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BenArion | 1>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"A w a k e n i n #$ %LU&P'I(T $I ( ( & ') P I ' A LofA ) C & ( ) I ! (* copyri#+t %enArionYou may not use this for commercial purposes or sell anything from this material, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work.Priacy Policy ! "isclaimer#uestions$ blueprint%at&benarion.com BenArion | '>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"1T+e Inner )piral !f Ascension , %e !newit+ t+e Current of C+an#e(uddenly this strong feeling emerged from within. ) could not *think* itaway and ) could not in any logical way get rid of it. ) tried to be with it by allowing it, and it became een stronger, and suddenly my heart knew what to do + to simply take deep breaths, focusing on the in and out breath, through the nose.,his simple act changed eerything. )t changed my *energy* and my inner pressure was released. -e are such powerful beings and a lot of our feelings get stuck in our bodies due to shallow breathing.,here is a strong current of intense light sweeping through our hearts and our planet. )t.s like the most powerful water current you could imagine. /ust imagine yourself trying to stop this natural current or trying to change the direction of this powerful current towards anything you beliee is right. Allow yourself to be swept away by this inner current of loe that is to be found within your heart. "on.t try to stop it. You hae to let go and BenArion | 0>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"surrender to your heart. (ome will be concerned that surrendering to their heart current could disappoint people in their outer reality, because they may think they hae a responsibility to change the world.-hen you become one with this natural loe current, you will synchronistically be of serice to others within your life. ,his current isflowing through all hearts on this planet and it connects eeryone.,he truth is that you will feel drained, and feel a lot of resistance within yourself if you don.t trust this strong current within you. You cannot change a waterfall to flow upwards, but you can allow it to fallas it is. ,he inner loe current is an energy of 1oy and you only hae togo with it, as you say, allowing yourself to understand that it.s a choice. You either create resistance to what is, or you allow it. ,his is peace at its core. ,his is so simple that most people aren.t ready to hear or accept it.,he world will change. ) can compare this way$ "o we need to change winter into spring2 3f course not, because it.s a natural process, a mirroring of the microcosm in a macro4cosmic cycle. ,his is hard for the mind to accept due to its programmed belief to 5do6 things, and to not surrender into a higher energy of loe and trust. ,he belief that we hae control oer eents is also an illusion, because you cannot control loe. 7oe is creating through us, with intent beyond right and wrong.,his current of highly charged light energy is bringing up a lot of issues BenArion | 8>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"that need to be healed and forgien. All the chaos and negatiity we see around us now is 1ust a phase of this transition. )t.s nothing to be fearful of. You will come to understand that all of these old and limited beliefs stopped you by allowing yourself to let go and become one with the current of loe. You will stop trying, and 1ust B9 in this world, and en1oy the shift.All people hae their personal inner 1ourneys. -e can see that but we cannot really interfere with people.s life4paths. -e can e:tend a loing energy of hope and pro1ect our unconditional loe to these people, but we cannot tell them that they are creating their lies and circumstances, because not all people are ready to hear that.It all comes down to self$lo-e,he hardest lesson for us is that we all create our lies and there are no ictims. People who read this may doubt this. People don.t hae their life e:periences by accident or by coincidence. (ome people go through ery tough life lessons, and some een choose to transmute *collectie karma* that was not theirs because they are great beings ofloe who choose this. (o we cannot 1udge anyone or anything. -e will share and care from the depths of our hearts, because it.s natural; loe is natural and cares for eeryone. -e are indiidual parts of the pu> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"breath, because from there, eerything follows in a chain reaction. ,he @ow moment is all that matters; it.s like you are breathing yourself out of illusion and into self4reali9 >)B>9(, D)()3@ of yourself only by breathing2 Yes, from my point of iew, it is so simple. (pirituality and ascension has been interpreted by the mind as something 5comple:.6,his is the time when we hae to let go of the so4called 5spiritual4mind* of how things should unfold, and what