
t r » v ' ' ^ w r ^



V O L . XX. No< 5 1 M A N A S S A S , V A , F RID A T , M A Y 14 . 1 9 1 S $ 1 J 0 0 A Year in A d v a n c e

kom viaoR 01 m a For Fiffl Time In Six YMUTS & e


Represented by seven sterling ab^iietes MaBA&BW Agricuiiurai H i ^ School erperienced no diffi-

in tbe Eighth Congressioiial Dis­trict Athletic Leaffue annual


u. s. Tea

Forest Senrioe 3 M ^ OIA

in W<

To obtain the eooparmtioo of the pablie ia preveatiag f o m t orefl which arc doingi a ^ e a t

fte Eaat thia apruuE. {he Unlteii States forest; service has prepued ten' 'don'ts"

track meet held at Warre!ttbn OBtlb be bbservea M the #oodL


CLEAN UP AND PAINT UP . Wtek of May 17 to 22. ladmive

^Jf fAMIC^ €Mffeff- fflffi lEACiffi MEETINC ItWIffiAY . • ^ U o ^ H l w ^ tMmintfX I Ulb UUniOar R U I Z 1 UTtl mwil»»i« •-

Saturday. For the fifth va^ in six years Manassas has wot^ the

-^- mee£. Tbe^^eete pai^tetpat^Hg-^lhe-faeaeMap'ig^ihe i i i lSqrp

is hoped that these rales may have a beneficial effect daring

A* U*ymcat tht tovii of MHIWMM, I call atteptieci of tbe a t j u u cf die team XA the eftarU OD UM w t OC the »«—-»— fSvir i .««yf to haVf ntnnmnA all tsCaaki. rtibbiith and flfihcr ""^ff •'H to rW«n op And

-tmt im m TTTI Mrif 107 «n»(1itine tfa« jfWMfc-^n^ jnmM^:at:3i8>r<ud' i .^lorE.... _ _: ^ , ,

7*hroaKb the courtesy of Hairy Merria a dumping fro«md a«ar the eeal fate haa b*a^ prondad free of ot jt, and Ibe lfa^>>—• GivSe .

X win zanun n f lns 01 uavui^ SCKD vonioe"aai|iQa.: A« Mayor of the aatd to'WB, I, tlkcrelloK, deatgaatr tbe week of May

17 to May 22. iadttsiTe, aa "clean op aact ptmt «p ««dr for tkt town ttt '^

On acoountljif, tbe inclemeot

Asks Mayvr for "Qean Up and Up" W e e k - H a n l i n s

OMI to be Free.

were the highaehoolavof Ifai^sa-n e , Wanreotoa, Ciilptyer Morrisvilie. Two other • ^ehools who had ejcpected .to aend sentatives bat who fuled to do so were Unison (Loodbma) and BemingtoQ. C^^peper did not put in its sppgsnmrf until the meet was well ah^er wmy (due to late train); had\tb<^ arrived

' airiipriaape comrtea i redOaige in aP jwihahiRty gooe to thor credit.

Mainwaii ran op a total of SB points W its cre£t . Of these BoiiDd ci^tnred | 9 ; Green. 1^;^ U n c h , IQi: BuxcH. fi; Williaiii*, 5, and Strntaoav^ Boand 8eeaod,m IndE^&alfpaa^ w n -n m s for tfae meet; l a evuuts ue dinphywi fine 'fdtwi, wliSe ai o t t o s he dki not • te be quite up to his uami

AOT<l*chiin«. which is not yet and I over, and tfaat^rf tbeaocth^HMiis,

which is just .b^finninc aod frompFeseiJft infeations.

p^oouses to be nnnwnaHy severe. l i i e "4otoV'foUow: ^ L Dak't throw yoor n ^ ^

away o i ^ y«ra are sure it ia out. JL Eton't/drop d^farette or

agar butts nntO t^;gtew'is ex-

IK t ^ k'or^^ 100 yard daak die

Waireirtoa ,caa wei lbe flf -Beonerwlioi ecne ' f int - in x ^ dtftdatf points mt i i^ m e e t ^

^m a^ievec 2Si pointo ^Hnek 1 ^ J . ' f »

4l ie ipnd m«r eaner fcudca vbere thegr wo^d * t » ^ « laev

beany rnrne eardeas witii fire in jUi« wopds tlsna lireii^tfii*a

a PenitbetdtewheityDadia-

^ • M ^ ^ B M I * ^^ - *-^—* ^ *

U f h ffchool bey*' votioBd hudi jmd d a t t^^maBeat spnk vmY g^rr a f«iitfla<fa<inB that mSiz^

w d l and they fa t fovdi tke»r beat ^ o t B at tk« -wtaaim owets in wWrhMamsw

Tbe Uf i i sehoql ffot S^oitt << a total ar€D pdntaintfaednalmeet Ikeid s t | Woodbeny F o r e ^ Apnt 10. TbefofiawingSalnrday t W w m seeood pbea in die Inter-adiolastM meet held at tfaeU^-versttf <3S V^snia: - At Waih-inefeon and Lee thegr werednrd for Yirginia aefabeis wfefle s ixA whoiidladbools were cMiadered.

L3atmidaydMre«P«d theiooda. ^ i t h '

presented by tn ei WvcDtott.

C o K h W . l L maeh praise'for the:

afl the meets in iriacfa they par-tidpated. Hisafaiiityaaa has been ihimaialiili'il - m e s t clearly and Manaaaas can well

grateful to him for hia an-efforOfhi wihBilim aST*.

'^inning team. SnnmiarT of SaUii day's meet: lOCVjaid

: :i>«»: 2, Benner, Wi , WiUiantt. MifiasBBs; 4, Mister^

V^ar^enton. l BBe, 10 1-5 sec-..r.i-..- New record. ' 1

' • rard aaah—1. 2, Benner.


3. ' Doo't knodE eat ytior pipe ashes while hoe iir^rtKre~tli^ 'WrXL faH into dry l e a n a or t l ^ inflamioahfc' tnateri^.

4._ JkB*t b d d a euiCtJlie vig

& D o B t b n i d a & e a s a i n a t a . tre«w.* lot; or arstomni or any-where hot on bare aoS.

^ D o n t l f H w e a f i r e o n t i l y i

•pnpther it with earth of water. 7, ' Don't bom famahor refuae

in. Qg n<t;r rte wqpda ii, any efaanee dmt the fire

beswod ypo^ eoBtnl, Wedncaday eveninR of neat • S I a ^ i n t h e a x t e e a A


and and yoons srowth

only £dt Imniier but in hd^nqc to

e T s s i o n . . and

Uanaasasi; 2» wimantt, Hanaa-aas; 3, C^^aen..Manatwai. l l m ^ 14 3 4 at^tenda.. New z«eanL

Ideran^t^Gif ten , %. B a r ^ J f a m u p a s ; 8. Affiaon. Warnhton; 4, J^ukasoe. War-r e ^ m . tiiBe, SaoinBtea, 11

220-yard ^ a a h - t I^ndw-M»-X MiBtar, WamntMU S,

Oatterimcfc, Wanentao; Culpeper. 7 ^ m e . S l - 5

Diaena throw—1. Bound.

Sy Benner, Waiientun; 4i Har-Kfl. ManawB Distanee, 84 fL

"Se "jgg'iaiioe in ita ear<»g XU IttJiwe Utf rtnllllji IMWUjlUll St the •aid t*«n. ; .

Iwgreat that «Mit oat owmynirttf ^iasiXs mthJUat^ L. U aT-^lli4t^der the eonditi<maf: -Jte reB. in

Secretary of tbe Leaa«e, will give tba neeeaaary inatnvtiaaa W. a|LL BROWK. Mayef.

sight reading cop-t e a of the MaifiwaH and Vanss-

faas district SCDOC^ held at Boff-ner buHdtng on'Wndueadaj af-

i temooQ uQd» the aopieesiof the. Manassas Patrons' League. Still

The seeond regular meetin^f of a IfriTlMan Chrk Leagxie was

~ t i ^ in Conner's Oipeia House

ipee was aaaaU. hot Thf

li the attendance m a food, repre­sentative and not diaeooraging

whal numbers

L- Oeaii op yo(R-'$i«mkeB e^tfy m the week, ptrtting all DNBCKMA-mut traab in boxe^ or barreia; do mck tbnw/it » tbe atnaet or alky.

.2. NotifyM^. J. UHarreUh*wMKbkefiiae9oab»yetobelMnled' jont Ttm k o ^ abK>lifC^ neeeaaary, bat it wiQ belp the wnfccca aad

that this is ths first of to be jft aoies of to bftjELTeD^dor-

FHUS nW <ail3Mt «MWWMlMa HMD

ICaaAaMfiftF. of Mayvir W. BiB LBcfle Hntrhiiwn. oTgaymarkA, wffl reeehta a < M o 9 n i s boffc-keepins^aal Wm h b BaadeH^ of IJ^anaaaM. a

E t e a t a • n 'eefcr

After reseuBi: aie.f««^oia a te

t t a i i u a fnliaii, ^ i n e to.lfi&


tp^atMBtn her Joaa; two teca, MTL Soaanns ^ n e , of WaytMsbonvVa., and Miaa Sarah Maer. <rf NefceByiBe, a^d three

OSS, Levi, of Qana^ryjlk, An-

EUghjmnp—1, Kefly.Colpeper; The stndenta 2L Bemier. W»renton..Kid Bofr^gTadbd achQoLwiH«iveanenler^ son. Co^fQier. tied: 4. Lyndi.. tainment at the sehoolboase. i

and Green, Manassas, i Wednesday evening. May 19, at WEATI&R RfiOORD

Mrs. Dogan, a member of-tbe PfttroAs' Leagoe, who* proposed the inauguration of reading eim-testB. caide in fm: iHaise fbr the Mas^whtcn aaamato^xan uiiiinift: ^ ^ • V^ - waa aaid by those in « pMJtJop to knew thst4teeis aaoet likely the Ibat resf iar eonteat

er inaognrated ia m p a b l i e adibat Itrt. E m i ^ ^ Boand,

the mfwring lacked in aombers w4B made tq) t r wii lrir"*^. The meeting was late in ^^etting Htartfd due, to the slownt-ss jof., the members in patting in th€»r appearance. ' Tbe president, t w o vice-pr^ai-

^Dta, Mesdames A. W. Sinclair and CL B. BatriiflFp, the secretary, the treaaurer and die recording Beewtaiy wgret tee^Jkie i t paes-ent. The meeting was called to o r d e r by the presideot who

whiA baa ^thepordbraettfa

preaideot oi ths |estae> presided] ^ t i i e anitimnftwd


- Several ruritalanos were given dnriot ^ evening. . Those le-

the te*. die and a half and the two year

Vi^ila of the jnflMH menL Six Ifttie tota tercd to tfau gronpof which Laia Hizaon was wmner a i d W) Baseriieiger second besL

Mme eonteatante zend the lectigii for die seddnd fai tMs^Jatfagrinf W<ev^ftvwlli-~

and Oement CorawcB Ase-ondr~ The wbiner toea^jponp leeeived a pnae and the bolt a red rihban.

