ages here on Earth.Although some races of negative extraterrestrials have visited Earth in the past and have

    created hardship for its inhabitants, no negative beings are able to approach the Earth now.

    There's nothing to fear from the arrival of the galactic contingent from such space

    coalitions as the Galactic Federation of Light and much to look forward to from peaceful

    and harmonious contact .

    Why is Disclosure Occurring?

    The arrival of our galactic brethren in millions of cloaked spacecraft around Earth has both

    a short-term and a long-term explanation. The short-term explanation goes back to the

    Second World War, when we exploded the first atomic bomb on Earth. This explosion

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    apparently caused death and destruction in other dimensions of space and brought

    extraterrestrials here to persuade Earth's governments to stop using these weapons.

    In this they were unsuccessful, following which the galactics neutralized all nuclear

    weapons on the planet. Although governments like the Americans and Israelis have been

    threatening to bomb countries like Iran of late, in fact no nuclear bombs have been capableof being detonated for aggressive purposes since decades ago, as whistleblowers like

    retired captains Robert Salas and Bruce Fenstermacher have been reporting for years.

    The long-term reasons why the galactics are here are connected with the Divine Plan for

    this era. While it may seem difficult to believe, the era that Hindus call the Kali Yuga or

    Dark Age is ending and the era they call the Sat Yuga or Golden Age is beginning.

    Westerners are more familiar with the shift from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age, which is

    another way of talking about the same events.

    The Mayans also agree that the calendar they've been custodians of for many centuries

    shows a cycle of many thousands of years ending in 2012. The close of this era will see a

    global transformation occur on or before Dec. 21, 2012. The galactics are here to see that

    the global elite that has held Earth's population in its grip for many centuries releases that

    hold and that the planet's inhabitants are prepared for that culmination.

    For decades now it has been known that the time between now and Winter Solstice, 2012

    will see freedom and abundance restored to Earth's inhabitants, the planet cleared of all

    pollution including radioactivity, and humanity prepared for the expected global shift or

    transformation. One might ask how information about the galactics is known.

    The galactics first communicated broadly with Earth's population on Nov. 27, 1977, when

    the Ashtar Command interrupted the evening news on Britain's Southern ITV (which covered

    London, the South, and South East), to make a broadcast lasting 5 minutes, superimposed

    over the voice of newsreader Ivor Mills. Part of that message was as follows:

    We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may

    communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disaster

    which threatens your world, and the beings on other worlds around you. This is in

    order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New

    Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your

    race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow

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    their judgments. (1)

    Since that broadcast, the galactics have used methods that spirit inhabitants of the

    afterlife also use to communicate: telepathic or other related means of communicating

    through a medium or channel. Many representatives of the Galactic Federation of Light, in

    particular, send messages often several times a week through the Internet, keeping thoseinterested apprized of the progress of Disclosure and related events. (2)

    In addition, galactic beings have appeared in person to officials of the United Nations, the

    militaries of many nations, and government leaders. They have stated their intentions and

    tried to persuade the leaders to cooperate to end war on the planet and begin preparations

    for the global transformational shift, the service of which is their main reason for being

    here. I am led to believe that President Obama is well apprized of these developments.

    How Will Disclosure Occur?

    The galactics and spiritual hierarchy or ascended masters have arrived at many plans for

    Disclosure, but these have changed to meet changed circumstances. At one time, 36 hours

    of broadcasting were planned, introducing terrestrials to all elements of the galactics'

    culture, technology, and mission. But, when those plans failed because of resistance from

    the global elite, the galactics were obliged to modify them. At present (March 2012),

    various plans are being discussed even as the leaders of the Illuminati are being arrested or

    resigning from their positions of power.

    Because the global elite has responded to the nearness of Disclosure by causing

    earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, floods, and wildfires, the Galactic Federation

    has become more and more reticent to be overly-specific about dates or arrangements to

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    prevent further harm to terrestrials not from them, but from the rogue-government

    elements possessed of weather-control technology which they use even against their own

    populations. The tornadoes and floods afflicting the American midwest last year are

    examples of these elements attempting to ensure that Disclosure does not happen. But they

    can only postpone the event, not defeat it.