is truth and what is not truth. -e can be in this world, but it.s not something that we hae to change because something is wrong. -e hae to understand that we cannot follow anyone else, because we will all hae different alues and inner priorities. (o you hae to get used to walking and creating your own path, without forcing it on anyone else. ,he most difficult process in this transformation of inner consciousness is to let go of what other people think about you and know that you are your own *authority* and that there are no ictims.,o say to a person who is suffering that she or he has created it themseles is not something that a person wants to hear, but we will all come to this reali> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"blame and there is no one else to 1udge. -hen you feel or see something that makes you feel discord within you, know that it.s not the other person.s fault, it.s something within you that is a part of you that you don.t want to acknowledge. (ee this as a golden opportunity to heal it by obsering it and forgiing it. ,reat others as you would like to be treated yourself. And if you 1udge others, you can e:pect to get that mirrored back to you. (tart to embrace all of your discordant tones within yourself and fine4tune them into harmonious melodies. But as always, people hae their egos and their agendas, and people will not understand these simple truths 1ust because someone writes or speaks about them; it will come to them from within....T+e inner 0ourney of ascension,he ascension is an )nner 1ourney that is reflected in the world around us. )t.s like an upward spiral you moe through that changes your perspectie of the world. (o yes, change comes from within. You donJt change in that sense, as we may beliee. -e are more reali)@ and that there is no *3A, ,>9?9.6 -e ascend into higher energies of light ibration that connects us with the total and eternal @3-. ,he strong current of light will make your personality feel it.s not possible to plan anything, and this is true, because all possibilities and realities are collapsing into the moment of@ow. You arenJt dependent on any future plans because you will lie your future @ow. BenArion | K>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"-e will become more and more aware of our own energy field, and understand what drains us and what uplifts us. As a human being you hae to learn to take care of your energy and nurture yourself by loing yourself. People cannot take energy from you if you stand in your heart.s integrity. By breathing you can balance and ground your Being. -e are all responsible for managing our own energy field in a mature way. 9ery interaction you hae with a human being will effectyour aura or energy field. Be awake and alert to your inner senses. >ae the integrity to say @3 from your heart, een if it does not please anyone. 7oe is about being honest to yourself and others.True knowled#e is wit+in t+e +eart1 w+ic+ em.races all possi.ilitieswit+out fear and trusts t+e sync+ronicity of creation2 A master only needs to 3(!4 w+at is (!41 t+e rest is irrele-ant2-hen you breathe consciously and follow the rhythm of the in4breath and the out4breath, you consciously connect to the spheres of knowledge and wisdom, without your day4to4day thoughts. )f you start to practice conscious breathing you will notice that your body feels more alie and you hae more energy. You will also notice that thoughts and feelings will become more balanced. 9en ideas will pop up within you that you couldnJt hae receied before due to your limited flow of energy.(ome will think that this is too simple to be true, but it.s up to our own inner being to choose how we want to be and what we want to BenArion | L>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"create in this life + if we want to complicate things, or simplify things. ,here are no right or wrong paths, there are only )ndiidual interpretations of the inner path. (o hae compassion for each other.)t.s not about thinking your way out of your feelings, or trying to embrace your feelings with another feeling. ,he simplest way is to breathe your way through it. ,ake long deep breaths, and hold the in4breath for a few seconds before you e:hale. You will get better and better at this. ,he breath is like filling a balloon with helium, and you are that balloon. You will lift towards the skies and see the world froma different perspectie; you will feel more light in your heart and be able to embrace duality for what it is. Cany masters who hae walked this earth did teach about the breath and its purpose. ,o only focus on the breath going in and out of your nostrils will gie your feelings and thoughts space to integrate your ) AC presence within your body. Breathing is the doorway to your higher self.,he logical mind and thought patterns will not gie you any truth; yourfeelings may sometimes