Page 1: Martin’s C · 2018-05-21 · Saints Bay, St Martin’s. Telephone: 01481 235217 Moulin Huet A Lovely Bay It seems only a few weeks ago that I was

December 2017 / January 2018December 2016/January 2017

St. Martin’s Cloak

Page 2: Martin’s C · 2018-05-21 · Saints Bay, St Martin’s. Telephone: 01481 235217 Moulin Huet A Lovely Bay It seems only a few weeks ago that I was

St. Martin’s ParishChurch Directory

Les Camps MethodistChurch Directory

Minister Rev Stephen Dallin 239144 Leadership Team Matt Snell 238479 Don Lowe 236010 Sarah Hendry 728412 John Le Poidevin 235516 Emma Wolfe 715095 Mark Le Page 248241 Deborah Durham 236582

Rector Vacant 238303Honorary Assistant Curate Rev Richard Bellinger 263203Licensed Lay Minister Bev Hervé 730575Licensed Lay Minister Martin Wilson 729856Associate Youth Minister (Church Army) Sr Kate Hatton (mobile 07781 161572) 238305Rector’s Warden Dave Hughes 236339People’s Warden Vic Martin 236673Hon Treasurer Neil de la Mare 237816Organist & Choir Joan Le Flem 201108Pastoral Coordinator Sally Windsor 256342Mens’ Society Roland Guille 258364Ladies of Faith Together (LOFT) Bev Hervé 730575Music Group Joan Le Flem 201108Cloak Magazine Advertising Carol Guille 258364Community Cloak Coffee Mornings Sally Windsor 256342Children and Family Worker / Roundabout Sr Kate Hatton (mobile 07781 161572) 238305Community Centre Mr Brian Sarre (Manager) 231196 Mobile (07781 133012)

Page 3: Martin’s C · 2018-05-21 · Saints Bay, St Martin’s. Telephone: 01481 235217 Moulin Huet A Lovely Bay It seems only a few weeks ago that I was


Covering the Whole Parish

School News...............................p.4

Parish Matters.............................p.6

Moulin Huet - A lovely bay........p.7

Water Damage..........................p.11

Calais Pond...............................p.14

Retail Therapy..........................p.17

Sea Cadets................................p.19

Scout Triathalon.......................p.21

Cheese Pie................................p.22

LOFT Visit Guernsey Candles.p.23


The Editorial TeamC/O St. Martin’s Rectory

La Grande RueGY4 6RR

Tel: 238303 Fax: [email protected]

St. Martin’s Cloak

No editorial this time, instead just to let you know at the end of September Les Camps Methodist Church started their adult and youth Alpha Courses.

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith. It is for anyone who is curious and is designed to encourage conversation and exploration of the Christian faith in an open, friendly and informal environment. Each week begins with both guests and servers sitting down together for a meal, followed by a short film and finishing with discussion on the topic of the week in small groups. It runs for 11 weeks and finishes mid-December.

Les Camps have been hugely blessed with 36 adults and 10 youths taking the course, with the majority of those being newcomers or people on the fringe of the Church. The atmosphere is very warm and a lot of happy faces and laughter can be heard. For those serving Alpha there is a lot of excitement at seeing how God is working within the church.

For further information about the course please feel free to contact: Rev. Steve Dallin – Tel: 01481-239144 or Email

[email protected]

Helen Mahoney – Tel. 07911-712271 or Email h e l e n m a h o n e y

Page 4: Martin’s C · 2018-05-21 · Saints Bay, St Martin’s. Telephone: 01481 235217 Moulin Huet A Lovely Bay It seems only a few weeks ago that I was


School NewsExplora Dome

To stimulate curiosity and a love of science, ‘Explora Dome’ came to St. Martin’s Primary School this term. The children in Years 1 and 2 crawled inside a special inflatable dome and were treated to a fantastic science show.

