  • 8/9/2019 MACHINING PROCESS 2 MARK.docx








    UNIT I

    1. W!" !#$ "$ %!#'() '*$#!"'+) ,!+ -$ *$#'#$0 '+ ! !"$2

    1) Turning

    2) Facing.

    3) Forming.

    4) Knurling5) Chamfering

    6) Thread cutting.

    7) Drilling

    8) oring

     !) "ece##ing

    1$) Ta%%ing

    11) &roo'ing etc.

    3. W!" !#$ "$ *#+,*$ *!#") ' ! !"$2l)ed

    2) (ead#toc 

    3) Tail#toc 

    4) Carriage

    5) Cro##*#lide

    6) Tool %o#t

    . W!" ) "$ !+ #$("$) ' ! !"$ -$02

    The lathe +ed #hould +e 'er, #trong to -ith#tand cutting force# and 'i+ration#

    during machining.

    4. W!" !#$ "$ ()$) ' $!0)"',62

    1 (ead#toc carrie# a hollo- #%indle -ith no#e to hold the -or %iece.

    2.To mount the dri'ing and #%eed changing mechani#m#.

  • 8/9/2019 MACHINING PROCESS 2 MARK.docx


    5. W!" ) "$ !+ 0$#$+,$ -$"7$$+ %$ ,$+"$# !+0 0$!0 ,$+"$#2

    i. /i'e center dri'e# and rotate# along -ith the -or %iece#.

    ii. Dead center i# dri'en +, head#toc and it 0u#t #u%%ort# #u%%ort the other end of

    the -or.

    8. S"!"$ "$ %!#'() *!#") '(+"$0 '+ "$ ,!##!9$.

    a. addle

     +. Com%ound re#t

    c.Cro## #lide

    d. Tool %o#t.

    7. W!" ) ! ,'*'(+0 #$)"2

    mem+er or %art -hich i# mounted on the to% of the cro## #lide ha'ing a +a#e

    graduated in degree#.

    . L)" !+; '(# ";*$) ' !"$)2

    1) ngine lathe.

    2) ench lathe.

    3) Tool room lathe

    4) emi*automatic lathe.

    5) utomatic lathe.

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    3>. D$+$ +9 '*$#!"'+.

    Filing i# the %roce## of remo'ing +ar# #har% corner# and feed mar# on a -or

     %iece +, remo'ing 'er, #mall amount of metal.

    31. D$+$ "$ *#',$)) @9#''%+9@.

    &roo'ing i# the %roce## of reducing the diameter of the -or %iece o'er a 'er,

    narro- #urface.

    33. P!#"+9 ' ) !+ '*$#!"'+ ' 

    Cutting a -or %iece after machining.

    3. W!" ) #$!+9 !+0 -'#+9 '*$#!"'+ 2

    "eaming * t i# the o%eration of fini#hing and #ie a alread, drilled hole.

    oring * t i# the %roce## of enlarging a alread, drilled hole.

    34. S"!"$ "$ *'#"!+" #$("$) ' ,!*)"!+ !+0 "(##$" !"$.


    2) (ead #toc.

    3) Turret head

    4) addle

    5)Cro## #lide.

    35. W!" ";*$ ' $,!+) ) ()$0 '# +0$+9 "$ "(##$" $!0 '# "$ +$"'*$#!"'+2

    &ene'a or nde9ing mechani#m.

    38. N!$ !+; '(# 7'#6 '0+9 0$%,$).

    .1) Collet#

     2) Chuc#

    3) Fi9ture#

    4) o-er chuc#

    3?. N!$ !+; '(# "'' '0+9 0$%,$)1) ;ulti%le cutter holder.


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    . W!" !#$ "$ 0$#$+" !0()"$+") !0$ + R'(+0 ,'(+ 0#+9


    1. rm and ta+le mo'e# u% and do-n to accommodate the -or %iece.

    2. rm and ta+le ma, +e mo'ed in an arc u% to 18$ around the column

    3. The ta+le ma, +e rotated 36$ a+out it# o-n a9i#.

    . L)" "$ *!#" +%'%$0 + "$ (* #9" 0#+9 !,+$2

    1. a#e

    2. Column

    3. Ta+le

    4. (ead

    5. %indle =uill and drill head a##em+l,.