stem from fear. "oing a 1=4minute breathing e:ercise will help your body to eleate your feelings into a higher ibration, and your thoughts will be cleared due to the o:ygen within your body that is bringing you back to the *A, )(, we will suffer; when we accept ->A, )(, we will feel freedom. BenArion | 1M>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less")t.s like when a woman is giing birth, the only thing she focuses on is the moment and no thoughts are there. )t.s 1ust total focus on the body and the forces of nature, which cannot be stopped. (urrendering to the moment and breathing is crucial. -e hae all heard about the basic breathing techniNues when giing birth... ,he breath will help you to allow ->A, )( within the moment. )t.s ery simple but many do not practice conscious breathing; it.s a powerful *secret* so simple it.s almost forgotten. )f someone stated that we could breathe ourseles into bliss, most would 1ust look strangely at them because they don.t understand how much power the breath holds.4e5-e +eard a.out t+e in$.reat+ and out$.reat+ of 6od1 and you are t+at i-ine trut+ +ere and nowPeople will think this is too easy; it.s so simple that most people will want to complicate it a little bit to feel comfortable. ,he whole unierse is breathing. -e can inhale to a certain degree, but then our bodies hae to let go by doing an out4breath, ,his is a natural cycle, which is also a part of creation and Cother 9arth. -e hae to flow with the rhythm of the breath. -e cannot hold onto energy + we also hae to let it go. 9erything is in motion.T+is is t+e time of .ein# .old and true to yourself-hen you are at the peak of your awakening, you may feel that BenArion | 11>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"nothing has changed, that eerything is the same and feels the same. (piritual awakening is about reali> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"someone did this to me,6 but a part of you loes this drama and really really wants to feel these emotions because if not, you would step out of there and you would create something else. ,he parado: is that thereJs nothing wrong in creating dramas.,here will come a time when people will see the drama for what it is +an illusionary game which feels ery real because they engage in it. )tJsour responsibility to understand that the drama is within us and that we can transform it and transmute it.(ometimes we will feel disconnected and separated from spirit and thatJs fine too. ) feel disconnected sometimes, and fall into ideas and concepts, that ) hae to 6feel peace6 when ) actually donJt, or ) could feel guilty for haing attracted something, or feel that ) hae to say nice things to eeryone all the time to be spiritual, to behae in a certain way in order to be loed, but these are also 1ust concepts. You will step into your true self and from there things will come from loe,automatically. )t has nothing to do with intellect.You;re as a c+ild learnin# to walk a#ainYou will be as a child and thoughts cannot e:ist in these higher freNuencies of energy, so you will feel ery lost in the beginning. People want to engage in the drama and feel that they are doing something, that they are changing something, but we hae to get used to the fact that all the thoughts we get are 1ust patterns that hae BenArion | '1>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"been recorded for seeral hundreds of years, collectie patterns. )n these higher freNuencies we 1ust feel, and the beingness penetrates eerything.People will be een more confused in the coming times, because they will look at the outer world and not know what to beliee. ,his is the time to be within yourself and 1ust be connected with your oer4soul, or higher self. ,he dramas are 1ust waes on the surface, but you are not the waes, you are so much more. You are the witness of this transformation.You are not the waes, but the ocean itself.Lettin# #o1 lettin# #o1 lettin# #oA lot of other people are going through these initiations of letting go, of seeing loe in eerything on this planet. 9erything is happening now, and eerything is coming to the surface, which is why we cannot 1udge anything. -hatJs coming to the surface are old things that people hae been holding on to, but hae to let go. -e hae to forgiethem because eeryone is letting go. ,hey are not eil, they are not bad people, theyJre 1ust letting go of their fears, of their illusions.)tJs not that easy to detach from drama. )t takes a lot of self4discipline doing that, and mastery is about self4discipline. Before you act, you wait for this feeling of loe within you. BenArion | ''>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less",he thing is, this game of 0" drama is coming to an end, and there is anew beginning. )Jm 1ust sharing from my heart. )Jm not a master, )Jm not better than anybody else, ) 1ust know that )Jm eternal, that )Jm