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Location NotesShania Sukhu

Discussion and Research

As a group we were aware that the locations used within a film are extremelyimportant and so together, Serife and I discussed and brainstormed ourideas.

To begin we brainstormed ideas of different locations we could use for thelocation of our short film, ‘Big Boy’ and due to the scenes we wanted toinclude in our film we came to the decision of using a bedroom, kitchen,bathroom and hallway for the majority of the film and a studio for ourflash-forward's when Suki D imagines Lady Candy in her multicultural outfits.We also chose these locations as we found that similar comedy films tend touse these locations also.

We then began thinking about who’s house we would be able to use for ourproduction and after discussing the positive and negative factors of eachlocation we came to the conclusion of using our editor, Serife Suleyman’shouse and the drama studios which were available in our school.

Location 1: Bedroom

The bedroom was a very important location in our short

film and we wanted it to represent our main character,

Suki D in the best way possible. For our bedroomlocation we used a fairly large sized room which I

knewwould be beneficial when I was filming as this

wouldallow me to ensure the cinematography in the film

wasengaging as I would be able to film a range of

shots andangles. As the room originally belonged to an

adult, wehad to make a few changes to make the room

appear tobelong to a male teenager. To do this we changed

thebed sheets as originally they were a brown colour

whichwe then changed to blue coloured bed sheets toconnote masculinity. We also removed objects

from theroom, such as a landline telephone as this is not a typical object to find in a teenager’s bedroom.

Location 2: Kitchen

Another location which we used in our short film was a

Kitchen where Suki D consumes his breakfast. When

choosing the kitchen we were going to use we ensured

there was plenty of space which would allow us to

comfortably film a range of shots and angles, thus

making our short film more interesting to theaudience, as well as having bright lighting so that

theaudience are able to clearly see Suki D and his

actions.The bright lighting also reflected the comedy

genre asit connotes happiness and safety, whereas if we

wereto use a kitchen with dark and dull lighting this

wouldconnote sadness and fear which is more likely torepresent the horror genre, rather than the


Location 3: Hallway

The hallway is used when Lady Candy enters Suki D’s

house and proceeds upstairs towards his bedroom.

The main reason we chose this hallway out of all of

our options was due to it being fairly narrow in size.

By using a narrow corridor we were able to emphasise

the awkwardness and link between the two characters. Whilst Lady Candy is walking up the

stairsSuki D follows closely behind, observing the

back ofher in her tight dress and high heels. This

portrays the tension between the two characters and due

tothe small amount of space, emphasises the relationship between them.

Location 4: Bathroom

The bathroom was another key location as this is the location where Suki D

Prepares himself for the escort’s arrival. We decided to include a scene using a

bathroom as when carrying out genre research I found that bathroom scenes are

commonly used in comedy films to show events, such as the protagonist

preparing for a date or rushing to use the toilet which inspired us to include a

bathroom scene in our short film.

Location 5: Studio

In our short film we wanted to include a scene where Suki D has a dream where he

imagines the escort, Lady Candy wearing an Indian outfit, portraying Suki D’s culture.

We chose to use a location which was separate from the house to make the production

look more creative and interesting. We therefore chose a spacious drama studio which

was very plain and empty with black curtains. This allowed us to focus solely on Lady

Candy’s character, meaning the audience would not get distracted due to their being

nothing aside from her character in the scene.
