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\ Kingdom Hearts Walkthrough/FAQ (US release) /

\ Guide and ASCII art by ElectroSpecter /

\ Version 2.0 /

\ E-Mail: [email protected] /



\ Introduction /


After coming back to this guide after a few years, I realized it was a

living testament to how much of a newbie to guide writing I was when I

wrote it. Therefore, I've gone through the game again and changed things

around a bit in the guide. I've tried to preserve much of the original feel

of the guide while making it flow better and correcting the errors I made.

It's time I listened to the hundreds of reader emails pointing out

technical or strategical flaws ;]

Anyway, if you're using this guide for pretty much anything related to the

first Kingdom Hearts, you've most likely come to the right place. The only

things this guide doesn't comprehensively cover include:

- The Gummi Ship system, since I can't be bothered to write about a part of

the game I (and most people) dislike. I've listed blueprint locations,


- Content related to Final Mix.

Other than that, you should hopefully find what you're looking for! Please

enjoy the guide and the game!


\ Table of Contents /


1. Story --------------------------------------------------> [stry] [100%]

2. FAQs and Interesting Stuff -----------------------------> [frqs] [N/A%]

3. Walkthrough --------------------------------------------> [wkth] [100%]

4. Flowchart ----------------------------------------------> [flwc] [100%]

5. Journal ------------------------------------------------> [jrnl] [100%]

6. Dalmatians ---------------------------------------------> [dlma] [100%]

7. Trinity Marks ------------------------------------------> [trma] [100%]

8. Mini Games ---------------------------------------------> [mgms] [100%]

9. Postcards ----------------------------------------------> [pscd] [100%]

10. Torn Pages ---------------------------------------------> [trnp] [100%]

11. Mushrooms ----------------------------------------------> [mshr] [100%]

12. Synthesis Shop -----------------------------------------> [snth] [100%]

13. Gummi Ship ---------------------------------------------> [gmmi] [100%]

14. Magic --------------------------------------------------> [magc] [100%]

15. Summon Spells ------------------------------------------> [smsp] [100%]

16. Items --------------------------------------------------> [itms] [100%]

17. Weapons ------------------------------------------------> [weps] [100%]

18. Accessories --------------------------------------------> [accs] [100%]

19. Abilities ----------------------------------------------> [abls] [100%]

20. Enemies ------------------------------------------------> [enms] [100%]

21. 'Simple and Clean' Lyrics ------------------------------> [lrcs] [100%]

22. Version History ----------------------------------------> [vrhs] [N/A%]

23. Thanks -------------------------------------------------> [thx!] [N/A%]

For a quicker way to jump around the guide, use Ctrl+F to search for any of

the abbreviations in the brackets. For an even easier time, jump to the

Flowchart and then find where you are in the game. From there use Ctrl+F

again to jump to a section or Boss Fight.


\ 1. Story [stry] /


This is the basic story behind Kingdom Hearts, taken from the instruction


The Destiny Islands are a beautiful paradise where children's laughter

abounds. Day after day, Sora, Riku, and Kairi talk and dream of new places,

new worlds beyond their islands. They ponder the usual questions that

adolescents do-about the world outside, about their existence. Little do

they know a great destiny awaits them. One stormy night, a terrible

darkness invades the Destiny Islands.

Thus does their journey begin...

Sora awakens in another world, in a place called Traverse Town. His hopes

of seeing new worlds are realized, but his friends Riku and Kairi are

nowhere in sight.

Meanwhile, Donald and Goofy have also arrived in Traverse Town. They have

come from Disney Castle in search of a "key" and its owner. Their king, who

has mysteriously disappeared, has left them a cryptic message:

"Now, there's somebody with a 'key'-the key to our survival... we need that


What is happening to this world?

The "somebody" mentioned by the missing king turns out to be Sora. To find

Kairi and Riku, Sora joins Donald and Goofy and embarks on an epic journey.


\ 2. FAQs and Interesting Stuff [frqs] /


Q: Hey, I'm at the end of the game and I'm missing a Red Trinity Mark. I

visited all the spots you mentioned, but I can't figure out which one

I'm missing!

A: You're probably missing the one that was in Oogie's Manor. If you miss

it the first time through, you'll never be able to get it... Sorry.


Q: How do I get back to Monstro?!

A: Calm down, sir / madam. Just fly back and forth in between Agrabah and

Atlantica until you are mercilessly swallowed again.


Q: Whenever I visit Monstro (post Hollow Bastion) there are different

enemies there! Do you know what affects which enemy groups I'll

encounter, or which enemies will never appear in Monstro?

A: No, and I don't plan on trying to find out. Even getting in to Monstro

takes way too long, and I hate flying all the way there just to have

Goofy tell me that Monstro is gone and that we should keep moving. I

have also searched for any documents on the web pertaining to this

phenomena, but so far I have not had any luck. If anyone knows the

general programming idea they used with Monstro's enemy groups, let me

know: I'm interested, but too frustrated to find out myself.


Q: So I'm at the end of the game, I have a battle report screen, but it

won't let me do anything. I can't save. Is my game frozen?

A: No, this is just the ending screen. If you are lucky enough to have any

other Kingdom Hearts games, try playing those instead! Alternately,

reset the game and try other things you may have skipped / missed. As

a last ditch option, you could always try reading a book, going

outside, or... wait, am I just being a jerk now?

A: Yes.


Q: I can't open some of the game's chests! Is there any way to get rid of

Gummis so that I can open them up?

A: Cid will buy wing and body Gummis (Float, Dispel, Protect, etc.) but

nothing else. If you want to open all the game's chests, you would have

to open them BEFORE getting all 99 Dalmatian puppies and accepting the

prize. Otherwise you'll have all the game's Gummis and no way to sell

them. However, if you open up all the chests and then return to the

Dalmatians, you can still accept their prize even if you're completely

full of Gummis.


Q: What is this bat-like Heartless I have heard about?

A: Back when I first got this game, my sister complained of bat-like

Heartless killing her when she tried to fight the final boss. I had no

idea what she was talking about until she showed me what exactly she

was doing: flying up really high so that she could heal. When you do

this, these guys will chase you. They release HP balls when defeated,

and that's pretty much the only point of them existing.


Q: During the Destiny Islands series of cutscenes involving Donald, Goofy,

Daisy, and Queen Minnie, Donald asks Daisy if she can "take care of-,"

at which point Daisy cuts him off and says, "Of course." What are they

talking about? (This was a question that had plagued me for a while. In

fact, no one has actually asked me about this before, but I had someone

write in and explain).

