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 Lifestyle Recommendations to Generate Health & 

Overcome Chronic Disease:    


STEP 1: Hydration Drink 64 oz. of the cleanest water you can obtain every day, including 1-2 glasses �rst thing after waking up. Add lemon! 

 BONUS ACTION: Find a source of natural spring water at www.� , and harvest your drinking water from this pure source. Alternatively, purchase a Berkey water �lter for your drinking water.  Our bodies are over two-thirds water. Even our bones are composed of more than 20% water. Water is needed to transport all the nutrients, hormones and even wastes through our bodies, so it’s important to avoid dehydration, an often overlooked aspect of disease. As Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj says, in his book, Your Body’s Many Cries For Water , “You’re not sick, you’re thirsty!” Most of us are dehydrated and we don’t even know it, even sometimes those who say, “but I drink so much water – how could I be dehydrated?”  

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Dehydration is one of the most common conditions in the world, and it affects millions in the United States. 75 % of Americans are chronically dehydrated. A survey of 3,003 Americans found that although we drink about eight servings of beverages per day, hydration is offset by drinking caffeinated beverages and alcohol and eating a diet high in sodium.  A signi�cant level of dehydration can happen quickly, especially following exercise or when battling viruses or bacterial diseases, as you do daily with chronic Lyme disease.  Thirst pains are real.    Many different symptoms, including fatigue, joint or muscle pain, headaches, constipation, high blood pressure, blood sugar imbalance, and gastric ulcers are often generated by dehydration.   So are the many symptoms of toxicity. Water is needed to carry acidic waste away from cells, and when we’re dehydrated, these wastes don’t get carried away, leading to a more toxic and in�amed body.   Water forms the basis for normal healthy body function.  If you’re mentally or physically tired, it may be dehydration.   One study conducted by Loughborough University found that a mere 5% drop in water levels in the body can cause a 25-30% loss in energy. Even a 3% drop can cause fuzzy thinking, “brain fog” and a slower metabolism.   Another study conducted by University of Connecticut’s Human Performance Laboratory found that even a 1.5% water loss led to reduced cognitive function, headaches and fatigue in 25 women and 26 men.  

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Dehydration can lead to poor concentration, poor memory, irritability, and a depressed mood. Water is a huge contributor to normal cognitive and brain function.    Histamine hyper-sensitivity and immune system weakness can be linked to dehydration.   Dr. Batmanghelidj found that when the body is dehydrated, histamine begins to ration water, which in turn increases histamine and the allergic response and lowers immunity.   In asthma sufferers, chronic dehydration triggers a histamine release, which leads to in�ammation and bronchial constriction. It’s highly likely that chronic dehydration leads to higher levels of in�ammation no matter what the original cause of disease.  How much water do you need?   We are made primarily of water and yet we do not store signi�cant amounts of water (like camels do!).  Therefore, we have to consume enough water every day to supply our body’s needs.   While people often allow thirst to guide their daily water intake, this generally leads to inadequate consumption. By the time you experience thirst, your body �uids are already depleted.   Furthermore, for some individuals (the chronically ill, as well as babies, athletes, the elderly, and those living in hot environments) the sense of thirst is not an adequate re�ection of your body’s water needs.   Water requirements vary from person to person, and will vary with your daily circumstances. The amount of water we need depends on a number of factors, including our size, activity level, stress level, the climate or temperature and our diet.   

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A good basic rule of thumb is to take your body weight (in pounds) and divide it by 2. This is the number of ounces of water that you should be drinking each day. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you will need 75 ounces of water per day. Divide this by 8 to get the number of 8-ounce glasses you should be drinking.  If you are overweight or pregnant, if you work outside or exercise strenuously, you need to drink extra. If you drink soda, coffee, caffeinated beverages, or alcohol (all dehydrating), you should drink more water.   And as someone looking to heal from chronic disease and toxicity, you will want to drink even more water than the 75 oz. per day. You might be surprised how drinking enough of the right kind of water can reduce some of your symptoms and pain.   WATER WITH LEMON  

Lemon has strong antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting power, it is a digestive aid, and liver cleanser. Lemons contain many substances – notably citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bio�avonoids, pectin, and limonene – that promote immunity, �ght infection, and alkalize the system.  

Use spring or �ltered water. It should be lukewarm or room temperature, not boiling hot or ice-cold. Always use fresh lemons, organic if possible, about 1⁄4 lemon with each glass. Drink 1-2 12 oz. glasses each day before anything else.  