    11. L)" "$ *!#" +%'%$0 + "$ #!0! 0#+9 !,+$2

    1. a#e

     2. Column

     3. "adial arm

    4. Drill head

    13. W!" !#$ "$ 7'#6 '0+9 0$%,$) ()$0 + 0#+9 !,+$2

    1. T +olt and clam%

    2. te% +loc 

    3. ngle %late

    4. Drill 0ig.

    1. W!" !#$ "$ 0$#$+" '*$#!"'+) *$#'#$0 + 0#+9 !,+$2


    2. "eaming


    4. Counter +oring

    5. Counter #ining6. %ot facing

    7. Ta%%ing



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    14. W!" ) #$!+92

    t i# the #econdar, o%eration after the drilling o%eration ha# +een %erformed to

     %roduce the occurate hole or fini#h the hole.

    15. W!" ) -'#+92

    t i# u#ed to enlarge the hole +, mean# of ad0u#ta+le cutting tool -ith onl, one

    cutting edge.

    18. W!" ) ,'(+"$# -'#+92

    t i# u#ed to enlarge the end of the hole c,lindricall, and the enlarge hole form# the

    #=uare #houlder# -ith original hole.

    1?. W!" ) "!**+92

    t i# the o%eration to %roduce internal thread# +, u#ing ta% tool.

    1. L)" "$ ";*$) ' 0#2.

    1. Flat or #%ade drill

    2. traight fluted drill

    3. T-o li% t-i#t drill

    4. Centre drill.


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    34. W!" ) ,#,(!# !+02

    The c,lindricall, ground #urface ad0acent to the cutting edgeon the leading edge

    of the land.

    35. W!" ) "$ !0%!+"!9$ ' ("$2

    The flute i# the helical groo'e. t i# u#ed to remo'e the chi% through the helical

    groo'e and the cutting fluid -ill enter through the flute #urface.

    38. W!" ) *#!#; ,$!#!+,$2

    The %ortion of the land remo'ed to %ro'ide clearance immediatel, +ehind the

    cutting edge.

    3?. W!" ) )$,'+0!#; ,$!#!+,$2

    The %ortion of the land remo'ed to %ro'ide clearance +ehind the %rimar, clearance

    or circular land.


    1. W!" ) )!*$#2

    The #ha%er i# a reci%rocating t,%e of machine tool intended to %roduce flat #urface.

    The#e #urface# ma, +e horiontal 'ertical or inclined.

    3. C!)); "$ )!*$# !,,'#0+9 "' "$ #$,*#',!"+9 ' #!2i. Cran t,%e

    ii. (,draulic t,%e

    iii. &eared t,%e.

    . C!)); "$ )!*$# !,,'#0+9 "' "$ "#!%$ !+0 *')"'+ ' "$ #!2

    a. (oriontal t,%e

     +. ?ertical t,%e

    c. Tra'eling head t,%e.

    4. C!)); "$ )!*$# !,,'#0+9 "' "$ 0$)9+ ' "!-$2a. tandard t,%e

     +. >ni'er#al t,%e.

    5. C!)); "$ )!*$# !,,'#0+9 "' "$ ";*$ ' ,(""+9 )"#'6$2

    a. u#h t,%e

     +. Dra- t,%e

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    8. L)" "$ 0$#$+" ";*$) ' *!#") +%'%$0 + "$ )!*$#2

    a. a#e

     +. Column

    c. Cro## rail

    d. addle

    e. Ta+le

     f. "am

    h. Tool head.

    ?. L)" "$ *!#") + "'' $!02

    a. -i'el +a#e

     +. ?ertical #lide

    c. %ron

    d. Tool %o#t

    . L)" "$ *!#") + !*#'+2

    a. Cla%%er +o9

     +. Cla%%er +loc

     c. Tool %o#t

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    1. W!" ) "$ ()$ ' )!*$# 0'9 + ;0#!(, )!*$# $,!+)2

    t i# u#ed to change the %o#ition of the flo- to facilitate the reci%rocating motion.

    14. W!" !#$ "$ !0%!+"!9$) ' ;0#!(, )!*$# $,!+)2

    a. The cutting and return #%eed are %artiall, con#tant throughout the #troe.

     +. nfinite num+er of cutting ma, +e o+tained from ero to ma9imum 'alue and

    control ea#ier.

