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Page 1: Malay Lesson Plan

Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary School

Daily Plan for P1 Malay Language Day 1- Day 5

Day Subjects Assignments Estimated Time

(brief description of topics and list of resources e.g. textbook pages, school-prepared materials, internet resources

(list of assignment and date of submission)

(guide to number of hours to be

1 Malay LanguageLatihan Karangan 1 & 2

Kertas LatihanHantar apabila sekolah dibuka.

1 jam

2 Latihan EjaanSoalan 1 - 10

Kertas LatihanHantar apabila sekolah dibuka.

1 jam

3 Latihan Kosa KataSoalan 1 - 10

Kertas LatihanHantar apabila sekolah dibuka

1 jam

4 Latihan Kefahaman ObjetkifSoalan 1- 4

Kertas LatihanHantar apabila sekolah dibuka

1 jam

5 Latihan Kefahaman SubjektifSoalan 1 - 5

Kertas LatihanHantar apabila sekolah dibuka

1 jam

Cikgu Nurashikin