    What will Follow Disclosure?

    Disclosure is simply the bringing up of the curtain on the main events destined for this

    period. The first event will be the rounding up of the dark figures who have been

    responsible for crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide, torture, financial treason

    and other acts which the mass of the population hardly suspect. Most of the natural

    disasters that have occurred to countries like Haiti, Chile, New Zealand, Australia, Japan,the United States and other countries have been caused by this dark cabal. Some readers

    may be aware of it under names like the Illuminati or the New World Order.

    The movie Thrive illustrates what the cabal has inflicted on the world. Bent on reducing the

    world's population from 7 billion to 500 million, that elite has caused manmade pandemics,

    chemtrails, depleted-uranium pollution, and the release of other toxic substances

    throughout the environment. They have disrupted food production through the use of GMO

    seeds and foods and the causing of droughts and floods.They engineered false-flag operations such as 9/11, the London, Madrid, and Oklahoma City

    bombings, which they blame on terrorists, planned a nuclear World War III, and followed

    other strategies that have resulted in thousands if not millions of intentional deaths. They

    whittled down constitutional rights, created vast surveillance networks, planned the

    introduction of martial law and the incarceration of dissidents, and undermined the

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    financial, legal, educational, medical, religious and other institutions of nations worldwide.

    Their control of the mass media ensured that very little of this leaked out to the public,

    who refuse to believe conspiracy theories in any case.

    However, Disclosure will end this phase of our history and the members of the elite

    responsible for these crimes will find themselves in international courts facing terrestrialjudges, charged with their crimes in a phase of events generally known as Accountability.

    The evidence produced in court, we are told, will be irrefutable and the verdicts neither

    vengeful nor unfair. Apparently, galactically-supervised courts don't resemble their

    terrestrial counterparts in that our courts can be corrupted whereas theirs cannot.

    At probably the same time, a planetary abundance program which has generally become

    known as NESARA will be enacted. NESARA stands for the National Economic Security and

    Reformation Act, an act of the American Congress which has been ratified but notproclaimed. By its provisions, debt will be erased, income tax will be scaled back or ended,

    prosperity will be extended to every citizen, and many other steps taken to relieve the

    planet of poverty, hunger, homelessness and other lamentable conditions. Before that act is

    promulgated however, the dark elite must be deprived of their sources of finance, which is

    why we see the economy around us inexorably crumbling. Its fall will be followed in quick

    time by the announcement of NESARA.

    At the same time, the galactics will bestow on humanity technology that will permitworldwide communication, a revolution in health care, ease of travel, ample production

    without labor, and other benefits at present undreamed of.

    Once the conditions of disease and discomfort have been relieved around the globe, the

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    galactics and spiritual masters will set about mentoring the population to prepare for the

    global transformation expected this year.

    There will be movements of the Earth's crust needed to relieve negativity and stress within

    the planet's own physical structure but these will be overseen by the galactics so that

    minimal inconvenience occurs to the planet's inhabitants.

    The planet itself will move towards a uniformly-temperate climate. Many people worry

    about global warming, but that trend is itself an intentional and beneficent one overseen

    by the galactics that will see the Earth enter a climate that is evenly pleasant around the

    world. Some animal species will leave the planet, but will find themselves migrating to

    other worlds where their continued evolution is ensured.

    However to appreciate that, many of our existing beliefs will need to expand, such as our

    belief that life ends with the physical death of the body. All life forms exist eternally and

    are not harmed by death, but this truth has been distorted and hidden by our religions. Our

    beliefs around death and many others like them are not accurate and will be corrected

    once the masters and galactics have the opportunity to address them with us and reveal the


    We'll move into an era in which all of Earth's inhabitants will regard themselves as one

    people, worshipping the same God who created this world and all others, and evolving

    towards a future that is unimaginably more fulfilling than the one we experience now.

    Disclosure is the opening of the door to this wonderful future. The more people who are

    aware of Disclosure and who realize its benefits, the sooner the event will occur. As matters

    stand now, the galactics and masters assure us that Disclosure is not too distant in the

    future, but many readers of this article have been expecting it for a very long time and will

    no doubt be greatly relieved when the event finally does occur.