W U e the Day. Mia.

iSfaam the

^eeii the bestowal of awarda nven -out by lieitt. Gea a Boond, who made a Tew appro-

^ontfaeingwrttnce of fight leaffiat tmiltan, and

h^ JKwdafi i^ Mn.

broogiit b^ote the body ths'siad news diat at last a teaopotary dt^pwht inmnd liad h e e s Se-cared free irf coat to town ar.cifr> nens: He comnsttee <n

they are aad hope to chMr a deal ilLi veryahorttiaae. Until 1 when a deal ia dosed for


to the : aad aeada eopy at <

a erder that tike

taara papers oi das weeic. The Baayor waa,alsf» re<|iieaied to have dm dean iqp rigidly enforeed-

The kacae after m a A ^seaa-sion agreed tofaraiah sMsasof hanlint oat tlie trash, aaloBg dm

oi^ their t r a a h C o ^ t h e i m t o n ^ l e ^ a i h ) andal

d d fiir% Beeoremit to 4 In caae of the

Tbe • t o

take charge of for the haahag and for the acoaeat (tf this aide of the up. He waa abo aothoriaed appaint a csKnimttse Qf_.iDe

to to_

• For week casting Wednesday. May 12.

her-rgreil t h i « i £ -

_^ ence, a few of iriiam were her ^ i p o p i l s in die earty.^oa o | Ma-^^naaaaa. She said the idea of

having agfat-reading contests in

knows las never been i n t i o d a ^ ^ » « a P " pamted for the pobik in'Kaaaaa, where she has irred conveyances and ice wagons so

year*. She dosed with an] that the "dean up and paint up" j t o tbe little ehil^pn to' good ISafaits, asEag thej,„^j- , , . . ^ . , ^ ^

boys to^Saia f n m tobacco, bad 1 P ^ < * ° ™ « ? » BBr^ago MMt aA i^mr\aarmH&^ After 4he rhsrwiiM iif a Urn

Her graat iatetesl in jother minor matters the meeting and all its adivitieB | adjourned to rae^ next Mondav

w e f i t n o s ^ o u t m h«r«tJeJe^^„i^ a t S o'dodc al Conner's i.ynch. Ms-ttied. Hdght 5 fiaet. 3 inche&~ t8o*doclL "The program wiD con-WaiTcnton; t Broad lamp—1, Beaaer, War--dstefaoBga, drUteami a eoaiedy'May '^ inaiinmiii twnpwatareutolk. « - , lOmMallimmL

. . . , ^ n t o o , ^ Round, Manaasas; 3 . ,m 4 a d i . _ B - « v e d seats a i c . 8 0 on t h s S A ; minimum temper ^ i S ' ^ i S T l S S ^ ^ ^ S d l ^ , War-r-t/>n. Time,56«aeeonda. Roason, Culpeper 4. Simmona. others I5c Befreahments for atare, 4D on die lOdj and UdL f^thgroupswooidbeheldsoanT^ —Mrs. R. J N r r record 'Manaaaas. Distance. 19 feet, 5 sale. Pnioeeda for the benefit of 1 Predpitatisn danng week: 1 1 2 ] bat B » dafiaks (WaJma s a ya t j i s ? 1

12(>-varci nurdiea-l. Round, mdies. Newreeord. itheaeheaL CoXMnnK. 'incheaoBdieI2th. OBSEavBL I been decided apocL J w e ^ dwelhng pamt£^

Secretai7 ^ t f e Ofimniiw-. wealth a. l>. James SalimUur n»-ceived from the pablie printier the sammary of oiaiuaas bewin^ on the pramr doctwnlMW qf the state rendered by Attorney-General J < ^ Garimd PbUard since the Genexal AflMmlily ad­journed.

The summary is information city and coantr oAdab todi dtibr z^^nera l ly , and will bewid»-ly distributed. Cd|»c8 wifi be sent to any tiae~ appiic^tioo to/tiw dfiee of the

The iMw lav pn>hit»t8 eandi-dafaii firnlii pairiiig paranae t^

CIV -hugtwro* Win i i^

hollctin ifr

tain aigaatnns to thca-petitiraa of candidacy. It is aba mi de onlawfal for any candidate to hire Yel)ide8 to convey Totevs to the polls on dectioB imy. u d e r ay expenditure oi eveiy^ldnd and

tdeaeriptioB is ^^ibitod. exeepfc forpnrpoaescBpwaiQr

t«f tfcetime ilortfaaState

Three weeks in whi<^ S«>n«re and Ho must qualify in names on the baUoL The election hwa wil apfif for the first tinw in the AjWMt nsM^rr One of the new pBStWoHB tat-hufa *i*ii>tint [HI Ml In BuiiMt votes for enii i aaiiialw Under

«et thefe-hfaeir wamcneaB to sop^oct the

t2)£ Qtr practkaJor eleetigp to friends. They for their acGvSiea only which they owed ^leir ment. ^ ~—


June 4 is the last day <» wlndi may entwr the pri-

OMoy, wiBoh is sat tBrAagattt.

ift A e test

i to iBte in the prirnsiyr afthoBBS" thpy may annmmee

soea by xaenaoa iksrieattana Cdl^pe it is good eesnoniy to ^Te at aaany i acaSk and £oed eeooo«y toapendatotiMzs. Here we tan "Eeonooqr Plans" sogeeflfeed bg the CIsmaan aatboritieB:

^1. Tooitoatallliucqrieai, eope-dally iiqqmn^ tobaoeo^ new bog-gks and atrtomobflea

i TB cut ml sDie uflnceeg^ — saries.'saeh as tea and eoSee^^id meat tfaree,tiaifis dai]^. '

3. TosaTeonfoodforouraelres by means of an sti-the-year sar-d ^ certain eaaly possibie sob-

the statotioztsasdanition moreeare-fnlly "balanced to preserve health and strwimth.

4. ^ e save on leod for our aaa-Jiy mmroi nf MhnrH

_. :»v - •'• .'We mui Bttt i> B. V. a Shnteawl Dmran . Me

• Tlfciwwiih Oiii Saita.. •Ommr

IDmw-_ 25c Bf 'JTi ia i i i I UmMi Sota^afe Boy*'MKHook fiUrta •• ~

SHHTIS • a t ' a LMB &«ndSUitB $1.00 • e a V Edipae Shuts $LO0 and fLiO Men's M«nlmtt«n SMrto... .SLSO O. W. Bhit^ tibe beat aid(t«n the

market for . GOe KtBOI Work Sfairta,9&4iieheB lo(«

M e a ^ ^ ' C l m i h f Q and K h i ^ "*•" ''"it w«trk dfif ira^bve 'mmat

to theBriee.. 4Qe

B>Bij smar the Hy-lwnie diy


of efthe

AywB before toe general deetam tfo-•ember 2 may at azty tirae before die |»imary pay the first year's poO tax. renter and vote at the primaiT. aroongh he mar pet be twenty-one on tte data « tiie

miary t^Ths rtfte of tfeeJSUte Demo-

c r a t i c Committoe exBiiSng' n25ro«jJ^d«noc»t>epdm.?^ > To spend money on ^ . or-

lies is beld valid The new act ^^^KW^^^^K^^^^^ PV 1 WXX~

. toe or Imprisonment or botii, any <•«•—•!« ^«»*»»*''«^otf the judges


Tbe new Ian mako trarnime for aa electioD jadge to aotieit

ment sta^oos, dieaper' foods

~ont-sobstitotions of

pennai>ent "els er pa^

5L To save foods for ear plants by p>eanh of winter lenuiaeStSum-mer legomes and winter pn in4<ot -« f -Se fS^ SkOit UMHegrtmea. " "

support for any particular caa(& date. All cases of e}ecti<m coo-tMtai« to be tried henceforward

chard for pruning and spraying. ^ TB »BlbKsti and "^^"titifi a

logical u d jpraetieai Sjrafemef

^ d i ^ t e tomg tbe progress of. ifi^ IQ_ xa«Mate_wilii _ynat '•^'^°'****' 'neighbors in orjraoiaations. m

! buying food supplies, fertiiizfrs

WORK PANTS AND GOATS^ Mea'a Cottoaade. DWxbeaa make SLOO Mea^ Khaki Pms. Smoet PIT

^ «L4»a>dfi:Kl

enata. Coat for . . . . MM


SinOIER PANTS Maa'a WUte RaniMl Paats $LSO, UM -—•a Whita DiMk A I ^ K . f l . »

At Less 11 911 Cost Pantg

Suits tiuit have bacB on hand ^ two seaacns. Also alot (St WtiOiSmtiL tm wt ftre ^ u ^ . t a rinnr oat tsit tumcost

typhoid fever, and the qmto-borBe nudaria axe reqpoipB-Ue for tboonnds and *t>«q<Hiiidg of nnneresaary-deaths, fiiigermg Slnesses. greatly impaired effi­ciency, snd imtold milfions in doe-tows' bills.

TypbcHd fever and nuUaria are preTeol^Ue diseases, ui^Uiere is no good reasna wby t h ^ should not be abeofotely banished from our country. It may soand a lit­tle bard, batdoyoakaewtiiattt 1i~ somebody's fadtTwben tbere is an outbreak of tyi MHd in yoiH-fsmily or y o v nejghhorhood? Sam^wdy!s faok when yanr loved snea snffer fmm malaria bome-

rtyiant poghrAoald be fewwd, •rif tbisis impwwihfej^^ryaw^iB be oiled ooee a w e ^ iNirreb; tin cans and like reeeptn-clas ahwdd be kwt eawtiad trf water, and thickets of weeds snd andedbrash that might barber Booaqattoes s h o ^ be cleaned ap.

After all these precs ntaons have been taken, every wmdow and door in the boose should be.caze-foUy screened. The eixpenae of this win not be great; and it is the best kind of insoraiice agaiiyft do0U«8'bills, sickneftBand death. -Good health is («e of the biggest and best things life gives og. -Lef sjnake sure <d ear share of Jfr, by'giffftiiHgflwty and mwqui-to-—

hava Iweu aguwwl Ui Tawri?

Sf -hsveM the ___ _^ Ptoamas from $3JOO te $&JOO

and hve stock, in owningrand u&injf I , t««»_ April 27-30, farm implements, ia beginning'

* * ' ^ ~ ^ ^ * ° " ' „ ^ ' * " "«^*»»"- •^'•'^ rr»»am and ejrg routes, in sd l ing ' era Railway will have on a»le at > a- K farm Mnd niAfn ,i . .-iii. .j. in-

m th^ —,, . . . . ^-„*,_rf - * k«*',*-.^««r««*-B.c. -«* prmopai p*tTM- r t ^ * * ^ *** « « « « « produce, m m thf OTCTts u « U » J o f 1i^(in]v^^^,^^^,,^i^^^;^^r^i^,^^^..^.tw^,~.Unii your commurjty and ui.. party committees. \ ti^mX 2&. » aad 27. fiaai r^tur- - r f tTvrr:)? np tn vntTT tatk abont rt

In the que8t{«jrf vote sotjci-; **«y \ ^^^ ^» deuil«3 mf&rs:M»Uot;And ia a oaiet^hMrfuiaML . ALioa by AcSoa « * « » « i ^ I S 2 * ^ " ^ S K S I T ^ ' . " ^ ^ approaches all tasks witk a faith >t^imvn or tae vtaraav Genual In w IB^«4^_ —- —'"r— t. w»a^; uactimmed and a eouraga undis-^

Complete stock of Kcnrect Shape and Beac<mShoeB

*"g** now IS the tuns to figlxi Aeae death-canying pesta, and ^ i s a g n i a cMat irtnre an oonoe of iiraTantionkwoetiia pooi^ef cure.