**If you can’t handle the taste or feeling of lemon in your water, then drink plain spring or �ltered water instead.  


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STEP 2: Juicing Drink 16 – 20 oz. of fresh organic vegetable / fruit juice at least 4 days / week, ideally following the lemon water in the morning (preferably homemade, otherwise store bought). If you need advice regarding purchasing a juicer, or juicing recipes, please contact us. 

BONUS ACTION: Drink 24 – 30 oz. of fresh organic vegetable / fruit juice every day.  Fresh vegetable juicing serves to strongly alkalize the blood, and to re- hydrate and magnetize waste so that it is capable of being eliminated from the body. Juicing saturates the body with a vast array of phytonutrients of every stripe and color that are the ultimate healers of the plant world. It is the magical dose of life force energy that will give you the added boost of energy and healing power.  

Purchase a juicer that can handle the tough �bers of greens but is relatively easy to clean and handle. To date, my recommendation is the OMEGA masticating juicer models that cost around $250. It will last for years and produce countless gallons of amazing healing juice.  

After you purchase your juicer, take it out of the box, and put it together. If you need help, don’t hesitate to request assistance via the forum or email us at [email protected] . We’re here to help you every step of the way!  

Next, shop for veggies. Choose 1 or more of the recipes from the Juicing Recipes section of this week’s Resource Guide. Make a shopping list and purchase plenty of these veggies. Make sure they are organic, and buy them in bulk sizes when available – you will go through them quickly when juicing daily.  

Finally, make yourself some juice, sit in the sun or some other nourishing spot, and enjoy your life-force generating beverage. Notice how you feel when you drink it. If you don’t like the taste, experiment with fewer greens, for example, and more cucumber, 

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beet, or apple.  

While you may start with less, eventually you want to build up to 24 oz. or more of fresh vegetable juice per day.  

 JUICING RECIPES Formula One – a highly-alkalizing strongly-�avored green juice 1 head romaine lettuce3 stalks kalehandful of spinach 3 stalks celery1 cucumber1⁄2 bunch parsley1 lemon (halved)1 3” piece of gingerMakes approximately 16 -20 oz. of juice  

Green Lemonade 101 – simple, mellow green juice 1 head romaine lettuce5 stalks celery 2 medium cucumbers 1⁄2 bunch parsley1 lemon (halved)Makes approximately 16 oz. ju 

The Kitchen Sink (for the non-conformists): Whatever’s in the fridge, with the following loose guidelines:50% watery light-green vegetables such as romaine, celery, cucumber 25% dark leafy greens (dandelion, kale, spinach, collards, chard, etc.) 25% carrot and/or beet for sweetness+ 1 green apple + 1⁄2 lemon+ piece of ginger (optional)  

Sunrise Spring Cleansing Juice  

1 large pink grapefruit 2 stalks of celery large handful of strawberries 1 bunch of fennel stems Makes 12-16 oz.  

 All About Fresh Juices – Nature’s Blood Transfusion 

  Why We Juice:  Fresh vegetable and fruit juices focus and concentrate the energy of enzymes, minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients. Juicing ampli�es the power and healing energy that comes from the whole vegetable or fruit, so it is the best way to utilize fruits and vegetables for 

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medicine. Juices are readily absorbed into the bloodstream with minimal digestive processing necessary, so drinking fresh juice is like receiving a blood transfusion from the plant world, packed with powerful regenerative nutrition and life force energy.  Juices are Living Food  Living foods are raw food in their whole, natural form – not cooked, processed, preserved, or treated with herbicides or pesticides. Their power comes from the integrity and life force inherent in the original natural whole form of a food that is greater than the sum of its parts.    Cooked food has its place in our lives, providing warmth, comfort, and at times helping our bodies heal from a place of debility and weakness. But in most cases, the inclusion of a high percentage of high quality raw food is a prerequisite for restoration, healing, and elevation of the mind and body.    Doctors in Europe who research cells’ electrical potential have found that live foods are the only type of food that can restore cellular micro-electrical potential, which equates with high levels of disease resistance and a very slow aging process when compared with people or animals consuming a cooked food diet or given vitamin and mineral supplements.   Fresh juices give the body a high concentration of bio-active enzymes, which builds enzymes reserves and increases the body’s capacity for disease-resistance, healing, detoxi�cation, digestion, and brain function.  Washing Non-Organic Fruits & Vegetables:  If you do not or cannot buy exclusively organic fruits and vegetables, it is imperative that you wash away pesticide, insecticide and herbicide residue as much as possible, not to mention other potentially harmful bacteria. Here are the best methods: 

