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Magazine analysis

This is a medium close as it is not quite zoomed in enough to be a close up also it is a face on angle as it is eye level.

The price and the date is underneath the barcode this is a common convention that features on the majority of magazines however this magazine has made the font of the price small so it doesn’t stand out to the audience.

The Barcode is horizontal in order to not use as much space and it is the least important also a common convention so the consumer can purchase the magazine

Using a buzz word such as ‘collectors’ makes the audience think that if kept it could be worth more in the future or the consumer may want to buy the collection so they are more likely to buy it. Also it says 1 out of 25 so it makes the audience want to buy this edition and the others so that they have the full collection.

A pull quote on the cover to engage the audience to read the magazine in order to see the whole article.

A list of other artists in the next edition so the audience will look for the next issue to see which artist it is and are more likely to buy a copy.

The layout features pink fading into blue to represent the stereotype gender and how the magazine is unisex. The magazine has a black border with a white outer edge this makes it look more formal to go with the high cost of the magazine.

The Q masthead as always in the corner using the famous red and white this is so the audience can distinctly recognise it and it stands out when stacked on shelves.

Also from this cover like all Q covers we can see that the celebrity is the main feature of every magazine. He attracts the audience to read the magazine to see what is about him in the magazine. The direct address the celebrity is giving makes the audience feel connected with the image.

The text that relates to each other are in the same font therefore although they are in different places the audience knows that they link together. The text size is bigger for the more important aspects of the cover.

Mise-en-scene-it features one main character dressed in the clothes associated with the celebrity hence tinie black sunglasses which is the only prop used

A small image of the front cover is featured, this is a reminder of what engaged the reader in the first place e.g. what they wanted to read.

The main feature is Cheryl Cole the image is a long shot she is looking down at the floor which creates mystery and is flirtatious so it engages the male readers. This links in with the cover and the page number is in a bigger font size than the others to express that the main feature of the magazine is Cheryl and the reader should go to that page first and as it takes half the page and forces people to acknowledge it.

Secondary images pulled from the article to engage the reader it tells them a little bit more of what can be found inside . They each have a page number so the audience can find the article and they would only be the most popular with the audience, thus is persuading the reader to buy the magazine.

This is the list of the main features of the magazine in ascending order not all page lists are featured as there are not that important. The red line separates the different articles so it is clear to the audience. Underneath each heading is a little explanation about what the article is about which makes it more interesting to the reader.

The regular features of the magazine are listed here such as a quiz these are features that are in majority of magazines.

The masthead –Q is featured in the top left hand corner the same as on the cover.

The issue number is featured in white using the house style colours

Continue use of house style colours are red white and black

The writing in columns because that’s how we know to read, it flows across the page to meet the audience needs as the target audience is quite young so they wont read a lot of writing. The images are collaged to engage the target audience and flow across the page as the target audience skim through pages.

The secondary images are different sizes as the bigger the picture the more it is featured in the magazine the target audience is drawn to big pictures.

They have a larger readership so they have a large variety of different articles to keep the readership. The language used is informal as the target audience is a young audience 16-25 so it engages the reader.

The contents pages is split half and half with texts to images on the page.

There is a capital W and a S which shows the start of the paragraph also having bigger letters draws the attention of the target audience.

This style of double page spread is different to those commonly used as the majority of the space is taken up by the picture and the title this is meeting the target audience needs as there needs to be a higher proportion of pictures to text. Therefore this is attaining the readership as it is using the target audience interests to design the magazine so they keep buying the magazine.

Having the artist name in a different colour instantly shows the reader the article is about him, it draws the consumer attention so they end up reading the whole article. The Cent is written in capital letters as that is his staged name and what he is mainly known by to his fans.

50 cent is obviously popular and of high significance as he takes up over half a page. He also has a stern facial expression this relates to the artist and his music. The artist is a rnb artist therefore the target audience will be people who are interested in this particular music.

The image is a close up of his face and he is directly looking into the camera which is an eye line shot. This shot engages the audience as they are looking directly at us this makes us feel connected with the artist so the target audience is more likely to buy it.

The Q logo is visibly featured in the low corner of the page this is so the reader is constantly reminded of the magazine name and if someone else picks it up open they can instantly tell what magazine it is this is promoting sales without making it obvious.

A pull quote from the articles engages the audience who are interested in r n b music and rappers who have a ‘rough edge’ to them as the quote states about getting shot didn’t hurt that much.

The font is small and simple as the text is insignificant as the main focus is the celebrity rather than what he has to say so it keeps the emphasis on the photo.

The photo uses a dark colour scheme and has shading from a baseball cap showing the artist himself is shady and mysterious

The Kerrang masthead used for the title of every issue always has a shattered glass effect to go with the rock n roll rebel theme of the magazine. Its also in the same position of every magazine as it’s the trademark of the magazine.