Don't tot the flies and moequi-tDorlnnd. Pcrtia|»90 pet coil of tfaa-oommon hooBC Ses breed jo hoTae manare is tiie stables, and this can be preveated by deanmg out the stables at least eoeea week and kwpina the mv^ aore in screened receptacles oatfl iteanbepntonthefWds if this j cannot be done, powdered bonx frequently sprinkled over the ma-nnre will keep flieafnauUr<i«iCagr Then be careful and see that no flies have aceaaB to privfts and garbage -pflear "«nd^'nar

reads as folJowim UMaySS Imayad.

i-IowJfeas: m one d tbe best sad soxcsc of anmmer forage AKt<aod

W a k a i v e ^ t k e

New £ra, Brabham, I m .

AOchoice recleaned stock nad'ot snpcntM'quaiity. „ ^ " i f 5* ^ priee* an* .Woods Croy SpeoaT giv-^ i n f o r r a a t i o o aboat Co>r \ g ^ Soja Eeaia. Soai^ums. .•^•^^Sod&n Gran and all

"*****nal>ie Seeds.

~T. W W O O D «r S O N S . SffKS. BH, - Rkhm -d. Ft.


_j?tagge,<if ffiwiwill bra t h i n g s | tbe past. ^

Science has proved that a par­ticular f '>vt of Bao6<tfute- ia en< tirely responsible for malaria, and if this pamfula> speaes

VIRGINIA i mosquito never bites us we are i Jiuhecribe for THF JouRHAi* —-' ' O-Ou the year in advaaee.


P L B L l i J H V U EVl iKY F R I D A Y A K T E R N O O N BY


F.nli reri ^ th« Vau. (>SH<M a t . \ Ciasa Mail

I ~4Hi O O O l M Q



¥^i\v ' i-iiti **-!rK-h *»r >fcghr»t maertJoD and Twggty-lhf^ OiJMifor « i ck (XruL I. _a,.,.' L.L.r>«ti Diaoountii U> Yearly Advt r t i»er«

u«ui>.i i'-nLi. 'C-.!.-««, xbd KII m a t t e r a^ An ftdTcrtiai^ c^Aimctcr. aitfeor d!rt>cU> 'r iiMJirtfcUy. wiH be pnhJiAwl » t t^c rata of Twaaty-Ore O n t a » • xncrh

MANAiiSAS, V A . , F R I D A Y , M A Y 14, 1915.

THE MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION At the rtqueat af the MaiHiigBHa Givir Iwjpnr

MuTor W. iiill Brown has issued a pradatesti^ calling upon the.citiae&s of'Manasaai to observe next week as "clean up and pfint up" week. The-

«ii»'n3 pa«t up'

PUNCTUALITY A VALUABLE ASSET The faaibit of being iHrnctoat, of getting to a

piaee at4be appointed hour, not five minutes late, I ia a valuable habit which too few of our people of I to-day poseesa. Gotoanychurch.service,ai»y<ntfflr-I tainraent, any meeting of a pubUcor private nature : and you will find several persons dropping in after the scheduled time of opening. Everyone recog-

I nizes Uie practi<;(^anQOying and uncouth still it I goes oalrom year to yecrwith an iiicreasuig num­ber ijf foQowersT ]"

For this lack of promptness many excuses are advanced. Perhaps iJbe oiost common excuse pat

all sMts of activities and obligations for the aver-sg» ttsrsan, lays so mauj daims upun our Ume'

RNAL FldStritAY^lw^^ » ' " »

Pf.^^IJ^fili' 'WiPW V


idea of having a "deaa up'saa paiac up" cam­paign was^brougfat bef ure^ie people i Manas iUB¥ few ^eeks ago but the lack of a community dump­ing ground held the matter in abeyance. Now, while the town authnities are considering the pur­chase of a suitable dumping grround, the Manassas Civic League annouhceirdid procarement of a leap porary dumping ^nva^, free of cost to town or citizens; at aTO<frt diataaee from MauasBaar

Another thing which should ipake the clean-up thorough and universal throughout the town is the offer on the part of the dvic league to ftimifh teams for the hauling out of all unbumable trash if the pcoiJe will! eoBcet it in- b<Mief or barrels and set it in froatof their inremises. Tbe citizens are asked. to dei^ up daring the first three days of

it was expected that people be late and that you should not worry abtxit bong iwompt because some

fotben wllf tiot betiieriB on time. These and mai^ otho- minor reaabns are asmgned for bding late at aar and all meetings. Every one of these can be Aown to be built on quicksand. Yfhy thea are pei^te flo> often laekiun in puuetuality f •

ttewlS* HO t h ^ thff tntnh rtiTi hPT^o^H i ^ t»rreet vahuriion. If you reaBxe haotad w t during the'latta part of the week.

We cannot too strongly u s e iq;N» evety atisen of HwmwinH the impertaBee of a heart tion in this matter. If the dean-ap is made -th<»o^gh and oniversalthe town can reasonably expect one of tiie most pleasant and healthful sum­mers it has-ever experienced. As the town grows it becomes m(»« and more imperative that sani^ tion and deanlineas ^t recognised a<

^g-welfarBi Bnt notiiiag will aeenre tiusjeaynition like the active iatea-aat of •every person in the "elcon-ap and p a i n t y

T^B^paigmi as t h ^ occur from tnaeto time. We most' beosme tlumMighly into^^sted in idl

matteiB of town immiviemeat so that we not only cany oak H^' iieas oUz8elv«B~lDiS~' ie~omr mat^

' bon to do likewise. Dsn't let us g ^ the~"doe-in-ij|v the^tnanger" attitniki. which w31 make us think

^^ iKnii iayv:;;XJte^>iay plaof rhtaa MM! ^attiwctiy^ M •——uiiji fcajBiWr do aa.ho pleaaaa, I will not bother

•hniit if " Bn a pnwhpr for tlw> toamV pn*^» n^

t ^ awako t»the fact iUat k is l u g ^ h i ^ mai that yon can be ^ ^ n e jasfe as easf as-a few minutn U ^ £fj^w^ _

one has ever hart his town or hiinadf by adyda^ ing and taking part in a

r wwnpatgu. :'-'dean up and paint op"


unarmed British passoiger steamer, aa last Friday \__afeeitKxm by a tofp»edo or torpwloes, ahe^SoBTr

German suhpuirine^wherebxoverL ami. wiMueu aaJ chifcUwi. to/Wweii 100 ted 'JU of "•rhnm nrrrr rtmnrinnnn. 11 n n hat, hnn rfrt • riiikin •f gkwm and sosrow ovar tite wfade od Amenea. Whoi a full r^Mtt of tke dfaaabar ficafc eaae oot

'-l^ediog: tan his^ « i ^ it was feared tiaifrtNireoaiitry voold most likdy i>eeorae invohad in the great Eon^tean oonJEyet in dtort ocder. Bat thanks 80 the oooi, level-headed man of the White Hoaae, we have tevned an the fMts aad tluB. in aa infef^eat

«q«voeaI terma to Germany. When contnvy to all intematianil law, eontnvj

to am actions of sane and God-feadng vaeo, over 100 of oar dt^ena, nuuiyof whom were ptunmient and high esteemed throagfabat the natioa, krt thdr Irvas by the mdaagM <tf an inconcdvable brute power it, at first glance, le^ed~ like we lAoald jump in and help whip tke s^-termed ••mnai hiytiiy wiriliapri" mHnn nt «Ji» g»«Afl—^btf-•A:m*fmf» m^^MT^ t * w w #wrili«wi4 if it >wr]iiii«T f t f

roinmii . rin Gwiim

^ i ^ i

high ineitbsr «f these qoameatiotiB. that adohs be good

wo butat sMat wSn tfas achuBJ/dhOitwa. ietuado s a The eurt of a war hi h m « g fites. in gpiTffw aad wan^ in lowirf pHpHEtV- nd^dnHBti tion of oar fair eoantiT ra ld ^ s n t ev«n ftt ila best Th« qndceak waf «f ta aot always tiha light way. It

-antil the wsla> tooia a Ing a plunge; bad bofm aad aaldfl ut not vpitUr healed over.

President Wilson knofws that ha is doing the right tlui^; hcAlaa knaws that the eaiat and dear-1 ^ ^

"l^l^rng pedpie oT^e atiioa are^ni&g-faadk of 17^, " im m this present very eritkaJ issoe. We can rest assured that if ever a man did has doty in a crisis aaeh as new oonfr tie wHT do Ka. I ^ y for that man who is la&xing «ft<ier the terrific responsibility ef pointing a way ix ; of that hazy triiat wmch seems to overhang the }fr?«ter part of ^u^Balgly^ 'Wfae^r UJuld Wb Aud another man so capable, and so tiwaghtful of tiJejO" <*^^*««»'**' « ««»«»*<>«* t»negk«* the lay u .:are of his bdoved vwpie as is WoodzawjiOK of emphasis upon the great benefitaJakadek Wilson? I rived fron ezeeUenee in sight raadicc-

that we are simply We can easly, prove this to be built on a false foundation, for the basiest man or woman, as a f^e, in Qie most prdmpC^'^ie busy person redizes Uie value of time, notonly of'iigttmglrat'that^ others. He, therefore, isi>unctual and proves that punctuality is largely due to habit and a concienti-ous regard for the time of other people.

Other excuses are that the clock was late, that

The average in^vidoal does not give time its how valoaMe

time is to many peoi^ even if nA to yoaradf, why do yon not see that yooare prompt at e v o j meetij^?^ Yoa txMw Mw by people stragj^ing in afto- it has startisd; try to set an example of promptness whidi will eventoaU^ caoae others-to be prompt also.

Parraits can do valuaUe wwk by-instaroeting ai^ pdling their children to be inmnpt in every-

U's a vaipabie natnt, and oaee formed it Will Iddt a lifetime. So many pae^its, by tfadr ex* ample. faMrever, dfaeoorage ptmetaaiity in thdt diildren. If yoa are baaiy tzy to eatdi opfor cnioe in yoor life, anyway,and be on time. Yog may

The accumulation or wealth ismerdy a question of saving money and putting it in a «afe place.

whether large or smaB. ,'

Per Cent Interest on Savings Account ^ Compbimded ^mi-Amn«dty :i

United States DqK^toy for Postal Sayfags



INSURANCE IS A PROFESSION S^ect your agent and companies as 70a would yoon^ Bawkw, lawyer or Dortor, aiate yoar-f inai

- -Md-

HRE TESTED nuMw t l i M mmyiy tA him; i t i«

yaioe md impoctau^


Tbe impertaaee of being aUe toreid deariy and

^ i F ^ ] i # ^ ^ I B I k l


^yow^ distinctly, to prmtoanee ecaTetdy and to riiraae so lluii Uie pt«H>«3t^pge*iUjon m gawa aaeli part ^ a flenteoeeLwaaatiiaMfa pmphaiMediy theMantti. -BM ^tatnns' Lgfigae wiMn this wecft fiwxhdd the An* sifl^ rea£ng eootnt fior tiie MJanasBas uid Kaninwan district adnoh. The popdaiity of the

I nntrntn ran nlaii hii niatlf laiiiiaaflil jiiaiiji •ITaliii. and it is thoogfat tiaik Ihey w a tegiv«naQaa^. Judging fron the iatsMst ahown in tiaa eoataak of this week and tike favoraUe iia iiila liiwil >B lipada^liunffilfaBS^^eaMeatswiU provelpopoK

highly deaDable for Ifanaaais aadnlK sor-eoontty.