    So welcome to a new and unimaginable world, the world of the Aquarian Age, the Sat Yuga,

    the Golden Age. Welcome to the world of your dreams in which Earth becomes Heaven and

    life becomes Heaven on Earth.


    (1) 1977 Broadcast from the Ashtar Galactic Command, at

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    command/ .

    Here is that broadcast:

    [soundcloud url=""]

    (2) In my estimation, the best of these emanates from SaLuSa of Sirius, through MikeQuinsey, to be found at

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    Chapter 4. Poised on the Threshold of a New Golden Age

    I think that we can all agree with SaLuSa when he says that whatever happens on Earth,

    whether disclosure or first contact, the abundance program or terraforming, Ascension is

    the most important aspect of your future experiences. (1)

    In a number of articles on this site, (2) I've said that the purpose of our lives is to know God

    in other words, to give the formless God the chance to meet God through our realization

    of Him in the experience of enlightenment. Since we are God, when any one of us realizes

    Him, God meets God.

    SaLuSa hints at this when he says, everyones lives have purpose and lead you ever

    onwards in your evolutionary search for upliftment. Our evolutionary search for

    upliftment carries us closer and closer to God and farther and farther away from lower

    densities, birth and death, etc. After all what meaning would your lives have if there was

    not some goal you were working towards? Your existence is not some freak accident, but of

    a careful design intended to give you every opportunity to move off the wheel of rebirth.

    (3) Ascension is a step towards realizing the purpose of our lives.

    Ascension is that very process you can join that will bring an end to your need to

    continue in the cycle of Duality. You can of course ascend at any time, but what is

    special about this time is that the whole of Humanity has been given that choice.

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    Also it is unique because you will ascend in a physical body, that has changed its

    body cells to make it suitable for life in the higher dimensions. By the end of the

    cycle it will be possible to say that everyone had at some time been given the

    opportunity to take a new path out of duality. (4)

    Many people on Earth are beginning to wake up to life's purpose and to take steps to fulfill

    it. Some people are groping after the meaning of the new sensations they feel, as Saul tells


    As you stand poised at the threshold of the new Golden Age for mankind, many, who

    until now have thought little about lifes meaning and why they are on earth, are

    starting to experience unaccustomed physical and psychic sensations.

    They find these very unsettling and disturbing and wonder about their sanity, yet at

    the same time find them interesting and intriguing. They want to talk about them,

    but are afraid that others will think them foolish, or worse.

    And these of course are the first signs of an awakening an awakening to the

    realization that their lives truly have a meaning and purpose beyond everyday

    reality. They are beginning to feel a deep longing for much, much more than life on

    Earth offers, and yet this makes no sense to them. They are confused and lonely and

    lack a trustworthy listener or guide." (5)

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    Nevertheless none of us can grasp the purpose of our lives fully so long as we remain in

    duality, SaLuSa tells us.

    The vibrations of Earth dull your senses, and it is not until you rise up higher that

    you can fully grasp the purpose of life on Earth. (6)

    Ascension, SaLuSa says, has been planned for eons of time, and in spite of what may

    appear to be setbacks it advances in a most acceptable way. The cycle of duality is

    finally at an end, and you will soon enter a peaceful and happy period. (7)

    Your individual journeys are almost at an end, so enjoy the prospect of it all

    changing for the better because you need not return to duality again. Let the upsets

    and worries of everyday life be measured against the bright and happy future that is

    just around the just around the corner. (8)

    The end of this Solar Cycle, SaLuSa tells us, allows for everyone to ascend. Contrary to

    what many people expect,the solar cycle ... will not result in the destruction of the Earth.

    A new Earth is to arise with all souls that are ascending with it. (9)

    The prospect of Ascension makes this a special time when great effort is made by Beings

    all through the higher dimensions, to get you prepared for it. (10)

    Say the word and your guides are with you in an instant, and the Angels will oversee

    your progress. For your part acknowledge their presence and ask for guidance, as

    without your approval it will be looked upon as interference. (11)

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    Unlike us, the galactics and spiritual hierarchy can see the general contours of the future

    and so wait with anticipation for the expected events.