The white background gives full focus to the musician on the cover of the magazine. The artist is wearing security on her top which follows the rock n roll trend. The artist uses eye shadow matching her hair and the image is a medium close up and she is posing sweetly which is controversial to the magazine making the reader think she had a rebel background or the music she sings does.

The subheadings are disorganised and not structured the subheadings are sort of scattered around the main image and are spaced apart from each other which follows the rock n roll theme.

The house style for this front cover is black and yellow representing the police tape as it shows sort of a warning about the magazine which will engage the target audience as it is unique to other magazines and it features rebel artists which the target audience will admire and want to read about. The yellow is used to highlight the important words used in the headings on the cover for example the name of the artist.

The top banner tells the reader what else is in the magazine e.g. a competition so they are more likely to buy it as it features a chance to win a prize.

The caption ‘paramore’ is shown in large and bold as it is the main heading of the cover and the group is the focus of the issue. It is positioned at the top close to the image this is to engage the readers first attention but allowing the text to be seen clearly it also features a pull quote from the article within the magazine this is to persuade the target audience to buy the magazine. The quote is inspiring to the reader as it shows confidence and that she has a story to tell therefore convincing the reader to buy it.

The target audience is the young generation who are interested in rock music and the readership is 396,000 therefore to keep their readership they include up to date articles.

The ‘huge 7-day rock guide’ encourages the reader to buy this issue as it features over 800 gigs that the audience could attend. The use of the yellow, black and white highlights key words to engage the audience.

The barcode is in the corner of the magazine although it is not tiny in comparison to other magazines this gives off a rebel vibe as it shows the magazine company don’t care. The price is £2.20 which is affordable to the target audience.

Features the same broken glass effect banner as the cover therefore reminding the audience what magazine there reading and what on the cover they were intrigued by in order to turn the page.

The content is in a column form with easy subtitles so the reader can quickly and easily find what they are looking for and it’s a clear structure although the layout is the only thing structured throughout the whole magazine, it doesn’t really fit the genre.

This shows what the main focus of this weeks magazine is as it has a small close up photo and a detailed paragraph briefing what the article is about. It also has a bold heading to the paragraph to engage the reader to carry on reading.

It features an easy method to receive the magazine without having to go out and buy the magazine every week, this is important as our generation has become lazy. It says for ‘just £6’ which shows advertising as it tells the reader this is a cheap price and a good value for money as the magazine itself is £2.20 so you save around £2.80 a month. This would suit the target audience as young adults would normally be short of money.

This image and text of Leeds festival is bigger because it shows it is of importance, and is more important than any other feature of this content page. It lists the main and popular bands attending the festival this engages the reader to buy and read the magazine in order to find out more. Also the double page spread showing previews of Leeds and reading will engage the reader to buy the magazine and it intrigues them to find out the full listings of bands.

The contents uses red highlight over the black text to draw attention and engage the audience this makes it stand out and the use of poster special makes the reader more persuaded to buy the magazine to have the posters.

Blink 182 takes up half the page with just one image of how the guitarist is seen by the audience e.g. playing on stage. There is no accompanying text as none is needed, the audience can just seen the article featuring blink 182 will either be something to do with a concert, the band itself or new album's/songs.

The house style is still yellow and black.

The contents features a star with a circle used as sort of a bullet point which says cover story. This helps the audience find what reminded them/ intrigued them on the cover so they can find the page quickly.

The house style is pink and red with a black background, this is going against gender colour stereotypes.

The title of the spread is the name of one of their songs, this is unusual to have the song titling the page rather than the bands name. However secrets is written in capital letters and bright red letters symbolising danger. Using the song as a title shows that the article is revealing secrets and other information unknown to the public this will engage the target audience to buy the article.

The main photo is a long shot, the leader of the band is in the middle showing that he is of more importance. He is dressed in red and pink like the articles house style.

The secondary images are close ups, a medium long shot and a two shot. These images are in grayscale this can engage the audience as it is bold in contrast to colour.

A pull quote from the article is enlarged, so the reader is engaged to read the article in order to find what context the quote is from as it is interesting.

They have a larger readership so their articles need to appeal to all criteria's of the audience needs. Such as information on the bands, new album's and songs which this article provides. The language used is informal as the target audience is a young audience 16-25 so it engages the reader.

This is an eye line shot of the band. This shot engages the audience as they are looking directly at the audience this makes them feel connected with the artist so the target audience is more likely to buy it.

The spread has a small banner which tells us the name of the band The All-American Rejects.