The aeed of p b d v iwiplwww opoe ^ ettaadataooi, good peamntdataoB, and proper in-torpretatiop is evident to <n wtb attenS pidi&e

'oflky~aatCr Bow ^oaA more i feen-tive ia an andi«ai«i» if tJM.'

NewY< M^aSL

ward heafd «»«i rfri«»» kia «eed-

abie fotei ' fev adtita (

m a i ^ reading by attending toati whoe tion is fostered and impartial jodge* decite opon

Qts cor nabie Piesideul | the niort. det igvi^ "^ic'tiatroiar the impMtaace of this i ork aad will moat likely carry it on from its sueeessfol beginnnagi

tirtaJr it ipy^^j pay you

••• " * • '


in (tfocmeraiflte tDthe<

if^^liqfCig RnaliTig M f ^ t t u "

dcaoe Roaste, per pomML Round Stieak, per pound

14c to 15c . 18c





LOCAtNEWS —Swvice at S t Aane's Hemo-

\ r i a l chapet. ^Nokwrille, Sunday M 11 a^jB,

- W. A. Glean, was cafledtoiiie bedside of his father at Liuay the first of the week.


-The Manassas Q r k Leaerue jwil} meet Monday ereningr a t * o'clock in Conner's Opeia House when important busineae will be discussed. Every dtixen of Ma-


The reaidence of Judge J. Thomtnn . .baa . recently -been treated to an attractive coat of IMint

—The Misses Braod enter-taiugd MK Junior B r i t ^ Club

naaaaaifliiivite4tQthia-meeting-|biimfid the d w e l l i n g to tbeiofW.P.G.iiacdiriij.of the Federal ground. The dwelling was in-.reserve board, for Federal instead sured far 1660 and its Cfrntentajof State aid, after speakers

—The studea^ of Manassas high school will givaan ice cream soda! next Frkbv evening. May 21. The proc««b will go to the athleti^aaaooaboB which is very deaerviBg aad needy of yo«irsup-port.

Wf>Hn«'iidav evening at th«r home on GfaatavaiuM.

— We are glad to report steady improvement in the case of Dr. y. Wutfe who a shoftwhifeago suffered serioaa injuries l v f n aoeident in Washington. He is

through Manassas this morning on its way to Bradley w h q e it wifttave a jwfcme to-dhy.

jggg^bjg to H "P *»J hU wnnnds | ^ r ^Mjt,-G^ A. Nelsoa. an ex-Confederatje and a native of Prince William, died at his home

—Service at Trinity Epikopt^ church, Manassas, Sunday even­ing at 8 o'clock. Sunday school meets promptly at 9:45 a. m.

-Cradle Rdl Day will be held at the B^rtist church Sunday looming iat II o'clock in place of

arriceat that hoor.

—James HI Heflm, of Fau-qmier ootmty, andOhve J. Kincb-etoe, of Fairfax county, were married in Washington Mtniday.

—The eommfflieemeiit jxtr-dses 'o f SetlMd ligfi sehoofT^ which Sieterd Hayd(Hi Is iiii&-cipal, «iU b e h d d this evn ing .

are healing nicely.

Eastern --The game _ nave idayed WTtfa Massanotten

on Tuesday did not take plaoTDa account of the latta-'s team fail^ ing to appear. Eastern plays a game with Cati diamond this aftemooo.

JOUItWAI^ F R I D A Y V l t f y I j 1915

-dESns totally destroyed the | URGES i\ID FOR FARMERS dwehihg and the bouse furnish-' _:___-ings of Luther Deihl, of Nokes- < , The Southern Conference on ville, on Sunday. The fire origi-: Education and Indtlstry g-ave ad-nated in a defected flue and soon \ visementlo the farm credits plan


for$10a -

- D r . Benner, of the U. S. De­partment of Aj[riculture, recently applied the tuberodin test to the herds of two of our leading dairy­men. Sveryone of the twenty-eight wiimals were found to be ia prime eeaditieu aud~Pr: 'Beg^ ner spoke in commendable t m n s of buUi henh. — -

Albert Speiden and Mr. J.E. Nel­son, of M«iassas. AfullaccDunt will appear in next work's issue ot THE JOURNAL.

-^fion. G. J. MoctKC wiD dv^ liver the address aad award tbe dipkMnas at the daasBgexeiaaeB of Clifttm h%fa sdmri tl ib even­ing. ! .

—The digest of the ttew pri-, mai,y law, as given on page tmo of tiiisisaie, win be erf great in-

The laotfa annual CDmietrgft; the Protestant Episa^^jd church of the<tioeeee<rf Virginia will con­vene tn^Atexaa^ia next Wednes­day to remain in session through Friday: Haa. H. T. Davies is the lay delegate from the kxal paridi.

—If yda know of any oaie win wiH make suitable use of j f « 8 ^ fire warning notices please tdl

We w a be glad to get ^ e i e important nntices weil scat­tered thraoghoat wooded tracts.

—Th« U. a C. will give a aflver tea m the diapter room in the M. L ' C. building this evauag beginning at 8 o'^oek. Aifanis-

. . .^Mr F r e d s . Henshaw, for several years lived with his aunt, McB. B. J. BoldeB, «t near M«nsBsan. bat who f w the fast several years has resided at Novnm,Madison county, Virginia, died in a hoapita! at Charlottes­ville last week. His death resulted from an openrtioD for at^tencBei-tia. He leaves A-wife and smaO Sluldren.

showed farmers pay $200,000,000 a year more for loans than com raerciai men. "Rieir profits are 5 per cent and they p^ from 8 to 16 per cent for loans, it was said.

B e r k e l e y C^tmp W^.«i..»

Owing 3eilfi~

to our sad loved

loss in the brothei', CapC" opr

W. £ . Garrett, adjutant of our camp, the Berkeley Camp will not attend the r e u n ^ at Rich-

In Fort Se6l^pXiiMS;'SandiiaivNwn<^»^ camD, bmtaxfoS its He^Traa ctoaety raiatpd to ^Mtxsr members desiring to g o ca&^fws

fm- the occasion either the Ewell, Eiatcho- or Kendall Camps.



mnti 10 r m t s ; iwmraodn for Ihw thr i r i i i i i i in linrrftii^

tereat to all those poiitieaUyig^ c l ined . _ , — .' • - -r /i

Mr. R. Lee Jofanaon. who two weeks aam nan Ini* inwiiiiluiif Tii break hiaacm, i s gettiaff a lo iv nicely now. - - ^^ •. .

-The Betfdehem Good House­keeping Ulnb will be eaiuataiaed to-mfflrew ^eaturdaj) a^Ugnooir at 2:30 o'tiotk at ^ home <^ Mrs. F. E.Bansd£lL

——A BurpriMit jMBlj W M .givai ta Master Tack Ma day afternoon at the home ol his parents, I^. and Hia: Mercfaact, on Battl^

- T h p W VT V win Wiijm ice cream, cake and candy aale on the Natiiaaar Bank k* Toea-day evenincE. May ISth. The patrcHiage

paint take place next »«ek. Be sure to clean up and set yomr oaJ^am-able trash baii&% away.

—Rev: Juha Biahnp, of ^niofc? lyn, N. X ^ win pnarii Jt_tfae Presbyterian 11 a. m. and S^p^n. is cordially i services.


Mr. W. S. Bsnat the apfwoval «f th» jinig* nt ^^ circuit court, has appointed Mr. Geo. I f ^ missioner ot number one. " 1 . • . "

—Vbgima State Good Boad Week win be held in Lynehbots May 24 to as. The object of O e meeting is to ~ aiasm ia _ how tbqr can be ^ ^ j n H

- M i s s MaryUpseomb day afteruuou euta tallied

ladies' aewimr ietlii at home on north Main street The

of t h e Juha Lewia and Miss Jnfia KiooL

- M r s . Ad£e Batler.

Butler, wife of of Gainesville,

benefit of an old Gonfedente V e t e t M of Pritw^i. WiiK.1

The Southeni wiU c^MraSe an t o

Charkttesviile and return on May SL The t e e n wffi - laave aas at 9 d 9 a. m. and a n i v e here at 10d9p. m. <m t h e r ^ n m t t ^ !nsfr*oand trip { n e n i B be | L 7 5 teom Mananonn —

—A special excursion train to Richmond wiU p a n throogfa Ma^

Mond«r , l I iy 31. at 11:47 a. m. It is liftheduled to n a c h Rjrhmond witiKWit change of cars via Alexamfau and the R. F. & P. at 3 p. m. The round trip fare from Manaasas wiU be $2.96 and

There will be a called meeting of the N<Aeg^te jCrvic Jhnpmgfr ment League at the school build­ing to-morrow, Saturday, May 15th, at 2 p. nu The supoin-tendmt, the members of the echoed board* and alL patrons and pers(»s-ffiterested in the school are regnested to be present "

AMNIB E. R E Z B O I « , ~ ^ . Correspcmding Secr^ary.

Announcement of New Manasrement

On May 1. the New Prince William Hotel came under the management of Messrs. Mima Bros., experienced ho­tel men. who also conduct two hotels at Luray.

The New Prince William -" lias been rerumished with'

new silver, linen,china.gla8S-ware. e t c , and many interior improvements b a ' v e j b e e n . made.

The management clean and court^ua in every department n t e r remaintiie^Baneas fov— maiiy, $2.50 and 93.00 per day. without bath.

County and local patronage is especUUly sdidted. The

• hwrf of Borvice is goawintrMMl ix^ery instance.

assures service

A Valuable Aid to Beauty

Good health and good louk.-> al-1 ways '"go hand in hand


and win be good the l imit -

on any train

The New ftiireejp " i William Hotel

b u o r a n c e AnaoiniceBBent Mr. S. Hynaeo. fumerty of

sas, bat.irbi>for t f a e i H s t a S y e a s has repnaentod tlie MetropoKtan U f e In-saranee Co. in WariuQKtMi, O. C , haa been placed as a pentanent a c e s t for t inseonqmiy in Manama H.

