Page 1: Louis Gerard Saliot | CEO of EAMG Tourism Industry

Louis Gerard Saliot

Page 2: Louis Gerard Saliot | CEO of EAMG Tourism Industry

The Socially Fertile Barren Land in Fiji

• The concept of Natadola project was created and implemented by Louis Gerard Saliot, the CEO of two travel and leisure companies that have developed an international level across the period. Louis Gerard Saliot imagined a whole new Fijian vacationer lifestyle that involved pleasure from the splendid luxuries of being a visitor in Fiji while simultaneously encountering the well based lifestyle of the place. Saliot incorporated the very best in this travel and leisure project however he trapped to the earth and only exercised matching resources for the Fijian area without grabbing away any of their appearance under the project conditions.

Page 3: Louis Gerard Saliot | CEO of EAMG Tourism Industry

• By the end of the Natadola project, Fiji had so much to thank Gerard Saliot for. The man not only expanded the encounter of Fijian areas and travel and leisure possibilities by generously developing the best of features as an aspect of the project but also consequently developed a whole lot of job possibilities that introduced in a extreme increase to the Fijian economic climate as a whole.

Page 4: Louis Gerard Saliot | CEO of EAMG Tourism Industry

• Even though Gerard Saliot makes a unique chance of nationwide advantage in each and every project he performs yet the Natadola sea project was extremely developed. The best aspect about Gerard Saliot is that he envisions socialistic success rather than simply old success in each of his project. His totally free lively mind-set towards perform is absolutely amazing and can be well regarded for the reputation he legal courts these days.

Page 5: Louis Gerard Saliot | CEO of EAMG Tourism Industry

• The travel and leisure market regards him as a tutor. He is someone who has developed the change with his every shift and choice however great individuals great both success and breakdowns. The same can be said of Louis Gerard Saliot who has experienced both good and bad periods. Yet his never passing away interest towards perform is an exemption that individuals usually obtain motivation from. His existence is a advantage that cannot be neglected.

Page 6: Louis Gerard Saliot | CEO of EAMG Tourism Industry

Contact Us

• Head Office

• 15 Hoe Chiang Road,

• 12-02 Tower Fifteen,

• Singapore 089316

• Fax +65 6396 6439

[email protected]

Page 7: Louis Gerard Saliot | CEO of EAMG Tourism Industry