    15. W!" !#$ "$ 7'#6 '0+9 0$%,$) ()$0 + )!*$#2

    1. Clam%ing the 'i#e

    2. Clam%ing on the ta+le

    3. Clam%ed to the angular %late.

    18. W!" !#$ "$ 0$%,$) ()$0 "' '0 "$ 7'#6 + "' "$ "!-$2a. T +olt and clam%#

     +. to% %in#

    c. tri% and #to% %in#

    1?. W!" !#$ "$ 0$#$+" '*$#!"'+) *$#'#$0 -; ()+9 )!*$#2

    1. (oriontal #urface

    2. ?ertical #urface

    3. ngular #urface

    4. Cutting #lot and e, -a,#

    5. rregular #urface

    1. W!" ) *!+$#2

    The %laner lie a #ha%er i# a machine tool %rimaril, intended to %roduce %lane and

    flat #urface# +, a #ingle %oint cutting tool#. it i# u#ed to machining a large -or

     %iece -hich cannot accommodate +, #ha%er ta+le.


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    3>. W!" !#$ "$ ";*$) ' *!+$#2

    a. Dou+le hou#ing %laner 


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    3?. L)" "$ $,!+) ()$0 "' 0#%$ "$ "!-$2


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    5. L)" "$ )"!+0!#0 ,!*+9 0$%,$) ()$0 + *!+$#.

    1. (ea', dut, 'ice

    2. T +olt and clam%#

    3. ngle %late

    4. to%#

    8. W!" ) "$ ()$ ' *!+$# !,62

    t i# u#ed to #u%%ort the o'erhanging %art#.

    ?. L)" "$ *!+$# '*$#!"'+.

    1. (oriontal #urface

    2. ?ertical #urface

    3. lanning cur'ed #urface#

     4. lanning #lot# and groo'e#.

    W!" ) )'""$#2

    t i# fall# under the categor, of reci%rocating t,%e# of machine tool #imilar to


    < W!" ) "$ 0$#$+,$ -$"7$$+ )!*$# !+0 )'""$#2

    1. n #ha%er ram reci%rocate a+out horiontal a9i# +ut #lotter the ram reci%rocate

    a+out 'ertical a9i#.

    4>. W!" ) "$ 0$#$+,$ -$"7$$+ %$#",! )!*$# !+0 )'""$#2n 'ertical #ha%er the holding the tool ma, al#o reci%rocate at an angle to the

    horiontal ta+le in addition to the 'ertical #troe.

    41. W!" ) "$ ()$ ' )'""$#2

    t i# u#ed to cutting groo'ee,-a,and #lot# of 'ariou# #ha%e#.

    43. W!" !#$ "$ ";*$) ' )'""$#2

    1. uncher #lotter 

    2. reci#ion #lotter 

    4. W!" ) *(+,$# )'""$#2

    The %uncher #lotter i# hea', rigid machine de#igned for remo'al of large amount

    of -or%iece#. t i# dri'en +, a #%iral %inion me#hing -ith the rac teeth on the

    under #ide of the ram.

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    44. W!" !#$ "$ *!#") +%'%$0 + )'""$#2

    1. a#e

    2. Column

    3. addle

    4. Cro## #lide

    5."otating ta+le

    6. "am and tool head.

    45. L)" "$ #! 0#%+9 $,!+) ()$0 + )'""$#.

    1. @hith -orth =uic return mechani#m

    2. ?aria+le #%eed re'er#i+le motor dri'e mechani#m.

    3. (,draulic dri'e.

    48. L)" "$ $$0 +%'%$0 + )'""$#.

    1. /ongitudinal feed2. Cro## feed

    3. Circular feed.

    4? L)" "$ )'""$# '*$#!"'+.

    1. ;achining flat #urface#

     2. C,lindrical #urface#

     3. rregular #urface#.

    4. lot e, -a,# and groo'e#.


    1. E*!+ "$ ,(""+9 )!*+9 *#',$))2

    The re=uired #ha%e of metal i# o+tained +, remo'ing the un-anted material from

    the -or %iece

    in the form of chi%# i# called cutting #ha%ing. 9am%le Turning Drilling ;illing

    oring etc.

    3. C!)); "$ #$!"%$ '"'+ -$"7$$+ 7'#6 *$,$ !+0 ,(""+9 "''.

    :i) "otation of -or again#t the tool. 9am%le Turning

    :ii) "otation of tool again#t -or %iece. 9am%le Drilling ;illing

    :iii) linear mo'ement of the -or %iece again#t the tool. 9am%le laner

    :i') /inear mo'ement of the tool again#t the -or. 9am%le ha%er.

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    . W!" !#$ ! "$ 0$#$+" ";*$) ' ,(""+9 "''2

    :i) ingle %oint cutting tool

    :ii) ;ulti%l, %oint cutting tool.

    4. C!)); "$ %!#'() !+9$) + ,(""+9 "''2

    1) ac rae angle

    2) ide rae angle

    3) nd relief angle

    4) ide relief angle

    5) ide cutting angle

    6) nd cutting angle.