A: "It looks to me like they just poorly translated that scene. In the

Japanese version, Donald says something along the lines of 'Daisy, the

king...' His complete sentence would be Daisy, the king we will find.

(This obviously means Daisy, we will find the king) She cuts him off and

says 'It'll be fine. Make sure to take care of yourself as well.'"

- scyko42


\ 3. Walkthrough [wkth] /







| ITEMS: Potion .............. [ ] |



| ENEMIES: Shadow Darkside (Boss) |



The beginning of the game can be quite disorienting for new players, as there

is no indication as to where you actually are. After the lovely opening cinema,

you take control of Sora, our main character. You are asked to choose between a

staff, a shield, and a sword. After you choose one, you are asked to sacrifice

one of them. The combination you pick will determine your starting statistics,

and what weapon you carry for this brief sequence. Finally, your initial choice

affects when Sora will learn certain abilities.

How your choice affects your beginning stats:



|========|===========|==============================| ---

| Staff | Shield | 5 1 3 3 +0 |

|--------|-----------|------------------------------| STR -> Strength

| Staff | Sword | 3 3 3 3 +0 | DEF -> Defense

|--------|-----------|------------------------------| MP -> Magic Points

| Shield | Staff | 5 4 2 1 +2 | AP -> Ability Points

|--------|-----------|------------------------------| ITEM -> Number of Item

| Shield | Sword | 4 4 2 3 +2 | Slots *


| Sword | Staff | 6 2 2 1 +1 |


| Sword | Shield | 6 1 2 3 +1 |


* For the number of Item Slots, you won't see the difference initially. Rather,

these extra slots will be awarded to you as you level up, later in the game.

I used 6 item slots as the default number, so add whatever number is in the

ITEM column to 6 to figure out how many item slots you'll have by the end of

the game.

The decision really banks on your playstyle. I could say, "Go for the extra MP

so that you can use more magic later on the game, when you need to use it

more!", but there would be some that would say there's no need to rely on lots

of MP with the right abilities equipped (and they are absolutely right), or I

could say, "Go for the extra Item Slots, so you are better prepared with items

later on in the game when things get tough!", though a smart player may retort,

"Well, why don't you rely on magic to heal, and allies to use items?" Sure,

that's smart too.

What you'll really want to consider is the following chart, which details when

Sora learns his abilities, and how your choice affects this.


| Lv. | Picked Sword | Picked Shield | Picked Staff |


| 9 | Combo Plus | Guard | Scan |

| 12 | Vortex | Scan | Treasure Magnet |

| 15 | Scan | Lucky Strike | MP Haste |

| 18 | Blitz | Second Chance | Counterattack |

| 21 | Berserk | Counterattack | Critical Plus |

| 24 | Counterattack | Jackpot | Guard |

| 27 | Air Combo Plus | Treasure Magnet | Aerial Sweep |

| 30 | Aerial Sweep | -- | Treasure Magnet |

| 33 | Treasure Magnet | Blitz | MP Rage |

| 36 | Guard | MP Rage | Berserk |

| 39 | -- | Treasure Magnet | Lucky Strike |

| 42 | -- | Combo Plus | -- |

| 45 | MP Haste | Vortex | -- |

| 48 | Critical Plus | Berserk | Second Chance |

| 51 | Second Chance | Critical Plus | MP Rage |

| 54 | -- | -- | Jackpot |

| 57 | MP Rage | Air Combo Plus | Vortex |

| 60 | Treasure Magnet | Aerial Sweep | Air Combo Plus |

| 63 | Jackpot | MP Haste | Blitz |

| 66 | MP Rage | MP Rage | Combo Plus |

| 69 | Lucky Strike | Critical Plus | Critical Plus |

| 72 | Combo Plus | -- | -- |

| 75 | Air Combo Plus | Combo Plus | Air Combo Plus |

| 78 | Critical Plus | Air Combo Plus | Combo Plus |

| 84 | Combo Plus | Combo Plus | Combo Plus |

| 90 | Critical Plus | Critical Plus | Critical Plus |

| 96 | Combo Plus | Combo Plus | Combo Plus |


I'm really no expert on different playstyles, but I can tell you that I like to

pick the Staff, mostly because you will learn MP Haste and MP Rage(s) early,

which will help immensely while healing (you will basically be able to heal

almost always). It's nice to have Treasure Magnet(s) and Scan so early as well.

In a cosmetic sense, picking the Staff is also nice, because you will have a

super long MP bar if you max yourself out at the end of the game. However, I

am somewhat certain that the max MP for Sora is 15. So if you chose the Staff,

you have a potential for 16 MP at the end (three Crystal Crowns). Since you

max out at 15 MP anyway, you'll never reach 16 MP, and you could pick the

Shield in the beginning instead. This way you would have the two extra item

slots AND 15 MP! Holy crap!

I'm so done discussing this now. ;)

After choosing, you will fall onto another platform similar to the first. Here

is your first real battle with the Heartless. This is a simple battle, and you

really shouldn't lose. Just keep attacking, and practice dodging.



| Shadow (Opening Dream) |


| Stats | HP: 10 ATK: 2 |

| | EXP: 1 DEF: 2 |

| | |

| Drops (Defeated) | HP balls |


| Shadows are the basic creatures that you will fight in Kingdom Hearts. They |

| don't have a lot of HP, and they aren't very strong either. They tend to |

| attack in large groups, and will sink into the floor sometimes. You can't |

| hit them while they are in the floor. The only attack they seem to possess |

| is a scratching attack. For now, they only drop HP balls, but later they |

| drop munny, and items like Potions and Lucid Shards. |



Once you have defeated all of the enemies, you will fall onto yet another

platform. Inspect the door (use the d-pad or right analog stick to choose the

"Examine" command) and a chest will appear behind you. Go ahead and open that

to make a box appear. Push it around if you want, but you need to hack it open

to make a barrel appear. You will also find a POTION in the crate. Walk over to

the barrel and choose lift, and the door finally opens. Walking through this

door brings you outside, where you will see three familiar faces (familiar if

you have played a lot of Final Fantasy, at least).

You need to talk to all three characters to continue. This is another little

choice that will affect the difficulty of the game. Depending on the responses

you give, you will get one of three messages. Each message represents a

different leveling "curve" that you can pick from. If the game mentions leaving

at dawn, you can expect to level up fairly fast in the beginning of the game,

and slow down towards the end. Leaving at noon will allow even leveling

throughout the game, and leaving at night will make the end of the game a much

easier time to level up, while making the first part of the game difficult.


Here are the questions that the three characters will ask you, followed by

potential responses:

Selphie: "What's most important to you?"