    Because we are aware of all the coming changes and see the complete success they

    will bring, we do not experience tension or concern but rather a feeling of excitement at the thought of the great hope and happiness it will bring you. We have

    the privilege of seeing the wider view and all probabilities, and know the path will

    lead to completion of this cycle.

    You however, have no certain way of knowing the outcome, and it is very much a

    matter of faith according to your beliefs. Yet it is not faith alone that spurs you ever

    onwards, as within your subconscious memories you already know of the success you

    are to experience. It is that inner knowing that gives you the strength to overcomeany obstacles placed in your way. (12)

    Nothing can postpone the blessed outcome, according to Atmos of Sirius.

    We can confidently assure you that it will not be delayed. Why otherwise would we

    of the Galactic Federation be encircling your Earth with millions of craft in readiness

    for First Contact and the restoration of Mother Earth? (13)

    Nonetheless, our reunion with the Fifth-Dimensional beings of the Galactic Federation,

    SaLuSa tells us, is but a stepping-stone to greater experiences. (14) The return to God is

    a very long trek.

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    Your spiritual journey of many lives is reaching its end where duality is concerned.

    However, it will still continue [after] Ascension, and you will never stop learning as

    you make your way through the higher dimensions. That will take you further along

    your evolutionary path, until you reach the Source. (15)

    Archangel Michael gives us an idea of just how long the journey is.

    There are many levels and stages of ascension: personal earthly ascension, whereby

    you gradually balance and harmonize your chakra centers which in turn triggers the

    process of clearing your physical vessel and your auric field of discordant energies.

    Ultimately, we will experience the universal ascension process together. This phase

    of ascension will take place in the far-distant future; however, we in the higher

    realms of existence have had glimpses of this prodigious cosmic event and, we assure

    you, it is so magnificently complex and awe-inspiring that it is beyond your present

    comprehension. (16)

    [No one has] reached the pinnacle of spiritual development, above all others. There

    is no such thing. As spiritual growth is ongoing, continual and a sacred journey and

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    path, all will continue, long after they have completed planetary ascension. (17)

    He encourages us not to think of it as having an end, but as a process: As you have

    probably heard before, ascension is an ever-evolving, continuous, on-going evolutionary

    process and not a destination. (18)

    The Company of Heaven (the galactics, celestials, and ascended masters) are doing all in

    their power to see that Ascension goes smoothly, says SaLuSa.

    Clearly in view of the massive changes to be made, we want it to go smoothly and it

    is why our plan is reviewed quite often. The timing must be right and we will not

    move until it is seen to be certain that it will succeed. (19)

    [We are] working with our allies behind the scenes to speed up matters so that our

    plan for your future can fully commence. Have no fear as to the outcome; it has

    been decided in the higher dimensions by great Beings who see the whole picture

    from their perspective. What has been decreed by them will come to pass, and all

    will be manifested by the time this cycle of duality has been completed. (20)

    When Ascension occurs the 'Living Hell' [of duality] will become the heavenly bliss and

    peace beyond your present understanding. (21) You stand at the threshold of Ascension,

    he tells us, enabling you to leave the cycle of duality for the higher dimensions where

    peace, happiness, joy, and love reign. (22)

    When the glad event occurs, there will be celebrations in the higher dimensions, Saul says.

    All the necessary arrangements have been made so that the glorious party to

    celebrate your awakening is quite exquisite in its magnificence. You have

    unequivocally earned this brilliant reward for the unceasing efforts you have made to

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    ensure that this moment of wonder and exhilaration would occur precisely as divinely

    scheduled. (23)

    So all is on schedule for the Ascension of Planet Earth and all her citizens who wish to

    accompany her. This opportunity comes only once in many thousands of years and has

    attracted millions of spacecraft from our universal brothers and sisters who have come hereto assist us in our transition. Nothing can prevent or delay it. And when it occurs, we shall

    leave our prison planet behind and enter realms of heavenly bliss and peace.


    (1) SaLuSa, May 28, 2010, at

    (2) See "Life No Matter Where, No Matter When," at; "To Know God is the Purpose of Life," at; and "Chapter 2.Is There a Plan to Life?" at

    (3) SaLuSa, Dec. 16, 2009.

