Page 1: Marian March Network Student Newspaper

Marian High School 7400 Military AvenueOmaha, NE 68134 402-571-2618 Volume 56 - Issue 7

March 2012

printed on 100% recycled paperGO GREEN!

the network

Sydney Pelster ’13

Laura Atherton ’13

Left Brain vs. Right Brainnewsflash .................................................... p. 2opinion ...............................................pp. 3 & 4 features ....................................................... p. 5indepth ..............................................pp. 6 & 7features ....................................................... p. 8active life ..................................................... p. 9entertainment ...............................pp. 10 & 11photo essay .............................................. p. 12

photo by hannahtooheygraphic by rosalieplofchan

cover by emilyfischer

On the Way to SainthoodFr. Flanagan’s Canonizationp. 2

Spring Fashion What’s Hot This Seasonp. 5

Hunger Games Movie Has Everyone Talkingp. 10

Page 2: Marian March Network Student Newspaper

Fire it Up Crusaders: Recent Fires Ignite Support from the Marian Community

2 newsflash



2012 Fun With Pop. Freshman Charlotte Wortmann and her sister sophomore Rachel Wortmann enjoy throwing cheesepuffs with their friend sophomore Monica Spence on their fathers Thomas Wortmann and Robert Spence at Pop Hop, “Going Bananas,” on Sunday, March 4. Organized by a team of Marian parents, Pop Hop included dinner from Valentino’s, a banana split bar, games, dancing, and a tacky tourist costume contest.


Freshmen in Wonderland

Periwinkle & Orange

Junior Java:Pipin’ Hot Spirit

Red & Bright Gold

Check Out the Senior Spirit: We’re Closing Up Shop

Emerald & Fuschia

Sophomore Snow Dogs

Turquoise & Lilac

The Marian Bookstore:Real to Virtual

On Feb. 27, the administration revealed to students and parents that there will no longer be a book-buying day at

Marian come August 2012. According to the letter given in homeroom, Marian “has partnered with Follett Virtual Bookstores to provide textbooks for the 2012-2013 school year.” The letter, signed by Head of School Mrs. Susan M. Toohey, outlined the main reasons for this transition from real to virtual, emphasizing more book-buying options, a simple book buy back process, fast delivery, and customer service. Rather than order books through school, students will now use the Follett website to purchase books.

The change took place for a multitude of reasons. “More and more students were ordering their books online, so we felt it would be a natural progression to move to an online bookstore,” math teacher and bookstore moderator Mrs. Lisa Schmidt said. She mentioned that she has used Follett to order books in the past and it has run smooth-ly. “Creighton Prep has used Follett’s virtual bookstore for a couple of years and gave them great reviews,” Schmidt added. Follett’s website shows Duchesne and Gross as other Nebraska schools using this system.

The change, according to Schmidt, will not be too unfamiliar for girls. “Students will still receive a book list and their schedule in the summer. Students will still have the option of purchasing used books for many titles. However, Follett also offers some conveniences that we were not able to offer previously, like textbook rental and digital textbooks (for some editions). Ordering books should be much easier, too. In July, students can go online, select their courses, view the exact titles and editions that are needed for each class, and select the ones they want to buy. The books will then be shipped right to students’ houses - no more waiting in line the day before school,” Schmidt said.

But the change does pose some concerns for girls. Sophomore Megan Stuva ques-tions the reliability of the process. “I think that it will be more complicated. What would we do if the wrong book got sent to us? I also think selling books back will be a much bigger hassle. The system we use works well, so I don’t understand why we have to change it.”

Schmidt does say, however, that the Marian bookstore will still sell a few books, like science lab manuals and assignment notebooks. But for now, Marian students must wait until later in the spring for more information on the final changes to the book-buying process.

“As with any new adventure, there may be a few bumps along the road, but I expect them to be minimal,” Schmidt said. As long as girls order their books in advance and not the day before school starts, she says, things should run smoothly.


Father Flanagan Charitable Omahan on Path to Sainthood

Boys Town: a local and world-renowned land-mark. Citizens of Omaha pass Boys Town nearly every day, but the community is cur-

rently abuzz with more than meets the eye. In 1921, Father Edward Flanagan, a Catholic priest

who worked among the urban poor, purchased the present campus on Dodge Street after noticing a need for a home for underprivileged boys. Fr. Flanagan, originally from Ballymoe, Ireland, died in Germany in 1948.

Fr. Flanagan’s lifetime of social work and com-passion for those on the fringe of society drew the attention of many devout Catholics. They formed the Father Flanagan Society of Devotion, a society that has been working diligently for the past 13 years for the canonization of Fr. Flanagan.

On Feb. 27, Archbishop George Lucas posted an edict on the front door of St. Cecilia’s Cathedral which proclaimed the opening of Flanagan’s cause. On March 17, his cause for sainthood was opened in the Vatican and he is now considered a Servant of God. A postulator, a person who investigates and collects information on a potential saint, will now further research Flanagans’ life and send it to be reviewed.

From there, the investigation’s findings will be sent to the Vatican, where it will be reviewed by the Congregation for the Cause of Saints. If they choose to continue the process by sharing the information with the Pope, Fr. Flanagan will be known as “venerable.”

The process can advance with the confirmation of a miracle. The first real miracle would change Flanagan’s title to “Blessed.” A second miracle would complete the process and end with Flanagan’s canon-ization as a saint.

This process usually takes several years, even decades. Every aspect of Fr. Flanagan’s life will be re-viewed for “heroic virtue,” a quality all Catholic saints must exemplify. If all goes well, Omaha’s adopted son may very well become a saint in this lifetime.

haileywolf & rosalieplofchan


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Imagine losing the most important things in your life, whether it be personal posses-sions, a house/apartment, or even more

tragically, a loved one. Unfortunately, there is no more imagining as recent fires in the Omaha area have been more than common. Not only are these fires making the news, but they are touching Marian girls and their loved ones. Seniors Jessie Koraleski, Trinity Gleason and the family involved at the convent are dealing with the aftermath of fires that have them asking for prayers from the Marian com-munity.

Senior Jessie Koraleski’s mother, Mrs. Michelle Koraleski, was given tragic news of a house fire involving her little sister Doreen Loatkins. Through the Big Sister Big Brother organization, Mrs. Koraleski is the mentor and big sister to a single mother of four children, ages 15, 10, 9, and 2.The family of five were

victims in a house fire that took their house off of 56th and Lake, their possessions, and the family dog. Thankfully the family is doing well, but they are asking for donations from the Marian community of gift cards to Target and Wal-Mart to help replace neccesities and summer clothes. All donations should be given to Jessie Koraleski so she can deliver them to the family.

The Grandridge Apartments off of 99th and Fort experienced a rare fire that left a woman trapped behind flames and a husband with second and third degree burns. April and David Baker have been married for 38 years and had lived in the apartments until a bedroom fire turned their lives upside down. The Bakers are the parents of senior Trinity Gleason’s brother’s fiancée. While the couple was in their apartment, David realized there was an electrical fire in their

bedroom and went into the hallway to get a fire extinguisher to put it out. When he returned to the apartment and opened the door, the flames were so bad he suffered second and third degree burns and was unable to get to his wife. While inside, April was trying to find the couple’s oldest cat (they owned multiple animals) and was knocked unconscious by the fire’s fumes.

April was rescued with no heartbeat and revived for a short period on her trip to Immanuel Hospital, but passed away after arriving at the Nebraska Medical Center’s burn unit. “I feel so bad for Dave, he lost the love of his life. They were married for 38 years,” Gleason said.

A memorial fund has been started at the Great Western Bank to help pay hospital/medical bills. All leftover donations will go to the Humane Society and Omaha fire fighters.

June Curtis is a housekeeper in the Marian convent whose home was ruined in a fire a couple days before Christmas. Curtis lost her mother in the fire, and was able to escape with her husband, Percy Curtis. Staff members at Marian were asked to donate funds to help the Curtis family rebuild what they lost. Marian staff was asked to donate to help replace necessities and was able to raise $313 through donations.

Hearing of these tragedies has hit a nerve in the Marian community. Ideas for donating goods to the families involved in these fires are already under way. Donations of anything from money to kitchen utensils are appreciated. Donations for the Loatkin’s can be given directly to Jessie Koraleski in homeroom 214. Other donations should be taken to the memorial funds set up as stated previously.


