wm SlB0jtR CATECHISM.CON *^:f IJBST CLOSES* MAY to Conduct CeatMt e__ V, Gilbert. Coonty-Home SNnonstntion Ageot Jb» Qounty Agent ia in cor- re^po^dopce wilh Dr. E. G. WiU ]iain»; Itwte health commiastmi- 6R»NW|tH WW8 Th£ Greenwich School won the ¥^ «• -Manassas High School S * ^ boy-we«JWS* igi^fe^iioSS er, h(4>^ff to get liim to Manas- sas Satardajr momins:, May 10, to emduet the State Health Cam- puj^-Cstechism contest between the hoys .w»<ik giris winning out in tlie contest from the numy 8che«l% in the coyrity that took part in the work. It is urged and_gijrbLJ)ut forth^spe^rial effort to 84* tl>*t they are in place. As staged at the beginning of the work, a gold medal will be ftwarded-to/the girl w boy mak- ing the highest ^core in the con- test. This medal will be given by Dr. Hough, of M»n»8s»8. The C&mpoBition Contest be- twe^ the High Schools will be reported on later. All county Schools have sent in their com- ;^-pe8itiaa»-«nd nom wo ftrc wi^ ing for report f ^ m t h e Manas- das Hifi^ gkhool. Up to date, written reports • have been received ©om the fol- lowini:'«chbols out inthe county: Cannon Branch. Bethel High points; Manassas, 64U and we*ffi\?'"-?!^««rt'et'Sd ants that it had; but. sad to re. late^it only had i ^ e . " * " The star point winners for the vjmus schools, w^ SllJn ?S?'J^»i^'««"'"<^h; MilU and OCTOGfiNAWAN DIES - | SSv^€ET A P O^ •foaomnr (SatTAiy.j j7| Tonrint ol^^M' . Thieves early Saturday morn- ing decided that toe many auto- mobile were stored in the gar- m ^ ^ JiL^E.JIcCoy,_«,d grttiwjth decided to r^ove ..*!"• S«rah Jane Retaer di^d Mr. p*^"5 • * ' ' > ' <**"«*» ^": T?.%;^- Linton, at Indep< dtent Hili, Wednesday, MsT? >t 0 o'clock. She Vl^^^y BEABTILY WEhQOMMD y««»^«griaRHi8d lived at fci- dependent HiU since 1901. Surviving the deceased are hmband and four children, I J. R.Graeff of Baltimore ;W K«tzer, of Hemdon, Va.; G. py' Retzfertof Atattijdria, part i£ the work. It is urged iX^'JV'««"'^<^h; MilU and fortxyWei^np!^'^^'^' that th» parents of these boys. ^BS^SL^J ^*^a«M. *fld Gniyion ?^«^#*^."^.t^?^'^ffl«^*^^^ft'^^^ ,. . tensiJy^'^'tl^Sfou*?'^ The meet was cot held last year, due mostly to the absence of Mr. Wheatiey JOSLST^ was in the U. S. Army, ami whS ta^ always had it inTlirge. SS LETTER OF THANKS Mrs. Lintoin. Mrs. Retzer was for more th wrtx yeai»^«minent1n W: PW>ai Hon. R. Caiidiiiii«» Walton Woorf, p.n ^^'^^' "^*' April 29, 1919. Fellow Citizensf "Hie Democratic Committee j^.*?^ ascertained and announce ed the vote cast at the tensively throughout' Vkgi and Pennsylvania in helping advance the cause of tempera Funeral services will be from her late residence Sat^ (tomorrow) afternoon at 0 clock. Interment will 6» in cemetery at Wwj^ibine. Mrs. Rose Wlieeler, of River- side, California, sister of the de- ceased, who started for Virgiiia two weeks ago to yisit her »5n- - tounng car beloni^g to Me. Chas, R, McDonald, license No. 10991 Virginia. Besides the tounng car, they took the li- cense Ug (No. 10850 Va.) and clpck^lrom the car belonging to Jfc W- Fred DoweU. The ?o£ l>ery is thought to have takeii placfi about Zitse-trm: We learn, however, that the Urge Party of Friends Ceie- bnOe Return ef Soldier Bey Aylett D. Clark, wh6 has just returned from overseas, receiv- ed a hearty welcome in Manaa "" Monday evening when »l.aO A YEAR IN ADVANCE ^ REGULAI MEETING M. I. C. Building id ApRToved.^— OpeMd in mormng, and received the n»u newp of her sister's death upon arriving here. ..« ..^^.i, uuwever, IJMK tne di8^^>earance of the car was not discovered until Saturday after- no<m when our superintendent Concluded to take a ride, and then It was found that tbe CM- had been stolen. Mr. Wilson Wenrich, whose home 18 next door to ttw gariige heard persons in ill#buirdlng! *ut supposed that ame onfihad sunpry stayed out until «|rly dawn and decided to return^to the state of peacef " -««« 'uwiiuajr evening wnen a iarge-party of friends gathered at tHe home of his pareats, Rev. k"*L**":-I-.^- ^- Clark in cele- bratum of his return. The evening was pleasantly spent with exchange of greeting and music, the latter including Plana numbers by Mrs. Ho^toe,. violin solos br^rra^wni^S^ er, Jr., accompanied by Miss Juh^ Lewis, lujd a number o* old songs sung by the male mem- bra of the party, after which nireshments were served. During the evening Mr. Clark was the recipient of an old-fash- ioned pound cake, beautifully iced in whiCe aiid bearing his ,^^^ + ""tial8 and the words "Weteome t^on was adopted 5°™™ J l i ? *^*^ *«" made by "" «ra. w. E. Trussler and present- ed by Rev. A. Stuart Gibson, who voiced appreciation of the sacri- fice <rf the boys who wonlbe war _A regular ^ m^eeting of the Pnnee William County Chaptv, American Red Cross* was held at the Dixie Theatre, Monday even- ing, the chairman, Mr. George G. Tyler, presiding. TTie meet- mg opened with America, after which the minutes of the pre- vious meeting mni.^ p,.^,! ^^y^ ^f^^-- o»^-«*- ' ""• Mary Liurkia,. secretary. Miss and approved. The chairman made a report of the meeting of the Executive Ck>ramittee, held eariier in the e^enin^ when bills amounting to |41.45 were approved. Rev. A. Stuart Gibson was elected vice- chairman to succeed Rev. H, Q., Burr, and the following resolu- MANA8SAS VICTORIOU^j t cJ^t^„}:°^^J^J^;' -Mr-. CUxk c.„,e h.M, fn,n. my nomination for Con^rps^ T Senr* Af i:i •« ^a- cars without «f i L - V ' w " i J r ? 5r.*.°'?°'*M<T ..