Page 1: Magazine cover layout decisions

Magazine cover layout decisions

This is the process of how I constructed my magazine and the decisions that I made for the layout. Hope you enjoy!

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The first thing that I did was add a layer for my picture that would be on my front cover. I stretched this image to fit the whole background and I made sure that the image wouldn’t get distorted when I did this by pressing shift. I made sure that there was space above her so that the masthead could go there. I also made sure that she was in the middle of the picture so she could be the main focus of the magazine

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The next thing that I did was add my masthead. I did this by pasting this and stretching it to fit the top of the cover. Then I used the pick up tool so that I could use the colour of the jumper for it and as my feature colour.

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After adding the masthead I thought that I should add some effects so I added a stroke to it which created the black outline. The position of it was outside. I also added bevel and emboss. This made the masthead stand out more and it also gave it a sophisticated look.

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The next thing that I decided to do was add a graphic in the shape of a circle using the shape tool and dragging it to get the desired shape I was looking for. I used the same colour as the masthead for this graphic but I made the opacity for it 24% giving it a soft and elegant touch. I chose to place the graphic there as it would have the main headline in it and it would be seen clearly and easily if it was there.

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Then I added text into the graphic. The reason I put this text in the graphic was to make it stand out. The size of the “TOP 10” is 47pt, “Personal statement” is 24pt and the “Tips” is 48pt.

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Then I added another headline. The first part which is written in white had a size of 32.16pt and it has a drop shadow on it with a distance of 14px, spread of 2% and a size of 9px. The “enter inside” part is written in black and has a size of 30pt. I think that writing this is in different colours made it stand out and made it intrigue people. And by having it on the right upper corner I think it makes the reader want to read it more as it right under the masthead.


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Then I decided that I would stretch my image more so that the image was bigger and met my brief. The reason I say this is because my image before wasn’t exactly what I needed as my brief said to use a mid shot. So I decided that by enlarging the image a little bit I could make the picture the desired shot angle and keep it the same image so I wouldn’t have to start my cover all over again.

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The next thing that I did was add another headline and graphic. This time the graphic that I decided to use was a rectangle and I also made this one by using the shape tool. Like the other graphic the opacity of this was 24%. The “ways” size is 36pt, the “to” 17pt, “relax” 48;t and the writing underneath was 15pt. I think by using a different colour for the relax it made the headline stand out and engage the reader so that they would pick up the magazine and read it. I also think the layout of where everything is sleek and makes the magazine look sophisticated.


I also added a barcode to make my magazine actually look real. Even though my magazine is free I thought it would add a nice touch as not all magazines that have barcodes are for sale. I also think that the positioning of the barcode is good as it is small and in the corner so it doesn’t interfere with anything else.

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I also added another headline and I made the “5” the biggest size with 60pt and this made it stand out and makes people want to read the magazine further. I also think that the position of it is clear but it is kind of in the corner as it isn't the most important headline.

The next thing that I added was a pull quote from inside the magazine. This was sixe 36pt and I used speech marks and an italic font to show how it is a quote. I also think that the position of it makes it look sleek and sophisticated.

Another headline was added and I made this very simple looking and plain but the simplicity of this headline made it stand out. I also think the placement of it is good as it is close to the personal statement things which relates to university.

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What I did here was I changed the alignment of the “enter inside”. I did this so that I could be right underneath the headline above as both of the lines are related to each other. This makes it more clear for the reader.

I also made the graphic smaller as there was just a big space with no writing in it and it looked odd.

Another thing that I did was add a drop shadow to the pull quote making the distance 12px, the spread 11% and the size 8px. I also made the opacity of the drop shadow 83%

Another thing that I did was add an anchor as I realised that the image that I had on the front cover didn’t directly relate to any of the headlines so I added “Shivani’s” on it to make the magazine more personable. I added it n top of one of the headlines so that readers would know that is what she has provided.

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I also added a drop shadow to this. I did this so it could be seen more clearly. The drop shadow opacity was 75%, distance 8px, spread 23% and size 68px.

Another thing that I did was add a drop shadow to the masthead so it would stand out more. The drop shadow opacity was 75%, distance 25px, spread 29% and size 38px.