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 Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) is the volatile citrus oil from grapefruit seeds, and it is a potent anti-microbial. It can be used to purify water when travelling or camping and because it is an oil, it breaks down oil-based pesticides. The dose is 10 drops per 2 cups of water. Soak vegetables and fruit for 10 minutes, then rinse.  White Vinegar – �ll a 5 gallon bucket ½-way, add 1 cup of white vinegar. Soak vegetable and fruit for 10 minutes, then rinse.  Lemon Juice Bath – �ll a 5 gallon buck ½-way, add 4 Tablespoons of salt and the juice from 2-3 lemons. Soak for 10 minutes, then rinse.   Storage   The maximum nutritional bene�t is derived from drinking the freshly made juice immediately. That being said, often it saves time to make numerous servings at one time, or we need to put off drinking some or all of our juice. Always store your juice in glass (or stainless steel if travelling). The best options to preserve the life of your fresh juice is to:  

● Chill the juice in the freezer, then keep it refrigerated until it’s time to drink.  

● Add ice cubes or frozen wheatgrass cubes to keep the temperature low. 

 ● Juice stored in a refrigerator will last 1-3 days. 

 ● If you need to make a large batch of juice at one time, freeze it 

in a mason jar (don’t �ll all the way because the juice needs room to expand or the glass will break).   


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Isn’t the Fiber in Vegetables & Fruits Good For You Too?  There’s certainly nothing “wrong” with plant �ber, but it requires energy from the body to break down and digest, and slows the absorption of nutrients.    The purpose of juicing is to send the potent nutrient-rich, alkalizing plant-blood directly into our bloodstream in order to conserve energy, by-pass a labor-intensive digestive process, and gain high-level vitality and nutrition from an amount of vegetables that we could not or would not otherwise consume if we left them whole.    This in turn creates an advantage within our system, granting us the energy to make headway in detoxi�cation, healing, cellular re-fueling and regeneration.     

STEP 3: Cleansing Diet Basics: ● Consume at least 60% vegetables, 40% other stuff at each 

meal, and overall throughout the day. ● Consume a large salad for lunch and/or dinner in addition 

to other food, especially protein and fats.  ● Go Gluten-Free (or grain free) and consume minimal 

amounts of natural sugars. ● We’ll personalize your diet as part of your treatment plan. 

Please write down questions and areas of confusion / concern around food so we can be sure to address them during your consultation. BONUS ACTION: Look over the Food Combining Chart 

and the Acid-Alkaline Food Chart (attached) and begin to work / play with these concepts in your diet.  Consume at least 60% vegetables, 40% other stuff at each meal, and overall throughout the day. 

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 For example, don’t eat other foods without the accompaniment of vegetables, especially raw vegetables, even if just a few raw carrot, pepper or celery sticks to aid digestion.   

 If you already consume vegetables in this quantity, good for you! Increase it gradually until you consume around 80% vegetable and fruit matter throughout the course of a day.   

 This won’t happen overnight, but over time it will feel more and more natural to derive most of your energy, protein and other nutrients from these food sources.  Enjoy a large salad for lunch or dinner, with sides. 

 While you may choose to eat something for breakfast when you become hungry following your lemon water and juice, you want to focus on including a large salad as the centerpiece of your lunch or dinner (preferably mid-day). 

 Most people begin with a basic garden-type salad, including lettuce or mesclun greens, and additional raw vegetables such as grated carrots, cherry tomatoes, sprouts, radish, and any other raw vegetables that you like.   

 For dressing, combine in a jar: ¼ cup olive oil, juice of 1 lemon, ½ teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon mustard (optional). Shake, and pour. This will make enough for several salads. 

 See directions below for further instructions on what to eat with your salad if you need something more substantial for your meal. 

 The purpose of the large salad mid-day is:  (1) to increase the quantity of raw vegetables in your diet; 


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(2) to increase the amount of alkaline, water-containing food that you consume; 

 (3) to keep your diet relatively light throughout the day so that your 

body doesn’t become bogged down by digesting dense foods during the daytime; 

 If for some reason you “hate” salads, or �nd lettuce indigestible, then let us know on the Facebook forum, and/or at your consultation. We will help you brainstorm what type of raw vegetable based meal would work as a substitute.  

