
Lesson 12

Did You Ever See a “Chorse”?

Warming up

• Can you combine two thing together to create a new thing?

+ = ?Use your head and draw a picture



horse + donkey = horekey

What if you could combine a chicken and a horse?


= ?

What if you could combine a fish and rabbit?


= ?

song• Did you ever see a “ chorse”?What is a “ chorse”?• Yes, a “ chorse” Did you ever see a “ chorse”?• So fine? No, I never saw a “ chorse”• It’s a chicken and a horse!• But a chicken and a horse Don’t combine.• Did you ever see a “fabbit”? What? A “fabbit”?• Yes, “fabbit”• Did you ever see a “fabbit”? So fine?• No I never saw a “fabbit”• But a fish and a rabbit Don’t combine

Language notes• One group sings the purple words. The ot

her group sings the green words. 一个小组唱紫色的歌词,另一个小组唱绿色的歌词。

• one…the other… (两者中的)一个……另一个……,(两部分中的)一部分……另外部分

• I have two pencils. One is yellow, the other is red. 我有两支铅笔。一只是黄色的,一直是红色的。

• There are three books on the table. One is mine, the other two are Tom’s. 桌子上有 3本书。一本是我的,另外两本是汤姆的。

• So fine? 那么好看吗?• so 表示程度,意为“这么,那么”。如:• Don’t speak so fast. 不要说得那么快。• I’ve never seen so beautiful a city. 我从没见过

这么美丽的城市。• 【拓展】:• 1) 与动词 think, hope, believe 等连用,避免重

复,意为“这样,如此”。如:• I think so. 我想是这样。• I hope so. 我希望是这样。• 2) 用在口语中相当于,表示“很,非常”。如:• I’m so tired. 我很累!• It was so kind of you! 你真好!• 3) so+ 助动词 + 主语, so 代替上文提到的情况,


• No, I never saw a “chores”. 不,我从未见过一个 “ chores” 。

• never adv. 从未;永不;绝不• I have never been there. 我从未到过那里。• I never catch anything—not even old boots. 我从未到任

何东西—甚至连旧靴子都钓不着。• 【辨析】: never, always, usually 与 often• 1) 四者都是频度副词。 never 表示的频度为零; always 意

为“总是”“一直”“始终”,表示的频率为 100% 。他在句子中通常用在行为动词之前, be 动词或情态动词之后。

• I always do my homework at night. 我总是在晚上做作业。• usually 与 always 相比,表示的动作频率要低些,约为 70

%-80% 。• Usually he goes to work by bus. 他通常乘公共汽车去上班。• 2)often 意为“经常”“常常”,他表示的频率比 usually 略

低些,约为 60%-70% ,它的位置比较灵活。• Do you often write to them? 你常给他们写信吗?

• What will you name them? 你将给他们起什么名字?

• name v. 给……取名,命名• They named the child Dick. 他们给孩子取名叫

迪克。• 【友情提示】:• 1) name v. 说出……的名称;叫出……的名字• Can you name all the plants and trees in this

garden? 你能叫得出这个花园里所有花草树木的名称吗?

• 2) n. 名,名字,名称,性命,名声,声誉• May I ask your name? 您的尊姓大名是什么?• He has a name for honesty. 它有诚实的名声。

• Sing the new song to the rest of the class. 把这首歌常给其余的同学听。

• rest n. 意为“剩余”,常用于 the rest (of…) 结构, rest 不能作形容词。

• The rest of the money is Lily’s. (正)• The rest money is Lily’s. (误)• 剩余的钱是莉莉的。• 【拓展】:• the rest 作主语时如果指代可数名词的复数则谓语动词


• There was 5 apples on the desk. Tom ate 3, and the rest were yours. 有 5 个苹果在桌子上,汤姆吃了 3 个,剩下的是你的。

• I have sold some of the bread, but where is the rest? 我已经卖掉了其中一些面包,可是其余的在哪儿呢?

根据汉语提示及句意完成句子,每空一词:1. I knew _________( 确切 ) what she wanted.

2. What __________( 别的 ) can you see in the picture?

3. The ________( 其他的 ) girls are singing in the classroom.

4. The boy is 1.75 metres in __________( 高 ).

5. I would like to ________( 克隆 ) an animal that no longer

lives in the world.

6. What if scientists could make ________( 克隆 ) of human


7. I have _________( 分开 ) the apple in half.

8. Scientists can ______(设计 ) new plants by combining the

DNA of the other plants.

9. Mules are very _________________( 有用的 ) animals.

10. Do you have a _________(孪生 ) brother?


else other







Fill in each blank with the proper word from the brackets:

1. What if it _______________(not rain) tomorrow?

2. I __________(real) love my pet dog.

3. I’m thinking of __________(make) a kite.

4. I don’t think I would want to be ___________(clone).

5. Some people think human _______(clone) is a bad thing.

6. We divided our class into two _________(half).

doesn’t rain






A task:

Work in a small group. Imagine you are a zookeeper whose zoo is losing money. You want to make some exciting animals. What animals will you combine? What will you name them? Use the pattern in the song to tell customs about your new animals. Sing the new song to the rest of the class.