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Page 3: Marian March Network Student Newspaper

opinion 3

The Network is a monthly publication of the journalism students at Marian High School, Nebraska’s only Class A, Catholic, North Central Accredited college preparatory school for girls. The Network is a member of the N.H.S.P.A, N.S.P.A. and the C.S.P.A. It is our goal to provide an accurate and informative news source for the student com-

munity. Opinions expressed on the opinion pages do not necessarily represent those of the entire community. Students, faculty, and friends are invited to voice their opinion in

Letters to the Editors. All letters must be typed, signed, and sent to: The Network, Marian High School

7400 Military Ave.Omaha, NE 68134

Or e-mailed to us at: [email protected] electronic version of this paper can be found at:

the networkink lasts forever Managing Editors: meganandreasen & taylorhaag

Copy Editors: clancynelson & faithwilwerdingPhoto Editor: ellemostekGraphics Editor: kalanifortinaOnline/Convergence Editor: trinitygleasonFront Page Editor: emilyfischerNewsflash Editor: michaelamcdonaldOpinion Editor: christinarommelfangerFeatures Editors: catelinhotz & torinietzelInDepth Editors: katykohlmeyer & hannahtooheyActive Editors: nicolewojtalewicz & marylouisewoltemathEntertainment Editors: colleenfell & gabriellamartinez-garroPhoto Essay Editor: alexamooreColumnists: hannahgrace & zoeursickReporters/Photographers: naomijones, cassiephillips, rosalieplofchan & haileywolfAdviser: mrs.marshakalkowski

Growing up, I was taught to think for myself and discover my own beliefs. I was to become an independent woman who could make my own

decisions.While my parents were what many affectionately

refer to as “cradle Catholics,” I was not. Religion played an extremely small part in the formation of my beliefs, allowing me to come to my own conclusions about many touchy topics.

I discovered where I stood on many social topics with as little religious bias as possible. Even though I’m a “bleeding heart liberal” according to Mr. Baker, I think the Catholic Church and I agree on the basics of our beliefs. Are we not told to love thy brothers and sisters? There is no more basic law than that. Love is the basis of the Church and the basis of my beliefs.

My position stems from my belief in others’ rights to choose what they believe is best for them; to make choices of their own free will. How can I tell someone what they should do with their lives and their bodies? I was put on this earth to love and respect others’ decisions and to try to understand them, not condemn them.

So what if some of my beliefs differ a bit from the Catholic Church? I’m a teenager, they’re supposed to. But more than that, I’m a modern, independent woman who doesn’t take things at face value. What does that say about me if I always accept what I am told to think and believe?

Remember, my parents wanted a thinker (though sometimes even they seem to regret allowing me to think so much). They wanted me to come to things on my own terms and to make my own decisions. I wasn’t a cradle Catholic like my mom and dad; my body barely

A Little Leeway is Okay

I’m setting the record straight: introverts, by definition, aren’t shy.

Introverts are also not socially handicapped (well, not necessarily, but they may appear awkward or eccentric to an extrovert). We need to set aside our preconceptions of shyness and strangeness, as most introverts are completely normal people.

They just don’t get their kicks out of joining boisterous groups and participating in drawn-out small talk. Don’t think that they wish they could enjoy a long social event; the concept rarely appears pleasing in the first place.

Introverts, contrary to being shy, willingly join conversations only to find themselves drained and tired if they remain in the social environment for too long. They may not be antisocial, but rather, all an introvert needs is time to collect his or her thoughts and reflect. Introversion, as well as extroversion, is a disposition, and not something to belittle.

If introverts aren’t always shy and weird, then what do they all have in common?

People considered as introverts quietly focus on the ideas floating around in their heads. Thoughts and ideas are candy to them, creative endeavors occupy their free time and they often want to think over what they want to say before they verbalize anything.

Imagine how irritating it becomes when the subject changes while one is forming thoughts into coherent words. That happens a lot to introverts. Just because they might not have said anything immediately doesn’t mean they have nothing to say on the subject at all.

No one strictly behaves like an extrovert or an introvert; we all value having an occasional quiet moment with ourselves and socialization with others. On a spectrum of introversion and extroversion, we all typically fall to one side or another. Some exhibit more traits of one over another.

Actually, I want to extend this line of thought even further. Introverts, in a sense, live double lives. At school or work they must try to socialize as well as any extrovert (since this is an extrovert’s society) and only at home or at another isolated surrounding can introverts have more than a few spare minutes to relax and inwardly examine their thoughts.

Suppose we see an introvert at a large house party, with loads of strangers and energetic music blaring out of speakers. I’ve never actually attended a party like that, but I can imagine how I (or another introvert) would probably feel.

Initially, the sensory overload would knock an introvert out cold. After regaining consciousness and remembering that standing in the entry way is socially unacceptable and uncomfortable, an introvert would seek a connection. Just one familiar face to remind the introvert why she showed up in the first place.

Since introverts usually prefer one-on-one conversation, this one might find herself uselessly shouting over the speakers to a face three inches away. Remember, introverts may only have difficulties talking to people when they’re hard of hearing.

Eventually, though, since introverts enjoy interacting with people just like everyone else, an introvert at a party might not have minded the whole experience. Humans are social beings, after all.

Introverts, just like everyone else these days, are just misunderstood.

An Inside Look at Introversion


Grace Notes

Let me start by saying that I respect anyone and everyone who has strong convictions, whatever they may be. However, as a Catholic, there are certain

beliefs that cannot be justified.I admit to frequently questioning my own faith,

as is the norm among teens trying to decipher his or her beliefs. I have come to realize that I do not agree with every teaching of the Catholic Church; however, this does not make me any less of a Catholic than someone who follows Church teaching to the letter. But when I hear Catholics defending viewpoints that blatantly disregard the basic tenants of the Church, I cringe.

Being a Catholic doesn’t mean picking and choosing the ideas that suit you. Being a Catholic means truly believing in and making an honest effort to follow the teachings of Jesus. There are minute, ‘picky’ Church laws that are not necessarily crucial to being a practicing Catholic. However, when Catholics reject the precepts of the Church, such as the sanctity all human life, can I really respect them as members of the Church?

Some beliefs are so completely ‘un-Catholic’ that there is no way to twist one’s logic into believing that they are rational. I do not understand how one can call themselves Catholic, yet

Follow The Straight and Narrow

spent time in a church for the first 15 years of my life. However, fall of sophomore year, I decided to join

the Catholic Church and was baptized and confirmed in one fell swoop on Sept. 20, 2009. I had been exploring different Christian religions for a while, and by that point I felt that it was time to make a decision. While I enjoyed the rambunctious-ness of my Aunt Patty’s Southern Baptist church and the music of my sister April’s Nondenominational Christian church, I had yet to find a place that made me feel comfortable. Then I really started paying attention to Mass at school and realized that I loved the homilies of the priests (95 percent of the time) and the love of everyone for everyone was an overwhelming feeling. In a Catholic church, I feel at home; I feel loved.

I’m absolutely positive that not being a Catholic from birth has allowed me to think differently, to see beyond what is given and to look deeper into subjects. I’ve looked at both sides of many issues and while both sides have good arguments, I just tend to lean more liberal than most.

My different beliefs don’t make me a bad Catholic. I fail to see the reasoning that one must agree 100 percent with everything in one’s religion; that’s never going to happen, for anyone. I think my differences actually help make the Church more diverse and shows that while I may differ socially speaking, I still love the Church and all it stands for.

Ultimately, my personal beliefs shouldn’t be a problem for anyone. They are mine and mine alone. I don’t press them upon others and I certainly don’t enjoy other pressing theirs upon me. When it all boils down to it, the only one who gets the last word is the Big J.C.

completely ignore the basic precepts of the Church. I hardly even know what to blame the blindness on. Maybe it’s ignorance, or maybe it’s just denying oneself the painfully obvious truth.

As someone who was raised in a traditional, conservative midwestern family, I define myself as a traditionalist. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against progress and modernization, but some things are sacred. The values of our world are quickly evolving,

but seeing members of the Catholic Church follow this trend saddens me. Being Catholic means not always being part of the ‘in’ crowd. A world revolving around instant gratification, pleasure, and material goods makes it difficult to maintain Catholic values. However, devout Catholics will attempt to resist the temptations and hold onto the values that drive Catholicism.  

