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Laptop V/S Big Screen! No matter how much we download movies and see them in our own leisure time, nothing beats the thrill of watching a movie in a theatre. I often find myself debating with fellow friends who seem to love the idea of watching a movie in their laptop, I mean, sure you have all the comfort and you see it when you want to, but does it replace the whole movie experience of a movie hall? A big bucket of popcorn and pitch black darkness of the theatre? I guess no.

I guess, these days, people are missing out on the simple pleasures of life owing to the conveniences around us. Life is so easy for us, that we do not take the pain to go out and seeking happiness; expecting to find it right with us, in our home! The other day I went for a movie in one of the best cinemas in Saket, with one of my friends who have taken a sudden liking to

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the concept of sitting back at home and watching movies and not going out for the same.

It was not planned; we were shopping in the adjoining mall which is considered as one of the best shopping malls in India. I came with the impulsive plan of catching up for a movie and she agreed reluctantly. Although things were really different when we came out! The entire ambiance and feel of the hall got my friend hooked and she confessed she nearly forgot the pleasure of watching a movie in a theatre! It is true that the ticket price and the availability of seats are not always feasible, but we should not at all let go of this forever! Come on, it is only an amazing feeling to catch up movie with your friends or loved ones! Once in a while it’s okay not to fix your gaze into your laptop and look into the bigger screen, at the bigger picture!

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