  • 8/14/2019 Lewisham College Student Magazine Autumn Term 2009


    Lewisham College Student Magazine Autumn Term 2009


    Also eaturing:

    Cabin Crew Prole

    Student PoetryGroups/Societies

    Journalists wanted

    College News

    + Much More!

  • 8/14/2019 Lewisham College Student Magazine Autumn Term 2009


    PAGE 2

    Hello students

    Im your brand new Principal, Maxine

    Room. Like some o you I have just

    started, and Ive joined the Collegerom Park Lane College in Leeds.

    Its an exciting time some o you will be new to

    Lewisham College, some o you will be returning to

    nish your courses. Whichever it is, l ets be sure to

    make this year a good one. Dont orget

    Lewisham College is your stepping stone to


    In this issue o The Eye were reminded o what was

    happening across the College this summer, and we

    catch up with a ormer student whos now got her

    dream job.

    And or those o you who are just joining us we

    give you the low down on lie at Lewisham College.

    Want to nd out how to set up your own club or

    society? Or perhaps you want to stand or election

    or the Students Union? Read on to nd out how.

    Want to come and say hi? Or have you got a

    burning question to ask me? Then come and meetme at one o my upcoming drop-in sessions.

    Keep an eye on eME or details and dates.

    Maxine Room





    College News Page 4

    Flying High Page 6

    Students Union:

    Election Fever! Page 8

    More Than A

    Library Page 9

    Setting Up A Club

    Or Society Page 10

    Student Poetry Page 11

    I you have any ideas or the next

    edition o The Eye please contact the

    Marketing and Communications

    team on 020 8694 3262 or email

    [email protected]


    College news

    Are you interested in writing or

    The Eye magazine?

    Fancy reporting on College news and events

    and getting your name in print? Or perhaps

    youve just got an idea or a story.

    We are looking or student reporters to help

    produce the Colleges magazine. Whatever you

    want to do when you leave College, gaining

    experience working on The Eye will look great

    on your CV!

    Got News?Calling All Budding Journalists

    One o last years Eye reporters

    Tobi Agbeyesi is now at university studying

    Media and Journalism. He said:

    Working or The Eye magazine gave me

    great experience, condence and the

    knowledge to enable me to pursue my

    dream job as a journalist.

    Sound good? See Rebecca Moore in room B8,

    Breakspears or details or

    email [email protected]

    Get involved.

  • 8/14/2019 Lewisham College Student Magazine Autumn Term 2009


    PAGE 4CollegeNews CollegeNews CollegeNews CollegeNews

    Dance 2009

    Art Exhibition

    England People Very Nice -

    Drama Production

    Interactive Media Exhibition

    Local Schools

    Construction Challenge

    Summer Fair

    Macbeth -

    School o Supported

    Learning Production



  • 8/14/2019 Lewisham College Student Magazine Autumn Term 2009


    PAGE 6

    High fyer and ormer Lewisham College

    student Moneque Farquharson is

    currently living her dream in Dubai. The

    Eye caught up with her to chat about

    living abroad, travelling the world and

    earning a tax ree salary

    Hi Moneque, tell us a bit about yoursel.

    What did you study at Lewisham College

    and when did you leave?

    I was on the Cabin Crew course and I let in


    And what are you doing now?

    Im now a member o cabin crew with the

    airline Arab Emirates. I live in Dubai, travel the

    world and earn a tax ree salary.

    Sounds pretty good tell us more!

    Beore I came to Lewisham College, Id applied

    to Emirates to join their cabin crew but didnt

    get accepted. It was a career Id always

    wanted, but I needed more insight into the

    industry to help me get a job, so I enrolled at


    While I was on the course I went to an Emirates

    open day and gave them my CV. I was invited

    to an assessment day where hundreds o

    people were eventually narrowed down to nine.

    I was excited to get the job; it didnt sink in at

    rst just what a big change Id made.

    What was your rst day on board like?

    When I started the job I was very nervous

    - I was just praying there werent any


    Tell us a bit more about the perks do

    you get ree fights?

    The company looks ater us well. You get

    discounted fights not ree I wish! Your

    accommodation and transport are provided,


    Youve been all over the world - where

    has been the highlight?

    I think Ive been to almost every continent now.

    My avourite place was Jinja, a resort next to

    Lake Victoria in Uganda.

    The travels obviously a good part o the job,

    but I dont think its the best bit. The reason I

    applied to Emirates is that they employ people

    rom all over the world, so youre working

    alongside people rom dierent countries and

    cultures all the time.

    Whats next or you?

    In the uture, Id like to move up to serving

    in business and rst class. Id also like to do

    some promotional work or the company in

    the uture, and although Emirates dont require

    you to have a second language, Im currently

    learning Arabic and Spanish.

    Whats the best way o getting into the

    airline industry?

    Doing a course at Lewisham College was really

    good experience. I was exposed to dierent

    aspects o the industry, rom rst aid to re

    extinguishing. All o the components o thecourse that we covered were really valuable.

    When you join a company they teach you all

    about their policies, but the basics are the

    same wherever you work, and you learn them

    on the course. It means that when you start

    work its not so daunting. The course really

    prepares your mind or working in the industry -

    and now Ive got my dream job.

    ...I think Ive

    been to almost

    every continent

    now. My avourite

    place was Jinja,

    a resort next to

    Lake Victoria in



  • 8/14/2019 Lewisham College Student Magazine Autumn Term 2009


    PAGE 8

    Our Learning Centres provide resources in dierent ormats

    to support your studies. We have books, DVDs, CDs, laptops,

    online resources and games, which can all be borrowed ree

    o charge or as long as a day to two weeks.