*™ retumai ^Whereas, Thedecision of the Prmce William County Chapter, American Red Cross, to employ a trained Home Service worker from one to three month «i|t a salary of $100 per month, has aroused widespread diseatisfa^ tion among the membership who are unacquainted with the^ de- tails of the work to be Hone, ^ w^th the Chapter's need of such i«»^tance„^d who did not at- " t<ad- the monthly meeting of April 7,1919, when such decisi<m was made and carried without' a dissenting voice; and,' Whereas, In spite of the Exec- utive Committee's reidization of the need; it is, in the opinioB o f — the Executive Committee, doubt- ful whetjier the maximum bene- fit can be.obtained from such ex- penditure without the full co-(q>^ eration of the membership; and,'" jWherea8,-The worker fwmer- ly engaged to come to Manassas, - gas unable to-begin the~^efr~- May l..the time agreed uponlieT. . tween the Chaj^rjuid Potomac Divisioii' Seadqui^rs, and Headquarters is now seeking an- other worker to fill h e r p l a ^ bv School, Nokeaville, .Hayfleld, BrentsviHe, Fay mo n, Wood- bridge Primary Qepartmerit, Hickory Grove, Catharpin, Wood- bine, "nioroughfai^, Q^n Race, Smithfleld, Thorntons, Forest Hill and %:hth i3rade Bennett _ Building. Reports from some of the teachers, have been wonderful, and from what, is gj^etipd as (bounty Agent goes about- the county, she feels jthat her vo'rk for 1919 has not b e ^ in vaip, though the lieqdth ~ "To m o r r r e a d i l y show some of ths results aceompljished, the fbllowiiMf tetter from one of the m giy&i: "April 24, 1919. My Dear Miss Gilbert: ' I have fe pupils, the'pumber in ray room, who have made the eleTCn chores every day for five "v^eeks. I have never seen a more Score of 61 to 49 ^^g^^ty ot the persona using aU where he is undergoingSt^ welcome cake,'"* which he will «h«e-witit his comrajfe In the The Manassas High Scho^ track team drfeated the Alexan- -—-BTO«,«V. -^ - dria Higii,School team in a duSl ^RECORD TO BE KEPT tryk and field moot4i»e oa-Sat-L .: ——=i _: - - «w«-imn-ra urday,May3, byascoreof 61 tol**»" Should Re V<8*i»arHy army Iwepltal. 49. The meet was very inter-] Oversafaecribed —— estmg and the events came off . , .. [ HAVE A SANITAEY TOWN iR>ood order. The star point . Manassas has had its fir«t vf^w -' "'"' \ ~ - : o7MVs*'ii^ii!r'" ^rrt" SS*^Sd e i ^ ^ r i J *«v« ««*»«« ^umu^ t* wish to express iny profound thanks fojr the honor, and r^ew wonderful change in chiidren~ai;dl2^^^ in solnariv "homM M T K i w ^"T ^^P'^^"* theDistnct-with '? ** many nomes as l nave unflaearine zeal and fid^mv ATI bfUHh in eon their teeth, sometimes on Sun^ dj^. Nov, they all have tooth brushes and' brtish their teeth twice a ^ , and the father and mother are brushing their teeth AM.4 ..1 : !ii-. M i_ _•_ •_ unflagging zeal and fidelity. All that I aiA—whatever experience many since I started the Health Cru- children they had one _tootE]^^^ot^ t^.^j^^'g^j^ ^^ ^^^ , .«,'"°''- to the special election on Tues-^ day, Ma^ 27th, it will^iot*e pos- sible for*" me to make a detailed canvass, but I entertaiUrno doubt of the .nomination being then his credit; next in line.was Dafr- is. of A. H. SH with 15 poin Sandws i^^btremtey of M.'^'—, -were third and fourth with 12 and 11% points, respectively. Both of these schools will be of Seueant V represented .in the South Atlan-lCotpLXA. ~ tic i*ed why it was that the ^ ^ '^Tn?^: * "^^'^ ^^^ W> JC- Wageoer jiaa re- On TuewJay morning this mar- cation frswn. Br. EnniooG. Wt ello^ product of steel in charge Uams, State Health Commia- of SecfiKant V A. Burgin and sioner ^^ i&-„ "^Sit '^£^'^hL''^«^W^^i^'^^^^y^&^.^^^^ "Resolved, That the eraploy- lAent of a tramed Home Service worker for the proper prganiza-- „_j „. s .rv ^ —u • • oi ine .nominsuon oerag xnen ^^^^^-^^JS^^«S^y^med,~»na confident^ appeal " their rocrtn. "Hie deven health chores fol to-the Democratic voters to in- sure, that result by giving me ^•JI^ L'L^JliP*'*"*^ their active suppoi^ before and ^^LiL***^ ^ **^ ***^'**" at the e l e c t i ^ There were on Mwiday only.): , TTJ.~-' •'•'• . J i. . -never in oui: history more serious v-t.."?'^, many washed their; p^pblems than "those that are A^fL^t'* '*"^^ '"5*J«^'**; about to eH^age the attention of tl ^^ "J^ '" ^°^^^ ('^^y-1 Congress, and it was-never— ^'T^^ X. ji ^v • (important that the party a J. How many washed their preserve its organization iniacu ^»ce8^e«» and n e c t o ^ - a M a . TWs is not a time to falter or di- ed their fingef nails Udvl (^rt- vide,ortaturramdeto-qwal urdayj Sunday?) which are Jiot really-in issue, __ .. s. How many have tned to „ g ,„jy brought forward for the K€«p fingers, pencils and evwy- purpose of creating dlssentfon. ttting that might^ be unclean outlggck of us is a great record of !°IH 1,2! ™ '5?'"?,'^Jfc'¥l" Fran". " 3 > part of wUeh J-'Jdaib.p" canSra. ttrSS '"ir . - !^><^th« Victory S , i S l > , £ f S ^ ' y o r a The winners in the events.mg having been ammir^d bv th« of ^tfaese b u l t e t f f l ^ dffib^f^'^-*^*^-**^' ^ J^^^^ .f'"^ '^TSs^^^^'^^'u , . \ l r ~ ^ ^ J l S ^ « ^ , J ^ o * n «>mmittee, of flbn. We would 9ugg^,.how- 100-yard dash^lst, ^ c k s , whiqh Mr. Westwood «utchison ever, that in additi^ to cLrcu- Alexandna;2nd, Larson, Manas-, ra chairman. lating these bulletins that a MsjSrd, Davis, Atexan«nar«K,+ ^ Stationed oh Main street* in spe^'al Poater be print^ setting bv^ney, MaMSMS. ^ . '' front of the New Prince William f ^'te and^ealljng upon all the rVi ^?f*^^' ^*^^; Hotel, a Victoqr Loan rally, honsehddera. to do'their full •LI'THT^' ^ Sweeney; 4th. whidi drew a lanyp n m ^ j , t.,^. Part in malqug y^.,^ t^yrn rlrnn Midfaff,%W^xaadna. ^^, .^JfWged. A speech boosting the and»amtafy. Couit upon us 88^yard ™n—la*. Wdloff; loan was made-by ; Sergeant tpjid yoa In every way possible." 2nd, Sweeney; Srd^Jlmeara, Al- Bridges, who came from Rich- ^i*yor Wagener endorses the exaMtta; 4th, Bayhss, Alexan- mOnd^sspecially for the rally, and above suggestjen and" asks all ^ M , X ^ ^^^^ '*™« the invitation t o n » . tllixeia"fi> co<^)erate in the pro- »x-l,'?^o"?^^^'^^'''"^' '^^' ticipatein the toan^-the duty of K»«d "dean-up." Midkiff; 3rd, Sweeney; 4th, San- every true patriot at a time w h « . - . - ^ . ^ dera, Manassas. our oouat«y-ha» emerged from ^ A. R. a HEAIK^ARISRS dera, Manassas. our oouatx^c.has emerged from —~ 120-yard hnrdlefrr-lBt, lEcka; the greatest conflict that history n_. ^^ d. Haydon.Mwuuaas; 3rd, tie records. ' ««d CTBBB to Render Spechd Pto- ~'~^ «nuB Tonight (Friday.) —^ —*.