Images were projected on the inside of the dome and the children were truly immeresed in their learning. Originally the dome was used as a planetarium, but now all sorts of different science experiences are offered. Our Year 2 children were given a tour of the Earth and learned about the planet, food webs and habitats. Year 1 travelled through the human body and found out what happens to our food from plate to poo! As you can imagine they all particularly loved learning about the final stages of digestion! The children loved

the experience and we will be inviting the Explora Dome back next year for more scientific revelations.

Elderly Visitors

We are welcoming residents from Le Platon Care home each week to join in with Mrs Bramley’s class in Year 1. For the last six weeks elderly ladies and gentleman have joined the children to share story books and take part in the fun of the ‘Discovery Zone’. In the Discovery Zone the senior citizens play with the children as they paint, sew, mold playdough and build models. The children really look forward to our visitors coming and relationships are blossoming. Last week it was Rudi’s 92 birthday and the children sang Happy Birthday and made him a card, Rudi’s reaction was incredibly heartwarming! This project was inspired by Channel 4’s ‘Old people’s home for 4 year olds’. It has been wonderful to see

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the interactions and both children and the senior citizens really seem to benefit from each other’s company.

Happy 92nd Birthday Rudi!

Epic Fridays

We are offering all our KS2 children four ‘Epic’ Friday afternoons this month as part of our curriculum enrichment programme. The children will be taking part in a variety of challenging and contrasting learning activities in mixed age groups Year 3 to 6. The children have been allocated one of their four favourite activities out of a possible 11: water games at Les Beaucamps High School, Street Dance with Brandi Attewell, Epic Experiments, Horrible Histories, Animal Antics at the GSPCA, Epic Engineering, Epic Running, Messy

Outdoor Adventures, Right on Robots, Unity the Unicorn (sewing project) and Clay Creations. We plan to run these

activities in the spring and summer terms too and we just can’t wait to get started!

Outdoor learning expert visits the school

John Cree, a UK leader in outdoor education, ran a day’s training for St. Martin’s teachers this month. John held the sessions outside and worked with staff to develop exciting learning activities across the curriculum. One of the topics he worked on was

World War II; he showed staff how soldiers would have made ink from oak apples to write home with and how they would have made a fire when there were no matches available. He ended the session with poetry and stories around the camp fire. John has inspired us to take learning outside and the children say that this is something that they would love to do more of.

Page 6: Martin’s C · 2018-05-21 · Saints Bay, St Martin’s. Telephone: 01481 235217 Moulin Huet A Lovely Bay It seems only a few weeks ago that I was


Parish Matters As the end of the year approaches we have been busy in the Constables office getting ready for our Christmas Evening on Monday 11th December. The evening starts at 6pm. The carol singing kicks off outside the community centre at 6.15pm, which will be led by the Very Reverend John Guille this year.

There will be a variety of stalls located in both the Parish Hall and the Community Centre selling something for everyone. Sustenance includes a hog roast, mulled wine, soup, cake and teas & coffees. Last

but by no means least Santa will be here in his grotto.

I step down as Constable at the end of the year and Mike Higgins

becomes the Senior Constable. He is still on the lookout for a new Junior Constable to join him. If you are interested please contact the office and have a chat with him to find out more.

I’ve enjoyed my time at the Constables office, in particular being involved in Parish Events and the Christmas Evening is one of my favourites, hopefully you’ll come and enjoy it too.

Take advantage of the parish library!

Books can be borrowed without charge from the Parish Hall on weekday mornings:

Monday to Thursday 10am - noon

Fridays 11am - noon

Page 7: Martin’s C · 2018-05-21 · Saints Bay, St Martin’s. Telephone: 01481 235217 Moulin Huet A Lovely Bay It seems only a few weeks ago that I was




Les CornusSt. Martin’s, Guernsey

T: 01481 239034E: [email protected]

82%Guernsey TourismêêêGold Award82%

Saints Bay, St Martin’s.Telephone: 01481 235217

[email protected]

Moulin HuetA Lovely BayIt seems only a few weeks ago that I was writing an article for The Cloak and wishing all of you a happy Christmas and a healthy 2017! Now another year has come and gone in no time. I wonder if it has yet been scientifically proven that the older we get the quicker the time passes. It is certainly so.