 **If you have digestive system weakness or in�ammation that makes consuming raw vegetables problematic, then eat a bowl of broth with vegetables to replace the salad.  Raw Food At Dinner + The Principles of Food Combining

1. Include some raw vegetables with every meal, even dinner.

This serves the purpose of promoting the digestion of the evening meal, which for many is the heaviest meal of the day. Dinner often involves more meat or grain than other meals, and may also be the largest meal of the day.  Including a raw side dish aids digestion, ups your alkaline water-containing vegetable consumption quotient, and will help you eat less of the denser foods.Ideas include:

• Raw vegetables such as carrot, celery or sweet pepper either solo or with a properly combined dip such as humus (if dinner contains grains or beans), goat cheese or liver pate (if dinner contains meat), guacamole (neutral);

• Any raw vegetable salad. It ’s fun to experiment with different types of greens, such as mesclun, baby spinach, 

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or romaine; add a grated raw veggie such as carrot, beet, or yam; throw on a topping that combines well with the rest of your meal such as goat cheese, walnuts, or beans; add a squeeze of lemon and pinch of salt …and voila! You ’ve got a great side salad. 

• A fermented vegetable or fermented slaw may be a preferable option for those of you who have weaker digestive systems and dif�culty breaking down raw vegetables. Plus, you’re receiving a bonus dose of probiotics, and unless you make it yourself, zero prep is needed. 

• You may be as simple or as gourmet as you like with your 

food, just keep it do-able so you can sustain your healing diet over the long-term.

2. Begin to practice this basic food combining principle: don ’ t 

eat grains/starches with animal products (meat, cheese, yogurt, �sh, etc.) at the same meal.  For example, don ’t eat meat and potatoes, chicken with rice, or a ham and cheese with bread (as a sandwich). For now, just begin to think about how to re-combine the things you often eat so that they no longer create a complicated digestive puzzle for your body.  The biggest stumbling block for most people is no longer eating grains/starches/carbs (bread, pasta, rice, etc.) with �esh food (�sh, chicken, red meat, cheese).  The basic solution (for a sit-down dinner) is to always plan on eating some form of raw vegetable (as discussed above), include 1 or more cooked vegetables, and combine that with either a bread/pasta/grain OR a �esh-based protein.


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STEP 4: Colon Cleansing:   Purchase a Cara Enema kit online (about $15), read the instructions once you get it, and give it a try. If you have any questions or would prefer different options for the colon cleansing aspect of detoxi�cation, just let us know!   

BONUS ACTION: Implement regular colon cleansing into your weekly schedule; in general we recommend doing enemas 2x / week to speed your recovery process.  Bowel cleansing is the #1 avenue of elimination because it is the way that bacterial debris and physical waste matter leave the body. It is also the way that most toxins and poisons that were cleared out of the blood by the liver must leave the body.    By emptying the bowels completely via one of the bowel cleansing methods, we ensure that the liver always has an open pathway into which to dump its waste, and we ensure that no toxicity from the bowels re-enters the bloodstream.  Method #1 – Colonics  Colonics or enemas are by far the best option for achieving deep tissue cleansing. Without these tools, it is questionable whether you could get enough waste to leave the body to make a big dent in the toxic load we each have accumulated in our lifetimes.  Colonics are considered the most effective, thorough technique for cleansing the bowel. The matter that leaves is actually visible through the clear tubing that carries the waste out of your body.    The most highly recommended method of colonics is called the Woods Gravity Method. It is gentle like an enema because the water �ows in via gravity rather than from the pressure of a water fosset.    That being said, there are good practitioners who work with other 

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types of colon hydrotherapy machines who are gentle with the water �ow and therefore also very safe.    The main advantage of a colonic over an enema is the likelihood that the water will reach all the way to the bottom of the ascending colon, and then be helped to move back out. A good colon hydro-therapist will help you understand the different sensations you are feeling and be competent in performing abdominal massage to relieve any discomfort or moments when the waste or water becomes stuck.    Method #2 – Enemas  Enemas are a basic home remedy / self-care tool, and no one’s bathroom should be without one. The bowel cleansing strategy (colon hydrotherapy) is the same as with a colonic, but it is self-administered, which saves money, time, and means that you’re not dependent on a health professional, as lovely as they may be, for your health maintenance.  Instructions on how to self-administer an enema are described below.  Method #3 – Laxatives  If for some reason colonics or enemas are not possible, laxatives can be used to aid the acceleration of waste removal from the body. Natural laxatives that I recommend for constipation and bowel cleansing include: 