~" da of Ufa

—Mf Ira K«d, idio aheot a year ago bought the k>t to the smith of his dwdling from Uxa. Bs«iw»» (rf the Disfaict Off Co­lombia, win start unmediatdy

regtien of a aftiflO dwcUng^ similar in design and material to

, • tothe<Hke <rf the five conteataqli^ » g tmoi^ =:TbeAnrijaMit^ W^^^iayne wharintheopinkmnf t f e i n ^ ^ ^ g ^ ^ r

winniuwi4i>gWiilHey«tt»iMi^ row where Mr.'Pkyne reeratly MBomed management of the A f ton Inn. The many ftieada of Mr. and Mra. Fkyne inD iccret

—WiasS. V. DovofiB, auUiner ftrilCTTR J Adanwon,haaJ>een

S for fhe past iredc She critieaBy BT hot Sntordv.

botia-fi *ttgpdinif i * y » c i « i *^nk IHT tti Wmbitigton to^fay to see a spec-

—*lte aUd OfuT^aii ot^pnaT foor-aiA coaMdy,wffl be iH«sented

Eastern CsBege ^ns ewMung at 8 p. m. Thia play, which is faigfaly

by the is 25

—A awHing of a ^ledal eom-mittee of the afamud of the Ma-nasaas TiwIHute" and Kanaaaaa Agrieoltinal High School wiD be held at the \mm», rf rt^ ^^jf.

Mias Bodi P. S^mth, MOB-i h y e m d n c May 17. at S n. This making of for the

Friday JBUMkl

bat o'ekKk. it was found that the oil house at the coal bin was Ton fire. The

--•^^ "Sitordlar coal dealers ct MaiuwHas, Cnlpqier and Warresr ton, throufl^ thea> attonieyi bnmgfat snitagafnsttikeSootfaeni and Chesapeake & ( W o fiaOways for diaeriminatkma m the coal rataa charged the three towast The complainants dedare the

mdmy in fiivor of - Afcaanjria and Newport News.

—To-voasrom nvening - a. price 4jn(urial euabuHt wm b« hdd rt' thft awHIflriiim of Bas^am Col-

A gxdd medal, presented far Miss A n ^ M d y w i E h e g v e n

m^BB the beat m t k n . In id-' ditkm several m»w»«'fli nun^iera win be Rndered. Hie poblie ia iwrdiaUy invited to-theeoatest.

—A M w boUelin of tin Untied Strtes Bmrnn of Kdiiraliiwi m^ titled ^^Lcendited Seeonaary SdMob in the United States"

Bchod as one of O e few pnbfie Bsgfa senbbis of the .atafcejif

TirtM ^4nria a f n i f rfliffiMJ KgtKn

of c o l l e g e s and prqiaratory sdiools of Southern stataa. Oiriy

of VitgbuB <B<e on the Ibt,

Mr. Stuart Bevans btstSat-

infirmary, Baltimore; irtiere a a Mine

op to this m o m i n c k aBBted he had to uialwyo pre-liininaiy prcparatian ing a dday in the

aoeompanied ojr his wife and fittie dm^iter .

M i B . E n i l y C Booad left terday for Baltimore to be in at-

f erebee of Charities and Correc-tioa, to which abe wasappainted a lislsfatj esBy time ago by Gov. H7 C, anar i Mra. Bonnd will

^ ^ night abei^ 10:4gf^,«sjai ia BafthnoreAvcrSODdiy.

The sinking of the Lositania by a German submarine last Fri-S iy afternbra'with a tosKof ovi

in the house 11. OOP hvea, more than 100 of the ket being Americans.

insaranee, ocdmaiy, endbwBMnt, indoa-trial, e t c , and inanaaoe proapeeto riwwH^enenlt Mi*. Hyaan-wfao wiH

'<TplMn j f l aMtten pertaining to

Mr. £(yinaa caa behad a t j a i a a t o w r f j . H. *C?L.Mar

ZMKIS HasA b Ifar 2Sd> (i> J^oa* SMdrfiarf Jnae ISA. Lflmal • t o p w

Bsiltnj «fll airaaga—speciil throng can or special txsin tor reqaiaite ai^ilar aakng'ilw tnp <K a^r dqt aad traia. —Ii ia uioHuad ((ulu a BUlur ol~pafte

-¥r«r f cannot keepyoor beauty if your

system is run down, your appe-tite poor and your sleep restless


Cda7 and Iron Tonic is intended to aid in restoring all tb^ organs of the body to thftir formez-healthy state, to clear the complexion, to give you a better appetite and bet-

irils. v l ' ,00 the Botde


Dowel's Fharmacr T I M KaaaQ Stan'

Subscribe for THK JODBHAL. f tUiA a yevr in advaorel "

! 1

fnoB Ae ViBtj will Biab ths tr iptoBkh

pataa^MAj in fmw of tk» Tatj low fum aoUMjriaed.

Taflajr gniiift" |iih>« wiH 1h»

I <ktn^j^ Ota^ i

Ontna* aad

Noooe OS New Sfhool Bid* win fa* n o n a d % t h e & l i e l BoaH

e<lkual>iaiaPiitrietaataaoBBof liaaM; ]f«T U^lSlfi. br A s gnetioa aii titioa I7 October I . 1915, of a two

Va., u Tffnofaano wi& i aad iplaB* pnfaied \ifAm

' ot Mr. J. T. F W . SuhuaijBa,

Mrrnoiy riwat Aa tiaw be , ^ _, at Tfidaaiilh. v f e - f AeaM be O M W Md iJihtMuJ to J. H.

CkMba Ckrk d tbe ^Mid. J M a m i l K Ta. Tb* Sebool Boaidnaanta tbo i ^ ^ to njeet anr a»d an bids.

42S-3t J. R. Coon. Clark.

Sanibry Hmrieg EBtunates c h e n f o l l y fi[i¥€

far instaUatioD a n d fix-Uinat,



Rceder & Wine

O O T N C m O H T W A T —TO—


Vfrn fiutiAa_ W

"ITie Ready-Money Man I oommands upporUuiitiwfOT profita-i ^ investment that are beyond t ^ reach of the man vbo hasn t saved. Any man can be a readv-money man_,wfao will lay aside a ichv dot-lara, now and €hen, in this strcmg, ftAfc baiii, Aiid liLi Twwwy tBm=


ahvavB^. ready when he needs it. No expense—x»se book, chedc

bo(^ and oar 8ervi<Se& in handling ywgacea^M^^free.

Oome in and let us showyoa huw a bank acewmt will ht^^rfSoT to save.: Comeinto-^y-

llePeiibNaiinaiBaiik ^ v*r

_E!tEl]iatNewSao^ gli^tteniing! - '1114!

pital, Washington, on Monday j which were stored

! ^ ^ ! ! t : ^ ^ y i J ' " f^^r^. ^ <»«r^PiT«d to-lS^ new cattle lost being Amencans. has caused i.>,noovaio y*Bfa»day far b m ^ a L W m n ^ H n k it^n hltoe bufnggfa gn ir iax>m of ^ ^ e ^ i» t W

fl^Utellhan op eompietely. Hr. Peai^ 1 country. President WDson has' note to Gernuuxi J

demanding an explanation and^ stating our position in the matter.'

Ute Tbomas^ohnsMu of Atoan-JBoa, who works at the coal bin, sent a stem •jnTOD f^nft-mA ttturwim^

tirra. k^yea fiye^ ehildren besides her husband.

tost a 21-jewe; watch which he; had left in the oil house.

WT^tiir U>^ -iin t.

r<-: mmi^U^r «- (v«nm««iceJ* in'tiC. W

for nmpifii* isfonnatiaa.

le toetMinc%\ Tent6tltrPipe;fi^rt P^w iser finck^Sand, Stooe, Loiber IH fori Gahaoized Soofa«

= B R O W N & H O O F F =



Mr. William Boswell and Miss Isabel Boswell, of near Annap­olis, were guests last week of Mrs. C. D. S. Clarkscm.

Miss Caroline Tyler, wboipent -f^ the winter in Florida, hm » .

turned to her home here. Mr. and Mra. John D. Pearcey

have the congratulationfl of their fnends on the*4urni«I oFa litllefloHiay:

r aon, John D., jr. Rev. M. S. Eaffle left last week

far a short fMt iA im larmet home near LeesborK before tak­ing charge of Us pariah at &&• poria, Va.

f Mr. and MraL C. A. Heinekcn. .who havy been-aerioqs^ fli at their home,>"Miil Park." foraer-end weeka past, are ZK>W reported

"15l>e lmpA>vingr ^ " — ~ — — __Mr, andjlra. WilliamM. Shoe-' maker, of Moatgomery7 Ala.; have returned to Haymarket Their niece, Mrs. W.' D. Baker^

end with ndbitives in. Washington. Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Quarles

and her three childr«. are jwlth |*!""°g ^ r ^ * ^ ^ ^ - " ^ * ^ ^«"^

Captam Rost, of Haymiurket, was in Manassas yesterday.

Dr. H. M. Clarkson, of Hay-market, was in town Toeaday.

Judge Wharton, of GaineBville, was a Manassas visitor Monday.

Mr. S. P. McCandlish, tbeweO attorney, is a ManatMs visitor

P of JS enn C Gorrell of East-ero, wilLqifiod the week-end. Coipeper, hia M home.

Mr. Gewge Puredi. of Haiti-toon, was the weelo^od guest of Mr. aad Mnfc4L S.lflyMoit

" l l ffc-^.-^-Hee«e w « F W r WaafaingtMi to-day Urhere she will visit Mrs. M. <X Haz^i.

. Cpwpea§- WtappQorwill. Clay, Red Rippin and suzed—Sorghum seed ana millet. Get our prices before buying. Plenty of early

inland late topato and cabbage

JIants, also sweet potato slipsw . H. Burke & Co. 5-14-tf

One set second hand wagon har-fiess at Austin's. 4-23-tf

Mrs. Adi Dav Emma LMS Davis 1

and Miss ent the week-

them for the s u n ^ r . * *- ['irogtter.'^rs. JofiirW.Tolrem in Culp^ier.

-Mrs. Holsinger and her little graadaoB. Maal r Stssart Shel-ton, of Washington, are visiting Mrsw J. C. Gregory.

Mrs. Bessie Newman, of Wash-iagtaa, who has beat visiting Mrs. £. R. Conner, has gone to Elkton. Va., for the sommar.

Miss Elizabeth Ballentine and Master John Ballentine are the goeflta of Mrvfi^H. Txter.

Rev. Rd>b White, who for the past six years has been doing missionary W<M4C in the. Philip­pines, has aceq>ted • call to Hay-maftet ^patirit and w3I take charge of the work Hw lat of Jaoe. ~' "^ M-


i- A doaUe headw handball game l^iaeomb, on^wth s s s j^ed /here - las t Saturday. One was idayed by Qreenwich

.fint and Catharian first, the other was i^yed second and Gainesville seeond In the firftt gamo Grefthwich waa yidarioos. the aa»« beiiig 4 to 1; by an ovtr 4ta»w Gathsrpin got one in the hurt half of the ninth.


