Page 1: May 2016 Monthly Newsletter

608 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD WILMINGTON NC 28403 (910) 392-4444 FAX (910) 392-4905

Great and Holy Pascha

May 1

May 2016

Page 2: May 2016 Monthly Newsletter

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church May 2016

Fr. Jon Emanuelson

Parish Priest

Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9AM – 2PM

Office Phone: 910-392-4444 Office Fax: 910-392-4905

Fr. Jon’s Mobile Number: 910-685-0080

Office Email: [email protected]

Fr. Jon’s Email: [email protected]

Church Website:

Find us on Facebook:



Angelique Skandalakis, Parish Office Administrator


Officers Members

Barbara Reynolds, President Evangelos Fragos Debra Rallis

Jack Poulos, Vice President Peter Manolukas Nick Saffo

Tina Bostic, Treasurer Emanuel Miliotis Maria Stasios

Peter Malahias, Assistant Treasurer

Irene Sotiriou Vogiatzis, Secretary

Emanuel Miliotis, Chairman of the Council of Ministries

Religious Education…Richard Reynolds, Ministry


Communications - Technology Ministries…

Adult Education…Richard Reynolds Alexandros Theodoropoulos , Ministry Group Leader

Youth Catechism…Courtney Malahias, Director Webmaster… Alexandros Theodoropoulos

Bookstore/Library…Mary Ann Wall Publications…Angelique Skandalakis, Stella McTaggart

Oratorical Festival…Courtney Malahias Technology… Alexandros Theodoropoulos

Media/Community Relations…Debra Rallis, Alexandros

Hellenic Culture…Kitsa Wiersteiner, Ministry Chair Theodoropoulos

Hellenic School…Anestis Logothetis, Acting Director

Romiosini Dance Group…Zaharoula Katsikis Parish Family Life…**Volunteer Needed**

Zoyra Dance Group…Lucas Bostic, Katerina Katsikis Parish Family Night…**Volunteer Needed**

Choral…Dr. Michael Rallis Men’s Group…Richard Reynolds

Special Activities… Kitsa Wiersteiner Women’s Group…**Volunteer Needed**

Forever Young…Stella Vallianos

Youth Diakonia…Doug Brown, Ministry Chair LOVE…Angelique Skandalakis, Kay Skandalakis

GOYA…Benjalee Pittman, Alexia Porzio, Doug Brown,

Courtney Malahias Outreach & Evangelism…Diane McGowan, Ministry


HOPE/JOY… Joyce Patsalos, Sophia Brewer, OCF…Fr. Jon, Alexandros Theodoropoulos

Jaime Saffo, Renée Karonis Psilos, Connie Ronner Hospitality…Ed Mayorga, Kathleen Mayorga

Metropolis Strategic Planning...Koula Katsikis Community Service…Christina Mount

Parish Care…Pat Poulos, Tina Stamatakis,

Liturgical Life… Dr. Michael Rallis, Ministry Chair Kay Skandalakis , Dr. Mary Frankos

Liturgical Music… Dr. Michael Rallis

Acolytes…Doug Brown Philoptochos…Tia Saffo, Chapter President

Neokoros/Sexton…**Volunteer Needed**

Stewardship…Debra Rallis

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church May 2016


From the Desk of Father Jon

On Why our soul longs to give to those in need!

This past month has been a flurry of activity! I have never seen any parish pour forth the love and giving that

our St. Nicholas church members have in helping to sponsor the wonderful Congolese family - the Muyoboke

family . They arrived at the Wilmington airport on April 19 – Claude the father, Anualite the mother, their

daughter Justine age 11, their sons, Eritie age 10, Shadrack age 7, and Joshua age 4. They were greeted by at

least a dozen of our St. Nicholas faithful, Gail from Refugee International and an interpreter, Olivier. The

family came to America after a long journey from the country of Congo in Africa. They have come to our

country full of hopes and dreams and we pray all their prayers are answered. A huge thank you to Angela

Dentiste and everyone who stepped up to help from our community.

Their arrival brought to mind the question, why does our soul long to give to those in need? It all begins and

ends with our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ! As we approach the Great and Holy Week in our Ortho-

dox Church, we call to mind and heart the teachings our Lord gave us. On the sermon on the mount Jesus in-

structs us, “Give to him who asks of you, and from him wants to borrow from you do not turn him away.