here to remind people who they are, that fear is 1ust our creation. -e hae to create our own community of loe within us and the most important message is that we are liing in the fifth4dimensional energies right now, and all the duality games are 1ust fading. -e cannot attach to them anymore + at least, ) canJt do that anymore. -hen ) see people arguing with each other ) 1ust see words. And why engage in words that really arenJt yours2A lot of things that we see in the world right now are not true, are not real. (o why engage yourself in things that arenJt important2 ) know it may feel important to the person who talks or writes or fights about it and shares it, but it may not be important to you.You hae the choice to stay really clear. Being clear in your person is really important too now. You hae to center yourself in eery moment. You hae the choice to lie your life in meditation. All the timeO People will become confused when these higher energies hit the earth and all the layers 1ust fall off + layers of beliefs, of doubts, of fears, but you can stay in your center and 1ust feel the clarity, the simplicity of eerything.And this is all for now. ) wish you all peace and loe from my heart. BenArion | '0>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less",hank you for tuning in. How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"frightened when ) say this2 -hy, ) ask you. -hy should you worry2(ome people focus on first contact, and some focus on world peace. ,his is a perfect e:ample how broad our iews and perspecties are. (o ) would say$ F3EA( on what you want to see in the world, instead offocusing on what you do not want.) hae complete trust in my heart and ) know that real peace and truthisnJt found in any physical thing; thatJs secondary. But this also helps you to appreciate the physical, because you donJt want anything from anyone, or you donJt want to change anything because all people are inoneness already, but some haenJt figured that out yet, and that.s 3P. All will come to that insight. -hen you are in a state of acceptance and appreciation, you can gie freely, and this will create ripple effects, changing the core.) want to point to this, because people tend to create one way to heaen instead of 3@9 C)77)3@ -AY(. -e are the ones who decide where we want to go and who we want to be, not religions nor gurus. ,here are beautiful things happening on earth right now. ) donJt want to create fairy tales about the future, because it is @3- that change is.All people hae ,3,A7 free will to choose whateer they want, when itcomes to *heaen on earth.6 3neJs heaen can be someoneJs hell and ice ersa. ,here are no maps or guidelines. -e create the map as we BenArion | 'I>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"go. ) dropped the 5when, how, where* a long time ago, because ) en1oythe moment as it is.,here are no 14'40 steps to heaen. @ot through religion nor through being beamed up. )tJs already there within you. )t.s so simple, there.s nothing to do. Boring2 -e canJt change anyone else to beliee certain things and why would we2 Beliefs are 1ust illusions. ) once more say that labels are *old school* things, to help the mind to understand and connect.,he only real thing is @3- and what we call 73D9. ,rue loe is beyond the words and actions of humankind; if you tune into the light within, all things will merge. You wouldnJt want to change a thing in the world, because you would feel it was all rightO 9en if you see trouble in the news, because you arenJt a ictim, you help the ictims by feeling oneness.You help eeryone in the end by tuning into your own heart. A so4called lightworker, Qthere we hae the label againR, can be silent all his life, see all things in the world as oneness, and effect a lot more people than he can beliee. -e all hae a responsibility to choose nowwho we want to be and what we want to radiate.4+ere I see confusion and destruction1 I know t+ere is a reason for t+at1 or else it wouldn5t e8ist BenArion | 'K>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less") AC in this now where ) embrace the world as it is; in this state you are F?99 to create a @9- reality. ,hatJs my philosophy in life. ) am nothere to change peoplesJ minds or hearts. )f ) do, )Jm happy for you, because ) AC A@3,>9? Y3AO,here is more to reality than meets the eye, as you say.)Je gone beyond the saing anything drama + there is nothing to sae, and all people will understand this sooner or later.Ehange will come for those who embrace it. All answers will be gien to those who are willing to listen within.As long as ) am here on 9arth ) will gie all of my attention to B9 >9AD9@ 3@ 9A?,>, )@ 9D9?Y C3C9@,, een when ) feel sadness or maybe nothing at all. ,he 73D9 isnJt in the AP( A@" "3-@( of life, itJs always there holding you near.,here are times when ) feel not a bit spiritual + 1ust empty, tired and hae > How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"T+in#s will c+an#e in an instantYour power lies within the stillness of your being. )n this state eery intent will echo within the hearts of many.,here is no right or wrong in this unierse, 1ust ariations of ibrations!energy. -e can change hate into loe. -e are masters of our own self.