«-*vj, MT^ f n # o b f « V I I W K M.VJL the prroent, er until such time "as the (Jtiapter may regulariy ap- prove the sataB', Provided,-however, That the Chapter make special arrange- ment to send a delegaticm with- in-the next three months to each •of fh» UPVontean- Kr^ji^Ji Arjpin^ -T.t>i ^ ^ ^ i ' t e y y g program^wiH hp Toing fb BeJ and ^rank no tea, Coffee or other injurious draws yesterday and so'faf to- ay? (also Friday? Saturday?) 5. How many brushed their t«eth thoroughly tMs'morninf and both morning and eveniag yesterday? (also-Friday? Sat- urday?) 6. How many have taken ten or more slow dec^ breaths of between Larson and Davis.. An afternoon demonstration Broad iump—1st, Davis ;2ad, also took place, followed by an Lar»oilL3rd. Sanders,; jtb. Swee- appeal by Chaplain Samiipl O "- -"""T'"" ""Ji^r^m wm rw. ney. Distance, 18 ft., 2an. Wnght, an oy^eas man, who rendered Friday Pvpning i^^iy 9 High jump—1st, tie between ocged our peoi^e to stand at 8 o'ck)ck, at the Red CnMs Larson and Sandewr^rd, t » to- squarely behind our govern- -^«adquarters-In the M. 1. C tween Ros^Seraer and Davia. mttnt ^ BniMiny: •< ^ ft.' ILJn-. 4.. Announcfiment was made thi^ Aiseriea zatioBS Within the Chapter's ju- risdictioii, in the interest of Home Service and other Red Cross work. Hon.' C. J. Meetze*,, chairman, and Mr. R. G. Koiner, member of the committee to arrange a wel- come celebration in honor of our Tetuming soldiers, made a brief- repoit uf the m e t i n g ot the com- mittee, which considered chiefly the ^te f<Hr holding the celebiv- tion^—B^*rthcF report and dll^ -w ) —*««j^y ^a^^/^^MMt^^M t. w o o 1U4MJV l i l i m [^=Tle'QeCween Ro- purehasers ^~ bonds would be senbesrger; Sweeney, Waters, j given a ffee ride in ihe tank, «nd Arey^and Larson, an cif Mabas.|until late^in the afternoon the !j-^^ - attracted nuuiy Sol*—Miw i;Miiae Maioii^^ CMS. Adv. R. WALTON M<X)RE. RECEIVES THE B.%^.- Vvrmv HayMTket B«y Decent -e^ by War DepartacKt 2nd, Sant __, . _ , __ Bafe*. niirtanffr,.7&#li, Hm 8ubecripti<» to the Vie- *"*^ aoiMO. Loan amounted to- about Hepkiiw g W r C t t Out, MaaawB Uutaret T«eip|« X-specia^-di««^- t ^ - t h e the_ ^ « « e to d « t »^«7 K ~ i " M ^ S j J^of or more slow deep breaths of Washington Post frwn Chai- *»»« ? 2 * " ' « ^ * ^ i i S j ' j ^ townnam. Mr. W. N. Mercl Sonday?) ^ ^ ^^ "Mrs. E. L (Jam^there, of the Ttre «»fcBowrr •Z-—y?) i—Tirs. a. 1. «^i«v»-"-, ~ ' How many played outdoors- -University of Virginia, has re- or with the windows open thirty eeived notice" of the award of a *ninute8 or more yesterday? distingBdWied servke cross by +he War Department to her brother, Corpl. .John P. Jordan, Company A, First gas regiment, 'for extraordinary h«rown in action near Nantiltew, France, October 5. 1918.' *' Corpl. Jordan ia a former res- ident of Hav-market being the •' "' ^on of -Mr r. F. Jordan, and a ,-^ll,^.hmther"cl Mr W^- M^Jordan, ^T^ ^,T..„ -..• and Mr. J. a. Jor- (FViday? Saturday?) ^_ , °- How many were in bed ten : flours or more last night and ^spt their windows open? (Fri- %? Saturday?) 9- How manv tried to sit up *"« stand up -••a:ght. to eat •'lowiv „• tr a;.^,-,,^ to toilet ^"'^ -••• .r.lvatits jRiNrnr CHURCH VESTRY The congregation of Trinity Episcopal Church, at their meet- ing Easter Monday, proceeded in accordance with the camms of for BAKKtfftf Ii PH FBAWCB ^9it6—Uhu Mary LM Chi^wm. T. D. D. ClMt. BilPliiyer In its issue for Sunday, ApirH..27. the Wsshington Tiiea prints a halftone picture of our Merchaiit. -f H.Tx Messrs. W. C. Wageoer, soiior warden; H. Thornton Davi«^, ju- nior waiden and registrar; C. M. I-arkin. treasurer; Dr. W. Fewell Merchant. 0. D. Waters,. A. A. Hooff, £. H. Hibbs, E. B. Gid- dings and Ashby Lewis. The (rfficers of St. Anne's Chapel at Nokesville were not elected on this date, but will be elected later, after the meeting of the Council of the Diocese of VirRinia in Winchester, May 21, ^y Hie election must be held on a upek day. the Thirty-ninth En^neen. We quote the tep»d as giv«» witii the picture: "Merchant is a product of Syl- vester Breen's crack Alexandria Cardinals and, as soon as he re- turns from France, hell be right tarn. A silver pfforing win be re- efed at the deor to be used to- ward the expenses of opting the new headquarters, where fu- ture Red Croaa meetings are to cassiofr VfUte left tor the nexf -S^^nfc^ - -- --- MBS M. E. Rixey, former khit- ting a«pervite» r^oited t h e fi- nal shipments of h w committee and gave a suhimary of the woi4 done during her term of office. The secretary fumounced that **!ggpwbcadgMaiteifljif:theJcd- Cross had been opened in the M. I. C. Building, wheite future meetings are to be heM on the fcrt Momfaiy in each month, and announced that anmrical pro- gnun would be given there oiT W^;^'in FWe wtSr^T^* ^ ^ ^ '^^<^^ *«" ««Pecially ap- E. F. Dourias has b l S ^ n - ZJ^^^^rt'l^'^^y^' P™P"ate at this time, whefi the ^. X . v/^^uKWB HaBueen piaying eacB mjnth. Ice cream ODBM k«l rro«. j«i«. ^*u Vv. firet base on the basebaU t w n of »<» K> ^-^ »i ths S^iifTT ^^l.^^^^L^^^ °^^^I °'"- the Thirtv-ninth Enri«iii^rw. ^-1-1-. ** «*• •'••• « t»« JWIltaiions.m the work of the proi^wn nver. • • • • Wherever the flag goes, there also goes baaebafi^ It can't be helped —Mrs. Frank Egington. who come* highly recommended, will jpeak at a meeting of the Wo- man's Missionary Society of the , „... Manassas Presbjrterian Churchy on the old job anin down the. t" be heW at the home of Mra. the following Friday evening (today), a coUectionto.be taken to meet a part of the exp«9ae of opening the room. Musical numbers featuring the program were Old Folks at Home, sung by all preeent, and a sokr^y Miss Louise Maloney, entitled. "A Mother's Liberty Geo. D. Baker, on Tuesday after noon. May 13. at 2:30.o'clock. This will be a social in.stead of a,^ ..< , business meeting and all ladies Parish Ha.. Tn^ n.ii- B - m ^ U,tMU ti.ej wilt of t ^ eongregatiHH sre-cordW-tCTrroon Mar •i«r resuita ]y mvited to be present. ,1 <-k;' Victory Loan which is to "bring back the boya" and thus redeen the moth«s' liberty loan. The m«ting cltwed with the Star-Spangled Banner. _.. -Members of t^ie r •• . tion of St. Paul'!* r-hvr-^ market, are fonii;i: attend a rpceptioi f-, , givpn Rt' •m 4 "•-^"tirirlftrir-iiiiiiiii