1. Being number one.

2. Friendship.

3. My prize possessions.

Wakka: "What do you want outta life?"

1. To see rare sights.

2. To broaden my horizons.

3. To be strong.

Tidus: "What are you afraid of?"

1. Getting old.

2. Being different.

3. Being indecisive.

The following chart is a bit odd, so bear with me. To use it, answer Selphie

and Wakka first, and take the responses that you gave them and put the numbers

in that order. For example, if you told Selphie friendship, and Wakka to be

strong, then you would take the number 23. Find that number on the chart and go

down until it meets the number you chose for Tidus.

You picked (Selphie, Wakka)

| 11| 12| 13| 21| 22| 23| 31| 32| 33|


You 1 | A | B | A | A | B | B | A | B | C |

Picked 2 | A | B | B | B | B | B | C | B | C |

(Tidus) 3 | A | B | C | B | B | C | C | C | C |

A = Level up fast early, slow later. Your journey begins at dawn.

B = Normal leveling up. Your journey begins at noon.

C = Level up slow early, fast later. Your journey begins in the dead of night.

For those of you who don't want to be confused by weird charts, just give the

three characters the first three answers to get early leveling up, the second

answers for normal leveling up, or the last three answers for late leveling up.

There, it didn't have to be that complicated did it?

HOW IT SPECIFICALLY WORKS - I received an email from SonoJimmy that said the


"From my experience, if you pick all three of the first answers then you will

level up speedily until level 50, then you will level up slowly from then on

until level 100. The second answers will make you level up at the same speed

for the whole game, of course at a gradient equal to your level. If you were to

pick all of the third answers then it would be vice versa of picking the first

ones, obviously, you will level up slowly to level 50 and then reverse to level

up swiftly from that point."


Now that you have the knowledge, can you make a decision? I personally feel

that the beginning of the game is a major pain in the butt, and the resources

you gain later more than make up for low levels. In this line of thinking,

choosing to leave in the dead of night (slow leveling at first, faster

leveling at the end of the game) would be the most difficult, making either of

the other two options the easier ones.

Once that ordeal is over with, you find yourself back in the dark place. After

fighting more Heartless, you will learn about a new feature, the Save Point.

After saving, continue up the new ramp that was built until you reach the next

platform. Be prepared for the bad part of the dream.



| BOSS FIGHT: Darkside (Opening Dream) [A1] |


| Stats | HP: 240 ATK: 2 |

| | EXP: 18 DEF: 2 |

| | |

| Drops (Defeated) | -- |


| This boss shouldn't give you too much trouble, but it doesn't matter if you |

| die, as this is just a dream, after all (or is it... oooooh). |

| |

| Darkside isn't very agile, and you will be able to anticipate his attacks |

| with ease. |

| |

| Attack 1: Summon Heartless |

| |

| Darkside's first attack isn't direct. He shoves his hand into the ground to |

| summon Heartless. This gives you an advantage. You can easily attack the |

| submerged hand from here, and you can kill the smaller creatures for HP |

| orbs. Also, if you're good, climb up onto his hand and walk along his arm. |

| You will get 2 tech points every time you hit Darkside's head. |

| |

| Attack 2: Energy Blast |

| |

| This attack IS direct, and much more deadly than attack #1. Darkside |

| releases charged energy that homes in on your position. If you feel |

| inexperienced, and want to conserve HP, keep moving, and you ought to be |

| able to dodge the blasts. If you feel lucky enough, stand your ground and |

| deflect the energy back at Darkside by swinging your weapon at just the |

| right moment. You will get Tech points for this, and it takes a good chunk |

| of his HP away, especially if you hit him with multiple blasts. Try to lock |

| onto his head before you try this to maximize the amount of Tech points you |

| get. As the battle wears on, he will start to shoot three energy balls |

| instead of one (and five for his finishing move instead of three). |



Regardless of the outcome of the battle, you will finally wake up, back on

Destiny Islands.






| ITEMS: Potion(s) ........... [ ] Coconut ................. [ ] |

| Hi-Potion ........... [ ] Cloth ................... [ ] |

| Hi-Potion ........... [ ] Empty Bottle ............ [ ] |

| Pretty Stone(s)...... [ ] Drinking Water .......... [ ] |

| Fish ................ [ ] Rope .................... [ ] |

| Fish ................ [ ] Mushroom ................ [ ] |

| Fish ................ [ ] Mushroom ................ [ ] |

| Log ................. [ ] Mushroom ................ [ ] |

| Log ................. [ ] Seagull Egg ............. [ ] |

| Coconut ............. [ ] |


| ACCESSORIES: Protect Chain ....... [ ] |


| KEYBLADES: Kingdom Key ......... [ ] |



| ENEMIES: Shadow Darkside (Boss) |



Sora lives with his friends Kairi and Riku on the Destiny Islands. They have

always dreamt about exploring faraway worlds that they could only guess

existed. Lately, the three friends have been building a raft, and this is

exactly what your first task is.


Day 1


After the great cut scenes, you are given control of Sora again. Your task is

to find material for the raft, because everyone else is a lazy bum.

Your task is to find the following items:

1 Cloth

2 Logs

1 Length of Rope

Kairi asks you to return when you have found them all. Turn around and walk

along the shore to start your search. You will almost immediately find the

first LOG underneath the pier. Continue onward, but turn right to see a small

shack. Inside is a Save Point, and an exit to the upper level. Exit the shack

on the upper level. You can also get up here by jumping onto the roof of the

shack from outside. Cross the pier and search the small island for another LOG.

The last two items are on the other end of the current half of Destiny Island

(you cannot access the other half of the island quite yet). Trek across the

beach to the next development of shacks. Head up the ramps connected to the

massive tree and enter the hut here. On the wall is the CLOTH you are looking

for, so just walk into it to grab it.

Back outside on the balcony, look down and to the right until you see a little

kid swinging a stick. Head towards him to a small deck area (the place you were

questioned in before, in the dream world). Check the corner of the platform for

the ROPE. Congratulations! That's all we need for the raft.