@o entity or being can control our soul or being if we know who we are. -alk in your life as if you had 1MM guardians by your side and inite loe into your life, simply by acknowledging that it is already there."on.t fear the fear, because it isn.t there to harm you or frighten you; it.s there because light will attract fear. ,ry once to die into your fear. >ow does it feel2 )s it uncomfortable, is it a heay ibration2Bo een deeper into the fear, and the feeling of fear will eentually dissole into a deep calmness. ?emember that your heart is like a compass or a 5ibration truth4teller.6 You will feel if something is rightor wrong for you.(o don.t worry being taken away by negatie aliens or something like that. )t isn.t going to happen. ,hat is a past chapter. You should focus on what you want to do in life and follow the loe. -hen you follow your truth, doors will be opened that will influence many. )t may een BenArion | 01>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"feel that you aren.t doing anything, but you transform eerything.Lo-e is t+e force w+ic+ is in e-eryt+in# and will .e fore-er2 Lo-e yourselfFear is only a tool to engage you into things that aren.t always real.)t.s 1ust a way to hold you in a limited state of being. You can learn to transform fear into loe and release it for the highest good. You cannotcontrol other people.s dramas or life paths, but you can bless them on their way. -e are all from the same source, but with uniNue e:periences. ,hat is worth celebrating.All that is within this world is there for a reason$ it is there to transform. ,here isn.t a plan set in stone + we are the plan4makers andwe are the pioneers that decide where we want to go ne:t. @o force outside is deciding what to do ne:t or who will do it, but our collectieenergy will inite certain eents which will transpire gracefully. )t is a natural thing to be welcomed into the larger reality of the unierse.People will embrace the fact that we hae heaenly guardians in our skies and ) see them as *midwies* nurturing the planet and our birth into a new paradigm. BenArion | 0'>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less">4+at oes &nli#+tenment ?eel Like7,oday ) took a walk in the sunshine + it was wonderful + and a realiow does enlightenment feel2 )t is something real, something tangible, that you can attain2 )n one sense, you always are this enlightenment, you are already there, but another part of you denies it, will not recogniow does an enlightened state feel2 -hat is it2 )t is a real state aailable for eeryone, and we tend to think about how to reach it, how to find that perfect moment of enlightenment.Am ) feeling totality right now or am ) 1ust imagining it2)s this for real2-e all hae a lot of different Nuestions and ideas, but in the end, we all long to feel 1oy and to be in this synchronicity, where eerything comes to you effortlessly, like you are surprising yourself with all of BenArion | 00>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"these unimaginable things that 1ust flow to you in waes. You 1ust haeto surrender to it, and as you understand that eerything is a part of you, you reali> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"9erything is, and you change focus on what is, so instead of trying to change something, itJs about changing your focus.You are what you see outside of yourself but itJs another part of you with a different e:perience and a different mindset. -e are like souls coming from the same energy source, but gien different minds so thatwe can interpret and discoer these perspecties of the one, and sharewith each other.A +i#+er perspecti-e on sufferin#For me, enlightenment is the acceptance and loe for what is, like a fire coming from your heart, filling your body like a warm sun shining from within. ,his is like seeing eerything from a higher point of perspectie, seeing through things.