
Styles and Dimensions

of Leadership

By Rex Gatto, Ph.D.

Gatto Associates, LLC


Email: [email protected]

Website:www.rexgatto .com

Content Outline

• Introduction

• What is Leadership –how does it apply to your firm

• Leading by adapting to your people and the culture of your firm

• Applying the six dimensions of leadership

Work Life Balance

We all Juggle three balls




Thought Provoking


• “Smart Mangers FAQ” by Gatto

• The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader” by Maxwell

• “Management Challenges for the 21st Century” by Drucker

• “Leading Change” by Kotter

• “First Break All The Rules” by Buckingham and Coffman

• “Winning” by Welch

• “Where did all the Leader Go” by Iacocca

Action Model

Learning Objectives

I. Effectively utilizing leadership characteristics

II. Effectively adapting leadership by communicating with followers

III. How to lead your firm

Four Styles/Level of


Based on:

• Needs of the follower,

• Current work situation, and desired results

Dimensions of


Each Dimensions is an essential skill






In its simplest form leadership

has three components:

• Leader

• Follower

• Common Goal


Behaviors of

Successful Leaders

Behaviors of

Unsuccessful Leaders

LEADERSHIP Leadership - process by which leaders

guide and develop themselves and others by:

• Communicating

• Taking appropriate action

• Building trust

• Achieving goals, given

• Leader’s abilities and skills

• Abilities and skills of followers

• Within a changing environment


Leaders develop through ability, desire, and opportunity.

Effectively develop followers.

Address issues proactively.

Develop potential by leading, making decisions.

Earn the respect of followers.


Single out and clearly define expectations.

Have desire & trust to lead in unpredictable times.

Identify the right questions.

Provide open, honest, trusting, respectful communication.



Define what the future should look like, aligns people with that vision, and inspires people to make it happen despite

the obstacles

(John Kotter)

Lead by Adaptation

Vision: where are we headed

Clearly define the job: set stretch goals

Open Communication: open communication in all directions – up and down and across the organization

Accountability for Results: in the end, it’s performance that counts. YOU are responsible for results

Lead by Adaptation


Be Visible: make a point of getting out of your office and talking to the people who work for you; meet people

Performance: employee performance; give employee credit

Be a Role Mode: employees respond more to your actions than to your rhetoric. Lead by example.

Change: changing business; needs ask for input

Work Environment: open trusting, respectful and honest work atmosphere

Carly Fiorina

• Putting information to work by employing an infrastructure with the flexibility and adaptability to help companies

• Role that character, capability and collaboration play in defining leadership

Jack Welch

• Positive energy: go go go; they love action and relish change

• Energize: the ability to love people and inspire them to move mountains

• Edge: courage to make tough yes-or-no decisions -- no maybes

• Execute: get the job done

• Passion: a heartfelt, deep and authentic excitement about life and work

• Teach Managers to mange less; instill confidence

Walt Disney

Vision - is critical to success

Involvement - create a work

environment that

encourages employees to

be actively involved

Angel Merkel (Germany’s

1st women leader 11/05)

• Emphasizing the need for self-sufficiency

• Reforming the funding of the medical system and raising the retirement age while tinkering with the tax system

• Unemployment - 5 million before the election, fell in October to its lowest level in four years at around 4 million

• Debt is down

Four Styles of


Jim Collins

Level Five Leaders

• Make the organization more successful for the next generation

• Know that we created a strong company

• Want my successor to be better and greater

• NO ME it’s WE

Leadership Styles

Leadership Model

Effective Leaders

• Use various styles

• Trust themselves

• Develop themselves

• Apply abilities

• Know to whom and when to

listen and follow

Six Dimensions of


• Communication

• Positive Attitude

• Building Relationship

• Decision Making

• Modeling Leadership

• Inspiring Others

Sample Dimensions of


Six Dimensions of



• Listen, interact and write

Positive Attitude

• Enthusiastic, create trust and create trust

Building Relationship

• Fairness, resolve conflict and know followers

Six Dimensions of


Decision Making

• Timely, problem solve, take action and set priorities

Modeling Leadership

• Set goals and follow through, manage time and compassion

• Inspiring Others

• Show appreciation, respect, positive and give recognition

Leadership Development Develop from Develop to

passive—having to be stimulated,

motivated, and disciplined

active —being self-reliant, self-initiated and


dependence relative independence to interdependence

(internalization of a set of values which

become base for behavior)

capable of behaving in a few ways capable of behaving in many different ways

unpredictable, shallow interests of

short duration

deeper interests

smaller time perspectives a much larger time perspective of events—

behavior is affected by past events and

future hopes

subordinate position aspiring to occupy an equal and/or

superordinate position in reference to peers

lack of self-awareness awareness of and control over oneself

Leadership Action



You are going through a developmental leadership

process; challenge yourself

To be the best version of a leader that you can