Miss ESae W. DdSn who ^cnt the past thz«e months in Nocth Gankn faasretameiita herhoBie

Fire Insurance Companies in-jStire for three yOrsaa ahraxa notwithstaadiog reports to the cgatrary—read your policy and

"Tnsure with Austin. 4-9-tf

Mr. W. H a « ^ lipacwnb. of New York, q>ent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and W»^ W. S, j

Mr. and MF& £ . S. Thomson, of (keensboro, -N.Cwere guests the past week of Mrs. Thomson's

Mra. EL L. Willis, on Xc^ avenue. •

Mra. L. ifVank Pattie andHSIe MMS Estiig Wgren Pattie, who have been guests of relatives in Uppervflle. rstnraed to

,jMondayi^ o^iiarLiiey F m e h haaretnmed fran a f«tnfi^it^-stay in Warii-ingtoo, when dte^wasAgaost in die hdmeof harnsghew, Ifav. J.

inSBIESrtlKAB PiW ' CENTS A uw nasT msea. TUM-TiatEa eons suasEouurr

For Sale. —A 2-months'-oki Holstein registered bull. Will sell cheap. J. B. T. T. Davies, Ma-nassas. - 5-14-tf

If your cattle are rundown and in an unhealthy conditi^, try a package of Sal vet Maadox £ Hy»d. S.7

For ScJc.—>&-hi~ -pr- toaetiea engine, 17x22 bay press. No. 2 Keystone well dnlL All in fine condition. Law ^i ices.—G. H. Seely. 'Haymarket. Va. 4-23-5t-*

Kor Sale.—Two pair good woi% moles and 3 good wonc horses; E. R. Conne-. S-19-tr

For Sale.-Barred Plymouth Rock eggs- lS for SOc Mrs. S. S. Stulta. NokesviUe. Va- 2>12-tf

Our seed potatoes, are coming in daily—g^ oar prieeei Miaa-

8 I 3 t f

SfSDi&J!LQWIHe Ifyoa neediplov, re-

* membear that the (Miver Chilled is sopoior to any

GARDEN MAKING All necessary garden^

——-te^s,^—Como here for^

tivatms, etc. Follstodt


T -Younger_ people ape-bettndre^Bon^ old^

people because they have a better sense <rf atyie.

If they have to pi^ more' for stjde tiiey will staun a point and do itr If they can pajr £siwl and get style they wdcome the dumoe.

Clotlies have a l the clever style pointa of

designed by one of t'je aUest fashion artista hi

the^onntry. . • • • * ' "

Full adectkm of the up-tp-diate modeb and fajbrics. Qothirf each suit gnaraateed to wear.

f^h W ffftWl IM^Iy TlM^inalrgTg apffinMn'tm

ST¥I.gPlJga»idm this way iwoducegtyl^iAM vahiea lor^I?.- fi% selectioa f<Mr cidet mte^ too.

• < » 'i-rj

pansits, Mr. and Mrs. R. H- Lee. Miss Mae Hooae who has beoi

^^ oaehing « t tunwd U» her homo hwPB,

-—Mr. W. A. Wood wJHi a • villo visitor Sunday.

granddaoghtor, Fannie RanHdell, spoit the past wed-eod wit^ lira. Simpson's am-inJaw; Dr. Tultaw.'-at Haymarket.

Mr»L t i nvwiirfWw', wit»» h^

W}m HdenTlMrnton spent the Iwedt end with MiiMffftStiejy^ HMTCorteiffie.

coosihs. Miss Ada KinehdoeandjgS^ Ifiss Ora Jfaatm Kind^oe, tJptwawllfi attended thei

t^ipltal hone ahovifanday^

Mr. and Mn. K. JL Gray several daya htst we^ Ipi fngtnw, BL G. --"^ - —- --

Miss Mazy Dofinjaviaitias Mr-and Mrs. Hwry Soffivaa, of Orange.

Mr. & H. WadimctaBr ^eadt Tuesday evening of hMt week at "The Hermitage."

Mn. T. Cocketfeon apent Moo-day of last wmk wHh Mrs. W. M. Dnlin.

Mr. and Mr. C. B. Holtsdaw

Judge and Mra. C. £ . Nieol and ctiier membeEaef the Nieol ftoifly. who igwit the mooths in Alexandria, have re-boned to Mananaaa for tte

day wiUx their dansAdber. Mra. H. W. Wood.

— T ^ Eanwst Workeca held -their regato-biiBmuiiu mnstinc

oh' Weditteaday, April l V at miaeh time liew offieeca- w«>e ejected ier th» ensaiBg year.

The foUowiag weie elected: J, £ . Cnrkfftilte, pwaideat. J. W.

Mr. Anchew Kinebek>e,..of In­dependent ffill. has just retoned heme; after a pJnasaiiL viait wilh ma 'daughten^ ]u& O. u and Mrs. J. H. SohiM^ of near Waahington.

aaaiixSba TOoASfiiapentSas^~ Miw^fflie DeBcflr of Centre- ^ ville, who for thelJMtyearor t#o has spent BMsfc of her time with hei sisterr~Mrg

^fis. viee-preaideat, Amae^Sv tor, secretary, tttd Bden A. ThonUDB. treaaarer.

Hie Tekphooe meeting which was called for Monday, Mif Vi.

I7 ,a( t2p.B. be

V Arrangements have been made

to leave Manaasaa for Richmond oia May m at 11:47 a. Bi., afrivhig in Richmond withoat change of care at 3 p. m. Afl who intend to go wiB T eaae send in their names at once as the general

PoiiifcrN.^^rt-ia-hBagaBMaragd: T ~ Ifrs. WiUiam Wynkoop, Masto-Rx7 Wynkoop, tittte Mtar Msy Catiiarmc Wynkoop and f 3 f nnttri, ti* W—>iiin^.«.

week-end goeats of and Mrs. John R. HottsL

Mr. Alfred Zen«a, who. qmte a while laat y< plaradia the Wsttanal Bank of

bat who la now

kviaitgr for a few daya. Mias 'Ghanotte Snutb- went to

CfiftBtt thia Hwa wing to be in at-tmdanre npon the rises of aie giften aiehoola ttas

Bi Smith, isa graded school.


ticket a rent has promtsed" me a special car. provided as many asj iO or 60 g»- I an nyyratinn. TTtnmwi fo Morfolk

Mr. Paul Wdr. who has been vjartiag his father. Mr. ILJgood^ Weir, while recoperatiQg tfonii

L«>veThis Magwrine • c C A U . * S Is * c F n k i M CaMc Md Ha

Hetptal mmn w»mm ' * • vorid. AH

WBSTWOOD HUTCHISON. | tbis morning via Washington and _ CommaadCT; ; t ^ steamer roote where he will

Ewell Camp Confederate Vet- j ^ l ^ ap his duties with the C. <!& j erans..

, take up his duties with the C £ j i 1 P. TdepagprCg. uejit wesh. - - *

Jiul 25 of t fa^ Beautiful Silk Popim Dresses feft A ftiB range of c<Jors.

were bou |^ norifice and you g tlieH>CTh

eftr Monday ¥riB be Ae -

» IMWTW a s

tin Lyon, pobl^^her of the [idrim. Oooatj^ MomtcM-. will

ive this week fo - France-where 'fhe will inve an &u{ot]M>bile for'

the ibteerieaTi ambolanoe ooips.

Work has been .^tartdd oo the erection of a new home for the

-PureoUyite N«tion«i Bank. The building tt to beoBe«f tkefisaet •«•& towa buikiinca i s tbe eoofi-try,

Frank A. Manser on May 23 will rednee the price of the Sun-d«y editioo of his New York P K S B

bl aher of

T h e

Ofc«aiiiabie tnyProfMrfiDB u W e ] Pay for AdcHiuAte Ptvrea- |

tion. Says


Scrap Book 1^


- j ( ^

E^ort is to be made by Bir-ininghan^. Aia.. to have the 1916

city, and the inv^atkn is to be delivered by Caogtegmtmn J. Thomas Heflin.

0 ^ orders frona Qalaaol W. W. Sale, Adjutant General, the en­tire infajitry brigade. Vlixisia

parade ia Badimoad Jane 3.

"Die eterortii anaoal eoBveDtiign of the Yiixniia Retail Merdtants' Assoesatiock win Jw held i s the Mcntaedo Botel. I i ar fo l c« i | f «y 19, 29aa l2L. A « d a ^ o n t e a n d iatciXMtMg

in UH; opiiiiun of t ^ deJegates j u juijet. who hav« Wfea »&-«««Bda»Gfc oa the conventioa of the Virgrinia Public Health Association, which ended Wedaeaday afternoon with a trip to Satpnl Bridse. tfaeoeo-tral thoitKfat of all the addresses, inr I laimtfaat of Snrgsoa General G(K«a^ was that Virgima w&\ be free ai. malaria, typhoid fever and the other communicable dis-

Juliet O^ the Light. J At • dmall seaport lown it star ac- j

ireaat of tbe Uiird muKuiCude upjteAred i

^ , —-^ iufltiiLpeopottisaaaah^ia °°°y^J'^„|j|[JJJSg-tg the editor wifliag to msliK J^aoiiate .pee.

mapped < K £

The vodka in Bnaaia apparenUy c jt in half tlie 4e«th rate <rf a i i t country. Tlia statement was niade recentjir b: the managieg of. » New York l i f e ' aany in Petiggxad.

^ r . Gorg«s* ftddreii Tuesday, which was the feature of the

Z^***!*" —r^^-l^ —*»!*. •Jgi l •-—f.

vention in Cuba and Panama. It showed how th^ proper expend­iture of public fnnds/under the direction of tnooed sanitarians had grven an entire^ lie wcaift life in the tropics anYi had tzaos-formed a dangenMM, aJm^gf QQ. mhaoitable cooaAiy, into ooe that

""a'WOild-wJde fiaie fur | aalohrity and sanitation. Hie same tiaag, De. G o r ^ a s tag-

vvH be done ia aoy that aafBaeaOj ap-

ti»e ^eonamc^^fottr tS. good faeaft^ to p v t i b e

"J i-aijuoi do JuMice tv uoKelf.' »bf said to tlie "twiiuger. *tf 1 do not iiAV4* t lim«-lu.'lJt thrown on me wiieii I ap-i>«ai.r u I LUt- iiMkumy.." - j

-w, |{»t ao UDBcJietit, misa,j but J tUiik wcj «nUd get yoo a' atapa Uac U r ^ " ' replted die tiUOt-l liis minnan . ajtd tu Uda the la4r

Tb« lad who went to tbe shop to boy tbe bloe

AiUnkiiis; f«Utire tf Dr. Gor-I'adjress^aad flneJiiatdiev

furiiijggBdg<rf«iy*»T^™^ fawn the latye^odJeriBajtbat beard'him^ "^IJ'glfgfgreBee tolhe work done i ^ Dr. S . P. Coi^« aod oCfaers who ham bee^overiadbed ™ •^^M^iy the prMse ^ad A e

GTMPS, ReaoiHs, eic

We mnitfe a »ptsciaity ul such work and «uaraijit>e sjttisfac-tJon. Aprwintments made on short nouce. F w price call on or write

Harman's Studio

Brine or send your Kodak Work

LANSBUEQH & BEO. 4 2 0 - 2 6 S e v e n t h S L . Washington , D . C.

EsiablislMMi ia 1 8 6 0

Leaders Then—Lea<iers N o w .


waa glTcn to tain by nrtatake. T i e , rp. ^ ' , vi.^"itJ!TiaAam., -fo* ^^y to make two1>iades of txKtei ji a aod srass grown wliere one does now-*«itii. ; Buy the celebrated Magnesium

Komeo—He Lime from Leesburg Ldme Co j e s t , at • « « the lime that has been soJd m^ VlT^ * ^ • Londoon and Fairfax for the past,

o X t «mea«L \^^^fl* V^^^ 4nd oot pro-

a tnateh.) I <*"." »s because it contains Mag-"Butaoftj wtrnt P^umand Oxide of Ivoa in right

Bsrht t» roil ft'ProportKm to CJalcium Carbonate, rsBder via4»« i and-the {Jmitqd States A,gTicn}» breakar* | tural Department in Year Bo<A

<Thja waa Ow 190^, pi^e 161. states that MSK-neomn is absolutely necessary to i*"* K n » ^ .•** aotibiiw eise ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ « « * - S e a d o t d a s

v a a n a t c h itgfciim tbe fnae.)