I have no right to judge whether or not someone is a true Catholic; I leave that up to the Big Guy. But I do

have to wonder how one justifies being a Catholic yet not believing in what the Church was founded on.

Some may say I’m a mindless follower of the Catholic Church, that I’ve been brainwashed into thinking this way. Although there is some leeway in Catholicism, many beliefs are fundamental to my faith, and allow no room for sway. I have come to these beliefs on my own accord. I know what I believe, and I cannot be swayed. You might even say I’m a confident, independent, thinking leader.




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Page 4: Marian March Network Student Newspaper

4 opinion

The Cat Craze That Is My Life

Everyone knows and loves those “deep talks” that occasionally show up at your average get-

together on a Saturday night. These talks get heated when scientific theories or religious beliefs come up, resulting in yelling, obscenely exaggerated hand gestures, and the occasional throwing of objects.

Flashback to a couple of weeks ago. I had just completed a rigorous work out at the gym and was in an unusually good mood. As I was driving, I peered out of my semi-dirty windshield, and the first thing that caught my eye was the moon. It got me thinking.

The first thing that came to my mind was how the moon on Pandora (from the movie Avatar) looked so much bigger than ours. This then got me thinking about our existence and the fact that we, as humans, are not the only living organisms in the universe. Why waste our time on Earth fighting wars and hating each other, for lack of better words, when really we are just a speck in the universe? For all I know, there could be a parallel universe; and if there is, why assume we are superior in everything we do and say?

Humans are so conceited and selfish, why do we always assume we are right? What if there is a

To Infinity, and Beyond: alexamoore


Personal Insights on Space and Humankind

Throughout my years as a fashionista and overall physical-appearance expert, I

have come to realize that fruit plays a vital role in the world of style and fitness. Bellies, butts, and breasts all determine whether you resemble a pear or an apple, and breasts themselves (henceforth referred to as mammary glands or yabbos, as “breasts” is maybe my least favorite word ever) are characterized in size by various produce items: melons, apples, grapes, what have you. I’ve never actually grasped the concept of a “pear-shaped body,” as humans are not pieces of fruit, but it seems that people take great pride in their body’s vegetation classification.

From what I’ve gathered, though, only those blessed with a bodacious bod get to reap the benefits of a fruit-labeled figure. The skinny girls, who I shall refer to as “carrot-shaped” aren’t really known as much more than “carrot-shaped” (© Ursick, 2012).

While those of us with some junk in the trunk (or headlights, or front passenger seat) are encouraged to embrace said junk, our carrotlike friends are often victims of criticism by the other fruits.

“Go eat a cheeseburger!” the apples cry.

“Anorexic!” assert the pears.I’ll admit that I would have no

problem being a bit more carrotty myself, but I’ve gotta start throwing ’em some sympathy, rather than glower in envy at their flat stomachs and shapely gams.

If curvy girls are entitled to love their extra padding, why should skinny girls be ashamed of their bony frames? It’s a fact of life that calling a girl “fat” is tantamount to throwing her pet into a garbage disposal, but

cartoon by marylouisew


planet (or 20) out there that really does know the right way to live? Humans assume on a daily basis that they are the end-all-be-all when it comes to making decisions or saying what is moral or immoral. In a way, it is somewhat unfair that we are placed on Earth without any chance of being able to explore the vast unknown, as of now at least. We are without resources, without knowledge, and we seem to be at ease with our ignorance. Some say ignorance is bliss, but to me it’s just another thing itching at my curiosity and anxiety to know what else is out there.

Most girls lay in bed at night and create imaginary situations in which they meet their dream man or celeb crush, but I don’t. As I stare at my ceiling, I create numerous theories about why I am here, who we are, and the universe in general. One of my most recent theories is the thought of our universe as just a tiny piece of sand in another planet or that a piece of sand in one of our beaches contains another universe. I’m sure there are scientific theories that could squash mine in a second, but I enjoy using my imagination every once in a while, especially at those average get-togethers on a Saturday night.

how quickly do we criticize our petite peers for their exposed rib cages? It’s not their fault that they have a fast metabolism, or even just a good sense of self-control when it comes to chocolate.

I, of course, am not advocating this Skinny Love on behalf of myself, as my ribs are tucked away under a good layer of Bosco cheese sticks, but I do feel for the skinny chicks.

I get insecure about my ample inner thighs, but perhaps other girls are embarassed by the fact that theirs don’t even touch.

I wouldn’t know, obviously, but I’m

wondering if Skinny Minnies consider themselves blessed or cursed. Granted, most people consider Thin to be In, and some might see a skinny girl’s appreciation of her body as conceited. But then again, there are also skinny girls who probably wish they could just fill out a B-cup.

There are plenty of girls with fine, straight hair who wish they could rock a long curly mane, while there are girls with ten-pound tresses who would give anything to spend less than an hour blow-drying. Is body shape any different? If anything, self-acceptance should be encouraged, not seen as a measure of vanity.

(As long as it’s not broadcasted across a loudspeaker or anything. Because hey, everyone hates a showoff. I’ll caution you not to be That Girl who always gloats about her perfect waist-to-hip ratio, but I would hope that could go without saying.)

In the words of junior Morgan Harms, whose Network web survey response sparked this column idea, “I want everyone to embrace their curves, bones, cankles, and knobby knees.”

And bellies, butts, and yabbos, too.


Bony or Bootylicious:Nobody’s Perfect

Zo and Tell Dear Students: I recently had the opportunity to read your

editorial, “Your Homophobia Makes Us ALL Uncomfortable” (December Issue Editorial). I want to commend you for speaking out against intolerance, bullying, and harassment of individuals based on their sexual orientation. You have demonstrated the courage of convictions and a strong commitment to right a wrong that faces many young people today.

As superintendent of the San Diego Unified School District, I am keenly aware of the discrimination that still permeates inside and outside of schools. Sadly, it’s a problem that exists not only in Omaha and San Diego, but in towns and cities across this country. Providing a safe learning environment is critical if we are to achieve the goal of providing ALL students a quality education.

I am proud of the way our schools and students have embraced this new policy. Many high schools have established clubs like Gay/Straight Alliance to promote tolerance on campus. This year, elementary, middle, and high schools celebrated “No Name Calling Week.” Like you, our students are taking action to eliminate discrimination and do the right thing.

Congratulations again and keep up the good work. I look forward to a day when ALL students can come to school, free from harassment and bullying.

Sincerely,William KowbaSuperintendentSan Diego Unified School District

Both letters were condensed because of space constraints.

Dear Network editors: As much as I can see the point writer Hannah

Grace was trying to make in her article “Quitting the Mantra,” I do not think that she found the best example to illustrate her point.

I have had innumerable people tell me that they wish they would have stuck with music lessons or that their parents would have made them keep going. I will admit I wished I could quit when I was a teenager. As I got older I realized how lucky I am that my parents saw enough value in the lessons that they encouraged me even when I was insistent that I wanted to quit.

I don’t want to say that other activities are less important than the arts that I am promoting, but in reality have you calculated how much TV are you watching or computer games you are playing? Reading and playing music is an invaluable skill that you will be able to use for the rest of your life. There are so many reasons to play an instrument. According to recent studies music students score significantly higher on the SAT than their non-musician counterparts. Also, a higher percentage of music students receive academic honors and awards than non-music students.

I would like to finish by saying that it is never too late to learn how to play an instrument or even learn a new one. Here at Marian we offer Beginning Band to all students. I strongly believe that there is a musician in every one and once a musician, always a musician.

Rachel MisiolekMarian instrumental music teacher

Meow. Meow meow meow. Meow meow meow. Meow. Meow. Meowwwww. Meow.

It is obvious to those of you who are Re-meow-mix friendly (meaning that you sing songs with the lyrics replaced with the word “meow”) that the preceding sentence was my Re-meow-mix rendition of the song “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor. To those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, allow me to explain the love that sparks this comical idea. We shall start at the beginning.

When I was just a little tyke, around 1 or 2, my family adopted two adult cats from a private breeder into our family; one Siamese and one mixed breed. We called the Siamese Mao, as in Mao Zedong (yes, the Chinese communist ruler), and the mixed breed Caesar (as in Julius Caesar). Do not ask me why my parents named our cats after a couple of history’s most famous dictators, because I do not know. I can assure you, though, that we are not supporters of their twisted ideals and morals. But, alas, I digress.