    5. W!" ) "'' )9+!"(#$2

    The 'ariou# angle# of tool# are mentioned in a numerical num+er in %articular

    order. That order i# no-n a# tool #ignature.

    8. W!" ) $$," ' -!,6 #!6$ !+9$ !+0 $+"'+ "$ ";*$)2

    ac rae angle of tool i# increa#e# the #trength of cutting tool and cutting action.

    t can +e cla##ified into t-o t,%e#.

    1. o#iti'e rae angle.

    2. Aegati'e rae angle.

    ?. W!" ) )0$ #!6$ !+9$ !+0 M$+"'+ ") $$,")2

    The angle +et-een the tool face and the line %arallel to the +a#e of the tool. t i#

    u#ed to control chi% flo-.

    . W!" ) ,$!#!+,$ !+9$ !+0 $+"'+ "$ ";*$)2

    The#e are the #lo%e# ground do-n-ard# from the cutting edge#. The clearance

    angle can +e cla##ified into t-o t,%e#.

    i ide relief angle.

    ii. nd relief angle.

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    d. To machine the metal +elo- recommended cutting #%eed#.

    11. W$+ 7 "$ +$9!"%$ #!6$ !+9$) -$ ()$02

    a. To machine high #trength allo,#.

     +. The machine tool# are more rigid.

    c.The feed rate# are high.

    d. To gi'e hea', and interru%ted cut#.

    13. C!)); "$ ";*$) ' $"! ,(""+9 *#',$))2

    The metal cutting %roce##e# are mainl, cla##ified into t-o t,%e#.


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    :i') /arge rae angle

    :') har% cutting edge

    :'i) ro%er cutting fluid

    :'ii) /o- friction +et-een tool face and chi%#.


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    34. W!" !#$ "$ ,(""+9) '#,$) !,"+9 '+ "$ ,(""+9 "''2

    During the cutting %roce## the follo-ing three com%onent of cutting force# acting

    mutuall, right angle#.

    a. Feed force F9 act# in a horiontal %lane +ut in the Direction o%%o#ite to feed.

     +. Thru#t force F, act# in a direction %er%endicular to the generated #urface.

    c. Cutting force F in the direction of the main cutting motion.

    38. W!" !#$ "$ !))(*"'+) !0$ -; $#,!+" ,#,$2

    a. The chi% formation -ill +e continuou# -ithout +uilt u% edge.

     +. During cutting %roce## cutting 'elocit, remain# con#tant

    c. The cutting tool ha# a #har% cutting edge #o that it doe# not mae flan contact to

    the -or%iece.

    3?. W!" ) $"! #$'%! #!"$2

    t i# defined a# the 'olume of metal remo'ed in unit time. t i# u#ed to calculatetime re=uired to remo'e #%ecified =uantit, of material from the -or %iece.

    3. W!" !#$ "$ !))(*"'+) !0$ + $$ !+0 S!$#) "$'#;2

    a. The -or ahead of the tool +eha'e# a# ideal %la#ticma##

     +. There e9i#t# a #hear %lane -hich #e%arate# the chi% and -or %iece

    c. Ao hardening in chi% occur#.


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    d. h,#ical %ro%ertie# of -or material#.

    e. ;ethod of %roduction of the -or material#.

    3. W!" !#$ ! "$ "'' %!#!-$) !$,"+9 "$ !,+!-";2

    a. Tool geometr, and tool material.

     +. Aature of engagement of tool -ith the -or.

    c. "igidit, of tool.

    . W!" !#$ "$ !,+$ %!#!-$) !$,"+9 "$ !,+!-";2

    a. "igidit, of machine.

     +. o-er and accurac, of the machine tool.

    4. H'7 "$ !,+!-"; ,!+ -$ $%!(!"$02

    The follo-ing criteria #ugge#ted for e'aluating machina+ilit,.

    a. Tool life %er grind +. "ate of remo'al %er tool grind

    c. ;agnitude of cutting force# and %o-er con#um%tion. urface fini#h.

    e. Dimen#ional #ta+ilit, of fini#hed -or.

    f. (eat generated during cutting.

    g. a#e of chi% di#%o#al.

    h. Chi% hardne## #ha%e and #ie.

    5. M$+"'+ "$ !0%!+"!9$ ' 9 !,+!-";2

    a. &ood #urface fini#h can +e %roduced

     +. (igh cutting #%eed can +e u#ed

    c. /e## %o-er con#um%tion

    d. ;etal remo'al rate i# high

    e. /e## tool -ear.

