
Capture the Conversation

(#linkies) is a social media technology company that enables brands to capture, monitor, and display campaigns of one or more hashtags by curating from the primary social networks.

Linkies offers a variety of products and features to meet your company or event’s needs.

Capture & Display Legal Rights Management

White Label / Licensing

Capture social posts, photos and videos across multiple networks tagged with your specified hashtags. Then create customizable walls that display approved social posts on monitors, websites, and across all mobile devices.

Obtain legal rights for social media content using the Linkies automated system. And start leveraging the best photos, videos and social testimonials your customers create, placed in your online or offline displays, collateral and paid advertising.

Linkies offers white-label, licensing and API solutions to plug the social curation engine into your existing digital platform or service.

Support & MaintenanceLinkies offers support and maintenance options including onsite/offsite monitoring, custom displays, hardware setup and installation, server bandwidth, and more.





dynamic video events

online ads

select content get rights to use



Linkies offers three “Capture & Display” packages to choose from.

Custom solutions available upon request. These may include real-time feeds, onsite/offsite monitoring, custom displays, dynamic video, live broadcast integration, rich media banners and more.


Campaign Management: Upon login at, you can manage campaigns, add/remove hashtags, create displays and approve posts.

Collect & Display: Once hashtags are added, social conversations will automatically be curated from Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr and Google+. Displays can be customized to only show specific hashtags, groups of hashtags or all hashtags.


Customized Displays: Each account can create unlimited displays (with various custom options). These displays are social feeds that can be pushed to a website, mobile device, monitor/projector, online banner ad, and/or stadium monitors. Each display can be designed for the intended brand or event.

Monitoring: Approving content to be visible on public displays can be managed through the Linkies online tool. Private displays can be used internally to monitor unfiltered conversation. Linkies can be hired to handle social monitoring and approval (as needed).

Analytics & Optimization: The Linkies online tool provides various types of unique analytics to monitor hashtag-related activity. Insights can be used to optimize your campaign approach.

Sponsorships: Per request, displays can be modified to promote a brand or event sponsor. Sponsor logos can be updated through the Linkies online tool.

Implementation & Ongoing Support: Most Linkies products and features require no involvement of the Linkies team (and can be handled through the online tool). For custom requests, Linkies will work with your team to determine if additional support is needed (i.e. custom display designs, additional server support, hardware requirements, etc.)


Events | South-by-Southwest Wall1 (Entire Conference): #sxsw + #sxswfilm + #sxswmusic + #sxswi Wall2 (Film, Music, or Interactive): #sxswi + #sxswinteractive + #sessionhashtags Wall3 (Specific Sessions): #specificsession !Sports | National Football League Wall1 (Entire League): #nfl + #nflplayoffs + #teams + #keyplayers Wall2 (Specific Teams): #detroitlions + #lions + #brandhashtags + #keyplayers Wall3 (Specific Games/Events): #DETvsBAL !Brands | Cadillac Wall1 (Entire Brand): #cadillac + #caddy + #specificproducts + #specificevents Wall2 (Specific Products): #cadillacescalade + #escalade + #2015escalade Wall3 (Specific Events): #escaladereveal

primary !• #brands: marketers, public relations,

social media analysts, consumers/fans

• #agencies: marketing, advertising, social media, media, public relations.

• #events: organizers, attendees

• #tech: rich media providers, advertising networks, tech companies


• #selfpromotion: political/community leaders, celebrities, authors, artists, etc.

• #research: universities, research and development firms, strategists, etc.


Chad Priest: CEO/Founder Experience: 17+ years digital/marketing/technology Skill: Full-Stack Developer [email protected]

Brian Berris: CTO/Co-Founder Experience: 16+ years web development/technology Skill: Full-Stack Developer [email protected]

Iain Lanivich: Brand Strategy Director Experience: 16+ years digital/marketing/advertising Skill: Digital Creative Director, Creative Technologist [email protected]

Amy Raubolt: New Business Director Experience: 18+ years digital/marketing/advertising Skill: Account Management, Digital Media Strategy [email protected]


To request more information, send us an email at [email protected], or call us at (586)201-3686. !View more products and services at