Now the heading of this article is a little different. No news this time about our ongoing work at the PEH, although it is all still happening and our volunteers are still doing their utmost to ensure the areas we cover are looking at their best for the benefit of patients, visitors and staff alike. No, this issue is all about that jewel in the crown that is St. Martin’s and that is Moulin Huet, so please allow me to tell you a little story.

Some six years or so ago when I had the privilege of being your Parish Constable, I initiated a clear up operation at Moulin Huet. The entire area was quite simply an impenetrable forest of Japanese Knotweed. It was three metres high and covered the entire area from the Kiosk down to the cliff edge and beyond. I was fortunate to be able to call on our then Douzeniers together with the staff of the Bella Luce Hotel and also our South East Deputies to help with the clearance. It was a wet, cold and filthy job but also very satisfying and over a period of a few weeks we got it hacked down and the more normal weeds dug out. It was then a question of waiting for the spring to arrive and with it the first shoots of newly emerging Knotweed. A period of regular spraying by our Parish Handyman, John Garnham and myself

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We have moved!

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followed. After three years or so these efforts resulted in the Knotweed being reduced to a few sickly shoots which we could easily control. We were well aware that if we let up on our spraying, then the Knotweed would quickly make a recovery and we would be back to square one.Whilst all of the above was going on we planted over 150 Hydrangea plants together with fifty Gorse bushes, the latter mainly near the cliff edge to act as a natural barrier to keep people away from the edge. Most of the plants were donated by Parishioners. We also had volunteer working parties down there to help keep the weeds at bay and thanks were duly given to both Specsavers and to the Probation Service for their help. For my part, I spent many happy hours in the summer watering the plants to ensure they had the best possible chance of survival. Finally we had the Renoir information board refurbished and we placed a new bench close to the beach for people to be able to relax and enjoy this joyous place.Come the end of 2015 it was time for me to retire from parish duties and I left hoping that the work at Moulin Huet would continue but this unfortunately has not proved to be the case. Now I am not trying to lay blame on anybody for this. It is a simple fact that different Douzaines have a different outlook on what they should and should not be doing for the parish and different Douzeniers have differing amounts of time to be able to allocate to their parish duties. No, what I am actually trying to achieve with this article is to find a group of willing volunteers who love not only their parish but also Moulin Huet bay to get together with me to get us back to where we were and to try and finish the work and eradicate Japanese Knotweed

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from this area for good. Now I started this article by alluding to the onset of old age and I come towards the end of my scribblings by doing the same again. One of the reasons I retired from the Douzaine and Constabulary duties was the fact that quite simply bits of the body do not move as freely or as quickly as they used to. So whilst I would be delighted to get involved again down at Moulin Huet, I would have to leave the more athletic aspects of the work to others. Anybody interested in restoring Moulin Huet to its former glory and keeping it that way, please, please get in touch.And finally let me wish all of our readers a very happy Christmas and a healthy, peaceful and happy 2018. I will now sit by my phone/computer and await your call.

Gerry Tattersall (07781 465748)[email protected]

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Carol SingingIn front of the Professor Shaw Community Centre

Christmas MarketIn Parish Hall & Community Centre

Lots of Stalls:- Hot Food, PopCorn, Mulled Wine, Jewellery, Stocking Fillers, Decorations, Cards, Toys

& Games, Candles etc.

Father Christmas on his Sleigh With Gifts for Young Children


Page 11: Martin’s C · 2018-05-21 · Saints Bay, St Martin’s. Telephone: 01481 235217 Moulin Huet A Lovely Bay It seems only a few weeks ago that I was


Water Damage -Prevention isbetter thanclaimIn the last few years, there has been a significant increase in insurance claims by Guernsey homeowners because of water damage.

In some instances, a small undetected leak has led to such severe flooding that the family has had to move to temporary accommodation.

Stuart Wilson, Director, Islands Insurance, said: ‘We have seen a dramatic increase in the number of these Escape of Water claims and want to make all islanders aware of the impact that water damage can have, how common these incidents are becoming, and what steps can be taken to help prevent or minimise claims.’

