Download pptx - Marketing Strategy of K&N's


SHAHID M AWANSir Shahid Aziz ZiaMBA (HRM) 3rd Semester (2010-2012)

Allama Iqbal Open University



MarketingMarketing is the process used to determine what products or services may be of interest to customers, and the strategy to use in sales, communications and business development Marketing is used to identify the customer, satisfy the customer, and keep the customer The term marketing concept holds that achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions

StrategyStrategy, a word of military origin,

refers to a plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal strategy is concerned with how different engagements are linked

IntroductionThe marketing logic by which the business unit hopes to create customer value and achieve profitable customer relationshipsMarketing strategy is a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its limited resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage

Marketing strategy process1. Understand Customer 7. Review & Revise 2. Analyze Market

6. Financial Analysis

3. Analyze Competition

5. Define Marketing Mix

4. Research Distribution

Methods of marketing strategyWebsite Design Packagin g Advertisi ng

Live Events

Marketing Strategy

PublicRelation s

Location Pricing Social Net Working Promoti on

Four ps of marketing mixProduct


4 Ps



HistoryMalnutrition remained a major problem

and one out of four children died before attaining the age of five 80% of the ailing children were affected with diseases caused by protein, vitamins and minerals deficiencyK&Ns was established production by a

college student Khalil Sattar in

January 1964

COMPANY MISSION K&Ns is committed to have superior products and unmatched service through devoted people and consistent development. Get more & more consumers & make an increase in profit

MARKET ORIENTED MISSION for the Providing the best hygiene and nutritionhealth and happiness of the nation our very first promised makes us remain stick to our commitment to the customers rather look for what one may call better for ones self. The increasing demand of our products all over the country explains the worth our promises are getting through our valuable customers

Goals and objectivesK&Ns has set a single minded objective for providing better health and nutrition for the nation K&Ns integrated all poultry production activities under one umbrella to ensure quality and foodsafety managing and controlling all stages of


Marketing strategy of K&Ns

ProductsPoultry Feed Hatching eggs Processed chicken Ready to cook Fully cooked products Deli line products

Day old chicks

PricingK&Ns is only serving nation wide so they set prices of their products nationally. They cut price of the product if sales will not increase accordingly They reduce price in order to increase sales and to capture market shares. They focus to more customers


The distribution channel of K&Ns product is indirect marketing channel because this channel contains one or more intermediary levels.Easily accessibility to products Indirect marketing channel All products are available at departmental stores like Al- fatah,Rahat,HKB etc. Their outlets, at prominent locations

PromotionAdvertisements Sales Promotions Personal Selling Public Relations Direct Marketing

Print MediaElectronic Media Promotion Budget

Halal food Chickens are HALAL slaughtered by hand (Islamic Zabeeha) strictly according to The

Shariah. K&Ns slaughtering procedure has been assessed by Darul-Ifta of Jamia Ashrafia & Jamia Naeemia, both authentic institutions for granting Halal certification.

Quality foodK&Ns provides quality chicken products to eat Quality Assurance Lab monitors the whole

process,from livestock to feed and on to preparation of ready-to-cook & fully cooked products The process is monitored and regulated to ensure K&Ns chicken products are wholesome, safe and healthy

ISO 9001:2008 certified Quality Management System at K&Ns is.

Through this internationally recognized quality management system K&Ns is able to control and monitor quality specific factors, which ensure consistency in its products and services while assuring customer satisfaction.

SWOT AnalysisK&Ns is recognized as a brand name Easily availability of all products Less time consuming Full nourishment diet Halal food ISO 9001:2008 certified

SWOT AnalysisK&Ns is recognized as a brand name Easily availability of all products Less time consuming Full nourishment diet Halal food ISO 9001:2008 certified

Expensive food Target only working women presented in only posh areas markets Non presence in country side Lack of awareness in people

Their discount only for their regular customers

Use of the white meat will increase The people can take protein at less expensive cost More workers will get more work in poultry industry The company will extend their business in all over the world through export the products The country also get benefit in economic power through trade of foodstuffs

There is a big threat from competitors like Menu, Man-o-Salva, Dawn food etcIncrease in inflation rate in the country

Diseases in the poultry like bird flu, Influenza , Hydro pericardium syndrome etc.Growing prices of equipments

Rising rates of poultry related things such as; day old chicks,feed etc.

Conclusion In todays fast moving the major issues related to society is

the TIME More people were found to be careful about contents and taste of products they consume They prefer easy to use and quick to serve products in their meals. The products are mainly focusing on the working women and the hostilities

Recommendations They may set their prices at low cost for increase their

profit They also need to express awareness of their food in backyard areas of the country They may hit the middle class and may get more consumers The company may get more market shares through market condition Many consumers could be re-attained through discounts and prize schemes

References: Principles of Marketing by Kotler Arstrong Strategic Management by Fred R.David

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