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Education as the goal of human nature contains many aspects and very

complex nature. Due to the complex nature, then there is a limit was sufficient to

explain the meaning of a complete education. Restrictions made by experts diverse,

and its contents are different from one another. These differences may be due to its

orientation, the basic concepts used, aspects of the pressure, or because the

underlying philosophy. We agree that education is something that is familiar to us,

especially since we are engaged in education. We must also agree that education is

needed by everyone. It can be said that education is experienced by all people of all

classes. But often people forget about the meaning and nature of education itself. Like

the other things that have become routine, tend forgotten the basic meaning and

essence. Because it is true to say that everyone who looks in education proper to

always reflect on the meaning and nature of education, reflecting in the middle of the

action or the action as the fruit of reflection.

In Islamic perspective, there are three well-known terms in field of education.

They are tarbiyah which derives from word rabba, ta’dib which derives from word

addaba and ta’lim which derives from word ‘allama.

Tarbiyah is meant to human activity in developing or grow something

gradually until reaching the goal. It emphasize the function to an educational process

which done on purpose and systematically toward an objective. Briefly, it talks about

formal education which has to be accomplished by systematic process. Ta’dib

emphasize on general developing attitudes in larger context, either formal, informal

even non-formal. The use of this term has wider scope compare to other both terms.

Ta’lim tends to emphasize its function to an educative process in achieving

determined targets.


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These three terms has mutual relation. If it is arranged into systematical steps,

ta’dib will come first as the widest scope, then tarbiyah as the next and ta’lim as the

narrowest scope will come the last.

According to the tittle of this paper, education and schooling, it is clearly seen

that education as the ta’dib and schooling as the combination of tarbiyah and ta’lim.


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A. Education

Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge,

skills, values, beliefs and habits of a group of people are transferred from one

generation to the next through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and or

research. Education may also include informal transmission of such information from

one human being to another. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of

others, but learners may also educate themselves (autodidactic learning). Any

experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be

considered educational.

1. Definition

a) Etymology

Etymologically, in Wikipedia the word “education” is derived from

the Latin ēducātiō (“A breeding, a bringing up, a rearing”) from ēdūcō (“I

educate, I train”) which is related to the homonym ēdūcō (“I lead forth, I take

out; I raise up, I erect”) from ē- (“from, out of”) and dūcō (“I lead, I


Webster’s dictionary defines education as ‘knowledge and

development resulting from an instructive process’, or more specifically, the

act or progression of acquiring or imparting knowledge. Most people think a

good education is the result of completing a specific number of years in a

formal instructive discipline, such as higher educations acquired in colleges

and universities in a specific field of study.


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According to Carter V.Good in his book “Dictionary of Education”

explain that education means:

1) Pedagogic

First, it is about art, practice or profession as a teacher (teaching).

Second, it is about systematical knowledge or teaching that relate to

methods and principles of teaching and guiding students.

2) Personal development process, social process and professional

courses. Art of making and understanding science which is set and

developed in the past by every generation.

b) Terminology

Terminologically, some expert has defined the meaning of education.

They are:

1) Omar Mohammad al-Toumy al-Syaebani state that education is an

effort to change someone behavior on his personal, social and

surrounding natural life.1

2) Muhammad Fadil al-Jamaly express that education have to be keyed

always to religion’s issues which is grounded by deep faith, because

faith will direct someone to honorable attitude that signed by good


3) Ki Hajar Dewantara defines education as an effort to develop attitude,

thought and body of a student in order to get perfect live and create

student who is fit to his nature and environment.

1 See Muhmidayeli, Teori-teori Pengembangan: Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Pendidikan , Refika Aditama, Bandung, 2013, page. 422 Ibid, page 42


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4) John Dewey argues that education is a process of basic opinion

development intellectually and emotionally about nature and human


5) Langeveld describe that educating is giving an on purpose basic help

to a child in his growth toward maturity.

2. Objective

Education has a goal to humanize human.3 Human cannot be real human when

they cannot maximize their body and soul function. Humanizing human need

a set of directional condition, on purpose, that will produce knowledge,

develop thinking and continue to self-attitude.