The Association of British Insurers calculates that a fifth of all domestic property claims are caused by water leaks. In the UK, £2.5 million is paid out by insurers each day, with the damage costing on average £7,000. Insurance companies

predict that if the number of Escape of Water claims continues to rise, premiums and water damage excesses are very likely to increase.

“Insurance can repair your property, replace damaged contents and cover the costs of alternative accommodation, but nothing can compensate for the stress of being unable to use your own home for weeks or even months whilst it is drying out or the trauma of seeing the damage done to personal possessions such as family photographs,” Mr Wilson said.

Contemporary open-plan living spaces enable water damage to spread more quickly, and so are just as likely to flood

as older houses. Homes which have been adapted for multi-generational living are also at risk. Added extension or en suite bathrooms may increase water pressure and place greater demands on the pipes.

Increasingly popular plumbed-in appliances such as American fridges, boiler taps, and underfloor heating are also adding to the

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number of points from where water can escape. Larger properties often have complex water and heating systems, with expensive and integrated fittings requiring greater skill to install and maintain in the long-term.

“We are seeing a high volume of claims for overflowing water tanks and toilet cisterns, leaking washing machines and dishwashers, poorly sealed baths and showers, and leaking joints from old pipework,” Mr Wilson said. “What often starts out as a small undetected leak can cause extensive damage very quickly to ceilings, floors, and electrical wiring, as well as personal belongings.

“We are working with other organisations to address the issue and have come up with a checklist which will help homeowners prevent or reduce the effects of water damage. Everyone can do simple things like

monitor their water meter for big increases in usage, have their hot water cylinder, oil and gas boilers serviced annually, and ensure that their water pipes are properly lagged.”

New technology can also help protect against water damage. The range of sensor tools includes pressure regulation valves, water flow sensors, and leak management systems which can shut off water supply as soon as one is detected.

“A burst pipe may not sound like much, but it can have a huge impact on a family. Taking a little action now could reduce the likelihood of problems in the depths of winter and, while we are here to support our customers, prevention is always better than a claim.”

To get your free checklist, and for more information, go

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Page 14: Martin’s C · 2018-05-21 · Saints Bay, St Martin’s. Telephone: 01481 235217 Moulin Huet A Lovely Bay It seems only a few weeks ago that I was


Calais PondIt was in the mid 1970s that the late Geoff Lawrence and his wife, Jean, developed a system of natural ponds in their garden at La Fontaine, to encourage wildlife and to enhance the tranquil beauty of the 1890s house at Calais.

Over the years the main pond silted up, and when Graham and Ruth Case bought the property in 1999, it became their project to improve the house and to recreate the ponds, which were overgrown mainly with yellow irises.

After demolition of existing extensions, the major works to the house on three levels are completed, giving magnificent

views across the bay to Herm. The new larch walls will gradually go grey to blend in with the granite of the original house.

Over three years and with a great deal of contracted work completed, the newly landscaped grounds are gradually settling in to appear part of the valley, with no traces of the concrete supports needed for one side of the largest pond to prevent further silting up.

Over 150 tonnes of mud and silt have been removed to restore the large pond, all distributed over part of the sloped grounds. Mrs Case is a keen gardener and intends to plant out the roadside border with hawthorn and agapanthus, which will soon cover the raw ground exposed by the diggers.

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She and her husband love the wildlife too, and hope that the moorhens and ducks will return after the heavy equipment has gone.

‘This has been three years of disturbance for the valley, and our neighbours, and now we hope for perfect tranquillity. I hope that I can start feeding the ducks again, and that the goldfinches and other birds will be encouraged back,’ she said.

‘The centre island will provide protection for the ducks at breeding time, where cats cannot reach them, although I have seen a moorhen fight off a crow who was snatching a chick. They are very aggressive mothers!’

After 250 tonnes of granite boulders were placed to create a natural bend in the pond, the water was allowed in for the first time,

fed by the streams from the nearby abreveur and fontaine, which flow under the drive into both ponds. A submersible pump pushes the water up the slope to a higher pond and waterfall to a fourth pond, and so the recirculation of the water continues.