    Opening Hours:

    Lewisham Way

    Breakspears Learning Centre

    020 8694 3368

    Monday 8.45am - 5.00pm

    Tuesday Thursday 8.45am - 5.00pm

    Friday 10.00am - 5.00pm

    Tressillian Learning Centre020 8320 2961

    Monday 10.00am - 5.00pm

    Tuesday Thursday 10.00am -6.00pm

    Friday 10.00am - 4.00pm


    Deptord Learning Centre

    020 8694 3468

    Monday - Wednesday 8.45am - 6.00pm

    Thursday 8.45am - 5.00pm

    Friday 10.00am - 5.00pm

    More Than A Library

    Cant get in to College?

    No problem. We also have e-books and other

    e-resources tailored to your studies which can

    be accessed outside the College opening hours

    via eME.

    Like Free Stu?

    Here are 10 things you can get or ree in the

    Learning Centres:

    Books to borrow1.

    E-books, online resources2.

    Daily newspapers to read in the learning3.


    Weekly/monthly magazines to support4.

    your curriculum

    DVDs to borrow (lms and educational)5.

    CDs to borrow (music and educational)6.

    Laptops to borrow or use in the7.

    Learning Centres or at home

    4 worth o printer credit each term8.

    Use o stationery equipment rulers,9.

    sharpeners, staplers

    Almost free10. photocopying - only 2p

    per sheet.

    More Than A Library

    wisham Colleges Students Union

    CSU) is run by students

    r students.

    ere are 14 elected student ocers who orm

    Executive Committee. Thi s Committee

    cides how best LCSU can help the learners

    Lewisham College. They represent students,

    d organise campaigns and events or them


    ery year, we look or a new group o students

    be Executive Ocers and you could be one o


    hy become an Executive Ocer?

    ng an Executive Ocer or LCSU is

    allenging, exciting and rewarding. You can

    ke a huge dierence to the lives o Lewisham

    lege learners. Youll gain lots o skills, meet

    w people, travel across the country and have

    ! Being an Executive Ocer is a huge boost

    your CV as you get to:

    epresent over 13,000 people

    ttend events all over the country

    rganise events and activities for learners

    ampaign for students rightsain skills in communication and team

    work, budgeting, organisation and lots more!

    w to get involved

    u will have to stand or election and be voted

    o the position you want - we can help you do


    k up an election pack then decide what

    sition you want to go or and ll out the

    mination Form and get your tutor to sign it.

    nd it in beore 5pm, Friday 9 October 2009.

    ll print your publicity and then you can start

    mpaigning! Students will vote rom Monday

    Friday 23 October 2009, and i you win,

    ull become an Executive Ocer!

    Positions available on the LCSU Executive:


    Vice President



    Welfare and Education Ofcer

    Clubs and Societies Ofcer

    Communications and Campaigns Ofcer

    Activities Ofcer

    Students with Disabilities Ofcer

    Mature Students Ofcer

    Black Students Ofcer

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Ofcer

    Womens Ofcer

    International Students Ofcer

    You can pick up your election

    pack rom:

    Campus Ofces

    Learning Centres

    Students Union Ofce (T102)

    Learner Engagement

    Co-ordinator (T102a)

    Students Union Moodle site

    Remember, even i you dont want

    to stand or election, you can still

    get involved by voting. L ook out orposters with more details.


  • 8/14/2019 Lewisham College Student Magazine Autumn Term 2009


    PAGE 10

    Festivities o the estive season ride!

    Busy bodied bees swarm wide

    Gliding across the sweet scented orchard

    For nectars o love abound

    Honey so sweet, honey so pure,

    Fearless, shameless bees endure.

    Through spring and summer, they thrive.

    Like soldiers on the parade at ve.

    Youths, the arrows o our nation,

    Waste not the ruit o your youth,

    And like a lily in a valley below,

    Send orth your wonderous glow.

    Dont compromise yoursel; youre all youve got,

    Things go up, things go down and sometimes not

    But lie is all about success.

    Lets enjoy the honey and eat the ruits.

    The fowers are blooming in the sunshine,

    Then its done, and we all shine.

    By Kelly Omanyo

    Got a poem you want to submit to The Eye?

    Email it to [email protected]

    Quick guide

    o setting up a

    Sports Club or

    Cultural Society

    s a new academic year, and you know

    hat that means: its time to set up brandew clubs and societies.

    Previous clubs include:

    Yoga Club

    Manga Club

    Street Dance Club

    slamic Students Society

    Talk Politics Club


    Drama Club

    African Caribbean Students Society

    Christian Union

    ancy setting up your own?

    eres how:

    Decide which club or society you

    want to set upFind at least our students who are

    genuinely interested in joining your group

    Download the clubs and societies

    pack rom e-me

    Complete the orm. Dont worry,

    we can help you.

    ou can get more inormation on clubs and

    ocieties rom the Students Union Oce,

    e Learner Engagement Co-ordinator (T102)

    by downloading it rom the Students Union

    oodle site.

    Student Poetry

    Hard Work Pays!

  • 8/14/2019 Lewisham College Student Magazine Autumn Term 2009


    PAGE 12Need help settling in at College?Are you aged 14-19?

    The ES Team is here to help.

    We can oer you inormation, advice and guidance as well as

    helping you to meet new people and get involved in college lie.

    Come and see us at the Lewisham Way Campus in B310,

    or at the Advice Zone at the rear o the Deptord reectory.

    Call Jas Seehra on 020 8694 4773 to make an appointment

    or email [email protected]