    (4) Loc. cit.

    (5) Saul, A deep longing for much, much more than life on Earth offers, July 5, 2009, at

    (6) SaLuSa, Apr. 3, 2009.(7) SaluSa, Aug. 9, 2010.

    (8) SaLuSa, Sept. 13, 2010.

    (9) SaLuSa, July 26, 2010.

    (10) SaluSa, Aug. 9, 2010.

    (11) SaluSa, Aug. 9, 2010.

    (12) SaLuSa, March 26, 2010.

    (13) Atmos of Sirius, Jan. 28, 2009 at

    (14) SaLuSa, Feb. 26, 2010.

    (15)SaLuSa, Apr. 19, 2010.

    (16) Archangel Michael, Passport to Ascension, May 2009, through Ronna Herman, at

    (17) Archangel Michael, "Balance Your Subconscious, Conscious and Superconscious Minds,"

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    June 2010, through Rev. Michelle Coutant, at .)

    (18) Archangel Michael, May 2010 monthly message, through Ronna Herman, at

    (19) SaLuSa, Apr. 16, 2010.

    (20) SaLuSa, Apr. 14, 2010.(21) SaLuSa, March 17, 2010.

    (22) SaLuSa, Sept. 14, 2009.

    (23) Saul, Apr. 30, 2009.

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    Chapter 5. What Are We About Here?

    Depiction of Jesus

    A reader says:"I find what you say about the end of times very intriguing. I am a Christian and I also

    believe that we should be watchful for things unseen that are coming our way.

    "However I guess we would disagree on the nature of the end of ages. While I am

    naturally open minded, in the course of time I came to believe that there is only one

    God. This God revealed himself in the Bible as well as in the life, death, and

    resurrection of Jesus.

    "This same God has stated that we will not be able to discern the time when the

    world will end, but that in the end of days there will be an overflow of persuasive

    but deceptive teachings that will confuse us and hide the truth from us.

    "Anyway, I just want to be real honest with you, I am skeptical of your views.

    However I would really like to know why it is that you are absolutely convinced of

    the 2012 scenario. Seems to be based on a patchwork of bits and pieces of different,

    often contradictory religions."

    Thank you for writing.

    I agree with you. There's only one God. That God exists as everything that is. He, She or It

    (God has no gender) is manifest and unmanifest, was, is, and always will be the All in all,

    omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. Existing beyond the universe, is it hard to conceive

    that this same God is worshiped by Christians and Hindus and Muslims and Jews, to name

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    but a few of God's worshipers?

    Depiction of Buddha

    In recent years a significant doubt has been raised about whether the Biblical record has

    been tampered with or not. So I'm no longer really sure whether Jesus actually actuallysaid: "I am the way, the truth and the life." But, presuming he did, I think that the "I" that

    he would have been referring to here would have been the "Self," not Jesus the historical

    person or even Jesus the spirit. (1) This Self is a fragment of the All-Self, the Universal Self

    that God is. Christians call it the "Christ." Hindus call it the "Atman." What difference lies in

    a name?

    This Self, Christ or Atman is the truth . And knowing that Self is the way to God, Knowing

    God brings an end to needing to be reborn and so knowing God through knowing the Self brings eternal life in the sense of not needing to be reborn and die again.

    The Hindus also have a Trinity and it turns out, in my opinion, to be the same Trinity that

    Christians worship. People on this site have heard me talk about this before so I'll simply

    refer you to those articles. (2) It turns out to be the same because the Trinity is real; it

    exists; it is eternal.

    Depiction of Lord Krishna

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    If yours is the apocalyptic vision of the end of time, yes, we disagree. But then we would

    also disagree that this is the end of time. Time will end in a manner of speaking. And this is

    the end of a cycle. But it is also the beginning of another cycle. We won't disappear nor will

    experience be discontinuous. Life will continue and we along with it.

    I belong to a community of spiritual seekers who augment their knowledge of and love forJesus and other spiritual masters with a consideration of other sources of information. We

    listen to angels and archangels as well as ascended masters, members of the White

    Brotherhood. The latter are known to students of mysticism but not to others generally.