-e tend to beliee what we see with our eyes + for e:ample, a man or a woman suffering. -e can go down and feel that too if we want to, orneed to, but we often think that we are not allowed to feel 1oy because the world is so full of confusion, depression and people feeling miserable. (o many souls are going through tragic things and we feel like, oh my Bod, ) canJt feel happy because ) hae to feel sorryfor themO ) hae to pro1ect my guilt, my feeling of not being enough, on these people, or beings. )nstead, try using loeO 7oe them for whatthey are going through, because itJs a part of you going through this, BenArion | 0=>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"and itJs a part of the process as a whole.,he hardest thing for the mind and the thoughts is to comprehend this oneness, the synchronicity of all things. )t feels like there are some ictims out there that you hae to help. Please know that itJs optional to lower yourself and go into a state where you are being responsible by feeling guilty for other people suffering. )f anything, itJs your responsibility to feel loe, and this is the contradiction; this is why itJs so tough to be here in this dimension because thereJs a lot of diersity. You really hae to trust that loe is the way. You help eeryone on the way by tuning in to the state of peace.Lo-e and lo-e will find you7oe is the highest ibration that you can reach in this dimension, and please know itJs only the beginning of the 1ourney. 9nlightenment is a certain state, and you can come into this certain state, and then you are 6graduated6 from this plane of e:istence. ,hen youJre here out of pure loe, because you loe to be here in all simplicity. But this is a state of trust. You 1ust know. You donJt hae to know the details, or geta Ph" in metaphysics in order to know what a proton or a neutron is + you 1ust need to know in your heart that eerything is synchroni> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"within them, which will help them to find it inside of themseles. )f you come within a state of feeling miserable yourself, you will drag each other down. (o you are a walking healing station, but being a miracle is really nothing you need to strie towards, but thatJs how theunierse works. )f you are humble and 1ust want to be who you are, and surrender to the loe, you will be as a channel for loe, you will change people by 1ust simply being, you donJt een hae to say a lot ofthings.)f you want something really bad, and you want it and want it and want it, you wonJt get it because you are in this state of wanting, of seeing something outside yourself that you need to chase. But itJs already there, you 1ust hae to stop the mind chatter, stop the belief that you arenJt in control, because you are your own center, and from there eerything is radiating.T+e messa#e is really t+at enli#+tenment is so simple t+at we sometimes o-erlook it2You will be so ibrant and feel so much loe that you canJt be anywhere else than in the moment, because thatJs where eerything comes together in oneness. You will see no separation because of the loe within you is a reflection of the whole, of truth.Lettin# #o of t+e +a.it of .ein# misera.le BenArion | 0I>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"-e hae a habit of creating feelings of sadness or narrow, limited world iews, but weJre slowly changing the habit to allow 1oy. ) donJt hae to feel bad or guilty about myself for being happy. ) know that eerything is for the highest good, eerything that is happening on thisplanet at this moment, and eerything is diine timing. ,here are no accidents, there are no coincidences, but if you want to, you can go around and beliee that in your awakening, eerything is manifesting by coincidence or as random eents. >oweer, if you would like to try and 1ust rela: and hae trust in the feeling that eerything is as it is, and that eerything is already perfect, you might change your mind. ,ry for yourself. -ho can change is4ness2,hatJs why we are here on earth + to discoer the illusion of choice.3f course, changes come, but they come from within and we donJt hae to leae this body or this planet to e:perience that; we can be miracles right now, we 1ust hae to open ourseles to it and beliee that itJs there for us, and eeryone takes their own path towards this reali> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"But we can allow it, and welcome it, and we do that by becoming children again and playing being our authentic self. ,here are no rightsor wrongs, but there is always a choice by choosing negatiity or positiity, fear or loe, and you can stand there in the middle and be eerything if you want toO-e are loe, we are fear, but in the end you hae to make a choice of who you want to be. 9ither you are in fear, or you are in loe + itJs as simple as that. People sometimes get stuck in fear because itJs a habit,itJs like some food you know will make you feel low but you keep on eating. 3ur emotional body hooks on to fear as easily as an addiction to something.