" • r i s e . £kk

T K « the rock­

e t d B rlae v l t b a t e n t t e Uaa. Ja&ft waa taae tad e g flg JMJCBBT. the > r t t e (h*-vfitfc a •nlptini f—

v U c h

Major Wiffiam A. Andersaa. of ^^xi ng:tOT ? eral of address .or- be oetMatom ti the laying of the eoraienisae s f tiie Stonewall Richmond Jane 3.

Colonial Thtmrs f—Tm '»n purtff .:" Virginia are expeeted to-be' ;irpspnt; in Alrtswhia, na Wad-r:e?dav and TTiamday .lf«y « ««iii •2? whuii tlie CuiMPial America in the S t a t e d Vn^gioia ' vill unveQ a —"""-rTf « iMi i rr.arks Braddock road m

EntomnlogistB. who aaa ia a posi tion to know, state that karn^ f'al insects 4HEBl«se J _ ests at least"aQOL«>Q.QIIPa :n the United nothing of other is aside from theaQoiy d shrubbery, thetteeaof the and lanes. enemies of

Counsd for the State of West Virginia last week filed a hnef i s 'be Supreme Cdatt aifaag that :ne Webb-KeayoB i a t e r a t a t e nuor law be 1«*M #M»mf |ijiwi»|

ar. d interpreted as p r a h a S a g i h e -nipment of fitjasr for ' -^e" into

SA was sfOjBdted that the W "•':r^nia • ;jor orders '•D-resident

or that i ^ g a e . IST I»>d a vety high ti^Mite Cooke, idM>

i a l Y o o t B i q ^ uie uaiuBv

Statesaiair. Bteafaa in saeqpBToeal terais the two aol-diecs who b r i TOhmteered for

recewad a^y rewaad ex-

£aet that the healtii of both was Ivtheff

nir ^SiTTgaB*

boedeei-were met ater was S M I saaoke, wkSe Che fbiSiwielir'a pede Sa the

SInee tbta "BMHee aafl J i A e T «>«it}v beea laaJBad vfm l a titet aa a draantfc wack


ALL MAIL ORDERS Aad ass that they are canfoU/ f iBod by

Eacpcrt Shwppa^i.

Wonderfyl Showing of e v c j y t h i n r i i e v f o r spring in

MM " ' ' » » « . Re««in«wial Blae, mad Battle S ^ T G r n T




ya..ordTOet tons and havepciaaiMt vm


ffflirir liiiM Cm

niMjrllMara i had « M e an

^tfrnsd Hale « s d Ua. apdag. I v a a at tbe Bedw«od UbraiT

manj teet and aiiimaai il it an exntr

iiad Btagged gai laeir way to— Eaa^jt t» tbe »iaiiT«ganaett

pitiMmfly tbey oat aaaio, <itiag toward the deoi; 1. met the «Aaer s U ntamfate

»». ^ - P ^ l e a d , « « 4. ia. aamiiaatOA^BdM^g


U H ? a. at. wifl ^ l y at Man^Mi Ka. 17—jlacaptSgiidiy. U-rfa

. « -JJ |L l_ » - J i a a y i a e a l i . r W « « M h : ^ C h ^

liilliiiilillii •iii'lwiyataiiaM,^.'*!^...' f ^ T I I'aiiw Oat to Waunnta Be. 41—fia% ^dmmgii t a n . i»Ji

I bave the contract for the Ectisqn Mazda ElectiicLiglrt Bulbs. Tbe

tnMie-iBaric,''£ifison Ma^da," 3 oa qinifity





rassage of the A rt.

In statements tions for the both Ifie and the Railway systeaware ahleto a gain in the net Dues SB eoBipBea^iHth the eor^ responding moBth «f the rear. drtioaa^ the ?h3ws an acnaa gaai a gross re-cerpts.andwhiirthe N u r U k r d WesternhadaS pa m b a s i n s « . f t w a l


Umtrstj •( VirpB H — d r f r » h a i S A i u i S r . t — « f

Grf tdwate . L a w ,

r.'titf IT. \ixgaa» itmdrmi* u. tba .4aiA lvr>«rtinen«» Seod trr r»t^-KTOT — *^*«y Pg^-ti>e «—e that Mr. Evmm , m.. |-— j ^ ^ s ^ T ^ — ^ ^ ^ '

WU5IJM SswHia;—r*^ - Puata - mhw» Co. Prtuja. a r t * ^ ' ^ ' ^ •••l i i iSjL 1 ^ | DCffT ^ l « . f c i . , K y , - M M t ' i ^ / J w ^ n ^ - ^ ^ ,,, „ _ ,

O F A L L K I N D S .

C y r t t i A T e S ^ F U R W I S H L D -Office: No. 115 N. Dnion Street.

H^UIS.I^S^ A L E X A N O R . A . V A .

THE MAINXSSAS J0t7l{^AL.Tgrt)Af.^Af'^^W^S * - » * . . JF^-

iCANDIDATes; CARDS S h e r i f f

T o iht V u l e r h ' F r aK- t W l . . i ' . l : , ' J'L.1]: V

1 Jit-rt-bv r^^tt t !;lfU'l\ *L ll•.'uil•.-^ i U i ' ^ L f ^

oaiidjakL^ t >: 1 : • •• •..ti.i-t- . ' • M i f r . i ' u i ' -.iiiU

evt iJTv, h>.l f ' .-i-i L •• : . t a^•UJ !U* ' ' • • . : ' : . u r \ 10

U- ht^ic^ It.I

u: -_

I'.L. ' \ ^ j i . ' . It vour

M ; J U L i !'.,.> w.ll ( u n f i a i w • « my Ku. J.U11 Mr. W . J Aiau;^'

waxACCEFTim 3&H)G£ Prinee Wittiun and Fairfax Spec-<|r CoadkioM of Aocepta^oe—

HaAMaetrnt J ^ e 24.

At a meeUHK of the Board of Supervisore of PriiMse Wiliiam CC>UT4ty, held iH Uie court-faoBae of the said eounty on Tbrnmimy, the 6tfa day of Uxy. 19IS, there were present J. T. Slrnoox, (%air-m&n; J. P. Mwnnd. J. F. Gulick. ? . M. ilixaocil, J. I. DiwaoB and O. C. Hutctriaoo.

Certifkate fram <ate highway lit, liiiiiiiriid mn.\, til* uiLujth xi ik , OOf&E^SSOKL iot p f l y W H ^ t -Of ^ - > ~

'•.jutiftt of tiiiiij) lneilO^ Uiruu^tiuui .•-.; t i l t - I '

ubiiOj Jill-; iur Ui« ufiu e cif MhenA of amtd c.uiuiv aub^Bct lo * democratic priuuoy lo t» dctvermiBad upon \iy the Coaoly t oauait-

UJV juir:i 1*- Ui »«it^-; au (i';'rt*j.Hiibi*- <iMput\ , -, readeE* -E tli* lower part si onr cnnnty, anh ] ^

u'A^i jmitir wxii iu i-i tii liiL' •'>**'T"" j f u u d %t Uf'w !i,<!a«, it ifc m ; piirpoaeTij'retaik bim

J ^kt- liiLh uppt>rUiuitT(, la the event I •tkouid fail to aae »ll tbe rutera, to fioigt tmf ijMti i.trilitM..i ]£) A f^iiirfiil Aiitfl 111 narlMi in$ clukTge ul Hat dutiaa of xinn o^oe aa by law. &eepeet{u%,

D. J. A M

'1 L ^-M. \ ulert oi BrpuUiviUe I>i«jacl^ T liHreiby reepactluHy anTinnpoe myaeB a

cuii<iidi*tr for tbe offiioa of aaperviaor in hrnnuiriile l>iHtr>cl, aabject to tke daBacocBtic priiiiiuT tiiia year. I earaestlj aaUeit TOOT support aad ritoaM I ^ elected, I ~ ' D^MJi M rtiw'liwilP A e iatiiiii af aai nafiaitiaOy, fpn^g to eaeb part at ^ a . l b a -toiot ita ix)|XBtiana*e share of dte iiiad%.

«ras signed and <^vered to treas-ia«r for paymeat.

AOOOnNTS. SjTBBoir *€o . , imiutj fmxt... r."| •S* Chaa. Dtum; DomfrieaM^fiHtd ISl 37

dwa. Duim, eomm'r roadi, ^we-ialreadfirad «D flO

iVspnia lUtal aai G.-Cfc,DM fomtoUtmA ^ *^

1. B. GamacB, poor d«m OMD-tyfnai 4 00

Bead's ford I s i d ^ to Canosa, dxouc mcmUi of Uardi. 1915.

abandoned miiroad bridgt of the WaishmgtoD-Soathem R a 11 w a )' Gx at Occocjuan:

L The board agrees with the Fairfax board to a c c e p t the bridge upon the foiiI««s ing teraas:

2. The railway company is to pat bridge in suitable repair ac-earding te q>eci6cations.

S. The railway coinpany is to pro vine ""'*fj*" approacfifls 4(i both Fairfax and Priaoe William sides aod to t u n over the iaad upm which appiwcbaa vast to the counties.

t i f wiCfaio "teo ye»r»' -ttme the counties 4«cide to put« OOQ-Crete floor oo the bridge the'rail­way eompiany u to fomiih sand and' juivei milliwuL rirgr to



S. T t e nulw«y compaiur is to put the bridge m suitable condi-taoo as aopa as pnctkatafe aod turn it over to the ooontMS fiitee vt cost by Sept. 1.1S15. "%. Tht BBards of SopervudrB

ui Fairfax and PraMse Wilham •hallbe aotifiad when Oie vodc ia finished and. if found satis-factaiy,approtiri«t€ ».wiUitiniM<rf aeoeptanee wiM be dcawB a|L ~ 7. After atiKptanee ^ ^ K fandg« and tike approaches the railway eeaofiany w i l be rdieved of aU hahihtrand ia oauMetkm wkh ;it, and the

When you want a choice cut of meat gve me a calL I

LKlle only the te^ azid cleanest, aad I am confideat you will be pieased with n y 90"-•ioe and phoea.