i&-„ ^Sit '^£^'^hL''^«^W^^i^'^^^^y^&^.^^^^eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...urday,May3, byascoreof 61 tol**»" Shoul R V

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    *^:f IJBST CLOSES* MAY ^«

    to Conduct CeatMt

    e _ _ V, Gilbert. Coonty-Home SNnonstntion Ageot

    Jb» Qounty Agent ia in cor-re^po^dopce wi lh Dr . E . G. WiU ]iain»; Itwte health commiastmi-

    6 R » N W | t H W W 8

    Th£ Greenwich School won the

    ¥ ^ « • -Manassas High School

    S * ^ boy-we«JWS* igi^fe^iioSS

    er, h(4>^ff to get l i im to Manas-sas Satardajr momins:, May 10, to emduet t h e State Health Cam-puj^-Cstechism contest between the hoys .w»*t they are in place.

    As staged at the beginning of t h e work, a gold medal will be ftwarded-to/the girl w boy mak-ing the highest ^core in the con-test. This medal wil l be given by Dr. Hough, of M»n»8s»8.

    The C&mpoBition Contest be-t w e ^ the High Schools will be reported on later. All county Schools have sent in their com-

    ;^-pe8itiaa»-«nd nom wo ftrc wi^ ing for report f ^ m the Manas-das Hifi^ gkhool.

    Up to da te , written reports • have been received © o m the fol-lowini:'«chbols out i n t h e county: Cannon Branch. Bethel High

    points; Manassas, 64U and w e * f f i \ ? ' " - ? ! ^ « « r t ' e t ' S d

    ants that it had; but. sad to re. late^it only had i ^ e . " * "

    T h e star point winners for the v j m u s s c h o o l s , w ^ S l l J n ?S?'J^»i^'««"'"ramittee, held eariier in the e^enin^ when bills amounting to |41 .45 were approved. Rev. A. Stuart Gibson was elected vice-chairman to succeed Rev. H, Q., Burr, and the following resolu-


    t cJ^t^„}:°^^J^J^;' -Mr-. CUxk c.„,e h.M, fn,n. my nomination for Con^rps^ T Senr* Af i:i •« ^a- cars without «f i L - V ' w " iJr? 5r.*.°'?°'*M^ eration of the membership; a n d , ' "

    jWherea8,-The worker fwmer-ly engaged to come to Manassas, -g a s unable to -beg in t h e ~ ^ e f r ~ -May l . . the time agreed uponlieT. . tween the C h a j ^ r j u i d Potomac Div i s io i i ' S e a d q u i ^ r s , and Headquarters is now seeking an-other worker to fill her p l a ^ bv

    S c h o o l , Nokeaville, .Hayfleld, BrentsviHe, F a y m o n, Wood-bridge Primary Qepartmerit, Hickory Grove, Catharpin, Wood-bine, "nioroughfai^, Q ^ n Race, Smithfleld, Thorntons, Forest Hill and % : h t h i3rade Bennet t _ Building.

    Reports from some of the teachers, have been wonderful, and from what, is gj^et ipd as (bounty Agent goes about- the county, she feels jthat her vo'rk for 1919 has not b e ^ in vaip,

    though the lieqdth ~

    "To m o r r readily show some of ths results aceompljished, the fbllowiiMf tetter from one of the

    m giy&i: "April 24, 1919.

    My Dear Miss Gilbert: ' I have fe pupils, the'pumber

    in ray room, who have made the eleTCn chores every day for five "v^eeks. I have never seen a more

    Score of 61 to 49

    ^ ^ g ^ ^ t y o t the persona using aU where he is u n d e r g o i n g S t ^

    welcome cake,'"* which he will « h « e - w i t i t his comrajfe In the

    The Manassas High S c h o ^ track team drfeated the Alexan- - — - B T O « , « V . - ^ -dria Higii,School team in a duSl ^RECORD TO B E K E P T t r y k and field m o o t 4 i » e oa-Sat -L .: — — = i _: - - « w « - i m n - r a urday,May3, b y a s c o r e o f 61 t o l * * » " Should Re Vood order. The star point . Manassas has had its fir«t vf^w -' "'"' \ ~ - :

    o7MVs*'ii^ii!r'" ^rrt" • SS*^Sd e i ^ ^ r i J *«v« ««*»«« ^umu^ t*

    wish to express iny profound thanks fojr the honor, and r ^ e w

    wonderful change in c h i i d r e n ~ a i ; d l 2 ^ ^ ^ in s o l n a r i v "homM M T K i w ̂ " T ^ ^ P ' ^ ^ " * t h e D i s t n c t - w i t h '? ** many nomes as l nave unflaearine zeal and fid^mv ATI

    bfUHh in eon their teeth, sometimes on Sun^ dj^ . N o v , t h e y all have tooth brushes and' brtish their teeth twice a ^ , and the father and mother are brushing their teeth AM.4 ..1 : !ii-. M i_ _ • _ • _

    unflagging zeal and fidelity. All that I aiA—whatever experience

    many „ since I started the Health Cru-

    children t h e y had one _ t o o t E ] ^ ^ ^ o t ^ t ^ . ^ j ^ ^ ' g ^ j ^ ^^ ^^^

    , .«,'"°''-to the special election on Tues-^ day, Ma^ 27th, it will^iot*e pos-sible f or*" me to make a detailed canvass, but I entertaiUrno doubt of the .nomination being then

    his credit; next in line.was Dafr-is. of A. H. SH with 15 poin Sandws i^^btremtey of M.'^'—, -were third and fourth with 1 2 and 11% points, respectively.