You have probably talked to many of the characters by now, and noticed that

they ask you to duel. Accept the offer to duel, and get ready to fight.



| DUEL: Wakka [B1] |


| Wakka is on the beach with his Blitzball, and he's pretty easy to beat too. |

| When the match starts, wait until he throws the ball, and hit it back at |

| him, much like you may have done with Darkside. When done correctly, Wakka |

| will sustain damage, and be stunned, giving you an opportunity to pull off |

| a single combo on him. You also get 1 Tech point for doing it. If he jumps |

| in the air to chuck the ball at you ("Take this!"), try to hit it back, and |

| you will get 2 Tech points. Wakka will stretch his arm by rotating it |

| before attempting this attack. |





| DUEL: Selphie [B2] |


| Not too much strategy here. You will get tech points if you can hit her |

| weapon back at her (a jump rope I guess? Apparently it is according to |

| Julie Lee. Thanks for the tip). Other than that, just keep hitting her, and |

| she'll go down in no time. |





| DUEL: Tidus [B3] |


| Tidus is on a higher platform where you found the Rope for the raft. |

| Fighting Tidus is a little harder than his two friends. Tidus likes to jump |

| and swing his stick a lot, and it causes a lot of damage. He's also adept |

| at constantly sidestepping after his attacks, which tends to add up to an |

| annoying combo. Try to avoid these assaults while getting attacks of your |

| own in. Aerial combos work well here, so you shouldn't have too much of a |

| problem. Try to get a few good combos in if you get behind him, especially |

| if he decides to stand there like a fool and taunt you. |




3-Way Duel


Talk to Tidus after defeating all three of them in single battle, and you can

now choose to fight all three of the characters. This is obviously very tough.

The strategy that I found most effective was to focus on them one at a time,

starting with Selphie. Corner her, but keep moving to avoid Blitzballs. She

should go down eventually. After Selphie, focus your attacks on Tidus. You'll

still have to constantly avoid Wakka's attacks, but with only two opponents,

it may be much easier to predict when they are coming. When only Wakka is left,

you should feel fairly safe. Don't try to run in and attack him, as he tends to

use a spin attack that will knock you back. Of course, you will probably find

an easier way of winning; it just depends on luck and skill. I am typically

around level 6 when I finally manage to defeat them.

You will receive a POTION whenever you win this duel.



| DUEL: Riku [B4] |


| Riku is found on the tall island where you found the second raft Log. This |

| is by far the toughest of the duels, as Riku is a skilled swordsman (at |

| least compared to everyone else), and his ground recovery attack is lethal. |

| This is definitely a hit and run battle, because if you button mash, I |

| guarantee you will fail (unless you are very, very lucky). What I like to |

| do is rush in after he attacks, hit him once, and jump away. If you get |

| around to his backside (for example, when he is taunting) you can risk |

| pulling a combo on him. This takes a while, but once you get the hang of |

| it, you will be able to defeat him any time you try. Be VERY careful when |

| you knock him on his back, his recovery move kicks you right in the face |

| and takes about 1/4 of your HP away. Winning this battle nets you another |

| POTION, and also changes the score. (The score doesn't affect anything in |

| particular, as far as I know). This battle really isn't too tough if you |

| are at least Level 6. |



When you are all tuckered out from battling, return to Kairi to give her the

pieces. In return, you get a HI-POTION, and the well-deserved chance to rest.

Choose to go to bed, and the story will progress.


Day 2


The second half of the island is now open, and there are new tasks to complete.

You can't go on a journey without food and water, after all.

You can reach the second half of the island by going through the door Kairi was

blocking earlier, or by going over to the massive tree and jumping into the

hole in the cliff wall to the left of it.

Riku and Kairi are chillin' on this side of the island, and you should talk to

both of them. Start with Riku, who will challenge you to a race. The winner

gets naming rights of the raft! Start the race by running along the wooden

pier, but be careful because it falls. Riku can fall through too. Head right

around the tower, and beeline straight for the ramp in the far distance (even

better, go a little to the left, so you can jump on the ramp). An alternate

strategy is to jump at the ladder on the tower, and climb up to use the zip

line. This gets you to the ramp very quickly, but the sacrifice is the long

climb up the ladder. Head up the ramp, and jump across to the star shaped

plant. Jump up and touch it, and then face back the way you came, and jump

across the trees. Fall from this platform, and then take the pier back to


Don't worry if you don't win, you can always race again. Riku, however,

will still name the raft. If you do win, you will get a PRETTY STONE. You can

sell these for 30 munny later on, and that's about it. If you want more of them

(which is way more trouble than it's worth, believe me), you will win one for

each time you beat Riku in the race.




It's time to collect more items for the lazy denizens of the island. Kairi

gives you a list of food needed, and she will give you some really good hints

on where to find most of it. Try it yourself before you use this guide, but if

you are stuck, here's a list.

COCONUTS: Behind Kairi is a grove of Coconut trees. Keep striking the trees

until you find an edible Coconut, and pick it up. The edible ones are colored

yellow. Keep striking the trees for the second Coconut. You can also get the

Coconuts by striking the trees on the island that you fought Riku on.

MUSHROOMS: You will find some Mushrooms at the base of the watchtower on the

side of the island with the raft. Still on this side of the island, look for

a boulder behind the raft that you can move out of the way. The second

Mushroom is right in here. The third one is kind of tricky to find. Back on

the first half of the island, talk to Wakka to learn of the "Secret Place".

The camera will zoom in on where you should explore. Enter this area and go

all the way to the end to find the Mushroom. Take a look around while you are

in there. Try to find the chocobo!

FISH: This isn't too hard. Though the fish are rather small, you should be

able to see them from a distance and swim out to catch them. You need three.

DRINKING WATER: Go to any of the springs that flow from the cliffs on the

island, and you will receive the water.

SEAGULL EGG: Right before the pier that leads to the island that you fought

Riku on are three trees. Climb up the skinny one, and jump backwards off of

it to get the egg. That's all of the items!

There is one more item you can get right now. You may have noticed a hole in

the wall next to the watchtower with a chest in it. Simply bring the crate in

the nearby bushes over, and use it to climb into the hole. The chest contains a

PROTECT CHAIN, which you should equip.

Back at the raft, you get another HI-POTION and the chance to rest. Choose to

do so.




This cutscene confused me a bit at first: Sora and his friends live on the

Destiny Islands, meaning there's more than one. Sora's reference to Kiari's

and Riku's boat is meant to imply that they all live on a different island that

happens to be in the immediate area (they take boats over to this island from

their homes on the other one). Anyway, back to business.