Mao was famous for jumping up to the top of the shower door and watching the water fall. Some may say this was creepy, but I saw him as almost an angel from above. Unfortunately, three years later, someone let him out of the house and our neighbor found him dead on I-80. Rest in peace, Mao. Caesar on the other hand... not so much the charmer. My mother tells me that he would bite and scratch visitors. For this reason, Caesar was sent to a farm at 4 years old and never heard from again.

Come 1998, the Mostek household welcomed two of the most exquisite creatures that ever walked the planet: Cleo and Buster. Born of the same litter, the Siamese duo graced our household with tender purrs, soft coats, and snuggling skills that would melt anyone’s heart. By this time, I was 4 years old and truly in love with my cats.

Over the next 11 years, Cleo and Buster became true members of our family. I no longer saw them as cats, but as my companions. In 2009, Cleo died because of a tumor that rapidly grew in her chest,

crushing her lungs and making it impossible for her to breathe. Watching her die was one of the most heart-breaking experiences of my life. For many nights after that, Buster would prowl our house meowing so loud that it sounded as if he was crying. Since then, he’s accepted her death and coped as best as possible.

Thankfully, after experiencing such a sudden death, we acquired a Tabby kitten from my uncle’s farm in the summer of 2010. My mother and I decided to take her home after hearing that a dog had killed all of her siblings and her mother. Dotty Jo was only five weeks old and surely wouldn’t have lived if we had left her at the farm.

I will admit, though, life with Dotty has been a bit rough. She is a biter and scratcher. Over the course of two years, she has maintained a very petite frame, and the orange spot on her head still makes me smile when I see it (unless she is biting my hand like it’s a raw steak). My sister, Anna, and I have dubbed her “El Gato del Diablo,” meaning, “The Devil Cat” in Spanish.

If you ever come to the Mostek house, you will hear a wide assortment of voices. Anna and I have been known to talk for our cats, often giving them comical voices that we feel suit their personality. Dotty often gets a high-pitched, brawny voice, and Buster acquires a lower, honky voice. Some call it odd, I call it love.

My passion for cats has blossomed into the possession of books about cats, cat calendars, cat pencils, and cat shirts. But, this is not an unhealthy obsession. I just love cats. Don’t misjudge me, though. I have nothing against dogs; I only prefer the delicate purr of a cat to the yappy or harsh bark of a dog. Plus, the cat is small and warm enough to be an effective lap blanket in the dead of winter. Thankfully, Buster is happy to oblige this need.

As you can see, reader, my passion for cats is neither shallow, nor is it unsupported. I’ve known many cool cats in my 18 years, and I am proud to say that I am 100 percent a cat person.

If I could have one wish, it would be that all the world would loves cats like I do.

Page 5: Marian March Network Student Newspaper

features 5

Kinsey Brown. A name which one day may sit alongside the likes of Stephen King, Dan Patterson, and Agatha

Christie. A junior at Marian, Brown finds her passion within the pages of books, oftentimes her own.

“Yes, technically, I’ve written two books and I have multiple unfinished projects. My books are around 200 pages in an actual book format. A few of my friends have read my books, but no one else other than that,” Brown said.

While Brown loves reading books of all kinds, she finds herself especially passionate about one subject: Greek mythology.

“I really enjoy Greek mythology. I first got into it when I read the Percy Jackson series. I have books that are strictly dedicated to myths and stuff and I even have a t-shirt that has to do with mythology,” Brown said.

While many girls follow new pop culture fads and trends, such as The Hunger Games, The Twilight Saga, and Harry Potter, Brown’s love for ancient mythology truly sets her apart.

“My favorite myth is the one about soulmates. [According to legend,] humans were originally doubled: four arms, four legs, two

heads, etc. The gods were threatened by them, so Zeus split them in half and we became what we are now. So everyone is still trying to find their other half, which is the other person’s soulmate. I’m a romantic, so I think it’s really cool,” Brown said.

Brown’s love for mythology has influenced not only what she reads, but also what she writes. One of her stories is a mythic tale with a modern twist. “I thought it was more interesting that way,” Brown said.

Similar to Brown, Persephone, Brown’s favorite mythological character, has an interesting story. “Persephone is my favorite and she is the goddess of spring. Hades wanted to make her his wife so he tricked her by creating this field of narcissist flowers. When she picked one, this hole erupted in the earth and then Hades came out and took her down with him into the underworld and forced her to be his wife.

“Her mother, Demeter, wanted to get Persephone back so she tried to retrieve her from the underworld. Somehow, however, Persephone was tricked into eating pomegranate seeds and if you eat anything

This is Not a MythAn Inside Look at Junior Kinsey Brown



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Kennel Controversy:Is Omaha Home to Puppy Mill?

“Imagine you are in a 21”x16”x15” cage with six or seven others for up to six hours at a time. You have barely been fed, and the room you are in is hot

and muggy. The level of ammonia in the air is incredibly high, but this is the only smell you have ever known. This is the crucial reality of puppy mills.”

These words come from freshman speech student Lucy Findley, who earlier this school year competed as a novice with an original speech on puppy mills. And though novice in title, Findley has become a relative expert on the conditions and treatment afforded to the mills’ residents.

By definition, a “puppy mill” is an establishment that breeds dogs solely for profit, while disregarding the animals’ health and well-being. But while laws have been put in place to prevent this type of breeding, the operation of puppy mills is far from over. According to national Humane Societies, Pennsylvania’s Lancaster County has the highest concentration of puppy mills in the country, but hundreds of other mills and breeders heavily populate Midwestern states; Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, and even Nebraska have been reported to have strong concentrations of these breeding kennels.

While most Omahans would probably associate this type of activity with the ever-distant Panhandle, the reality is that urban cities are also likely to be affected by mills’ operation. For example, many question the integrity of commercial pet shops, where animals are “sold” rather than “rescued” or “adopted.”

The idea of purchasing a pet as a type of business transaction leads some to wonder where the animals come from. Many

fear that puppy mills may be responsible for supplying the pets, treating each dog like a piece of merchandise rather than a living

creature. Others may worry about the conditions afforded to the animals living the pet store—do they get fed properly? Do they have a chance to get exercise and fresh air?

Omaha’s own Tully’s Kennels has been the source of controversy within the past years. While some pet owners have had

excellent experience at this local shop, others claim that the animals

are purchased from puppy mills or are mistreated in the store. According to a Tully’s representative, all puppies in the shop are from “USDA certified breeders… normally from Nebraska or Iowa.”

“When you buy a puppy from us or any other pet shop, you have the health benefits guaranteed, where if you buy a dog from a dealer you just get [the dog] and that’s that,” a Tully’s employee said.

Junior Madi Marasco has nothing but good things to say about Tully’s, where her family dog was purchased in 2009. “The


Driving Down Etiquette LaneBeing a Courteous Driver


You merge onto Dodge. You woke up 15 minutes late, so you are ready to (safely) book it to school. You gracefully cross the two right lanes of Dodge and make it to the big leagues: the left lane. You don’t mess with the left lane.

“When I usually look over at the left lane, cars are going faster, I am glad I know now that it’s usually for fast traveling,” freshman Alison Harrahill said. It is commonly known that the far left lane is open for those who need to travel as fast as legally possible to their destination. But today, Grandma Buick is going a trudging 10 miles under the speed limit and you are out of luck. So, beware girls, if you are not fully focused on traveling to your destination in as little time as possible, stay out of that left lane.

Yo man (woman), other people are driving and their car weighs just as much as yours does, so if you cause an accident, you are both going down. This is the thought that everyone has when they have been cut off by a large Cadillac SUV with black-tinted windows.

“They’re really annoying; usually sporty cars think that just because their cars are nice they can go faster than everybody else,” senior Rachel Langenfeld said. Yes, your car is expensive. Yes, no one can see you because you have blacked out your own windows, but no, that does not mean that fellow drivers do not matter.

When you can stick a ruler in between the car in front of you, you’ve self-proclaimed yourself as a “Captain Tailgate.” No one wants to drive in front of a Captain Tailgate, a person who follows too closely behind the car in front of them, putting both cars at risk for an accident.