    Both of these schools will be of S e u e a n t V represented .in the South A t l a n - l C o t p L X A . ~ tic

    i*ed why i t was that t h e ^ ^

    ' ^ T n ? ^ : * " ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ W> JC- Wageoer jiaa re-

    On TuewJay morning th i s mar- cation frswn. B r . E n n i o o G . W t e l l o ^ product of steel in charge Uams, State Health Commia-of SecfiKant V A. Burgin and sioner • ^ ^

    i&-„ "^Sit '^£^'^hL''^«^W^^i^'^^^^y^&^.^^^^ "Resolved, That the eraploy-lAent of a tramed Home Service worker for the proper prganiza--

    „_j „. s .rv ^ —u • • oi ine .nominsuon oerag xnen ^^^^^-^^JS^^«S^y^med,~»na confident^ appeal " their rocrtn.

    "Hie d e v e n health chores fol to-the Democratic voters to in-sure , that result by giving me

    ^ • J I ^ L ' L ^ J l i P * ' * " * ^ their active suppoi^ before and ^ ^ L i L * * * ^ ^ **^ ***^'**" at the e l e c t i ^ There were on Mwiday o n l y . ) : , TTJ.~-' — • ' • ' • . J i. . -never in oui: history more serious v - t . . " ? ' ^ , many washed their; p^pblems than "those that are A^fL^t'* '*"^^ ' " 5 * J « ^ ' * * ; about to eH^age the attention of t l ^^ "Ĵ ' " ^°^^^ ( ' ^ ^ y - 1 Congress, and it w a s - n e v e r — ^ ' T ^ ^ X. ji ^v • (important that the party a J. How many washed their preserve its organization iniacu

    ^»ce8^e«» and n e c t o ^ - a M a . TWs is not a time to falter or di-ed their fingef nails Udvl (^rt- v ide ,or ta turramdeto -qwal urdayj Sunday?) which are Jiot really-in issue, _ _ .. s . How many have tned to „ g ,„ jy brought forward for the K€«p fingers, pencils and evwy- purpose of creating dlssentfon. ttting that might^ be unclean out lggck of us is a great record of

    !°IH 1 , 2 ! ™ ' 5 ? ' " ? , ' ^ J f c ' ¥ l " F r a n " . " 3 > part of w U e h J - ' J d a i b . p " c a n S r a . ttrSS

    ' " i r . - !̂ > ,£ fS^ 'yora The winners i n the e v e n t s . m g having been ammir^d bv th« of ^tfaese b u l t e t f f l ^ d f f i b ^ f ^ ' ^ - * ^ * ^ - * * ^ ' ^ J^^^^ .f'"^

    '^TSs^^^^'^^'u , . \ l r ~ ^ ^ J l S ^ « ^ , J ^ o * n «>mmittee, of flbn. We would 9 u g g ^ , . h o w -100-yard d a s h ^ l s t , ^ c k s , whiqh Mr. Westwood « u t c h i s o n ever, that in a d d i t i ^ to cLrcu-

    Alexandna;2nd, Larson, Manas-, ra chairman. lating these bulletins that a MsjSrd, Davis, Atexan«nar«K,+ ^ Stationed oh Main street* in spe^'al Poater be p r i n t ^ sett ing b v ^ n e y , MaMSMS. ^ . '' front of the New Prince William f ^ ' te and^ealljng upon all the

    r V i ^ ? f * ^ ^ ' ^ * ^ ^ ; Hotel, a Victoqr Loan rally, honsehddera. to d o ' t h e i r full • L I ' T H T ^ ' ^ Sweeney; 4th. whidi drew a lanyp n m ^ j , t.,^. Part in malqug y^.,^ t^yrn rlrnn Midfaff,%W^xaadna. ^ ^ , . ^ J f W g e d . A speech boosting the a n d » a m t a f y . Coui t upon us

    88^yard ™n—la*. Wdloff; loan was m a d e - b y ; Sergeant t p j i d y o a In every way possible." 2nd, Sweeney; Srd^Jlmeara, Al- Bridges, who came from Rich- ^i*yor Wagener endorses the exaMtta; 4th, Bayhss, Alexan- mOnd^sspecially for the rally, and above suggestjen and" asks all

    ^ M , X ^ ^^^^ '*™« the invitation to n » . tllixeia"fi> co

  • PAGE TWO THK : M . V N A S S \ > jt i l K N A ! , . MANASSAS, VIKGIMA

    flOr SCOUTS HK.KKfllSHaL--tlrn£ to help liVER IKi ; h - 1- v'-w

    Local Troop Iteefii*̂ Bw*Btsi, t m ^

    7 n^ign »nJ has, in th» r;; ••^^Jar. I^JMs. Igld over thret ii udmi d

    thirty bonds, amounting to over $'Si,-906. Tw«nty-^we wxfaitii h»ve beeti

    a charter an4 certiflcat«« which regis-ter then foranother year ending in Aftril, 1626. ^ n w troop nvw cmtaini thirty members, five adult official* amt twenty-five boys, '̂ be prcMnt ofllr cials are: Troop Committee, MesCrs. G. Raymond Ratcliffe, W. Fevell Mer-cant and G. Walker llarehant; Scoot-master, ft. O. Bi^bj AMstibt Seoat-master, H. W. Sim4«n; Senior Patrol Leader, Ralph Laraon; Joaior Patrol Leader*, Wai4fa^s winsiny wdalt . The {ned#tls were Reseated by the Treas-ury department.

    "Hie troop has been very aucceasfol and has always been seU-euworting, aliJu>uc)i at present it needs a cen-trally located iMadquarters- and- ~â penn«B«Bt camQJa^ grouixl and cabin.

    Much of the 4Mtrly success of'the tfocp wsa due to thejud

    The Beaver Patrol=Wxrr«n"Col9f man, patrol leader; Wm. Brown, Jr., assiftant patrol leader; Allison HoodT, Jr.; Maxwell Coviagion; itim Malen-ei^;Renaett Bosenbergtrt Carroll Oan^ ders; Edward Lake.