Later that night, Sora is checking things out during the storm, when suddenly,

the Heartless appear again. Don't bother attacking them, as they are impervious

to your weapon. Instead, go back to Riku's island, where you will find him

greeting the darkness. Sora will obtain the Keyblade, and now you can destroy

the shadow creatures! Spend some time leveling up if you want, but eventually

you want to head to the door that appeared in front of the Secret Place.



| Shadow (Destiny Islands) |


| Stats | HP: 12 ATK: 6 |

| | EXP: 1 DEF: 6 |

| | |

| Drops (Defeated) | HP balls |

| | Items: Potion - 5% |





| BOSS FIGHT: Darkside (Destiny Islands) [B3] |


| Stats | HP: 300 ATK: 6 |

| | EXP: 60 DEF: 6 |

| | |

| Drops (Defeated) | -- |


| This is basically the same fight as before, except he has a new attack and |

| more HP. If you are around level 7, you should have no problem at all. |

| Darkside uses the same Attack #1 and Attack #2. |

| |

| Attack 3: Darkside throws a giant sphere of darkness into the air, causing |

| it to rain little blobs of energy that hurt you. Keep moving! |

| |

| Remember that you need to win this battle, so don't hesitate to use any |

| Potions you have stocked. |








| ITEMS: Potion .............. [ ] 100 munny ............... [ ] |

| Mega Ether .......... [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] |

| Mega Ether .......... [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] |

| Mega Potion ......... [ ] Mythril Shard............ [ ] |

| Mega Potion ......... [ ] Mythril ................. [ ] |

| Mega Potion ......... [ ] Mythril ................. [ ] |

| Elixir .............. [ ] Postcard ................ [ ] |

| Elixir .............. [ ] Postcard ................ [ ] |

| Elixir .............. [ ] Postcard ................ [ ] |

| Camping Set ......... [ ] Postcard ................ [ ] |

| Cottage ............. [ ] Postcard ................ [ ] |

| Pretty Stone ........ [ ] Postcard ................ [ ] |

| Pretty Stone ........ [ ] |


| ACCESSORIES: Brave Warrior ....... [ ] |


| MAGIC: Fire ................ [ ] |


| ABILITIES: Dodge Roll .......... [ ] Blue Trinity ............ [ ] |


| TRINITIES: Blue Trinity #1 ..... [ ] Blue Trinity #3 ......... [ ] |

| Blue Trinity #2 ..... [ ] Blue Trinity #4 ......... [ ] |



| ENEMIES: Shadow Leon (Boss) |

| Soldier Guard Armor (Boss) |



Sora is awakened by Pluto, and finds himself in a strange new environment. You

are in Traverse Town, where people from all different worlds are showing up

after their own worlds are destroyed by the Heartless. You will come back here

often after completing other worlds to buy new weapons, armor, and items and to

check up on certain things you find (I'll explain all of that later).

For now, start to explore the First District, the one you are in now. Down at

the lowest part of the district is the Item Shop, which is run by Donald's

nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie. You don't have any munny yet, so you can't buy

anything. You can, however, sell your Pretty Stone for 30 munny. Also, use R1

to target the fan (press L2 until it's targeted) and then jump from the counter

and strike it to get a POSTCARD. Sweet. Take it and mail it in the big mailbox

down near the Item Shop. You get a COTTAGE for mailing it, and another item

every time you mail more. There are a total of 10 Postcards in Traverse Town.

Take the stairs to the right of the Accessory Shop (which is the big building

right in the middle of the district on the middle level). Look to the right and

you will see crates in the corner. Push the big crate over to the Accessory

Shop, and jump onto the roof from here. There is a POSTCARD up here in a chest

to the left. Mail this one for a MYTHRIL SHARD.

Well, after you've explored the district, head into the Accessories Shop, which

is on the first raised platform of the district. The shop is run by none other

than Cid from FFVII! Talk to him, and he will suggest you explore other

districts to find your friends. Open the chest on the shelf for a MYTHRIL


Behind the Accessories Shop on the upper level is another shop run by moogles.

It isn't open yet, unfortunately. Beyond this shop is the door to the Second


As soon as you enter this new area, you are attacked by Heartless again! They

just don't stop do they? Run around the entire District to clear it of enemies.

This is a very good way of gaining Experience and munny. If you want to fight

more of them, leave the area and return.

There are a couple of chests you can get now. Immediately to the right when you

enter is an awning with a chest on it. Jump on the raised corner of the wall (it

looks like a lantern) and jump from here to the awning to grab onto it. The

chest contains a POSTCARD, which you can mail back in the First District for an

item. You get a MEGA-POTION for the third Postcard.

At the other end of this district is a church type building with stained glass

windows. As you are walking towards it, look to the right and jump onto a low

roof. From here, jump straight across to the church type building (the ledge is

a bit hard to see, but you should be able to grab onto it). From here, look to

the left, and jump towards the treasure chest, jamming the analog stick to the

right so that you grab the ledge. The chest here contains a MEGA-POTION.

As you enter different houses in this District, Goofy and Donald will just miss

you as they look for Leon.

You won't find much of interest in the Dalmatian's house just yet. Pongo and

Perdita's 99 puppies are missing, ever since their world was destroyed. It is

your job to find them and bring them back for prizes! See the detailed section

near the end of the guide for more details. You won't find much in the Hotel

and the Gizmo Shop, except you can fight a LOT of Heartless here. They stop

coming after a while, but not before you fight a good 40 of them. You can get a

lot of Experience and munny for killing them all!

There is a door you can access from the lower part of this district that leads

to the Alley. You can also head into the alley through the Dalmatian's House.

There is a single chest to the left in the corner containing a POTION, and you

can get two more chests if you jump up onto the Hotel balconies. You can get up

there via the low roof in the middle of the alley. The chest on the far right

balcony contains a PRETTY STONE (it is kind of hidden, look over the ledge of

the balcony), and the one on the far left balcony holds a POTION.

Head back into the Second District and enter the Third District from there (if

the Gizmo Shop and church are to your left, face the two alleys and follow the

right alley to the end to reach the Third District). You won't find much here

except for a bunch of battles with the Heartless. Fight to your heart's

content, and then return to the first district.