When the levels were sufficient to cover the new cill and let water fall into a garden trough at the roadside, and thus into the stream and down to the sea, the project was declared a success.

The roof of the new extension, which can be seen from Gypsy Lane,

will be covered in sedum, continuing the blending in of the property with the surroundings. A spread of aging escalonia was removed from the corner of the

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My-D House, Grande Rue, St Martin, Guernsey, GY4 6RRE: [email protected] T: +44 (0)1481 233 266

Your jeweller in the heart of St Martins

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property bordering the lane, improved by new plantings giving privacy to the home.

To see the ponds will mean a stroll down Calais Lane, or from the cliff path from Marble Bay, or along the public path from the Pine Forest. Vehicles are restricted to residents only along a dead-end narrow road.

Brief history: This area was originally a terraced field used to grow comfrey, which was used for making liquid fertilizer.

The water meets the sea in a waterfall at Fermain Bay, and is thought to have been used by transatlantic sailing ships as one of the first fresh water sources to replenish their stores.

Pauline Torode

Join us at the Bella, for drinks or a bite to eat.

T: 01481 238764 W:

A World Away, Just Along the Lane

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Retail Therapyon the Grande RueThe retail landscape is constantly changing and in this article I am bringing you up to date on three new businesses that have opened their doors this year.

The first to open was Train, Run, Lifestyle, which commenced trading in April. The shop specialises in Under Armour sportswear – clothing and footwear - and caters for indoor and outdoor sports activities. So if you partake, for example, in any of the yoga or pilates classes held at the Parish Hall and the Community Centre, you may like to go along and see what they have to offer and perhaps select a new outfit for yourself.

A hundred yards or so up the road, heading towards Les Camps, you will come across the next new business – GPL Flooring, incorporat ing R e s t y l e K i t c h e n s , situated in what was formerly Ogier’s shop at the bottom of the School Lane.

I remember this as a sweet shop which was small but very well stocked, and when I recently visited I was surprised to see how far back the premises go and con sequent ly

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independently, and the response was that there is a well renowned course run in Perth. Niamh is also a qualified yoga teacher.

Their new premises are very spacious, well equipped and bright and all facilities are on the ground floor, so no steps to negotiate. There is parking for clients off the road.

To make an appointment you can telephone 233012, send an e mail to [email protected] or [email protected] or via their website

It is great to see a variety of businesses on our “high street” so let’s give them our support. Remember, we need to “use them or we lose them”.

Anita Leale

Home Accessories

Gifts Lamps & Clocks

Bed Linen & Towels Furniture

Cushions & Throws Candles, Oils & Incense

Mirrors Photo Frames

Greeting Cards & Gift Wrap

Open 9.00 a.m. – 5.30 p.m. Mon – Sat Grande Rue, St Martin’s Tel 234500

the amount of merchandise samples they have on show.

The Restyle Kitchens element of the business focuses on refurbishment of kitchens, by replacing cupboard doors, drawer fronts and worktops, which is great if, like me, you cannot change your kitchen design and/or don’t like a lot of upheaval, but want a new look.

The GPL Flooring business has a large selection of vinyl flooring, which is from Belgium, and fooled me into believing it was wood flooring when I visited. Flooring is also available in engineered wood and solid wood, some from UK manufacturers.

Open from 10am to 5pm, Monday to Friday and 10am to 3.30pm on Saturdays, as I write the showroom is being refurbished so by the time you read this it should be ready and waiting for your visit.

If the opening times don’t suit you, appointments can be made by phone (239090) or by email – [email protected]. With the current roadworks it is certainly easier to get to than those in the north of the island!

The most recent business to set up on Grande Rue is TI+RIVE, a physiotherapy partnership between Dr Martin Rabey and D. Niamh Moloney.

Martin is a local – living his first eighteen years in St. Martin’s, although he subsequently moved away to train and work. He came back to Guernsey 18 months ago, having spent time in Cardiff, London and Perth (the Western Australia one!).

