Page 1: Love is Blind: I'd Rather Rescue Myself

Hi there! I decided to play a challenge I found the rules to last week. It's not replacing any of my other legacies or challenge.

You can find the rules for this challenge over at Boolprop (there'll be a link in the boolprop thread for this, most likely).

I don't know if I'm going to score the challenge yet. :)

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Meet Charlotte Charming. Completely unamused by everything.

“Stop looking at me! And sit up straight!”

Sorry, Charlotte. Let's move on.

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Meet Charlotte's pride and joy, her naïve son, Arnold Charming.

I adore him. :)

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And finally, meet our er, damsel in distress, Annabelle Charming. She lives in a tower connected onto her step-mother's home.

Basically, the idea is she can't leave until she's found true love, got married secretly, and had a baby, all in her secret tower.

“I'd rather rescue myself.”

Not an option, Annabelle.

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Another part of the challenge is that Annabelle can only make instant meals until she has maxed-out her cooking skills.

So instead of being fun and awesome inside her tower, she pretty much read the day away.

“Reading is fun and awesome.”

Yes, but not to watch.

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Charlotte and Arnold, however, were entertaining to watch during the day.

“Son, I have something to tell you.”

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“I only like your step-sister sort of. In fact, right now, she's locked in the mysterious tower connected to our house.”

“Teehee, aren't we evil?”

“You're not. Stop pretending.”

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“No way. You swear?”

“What? Swear that you're not evil?” Charlotte blinked in frustration at her son, “you think you're evil? Hahaha!”

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Arnold then pulled his “I just heard some shocking gossip” face. And didn't glitch up! Hooray!

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Annabelle, oblivious to the events taking place downstairs, got bored of reading about cooking, and started reading a romance novel.

“Heehee, the maid is like prince charming...hey, does my step-mother have a man-maid?”

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Downstairs, the welcome wagon has shown up.

“Ahoy there, new neighbours!”

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“Good day, madam, my name is Charlie. Someone told me you have a damsel in distress?”

“Damsel? What damsel? Just me and my son living here.”

“I see. Distressed damsels get you nervous, no? I'll just go introduce myself to your son, then.”

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“Of course you can meet my son! You'll find him in the living room.”

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Of course Charlie would wander in to find Arnold prancing about on the sofa.

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“Hello there, you must be Goopy.”

“You mean Gordon.”

“Yes, of course I do.”

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Inside, Charlie and Arnold are bonding over television.

“I love this show!” Charlie said, delightedly.

“Mmm-hmmm. I love it so much I can watch it with my eyes closed.”

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After that, I figured out that Arnold and Charlie would have two bolts, and then the flirting began.

Look! Shy sim flirt! Behold the adorableness!

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“Why, sir, I’m flattered!” Charlie said, a hand placed grandly on his chest.

Arnold just continued being adorable.

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Hmm. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t supposed to be finding Arnold someone to love.

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Annabelle is still just reading upstairs, while Arnold finds love downstairs.

“Don’t forget who the damsel is, will you?”

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Gordon, meanwhile, is dancing furiously. Ah, these strange men invited into the home just in case they might be Prince Charming.

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Gordon is not the only one dancing up a storm. Charlie and Arnold continue to behave like an adorable couple.

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See? Adorable step-brother finds himself an adorable Prince. Too bad the damsel is still in distress, right?

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Gordon managed to get into the tower and talk to Annabelle for a bit. See, the door is locked only for Annabelle. But no one else goes in there because it’s nothing but cheap furniture.

Anyway, Gordon isn’t Annabelle’s Prince Charming. No bolts. The pair talked before going their separate ways.

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Speaking of going their separate ways, Arnold finally said goodnight to Charlie.

And Charlie got his nose stuck in Arnold's face.

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“HAHA! The step-brother found love before the damsel did!”

Here is where I leave you after a seriously short chapter-type thing. Hopefully the next one will be longer, and hopefully you enjoyed this one!

Thanks for reading!