“They can either wait, or pass you, I feel like they might hit me or cause an accident,” junior Katie Warneke said. So make sure that you always give at least two car lengths of space between the car in front of you. If another car brakes suddenly and you hit them, it is your fault for following too closely. Fender benders are the most common accidents when driving in an interstate-type setting.

It is 10 minutes until curfew, and you are safely driving home. All of a sudden, you think you are witnessing a miracle because quite possibly the brightest light you have ever seen is emerging across the intersection. Be aware of your lights. There are two settings.

“I hate when cars have too bright of lights, it blinds the driver and it makes it harder and makes me personally nervous to drive on the road,” sophomore Amelia Hansen said. Your brightest lights are only for night traveling when there are no street lights around and you are in a country-like setting. If someone uses their brights in the city, the lights become blinding to other drivers.

in the underworld, then you are forced to stay there forever. So, Persephone’s mother, Demeter, caused a drought on earth in which none of the crops grew. Because the drought was so awful, Hades agreed to share Persephone with Demeter. So she stays above ground for half the year and below the ground for the other half.

“Persephone is the goddess of spring and because she is underground for half of the year, it is why we have winter, a season where nothing grows. I feel bad for her, so that’s one of the reasons she is my favorite,” Brown said.

Brown, who hopes to pursue writing in college and possibly one day be an English teacher, shares her excitement about the new Creative Writing class that will be added to Marian’s curriculum next year. “When I saw that Creative Writing was an option I was so excited. I thought it was perfect for myself,” Brown said.

No matter what she does, it is clear that one day the name Kinsey Brown will be known. Perhaps someday, it will be as famous as the legends she reads about in books.

staff was really helpful in helping us choose our dog and made the experience very enjoyable,” Marasco said. “My dog is very

healthy and happy.”Senior Miranda Dineen, however, had

a different response when asked about her family’s experience with the kennel’s overnight facilities. “It was horrible. When we got back, my dogs were crying and their eyes were filthy. They smelled like poop,” Dineen said. “When we got home, my dog Cosmo was so mad at us that he peed on the carpet. We have never taken them back.”

Other Marian girls have opted to rescue or adopt their pets from organizations such as the Nebraska Humane Society, where sophomore Meghan Langdon’s family adopted their dog.

“Adopting a pet from the Human Society benefits not only you and your

family, but the dog you are saving,” Langdon said. “The feeling of saving an animal’s life is such a good feeling.”

Though animals at rescues and shelters are not technically for sale, a fee is

sometimes imposed upon adoption. At the Humane Society, the cost typically goes toward the shots that the animals may receive, or to ensure that the adopters are serious about caring for a pet.

Though the jury is still out on the morality of purchasing a pet from a store, future pet owners are cautioned to research the facilities they will choose to support. As the conclusion of Findley’s speech states, “Puppy mills are a form of animal abuse and need to be put to a stop. If we take action, we can make a huge difference.”

Blinded By The Light

King Of The Road

Left Lane Hogging

Captain Tailgate

Charlie, purchased from Tully’s in May for $650. photo by nicolewojtalewicz

Fergie, adopted from the Humane Society in August for $ by zoeursick

Page 6: Marian March Network Student Newspaper

6 indepth

When it comes to the lateralization of brain function, no one is solely left-brained or right-brained.  Recent research has shown

that the brain is not nearly as divided as we once thought.  Abilities in some subjects, such as math, produce the best results when both sides of the brain work together.

As reported in the April 2004 issue of Neuropsychology, published by the American Psychological Association (APA), “There really may

be something different about the brains of math-heads. Mathematically gifted teens did better than average-ability teens and college students on tests that required the two halves of the brain to cooperate.”

“There can be a difference [in students] but they learn to overcome it by the time they get to high school.  I am a mixture.  I started in English and ended in math, and faced difficulties in both.  But I do like the structure [of math],” mathematics teacher Mrs. Mary Baker said.hannahtoohey


photo of Sydney Pelster by hannahtoohey

left &brain


I am the left brain. A calculator of equations, an analytical mind. I am detail-oriented. I strive to maintain order in my life. I excel in my math and science courses. I form strategies, comprehend material, and think critically. Adept. Practical.Strategic. There is joy in playing with numbers and I hope to become a scientist, an engineer, or a doctor. I know who I am and where I’m going.

Giftcards.“They are better than anything else.”

For junior Sydney Pelster, birthday presents are just one illustration of her left-brained

personality.  “Giftcards are better because then you can pick out

whatever you will really like.”

Pelster likes to write. Her

favorite assignments emerge in the form of

structured five-

paragraph essays.

Pelster prefers memorization through

writing and re-writing class notes.  

Her typical left-brain traits materialize when she processes information piece by piece. “I can’t make a decision quickly, I think about it a lot,” Pelster said.

Pelster thrives by staying organized and enjoying her position as

a Class Officer. Pelster also plays golf and participates in Polar Plunge.  

Pelster utilizes her analytical side while working on her new copy editor position for the Journalism

I Junior Network. She enjoys lining up columns and

structuring the pages.

Which Side of the Brain Dominates Your Life?Take this quiz to find out!

Exploring the Boundaries of the Mind

Answer with the one you do most often

1. When learning how to do something, would you rather...

a. see the problem worked out on the board

b. be told how to solve the problem

2. When putting away your uniform, do you most often...




b. fold it neatly and put it in your drawer

3. Right now your desk is... a. a total mess b. neatly organized 4. Do you most often think in... a. pictures b. words 5. Would you ever spontaneously go to an airport andtakethefirstflightout? a. yes b. no

6. Do you believe there is a right and wrong way to completeatask? a. no b. yes7. Do you think sticking with the same schedule every day isboring? a. yes b. no 8.Doyouhavealistforanythingandeverything?

a. no b. yes

Page 7: Marian March Network Student Newspaper

indepth 7

According to co-author Michael O’Boyle, PhD, “Various expressions of exceptionality, such as giftedness in math, music or art, may be the by-product of a brain that has functionally organized itself in a qualitatively different way than the usual left/right hemispheric asymmetry.”

“I can tell if a student is more right brained or left brained usually by the organization of their notebook.  Based on how I conduct my class with discussions you will find that I am more right

brained.  Political science is my major,” social studies teacher Mr. Tom Baker said. “Mrs. Baker is very methodical and likes a plan.  Often I’m the one who changes my mind and says ‘No, I don’t want to do that anymore.’”

Essentially, everyone picks which side of their brain they let dominate a given situation.  Whether you  associate yourself with one side of the brain or not, know that it takes both halves to complete certain tasks successfully.

For junior Laura Atherton, birthday presents are just one

illustration of her right-brained personality.  “Home-made gifts are my favorite to give. I get excited to

see if they will like what I came up with.”

After a quick description of what it means to be

dominantly right-brained or left-

brained, Atherton instantly described

herself as a right-brainer.Atherton

explained that she likes to look at situations and

make a decision, just “go with my gut,” rather than break down

the options.When memorizing material

for tests, she flips through flashcards and sometimes

pretends to be speaking to a roomful of students.

“Math and science never came naturally to me,” Atherton

said. “I think I have a creative imagination.” Atherton prefers

assignments in school that require some sort of artistic

element, even in English class.  Atherton also enjoys utilizing

her artistic side while working on page designs for Marian’s

creative writing magazine Burn. She likes writing opinion pieces in

Journalism I about her thoughts where she finds that she can subjectively relate to people.


graphic by rosalieplofchan

photo of Laura Atherton by hannahtoohey


& Brain I am the right brain. I can recognize faces and verbalize my emotions. Musician. Poet. Artist. My creativity drips from the canvas, my expressions know nobounds.Imagesflashbeforemyeyeslikeaconstantfilmplayinginmyhead. I touch, feel and taste. I will do whatever I can to be who I want to be.

Exploring the Boundaries of the Mind

6. Do you believe there is a right and wrong way to completeatask? a. no b. yes7. Do you think sticking with the same schedule every day isboring? a. yes b. no 8.Doyouhavealistforanythingandeverything?

a. no b. yes

9. Before deciding your opinion on an issue, do you get all of yourfactsstraight? a. no, I most often just trust my gut b. yes, I do all of the research before forming a conclusion10.Doyouprefertheoverallsubjectmatterofgeometryoralgebra? a. algebra b. geometry

If you answered with mostly A’s you are more right brained. If you answered with mostly B’s you are more left brained.If you answered with a similar number of both A’s and B’s you are left brained and right brained.