Niamh hales from Dublin and was working in Sydney when she met Martin at a conference in Australia. I asked why they both chose to go to Australia,

Page 19: Martin’s C · 2018-05-21 · Saints Bay, St Martin’s. Telephone: 01481 235217 Moulin Huet A Lovely Bay It seems only a few weeks ago that I was


Sea CadetsIt is that time of year when we begin to think about possible New Year’s resolutions. If one of them is to cut down your children's screen time and getting them out of their rooms then you might like to know that TS Sarnia, the Guernsey Sea Cadets are recruiting.

The Sea Cadets are a youth organisation that bases its training on the modern and traditional aspects of the Royal Navy. Young people can join at any age between

10-18 although they cannot join the Royal Marine Detachment until they are 13.

TS Sarnia is based at the Oberlands in St. Martin’s (see and meets Wednesday's 7pm to 9pm and Sunday mornings 10am

to 12:30pm. Cadets get the opportunity to learn a number of practical boating skills and obtain RYA qualifications over the summer. They can also specialise in first aid, or engineering or learn about the weather.

Being part of an organisation also provides Cadets with confidence and opportunities to develop leadership skills and the all-important self-discipline; that bannister on the stairway of life, whilst having fun. In the last year there have been opportunities to spend time at sea on HMS Caterstock, fly in a Chinook with the RAF and take part in the Royal Marine mud run.

Please contact Lt. Martin Browning on 07781 126301 if you are interested in finding out more, or turn up any Sunday morning during January 2018. We look forward to seeing you.

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Les Camps Methodist

Services and activities as follows:

Sundays: Worship at 10.30am. LightBulb and creche for 0-16 year olds.

Worship at 6pm. Sunday Night Club for 7-14 year olds. Contact Sarah Hendry at [email protected] or 07781 166287

YAC (Youth after Church) for 12-18 year olds meet at 7.45pm. Contact John or Paula Le Poidevin on 235516 or Keith or Mich Le Parmentier on 724579

Mondays: Afternoon & evening home groups fortnightly. Contact Stephen 239144, or Helen 236010

Tuesdays: Mums and Toddlers 9.30 - 11.15am Contact Joan 257426 or Judy on 233334

TeenCell a group for girls meet at 5.45-6.45pm. Contact Paula Le Poidevin on 235516 for more info

Evening Home Groups fortnightly, second Tuesday of the month 7.30pm

Wednesdays: Mid Week Club alternate Wednesdays 7.30pm. An informal two hours, usually with a visiting speaker. Contact Margaret on 233150

Saturdays: Come and chat, relax, in a friendly atmosphere over a hot bacon roll, home made cakes and a free cup of tea or coffee. Join us between 10am - 1pm

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DENTURE CLINICFree Initial ConsultationNew Dentures, Repairs, Relines, Cleaning & ServicingHome VisitsAmple ParkingLes Camps

St Martins(next to Hansa and the Co-op) 01481 233393

Mark Clapham RDT, MDTA, Dip.CDT, RCS(Eng)

Clinical Dental TechnicianGY4 6AA

DENTURE CLINIC Free Initial Consultation New Dentures, Repairs,

Relines, Cleaning & Servicing Home Visits

Ample Parking

Mark Clapham RDT, MDTA, Dip.CDT, RCS (Eng)

Clinical Dental Technician


Les Camps St Martins

(next to Hansa and the Co-op) GY4 6AA

Page 21: Martin’s C · 2018-05-21 · Saints Bay, St Martin’s. Telephone: 01481 235217 Moulin Huet A Lovely Bay It seems only a few weeks ago that I was


Scout TriathlonThe 3rd St. Martin's Scout Group held a fundraising event on the 7th May, in aid of the Teenage Cancer Trust. Three of the Group took on the organisation of the Triathlon and family BBQ, which counted towards their Fundraiser and Leader Badges. The event, held at Les Beaucamps High School, consisted of a Triathlon where the group split into teams and each member took on one sport. Family, friends and representatives from the Teenage Cancer Trust were invited to participate in a family hog roast BBQ after watching the triathlon. Many thanks go to the

Forest Store, St. Martin’s Co-op and the St. Martin’s Scout Committee for providing help with this. Over £1000 was raised for the Trust by donations from the Triathlon, BBQ, refreshments stall (many thanks to Oliver and Jody for running this) and raffle. The three organisers, Alex Mauger, Adam Fleming and Louis Ingrouille (all aged 12) selected their chosen charity, where they initially aimed to raise £200, because they wanted to help children of their age locally and to give to a Cancer charity. The Trust’s Chairman Jason Moriarty, came to the 3rd’s Barn in St. Martin’s last month to receive the cheque from the group. Photo courtesy of Andy Fleming.

