Page 1: Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Description

Discover AmericaProject Overview

Teacher Planning & Reflection

Teaching Resources

Assessment & Standards

Classroom Teacher Guide

Pre-service Teacher Guide

Staff Developer Guide

Office Training Resources

Learning Areas





Language arts, geography, history, technology

9- to 12 -year-olds

• Students will discover what makes America unique through the exploration of historical sites.

• Students will research sites, travel routes and costs, and synthesize the information into a vacation plan.

• Students will create a travelogue, interactive map and brochure to share their journey with the class.

Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint, Word), Microsoft Internet Explorer, Encarta Reference Library, Microsoft Publisher

Students plan a 20-day family vacation visiting six historical sites in the United States. They research a travel route and the historical sites, and manage a travel budget of $7,000.

Duane Sisto and Randy Ross, Oak Harbor Elementary, Oak Harbor, Washington


About Innovative Teachers

About Virtual Classroom Tours


Page 2: Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Description

Discover AmericaProject Overview

Teacher Planning & Reflection

Teaching Resources

Assessment & Standards

Classroom Teacher Guide

Pre-service Teacher Guide

Staff Developer Guide

Office Training Resources

Teacher Planning, Teacher and Student Reflection

Click the documents below to see work samples and reflections from the teachers and students:

Background & Planning: A picture of the origin and objectives of the learning project, including the manner in which the project was planned and managed.

Teacher Reflection: Thoughts and reflective comments from the teachers involved, including advice for future implementations.

Student Perspective: Comments on how the students perceived the learning that occurred.


Background and Planning

Teacher Reflection

Student Perspective

Page 3: Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Description

Discover AmericaProject Overview

Teacher Planning & Reflection

Teaching Resources

Assessment & Standards

Classroom Teacher Guide

Pre-service Teacher Guide

Staff Developer Guide

Office Training Resources

Teaching Resources

Click the documents below to view the teaching resources used in this learning project:

Work Sample: A sample project generated by the teacher.

Excel Template: A template for the students to use for their map and budget.

Student Project Overview: An overview of required tasks for students.

Other Teaching Resources: A presentation for introducing the project to students, instructions for placing a background in an Excel spreadsheet, the US Map used for the background, Student Daily Checklist, Skill-level Modifications.

Class Server Resources: Download teaching resources in Class Server format.


US Map

Project Introduction

Student Project Overview

Backgrounds in Excel

Daily Checklist Skill Level Modifications

Class Server Resources (Link)

Excel Template

Sample ProjectSample Project

Page 4: Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Description

Discover AmericaProject Overview

Teacher Planning & Reflection

Teaching Resources

Assessment & Standards

Classroom Teacher Guide

Pre-service Teacher Guide

Staff Developer Guide

Office Training Resources

Assessment and Standards

Click the documents below to see the assessment rubrics and standards covered in this learning project:

Assessment Rubric: An assessment rubric provided to students showing how the project was assessed.

Mapping the Standards: Mapping this project’s learning objectives against curriculum standards.

National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS): Performance indicators for technology-literate students.


Assessment Rubric

Mapping the Standards

NETS for Students

Page 5: Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Description

Discover AmericaProject Overview

Teacher Planning & Reflection

Teaching Resources

Assessment & Standards

Classroom Teacher Guide

Pre-service Teacher Guide

Staff Developer Guide

Office Training Resources

Classroom Teacher Guide

Click the documents below to learn from this project and create your own classroom project:

The Starting Point: Questions to keep in mind when reviewing this project.

Using the Tour Model: Questions to consider before you begin to create a technology-integrated project based on this Virtual Classroom Tour.

Authentic Assessment: Understanding that assessment needs to move into the realm of authenticity helps to make learning more meaningful for students.

Implementing a Project: Some questions to consider at the implementation stage of a learning project.

Record Your Thoughts: A document in which you can record your comments and reflections as you create your own learning project.