Morality will be an evidence of soul development. Meaning that, educated

people will be determined by their behavior and attitude. The more educated

someone, it should be shown by the courtesy of morality.

3. Kinds of Education

a) Formal

Formal education corresponds to a systematic, organized education

model, structured and administered according to a given set of laws and

norms, presenting a rather rigid curriculum as regards objectives, content and


It corresponds to the education process normally adopted by our

schools and universities. Formal education institutions are administratively,

physically and curricularly organized and require from students a minimum

classroom attendance. There is a program that teachers and students alike

must observe, involving intermediate and final assessments in order to

advance students to the next learning stage.

b) Informal3 See Muhmidayeli, Filsafat Pendidikan, Refika Aditama, Bandung, 2013, page. 69


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Informal education is a learning that goes on in daily life and can be

received from daily experience, such as from family, friends, peer groups, the

media and other influences in a person's environment; and non-formal

education- educational activity which is not structured and takes place outside

the formal system.

c) Non-formal

Non-formal education is an integral part of a lifelong learning concept

that ensures that young people and adults acquire and maintain the skills,

abilities and dispositions needed to adapt to a continuously changing

environment. It can be acquired on the personal initiative of each individual

through different learning activities taking place outside the formal

educational system. An important part of non-formal education is carried out

by non-governmental organisations involved in community and youth work.

B. Schooling

1. Definition

a) Etymology

Etymologically, word school derives from Greek σχολή (scholē),

originally meaning "leisure" and also “that in which leisure is employed”, but

later “a group to whom lectures were given, school”.

Online dictionary translates schooling as education or training

received, especially at school.

b) Terminology

Schools are places, whereas education is an activity and an idea (as

well as an ideal). As places, schools are recognizable by their architectural

features (e.g., distinct entrances, fenced playgrounds), population density (see,

e.g., almost any high school during class change time) and indigenous


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population (children). They are ostensibly charged with fostering education;

that is, helping parents teach young people what they need to learn in order to

grow up to be adults who lead good lives as individuals and community

members. Like other modern institutions, however, schools serve competing

agendas, each of which affects the educational responsibility.

2. Objective

Schooling objectives are forward looking statements can be achieved

as a result of learning, and a description of the behavior that is expected to be

achieved by learners after going through a learning process.

C. Education vs Schooling

There is a fundamental difference between the word education and schooling.

Basically, education has a wider meaning than learning, while schooling is part of an


There are a few things to show a difference between education and schooling.

That simply, education is a conscious and deliberate effort to mature learners to

transfer the values (value). While, schooling is a conscious and deliberate effort to

mature learners to transfer knowledge.

Basically, the difference between education and learning can be seen from the

difference between the word teach and educate. Teaching is to provide the knowledge

or the skills training (skills) to children. While educate is to form the manners and

character of children. Thus, the teaching is the teacher’s form of intelligence. And

with education, teachers establish morality in children.

Teaching is a technical activity everyday life of a teacher. All the preparation

of teachers is to teach technical nature. The result can also be measured with

instruments that are behavior change. Not all education is learning, not all schooling

is education. The difference between educating and teaching is very thin, but simply


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to say 'good teaching is to educate'. In other words, educate can use the teaching

process as a means to achieve maximum results in achieving educational goals.

Educating framed activity is more medium- or long-term. Results of education

cannot be seen in the near future or instantly. Education is an integrative activity if

the thought, though the taste, and if the initiative in synergy with the development of

reasoning level learners.

Teaching, weight is the mastery of knowledge, skills and expertise that lasts

for all men at all ages. While educating, weight is the formation of a mental attitude

or personality of the learner. In other words, teaching is more emphasis on the

mastery of specific knowledge, while educating more emphasis on human formation

(planting attitudes and values).

Basically, schooling is a part of education. Educational activities did not

escape from the learning activities. Although education and schooling words often

crocheted and put together, but there is a fundamental difference between the two

words. Although the two words are often used simultaneously, but there is a

difference in the meaning of both.