The text is easy to follow it follows down in columns, it flows across the page to meet the audience needs as the target audience is quite young so they wont read a lot of writing . It has the main question and answer from each band member .

Crew is used which is informal and reaches out to the target audience as it is familiar language used amongst young adults.

Using the word ‘new’ will appeal to the target audience as it tells them that this magazine will have changes to the old magazine hence making them want to buy this new edition.

Having the title 4 of 10 special edition covers, reaches out to those collecting the magazine covers and if they haven't already they will start to collect the editions. The word ‘special’ engages the audience as special makes it sound more unique and one of a kind like they need to buy this magazine. The words are in capitals this makes it bold and makes it stand out in comparison to the white background, having it underlines also draws attention from the reader.

This sub heading tells the reader who is popular today it is a list of a mixture of different genre artists. Rihanna is the top of the list as well as the cover this shows she is of importance and gets attention from an audience who is in a fan of the her.

The barcode is horizontal so it takes up as little space as possible.

The price is in a small font because it is of little importance and therefore it shouldn’t attract attention as it could be considered as expensive.The masthead is NME which is short and easy to remember, underneath for people who don’t already know written in an unclear smaller font is New Musical Express. It is also unique as it doesn’t take up the whole page like other magazines

All headings and subheadings are written in the same font and the same colour it is a formal cover. This is a good coordination and helps the cover flow, the colours chosen are the typical girl stereotype colour pink. The colour pink was chosen because the main focus of the cover is Rihanna and she is a female hence the stereotypical colour choice. She is wearing matching lipstick which coordinates the cover with the artist.

A pull quote from an article within the magazine engages the reader to want to buy the magazine to read the whole article. It is also an inspirational quote and relates to experiences she has experienced in the past this will engage the reader as they will want to know what she has messed up with. Also it has influence as the target audience might follow what she says to be like her.

The main image is Rihanna straight away this automatically appeals to her fans. She is also direct addressing the camera therefore engaging the audience as if she is looking at them. The bird is all glammed up showing the audience she is rich and famous. She is appealing to the target audience which is a young generation as she herself is young however this cover would mainly appeal to girls as she is a role model.

This also makes the audience think that if they read this they will find out how to be like Rihanna which is a unique selling point.

The lighting shows her to be seductive or flirting with the audience which will appeal to the male audience.

It features the NME mast head logo so it adds to consistency through the magazine constantly reminding the audience what magazine they are reading. Having this week rather than contents page gives a different edge to the magazine as it tells the audience this is all new articles.

The house style colours are the usual NME red, black, white and yellow. The colours are used effectively to make certain words stand out.

The layout is the same as previous issues of the magazine. The layout is also very clear to read because everything is sectioned off into different categorises allowing the reader to find exactly what they are looking for. There is clearly one main story as only the photo from this article is used and no other photos are shown. One popular aspect of this page is the band index so if a reader is particularly interested in a certain band they can clearly look them up and persuades them to buy the magazine to find out about the band.

Unlike other content pages in other issues this is not dedicated to the pop genre it is dedicated to a rock genre.

Having an arrow pointing to the next page in bright red persuades the audience to buy the magazine in order to find out about when the gigs start this is a good advertising idea.

It also has how to subscribe for a month and says for just £5.57 this is useful as it makes it sound like a good price. It is in bright yellow which is eye catching and attractive to the reader.. It features an email address to make ordering quick and easy for the reader.

It also has little arrows which point out which articles are featured on the contents which is what engaged the audience in the first place.

It is one of very few articles to feature an article on the contents page.

readership of 411,000.The circulation of the magazine currently however it needs updating is 19,491 (ABC Jul - Dec 2013)

The mast head is very large and covers a large proportion of the page this has two contrasting fonts in order to engage the reader The artist name is written in a simple, bold font and is pink like this artist.

The first letter of the article is much bigger and bold than the rest, in order to make it clear where it starts, this is common with magazine articles.

The main audience of this double page spread is the younger generation and mainly at girls as these are the type of people that would listen to Nicki minaj.

This page has an extremely girl and feminine look which would attract her fans and fits in with a pop genre.

The main image is bold and the artist is wearing matching pink lipstick which compliments the pink background colour. The artist is wearing a unique bold costume with a direct address to the audience and the image is a medium close up.

The layout of the text is different compared to other magazines as it is split into different topics which would appeal to the target audience. Pull quotes are used to engage the reader and attract attention to the most important parts of the interview.

The design is informal which gives it a more exciting edge and makes it more appealing to the target audience. There is not a balance between image and text and the image is quite big on the right hand side of the page.

They have a larger readership of on average 411,000, so they have a large variety of different articles to keep the readership. The language used is informal as the target audience is a young male audience men aged 17-40 so it engages the reader.