    The Owl Patrol—Leon Waters, pa-tiol leadei, John Merchant, assistant patrol leader'; Jos^h Lewis; George Krazier; Robert Hoittle; Paul Arring-ton; Guy WhitBter^ Hombaker Le4-maa.̂

    Hie 'Eagle Patrol—Ral]ph Lar«on, patrol leader; Walt» Sandere, asaist4t>( Mm. Shlpp.

    Mr. Cl«rta«e W. Wagener, « member of the troop eommitfee, until he nwved to Ohio.

    idn't Mise ."M-t-tnx an American Girl for Anything

    The following - letter, datpd O,. liSA -'itBVtF'-pBO^ .

    snow fell. We have been moving ^afn.' We

    don't stay in one place more than six w e i ^ before

  • FHIDAV, MAY ». 3919

    -JBrtabirti'i' • by a tfivxaer teas on jthe need Virsrinia:

    . whp has the te-. i t out in unmutak-;«'«>"l^the SSniSfw*^^*^*'? **8̂ «- Where now children play, in the twi-iight, grim tenementswould rise The iron and steel of the gr^t

    than the hearts of the men and women. Poverty and riches would go hand m hand t o g S ? The state would be a great one, .TJj^-'?»«*^«t*««ofthi8


    -i«4. i." -^^ T — ' "'̂ •Jcro oi tnis ^ '***^ ^ **>« *PProv»l of o»ff-ot

    AA fA

  • I'AuE FOUR •M-:, M \ \ \ • • > \ - JfM 1-iNA!. ^ i \ N ^S^-\S MKCJIMA • H n S B S i S i

    Pin D A Y . M.vy" £• i9l*

    BRIEF LOCAI, NEWS' —Mr. and Mrs. tUty ft. Pbte

    and dau8:ht^, Ethel Edna, of Washington, viaked Simday at tfaa hnnrfr ''̂ r J*^;:::zflaMi a s t i r . Mrs. Carrie H. Lawrence.

    —Mrs. R. fi Smith na Sat.,r-day last met wrtth a patinfri'aecr

    whij served in; France'for nine-teen months, arrived-m New

    terra BOW statidnecTat Camt) Mitchell, Garden City, L. L, but

    dent.' White "Tfftlklhg tif tht thicken yard adjoinipg her home she stepped on a niul and has since been confined to the house.

    —Mrs. W. S! Ath€y hirS just ffceived the first installment of ihe life insurance carried by her non, the late Private Fewell Lee Athey, who died in r>ebiU>uj last at Fort Bliss, Texas, while in the service..

    —Mr. Arthur L. Pence, at [iresent with the Houck Tanning: Company, spent last Sunday jii«ht with hia brother, Rer. E^-par Z.

    —Chauffer Walter _L.. Hon>-1 ^ Mr. Thpiiias H "Baiter, of the Aviation Corps,! .Alexandria, and son of "Mrs. E. L. Hornbakef7

    rp WiUiaiH—Bottio while working at the power house on Tuesday of this week, became seriously iJl and had to be lakao to his home." Today we are aWe to report'that his condition is somewhat improved and trust that he -will soon be aUe to re^ Sume his customary jutlvitias-as vigorously as ever;

    - —Mr. T.-M. finssett, of Canovg; is making an addition to hi^ res-idence. This is one of the truly modem country houses in the Canova^ 8«ction,.^witb concr«t» cel̂ lar and other* up-to-minule impnrovemenTs. 'i'he' new adiff-

    lialuMiKeij of Miss Edna

    Manassas, were mar-< uavis, oi ried in Washington Wednesday afternoon.

    -^Tha JuWior-LaagneTrf Brad-ley Methodist Church, which was organized on Thursday last, will meet at the chuich evety Sun î̂ «l«y^ni|^-«t^«'clock. — : f

    —The Bennett graded schoemocratic' county Committee for twi o-'dbek next Mondiiy morning. This will be'a very important meeting and it desired that every mem-ber be present.

    —Mrs. E. D. HoE^babtae«r-

  • ^KlBAi'. -VLAl t ' . 'f^i

    place. B. >1

    LOMS ne J trat ImwMwfci

    QU Subacqaemt..

    ! ses and cattle Geo. M-T" Bridwell. ' 5I-I*

    THE MANASSAS jCMjjtyAl, MANAfiBXfFVWi^mi.:^ PA(, .

    Ftfr Sale—One re£fist«red_Q^L C. boar, 300 lbs.; price, $60.00.

    - Registration papers gO:Wiflifeeg. JE. Ev Robinson, R. F. D. 2, Ma-

    nassas, Va. .' -. 51-4t

    For Sale-^The A.. P. Davis propertyjjn Grant avenue ;̂ also

    ImeTonMttT toiiUng car and (Hie Ford (Sioith) truck. G. G. Allen,- 51-2*

    Half price on hatching eggsj balance of season. Single Comb I Rhode Island Reds, extra quali-t ty. $1.00 for 15 eggs; $1.75 for | 30 eggs. J. H. Steele, Manes-1 sas, Va. • ' Bl-tf

    For Sale at public auction at Manassas graded school, at 10 a. m., Saturday, May 17, one 3500-gal. tank and tower; 1 l-h. p. gasoline engine and jack; 1 6-h. p. Gray gasoline engine. Jhese articles, will positively be_8pld. Bin or aliiiie. " 51-2f For Rent—Si3|c months-grazing

    for 40 head of 6 to 7 hundred pound stock cattle; Ijirgie range; I^ty of water and shade. Ap-ply Journal Office. 50-4

    ForB&^^DWaiing"^h largi lot in Manassas. Also 33-acre {arm about 3 miles from Manas-sas. Karl J. Austin 49>-tf

    . Fer Swe—Molasses Tuid syrup mill and boiling pan, Ohio No. 13 com stalk cutter, 7 hand cultl vators. Keystone liay loader,-black mare, or will trade for Hol-stein cattle> 2 bay nicies, heavy

    t' with foaL B. Tt. Wa^mr, Ren tomond Fiflfavs. - _ 49-2t

    For Sale—Pure White Rock eggs $1.50 per 15; $9.00 p4r 100; Durock hog8,*pig8 and shoats— pare bred—Befender'and Illus-trator strains; rB^^mc service boar. Prices rigjltir; eome and see. Conner & Kline, M»u^as, Vs. „'__4a=tt

    pgB fof^JiSing:—standard . ^CrEhode fifiga Ifcds, per 8ettin«2?3f-16 or |SJO0

    I have piirehas^ wood work-9g machinery and am inrepsredi > no-ftif sorts'OX ~8B0f̂ '̂

    B.* Evans.

    For Sale—6-roon) hoioe in ^ t end ManiBsas; good gar-den, small bam and- outbuild-

    - p r i c e . - A j t p l y to Mrs, Wm. Bett^-Manassas.