G iftcards.“I just

feel bad giving giftcards.”

Page 8: Marian March Network Student Newspaper

8 features

Style Has SprungThe Network’s Guide to Spring Tricks and Trends

It’s that time of year again: time to ditch the woolen sweaters and dust the cobwebs off your favorite jorts.But it’s also time to hit up the mall, and give those jorts some dresser-drawer company. From florals and boots to high waists and

bold colors, this season is sure to bloom with plenty of fun new styles and trends. So grab those forgotten Christmas gift cards and a few gal pals (or your mom, or your fabulously stylish guy friends) and prepare to invade every boutique in sight.

And once you’re armed with a new pair of salmon-pink jeans and some cute flowery flats, you’ll be ready to take on the world.


Bold PatternsSenior Meg Rogers pairs a brightly striped top with floral-patterned flats. With fun prints stealing the spot-light this spring, mixing and matching is encouraged!

Leather & LaceThis season, conventions are to be challenged in terms of texture. Freshman Audrey Burt models a girly-tough look in a contrasting sweet crocheted top and combat boots.

Color SplashClassic and elegant as it is, the LBD has some competi-tion this spring. Pops of color, like the kelly-green of sophomore Madisen Waters’ blouse, serve as statement pieces in otherwise “eh” outfits.

Get the Look: Marian Girls Show Off Favorite Fashions

“My favorite trends for spring are pastels and lace, which are super in right now. I like the look of high-waisted shorts and slouchy sweaters with boots.”-Madisen Waters ’14

“I love the bright colors and cute blazers that are in style right now. I like shopping at places like American Apparel, and thrifting is cheap and fun!”-Meg Rogers ’12

How to Make Four-Eyes FabulousFinding Lenses That Flatter Your Face

Square, rectangu-lar, and geometric frames add angles to an oval face.

Bottom-heavy frames add width to the lower face.

Upswept styles like cat-eye lenses emphasize cheek bones.

Rectangular, horizontal styles make the face appear longer and thinner.

Do the ’Do On Your Special NightPretty and Easy Hairstyles for Prom (or anything!)

Funky LeggingsThe simple black leggings of fashion seasons past are quickly falling behind in comparison to this year’s sleek printed bottoms. Junior Kyrie Killen models a pair of bleach-dyed leggings with black fringe boots.

“My style is just a mix of everything. I just wear what I want to; I don’t really care what other people think about my outfits.”-Kyrie Killen ’13

You’ve got the dress, the jewelry, and the brand-new high heels. Now all that’s left is the head-turning hairstyle. Whether you want a sleek updo or loose voluminous curls, look no further: these four pretty looks are simple enough to do at home- no need to break the bank at a salon!

“I like to shop at places like Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, and Anthropologie. I just like to wear what’s comfortable.”-Audrey Burt ’15

Short Curls Sleek Bun

Classic Waves Accessories

Wanting to try out the library-chic look? Too lazy to mess with contacts every morning? Never fear: The Network is here to guide you on your way to four-eyed fierceness. Use

this handy guide to pick the perfect pair for your face’s shape.

(from top): Taylor Wyatt ’12, Katie Hickey ’15, Barbara Pereira ’13, Liza Woltemath ’13 photos by marylouisewoltemath

If you have short hair but still want a luscious-looking ’do, use a 1”-2” curling iron to get flirty, bouncy waves. Start at your ends and work up-wards- but try not to curl too much on the top or you may end up looking like a puffy poodle. Shake out af-terwards or finger-comb to let the curls become loose and natural-looking.

For a chic, polished look that shows off your face, try pulling hair back into a sleek knot at the nape of your neck. The absence of hair right around the face will make your fea-tures pop- especially those cheekbones! Experiment with various styles, like a face-elongating topknot or a slick off-center bun right behind your ear.

For girls with longer locks who want to show off their flowing tresses, loose waves are a tried-and-true classic. Use a thinner curling iron for tighter ringlets, or use a wide-barrel iron for ex-tra volume. After your curls are set, pull half of your hair back with a pretty clip, comb it over one shoulder, or just let it all hang loose!

To add some sparkle to your tresses, use fun clips, combs, ribbons, or headbands to accesorize your ’do. Pull your hair back in a big attention-grabbing clip, or sweep it over one shoulder and secure with a pretty comb. If you want to pull back your bangs without looking too harsh, try a cute braided headband or lacy ribbon.

“I just like what-ever [style] looks good. But I can’t do rimless glasses; those freak me out. I like thick frames.”- Shiloh King ’12

Oval Heart

Diamond Round

graphic and photo by clancynelsonOval





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Page 9: Marian March Network Student Newspaper

9 active life

Field Day has been the past two

years.For many trapshooting

girls, however, this has proved to be only a minor setback to their

season. “Although I wish I could do both [Field Day and state trap] like last year, state is something we work for all season just like any other sport, so we want to compete,” sophomore Miranda Reeder said.

For senior Mikayla Brohman, however, Field Day priority is another story. “Right now there are five seniors on the trap team, and I think I’m the

only one considering missing state for Field Day,” Brohman said.

She explained that even though the girls are committed to trap, they are not required to attend the state trapshooting meet in May. The girls also must attend five meets during the season if they

wish to compete at the state competition. “I understand why the other girls want to miss Field Day, though. We spend so much time at trap. It’s about three to four hour practices twice a week. Then, meets

can last up to eight hours,” Brohman said.

However, some girls must take into account what a state title will do for them in the

future. “I would love to continue trap after college, but there are not many opportunities. Most college students who want to trapshoot just join local leagues where the lowest shooter has to sit out every other time.

You swing open your car door and something is different. The shift has come, and thank goodness.

So there’s this moment, just after that final patch of dirty snow turns into a puddle of dirty water, when you feel something. And actually feel something. The body, spirit, and mind-numbing winter has finally come to a close. Now is the time to take this nice weather and use it to your full advantage.

“Fresh air is always good for you, and when the sun is out your body gets the necessary vitamin D,” junior Brianna Rakes said.

Rakes is looking forward to the nice weather so she can go outside and take her dogs to the park.

But even if you don’t feel “the shift to spring” as strongly as some do, hopefully you can still relate. The need for outdoor activity is just one of those things that comes along with spring and this idea of renewal.

With this need, and coming to the conclusion that winter is finally over, memories of whimsical childhood activities are bound to follow.

Sophomore Julie Brumbach remembers playing outside when she was younger. “I used to play the usual hide-and-seek, tag, and spud. But I was also very imaginative and would pretend that I was a princess in a fort that we used to have or a person on the nature channel, and would follow my dog around the yard with an old video camera,” Brumbach said.

Today, she still likes to take the time to get fresh air once in a while. Brumback still plays spud and tag when the weather is nice. “Playing outside keeps you healthy because the games you play outside keep you active,” she said. “Also, the games are fun and get me outside, running around in the fresh air.”

Whether it’s swinging, side walk chalking, or jump-roping, make sure to take the opportunity and be a child for a moment or two.

After the long winter, you owe it to yourself to get some outdoor activity.

Next time you feel stressed out from school or whatever it is that stresses you out, feel free to go outside, look at the sky (taking extra care not to look directly at the sun) and spin around until you are dizzy and fall over.

May 4, 2012. Arguably the most coveted day for the student body of

Marian. Field Day season has officially begun. While many have their minds focused on wall planning, demo, or scrambling to find that last pair of white Keds, there are a select few who have their focus on another passion: trapshooting.

Marian’s trapshooting season officially began with practice on Jan. 8, with their first meet on March 17 at Bellevue Rod and Gun Club. The season will wrap up on Friday, May 4 and Saturday, May 5. This year, state trapshooting unfortunately overlaps with Marian Field Day. This year, State Trap Shooting will take place in Doniphan, NE, which is right outside Grand Island. At the competition on Friday, the girls will shoot at 100 singles targets beginning at 7:30 a.m. and will last until 11:00 a.m.. With roughly a two and a half hour drive, attending both state trap shooting and Field Day is virtually impossible.