Fresh and Salt Meats,

Pouitnr on hand at all

SaST CHICKS \jtt l ir . Ft«< Thayer, onr r-iiofcX.

tnrmaa tram CuraeU liiiiwrsiiv. (eln^t r»or B«b7 Cbieka lor r»«. li>u will aart-auaer not yns will a l w ix iK>>dttT« iH

laallliig ili» hiMil Jim niialii A'- ZSM Me safe arrfral aad fall roant t<l struDg

BA«r CHICKS 2S so ine

•i. -r. »wtt Oi MlaHaaiK.. MJ» ««>•» OMk Barrad- Ptrmooth Kocka 4JM 7M M.fx

i:i.%hii<e lainaA. Mt*» \m I J I l l ^ r y i iUa l ^ h n l m i TT t>—tCM—X3.K




START RIGHT if yon want Ibe big munqr out o



BGOB faKrmuuujKu Caa be aent br Paroal Poat.

aettlnc wtU wtigk -c iinit»: S 0 « r e(H;« tor tiatchlne aiw fMM

PntlT aH«K-t«Nl >€fta «< tborousJiased W M C tpr pri -ea.

rocLm roar fuwis or In yuur pcualtrr arUdi yoa do not kaaw bow ts overoaaae. write oa aod .T«II WIH

Tiaa aTi^r eaarpc UMUWOnOH BOOK FVBl

Onr larsv t>l& Penltry sod Poultry fSgf Caaaiiia iia aaaaa^m TaAaaWe 'tan

both for tha fa«Kla«er and t>a e i -fifsa fcr X W

none ^ -ffliodandtleiiTCwi to neart>^

aftgwhiiun if liauied. Pboae messages to the miii

receive procapt attenticxi. Beataaaritet prices paid for

>finsi>a — CLYDE MILLING CO.


' todo.

nvs MCZtUtS'lS tke beat e a r a f corn AeUremd at a <ni or before October Uttk

tr«wi_B^gU«a'a^ OalMogWa O ^ a a Cat 1 ^ Oeottert^a B t i y r Oera. .^^na earn la l^woaAaifBl caanMaaMna tt tbe Ciaaai aaS

B^car Caaa u d tbe weB'fcaowv

tMavapcr a ta i s e padkave aC



Trut- -xrl. knowii milling instxtJliun, recently re-buik and set in first cias* condi-pon. li iiiJN* being opt rated by a miuK-r of years' of ex­perience. Tfjt- Flour being made at tfrtr mj l. Fsficyj^id StnughtgraUe. ia giving a«t-isfaction »ht-r>r^er litsed, ami is rapidly attraciiij^ new cua- . tomers. It is made of the very best whiai and guaran-

•b*!ttlfcby. Bran. Midiftingwand oti>er iet d for sale. Water ground MeaJ, made of No. 1 eei«, ounctani-ly onsa le , a^d is second to

JCB uiOeiB piunjpU.v


Wiqr Ilave Speed Lawft? '•wwrnr^'^T'^;

i'^ •-<?•


A wibficriber to Hie MA.NAi>.>.AE jaWlltwai.. asks, ihitmgL its coJ-'BBnB, for an enforcement of the IBV regvdiQ^ tfa« speed oi auto-mobiiea, matorock^i uid biQ^des ^ withii. tbe iimiu of thejaaC30C»-jIThe Mqjro Hu>ioric*J and tion. Q B Tne8d«y ImsL .hont I A«ocMttai.3


jw>iuMgmu^ f ia i iaT: . m a y 14, igas ^ » ' p : ^


vfaicb k C^ ( cie and one a fajcyck. endentiy *'^'''*"™*^

80D t vujre. B tteooBvteimait. ^ «tt™5l«»«ttenti£» i « nuoqr wijo M as ^fovnm a hone, from; ***** "^ *** ooontry and PreBi-LheuppoBtednelaaA, l a d turned ^ a t Wfl— han mdinjitirf a^eswe the earner at. ^kt f»n*» ^^.-t-^ to viait tka fxjnaitiaa ai persoD instead of a «p«m*^ i a ^ thgT * • * d e l i v e r y idrirfai, Bhouid would pi rial lU teve beea a coi-t*""^*" °^ atate permft. Already lision as there was no warning ""•p**^ ^•s pa««ed an apfaopri-STvoi rf tfce • ( • • • •dh "^ «fflbierT^^*^^ 154,80& -toward* -tfae ex-'

inKiMur turn

appropriatjon madt by congresK and il it. knawx thai Gov. Stuart 16 much xnteresujci ui liifc uitj-mate suttaeat of tbt-

The expuhitioB v,ill be ;ieicl Upon tiie tsLate lair gTouucit ai, Kichmond and t^petiai raarjac

The bix n^ecft_Hidiifitml aadj tes^^iH ^ « n m i « i cnr^Ti JtiT:v to ali negroes viisiung iOciunond i to gat a Jook al the big shjiw.

— *


O i t t x f ST*TE««Eirr ^

Co rtitiiij of T I M bask •< U<u:a-

W o r t you itjt UK provt- to you by ...^ • •

'ijcinym a I t i r ^ Mriirfflioii like


ui pouiiof iuiOar. beauty, faardn^B, «n(J abuve ail WEAJT It i» prociaimad the

'TWKiJiJuijwM. Kh"T Thin

n t e l a c k a f tbe interaeetioa die


is ooBstantty ooeacrinc- ^

matter horn Hadt tfae ^oBt in the t Greets, tfae mMJaUsy af drivezs

diapnmfTt t fa^ ooBaBia»^ faat Wlv . if 0 1 9 are aat



tiie MinMM 0 a ^ d vA^rf «:_ ^ ^

By died iijr - a i e g a l l i y e appn-pnatkm ef (7,500 f n m liie ptate

<»w>* « ^ <MuUgaUje arfSUWO &&d tittvmSi ita eaBMi^ <jhiif

Officers flf the Aaericao Ta-

i n roBHd to iamaJik ta^Sat S, l & n o p o

l l n i exhadt faas al-n a d y been defi iBt^ detan9B»Bd

and! fraaBsedC^ii* anlF IB-

n f t f eb i r 'bMdL It a a t e iwaB&e tSwfe Ifae Hem Yaft CottsB

KEiP DP ^ a i m LEAGDES!

O B N»t '*Go into Sammw Qnar- i

RernUr M M

Up Actiritr.

iJ B- Diptiad, •Secrf-iBry Cuuyeiativt fiflucatloo Amtnriatuai ]

This would add i;reat}y to the SDciaiJiffi <4 the cnmmnnity and place some money in the traisury.

The health committee tain be ver.v acijve by keeping- up a live inLeresi in screening tire houues, f\\ swatting and dean ap daye; fur tiieee art the monthfc thai w>e need lu pui lorth e ery effort to keep QowL typnoid and to pre-veift diseuiies ariiong infallts. T ^ bunding *rf*a ^roundfe «etD>

formad t i e bad haisit af '"going'j mittee can k-eep thing^s ^ttracu^e into Bommer quartars" by not »bout ir»e »cnt>o' and ^lave ^ having ^regniu- meetinss during 11*®®^^ r pau-fc maar to boiliifinj-this aeasofi. ft i s to ^ bfq>ed j ^>^ outbuilding ao .that every:.

discontinued bf the majority l opening of school.

"r«»l r . . ' . . .t£i.6tjz:si - - i i^MOB M. BASBBE, CaafaMT, do •otemniy Bwiax

_ ^^^^^- ''•BBdlOHlttf XBB BHBktf tad at OcswuKn. in tkc Oaaa» flf'fnii^ iaa..Saae JTIIIIM. •« ^ ^ ^ M <jteHi-

iS~' ? *^ ii'**^T'« r""'™*' *»**"*•"

AaU)f> Oil-

r ^ » i i i h i .


E ^ ; far thtire is BO mnrh fh^t can'^^me 3imi^%ese vacatioii numitif. It is m iiplendid time to

i use tfae local taieot in anrrw good i nla^B mni maitewrtiti^timiart^ far j f.

yoonr peeple wj l be^;£ree from aeiaci dnties aad c a n ' g ^ to pradioe. I!fae bo9% ^od that have heee mmrfcy to oedl Ke wffl be at home so ^ou cas J S F C

For die Tired

Ifcat JaBtflK flnartL


b ^ ^ g :



d e n e a » e oertaiB


seeiangs and activjtMs -of the

lonely j^ipeantnce of the Hciitid bnQdiiigjfffl' the summer muutha ami. t^easby make it whi^ it i UNild be. an attractive place all tbe year around. Let us hear from yon sajong that your league wiB k e ^ Qp its active work all dnzing the summer thee you will ^ave a good report in No^^ember

r te l i fe j

Viiffl^ Camiy Kitchen 1

A s jdeat ptboe logo when ttsaffiiatBaf Ice OyMP, tig IdO per cent pom ka3i3,(MrflGape-i^ii^ coldiadrndE drift before joor ountal

.gpeam, made wift ripe beSee direct fiom t a g -gl i l »M B ^i,,

JMk Coamte an^ be i *irifiiHr Iwrt," int if

PKiaaxT-Pm] . ^ a ^ / E t e r Ann. Gilbert A B m . ' B ^ ^ M ««h— .o—i—^ Baker, itba jCmmm^ WSini -OtwrnL HaweE Qanea, ^aa l iB^sAiK, TtiJi'iliiM HoaS, Ge(Bi{^.faiMMga, *mj | a^ ] liiiiL. WiUiam - Letna, l U s Z X M M ; ' j ^ i f a v Mnddiman, £ 3 m ^ . J b d f i ^ a n , 8 M Z V Utterbai^7 Haxiy Seaside.^' y a u m

Weir, LenB7ll^oa4yKd.Ai«3n Joim PrtTirir* fiidiait Syers, £Mai"V;|iA,~ Maisar^ CaoMc, Sadie ' • 'i i. Mamatxl. C-i,^ J , 18.4 be -Whitme J « « tW«,.^a^ ftSM, Dwrothaa Martha HaM|p, S M M Bidier. HiiJIii i Hew :mbfaa. lada l ^ a n , 1

Craic. beer fimett, Gh Thetea Btyaia, Mhry. AtkeyV ^ -

'I 'S ' iMjIw S w i e t i

M ^ S e

'^i«K.Bij»yiMiima^ - - - • •

8iM i>i. AMy flHUULAlE'

PUBUCSALEJ REAL ESTATE I t n i ^ aad bf viaae •( a dad of t r ^ «••

•«Ti««i hj- K S Yodv at ax tai tbc :3»d <W nf OraokiBr. tttx. -^ —-jTTl HI TtlMl l a j ff? i««B<» Hi-26. of «e ' tS5k ' i Ofcerf l»na„ WttHaiE -'"""-"T'^fgiah.-lirBiaiii • oo taa notr tbarws aiKxikia, ia 4bc -Bwaas ef wteiri (M>ch kar jma nade, iBd n tke «>-

hrml of Uw Ooort Ho

••' ij^ • J.ri. lOaiK. or tor M.. and Bear Ina^aadaat BiS^ aad

> lie ^ i* i^idt n-. Tohoc. fi^adL.O^r^

«Catta;«Lw^^:eiy C A K e v D n a a F


U > T « Sebli. rf % q | ffaA fate I k i ^ Sir Rnr


' M X ]

.<r taatad

I wit^ 1 2 ^

t y U B l i . ym4

' i f a iAe.-•avlki i.faetter;aaD£Lj

r. aid:

5 9 c

.5 Jfateriak Ut

^ paak, Wne, ^browa, navy, raae, wiBtari^

ide. Special. Yard ^ U C

_ . ' mrnXf^'mt ^uai^nmed fiaKt esfcr; specialJT n cf fo- r- .oren'F suite. CSiojoe of srnnf aua ci.t,;:i A.ii..ims- *«aii

i plahn or sojid^ sk&aes'