Back in the Accessories shop, talk to Cid who tells you to keep looking for

your friends. As you exit the Shop, something will finally happen. In fact, you

will be drawn into battle!



| BOSS FIGHT: Leon (Traverse Town) [C1] |


| Stats | HP: 120 ATK: 8 |

| | EXP: 30 DEF: 8 |

| | |

| Drops (Defeated) | -- |


| I recommend that you are at level 9 if you plan to win this battle. You |

| will earn your first ability by level 9, but the ability you learn will |

| depend on what weapon you used in the beginning. Scan isn't much use, but |

| equip Combo Plus or Guard if you have learned either. |

| |

| Leon seems pretty intent on obtaining your Keyblade, but Sora just ain't |

| gonna let that happen. Instead, he decides to fight this Gunblade wielding, |

| magic using warrior. This is a tough fight. |

| |

| Squall... um, Leon will attack normally with his gunblade (he does use the |

| trigger) and this causes massive damage to Sora. You should deal with this |

| fight exactly how you did with Riku. Keep your distance, and use a hit and |

| run tactic. This should prevent Leon from dealing too much damage. |

| |

| If you keep your distance for too long, Leon will start to cast a fire |

| spell on you. Don't let it hit you! Run up and combo him, and quickly run. |

| If you are quick on the draw, a well swung Keyblade will deflect the fire |

| spell and stun Leon for a good while. This is a good chance to do some |

| damage. |

| |

| Don't worry if you don't win, it's not necessary. If you do win, however, |

| you will get an Elixir later, as well as a bunch of Experience points. |



After the cutscenes, talk to Yuffie and then open the chest on the table to get

an ELIXIR (make sure you talk to Yuffie, you need her advice to open the

chest!). Before you talk to Leon, hit the right side of the clock until it

reads 7:00. This causes a chest with a MYTHRIL to appear. Talk to Leon again.

Out in the alley, he suggests that you go for the leader, but you should fight

for Experience and items. Your goal is the Third District, but return to the

First District to get a MEGA-POTION from Aerith (in front of the Accessory

Shop). It is also a wise choice to save. Also, when entering the First District

from the second, look to the right and jump over this small wall to find a

safe. Open it for a POSTCARD. Mail this one for a MEGA-ETHER.

Before continuing, make sure you are around level 10 (at least learn your first




| Soldier |


| Stats | HP: 24 ATK: 8 |

| | EXP: 3 DEF: 8 |

| | |

| Drops (Defeated) | HP balls |

| | Munny |

| | Items: Potion - 2% |

| | Spirit Shard - 8% |

| | Protect Chain - 1% |


| Soldiers are bigger than Shadows, but you usually won't fight as many at |

| one time as you did with Shadows. These Heartless attack by quickly |

| dashing at you. You can block their attacks by swinging your Keyblade |

| right when they dash, and you will get Tech Points. Aerial combos tend |

| to work very well against them. |



In the Third District, Goofy and Donald will finally meet you. Suddenly, parts

of armor fall from the sky and form into a huge enemy! It's a good thing you

found Goofy and Donald when you did.



| BOSS FIGHT: Guard Armor (Traverse Town) [C2] |


| Arm Stats | HP: 84 ATK: 11 |

| | EXP: -- DEF: 10 |

| | |

| Drops (Defeated) | HP balls |


| Leg Stats | HP: 196 ATK: 11 |

| | EXP: -- DEF: 10 |

| | |

| Drops (Defeated) | HP balls |


| Body Stats | HP: 120 ATK: 8 |

| | EXP: 110 DEF: 8 |

| | |

| Drops (Defeated) | Brave Warrior |


| |

| This boss has multiple targets that you will have to eliminate one by one. |

| The most devastating part of this boss is the hands. You will probably want |

| to take them out first. The boss has a spinning attack that will send you |

| flying, and will take a fair amount of HP away. Attempting to strike the |

| hands during this spinning attack is risky, but there's a chance this will |

| interrupt Guard Armor's attack and stun the hands for a bit. |

| |

| Similarly, when the feet have detached and are stomping around, there's a |

| chance you can stun one and knock it over. While it's on the ground |

| twitching like a fish out of water, try to chip away at the large life bar. |

| |

| Whenever you destroy a limb, it will disappear, leaving many HP balls |

| behind. If Donald or Goofy are hurting bad, let them get the Spheres. Goofy |

| and Donald come equipped with many potions that they won't be afraid to use |

| if anyone is hurt. If they run out, it's up to you to do the healing. |

| |

| The torso is the hardiest part of the Guard Armor. Just keep hacking away |

| at it once the limbs are gone, and you should emerge victorious. |



You get a BRAVE WARRIOR accessory when you win the battle.

Back in town, Leon will give you 100 MUNNY and he will give you an ELIXIR if

you managed to beat him. Also, Donald and Goofy will teach you the FIRE SPELL

and the DODGE ROLL ability. You can also now access the Journal.

Walk over towards the Cafe, where you will see a strange blue mark on the

ground. This is a Trinity Mark, and they allow you to access certain areas when

Goofy and Donald are in your party. There are a certain number of each color

scattered around the worlds. To help out a bit, I've kept a running tally of

each type. This one would be BLUE TRININTY MARK (1/17). Choose the Trinity

option to be transported up to a ledge with another POSTCARD. This one can be

mailed for a MYTHRIL.

There is another BLUE TRINITY MARK (2/17) in the corner of this district near

the front gates. Use it to get a bunch of MUNNY.

In the second district, enter the Hotel and pick up a PRETTY STONE in the Red


Enter the Gizmo Shop and exit through the other door. Outside there is a ladder

that leads to a higher ledge. From here, turn left and travel down the length

of the brown-roofed building. There is a small hole that leads to the Third

District. Before you go through, look to the left to see a treasure chest right

on the ledge. Open this for a MYHTRIL SHARD. Now head through the hole to the

Third District. Press R1 to lock onto an object in the corner. Another

POSTCARD! Mail this one for an ELIXIR. Still in the Third District, walk behind

the Lady and the Tramp Statue to find another BLUE TRINITY MARK (3/17). This

one gives you a CAMPING SET and a bunch of MUNNY. You can quickly get back to

the First District by unlocking the large double doors in this area (examine

the keyhole).

One last thing to do. Back in the Third District, look for the door with the

flame on it. Cast your new fire spell on it to open it, and you will find

yourself in a darkened cavern area. Jump carefully across the moving stones to

the house on the other side (make sure not to fall off, you'll have to start

over again). Enter the hole on the left side of the house. Here you will meet

Merlin and the Fairy Godmother. You can't do much here for now, but there is a

save point and a BLUE TRINITY MARK (4/17) nearby. Use it to get a bunch of

munny and a MEGA-ETHER. That's about it for now. You can practice your magic if

you want.

Before you set off on your adventure, make sure to equip any abilities, buy and

equip new weapons and armor, and equip items. You should buy about 10 Potions,

and Donald's Morning Star and Goofy's Smasher. Also consider going into the

menu and reconfiguring Goofy and Donald's AI menu. It may help you out in a

pinch. When you are ready, find a save point and teleport to the Gummi Ship.

After a long and somewhat tedious tutorial (especially if you choose to watch

any of the other ones) you will be able to choose where to fly to next. You

have two choices. When you select one of the mystery worlds, you will see a

little message appear that says "battle lv. __". This is just rating how hard

the Heartless on this world will be. For now, you can only choose two different

worlds, one with a battle level of one, and the other with a battle level of

two. For now, let's head to the level one battle world.