    We listen to galactic teachers who surround this planet but do not interfere with our free

    will until a certain period is reached in these end times. Then, we think, they'll help us to

    complete this cycle successfully and without blowing each other apart.

    We listen to contemporary enlightened teachers, intuitives, spiritual scholars, indigenous

    leaders, all of whom also share a certain body of knowledge about these end times.

    The name of Mohammed

    That body of knowledge tells us that, at the end of a cosmic cycle such as we're

    approaching in this period leading up to winter solstice, 2012, a period of human history is

    drawing to a close and a new cycle beginning. The very events that Jesus and his disciples

    described in certain passages of the Bible are indeed occurring for us in this end-of-cycle

    time while others are not.

    From all our sources, we hear commonly that this end of cycle will see a return of the

    saints and sages, who've summoned the galactics to assist them, and a cleansing of the

    population through the reception of light from cosmic sources, followed by a planetary

    transformation, which all of us on this site are working towards and for.

    There are no idle people here, no fanciful followers of low spiritual practices, no

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    "dreamers" or simple-minded folk. We have carefully weighed the messages that we follow.

    We don't hold that revelation ended with the transition of Jesus to the heavenly planes. We

    follow his further messages from the spirit planes and those of others as well,

    Depiction of Archangel Michael

    I don't see what we study as bits and pieces. I think of it more as cross-cultural spirituality.

    The various religions and scriptures that we study are not contradictory. Far from it. They

    reinforce each other. Some of us have found the common language of religions, sometimes

    called the Perennial Philosophy or Ancient Wisdom. We are familiar with the code the Bible

    was written in. We can match the Bible's wisdom to that of other spiritual traditions and we

    look upon that as a good thing.

    A depiction of Lao Tzu

    So you're welcome to browse our materials. There's no requirement that you accept them.

    Time will tell and we're content to let events unfold. We'll see whether we're accurate in

    our point of view or not and we're as eager to see the outcome as you.

    Thank you for dropping by. Feel free to come again. Please don't leave thinking we do not

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    respect and love Jesus because we do. And we also think that we're doing his work, just as

    you are on your site.

    It's been a pleasure having a spiritual chat with you.

    Footnotes(1) See "What Might Jesus Have Meant by Saying 'I am the Truth, the Way, and the Life?'" at .

    (2) See "Christianity and Hinduism and are One" at ; "TheBiblical Code," at ; and "A Divine Syntax" at . If you're still interested after that, see The Purpose of Life isEnlightenment starting at "Chapter 2. The Divine Plan" at

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    Chapter 6. Don't Know Don't Know

    Billy Meier meets Semjase: Look who's coming to dinner

    As we start out on our relationship with what Graham Dewyea calls our galactic family,

    there's so much we don't know about and much of it we don't know we don't know.

    And we can't go to Wikipedia or Coles Notes (who remembers Coles Notes?) to work up the

    subject. No one has written on it and the mass of society hasn't even caught up with the

    fact that there is a subject here to study at all.

    Never mind the CIA trying to keep the subject under wraps or ridiculing those who say they

    saw a UFO. We are now in the process of trying to understand how one deals with a Sirian

    or works alongside an Arcturian.

    We've heard what the work is. After the galactics and us, their Earth allies, bring peace to

    Earth, which is said to be something we'll accomplish in mere months, we'll begin

    terraforming the planet, removing the precipitate of centuries of pollution and the various

    chemicals that the cabal seeded onto the Earth through chemtrails, the use of depleted-

    uranium weapons, oil spills, and so on.

    At the same time, we'll bring in a new wisdom economy or global abundance program, try

    to heal the wounds of people in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Darfur and other places,

    nurture children who've grown up in war zones, some of whom have served as soldiers,

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    killing and maiming on command, liberate and revive women who've been sold into sexual

    slavery around the world, dismantle social structures founded to preserve privilege and

    keep the people down. The list goes on and on.

    And all of this we'll be doing while getting to know our galactic mentors who, perhaps a

    year or two ago, did not exist in the public mind. It's hard to know what task we'll need toturn our attention to first.

