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This year, you…

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…helped grow this grassroots movement—for a greener, more socially just, and sustainable Hawai‘i—to nearly 10,000 individuals.

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Together, you submitted over 10,000 pieces of testimony in defense of the public trust lands and waters of Hawai‘i nei!

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… And your support made possible five major legal actions upholding protections for the lands, waters and people of Hawai‘i nei.

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Here are just a few of things your support and participation made possible…

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You helped win a first-of-its kind, landmark rule regulating bioprospecting in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands—permanently protecting biodiversity and cultural property rights in this unique marine region.

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Thanks to you, some 3.5 million acres of some of the world’s oldest coral colonies will be permanently protected from the impacts of unrestricted commercial bioprospecting and patenting.

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In October, you helped Maui County go GMO-taro free!

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Thanks to your persistent and reasoned testimony in support of Hāloa, Maui County Council members found it easy to make the right decision.

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Your financial support enabled the Environmental Justice Working Group to turn the Waikiki-style bus tour on its head, in a series of huaka‘i through environment justice hotspots on O‘ahu’s Leeward Coast.

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You put environmental justice on the public agenda--pushing decision-makers to make the connection between unsustainable waste management and energy policy—and the communities that bear the brunt of the impacts.

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Your giving enabled us to pursue a legal petition to expand critical habitat for the highly endangered Hawaiian monk seal.

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More critical habitat can help protect miles of shoreline throughout Hawai‘i nei from aggressive development proposals.

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You made it possible for KAHEA to join in legal action to protect sea turtles from longline

fishery expansion.

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And enabled us to continue the fight for natural and cultural conservation on sacred Mauna Kea—including legal action to ensure a honest, pono, community-based plan for the future of the sacred summit.

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All possible because of you!

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From our little

office to you:

Mahalo nui loa !

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Everyday, you help us believe in what is possible at the

grassroots when people get together!

Looking forward to great things in 2010! See you there!