(Matthew 5:42) But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is

doing, that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you

openly. (Matthew 6:3-4) Love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your re-

ward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. (Luke 6:35) Give, and it will be given to you:

good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the

same measure you use, it will be measured back to you.”

Jesus gave all of these most beautiful teachings for us to follow, but did not stop there! Our Lord prophesies

“for the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Mark

10:45) Jesus gave His life so that we may have eternal salvation. His resurrection from the dead is confirma-

tion of His complete victory over death and the devil. “Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death

by death, and to those in the tombs, He has granted life.” Paschal Tropoarion.

Thus, it is part of our Orthodox Christian being to give, even to the point of giving up our life to serve the liv-

ing God. The Apostles knew this and taught this in their epistles. St. Paul writing to the Corinthians says,

“He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So

let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2

Cor 9:6 James instructs us, “if a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to

them, ‘Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,’ but you do not give them the things which are needed for the

body, what does it profit? Thus faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, ‘You

have faith, and I have works.’ Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my

works.” James 2:15-18

Our community came together over the past few months to show forth the true spirit of giving to a family we

did not know but came to love because the love Christ is in us! I am infinitely thankful to God and to you.

May the love of Christ in the resurrection be overflowing on May 1st as we cry out, “Christ is risen!”


Fr. Jon Emanuelson

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church May 2016


From the Parish Council President

Barbara Reynolds

Xristos Anesti, Christ is Risen!

It was wonderful to see our church filled for the beautiful Pascha services. I hope everyone felt as spiritually

uplifted as I did. It was so moving to hear the beautiful words and chanting of the services. The flowers on the

icons and the Kouvouklion were beautiful. It all came together as a truly meaningful and spiritual experience. I

would like to thank all the “servants” of our church that made the services so beautiful and the Agape picnic so

delicious and fun. Looking forward I hope to continue to see our church full of Orthodox worshipers. The St.

Nicholas Greek Festival is coming up on May 13 - 15. We need volunteers to help the week before and the

weekend of the Festival. If you are not sure where your help is needed please contact a member of the festival

committee or a parish council member. This is a chance for us to share our faith, our love, our culture and our

great Greek food with the community of Wilmington. See you all there.

In His service


Wednesday, April 13

Pre-Sanctified Liturgy co-celebration at St. Basil's, Wilmington, NC

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church May 2016


Forever Young Stella Vallianos

In April, Forever Young met as a group and went to see

the new movie, “My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2.” We had

over 20 people attend and everyone enjoyed the movie.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 3 at 11:00 AM

at the church. Father Jon has an interesting movie to show

us. Please come and bring a covered dish (Lent is over)

and join us for fun and fellowship!

HOPE/JOY Joyce Patsalos, Sophia Brewer, Jaime Saffo,

Renée Karonis Psilos & Connie Ronner

We are gearing up for a busy month in May! First, as

you all know, Greek Festival is quickly approaching

and we really need all HOPE/JOY families to lend a

hand with our snow cone/lemonade stand! We are

going to be sending out a Sign-Up Genius link to

your emails soon, so please be on the look out for

this! We are going to try to do no more than 3-4 kids

per shift with a shift typically being 1-2 hours. We

ask that you don't just drop your kids off at the tent to

work if they are younger than 10. A parent must ac-

company their kids during their shift if they are 9 or


Next thing on our agenda is our now annual strawber-

ry picking event at Lewis Farms! This is always such

a fun event that is enjoyed by everyone! We are plan-

ning this event for May 22nd, so mark your calen-


We look forward to hopefully seeing you all at these

upcoming events! In Christ's Service, the Advisors

Romiosini and Zoyra

Christos Anesti. We hope everyone had a lovely

Treasurer’s Report Tina Bostic

The list of stewards is made of all who have completed a Stewardship Commitment card. We currently have

92 stewards who have completed cards with a commitment of $197,870.00. Our goal is $262,168.32. For

those who are giving and haven’t filled a commitment card, please complete a card.