    And all the while we have to keep in mind that the task may be as hard for our galactic

    teachers as it is for us. Our mental and emotional emanations may be toxic to them. Our

    failures to grasp and our self-serving agendas, our tendencies towards drama and conflict,

    our sexual thoughts and pleasure-oriented desires and failures to follow the natural law and

    honor the divine nature of life all of these must make us primitive in their minds.

    It's as if we met a primitive society but, instead of raping and pillaging them as we did

    historically, we actually set out to benefit them as they are doing with us. Really and truly

    contributing to their well-being, as we never have in our own history.

    Everything we've touched we've debased, brought down, turned into dependency. We've

    spread our disease upon contact, stripped peoples of their lands and wealth, wiped out

    whole civilizations. No wonder we fear the galactics.

    But they're a higher-dimensional society and have none of these patterns of behavior.

    They're indeed here to benefit us and prepare us for a jump in consciousness. They come

    bearing gold and beneficial minerals we haven't even heard of yet, such as vanadium. They

    come offering healing technologies and labor-saving machines and communication

    breakthroughs, on and on. And they ask nothing in return.

    They truly are our greatest blessing and what they must wade through to make their

    contribution and set this world right in preparation for the wonderful events ahead at the

    end of the year we can only guess at. Never mind going down into the heart of London's

    East End. We can only guess at what it must be like to deal with a society as primitive as


    What they will have to endure, in terms of an unruly bunch like us, who probably affront

    their senses and challenge their tolerance, is a matter we may not know about until much

    later. And, for our self-esteem, it's probably best that we don't.

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    I'm not even sure it's appropriate to say we'd better get to work understanding the situation

    because I wouldn't know where to start or what we need to learn. Like the natives who

    didn't even recognize a European ship was on the horizon, we don't know what to learn or

    what to look for.

    We've been discussing Disclosure and First Contact and that's about where we're at.We're about to meet Captain Cook and Captain Vancouver and approach them bearing gifts

    ourselves. Never mind them saying take me to your leader. We are about to say it. We

    know nothing about what comes next and nothing about how to discuss it.

    But one thing is certain as we listen to the celestials, ascended masters, and galactics

    address us through their channeled messages and their interviews on our radio shows is that

    they know what they're doing and they do what they do in service to the one God that all of

    us worship and for the benefit of all of us. We are literally in good hands and the futurewhich is already mapped out for us is a future we would gladly choose if we had thought

    the matter through, as they have.

    We are in the hands of human beings (yes, human beings) from other civilizations who

    started this Earth experiment long ago. Our family, our ancestors, and our future. We are

    ourselves uprooted Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians, long ago colonists and now the owners of

    Starship Earth. We are being led out of the morass we've built for ourselves and into a

    Golden Age. And we don't know how it will all be brought about.

    This is not our own history. This is not the overthrow of the Aztecs, or the capture of

    Hawaii, or the wresting of the land from North American Indians, all of which we have been

    told they will set straight and have us make amends for. This is not an invasion of killer

    bees or the monster from the black lagoon.

    This is the bringing of countless blessings by our more enlightened family from distant

    places among the stars to carry out a Divine Plan that takes in not only Earth, but much of

    the cosmos. This is the arrival of the contingent of the Company of Heaven in our locale,

    the same Company of Heaven that is arriving at many other planets at this time of the

    ending of one life cycle and the beginning of another.

    This is the beginning of the Aquarian Age, the Sat Yuga, the Golden Age. This is what we

    have been told about by every civilization on our planet who was made privy to the Plan

    many centuries and even millennia ago. This is the start of a mercy mission that will see all

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    of us relieved of our burdens, brought into a way of life that we could only dream of, and

    have every wish that we thought impossible delivered to us by beings more beneficent than

    we have ever encountered in our collective history or Hollywood dreams.

    So be ready for miracles because everything that happens to us from here on in may be a

    pinch-me-I'm-dreaming miracle. We are about to welcome our wildest dreams and our mostcherished hopes in the form of a society that only cares to benefit us. We are about to

    awaken from a terrible dream and literally see Heaven descend on Earth. And all for no

    price of admission save shedding our fear and opening our heart.