    - j l ^ t

    ^ire Insunuu:*—If : yey are jftaid of Mates] Ass^snests^ 0^ our old' ihotfi ctwapanies. If m don't Uke t)« inereaffiBg old inie rates, try iwr HutuaT Take war choice. We represent btfOi «Ha. ./Mw^Oe*pM»tH»/ 68

    AH die New >h ig Slndes

    J_ V

    P e r c a l e and Ginghams


    sm Wtaxfed'-MjO^ white oak

    Hcross ties'. See uil and gctpnecs. M. Lync^ A Ce, 23-tl,

    FoV Sale—Otalmera autiMno-bile, 5-pas8engBr. . Pr& '̂fSQO A. A. Hooff, Manassas, Va.

    ti is~ti I ^^*^y''3^L;^"*'*^.'"gBLLnT';!^JV ^ ? , a _ ! _ L ^ ! " ' tfo^eo. State Seewtory of tit> W«.t t » m ^ p « , Ju,« l^9et0md term o p « i r - « r « - W « 7 i ^ = Ti%™5S-jy^tJoMl ^ ^ C S S B ^ Coorse* for Fitat «iid S«!OBn ai AmMiai. At the olos> lierfrnree hs wiehad t» hniwe

    tow many of thoae oreaent denred to Unjtta

    X O-XHhXpXtXX OXjfX 0X6 ^ ^~' ' ^ ' • ^ , X O WHAT is itetter than a good O X fMa, WOk Shakef or be CrcwH X O on a warm day t. - O 5 •• ' X O WHAT is better than a cMd O X SQITASB MEAL whoi yoaazv X O huRgTy? O ^ • - - -̂ - — ^ . - f O We have it-Ereiytkiaff Saaitary 6 ^ Ce i* JM a»d be imm^ime^ ^

    themsehwr-with tha tliaeid to gad te


    DuBlu MrndK"—'BjLllilii 'fc^— i r

    eevend dollars on yo«r SPRING CLOTHING,

    SHOES, HATS, ETC, aiHi Bi the

    y»n only GOOD MERCHANWSR Gire «s a


    :^mortjinanirooa l̂X^Ta favor ^ _ a cal orgai>izati«i. - -r.-̂ -„ H K jfifltotdD^iiffiecrs w m ^ e e M

    Phmdeiit, R. L. Leirfa, Sr.; ikstr pr^ideBt,.Jir. A. Degaa^ aecretary-^reksorer, W. At ^enjy. ..

    I'bey will meet re^nlariy on Oii third Satonle^ of each month at 3

    THE SANrrAEY LUNCa Opjiwia Sspot

    X A Fan Ltee «t Caadfae aad X B^tiytliaig T M Wwttt te-Eirt O

    |.i* -- X X o^*© X o X o X e X o X o X o





    MUfUl f AKfll?

    Thia Uiiiwi will be known and d«s-ig^ted as Wellfnstoii L4>eal Na 957.


    Permit me to resyertivdy orge yoa n'r' ""t slr*f~- nn thf_,

    — • - • • • . ^^~ Z . Li

    27th of this month to elect a member'

    id n—isis w .




    The NewMetfsapdBoy* FURNISHINfid

    atonal district, to socceed the Htm. C. Carlin, resigned. This is a_ve*i


    basy season and yoa may let itjM^

    -.= ^ HorsM

    With republie»n and independent opposition, H behoovea every demo-

    -cnrt to lay aiWe hU task for aa heMS| or so and go to tKe poHs Si^^Mt bis ~ ballot for the demoeratie nvndtnee. the

    R. Walton Moore. «* F«irf»T —

    "•̂ Hrm rhhr fi

    A trmOi Aiymmi ot cow pnJL^ n^ ^ T«ry bert e ie« ^ , t ^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ getv^fke*.

    Bxeckior WUie—10 dara

    « B J « n i (Mil- seMon.




    "BIDS WANTH) wanted for . two foHt:ro0n

    situated at Bids

    scnooi lUMisa. Quantlco. Vs.. one in Dumfries. For plans apd specifications, apply to E.

    Perry. Quantico, Va , or Dr. D. C. C-Aerk. Dumfriw. Va

    L. ('line. 51-2

    T^p Jotimal—J1—and wor«h it


    Heavy Miikmg Family t:dws always on hand at right prices.

    All Stock Guaranteed.



    -ITARTFORD AUTOMOBILE HRRS AND TUBES. Ow GROCERY stock is ««plet« at aD ti»es.

    - . COME TO SEE m.

    J. H. BURKE & wwi '^i^m^fe^^ '^^P':^mm^_ •W*8B:C£E, ' -U' - ' .".• . • • • • ' • • • • • ::



    niai ^ Jtsfc* mMT AMte JBI7 1

    IVnonft .who iMyJ>e p,1jrining , tnr̂ -. iiaiii-Tiqgbrui aidJnjMu'BiifiBk Kiss-national pr«hibiti(Ni-'beeoinMr«ffeett«a July 1 are to be warasd bjr revMtM

    they will be Bubject. The'Ilkt«nial Revenue Bureau has

    Trinity EpimeoptiL' Chureh, A. Stti»rt GUMOB,.IUctor.

    sent to Kvenue collecton and~a(«ifr' fhind»ir SQRMI •* lO.n'olofllr-•.•».-a summary of lanes «n the eabjedTand penalties with the auggeatioB that they «nay be m^de known Myidely.

    The schedule for penaltiee for Vax-ioua v1ofaftn«H and good •illage>«kere there 'is (hie school, good stores, dkarclies and oth «r conveniences. This farm is smooth and in fiae state of caMvation and there is 3M.acges of-it nader xultiva' tion aad the remainder ia timber aad oak Woads. It lays along both sides of a good paUk. road, is well fenced, nicely watered hty well, spriags aad running stream HS^ is ideal for cj^htf dairying, general farM|ng ex steoE raising. "^Tliere îs SH Iriads of aWa fruit and t t e j N ^ ^ t ^ - i i ^ ^ J ^ beautifBiry McsAed. ĉ mriat of a s^tw^ did T r̂eom frame., bowse, a aew 4-room~leaiHBmt. h«inc^~new daily and htor. '>at

    aVkM^ Preaching at 2:80 p. m.

    BWaCQPAL Sev.

    Qimwk/* itat î second and fesrtit Sunday ak 11 a. m.; aiv«gy. SmiAy at 8:00 p. m.

    S t Ann's Mem(»ial Chapel, Kokas-vUle. . Service flnt Sonday. at S )^ m.; tUrd Sunday at 11 a. m.

    PgJBSBYTBKUN ', ManasMi' Pr«tbyfetJ|S"~~CBaa,

    Rev. DeFor^t Wadp, Puter . Sunday School at 10 a. m. ' J. H.