 ● Swiss Kriss – an effective herbal mixture in tablet form 

containing senna, cascara sagrada, and other herbs to alleviate gas and food stagnation; it is dose dependent so start with 1 and increase to up to 4 at night to ensure a bowel movement the following day (purchase from our clinic or online).   

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● Cannabis seed tea – gentle and lubricating so best when dryness is an issue; not a peristaltic / colon irritant; excellent safe gentle laxative to encourage and facilitate bowel movements (purchasable from our clinic).  

● Other herbal laxatives include rhubarb, cape aloe, senna and cascara sagrada. All are herbs that stimulate the nerves of the intestine to promote peristalsis. If the dose is too high, they will cause cramping and diarrhea.   

 Method #4 – Bulking Agents  Psyllium husk and seed, as well as other �ber-based bowel cleansers provide the bulk necessary for peristalsis and also tug waste that’s lining the colon to be pulled out of the body. They are a good addition to a bowel cleansing program when:   

 ● Men with strong bowels do well with psyllium; if there is any 

sense of incomplete bowel movement or not enough energy to push out the feces, then don’t rely on psyllium alone to cleanse your bowels.  

● Psyllium can absorb 10x its weight in waste. It can create gas or blockage if not encouraged to leave the body, so if you take psyllium, ensure that you are having a substantial bowel movement every day. Do an enema or colonic regularly; and/or take a laxative to clear the bowels daily or every other day. 

 NB: I do not recommend taking any of these products long-term, unless you have issues with chronic constipation in which case you will want to �nd the regime that works best for you, and utilize enemas to cleanse the body and gradually retrain bowel function.  


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“Learn to appreciate and enjoy enemas. Nothing short of Divine Intervention can come to your rescue faster to relieve you of 

headaches, constipation, pressure, various pains, gas, and massive accumulations of toxic mucus, pus, and poisonous waste – (as an 

enema).” - David Rainoschek (juice-faster) 

  Introduction :  Nothing aids detoxi�cation or clears the symptoms of a cleansing reaction like an enema.    Some people are downright afraid to try enemas. This is generally due to embarrassment or lack of knowledge. Anything this good for you should not be embarrassing! In fact, employing enemas is one of the smartest, most clever things that a person can do for their health.   If you’ve never had an enema, then you may not know what it involves, so it may seem intimidating to perform a treatment involving your bowels all by yourself. Instructions are provided below. It is actually very simple once you become familiar with the process and with your body’s responses.  The primary bene�t is that enemas aid the release of waste like nothing else. They also speed up and assist the process of detoxi�cation so your body can do more clearing during a cleanse with this amazing tool. You also become more tuned in to your body in a new way, which is always a good thing. Furthermore, it is immediately gratifying, and you will be astounded by what comes out!   

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Directions:  I recommend a 2 quart Cara enema bag with a fountain tip. This can be purchased online or at a good neighborhood pharmacy.  You will also want some coconut oil to use as a lubricant for the tip.  The simple instructions are as follows:  

1. Use lukewarm / body temperature water – not too hot, not too cold. Many people use tap or well water without a problem for enemas. However, if you feel your water may be dangerously contaminated, then purchase distilled or spring water for use for the enema.  

2. Fill the enema bag with the lukewarm water.  

3. Screw or attach the tube, and unclasp the shut-off valve so that water can run out from the tip into the sink for a moment, releasing any air bubbles, then crimp it again. 

 4. Hang the enema bag on a towel rack or shower or door 

handle. The higher you hang the bag, the faster the water will �ow out, and the stronger the water pressure will be.  

 5. Lie down on the �oor of your bathroom or nearby on top of a 

yoga mat and/or towel. Lie on your left side with the enema bag hanging nearby.   


6. Apply lubricant to the enema tip and on the anus, and gently insert.  

7. Release the shut-off valve, and allow the water to �ow in. You will feel some pressure as the water �lls your bowel. When the pressure begins to become uncomfortable, shut off the �ow. 

