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Welcome to Today’s Webinar:

‘Managing for the First Time’.

The webinar will begin promptly at 3pm and last approximately 45 minutes.

The webinar will be delivered by Tracey Moore. Tracey has worked for PNE for over 20 years, providing training, assessment, coaching and support to managers in the voluntary sector.

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Tracey Moore

Managing for the First TimeManaging for the First Time

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We will cover:

1. The Role of a Manager2. Styles of Management and Management

Theory3. Key Concerns and Fears4. Personal and Professional Development

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Your Role as a Manager

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What is Management?

“The efficient and effective use of resources to achieve results with, and through, the efforts of other people.”

– Chartered Management Institute

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What do Managers do?• Communicate the intended destination• Ensure that their team is skilled, experienced and resourced well enough to get

there• And once they’ve all set off, they must constantly monitor and support the

team and keep it headed in the right direction.

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So you need to...

• Manage People:- recruiting - appraising - supervising- developing- disciplining- handling grievances- motivating

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• Manage Information:– Identifying valid sources– Monitoring– Analysing– Reporting– Decision making– Filtering out red herrings!

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• Manage Resources:- setting budgets- controlling cashflow- identifying resource needs- acquiring resources - managing equipment- ensuring health and safety

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...and finally...

• Manage Activities:- overseeing delivery- ensuring quality- minimising complaints- minimising mistakes- ensuring good customer service- driving efficiencies and effectiveness

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How do we do it?

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Core Skills

- Goal-setting - Negotiation- Problem-solving - Organising- Communication - Monitoring/reporting- Conflict resolution - Delegation- Organisation- Motivation- Decision making- Understanding group dynamics

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Core Knowledge

• A good understanding of:- finance/funding- production/service delivery- operations- IT systems- marketing and promotion

• An appreciation of the wider context in which your team, task and/or organisation operates.

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Management Theory

What type of Manager are you?

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Henry Fayol’s 5 Functions of Management

1) Plan and forecast2) Organise3) Coordinate 4) Command5) Control

Source: Henry Fayol (1916)

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Peter Drucker’s 4 Functions

1) Set objectives2) Organise the workforce3) Motivate people and communicate effectively4) Evaluate and develop the performance of staff

Source: Peter Drucker (1977)

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Your TimeAnalyse your time – how are your days divided as a manager?

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Douglas MacGregor’s X and Y

• Theory X managers suppose that employees lack ambition and are only motivated by money. As a result, their management approach must control, order and direct the workforce.

• Theory Y managers feel that workers are motivated by self-actualisation and personal development. They align themselves with the organisation’s goals and consequently require little control or direction, seeking instead to be praised and rewarded for their creativity and performance.

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5 Styles of Management

1. Autocratic

2. Paternalistic

3. Laissez-Faire

4. Democratic

5. Management by Walking Around

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Key Concerns and Fears

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Common Concerns for New Managers

• Not having the skills needed to do the job• Taking over from a good manager• Taking over from a bad manager• Not appearing credible• Making mistakes• Having to manage colleagues and/or friends• Not being liked• Making the wrong decisions• Dealing with disciplinary and grievance issues

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In one word...?


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Top 10 New Manager Mistakes

1. Think they know everything.2. Desire to show everyone who is in charge.3. Change everything.4. Are afraid to do anything.5. Don't take time to get to know their people.6. Don't spend time with their boss.7. Don't worry about problems or problem employees.8. Don't let themselves be human.9. Don't protect their people.10. Avoid responsibility for anything. Source: F. John Reh;

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Getting it Right1. Listen to the people around you2. Ask for input when appropriate and keep an open

mind3. Understand your role and objectives, the objectives

of your team and how they fit into the whole organisation

4. Keep people informed5. Make a positive difference – not just change for

change sake6. Trust your abilities

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Getting it Right

7. Build in regular time with your line manager8. Take time to know your team and understand their

strengths and weaknesses9. Don't avoid problems – deal with them as they arise10.Acknowledge and promote achievements (thank

you goes a long way)11.Ensure your team are treated fairly – defend them

as necessary12.Take responsibility for your own actions and those of

your team

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Management Secrets

• Practice positive delegation• Listen• Ensure experienced and qualified staff• Maintain personal and professional

development• Consult (remember you are not on your own)• Empower your team

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What is Empowerment?

Empowerment is... The management practice of sharing information, rewards and power with employees so that they can take initiative and make decisions to solve problems and improve service and performance.

It is based on the idea that giving employees skills, resourcesauthority, opportunity, motivation as well as holding them responsible and accountable for outcomes of their actions, will contribute to their competence and satisfaction.


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The Benefits of Empowerment

• Increased job satisfaction• Increased motivation• Increased commitment• Increased productivity• Increased quality • Increased customer satisfaction

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Personal and Professional Development

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Benefits of Learning

• Allows you and your organisation to be better prepared for the future

• Makes you and your organisation more credible • Ensures you keep up to date with current practice,

occupational requirements , legislation and technology• Updates your skills and knowledge in line with any CPD

requirements of your profession• Improves confidence and wellbeing• Helps you to fulfil your role more effectively• Provides space to reflect on your own practice

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