D. Philosophy of Education

Education usually begins when a baby is born and lasts a lifetime.4 Education

could have originated from before birth as is done by many people to play music and

read to the baby in the womb with the hope that he could teach their babies before


For some people, the experience of everyday life is more meaningful than the

formal education. As Mark Twain said, "I never let schooling interfere with my


Family members have the most profound teaching role, often more profound

than they realize, even though teaching family members running unofficially.



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Can be emphasized that philosophy cannot be separated from education,

because philosophy is the soul of education. Realization of view Philosophy of

education includes the following elements:5

1. Principle and educational purposes

Principle of Education is an underlying foundation of the educational process.

The functions of principle of education:

a. Develop education

b. Development of personality

c. Provide direction for the program

d. Sources of regulations used as a lifeline and grip step implementation.

Principle of formal education in Indonesia is Pancasila. Pancasila asserted that

education is to educate the character and soul, and also instill the values of

virtue and familiarize learners with high courtesy.

While, the purpose of education is to provide direction where education must

be addressed and provide definite provisions in selecting materials, methods,

tools, evaluation of the activities carried out. In general, the purpose of

education in Indonesia is to steer towards maturity stage.

2. Educators and students

Educators are responsible adults who give aid to students in the physical and

spiritual development, in order to achieve a level of maturity, capable of self-

fulfilling his duties as a creature of God, a social being, and being independent

individuals. Educators are as a medium to reach the goal.

Learners are children who are growing and growing, both in terms of physical

and mental development. To be given proper education and efficient

education à performed must be in accordance with the development of each


5 Jalaluddin dan Idi, Abdullah, Filsafat Pendidikan.Jakarta:Raja Grafindo Persada, 2011, page 142


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3. Curriculum

The curriculum is formulations, course objectives, outline the subject of

valuation and other devices. Relations curriculum and educational purposes

very closely as the contents and the Way achieve educational goals. The

nature of the curriculum is progressive, developing, advanced, dynamic

therefore should always conduct the evaluation of the curriculum. Curriculum

relationship with philosophical views à seen in the forms of curriculum


4. Education system

Departing from the theory of human development education can be

interpreted as a human endeavor to cultivate and develop the innate potential,

both physical and spiritual in accordance with the values in the society and

culture of a nation's civilization developed results based on the outlook of the

nation itself (values and norms of society) that serves as an educational

philosophy or as ideals and educational purposes.

The education system is a system that is used as a benchmark for human

behavior in society that contains the potential to control, regulate and direct

the development of society in the field of education, the education system is

needed to address all the issues in the education system of education is the

educational philosophy adopted.


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There are three well-known terms in field of education in Islamic perspective;

tarbiyah, ta’dib and ta’lim. These three terms has mutual relation. If it is arranged

into systematical steps, ta’dib will come first as the widest scope, then tarbiyah as the

next and ta’lim as the narrowest scope will come the last. In relation to terms

Education and schooling, education as the ta’dib and schooling as the combination of

tarbiyah and ta’lim.

Experts have defined that education is a set of efforts to change someone’s

behavior and attitude to be a better human being in terms of body and soul. Meaning

that education is not only concern about cognitive achievement but also affective.

Education can be gained from systematical or un-systematical efforts through

studying and learning.

In general opinion, people define education as schooling. However, both of

these terms, have a fundamental different. If education concern about skill and moral,

systematic and un-systematic effort, schooling concerns about skill and only through

systematical efforts. Schooling is translated as systematical instruction, effort that

happen at school, and with obvious goal. The goal of schooling is limited to gaining

cognitive skill though a set of studies to achieve particular objective.


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Jalaluddin and Idi, Abdullah. 2007. Filsafat Pendidikan: Manusia, Filsafat dan

Pendidikan. Jogjakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media.

Muhmidayeli, 2014. Teori-teori Pengembangan: Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Pendidikan ,

Refika Aditama, Bandung.

Muhmidayeli. 2013. Filsafat Pendidikan. Bandung: Refika Aditama.





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