  • Worship Leader Pastor William Koopmans Music Ministry PTA

    MORNING WORSHIP May 24, 2015 - PENTECOST SUNDAY *Please stand, if able Prelude Welcome *Call to Worship *Opening Song: Come, Thou Almighty King (PsH #246)

    *Prayer of Preparation (concluded with the singing of Spirit of the Living God (PsH #424) *Gods Greeting *Congregation Responds by Saying Amen

    *Songs of Praise & Worship: 1. Show Your Power 2. Father, We Love You (PsH #634: 3)

    Time of Confession Gods Guide for Holy Living (Galatians 5:16-26) Song of Response: Spirit of God, Who Dwells within My Heart (PsH #419: 1, 3, 4, 5)

    Offertory Prayer Offerings: 1. Our Gifts for the Church Budget

    2. Missionary Support

    Scripture: Acts 2:1-21 (read by Deb VanHelden)

    Childrens Message (children ages 3 to grade 5 come forward and then leave for their Time of Worship downstairs (Visiting Children are Welcome!) (Pastor Jake Snieder; Lantern: Jonathan Snieder) *We Sing: The Power of Your Love

    Text: Acts 2:21 Message: The Churchs Voice in Todays World

    Prayer of Response * Song of Response: Dwell in Me, O Blessed Spirit (PsH #427)

    Drawing of Names for Elders and Deacons

    Prayer of Gods People (led by Pastor Jake Snieder) *We Sing: I Lift Your Name

    *Gods Parting Blessing *Congregation Responds by Saying Amen

    *Closing Song: Hear Our Praises *Postlude

    Prayer Ministry: Randy and Alice VanStempvoort are available for you to pray with in the Prayer Room. Please allow Pastor, Elders, Deacons and those needing assistance to exit before you leave your pew! Thank You License #CCLI 320696


    Scripture: Acts 2:1-21

    Text: Acts 2:21, And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

    Sermon: The Churchs Voice in Todays World


    Cries for help in the world today The Holy Spirit and the voice of the church today

    The voice of suffering

    The voice of comfort

    The voice of faith

    The voice of prophecy

    The voice of salvation

    Applying the teaching of the Holy Spirit to our daily lives

    The Holy Spirit equips and challenges the church

    The indispensable role of the Holy Spirit

    The Holy Spirit helps the Church to speak clearly

    Faithful to the Word of God

    Word and deed go together

    We are called to be a Spirit-led church today so the voice of God is heard through the church!