The Starting Point

Using the Tour Model

Authentic Assessment

Implementing a Project

Record Your Thoughts


Page 6: Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Description

Discover AmericaProject Overview

Teacher Planning & Reflection

Teaching Resources

Assessment & Standards

Classroom Teacher Guide

Pre-service Teacher Guide

Staff Developer Guide

Office Training Resources

Preservice Teacher Guide

Click the documents below to learn from this project and create your own classroom project:

The Starting Point: Questions to keep in mind when reviewing this project.

Using the Tour Model: Questions to consider before you begin to create a technology-integrated project based on this Virtual Classroom Tour.

Authentic Assessment: Understanding that assessment needs to move into the realm of authenticity helps to make learning more meaningful for students.

Implementing a Project: Some questions to consider at the implementation stage of a learning project.

Record Your Thoughts: A document in which you can record your comments and reflections as you create your own learning project.

The Starting Point

Using the Tour Model

Authentic Assessment

Implementing a Project

Record Your Thoughts


Page 7: Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Description

Discover AmericaProject Overview

Teacher Planning & Reflection

Teaching Resources

Assessment & Standards

Classroom Teacher Guide

Pre-service Teacher Guide

Staff Developer Guide

Office Training Resources

Staff Developer Guide

Click the documents below to learn from this project and create your own classroom project:

The Starting Point: Questions to keep in mind when reviewing this project with your faculty.

Using the Tour Model: Questions to pose as you assist others in creating a technology-integrated project based on this Virtual Classroom Tour.

Authentic Assessment: Keys to promoting the understanding that assessment needs to move into the realm of authenticity in order to make learning more meaningful for students.

Implementing a Project: Some questions to pose at the implementation stage of a learning project.

Using the Tour Model

Implementing a Project

The Starting Point

Authentic Assessment


Page 8: Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Description

Discover AmericaProject Overview

Teacher Planning & Reflection

Teaching Resources

Assessment & Standards

Classroom Teacher Guide

Pre-service Teacher Guide

Staff Developer Guide

Office Training Resources

Microsoft Office Training Resources

Click the links below to access training resources on Microsoft Office and other software:

Microsoft Educator Network: The Microsoft Educator Network provides you with the latest classroom resources, professional development tools, and communities of practice and expertise.

Tutorials: Learn to create rich learning experiences using Microsoft products and technologies.

Productivity in the Classroom: Lesson plans with great ideas for integrating technology into teaching and learning.

Office Tips for Teachers: Ready-to-use ideas that integrate Office programs into subject areas such as math, science, and language arts.

Page 9: Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Description

Discover AmericaDiscover America

Brought to you by: [Teacher’s name]

Page 10: Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Description

Pieces of the ProjectPieces of the Project

• Planning your route• Doing the required research• Choosing your tools• Skills to learn or review• Creating the Interactive Map• Keeping a budget• Presenting to the group• Tools to help you

Page 11: Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Description

Planning Your RoutePlanning Your Route• 6 historical sites across the country• Start in [your city]• Fly back to [your city]• 20 days of vacation• Show progress on U.S. map

Page 12: Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Description

Choosing Your ToolsChoosing Your Tools• PowerPoint• Video from Encarta or the Web• Graphs from Excel• Publisher Brochure• Sound recording• Speech• Other? Check with a teacher

Page 13: Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Description

Skills to Learn or ReviewSkills to Learn or Review

• Graphing with Excel• Embedding documents• Storyboard development• Note-taking• Synthesizing information• Organization

Page 14: Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Description

Tools To Help YouTools To Help You• Project Directions• Project Outline• Project Checklist• Encarta Organizer• Excel Map and Budget• Assessment Tool• U.S. Map• Sample Projects

– Group 1, Group 2, Group 3

Page 15: Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Description

PresentationPresentation• Presentation to class and guests• Will be graded• Shared responsibility• Burned onto a CD?

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