Please note there was a slight error on the list of stewards in Feb. The current list is what has been received in

stewardship cards as of April 15, 2016. Please continue to complete your 2016 Stewardship Commitment card

and return to the office to my attention: Tina Bostic.

Operating Income/Expense Stewardship

Income Expenses Variance

Stewardship received

Stewardship goal Variance

Jan $50,896.98 $21,401.44 $29,495.54 Jan $45,594.06 $21,847.36 $23,746.70

Feb $18,626.62 $27,107.95 $(8,481.33) Feb $11,761.00 $21,847.36 $(10,086.36)

Mar $16,493.43 $16,068.22 $425.21 Mar $13,775.00 $21,847.36 $(8,072.36)

YTD $86,017.03 $64,577.61 $21,439.42 YTD $71,130.06 $65,542.08 $5,587.98

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church May 2016


Pascha. Zoyra and Romiosini age dancers who want

to participate in the Greek festival, please note our

practice times:

Zoyra : May 2-5th, and May 9-12, - 5:00-7:00pm.

Romiosini: May 2-5th, and May 9-12, - 7:00-9:00pm

Philoptochos Enosis Chapter #5027

Tia Saffo

Xristos Anesti!

A special thank you to all those who helped our com-

munity prepare for Great and Holy Pascha.

Our next meeting will be the much anticipated year

end social - if you've missed our other meetings or

gatherings, you won't want to miss this one! Please

join us for "MY BIG FAT GREEK Garden Party!”,

Sunday, May 22nd at 4pm at the home of Tia Saffo.

Come enjoy fellowship with the ladies of our commu-

nity. All ladies 18 and over are invited to join and at-


We recently welcomed a refugee family from the Re-

public of Congo to Wilmington. We thank Angela

Dentiste, our Philoptochos members and our parish-

ioners who helped furnish an apartment for this family

and will continue to help this family assimilate into

the U.S. At our Garden Party, please bring a clothing

or food item for this family. Invitation and list of

needed items will follow - be on the look out in your


We will be continuing to accept membership for 2016.

The first $22 of your donations goes to the Metropolis

and National Philoptochos Societies; anything above

this amount will be used to support local charities and

agencies. Thank you for helping with our mission, to

be a friend to the poor.

Hellenic Culture Kitsa Wiersteiner

It was so nice to hear how much people enjoyed the

Greek Independence Day program. We are very grate-

ful to everyone who contributed to this wonderful cel-

ebration. We would like to give thanks to the follow-


Dr. Michael Rallis for his inspiring speech, the Hel-

lenic School teachers and parents for decorating the

Hellenic Center so beautifully and assisting the chil-

dren with their poems along with Dr. Ron Demas and

Dr. Emmanuel Koklanaris.

We are proud of all of the children who worked so

hard with poems, singing, and dancing. Words cannot

express how appreciative we are for Zaharoula, Lucas

Bostic, and Katerina Katsikis for teaching the Zoyra

and Romiosini dancers. We are really thankful for all

your hard work. We also want to thank Nota Dukas

for sewing the authentic Greek costumes. They are

always so beautiful!

Moreover, many thanks to Chris’s Restaurant for pre-

paring the delicious fasting fundraiser luncheon for

the Hellenic School.

Many thanks to Evangelos Fragos, Vasilios Vogiatzis,

and to everyone who assisted Chris and Andy Tsinge-

lis in the kitchen.

Many thanks to Irene Haralambous, Joanne Kares,

Athe Lionikis, Lucy Pekatos, Dena Poulos, Joanne

Simotas, Maria Spiropoulos, Mari Kaiti Tzanis, Stella

Vallianos, Mary Ann Valvalette and Barbara

Vogiatzis for bringing desserts, fruits, and drinks. A

big thank you to our Hellenic School director, Dr.

Anestis Logothetis, who is always ready to help us

and guide us.

We also would like to thank Alexandros The-

odoropoulos for his technical assistance and Ben Har-

ris for video taping the event.

Also, thank you to Kathy Dimopoulos for designing

the flyers, programs, and for making posters.

Most importantly, we want to thank our wonderful

community for being present and supporting activities

like this event, which is so important for our church’s


We apologize if we forgot to acknowledge anyone

who helped with this program.