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Take a couple of deep breaths as this will alter the pressure in your abdomen and the water may �nd its way around the solid waste within the colon.   

 8. Whenever you feel your colon is suf�ciently �lled (you will 

develop a sense of this with a little experience), then hold the water for a few minutes if possible (but don’t force this), then get up and release the waste and water into the toilet . 

 9. Fill your bowel with water and release at least 2 more times. 

The second time, roll onto your back to help the water move into your transverse colon; the 3 rd time roll onto your right side to help the water move into the ascending colon.   

 If you have time to �ll and release until the water runs fairly clean, that is ideal. If not, then a short enema is de�nitely better than no enema and still will be helpful.  You will notice that your colon will accept more water each time you �ll it. As you release the water out into the toilet, it is very helpful to massage the abdomen or back anyplace you feel called to and especially any areas of tension or cramping. This will help the waste and water release.    Afterwards, you will feel lighter, and more deeply connected to your body. Enemas are truly an enlightening experience that reveal the nature and quantity of waste that is stored inside the body. So rev up your courage and adventurous spirit, and give it a try!  



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STEP 5: Skin Detox:   Utilize a sauna (preferred) as often as possible (only $8 or less for Teaching Clinic participants at Accord Acupuncture) or take detox baths (containing 1-2 cups of Epsom salts) daily. 

BONUS ACTION: Purchase a dry skin brush at your local health food store or online and dry brush your skin daily.  Our skin is the largest organ of absorption and elimination. Sweating and dry brushing are the 2 cleansing routines that will enable your skin to ef�ciently expel toxins and disease, and they have many health bene�ts.   Sweating: As a person sweats, it removes toxins, lactic acid, urea (salts), and excess water out of the body. The kidneys can take up to 24 hours to remove harmful toxins like lead and mercury from the body, while sweating removes these metals much faster.  Sweating can also rid the body of harmful substances like alcohol and cholesterol.   Research has found that raising the body’s body temperature is bene�cial against certain microorganisms, including the Lyme spirochete, and other types of bacteria. As the body heats and produces sweat, the heart works harder to improve circulation. By regularly working up a good sweat, these bene�ts can have long-term health bene�ts to the cardiovascular system.  Sweat contains small amounts of antibiotics that can combat some of the bacteria that are found naturally on the skin. Sweating can also unclog pores, which will help improve the skin‘s tone, clarity and texture. Profuse sweating can also slow the signs of early aging and help reduce the effects of skin damage.  Since sweat also contains toxins that are being cleansed from the body, skin should be rinsed with water after a good sweat.   

Page 20: Lifestyle Recommendations to Generate Health & PHASE 1 ......5% drop in water levels in t he body can cause a 2 5-3 0% loss in energy. Even a 3% drop can cause fuzzy t hinking, “brain

Aside from the bene�ts of exercising, sweating can aid in weight loss also. As the body is heated through exercise, fat becomes water-soluble and exits the body through sweat.   Increasing your body heat by exercise or sauna also has a positive effect on mood and stress levels because heating the muscles induces relaxation, and helping the body process cortisol and other stress chemistry hormones.  Methods of Sweating  

● Sauna Far infra-red sauna is best, although a regular sauna or steam is also useful. You can check out our blog about the bene�ts of far infra-red sauna HERE.  **A Word of Caution: Some people with Lyme experience Herx reactions with infra-red sauna use, so if you are highly sensitive or very sick, take it very slow and easy to test how your body responds. Pushing sauna use too far too fast may initiate signi�cant die-off with release of toxins and worsening of symptoms. The goal is to do only what your body can handle in terms of cleansing and killing of the spirochetes, so that any Herx reaction is easily manageable.  

● Hot Bath  This is a great at-home option that will encourage sweating if the water is hot enough. Baths are also a great healing tool!    My favorite healing Lyme bath for is to add 1 cup of baking soda + 1 cup of Epsom salts to the bath water. A little lavender essential oil is exquisite, but optional.    This bath eases pain and tension, and the salt and baking soda draws acidic waste and toxins out of the body through the 

Page 21: Lifestyle Recommendations to Generate Health & PHASE 1 ......5% drop in water levels in t he body can cause a 2 5-3 0% loss in energy. Even a 3% drop can cause fuzzy t hinking, “brain

pores of the skin. It is an excellent method for clearing negative energy of all kinds, from pollutants to emotions to radiation exposure.  
