  1. 1. Greetings, I enjoyed speaking with you on Monday and think that we came up with some great ways to reach your kickstarter goal. this email will just recap some of the strategies that will best suite your needs. APPROACHING APPLE- While there are many people making iPhone movies, your advantage is that you are using a minimalist approach in your trailer and the trailer is too good to ignore. We will approach apple from a technology with diversity standpoint. Very few minority filmmakers are going into this territory of film making, giving you an advantage with Apple. BUILD THE TRIBE ORGANICALLY- The best PR is word of mouth. By going to individuals and personalizing your request to donate they will feel not like a dollar sign but a actual investor in the movie making process. The idea for the Google+ hangout is a great way to get individuals involved. MAKE THE MESSAGE HIT THE HEART- People are more likely to donate when they feel that someone is telling their story. The Affair gives a message of illicit love and obsession, which at one point in every ones life we will deal with this subject. A great idea to make the message connect to the heart is by giving fans a platform to talk about their own Affairs in the form of a facebook group or twitter chat. Tumblr has a way to submit questions and post anonymous so that way people can submit their stories while getting up to date info on the movie and kickstarter campaign.