The Gummi ship battles are quite possibly the most boring parts of the game, (I

apologize in advance if you're a fan of these types of games; however, I enjoy

shoot-em-ups, and I still dislike the Gummi system). The aiming is tough, and

objects that you think are below you are usually deceivingly high, causing you

to often run into them. Anyway, this first battle isn't too tough. Just keep

shooting the spaceships, asteroids, and panel-type things to collect items. You

may find it easier to collect items if you hold O to slow down. After a while,

you will seethe new world looming in the distance as it gets closer and closer,

until you finally realize that it's...






| ITEMS: Potion .............. [ ] Camping Set ............. [ ] |

| Potion .............. [ ] Defense Up .............. [ ] |

| Potion .............. [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] |

| Potion .............. [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] |

| Potion .............. [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] |

| Potion .............. [ ] Thunder-G ............... [ ] |

| Ether ............... [ ] Aero-G .................. [ ] |

| Ether ............... [ ] Aeroga-G ................ [ ] |

| Hi-Potion ........... [ ] Navi-G .................. [ ] |

| Hi-Potion ........... [ ] Footprints .............. [ ] |

| Mega-Potion ......... [ ] Stench .................. [ ] |

| Mega-Potion ......... [ ] Antenna ................. [ ] |

| Elixir .............. [ ] Claw Marks .............. [ ] |

| Tent ................ [ ] Dalmatians 13, 14, and 15 [ ] |

| Camping Set ......... [ ] Dalmatians 16, 17, and 18 [ ] |

| Camping Set ......... [ ] Dalmatians 58, 59, and 60 [ ] |


| ACCESSORIES: Ifrit's Horn ........ [ ] |


| MAGIC: Blizzard ............ [ ] |


| TRINITIES: Blue Trinity #5 ..... [ ] Blue Trinity #6 ......... [ ] |



| ENEMIES: Shadow Large Body |

| Red Nocturne Trickmaster (Boss) |

| Soldier |



Are you ready for the first Disney world (no pun intended) of the game? You'd

better be, because they picked a pretty trippy movie for the first world.

Sora starts out in the rabbit hole, much similar to the movie. The first

character you see is the White Rabbit, who, as always, is late for a very

important date. You will see just how important very soon. Follow him into the

next room.

The Doorknob will greet you here (this is what I mean when I say that this

movie is a bit stranger than most other Disney movies). You can drink one of

the drinks on the table to shrink small enough to fit through the door. What

door you ask? Well, before you drink the bottle, check the bed, and push it

into the wall. This reveals the doorway. Now you should drink the bottle and

head through the door.



| Red Nocturne |


| Stats | HP: 24 ATK: 9 |

| | EXP: 1 DEF: 9 |

| | |

| Drops (Defeated) | MP balls |

| | Munny |

| | Items: Ether - 1% |

| | Blaze Shard - 6% |

| | Fira Ring - 0.5% |


| After you shrink, you will probably encounter a new enemy called the Red |

| Nocturne. These pests like to fly around the room and cast Fire spells |

| at you. You have to be quick at eliminating them before they decimate |

| you with their spells. If you are skilled at deflecting, you can hit their |

| spells back at them to stun them. |



Meet Alice and the Queen of Hearts. Alice is on trial for attempted theft of

the Queen's heart, and she is pretty much helpless. It seems that the Queen

only does things that are convenient to her, and Alice is the easiest person

for the queen to lay the blame on. Sora decides to help out, so you're stuck

searching for evidence. While you're here, you can continuously talk to Alice

for some interesting conversations. Keep talking to her until she repeats

herself. Save at the Save point, and then take the door to the Lotus Forest

(left of the Queen).

Here in the Lotus forest you will meet the mysterious, very cool looking

Cheshire Cat, but he tends to talk in riddles, so he can be more annoying than

helpful. There are four pieces of evidence. You only have to find one, but it

is very beneficial to find all four of them. Start by searching the small

alcove to the right. If you walk straight forward from the door that you came

in, you will walk past a red flower, and the alcove is right there to your

right. There is a small pink chest containing FOOTPRINTS, which is one of the

pieces of evidence (footprints in a box?). There is also a BLUE TRINITY MARK

(5/17) here as well. Use it to obtain a POTION, an ETHER, a TENT, and some

MP balls. You can also give the flower a Potion for a HI-POTION and more MP


There are also a couple of red flowers, the one near the entrance, and one on

the other side of the forest. Give them both Ethers to get a CAMPING SET from

each one. Do this only if you have some extra Ethers. These flowers also spit

out HP balls.

Back in the alcove with the Trinity mark, jump up the mushrooms until you reach

a door on the side of the big tree. This will take you back to the Bizarre

Room. You will land on the fireplace next to a chest containing the STENCH.

Just two more pieces of evidence!

In the back of the forest, past the second red flower, are more mushrooms. Jump

on the little one, and then jump on to the mushroom to the right. From here,

you can see another evidence box. Jump across to it, and open it for an

ANTENNA. Look to the corner of the room to see a blue chest. The jump to the

ledge is really hard, but Sora will grab on if you jump at the last possible

second while running off the edge. The chest here contains a THUNDER-G. Back at

the three mushrooms, jump on the small mushroom again and then jump to the

left. There is a chest here that contains DALMATIANS 16, 17, and 18. Congrats,

it's a tough jump.

Back at the entrance, look for the other yellow flower next to the fake lake.

Give this one a Potion to grow bigger. Step on the nearby stump (right next to

the entrance, you'll get the message "see ya"... maybe because the tree isn't

facing you anymore; hooray for pointless dialogue) to raise a platform, and

then head over to the big tree in the middle of the area. Choose to "take" the

seed after examining it, but leave it on the ground. Hit the tree to change its

direction, and then eat the seed to shrink again. Back in the alcove where you

found the first piece of evidence, jump up the mushrooms again and follow the

platforms to a new opening on the wall that leads to the Bizarre Room.

Be careful when you land! You don't want to fall off. Use the first person view

to spot the last chest. Carefully jump across to it, and open it for the CLAW

MARKS. The Cheshire Cat appears to give you BLIZZARD magic. Yay! Now you can

blast those pesky little mages out of the air, and get Tech points for it!

Blizzard magic will be important to use from now on for a while. It acts as a

shotgun-style blast and can strike multiple enemies for decent damage. Try to

experiment with it in the near future. For now, jump back down and head back to

present the evidence to the Queen.