-eJre on a road to integrating our higher self into reality, to become masters of self, and when ) say higher self, itJs the inner true self that we in one way always are, but right now are in the process of dismantling, of peeling off all the layers. (o, all people who push your buttons, thank themO Be grateful, because they show you that there was something else within that you could feel, embraceand forgie. And if you feel yourself fully, you cannot hang on to negatiity much longer. )t will become more and more unnecessary. BenArion | 80>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"AT+e (ow :oment Is a 6reat Teac+er,he sensation of being in the now cannot be described because it.s a state of 5totality.6 ,he now moment is a portal to endless creatiity and wisdom. -e can plan for the future but we can neer fully grasp the eternity of this moment. )t is actually all you hae and can embrace. )n this moment lie all the possibilities, dancing in multidimensional layers.,he now moment is a great teacher. A ery simple practice is to *feel* the sensation of being in the now. 7et eery impression be absorbed byyour heart fully and feel how it melts unconditionally.You are a conduit of life itself. 7et it play through you in this moment; it is there as your best friend. ,he now moment is where the so4called change can happen. ,he old can become new in an instant. ?emember that you are the one to focus your attention towards different eents.4+ere does your focus come from7,o focus on things in the eternal moment of now is the most powerful thing you can do. 7etting go is an essential part if you want to die BenArion | 88>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"into the hidden beauty of life that is eer4present.@udging fears within you may come to the surface; this is a natural process and itJs a part of life. 7etting go of things isnJt as easy as it sounds. )t will start a process of reflection and awareness. ,he simple act of breathing is a wonderful tool for the transformation of dense*beliefs and fears.Breathing slowly and deeply will energiealth and well4being begins with how you look at things. BenArion | 8H>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less")s there something in your life that is lurking within you, that you canJtdefine2 )s there something in your life that you can feel within, but hae no idea what the message is2Feelings will be processed through your energy system that is not always known to you. ,his is because the *script* is being changed or reprogrammed. ,he mind wants to figure out the 5why*, but itJs a goodthing to go beyond the *why.6 -e lie in a world where information is being bombarded into our minds, but our soul is always there as a witness. Become the witnessO3eep it simpleC remo-e t+e noise and clutter in your life,his is simply done by harmoni> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"yourself first. A balanced being will automatically communicate in an uplifting way and cannot take peoples. pro1ected hate in a personal way; a balanced being simply forgies them.>ate and negatiity are 1ust diamonds coered in layers of charcoal. 9ery diamond has to be under hard pressure to become what it is and that makes a good comparison to the human being.Brounding is a natural part of being, but in days of stress our awareness of the body becomes less focused. )t.s time to claim what isfully yours and support your body and mind in this transformation of consciousness.DCosmic 'eunion $ T+rou#+ i-ersity 4e ?ind UnityPey words in this first contact are loe and truth. @othing will be as it was before. )t.s a reunion that will be e:perienced together with thousands of cosmic ciili> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"on earth. 3ne who seeks answers will hae to find them on their own. ,he truth is that changes are bigger and stronger than anyone can imagine. 3ur planet is about to break out of its old shell and rise up toa higher freNuency and that concerns eeryone that lies on her.(ow I want to speak a.out t+e implications of first contact2People will see and feel this cosmic contact in different ways, depending on their beliefs.S (ome will see them as saiours, *saing* them from eil.S (ome will see them as angels that are *aboe* the earth people.S (ome will fear them because they *feel something unknown.6S (ome will hae ery mi:ed emotions and feel ery confused.S (ome will see with their hearts the true nature of this eent andall the positie changes it will bring, in a state of loe and peace.,here is no right or wrong way to see this, it simply is. But many will become confused due to their perception filters or old glasses they hae worn throughout their life. (ome people hae no idea that we hae a soul that is able to leae thephysical body, that we are eternal beings of light haing a human e:perience. (ome will 1ust see these ships as pure third4dimensional crafts, because they hae no concept of the higher dimensions of light, BenArion | =1>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And Completely Transform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"and some will not be able to grasp the whole picture or higher perspectie. (o beliefs will be a huge filter for how people will translate what they see. (ome people will connect what they see based on the religious teachings they grew up with and so on. But slowly people will start to reali