    Dodge, Superinteudi^t.. Preaching at 11- a. m. Subject,

    "Our Mothers." The morning service will be given over to the memory of mothejv' • --. Preaching at 8:00 p. ip. Sabjeet,

    "•Om Night .olJWw^ng." ^ y « r meeting Wadaeailajr at4:00

    p. la. ; ' Aljl j r e eordially invited to' all of

    titese servieea. '*

    Cow Peas Soja Beans

    n^uAM yoor-^tTtaner- xf^ Xyfnr^c aJi^ save f'-cd bills by Sruwiu^ Cuw Faas aad ijoja acrfns.

    They enrich the Inn I not only whorj plowed under, b^ij wht^n used for f^r^^^- njni SrazlnpT They can IJ- (jrowu to â I". a n t - ^ In yoir -orn crop—aJtlins-tUtroBtn a id hu-i&MS to your eoU. It paya to

    C l i f ^ Presbyterian .Qiureh, Bev. AjfMd Kelley, supply.

    Suadfiy School.at 10 a. m. I^reaehing at 11 a. m. Subject,

    "Mother's Day." Sermon by Rev. J. Halpenny.

    Friday, May 16, at 8 p. m^Aid So-ciety, -at the home of Mr. # ; H. Richards.

    BAPTI81' BaptiiA ChwPthî Ikit.JS.

    D. D. Clarit, pastor. ^ SnndayT—Sondayr School, 9.46 a. m.;

    iaoming serviee, 11 o'clock; B. T. ^ U., 6:46̂ , Evening service »t 7:90. ' -: Wadiifsday—Prayer meeting at 7;aator at is a. m- ilxat aa i tbird Am-

    days> iOrSOi tlie Bieesad Saei«]Dm£r-

    Seeend-aad fouslll OuiMJIayp at I a. m., ftarday •yacs«lli^-at^4-

    t:gfll p. B. -


    tpllow: Maaassas—First aad Uiird Sundays

    7:M[ p. as. Sacood aad fovrtk S n »layi;Tra.m. ""


    Ml Damage «e Pi-tmls^ orOen. tcsiis f^veral:—

    Every effort company to Vict the t h k f ^ furnace givm greater fnr amoont of presatem ftM.

    Note abw our LIFE, P l l ^ AC-t i l lENT ASSJOM^atifSbi JCiEv«i.

    H A * « V P . D A V B M a m s s s s , Va.

    a f l O V E A N & W A R ^ M. t larkaon Prt?-tpaid

    : H E l O l R N A L . infr footwear by n a i l is made easy u td sat i s factor} .

    The J o o m a l - ^ l . M and worth if.

    8 year—! RICH'S lOOI F. SI.

    The (A f̂arorof C Nl Larktn &H£om-pany is on the job again aC die origi-iiatstai;ujl>n C ^ street̂ where t̂hey are ready to serve their patrons with «*ything^»t die^^ne^Ffteur^^ Hfty, Grain, E-tc. If you would have a fair deal̂ at rock bcttiMn price^r^i^ Its a chance to suDDhrvouir wants.



    ^ . iiiiajniMii t:!. J

  • FKJl' A¥^ jyiX t .4$S'


    :.Saturday nJK̂ *'- =

    Bt corn.' ( l - ' f

    _ ™ E , M A N A 8 8 A ; S JOIKNAL. -̂ LLNjks6

  • aciii T M ^ M A » A S S A 8 J04>000 for Wlkf Work^ aehool h«fc tmiay. -

    the iwiW^ «>r th« Salvation Army Fund Campaign for tho

    rpose of raisinff $13,000,600 - afttiat S


    ! HKii-:: IJ

    . Gijljert, county hume agebt, \viHtd the

    H E A i . i H t A i E t ' H L S M CON-

    ; " ^ ' . ' TKSTCLOSl::- M.W

    (Oontinued from Paxe Out i


    Mr. FMr»h»g>..Briggn "^ neas trip to WiAtiigpB^ Friday.

    Mr*. Wm. PSiey «B«r-Mrs. onve Florence w«tpe in -


    The Road CaUed "Straight" Leads to the Road of "Plrogress"

    tmr progres-

    We have been^ellins: yon week by wedi giwut our saivitary methodis and trying to impreaa lyea ro that the sanitary way Is the better way aiid the' sive way; and, now. In installing a new

    SANITARY REFRIGERATING COUNTER we are i^rely .evolving our belief, in these metiieds^ This Counter means that your maat^the meat von eat—ia

    10. How maa>i-4.ried to keep neat ami cheerfai const«ntty nrnt^ ba haiplul to others yssterday i and today? (Friday? Saturday?) Jl. Howmany had a full bath

    j^sterday-? (Friday? Saturday?) The_foHowing statement to ihe

    County Agent'-fKHQ one of the teechefe will give sopie o| the interest manifested by the pupils of the schools in the study of the , State Health CatachiWi- TUs Catechism oontaina ^ 1 q u ^ tions: " j

    "Aiter I had spent more than oaViTigr fim>jKions

    my throat became so weak that I eould do no more. I sent for Mias L., the principal, who finaPy got the number down to four. Al-most an entire day was spent ih^hiQb time neither of the four missed a question. The follow-ing day they were given a writ-ten examination, 4md although all the papers were splendid, M. Ps. was selected as the best."

    From Woodbridge — "I am sending the names of all in my school who are squires—all 9fe under 12 years of age. I feel thit I have be^n a grand wwk. The results are wonderful, and i am going to carry it on. Harv-ey Arnold, Frank Arnold, Bertha Arnold, Le B Y WHICH ALL


    -•_ \ r

    F a n T H E ' - . "---—• — S M O K E R S

    Union Grains, Big Q Dairy Ration, Larro Feed, Scjwi-macher Stock Feefl, Buffalo Gluten Feed, Cotton

    seed Meal, Beet Pulp, Bran, Middlings, Oil Meal, Blatchfoid^ aaid Sjar Gilf Nl̂ jals

    H O G F E E D S j Big Bone Hog Meal, Diamond Hog Meal, Schu-^ macKer Feed, Digester Tankage, O. P, Oil Meal,

    ~" Rye and Wheat Middlings. H O R S E F E E D S -

    Tuxedo Chop, Ejccelsior Horse Feedy Harvest and Kingfalfa, Molasses Feeds, Elxtra heavy re- >

    cleaned Oatŝ shelled arid cracked Com, ^̂ -̂— choice Timo^ and mixed H^.

    P O U L T R Y S U P P L I E S ^ Scratch Feeds, Little Chick Feeds, Buttermilk Lay-

    ing Mash, Beef Scraps, ̂ Oyster ShelTs. Grit,


    iJhick 5tait̂ ave fc compiate n«iortment~ef all siz««. Every

    guaranteMt One kumTred BtrfielT wngoh o%vBeraihi!tulu>unty. Ask them if you wiafai to know unythmc^ aboot the Bii^UelI~liw jigfatest running And best wagon