However, this conflict is not out of the norm for the devoted team. In fact, since trap became an official organization at Marian, the only other times that state trap has not conflicted with

Fresh Air to End all Despairchristinarommelfanger












Breaking Clay vs. Field DayMarian shooters are typically quite excellent shooters so there is a chance

that if I do join a league of boys they might kick me out because I’m better than they are- just kidding,” senior Kelsey Genoways said.

While many members of the trap team will not be attending Field Day, they will still take part in the preparations. “The other seniors and I were thinking of observing the demo during practice and helping them get into order. Most girls will leave early that Thursday, but that doesn’t mean we can’t help ‘close up shop’, pun intended,” Genoways said. Also, many girls plan to work on walls during the week to be able to share in the experience.

Trap coach Mr. Bruce Esser also wishes that the girls would be able to participate in both events. “I think it is sad that girls have to choose between representing their school at a state championship event and Field Day,” Esser said. “Personally, I enjoy Field Day a lot. Students emerging as leaders,watching a plan come together, the teamwork and unity, and the creativity and resourcefulness of students are all fun to observe. It is also fun to watch Mr. Baker yell and have the veins on his neck stand out. Field Day itself is an amazing display of energy and focus,” Esser said.

For the team, competing at state means more than any Field Day trophy or bragging rights. “There is something about shooting that is almost freeing. When I “smoke” a target (meaning I shoot it and all that remains is smoke in the air) it is the best and an indescribable feeling. Trap is very rewarding and just like any other sport, you are working towards state the entire season. Why would I work so hard to not continue on to state?” Reeder said.

As for next year, Esser explained that the events will most likely overlap. “State trap has

been the first weekend in May for the last 42 years and Field Week is the first full week in May,” Esser said. Since May 1 was a Sunday last year, state trap was moved to a week earlier. However, that is not the case for this year and the next few years.

One thing is for sure: on May 4, Marian will be cheering on the trap girls as they keep class spirit in their hearts.



JV Soccer

Reserve Soccer

Varsity Track

JV Track

Freshman Track

Varsity Soccer

JV Tennis

Varsity Tennis

April 2 @ 4:30 vs. Omaha CentralApril 9 @ 4:30 vs. WestsideApril 16 @ 5:00 vs. Lincoln Southeast

April 5-7 Metro Conference Tournament TBDApril 13 @ 4:30 vs. Divine Savior Holy Angels (Milwaukee, WI)April 25 @ 4:30 vs. Omaha NorthwestApril 25 vs. Omaha North time TBD

March 31 @ 11:00 vs. Millard WestApril 14 @ 11:00 vs. Omaha SouthApril 24 @ 4:30 vs. Duchesne

April 21 @ Millard West

April 10 @ 4:00 vs. Bellevue WestApril 24 @ Bryan High School

March 29 @ Bellevue East SeniorApril 5 @ Kearney High SchoolApril 10 @Lewis Central High SchoolApril 13 @ Omaha CentralApril 19 @ Papillion-LaVistaApril 26 @ Omaha North

April 10 @ 4:00 vs. WestsideApril 12 @ 4:00 vs. Millard WestApril 13 @ 4:00 vs. Lincoln SoutheastMay 1 @ 4:00 vs. Burke High SchoolMay 3 @ 4:00 vs. Benson High School

April 3 @ 4:00 vs. Red Oak (IA)April 4 @ 4:00 vs. Papillion-LaVistaApril 13 @ 4:00 vs. Lincoln SoutheastApril 17 @ 4:00 vs. Omaha CentralApril 24 @ 4:00 vs. Bellevue West Senior High School


graphic and photo by nicolewojtalew


Top Shot. Sophomore Alyssa Gebhart fires away as she works to improve her courtesy of Mr.Bruce Esser


ie T


k ’11

Laura Wiggs ’12

Page 10: Marian March Network Student Newspaper

10 entertainment

Dubstep Drops and Dance


We all fall victim to it. A raging beat that has every teenager dancing within the first bass

drop. We can’t help it, we surrender to the beat. But lately, what else is there?

Throughout the year, Top 40 music has begun to consist of the usual rap-heavy beat-mixing jams, but with a catch. Because of the rise in popularity of techno style music at club and dance scenes, Top 40 American music now also includes many “beat dropouts” and “dubstep runs” smack in the middle of a lyrical verse.

Marian girls seem to have mixed feelings about the new dubstep craze, “I am partial to it; I think that some dubstep songs are okay and fun to listen to, but some are just ridiculous,” senior Jackie Tondl said. Yes Tyga, your rims do have “10’s on dem 20’s”, and people are cool with that. Most people would rather hear about your night with “Young Money” than David Guetta being overtaken by a computer engineered widget noise.

Don’t get the young people of America wrong, a nice dubstep when you are ready to jam the night away in your dance gear can excite almost anyone, but at times the dubstep craze can get a little “cray.”

At the past few Marian dances, girls have jammed to the normal pop hits by Lady Gaga and Ke$ha, but lately they have gone crazy for the new hits such as First of the Year by Skrillex and Basshead by Bassnectar. As well as these recent songs there has always been the techno tradition “Sandstorm” by Darude, that debuted in 1999, and is still played frequently at high school dances.

“When it comes to Top 40 Hits, I prefer the lyrics, but when it goes to a dubstep beat, it is okay, as long as it does not last too long,” sophomore Emily Rakoczy said.

All music evolves with the culture, and due to the increase of interest in techno music with the recent debut of albums from Skrillex, Korn, Super Mash Bros, Foster the People, and Daft Punk, techno and elec-tronic music has become prevalent in most Top 40 hits.

Like all trends in entertainment, techno may or may not stick around, in the past decades when electronic music has fallen in and out of style.

So if you enjoy a nice beat drop, live it up now, dubstep may not be forever.

Weekend Boredom Busters

It’s a Friday night. You and a friend are sitting at home on your couch watching television and wallowing in self-pity. You have abso-lutely nothing to do with your time except eat potato chips and live your life vicariously through reality show stars. I would love to say this has never happened to me, but that would be a deliberate lie, and I gave up lying for Lent. Nights like these happen to us Omaha

folk much too often. You take several pain-staking minutes to get all ready for the night, dressed to the nines in your newest pair of Nike shorts, and for what? To sit at home? I don’t think so. Not this time...

Pretend you are a spy that has a special mission to do. Follow every command from headquarters. This mission depends on you. Become one with the Earth and go your

backyard. The bathroom is a few feet away, and there is a smaller risk of being mauled by a wild animal. Un-less, of course, you live in the middle of nowhere.

Go to a restaurant, watch people hav-ing a conversation, and make up a fake conversation based on their facial ex-pressions and body language.

Paint the night away at a pottery studio. A great studio would be “That Pottery Place” located on 7828 Dodge Street. Prices start at only $12! I recommend making something such as a tea set or coffee mug for a very special significant other. Or if you don’t have one of those, I’m sure your mom would appreciate something.

Ever seen a buffalo three feet from your car? How about a wolf or an elk? Well, now you can! Check out the Wildlife Safari right off of I-80 on exit 426. The price is $6.50 per adult and $4.50 for children.

Who’s your mummy? Find out at the Joslyn Art Museum "To Live For-ever” exhibit. (Information on the exhibit can be found above.)


New Music Sweeping Pop Music World

Ancient Egypt Lives On at Joslynhaileywolf

There are mummies, sarcophagi, ancient board games, and splendid jewelry to make for a pleasant afterlife. The

I can honestly say that I never expected to find Disneyworld-like lines in an art museum. And after waiting in

line for over half an hour, the exhibit “To Live Forever” was a slight letdown. I understand what a privilege it is to have all the ancient artifacts on loan from the Brooklyn Museum, but what struck me most about “Forever” was how small it was. Just three rooms of the Joslyn display the wealth of ancient Egypt.

The first sight to greet my eyes as I FINALLY rounded the corner to enter the exhibit were two stone sarcophagus lids, adorned with hieroglyphics and the eerie smiles of the dead. Although I was disappointed by the quantity, the artifacts themselves were beyond fascinating.

There was a mummy from the Roman period in Egypt with a hauntingly real portrait painted on his wrappings. The ancient artist’s skill held my gaze for more than a few moments. The ancient Egyptians were obsessed with death, and surrounded by the evidence of their obsession can be a morbid experience.

papyrus scrolls are particularly interesting. Everything is covered in hieroglyphs, which made me fervently wish I could understand and decipher the ancient stories.