Greek School Anestis Logothetis

The Greek School along with the Sunday School will

have its graduation on Sunday, June 5 after service. A

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church May 2016


light lunch will be provided. Come and see our young-

sters get their certificates.

As a reminder there will be no school on Good Friday,

April 29 and during the Greek Festival, May 13.

The Greek School went on a field trip on a Horse

Drawn Tour of Historical Wilmington on April 15.

We had 14 students and 10 adult chaperons taking

part. The tour was most enjoyable and we all learned

some of the history of Wilmington. Afterwards there

was pizza served at the New York pizza courtesy of

Mr. and Mrs. Karonis to celebrate the birthday of

Evangelos Psilos, their grandson. Overall it was fun

evening for everyone who came.

Community News


Christos Anesti.

Our festival committee has been working hard the last

few months to help make this another successful festi-

val. But we can only do it with your help!

Be on the lookout for kitchen prep days - we will post

updates on listserve. Even if you only have a couple of

hours, please stop in and lend a hand.

During the festival, we need help in all areas - from

church tours, pastry prep to salads and kitchen help -

for those who prefer to stay indoors. Outdoors we

need help in all areas - from the gates, to the various

food lines and the registers.

We will have advanced sale of festival tickets availa-

ble prior to the festival. Please consider giving admis-

sion, meal or pastry tickets as gifts to your friends,

neighbors, teachers and don't forget Mom for Mothers

Day! A sheet of 10 admission tickets will be sold for

$10; meal and pastry tickets will be $10 and have a

$10 value.

We thank you in advance for making Greek Fest 2016

a wonderful experience for our visitors. OPA!!



***NEW: We are in need of some Commandaria

wine for the altar. It is available for purchases at

Greek stores in Raleigh, Charlotte, or online. Please

see Father Jon if you would like to donate some.

We are looking for a handyman (or woman) to volun-

teer to help with minor repairs around the church.

We are accepting donations as we continue to improve

our Hellenic Center. Any donations would be greatly

appreciated. Items needed include new banquet


Please donate all weekly coupons from newspapers &

ads to the Hellenic Center. These coupons will be used

to help our parishioners save money on products. For

more information, please see Benjalee Pittman.

We are looking for volunteers to host coffee hour. If

you are interested in hosting coffee hour please con-

tact Angelique Skandalakis in the Office. For the

weeks when we do not have a volunteer we will still

have coffee and juice.


Our St. Nicholas Community is co-sponsoring a refu-

gee family of 6 from the Republic of Congo. We were

directed to the Interfaith Refugee Ministry (IRM) by

the IOCC.

Although sponsorship is not a financial obligation, the

family will have many needs in the upcoming months

as they will arrive with very few possessions. We will

be collecting clothing as soon as we know their sizes.

Anyone wishing to make a financial contribution, may

make the check payable to St. Nicholas Greek Ortho-

dox Church and specify IOCC Refugee support in the

memo line of your check. Anyone wishing to become

more involved, please contact Angela Dentiste at an-

[email protected] (Put REFUGEE HELP in

the subject line) or 910 508-8775.

More information:

Co-sponsorship of a Refugee family from the Dem-

ocratic Republic of Congo.

Last year, during the Syrian Refugee Crisis, we con-

tacted the International Orthodox Christian Charities

(IOCC) headquarters to see what we as a community

could do to help. The IOCC pointed us to the Inter-

faith Refugee Ministry (IRM), which is literally locat-

ed next door to our church, as the organization that

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church May 2016


IOCC works with in refugee support. We learned that

the Syrian refugees would likely not arrive in the USA

soon as the process for screening and accepting refu-

gees into the USA is rigorous and takes 2-3 years

However, there is always a great need for volunteers

to help other refugees as the arrive and settle into Wil-


The IRM asked us to co-sponsor a family of 6 (a cou-

ple and their 4 children, ages 4-10) from the Demo-

cratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Due to armed con-

flict, the DRC has been the site of some of the worst

violence and human rights violations in the world. In

order to qualify as a refugee, a person must have faced

persecution related to their race, religion, politics or

ethnicity. They must reside outside their native coun-


The IRM is the Sponsor and has ultimate responsibil-

ity for the family. St Nicholas Greek Orthodox

Church has volunteered to be a co-sponsor, meaning

we are assisting in whatever way we can. Anyone

wanting to interact alone with a refugee family MUST

go through a training session and agree to a back-

ground check. We had about 15 church members go

through the training and background checks on Febru-

ary 22. All other volunteers are still able to interact

with the family (and we encourage more involve-

ment!) so long as they are accompanied by one of

these “cleared” people. If you would like to take the

training, please contact Angela Dentiste.