First things first: save your game. Now talk to the Cards in front of the Queen

to present the evidence. The court system is still very corrupt, and you will

have to choose a box that contains your evidence. There are now five boxes, and

you need to choose one of them at random. The more Evidence you collected, the

better your chances of getting back one of the pieces of evidence. If you

choose the wrong box, Donald, Goofy, or both of them will pop out and will be

put in cages. You will want them for the next fight, so it may be wise to

reload if they are imprisoned. However, you can break the cages that they're in

by repeatedly striking them.



| BOSS FIGHT: Cards and Tower [D1] |


| Heart Card Stats | HP: 60 ATK: 9 |

| | EXP: -- DEF: 9 |

| | |

| Drops (Defeated) | -- |


| Spade Card Stats | HP: 45 ATK: 9 |

| | EXP: -- DEF: 9 |

| | |

| Drops (Defeated) | -- |


| Tower Stats | HP: 24 ATK: N/A |

| | EXP: 100 DEF: N/A |

| | |

| Drops (Defeated) | HP balls |

| | Munny |


| Crank Stats | HP: 9 ATK: N/A |

| | EXP: -- DEF: N/A |

| | |

| Drops (Defeated) | HP balls |

| | MP balls |


| Queen Stats | HP: 10 ATK: 9 |

| | EXP: 100 DEF: 9 |

| | |

| Drops (Defeated) | -- |


| This is a tough battle, unless you know how to fight it. First of all, you |

| can knock the cards unconscious, but they will get back up eventually. Your |

| goal is to release Alice from the cage by destroying the Tower. |

| |

| If Donald and Goofy are imprisoned, focus on destroying the cages, as you |

| will need all the help you can get in this battle. |

| |

| Knock out a few of the Cards until you have a clear shot at the Queen. |

| Blast her in the face with a Fire Spell (lock on first), and the cards will |

| be distracted for a few precious moments. Take this opportunity to hack |

| away at the tower. |

| |

| Every time you destroy a gear, HP balls will fly out. This is your key to |

| survival in this battle. Once the gears are gone, you must rely on items |

| for healing, so finish the battle quickly. After a few hits to the main |

| body of the tower, a bunch of munny flies out. It's up to you whether you |

| want to collect it all or not. Use your best judgment. When the Tower is |

| destroyed, the Cards will stop attacking you. |

| |

| Alternately, you could blast the Queen in the face with fire and then run |

| away from the cards. Lock onto the tower and cast Fire rapidly to break the |

| tower quickly and at a safe distance. |



As soon as everyone realizes that Alice is gone, another search is put upon the

group. You must find out where Alice went! Don't worry about being attacked by

the cards again either. It seems that all is forgiven for the time being!

If you return to the Rabbit Hole (where you entered) you can fight some enemies

to make a chest with a MEGA-POTION appear.



| Large Body |


| Stats | HP: 160 ATK: 11 |

| | EXP: 7 DEF: 10 |

| | |

| Drops (Defeated) | HP balls |

| | Munny |

| | Items: Hi-Potion - 4% |

| | Spirit Shard - 12% |

| | Protera Chain - 1% |


| These hulking Heartless enemies are quite annoying. It may be tempting |

| to get rid of them in the beginning of a battle because of the annoying |

| belly attacks, but wait until you have at least killed any Red Nocturnes |

| nearby. Try to save the Large Body for last. When attacking it, keep |

| moving, as it is surprisingly nimble for its girth. You don't want to be |

| in front of it when it jumps forward. Try to get around to its back and |

| combo it from there. If it taps its stomach, there is an extremely high |

| chance it will ram into you unless you find higher grounds or blast it with |

| magic. It also swings its arms at you after combos. The Large Body has a |

| lot of HP so it will take more than a few hits to bring one down. |

| |

| When you have singled out a Large Body, wait for it to attack. After you |

| dodge it, the Large Body's back will be exposed for a combo. If you prefer |

| a face-to-face encounter, you'll have to rely on magic to bring down its |

| HP. If you've tailored Sora to use magic, you'll have a distinct advantage |

| when fighting these guys. |

| |

| Large Bodies tend to become extremely dangerous when low on HP. When you |

| them start to glow, be ready for them to relentlessly run at you. The best |

| thing you can do at this point is to wait for them to get close, and hit |

| them in the stomach with the Keyblade. While this won't damage them, it |

| does completely stop the attack and daze the enemy, letting you close in |

| for the kill. Magic is also a good alternative at this point, though it |

| won't stop the charge attack. A few quick Fire spells will kill one off. |



Back in the Lotus forest, feed the yellow flower another potion to grow large.

Slide the nearby boulder into the pond to raise two mushrooms. Hit the big tree

to access the nut again, and choose to take it. Before eating it, hit the tree

again to keep it facing away from you. Now eat the acorn to shrink back to

small size.

Back at the pond, use the newly raised mushrooms to access a closed off area.

Feed the yellow flower a Hi-Potion to receive a MEGA-POTION and some MP balls.

Use the BLUE TRINITY MARK (6/17) to get a CAMPING SET and even more MP balls.

Ignore the bellflowers for now, and enter the nearby door to find yourself back

in the Queen's Castle. Open the nearby chest for an AERO-G. From here, drop

down and reenter the forest.

Back in the forest, head to the back again, and jump on the mushrooms (use the

larger mushroom on the left) to reach the branch with the acorn. From here,

enter the nearby door set into the leafy canopy to enter the Bizarre Room...

but I think Bizarre Room is a gross understatement for what you find next. The

whole room has been turned on its side! Check the first lamp to light it, and

you will receive a chest with a DEFENSE UP. When you light the second lamp, a

picture appears. Examine this to reenter another closed off section of the

Lotus Forest. Feed a Potion to the flower on the right to get a HI-POTION and

MP balls. You can give the other flower an Elixir for a MYTHRIL SHARD and some

munny, but it's up to you whether or not you make the trade in. You'll get

about 180 munny for this. Exit this section of the forest the way you came in.

Back in the Bizarre Room, examine the shelf with the teddy bear, and attack the

latch to make the shelf drop the bear. This affects events a bit later. Exit

the Bizarre Room the way you came in.

Here in the forest, go back to the entrance, and jump up the mushrooms in the

alcove (the mushrooms I'm referencing are the ones near the yellow flower and

where you got Trinity #4). Head up toward the door above the entrance, and you

will exit back out into Bizarre Room, this time on the other wall. Turn the

faucet to make the pot become real, and jump into it to return to the Queen's

Castle area. The nearby chest contains DALMATIANS 58, 59, and 60.