The freshman and sophomore all-school read for the 2012-2013 school year is The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan, a book that deals with ancient Egyptian mythology. A visit to “Forever” would be a complementary experience to the the novel. I have read the book, and there are artifacts in the exhibit explicitly mentioned in The Red Pyramid.

Overall, I did like the exhibit. I think the wait was due to the fact that I took advantage of the Joslyn’s free admission Saturdays. The line gets considerably shorter after 1 p.m., so instead of heading straight into the main attraction, explore the Joslyn’s amazing permanent collection.

So all you history buffs and art enthusiasts, grab a buddy for the line and head back to the time of the pharaohs. Admission is $5 for students under 17, although Saturday mornings

are free until noon. The exhibit is in town until June 3, so hurry in before this unique experience has past.

Brooklyn Museum Treasure Brought to Omaha

To Live Forever. This sarcophagus and other Egyptian artifacts can be viewed at the Joslyn Art Museum, 2200 Dodge Street. The exhibit runs until June 3. photo source: Joslyn Art Museum.

illustrations by nicolewojtalewicz

Agent 007 Wilderness Woman

May I Stage your Order?

The Artist


ri Ad



Ancient Remains

Page 11: Marian March Network Student Newspaper




The recent buzz and gossip in the hallways of Marian aren’t over weekend plans

or Field Day, but rather over the book trilogy The Hunger Games. The trilogy written by Suzanne Collins is captivating the nation as a whole and intriguing audiences all over the world. More than 23.5 million copies of the first book are in print in the U.S. alone.

The first book The Hunger Games was released in 2008, followed by Catching Fire in 2009, and finally Mockingjay in 2010.




Many are comparing the trilogy to the Harry Potter series and the Twilight Saga.

Junior Allie Smith is a part of the obsession.

“I like the books because once you start, you can’t stop. I’m in the middle of the third book right now,” Smith said.

Along with The Hunger

Games craze, the major motion picture The Hunger Games opened on March 23.

The main character, Katniss, is played by Jennifer

Lawrence, Peeta is played

by Josh

“I’m excited to see Josh Hutcherson as Peeta. People call me Peeta because I can hide in a crowded area. We’re a perfect match.”

“I read all the books over the course of three weeks this summer and now I’m really excited to see the movie. Team Peeta all the way!”

“I read all the books and I attended the midnight premiere of the movie. I liked the book better, though, because it had a lot more detail.”

I am Katniss. I’m running through the forest. I hear the mockingjays all around me,

cringe whenever I hear the sound of the cannon, climb whenever dusk falls, and know even the slightest mistake could end my life.

For 2 hours and 22 minutes, I was Katniss Everdeen. Seeing the world of Panem come to life on the screen in front of me forced me to focus on nothing but The Hunger Games.

To say I was pleased with the movie would be an understatement. I was thrilled.

From the arena presented to the audience, right down to the casting of each character. I felt everyone did their part to make the movie inspiring to fans everywhere. The soundtrack for the The Hunger Games suited

the movie, the book, the suspense, everything.

I was a little skeptical about the actress who played Katniss Everdeen at first, (probably because

I believed I should have been cast for the role), but after the movie ended I realized she did better than anyone else could’ve (even me).

Jennifer Lawrence wanted to portray Katniss all the way down to the way she ran. Lawrence

trained and conditioned for six weeks

in order to move and appear as a natural athlete!

I know I’m not alone when I say that it was nice to see a strong and independent female take the lead role of a very popular franchise. It was a change to see a girl who

wasn’t picked to be the love-struck female or strictly to draw in the male population.

I was actually surprised and glad to see that at the movie’s midnight premiere, the audience was not made up of mainly women. There was a decent, if not balanced, amount of men who attended. Whether they were there for their girlfriends or to pick up chicks, I was glad to see them supporting Katniss in her many battles.

“I liked the book so much better but the movie was not bad at all,” junior Jackie Tvrdik said. “The movie left out a lot of details and scenes from the book altogether but they probably had to for the PG-13 rating. It’s definitely worth your money!”

It was obvious the camera crew used certain angles and alignments to shield the audience from gruesome battle scenes but I understood why once I saw all the little kids exiting the theater.

However, if there was one thing I could complain about in the movie, it would be the way it was filmed. At some points, I found myself focusing on how much the camera was shaking rather than on the action taking place.

Movies can never put in every single scene from the book it is based off of, and I understand that. There were only a few key details I wished they would’ve added in.

I have to admit though, sitting for that amount of time was definitely making me uncomfortable. So all in all, I think Gary Ross, the director, put the right amount of information in for the time allotted.

“I was interested in the futuristic setting and the way the wealthy were dressed,” senior Jenna Walter said. “All the outfits were very ‘out-there’ but it was still pretty cool.”

It’s no surprise to readers of the book, but moviegoers may be taken back by the obscure and colorful wardrobe of the upper class in Panem. From green skin to Whoville hair, the style of this movie will definitely be remembered.

In my book, it could never replace Harry Potter, but it definitely deserves to be a runner-up.

It’s obvious that the makers of The Hunger Games worked long and hard to make the sets, scripts, soundtrack, and costumes as close to the book as possible. And they are no doubt reaping the rewards of their hard work.

The movie made a

stellar $155 million on opening weekend! This was more than twice what the first Twilight movie achieved on its opening weekend. Critics say that to see this big of a fan base from the very first movie shows that The Hunger Games is here to stay.

I walked out of the theater loving the trilogy even more. If you ever have as lucky a chance as I did, go see it. You’ll love it! And if you don’t...the odds obviously weren’t in your favor.

image source:

image source:

- Roni Perez ’14 - Hannah Manganaro ’12 - Sam Chaney ’15


entertainment 11

Hutcherson, and Gale is played by Liam Hemsworth.

The movie sold more tickets to the midnight premier than Breaking Dawn at its premiere.

Smith, along with many Marian girls, attended the midnight premiere shown in theatres across the city.

With the booming success of The Hunger Games trilogy, and the thrilling story it tells, it’s no wonder Marian girls are raving about the books and movies.

- The name of the main character, Katniss, is a reference to the character’s archery skills.


- Four weeks before The Hunger Games’ release, Lions-gate began selling advance tickets which broke the one-day record originally held by The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

- Jennifer Lawrence was initially cast as the lead in Savages, but dropped out to do this film instead.

Page 12: Marian March Network Student Newspaper

12 photo essay

Photo Op! French III & IV students Michelle Tsatsos, Kayla Cellelo, Kelsey Ge-noways, Katy Kohlmeyer, and Faith Wilwerding smile in front of the Moulin Rouge while on their Pari-sian excursion from March 11-18.

La Tour Eiffel. All 20 students visited the picture-perfect tower in Paris and enjoyed the view from the second and third floors of the iconic struc-ture. Afterward, some of the travelers snacked on crepes.

Spring Break Adventures

A Shakespearean Experience. Senior

Biz Steinauer con-centrates on writing a message to hang

among many oth-ers on the walls at the Shakespeare

and Co. Bookstore in Paris by Notre

Dame. “There were books everywhere.

No organization, just tons of books,”

Steinauer said.

Above: All Smiles with the Seniors. Mr. Tom Baker smiles big with a group of senior girls that went to New York for four days over Spring Break. The group consist-ed of 57 girls plus eight chaperones. Left: The City That Never Sleeps. Se-nior Taylor Gillogly smiles for the cam-era in the middle of Times Square. “I loved New York City. In 1st grade, I said it was the one place I wanted to go visit, and I finally got to go. Times Square was fantastic, all the lights lit up the city. My favorite part of the trip was going to the top of the Emipre State Build-ing. It literally took our breath away, it was so cool,” Gil-logly said.

Taking a Breather. Mr. Tom and Mrs.

Mary Baker take a rest during the

busy day. “The trip was abso-

lutely spectacular. The weather was

great and the students were

fantastic; it was one of the best times ever. My

favorite part, be-sides walking the streets and giving

my touring tid-bits, was going to Jesus Christ

Superstar. It was very good,” Mr.

Tom Baker said.

Empire State of Mind. The group got a chance to tour a majority of New

York City, including the 9/11 Memorial and the

Wax Museum. They also enjoyed a variety of

Broadway musicals.

photo essay by alexamoore & clancynelsonphotos courtesy of gabriellamartinez-garro &emilyfischer