The IRM staff found a 3 bedroom apartment for the

family and signed the lease. Our volunteers were able

to fully furnish the apartment and provide basic house

hold necessities as well as a week’s worth of food.

We welcomed the family at the airport on April 19

and brought them to their apartment where we had a

hot meal waiting for them. Individual volunteers will

be taking them to appointments in the coming weeks

to help them settle in.

As we continue to support the family, it will be im-

portant to spend time with them, to show them around

Wilmington, help them with practicing English, assist-

ing with finding employment, registering for school,

etc. They are legal residents and will get work per-

mits. There is no financial obligation on our part, but

assistance is always welcome as the family is required

to pay back the all of their travel costs and other ex-

penses of settling in Wilmington. The goal is to spon-

sor the family for the transition period of about 6

months. If you would like to make monetary dona-

tions, please make the check payable to St Nicholas

Greek Orthodox Church and put refugees in the notes


We will be inviting them to some of our events, so if

you see them around say hello or Hodi (Swahili).

They do not speak English yet.

For more information or donations, please contact An-

gela Dentiste at [email protected]. Put

REFUGEE HELP in the subject line.

Volunteers from St. Nicholas and a Translator went to

welcome the refugee family at the airport.

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church May 2016


With the Saints, give rest to the souls of

Your servants, where there is no pain, sor-

row, or suffering, but life eternal.


The entire Community would like to thank Angela

Dentiste and the Philoptochos members who took the

time to get the apartment ready for the refugee family

before their arrival. Their time and commitment to

prepare is truly God’s work here on Earth.


Please pray for those who are ill, recovering, and/or

homebound: Presbytera Barbara, Stavros Chantiles,

Sophia Copes, Sherry Demas, Theodore James De-

mas, Katherine Demetriou (sister of Angelo Demetri-

ou), Nicholas Devoles, Constantine Dukas, Larry

Flowers, Sue Fokakis (Silver Stream), George Fokakis

(Pacifica nursing home), Demitra George, Nick Kar-

loutsos (Silver Stream), Angelo Katris, Dan Kirkby

(brother of Matthew), Lambra Koklanaris, Nikoloas

Kotsinis, Rev. Fr. Manousos Emmanuel Lionikis, Ol-

ga Mancuso, Claire Skarpentzos, Pat Skinner-Darby,

Charity Skinner-Darby (daughter of Pat), John & Olym-

pia Stamboulos, Andy Tsingelis.


We have Greek wine for sale! If you would like to

purchase a bottle, please see a Parish Council member.


For all the people celebrating their birthday, anniver-

sary, and name day in the month of May, may you

have many happy years! Many Happy Years!

We extend congratulations to Eve Stasios Pederson

and Dennis Pederson on the birth of their daughter,

Margaret Hanne Pederson, on March 28th. Baby Mar-

garet was born weighing 8 pounds, 5 ounces, and 21

inches long. Everyone is healthy and doing well.

Proud grandparents are Jimmie and Maria Stasios.

Congratulations once again!

On April 3 we held a 40-day blessing for Sophia

Grace Leake, daughter of Samantha and Hess Leake.

Na Sas Zisi!

Sympathies and Memorials

We extend our deepest sympathy to Alexandros,

Eleni, Georgia and Annivas (Eli) Theodoropoulos and

the rest of the family on the Falling Asleep in the Lord

in the Hope of the Resurrection of Alexandros's father,

retired Hellenic Army Brigadier General Annivas

Alexios Theodoropoulos, in Athens, Greece, at 1:50

am on Saturday, March 19th, 2016. Alexandros has

gone to Greece for the funeral, which took place with

military honors on Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016. Please

keep him and his family in your prayers .....ΑΙΩΝΙΑ

ΤΟΥ Η ΜΝΗΜΗ! Everlasting be his father's


On March 27 we held a 1-year memorial for Stav-

ros Dandulakis, father of Gregory Dandulakis. May

his memory be eternal!