    8. W!" ) !,+!-"; +0$2

    t i# a com%ari#on of machina+ilit, of different material to #tandard material. >

    material #tandard for 1$$ machina+ilit, i# 1112 hot rolled #teel.

    ;achina+ilit, inde9 Cutting #%eed of #tandard #teel for 2$ minute# tool life

    Cutting #%eed of metal in'e#tigated for 2$ minute# tool life

    ?. C!)); "$ "'' 7$!#2

    The tool -ear i# generall, cla##ified a# follo-#

    :i) Flan -ear or crater -ear

    :ii) Face -ear  

    :iii) Ao#e -ear 

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    . H'7 "'' $ ) 0$+$02

    Tool life i# defined a# time ela%#ed +et-een t-o con#ecuti'e tool re #har%ening.

    During thi# %eriod tool #er'e# effecti'el, and efficientl,.

    . W!" !#$ "$ !,"'#) !$,"+9 "'' $2

    i. Cutting #%eed

    ii. Feed and de%th of cut

    iii. Tool geometr,i'. Tool material

    '. Cutting fluid

    'i. @or material

    'ii. "igidit, of -or tool and machine.

    43. W!" !#$ ! "$ !,"'#) ,'+)0$#$0 '# )$$,"'+ ' ,(""+9 )*$$02

    i. Tool life of material +eing machined

    iii."ate of feed

    i'.De%th of cut

    '.Tool geometr,.

    ?i.Cutting fluid u#ed

    'ii.T,%e of machining %roce##

     'iii.urface fini#h to +e o+tained.

    4. W!" !#$ "$ !,"'#) )'(0 -$ ,'+)0$#$0 '# )$$,"'+ ' "'' !"$#!)2

    i. ?olume of %roduction

    ii. Tool de#ign

    iii. T,%e of machining %roce##i'. h,#ical E Chemical %ro%ertie#

    '. "igidit, and condition of machine.

    44. W!" !#$ "$ *'#"!+" ,!#!,"$#)",)2

    i. (ot hardne##

    ii. @ear re#i#tance

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    iii. Toughne##

    i'. /o- friction

    '. Co#t of tool

    'i. (igh thermal conducti'it,

    'ii. "e#i#tance to thermal #hoc 

    'iii. a#, to grind and #har%en.

    45. N!$ !+; '(# "'') !"$#!2

    i. Car+on tool #teel

    ii. (igh #%eed #teel

    iii. Cemented car+ide#

    i'. Ceramic#

    '. Diamond#

    48. W!" ) "$ (+,"'+ ' ,(""+9 (0)2i. t i# u#ed to cool the cutting tool and -or %iece

    ii. t lu+ricate# the cutting tool and thu# reduce# the co*efficient of friction +et-een

    tool and -or

    iii. t im%ro'e# the #urface fini#h a# #tated earlier

    i'. t cau#e# the chi%# to +rea u% into #mall %art#

    '. t %rotect# the fini#hed #urface from corro#ion

    'i. t -a#he# a-a, the chi%# from the tool. t %re'ent# the tool from fouling

    'ii. t %re'ent# corro#ion of -or and machine.

    4?. W!" !#$ "$ *#'*$#"$) ' ,(""+9 (02

    i. t #hould ha'e good lu+ricant %ro%ertie#

    ii. (igh heat a+#or+ing ca%acit,

    iii. t #hould ha'e a high #%ecific heat high heat conducti'it, and high film co*


    i'. (igh fla#h %oint.

    '. t #hould +e odorle##

    'i. t #hould +e non*corro#i'e to -or and tool

    'ii.t #hould ha'e lo- 'i#co#it, to %ermit free flo- of the li=uid.

    4. W!" ) -(" (* $09$2

    During cutting %roce## the interface tem%erature and %re##ure i#.


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    ii.The chi% flo-# o'er the tool face and the direction of chi%*flo- 'elocit, i#

    normal to the cutting edge.

    iii.The cutting edge clear# the -idth of the -or %iece on either end#. :i.e. Ao #ide


    i'The ma9imum chi% thicne## occur# at it# middle.

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    . W!" ) %$#",! +9 !,+$2

    n 'ertical milling machine the #%indle i# mounted 'ertical or %er%endicular to the


    4. W!" !#$ "$ *!#") ()$0 + "$ ,'(+ !+0 6+$$ ";*$ +9 !,+$2

    1. a#e

    2. Column

    3. Knee