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tel 01481 236493workshop 07781 105753

email [email protected]

Antique repair and restorationFrench polishing and refinishing

New furniture commissions

David Sangan Furniture Maker & Restorer

Quality creative work in St Martin since1984

Cheese PieNo it’s not a cheesecake, it’s a cheese pie! I had this recipe from my mother-in-law who was a formidable cook. She was before her time really, while most people were having trifles, apple pies and spotted dick, she would make cheese pie, Nell Gwynn (an orange gateau) or a chocolate and meringue torte. She was forever cutting recipes out of magazines and experimenting.

I was a newlywed 20 year old, well we were all married young in those days weren’t we? We lived next door to my mother and father-in-law, which some may have seen as a disadvantage but it had many benefits, one being plenty of advice with cooking.

Cheese Pie

Use a 10 inch (25cms) pie dish, buttered.

Crush 6 oz (175 g) digestive biscuits. I put them in a plastic bag and crush them with a rolling pin.

Mix them with 3 oz (75 g) melted butter and press them into the base and sides of the buttered pie dish.

Mix together 1 large packet of Philadelphia cream cheese with an egg,

4 tablespoons of caster sugar and a teaspoon of vanilla essence.

Pour the mixture into the pie shell and bake for 20 minutes. This, when taken from the oven should be slightly firm. Allow to cool.

Over this pour a mixture of 3 small soured creams (they are the ones about the size of a pot of yogurt), 3 tablespoons of caster sugar and 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence.

Cook for a further 15 minutes

Mum had an aga and so have I so there is no oven heat on the recipe. Put the oven on a medium heat.

This cheese pie freezes perfectly (don’t put it in a bag until it’s solid), so handy at Christmas time or before a party. I hope you enjoy it.

Carol Guille

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Loft Visit GuernseyCandlesThe October meeting of the LOFT group was a visit to Guernsey Candles. We met at Guernsey Candles prepared to try our hand at making candles. We were given a very warm welcome by the staff , who had opened the venue especially for us, and without further ado gave us a lesson in the procedure.

The most difficult part was remembering how many times we had dipped our growing candles into the wax! Thirty-five was the recommended number but after 20 we all lost count. There were four colours to use, always starting with white and then we could mix colours as we pleased. As can be seen by the photographs it was great

fun and we had some interesting colours emerge.

Once we had ‘dipped’ enough the moment of sculpting our efforts was next. It was amazing to see the various layers of colour which emerged as we carved our candles and I think we were all pleased with our results.

Whilst the candles dried and set we were able to browse the shop which has an amazing selection of gifts, cards and, of course, candles! I think we all found something to buy.

Laden with purchases and our precious candles we then walked down to my house for hot drinks and home-made apple sponge. Our thanks go to Guernsey Candles for such an enjoyable evening.

Joan Le Flem

Domestic ExtensionsResidential Design

Conservation & RefurbishmentTel: 01481 235397

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Chartered ArchitectsChartered Building Surveyors

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The Constables’ Office is open from 10am until 12 Noon Monday to Friday

If you would like to speak to the Constables, they can be contacted through the numbers below.