On April 17 we held the 40 day Trisagion for Annivas

Theodoropoulos, father of Alexandros Theodoropou-

los. May his memory be eternal.

On April 17 we held a memorial for Elias “Eli” and

Aphrodite Stephanou, parents of George Stephanou.

May their memories be eternal.

June 5: Graduation for Hellenic School and Church

School & Youth Groups Picnic

June 16-17: GOYA Mountain Retreat

June 13-17: Vacation Church School



July 17-23: St. Stephens Summer Camp


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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church May 2016


Anagnost, Christos

Andrews, Louis & Roula

Angeledes, Angelo & Evelyn

Batuyios, Nicholas & Colton, Julie

Bostic, Michael & Tina

Brown, Douglas & Argiro

Brunetti, Carlos

Burke A. Bruce

Calhoun, Cameron & Pam

Dandulakis, Gregory & Kimberly

Demas, Ron & Sherry

Diakogiannis, Ifigenia

Diakogiannis, John

Dimopoulos, George

Dimopoulos, Maria

Dimopoulos, Pete & Kathy

Dimopoulos, Vasilios

Dodge, Nicholas & Kristina

Dukas, Nota

Emanuelson, Fr. Jon & Presbytera Barbara

Fernandez, Deacon Thomas & Stacie

Flowers, Larry & Helen

Fragakis, John & Sophia

Fragos, Evangelos & Olympia

Haralambous, Irini

Jeffries, Phillip & Irene

Kaprantzas, Christos & Eleni

Karafas, Gus & Argiro

Katris, Angelo & Anastasia

Kefalas, Thalia

Kiliaris, Leonidas & Eleni

King, Lee & Doris

Koklanaris, Dr. Emanuael & Lambra

Kratsa, Perry & Anita

Lawler, Samuel & Susan

Lazaridis, Nick & Nena

Lionikis, Emmanuel & Athanasia

Logothetis, Anestis & Constance

Loizides, Michael & Theodora

Maggio, Evelyn

Malahias, Peter & Courtney

Manolukas, Joan and Peter

Maraveyias, Nick & Jennifer

Markatos, Aristea

Marmaras, Georgia

Marmaras, Mary

Mayorga, Aspasia

Mayorga, Edward & Kathleen

Meyer, Mark & Angelique

Miliotis Manny & Mary Beth

Papanicolaou, Haralambos & Androniki

Pappamihiel, Ruth

Parrett, Bette

Patitsas, Nicholas & Andrea

Patsalos, Demetrios & Anna

Patsalos, Nick & Joyce

Pinkston, Anne Bakalis

Ponos, Rhonda

Poulos, Patricia & Koula

Psilos, Constantine & Karonis Renee

Rallis, Dr. Michael & Debra

Reynolds, Rick & Barbara

Ronner, Thomas & Connie

Saffo, Marian & Marika

Saffo, Nick & Tia

Saffo, Avery

Saffo, Dea

Saffo, Tony & Jamie

Simotas, Spiros & Giannoula

Singley, David & Jeanne

Skandalakis, Kay & Angelique

Sljaka, Sophie

Souflas, Thomas & Linda

Spyropoulos, Maria

Stasios, James & Maria

Theophilos, Renee

Tracy, Ernest & Sophia

Triantafillopoulas, Konstantinos & Deb

Vallianos, Stella

Vavalette, Mary Ann

Vines, Betsy & Jason

Vogiatzis, Anastasios

Vogiatzis, Ioannis & Barbara

Vogiatzis, Vasilios & Sotiriou, Irene

Voneiff, George & Irene

Wall, Mary Ann

Weatherly, Edwin Leo

Whitley, John & Elaine

Wickersham, Donald R.

Wiersteiner, Samuae & Kyriaki

Woods, William & Eleni

Zezefellis, Effie

Stewards who have completed 2016 Stewardship Card

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For a complete and up-to-date version of our Parish Calendar, please visit us online at:

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608 S. College Road, Wilmington, NC 28403


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