Constables’ Office 238363Parish Hall Caretaker 230827Fax Number 238252E-mail [email protected] / Facebook @ConstablesofStM / Constables of St Martin

Cemetery Enquiries Mrs B Hervé 236645

Constables Mrs Lindsey Nicol-Gent 07911 720832 Mr Michael Higgins 235409

Procureur Mr G Smale 237183 Douzaine Mr B Gregg (Dean) 237000 Mr P Soulsby 239385Members Mr P Steer 236963 Mr P Merrien 236831 Mr R Clark 232852 Mr L Hill-Tout 07781 427747 Mr G Snell 237920 Mr C Beaton 07781 138537 Mr G Smale 237183 Mr K Jones 237233 Mr H Mauger 235691 Mr J Guille 237168

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Brehon Limited, Chartered Accountants

Mayfield House, La Grande Rue, St Martin’s, Guernsey, GY4 6AA

Tel: 01481 233009 Fax: 01481 233006 Email: [email protected]


Brehon Chartered Accountants can help your business with accounting, tax or business advisory matters, contact us today.

Your local Chartered Accountants based in St Martin’s

YogalatesWhen you first see this word – a combination of Yoga and Pilates – you may wonder what it could be… It is just that. It’s described as East meets West and it was started in Australia by Louise Soloman, who has studied some Ayurvedic medicine. It is a fitness program which uses groups of muscles in a sequence and strengthens your inner core particularly. It helps the postural muscles closest to your skeletal frame. With the strengthening of your body comes the ability to work with Yoga.

Working with yoga there comes a therapeutic benefit which Pilates doesn’t have, toning the internal organs, creating a sense of inner peace, calm and relaxation. With this you will develop a much stronger body working with the deep abdominal muscles, the pelvic floor and the spine.

Jan Ozard offers yogalates locally for anyone who’s interested. Jan trained as a dental hygienist at King’s College Dental School and has worked in Harley Street. She travelled to Italy and worked in Rome and then to Holland where she was in Rotterdam.

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She came to Guernsey to work in a dental practice where she met her Guernsey husband. Looking for a change of direction a few years ago, she came across the Soloman technique and video on the internet and was intrigued. She has since trained in it, regularly going for courses to improve her knowledge. She also has a good knowledge of nutrition and other matters to do with maintaining good health. Her calm, kind and sympathetic manner make her a charming person to meet and have confidence in.

Jan has a series of classes for beginners and intermediates and also ones for post-natal women. She proposes to offer classes for pregnant women soon. The classes can also be adapted for those with disc problems and high blood pressure. The classes are held in:

St. Martin’s Community Centre on a Tuesday from 5th December

Grande Courtille on a Tuesday at 10am until November 28th.

St Martin’s Parish Hall on a Tuesday at 5.45pm

Styx Peter’s on a Friday at 2pm for seated and standing classes on 17, 24 November and the 8 and 15 December

St Peter’s Community Hall on a Monday at 9.30am for an easy gentle class and 10.55 seated and standing class.

Small classes are available on Saturdays at 9.30 and 11.15am

For more details look on Guernsey Yogalates Facebook,phone 07781 11894. text or email [email protected]


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St Mar t i n ’ sGrande Rue





LA GRANDE RUE, ST MARTIN, GUERNSEY GY4 6RRTEL: 01481 237 963 FAX: 01481 239 184 EMAIL: [email protected]


St Martins Pharmacy Ad.indd 1 18/01/2016 15:52

Services for Dec/Jan at St. Martin’s Parish Church

8am Holy Communion (BCP) 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st Dec 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th Jan10am Holy Communion (CW) 17th, 24th, 31st Dec 14th, 21st, 28th Jan10am Family Service 3rd, 10th, 25th Dec 7th Jan (Big Breakfast from 9am)6.30pm Sung Evensong (BCP) 10th Dec 7th, 14th, 28th JanChristmas Services10am Advent Carol Service 3rd Dec5pm Christingle 3rd Dec10am Children and Young People's Play 10th Dec6.30pm Service of Carols and Lessons 17th Dec3pm Crib Service 24th Dec11.30pm Midnight Mass 24th Dec10am Christmas Family Service 25th Dec

For further information regarding occasional services, please see the Church noticeboard or call the Rector on 238303 or check our website:

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GRAND RUE, ST MARTIN’STelephone: 238422 Fax: 239698 Email: [email protected]



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To find out more visit us in the heart of St Martins Village.